A Very Solemn and Urgent Call to Thabiti

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This is a serious video. I urge you to encourage Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile to repent from his sin. Share with him if you feel its appropriate for you to do.


So by now you've definitely seen the controversy here with these Catholic school kids that were at the pro -life march and this
Native American guy who was chanting ridiculous nonsense and banging on a drum.
And so when I first saw this story break, you know, I remember seeing it and I was thinking to myself, well, you know,
I mean, no big deal. I mean, honestly, you know, let's just, I didn't even think too much about whether or not the narrative was true, whether it was false.
I didn't really care because, you know, at the end of the day, what a few high school kids say or do has no bearing on the country at large, even though a lot of people were trying to make it that.
I saw many tweets that were trying to say, oh, this is, this is Trump's new America where everyone's okay with racism and this and that.
And honestly, you know, even the very first time I saw the video, I was like, well, I don't see any racism here, but even if I did, it has no bearing on my life.
This is the way I think about these things. This has no bearing on my life. This is a handful of people.
I know that this is not accepted. This is not something that everyone tolerates. I always find that ridiculous when people say, well, this is now accepted as everyone and their mother rushes to condemn it.
So the whole narrative from the outset is just a lie. I mean, there's just, there's just no question about that.
So I didn't think anything of it. And a little later it started to ignite into a bit of a controversy. And you know,
I was again, hesitant to even comment on it because again, it just, it has no bearing on my life.
I mean, this, this native American man, let's just say he was abused. Well, that's, that's really too bad.
And so hopefully these kids, parents will teach them a lesson if they did that. But if they didn't, I mean, then it's again, it's a, it's a big nothing sandwich.
I didn't see anything that was abusive in the original video. It was all just fabricated.
And so, you know, that, that was, you know, that was my initial thoughts on this.
And then it started coming out that it actually was the reverse. It actually was the kids being abused, which seemed like a much more believable story to me because, you know, when an adult and a kid get into a confrontation, who's usually responsible for the result.
I mean, obviously it's not always the adult, but you know, in a situation like this, where there was no punches thrown, no violence or anything like that.
And we had two people face to face. One was an adult man and the other was a child.
We have to understand that this is a provocation probably by the adults more than anything.
Maybe not, maybe not. I hadn't seen the whole video, but it came out that there was a big controversy, that there was a longer video, which showed that actually the initial story was completely false that this native
American man was actually approaching them and provoking them. And I watched part of that video and it seems very clear that is exactly what happened.
Now that's the liberal media does this kind of thing all the time.
They spin stories to make it seem like something's going on that obviously isn't going on once you actually look at the data.
But this one was different. This one was different because normally when something like that happens, there's no apology.
There might be a quiet retraction of the story and it doesn't matter because the original story got 500 ,000 views and then the retraction gets 5 ,000 views.
That's the game that the liberal media plays. It's a really dishonest game. It's an evil game, but they play it all the time.
That's normally how it goes, but this one was different. This one, all of a sudden, I started seeing liberals, typically crazy, wide -eyed, wild liberals apologizing and saying, hey, we got this one wrong.
And I think I know why it was different because this one involves school children. And so when you start to lie about adults, well, that's one thing.
That's part of the game of being an adult, I guess, when you're psychotic. But when it's kids, you kind of realize that you probably overplayed your hand.
You're not going to come out looking good on this one. And so I think what would happen, the reason why we had so many liberals apologizing is they realized, yeah, we're going to end up with egg on our face here.
And so you started seeing retractions and you started seeing, hey, you know, some of them weren't even retractions.
Some of them were like J .D. Greer here. So J .D. Greer, president of the SBC, initially he said that this is hate.
This is deeply saddening. I do not know the story about these people, but I'm saddened for this
Native American man. This is so far from Christ. This is not great. And J .D. Greer was falling over himself to attack,
I am not racist, everybody. Look how good I look. This is, you know, look, this is what everyone was doing.
Everyone was piling on to try to be like, well, hey, look at me, look at me, look at me. I'm not racist. I'm not racist. But anyway, so J .D.
Greer didn't retract this, but he did say, hey, you know what? I probably jumped to conclusions.
And you know what? That's not, here's what he says. He says, so frustrating, I'm not sure what to think.
J .D., have some backbone, apologize. You should know what to think. You should apologize for what you did.
But you know what? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because, you know, he rushed to judgment the first time. I'll give him some time to rush to the other judgment as well.
