TiL- Christians and Politics

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Do we have the right perspective on politics as Christians? Why do we see little positive movement? Why do we see downgrade?


Hello and good evening. This is Truth in Love. I'm so thankful that you were able to join me and watch the video.
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Again, thank you for joining me and be a part of the conversation. I will try to answer any questions that you have.
If I don't know the answer, I'll give back to you. But I'm just thankful to be with you.
And I'm going to try to have a good conversation tonight about Christians and politics and how we should view that and where our perspective is now.
What should our perspective be? We want to see a positive move forward, but we've yet to really see that.
We've seen some ebbs and flows, ups and downs, but mainly we were concerned with the downgrade that we continuously see year after year, election cycle after election cycle.
We see more and more downgrade morally, ethically, just in every arena that we would love to see movement in the right direction.
We see it seems like a downgrade. I want to turn my comments on here. So looking forward to any comments and conversations that we can have together.
So let's let's begin. Let's dive right into it. This political thing.
Should Christians be involved in politics? Boom. Church symbol. I think
I think you're giving yourself away. I have an admin who is is leaving a comment and it shows up as Truth and Love Network.
So I know it's one of my admins. But with the icons there, I think I know who is watching and who's giving us a fist bump and a church sign.
So my opinion, my opinion is, yes, Christians should be involved in politics.
And we're we're going to talk about that tonight. And and brother, if you want to jump online, I can send you the link.
Just let me know and you can join in the conversation. I'd love to have you on if you're available. So where are we?
So we're all in this together right now. And this year and this time, we are the we are the result.
We are the not the conclusion, but result is a good word.
We're the result of those that have come before us, those that have taught us, those that have led us, those who have influenced us and how to think what to look at.
And that question right there, I'm sure, comes from part of that indoctrination, that teaching, that leading that we've had.
But should Christians be involved in politics? And I see that question arising in us, stemming from this idea that we are we are in a dualistic society.
You have the kingdom of Christ and then you have this this world that we live in.
And there are two different two different things. And we've got to keep them separate. But as we've been learning about learning from scripture, learning from eschatology in times and digging into all those scriptures, it seems to be coming together that we shouldn't have this dualistic mindset about us, about being focused on only one area.
I think God loves his creation. We'll look at scripture here in just a few minutes, but we're going to see that he does more than just love his creation.
There's so much more involved in him just loving his creation. And the fact that we should be involved in it and be involved in politics is just one one small aspect of his creation.
But but yeah, I think Christians should be involved in politics. And that's kind of where we're headed tonight.
Where are we in our thinking? We're in our thinking.
Let me post this up for those who didn't see it. There's the question. So I guess
I'm going to come from a personal experience, personal perspective when it comes to politics and how
I've viewed things, where I come from in my thinking. So you think about you think about candidates, you think about elected officials, you think about moral issues, stances that we take, issues that we are involved in, that we care about.
We think about those things. And I think about my perspective on those things. And, you know, when it comes to politicians, when it comes to elected officials and me making a decision,
I know that part of my family, well, all of my family that I can recall is has always been really serious about electing the right person.
But I know that one one of my one side of my family in particular really got involved, at least amongst us, where we where we researched and we had a list of the candidates and we had it marked out who who we believe had the best views.
We wanted to make a wise and well -informed decision on who we voted for politically. And so when it comes to politics, that was pretty much where we left it.
We did the we do we did the best that we can as far as making that right decision on voting for the right candidate.
And doing our research and making the comparison between the candidates. And of course, we it seemed to always line up with one party.
So the party played a factor in how we voted because we believe one party over another seemed to more consistently stand with the with the values and views that we held.
There we go, brother. Yeah. Like I said, if you want to jump on, just let me know. I know you've you've had a busy day preaching the word and enjoying your family and ministering to the church.
Love you, brother, and I appreciate you and appreciate what you do. So, yeah.
And there once we've done that, which which is a good thing and I felt like it's always been a good thing.
The what we did, making our decision for that political candidate, that was pretty much it.
We felt we felt like or we feel like we we have done our duty. We have we have performed it to the best of our ability.
And and that's it. And it's a similar case when it comes to those moral issues, those those issues that we feel are feel like are important to our society, those issues that those candidates run on.
So what's our relationship with with those issues, with those views, with those bills that are in Senate, are in Congress, that the judges are examining and making calls on?
Well, what's our relationship with those are our relationship, the relationship with those views and those issues seems to stop with our voting.
