Saving a Baby Against All Odds

Apologia Utah iconApologia Utah

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Pastor Wade of Apologia Church Utah was out with some of the evangelism team at Planned Parenthood in SLC, Utah trying to save babies and get the Gospel out. This conversation is an example of how to lovingly challenge someone to rescue their children. This is a powerful example of God saving a baby against all odds!


but you you stand for the murder of children you'll have a great day I do stand for the murder of children
I think yeah we know we can help you guys start to finish you can do this you have a baby you have one already you can do that you can do this you got a couple
God is gonna bless you he's gonna help you with this new baby but if you do this if you get rid of this other one little boy or little girl right yeah come talk with us yeah yeah ma 'am you got two beautiful kids you could really do this they don't do ultrasounds here the other
Planned Parenthood does but look if you need an ultrasound we have a list of places that'll do them for free in the area that don't kill babies if you take this list they only do abortions at this location there's one down the street
Planned Parenthood that does other things but they kill children there too and we've had people calling us just to make sure we're not talking the wrong thing out here there's a resource center right down the street yeah it'll give you one for free
I give you this list they kill children in here they tear them limb from limb cut off their heads they poison they put saline solution into the baby's body burn them from the inside out if you're considering the day after pill that'll kill your little baby that that's this big so we're just begging with you to go somewhere else they'll lie to you and say oh your baby's not alive anymore here's a pill to get rid of the body they will lie to you but if you go to one of these places that don't make money off the life of your child they'll do it for free at these places look at the very least you don't even if you're getting an ultrasound anyway you at least know this place there's no danger of being lied to is this it 900
East yes right here the one at the very top seriously they do not do ultrasounds they don't do birth control here they only do surgical abortion and chemical abortion do you have the right location
I mean I don't want you to go to the Planned Parenthood in general but or sometimes they'll tell you they'll give you an ultrasound in hopes that if they tell you again there's no heartbeat that you'll go with them to do an abortion so they could be trying to confuse you do you want to talk with your husband or here take this to just take that consider it yeah this is the
Metro location yeah you could go to that Resource Center right now go get an ultrasound think about it you look at your beautiful children in there they look if you want an ultrasound just go get the other place and then you have no fear whatsoever of what they'll do or anything it can't hurt right
God will bless that but this is a place that makes money off the murder of children children like the ones in your back seats well we can't we're not trying to force you to do anything we we love and care about your family already so why not just why not just go to the other one like they're not charging you for missing an appointment right that's what our feet you've already paid you just called yes this is
Chris I wanted to make sure that it's free can we we both talk to as a group to you and your husband just sort it out together if if you if you don't go in there and you go get a free ultrasound somewhere else
I'll give you this right now I I know but that's how that's how much they'll they'll try to make you do this so you do want to keep your baby okay
Lord do something here Lord yes you're gonna do Lord what you gonna do Lord hey bro she's right here we gave you guys we got a list a place that down the street will do free ultrasound show you your baby yeah they'll try to lie to you in here man they'll try to say that your baby's dead so go talk with her this building alone makes 12 million dollars a year off of slaughtering babies they will lie to you to make it happen yeah yeah are you guys gonna keep this one man that's
I mean that's something first I like I said I want to be real you guys are amazing like you guys doing this so you're considering maybe not having the baby look
I'll adopt your girl we'll we'll adopt we'll pay for everything dude we will help you guys out you need help financially you need help with the pregnancy no no we love you bro we care about you what about what about those beautiful children like if if you didn't do anything that baby you'd grow up to look like those beautiful kids bro this is your duty this is your
God -given right I got I got stuff to do like things to be doing like also we gotta get going if it's just an ultrasound we have a place that'll do an ultrasound for free and not even 20 bucks no but they're considering aborting don't do it bro please
I'm begging you bro I mean we're here's our card here's our here's a phone number call that number if you need help text that number bro seriously please well if you have yeah we'll do everything we'll pay for the pregnancy the doctors everything bro we'll help you you can do this
God is equipping you as a man to take on another child bro he the
Bible always calls a baby a blessing it never calls them a curse it never calls them a mistake in every sense
Psalm 139 127 all throughout the Bible it says babies are a blessing but if you kill your child if you partake in the murder of your own child it won't bring a blessing you'll probably go through harder finances you'll want to drink alcohol commit yourself to drug abuse if you kill your own child it's gonna torment your mind you know yeah everything like that can
I show you something real quick no no we've really helped women but they went down to a different one and found a so so that's called science that's called on a grant they make money off murdering children electricity no you're you're rejecting science you're rejecting science no we've helped real families bro what kind of man what kind of man tells other men to kill their babies but you you stand for the murder of children you'll have a great day
I do stand for the murder of children I think yeah we know we know and you need to repent and turn to Christ for that heinous sin you need to repent and turn to Christ sir in a hurry no the
Bible says that it's a point for men to die once then comes the judgment sir you are gonna face
God one day for every careless word indeed you've done and you just helped a man commit his wife to an act where they're gonna slaughter their children you you will not be mocking you will not be mocking on that day when you face
God I'm going back here to check on two children to make sure they're alright let the camera hear me
I think these two children are alone bro they are they're freaking out they're crying like crazy they're screaming okay
I'm calling 9 -1 -1 hi I'm at Planned Parenthood Metro location and there's a couple who came into Planned Parenthood they left their two toddlers in the back seat in the parking lot and they're alone and they're screaming and crying and I'm very concerned for them
I'm a pastor of a church nearby we're at 160 what is this guys 1 ,000 or something so I'm having someone look it up right now oh the actually oh the father's coming back out right now he's coming to the car shit are you going back to your car sir