What does it mean when God said, “Let Us make man in Our image” in Genesis 1:26? | GotQuestions.org


In what ways are we made in God's image? In this video, Pastor Nelson answers your question: What does it mean when God said, “Let Us make man in Our image” in Genesis 1:26? *** Source Article: https://www.gotquestions.org/let-us-make-man-in-our-image.html *** Check out, Bible Munch! @BibleMunch https://www.youtube.com/BibleMunch *** Recent Bible Munch Videos: James 1:2-4 - How to Face Trials in Life & Find Joy https://youtu.be/MnxnQ92ikYk John 4:24 - Is there a wrong way to worship? https://youtu.be/spWZfc2pje4 Philippians 4:13 - What this misused verse really means. https://youtu.be/6DlZAWOvSDU *** Recommended Book: 1 Corinthians: Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament [ZECNT] By: Paul D. Gardner, Clinton E. Arnold https://bit.ly/3LfEZPv *** Related Questions: What is the majestic plural, and how is it used in the Bible? https://www.gotquestions.org/majestic-plural.html What does the Bible mean by “male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27)? https://www.gotquestions.org/male-and-female-He-created-them.html What does God mean when He tells Adam and Eve to fill the earth and subdue it (Genesis 1:28)? https://www.gotquestions.org/fill-the-earth-and-subdue-it.html Intro/Outro Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Note: Some links may be affiliate links that cost you nothing, but help us share the word of God.


In today's video I'll answer your question, what does it mean when God said, let us make man in our image, in Genesis 1 verse 26.
Then afterward, as always, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end. Genesis chapter 1 details the creation account of the all -knowing, all -powerful, sovereign
God. When God reaches His crowning creative act, the formation of human life,
His wording changes from the impersonal, let there be, to the deliberate and intimate expression, let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
God's plan for humans includes giving them responsibilities on the earth, "...and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the livestock, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
Genesis 1 verse 26. Human beings, both men and women, are made in God's image.
"...let us make human beings in our image, to be like us," says Genesis 1 verse 26 in the
NLT. We did not evolve from lower forms of life. We were created directly by God to represent
Him on the earth and have dominion over every other creation in His name. Having God's image means we are fashioned to resemble and represent
God on the earth. Some Christians like to say we are imagers of God.
Our likeness with God is not a physical resemblance. Instead, God's likeness denotes our capacity to rule over creation and be in relationship with God and other humans and to exercise reason, intelligence, speech, moral consciousness, creativity, rationality, and choice.
Since the beginning of time, God has desired to bless us and enjoy close fellowship with us.
And for this reason, He made us like Himself. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the preeminent and perfect image of God.
The Son radiates God's own glory and expresses the very character of God. See Jesus is to see the
Father. To know Christ is to know God. Jesus Christ shows us what God meant when
He said, Let us make man in our image. The original Hebrew word for God in Genesis 1 is the plural masculine noun elohim.
God, our Creator, chose to introduce Himself to us with a plural title. In Genesis 1 verse 26, the first time in the
Bible that God speaks about Himself, He uses the plural pronouns us and our.
This passage is not the only instance in which God refers to Himself in plural terms. See Genesis 3 verse 22, 11 verse 7, and Isaiah 6 verse 8.
We find the plural elohim more than 2 ,550 times in the
Bible. We know from Scripture that there is only one God, there is no other God, and He is one—Deuteronomy 6 verse 4.
So, how can we understand the plurality of His name, elohim, together with His statement,
Let us make man in our image? Bible scholars present several possible explanations.
Some believe that in Genesis 1 verse 26, God refers to Himself and includes the heavenly assembly of angels, as in Job 1 verse 6, 1
Kings 22 verses 19–20, and Psalm 89 verse 5. However, this theory falls apart because nowhere in Scripture does
God say that the angels are made in His image or likeness. Another hypothesis suggests that the plural form is used to convey dignity and splendor, a language device called plural of majesty.
Others chalk up the plural language to a technique known as plural of deliberation, used when a speaker consults with himself as the
Lord does in Isaiah 6 verse 8, Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall
I send, and whom will go for us? The conviction of the early church fathers was that Elohim's statement,
Let us make man in our image, communicates a complex and unified expression of the
Trinity. The doctrine of the Trinity holds that God is one in three persons, God the Father, God the
Son, Jesus Christ our Savior, and God the Holy Spirit. Here in Genesis 1 verse 26, the us and our indicate
God the Father speaking in the fullness of His divine creative power to the Son and the
Holy Spirit. A similar conversation among the Godhead is seen in Genesis 3 verse 22,
And the Lord God said, The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.
Only humans are uniquely created in the image and likeness of God, distinguishing them from all other earthly beings.
We were made like Him so that we could be in relationship with Him, the one and only Triune God.
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