And you're probably you probably live in a similar experience that I do where I let's use abortion, for example.
So I feel strongly about the issue of abortion. So I want to vote for a candidate who holds similar values and viewpoints on that issue that I do.
So I voted for that person because of the way they think, believing that when they take public office, they are going to fight for that issue.
And so I'm voting for those viewpoints as well for those moral issues.
I'm voting for those issues when I'm casting my ballot for that particular candidate. And so what's my relationship then with those issues of views, those moral views?
It seems to kind of stop with that vote that I made for that political candidate because I can't really see much else that I can do politically except make the make the correct decision when it comes to voting.
And I'm sure that I'm not the only one in that position. I couldn't see any other options, any other directions to go other than making that critical, critical decision.
And it's made out so often, actually, every election cycle.
It's made out like this is the most important election that has ever been. If we don't make the right decision in this election, it's over.
It's done. The world is going to collapse in on itself because this election this year, even though we said it last time, this one in particular is the most important that there ever was.
We say that every time. And they are important and our votes are important.
But we feel like that's all we can do. So we put all our effort, some of us, into doing that.
Some people put very little effort into who they vote for. They lean toward a certain political party, take no interest in understanding who the candidates are.
They just vote one ticket. And it doesn't matter who's running as long as they're red or blue.
It doesn't matter. And so you've got a lot of different perspectives, a lot of different approaches to being involved in politics.
Even those who hold to a pessimistic eschatology, those who hold to the dualistic worldview that we live in.
I would say even those Christians, to a degree, at some point, feel like voting is important because it affects them immediately.
It affects them in the here and now. And so there's that dualistic worldview that I'm talking about.
It affects them, but it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the kingdom.
So that's what I want to talk about tonight, how it affects the kingdom. From the
Christian perspective, when I'm voting, I want to vote. And it's interesting how we've come to this point where we believe that one party is synonymous with Christianity.
Or one party or a candidate or being conservative, conservative politically, is synonymous with Christianity.
When that's not the case, and that's not true. It's not synonymous with one political party, with certain views that we have.
And I can't remember the word that I just used. But Christianity is not synonymous. And we need to think about how that's not synonymous from a
Christian perspective. Or conservatism.
Conservatism and a certain political party we believe is synonymous with Christianity.
They go hand in hand. They align. They're holding hands when it's simply not the case.
In fact, I do not believe that we would be seeing the continuous downgrade, the continuous moral failure across the board.
I believe that we wouldn't be where we are today if that were the case.
If this certain political party was synonymous with Christianity. If being a conservative politically was synonymous with Christianity.
Because there are a lot of people who are conservative that are not Christian. There are people who can hold conservative values and not be
Christian. There are people who live lifestyles that I believe will be contrary to the
Bible, to Christianity, that are still conservative. And I can think of people that are like that, that I'm aware of.
That are living in lifestyles that we would consider not biblical, not
Christian, but hold conservative values and vote for that conservative party.
And so we can't say that one certain party or being a conservative is synonymous with Christianity.
We just can't say that. There's even those candidates that we work so hard to research and vote for.
And one of the parts of the litmus test that we look for is a possible profession of faith, a belief in Jesus.
But what happens, what we see in our world, what we see in our political society is those that we voted for, that we put in office, that have won from our side, that claim profession of faith in Christ, that claim to be
Christian, do their politics where they are from a, how can
I word this, from a non, not a very bold stance on the word of God or Christianity.
If you've spoken to somebody who's a professing Christian that we've voted, that's an elected official that we voted in office, you will often hear in that conversation, and I'm in no way judging the sincerity of their faith, the genuineness of their faith, that they're a believer, that they love
Christ. That part of it, I'm not speaking to, I'm not judging that part of it, not judging their heart on the matter.
I'm simply looking at the conversations that I've had, looking at the evidence, looking at the downgrade in society where you have people that we voted for, because part of our litmus test was that they be
Christian or hold Christian values. So we get them in office and they get in office and we see in our society this moral downgrade, ethical downgrade in politics, in our society.
So where's the rub in all that? Well, instead of standing on the word of God, proclaiming
Christ, being God glorifying and being bold in that stand, they unfortunately play politics just like the rest.
You offer to them bills, legislation that are
God glorifying, that are
Christ honoring. You offer those bills to them and they will say, you know, we just can't get the support for that.
You know, I can't put my name on it. I can't push that agenda.
It just won't have any traction. It won't get anywhere because it won't have enough support.