What he should do is just apologize and say, I shouldn't have said what I said. I should not have retweeted this approvingly the way
I did. I should have waited. But here's what he said. He says, so frustrating. I'm not sure what to think. I certainly was bothered by what
I saw, but it's clear that things can be carefully edited to suit an agenda. I'll stay tuned with a resolution to be quicker to hear and slower to speak.
So I'm going to give him a pass. He's resolving to not speak too quickly. So we'll give him some time to apologize.
If he does not apologize, that is an unrepentant commandment violation. That's bearing false witness.
But here's the thing. And so this was a kind of an apology.
He walked it back a little bit. I'll give him some credit for that. But everyone was doing this. Karen Swalwell Pryor did this.
Even liberal media started doing this. Look at this. This was actually very interesting.
Twitter suspended the account that helped ignite the controversy. See, that usually only happens on the right, but Twitter actually saw that this was so obviously not what it was initially claimed to be that they decided to take action.
This doesn't make up for the mountains of times they've done this. They've went along with it against Republicans and conservatives.
So anyway, the point is, though, that this one was so obviously a false narrative.
This was such obvious fake news that even liberals were apologizing and retracting and things like that.
But yesterday, Thabiti Anyabwile refused to apologize, absolutely refused to apologize.
Here's what he initially said about this controversy. He was eager to jump on this bandwagon because this is his narrative.
This is his life's work. Here's what he says about, again, this is about the
Catholic boys, right? This is the kind of racist incivility that now has some measure of acceptance in our streets and in our highest offices.
That it also appears at Christian events and comes from some professing Christians makes it a thousand times worse.
We have to be vigilant in opposing this stuff. Now, as I said before, this narrative is false at the outset, but that's just a matter of opinion.
Thabiti's opinion is that racism is accepted in our culture. My opinion is that it clearly isn't as evidenced by how everyone ran to condemn these innocent schoolboys.
And I'm saying they're innocent, not because I know that they're not racist, but because there is no evidence that they're racist.
I'm saying innocent in a technical way, the way the American judicial system works. When there's no evidence of racism, as there never was, not even in the beginning of the video, the very first video that everyone says was carefully edited,
J .D. Greer said it was carefully edited. No, it wasn't. It wasn't carefully edited. It had no racism in it, but the title of the video was, hey, this is racist, and you just believed it.
Someone told you what to believe and you believed it. That's what happened. So here's the thing. He says that racism is accepted.
No, it isn't. Obviously. Obviously. That's a lie. But you know, that's just a matter of opinion. But let's just break down this tweet for a second.
What is Thabiti Anyabwile saying here? This is the kind of racist incivility. Who's he talking about?
He's talking about these white MAGA Catholic boys. Racist incivility.
So they were being racist. So what they were doing was racist. That's what Thabiti Anyabwile is saying. There is no other way to interpret this.
He was saying that they were being racist. Now, did Thabiti apologize for this?
No, he did not. Thabiti did not apologize for this. And the reality is, like, again,
I'm not saying he needs to say, well, they're definitely not racist. Because at the end of the day, it could come out that these guys are the most racist guys ever.
And I won't have any egg on my face over this because I've not said that they aren't. All I've said is there's no evidence of it right now.
Thabiti said definitively they are. So even if it does come out later that they actually are racist, he still lied about them.
He still lied about them because in the video, there is no evidence of racism. Now, he did not apologize.
People were asking him to apologize. I asked him to apologize.
And so here's James Ellis. I don't know who this is. He said, that's false witness. And Thabiti says, what in the statement is false?
If anything, there's more evidence of more racist incivility from more people, from some of the students to certainly the
BHIs and perhaps some of the Native American protesters. The scene is worse than it first appeared. That's a lie.
There is no evidence of racism of the students towards anybody else. But there is racism towards the students.
So Thabiti has turned this narrative on its head. He's refusing to recant, even as all of the most craziest, wide -eyed, committed liberals are recanting.
They understand that this was obviously false news, not Thabiti. No, no way. James Ellis continues.
He says, you've led people to believe the students were being racist and incited the situation. That is false.
Here's what Thabiti says. Listen to this. I want you to hear this. This is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Okay? This is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
He obviously said that they were acting racist. That's what the tweet said. There's no other way to interpret that.
Here's what Thabiti says. I did no such thing. I called for opposition to racist incivility.
That there was more incivility than I thought does not make the call to opposition false. You only take that view because you're willing to take the student's view at face value and discount all other eyewitnesses.
Let me say this with as much respect as I can muster. Thabiti, you're incoherent.
Your words are absolutely incoherent. You're not thinking straight.
You're not thinking straight because your narrative has taken over how you see everything.
Thabiti, it's very simple. Let's look at this for a second. Here's what you said. Let's go back.
Speaking about the boys, this is the kind of racist incivility that now has some measure of acceptance in our streets.
This, what is the this? This is what the boys were doing. This is the kind of racist incivility that has some acceptance in our streets.
And here someone says, you're leading people to believe the students were being racist. There is no other way to understand
Thabiti's words. He was doing that. Whether or not they were racist, that's not the point.
Because again, it could come out that they actually are racist, but it is without a doubt that he is leading people to believe that they are racist with his comment.
And he says, I did no such thing. Now, I don't know.
I don't know what his goal. I don't know what his game is. I don't know what his game is here. Thabiti, what is your game?
That's what I'd like to know. What is your game? How can you with a straight face and look yourself in the mirror and say, you were not leading anyone to believe that these boys were racist.
You called them racist. You said, let me walk that back. Actually, you didn't call them racist.
Technically, you said what they were doing was racist. And so what James here says, you led people to believe that the students were being racist.
That is 100 % true. No honest person can say anything else. You were doing that.
Now, if it comes out that they are racist, hey, then fine. Good on you. You saw it before all of us.
You have the super racism -detecting x -ray glasses that none of us have.
So good on you. But this is a lie. Whether it comes out that they actually are racist or not, this is a lie.
I did no such thing. Thabiti, you must repent of this. You have to repent of this.
You did lead people to believe that they were being racist. This, I call for opposition to racist incivility.
Well, way to go out on a limb there, Thabiti. We really needed that hard -hitting take because nobody out there is calling opposition for racist incivility, but I call for opposition to your racist incivility,
Thabiti. You are being racist in this. In fact, you retweeted racists in this that think that every dollar that a white person has is just stolen from the black man and it's on the backs of their blood.
You retweeted that garbage. And you know what? That's racist. Stop being racist,
Thabiti. Stop being racist. And you know what? Stop being a liar. It's one of the Ten Commandments, for goodness sake. You lied, and then you lied again.
You first lied about the kids and said they were being racist, and then you further lied that racism is tolerated in our country.
Both of those are lies, objectively so. And then when you got called on it, all you had to do is say, you know what?
I don't know if they're racist or not. I jumped the gun. I'm sorry. Let's wait and see what else comes out.
Maybe they are racist. Maybe they're not. But the fact is, I don't know. That's all you had to do. But instead, because I don't know what it is.
Is it ego? I don't know if it's just, I don't know what it is. But instead, you said,
I did no such thing. Thabiti, stop lying. You did do such a thing. You did do such a thing.
In fact, I give you some credit. You have not deleted this tweet. Someone wants to respond in the comments.
Maybe a pro -Thabiti person. How else can you understand this tweet? Ready? Here's the quote.
This is the kind of racist incivility that now has some measure of acceptance in our streets.
This. Who is the this? If it's anything other than the Catholic boys, I'd like you to tell me who it is.
I'd like you to tell me who it is. Tell me who it is. And if it makes sense, I'll apologize. Because I don't have an ego the size of Mars.
I did no such thing. Are you out of your mind? Let's see what else we have here.
There was a few others that, you know what? Let's stop there. I think I've made my point. Thabiti Anyabwili has let his narrative take over his mind.
That's his thing. That's what he's about. He's about his narrative. And it was the same thing with the hands up, don't shoot stuff.
And when that came out, that was a lie. Didn't matter because the victim was black. The victim was black.
And so it didn't matter. Listen, if any of you are friends with Thabiti or any of you are in the gospel coalition or know
JD Greer or anything like this, you have to tell them, look, even if you're for social justice, this kind of stuff, man, this kind of stuff drags
Christ's name through the mud. And it's disgusting.
And I absolutely oppose it with every fiber of my being. I was going to make this video yesterday and I was angry yesterday. And my wife,
I said some things, you know, talking to my wife about this that I should not have said. That I should not have said.
Wives are good to calm people down, right? And if you could tell I'm heated right now, because I, you know, I think that there's a, there's a measure of this that is, that is,
I should be heated about this because Christ's name is being drug through the mud by a popular prominent minister of the gospel who is lying to your face right now.