You know, it's just going to fall dead on the floor. Should that be the pursuit of a
Christian who is setting their minds on things above and not on things of this earth?
If we have bills that are Christ honoring, Christ exalting,
God glorifying, and they may not gain traction, they may not be popular.
You may get blackballed. You may get eight balled, whatever the term you want to use.
You may lose some of your clout, your positions. Who are we trusting in?
Are we trusting in our own wisdom? Are we trusting in our political prowess, our political schemes, political strategy?
What are we placing our faith and trust in when we deny those bills and we go along with political strategy?
We are in the circumstance that we're in now. When those folks that we put into office profess
Christianity, profess Christ, not judging their genuineness of their faith, not judging their sincerity.
Those that I've spoken with, I love dearly and I appreciate them a whole lot. But it's the political game that I wish we wouldn't play.
And instead of standing boldly, despite the circumstances, because Christ said that here on this earth, there are going to be trials, tribulations and troubles.
They hated me first, Christ said, so they're going to hate you. And so if our eyes are set on things above.
But in the political game, our eyes are not taken. Hey, Nancy, thank you for joining me.
I really appreciate it. It's good to hear from you again. If our eyes are set on things above, then we're going to stand boldly despite the circumstances.
And then those that we put in office that proclaim Christ, I'm sure they feel alone, that they won't have the support.
So that probably plays a factor into their decision making.
And so that brings us to where we are today in the downgrade, the moral, ethical downgrade of politics in our society.
Because we vote in and we vote in, we vote in and nothing ever changes in the positive
Christ honoring direction that we want it to go. In fact, it goes the other direction because we play politics.
I hope you're doing well, Nancy. Hope you guys are doing really well. Bless you for stopping by and watching.
Thank you for the comments. So, yeah. So what's the answer?
Let me discuss one more thing. We thought we had the answer as Christians, or at least some
Christians thought they had the answer. If you're old enough or if you're a student of politics, history, you may remember this name, this organization name.
They were called the Moral Majority. That was around, it said it began around 1979 and then it dissolved in the 1980s.
It was founded by Dr. Jerry Falwell, founder of Liberty University.
You know, a great man of the faith. He built the largest
Christian university that there is in Lynchburg, Virginia. And so he did a lot of great things for Christ.
But his strategy was to bring us together as Christians and be involved politically.
But it was through the Moral Majority. So, in my perspective, in how
I've seen it, what was the downfall in that? Why did they begin in 1979 to dissolve in the late 80s and they didn't achieve what they wanted to achieve?
And maybe they did in some circumstances, but it wasn't sustainable. And that's why they had to dissolve.
So what was the problem? In my opinion, instead of pursuing and being involved in politics according to Christ, it was according to the political strategy that we've created.
So the Moral Majority was just like any other group that tries to politically persuade a candidate.
And how did we try to politically persuade a candidate? We would tell them, we have the numbers.
Let us support you. Let us help you get an office because we have the numbers.
And then, you know, carry our agenda. And because we have the numbers, we have the money.
We'll support you. And so we were just like any other group or organization that tries to persuade political candidates with numbers and money.
They weren't focused necessarily on the candidate themselves, but just that they wanted a candidate that could win.
So it was all about pragmatism. They wanted a candidate that could win, and they wanted to get that candidate.
They wanted to support that candidate, and they wanted that candidate to support them. And they did it with numbers and with money.
And so it's just the very same political game, political scheme that they all use.
And they didn't focus on the faith necessarily. Now, I'm sure most of them would profess
Christianity, but a lot of times, I'm sure it was for political gain because the Moral Majority had the majority.
They had a lot of numbers, and they had a lot of money. And so professing Christ would be easy if you're politically minded because you're going to get a lot of support, and you're going to get a lot of money.
And numbers and money talk in all areas of life, and especially politics.
Numbers and money talk, and that's what they had. But the reason it wasn't sustainable, the reason it didn't last, was because we didn't focus on the candidate themselves being genuine, having a
God -glorifying, Christ -exalting mindset in that office.
So that's why I believe we are where we are today. We play pragmatism, looking for the candidate that wins, that mostly aligns with our values.
And if they say they're a Christian, that's a bonus. But even if they don't behave always like a
Christian, as long as they claim a little bit of Christianity, as long as they can win, and they support some of our agenda, we have come so far in what we will support and who we will vote for just because we're so scared of opposition.
And we forget who is on our side. We forget who we've surrendered to.
We forget who is the real king and the real ruler and the real creator of all things.
When we're so scared of the other side, we'll vote for anybody on the other side.
Can you see that? Does that make sense? Am I kind of accurate in my understanding of my perception of what's going on?
To me, that seems to be the case, that we vote pragmatically, and our candidates are less and less and less claiming
Christ because of our failure, because of the political game and strategy that we've played for so long.
We put our own selves in this situation where they don't even have to claim Christ anymore to win votes, as long as they have a few of our values in place.
And still yet, it's mostly just talk, just to get elected.
That's the political game that we're in. That's the political playing field. And we see the results, the ethical and moral downgrade and failure all around us.
So what's the solution? How can Christians be involved in politics and be involved in the right way, in the correct way, in the biblical way?
So we've got to change our perspective. We've got to change our mindset and how we think about things before we begin to make correct decisions in our voting, in our pursuit of politics ourselves.
So where do we go? We've got to go to God's word to get a proper perspective on things. And where I wanted to start is in Colossians chapter 1.
We're going to look at two passages tonight. The first one is Colossians chapter 1. We're going to start in verse 13.
And let me read it to you. For he, Jesus, rescued us from the domain of darkness. So that's kind of, in my opinion, that's, of course, the scripture is speaking of that's where we were apart from Christ.
Because of sin, we were in the domain of darkness, headed to hell. We were children of wrath, children of the
Satan, of the devil. That's where we were. But that's kind of where we are politically.
That's how we vote. We're in that domain of darkness. And I don't want to make too much of a stretch there, so I apologize.
He has transferred or rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved son.
So now we're in a different kingdom under a different ruler.
Do you see that? Do you see where he's going? So we were submissive under the constraint of Satan, the influence of Satan in his domain, in his realm.
But now we've been transferred into a different kingdom, the kingdom of Jesus Christ. In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
He, Jesus, is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
That simply means the one who has preeminence over all things.
He holds the highest office, highest place of authority. This is getting really good.
Verse 16, for by him, Jesus, and I think I said Jesus in verse 13, for he rescued us.
God rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved son. So I misspoke, my apologies.
But in verse 16, for by him, Jesus, all things were created. By Jesus, all things that were created.
And I have to draw pictures in my mind. So I draw a circle and I put everything that was created in that circle.
And Jesus is outside that circle. So everything in that circle, everything that was created, it was created by Jesus.
Both in the heavens, the visible places, in the heavens and on the earth.
Both realms, both places, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities.
Even the people or the supernatural in either realm that are in places of authority.
He created them. All things have been created through him.
And not just through him, not just by him, but it says for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together.
And that goes, we're speaking about politics tonight. And this goes back to our fear of that one political side, that one political party.
And so therefore it causes us to compromise on our views on our candidate.
It causes us to compromise and become pragmatic in our voting, in our politics. Because we have such a fear of one side holding office, one side getting in.
That we forget that he, Jesus, is before all things and in him all things hold together.
So what should happen to that fear? He is also the head of the body, the church.
And he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he himself will come to have first place in everything.
For it was the father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in him. And through him to reconcile all things.
Did you hear that? All things. Not just man, not just souls, it says all things.
Reconcile all things to himself. Having made peace through the blood of his cross, through him, I say, whether things on earth or in heaven.
So we're speaking of both realms. And in both realms, it's all about Jesus. Everything was created by him, through him, and for him.
And in him all things are held together. He is the preeminent above all those things.
He has authority above all those things in heaven and on earth. Above all authorities in heaven and on earth.
And he is reconciling all things to himself. All things.
Isn't this a powerful passage that should speak to how we think and how we digest, think through, contemplate, proceed?
It should affect our behavior, our actions when it comes to politics.
We live in a dualistic mindset where Christianity and the world,
Christianity and politics, Christianity and this, they're two separate things. And so we need to go to church.
We need to evangelize. We need to do missions. But politics is for politicians.
Being a doctor is for being doctors. Insurance is for people who sell insurance.
We think we live in two different worlds. But Colossians chapter 1 says that he created all things by him, through him, and for him.
And in him all things hold together. And he's above all those things. And he's reconciling all things to himself.
Not just souls through evangelism and missions and gospel presentations and reconciling churches and believers.
But he's reconciling all things to himself. How can that not speak to our work in politics, our view in politics, and how we vote and how we pursue ourselves?
Politics. I think it speaks heavily and greatly to how we should think and process and behave when it comes to politics.
Now if you flip over to Colossians, I'm going to stay in Colossians. I know I said two passages, but we're going to look at one more in Colossians.