And it's not even that the initial lie, you know, look, you, you can't, sometimes you can't blame someone for ignorance, right?
He got fooled by the initial media. A lot of us did. A lot of us got fooled by it. But the coverup of the lie, the lies on top of lies, it shows you that this narrative is near and dear to Thabiti Anyawili.
It is an idol. And so he is willing to break the commandments over and over and over again for the service of his idol.
It's unbelievable. It's absolutely unbelievable. I beg you, if you know this man, call him to repentance.
It is the right thing to do. If you love Thabiti Anyawili, don't just leave him to his sin.
Don't just leave him to, to wallow in the filth of his lies. Call him to repentance.
Even the craziest liberals are apologizing for this one. But Thabiti's not.
I see very few people calling him to repentance. I see some, and I thank you for all of them.
Tom Buck, thank you so much for your insistence that he repent for this lie. You know, there's a new video or picture coming out of the
Covington kids painted in all black at a sporting event, screaming at the opposing team.
And there's a black young man on the court. So it's like, you know, it's a fans, they're painted all in black.
And they're in the stands. And there's a black young man at the court. And he looks sad. I don't know if he's losing the game or what, but he looks sad.
And the caption is that the Covington kids were in blackface. What they want you to think is that they were yelling racial slurs at the young man.
Do I know anything about what happened there? I've been told that this is something called a blackout. This is like a lot of schools do this, where they paint themselves black.
And it's called a blackout. It's some kind of fan thing. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. Were those kids being racist? Were they painting themselves in blackface in order to mock the opposing team?
I have no idea. I have no idea. But this is how you interpret these kinds of events, right? This is how you interpret these kinds of events.
You think to yourself, what are the chances in this political climate? What are the chances that an entire school was painted in blackface, yelling racial slurs at a young black man?
And nobody said anything about it. What are the chances of that? They're very low.
Let's just put it that way. I don't know how to do the statistics on that. But they are very low. And so, you know what?
Keep your mouth shut. Until you know what happened, keep your mouth shut.
Because there's a good chance that if you are just trying to push a narrative, and this is true on the right and the left.
It just so happens that the left is frothing at the mouth at this stuff, way more than the right is. Keep your mouth shut and wait for the facts to come out.
This is not my opinion. This is the scripture speaking. This is Proverbs 18. He that answereth a man before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
That was the King James for all my King James only -ists out there. Here's what the Christian Standard Bible says.
The one who gives an answer before he listens, this is foolishness and a disgrace for him. Thabiti Anyabul, you have disgraced yourself.
And you must repent. Because you know what? I've disgraced myself before. I've shamed myself before.
And God, God helped me to never double down on my shame. You ought to be ashamed of yourself,
Thabiti. And it's time to repent. You don't have to repent of your narrative. Actually, you kind of do have to repent of that as well, because that's your idol.
You don't have to stop being for social justice. I'm not saying that. But you have to stop lying in service of social justice.
You have to, especially in these objectively, not opinion -based ways.
You clearly, there's no way to wiggle out of this one. You've lied.
And you did it in service of your idol. And I am calling you to repentance. Look, this is important.
You know, honestly, like, obviously, I oppose Thabiti's social justice message.
But if you look at Thabiti's Twitter feed, you're going to see lots of good gospel -related content.
And that's a very good thing. But the problem is here, guys, that if he's lying blatantly and defending his lies as much as he can in one tweet, and then in the next tweet, he's spouting gospel, that drags
Christ's name through the mud. I urge you, this is important. If you know anybody in the Gospel Coalition, if you know any personal friends of Thabiti's, or even if you want to just share it to Thabiti, I would suggest doing that.
We need, if you love this man, give him an opportunity to repent. He needs an opportunity to repent of this.
Because, I mean, this lie, he's trying to pretend like his initial tweet was talking about the racism of the
Black Hebrew Israelites and the Native Americans. He's trying to pretend that that's what he was talking about, when so clearly, that's not what he was talking about.
If you let him wallow in his sin, you put him in harm's way. Do not treat him differently, because you respect him, or love him, or anything like that.
Give him an opportunity to repent. This is very serious. I'm going to share this with Thabiti. I urge you to do the same, and anyone who knows him, because he probably won't listen to me, let's just be honest, but he might listen to a friend of his, so I urge you to share this.