Some people might have a question. You talk about we shouldn't view the world, view our circumstances dualistically in two parts.
One has no bearing on the other. Because Jesus, or Paul says here in Colossians in chapter 3, starting in verse 1,
Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above.
And I've been saying that. Seek the things above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
That place of authority that we've already talked about. Now here's the key verse. Here's where some people may have questions.
Colossians chapter 3, verse 2. Set your mind on things above, not on things that are on the earth.
So they'll say, see there. There's that dualistic mindset that we need to have. We need to just keep our eyes on things above.
Keep our eyes on the spiritual things, on evangelism, on discipleship, on sanctification and justification, and spiritual growth and the local church.
Those are the things that we need to focus on. That's what Jesus says. That's what Paul is telling us. Set our minds on things above, not the things that are on the earth.
So how would I answer that question? I think Paul himself answers that question. Because in verse 17, if you read on through and you get to verse 17,
I think Paul answers that question from the perspective that I'm coming from, from the interpretation that I'm coming from.
So while we're here on this earth, we're doing stuff, right?
We're doing things. What are we doing? Paul says, whatever you do.
Does that include just spiritual things? Just church things?
Just fellowship things? Just evangelism things? Just missions things?
No, Paul says, whatever you do, in word or in deed, do all in the name of the
Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. So I think that is what
Paul is talking about when he says, keep or set your mind on things above and not on things that are on the earth.
So while you're here on this earth, whatever you're doing, if you're setting your mind on things above, the things that you are doing, you are doing them in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks through him to God the Father. I think that's what it means to set your mind on things above while you're living and doing and breathing here on this earth, is doing them in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ. I hope that makes sense. And so that would include politics.
So we're beginning now to approach politics from a different perspective, from the perspective of Christ.
So we've got political offices. We've got political booths where we make our decisions, where we vote for a candidate.
We've got candidates. We've got elections. We've got laws.
We've got legislation. We've got judges. We have sheriffs. We have all these elected officials, all these electable positions, laws, legislation, bills, judges, this whole arena, every aspect of politics that are in that arena, we're going in that direction.
And we're going in that direction of politics with a different mindset now.
We're going into that direction of politics with the mindset of Colossians 1 and 3, verse 2, that Jesus created it all.
It's by him, through him, and for him. And he's over it all. And he's reconciling all things to himself.
So we're removing ourselves. We're removing that perspective that we just need to stay in this bubble of being spiritual, that only singing hymns and sermon and going to church and evangelism, those are the only spiritual things that there are.
And I need to stay in that bubble of spiritual things. When Jesus is reconciling all things, and whatever we do, we do it in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ. And so that encompasses, that makes everything to have a spiritual aspect.
That puts all things underneath Jesus Christ in submission to him.
Does that change your perspective? Does that begin to change how you approach politics, how you view politics?
Coming at it as if it is something that is underneath the authority of Christ, that he's created, that he is reconciling to himself.
That's what we want to do. We want to change our perspective. And so let's go to our last passage that we want to look at.
This passage is a very popular passage. And we've used it a lot here on this podcast, especially when it comes to evangelism and missions.
The command that Christ has given us, his disciples, and one of the clear things from his word that we should be doing,
Matthew chapter 28. It is labeled the Great Commission. And so with our dualistic mindset that we need to stay in the spiritual bubble, we take this verse and interpret it within that spiritual bubble.
And so it only has this spiritual, churchy interpretation that is only about missions and evangelism.
But if we remember Colossians, and I'm sorry to repeat it, but it's so good to remember that Jesus created all things.
They're created by him, through him, and for him. He's above all things. He's preeminent. He has authority over all things, and he's reconciling all things to himself.
And here in Matthew chapter 28, he is commanding us to be a part of that.
Be a part of that reconciliation. So listen to Matthew chapter 28, verses 18, 19, and 20 from that perspective now.
Taking ourselves out of that narrow interpretation of just being about spirituality, about evangelism, about discipleship, about sanctification discipleship, and moving it into where it encompasses not just those things, but all things.
So we're in Matthew chapter 28, verses 18, 19, and 20. Listen to it from that perspective.
And Jesus came up, spoke to them, saying,
All authority, this is going to sound familiar, all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.
Go, therefore, and make disciples. Of who?
Of what? Jesus says, Go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.
And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. So here it is.
Jesus has authority over all of his creation in heaven and on earth.
And so this part of reconciling all things to himself, he has now brought us into that agenda of reconciling all things to himself.
And so Jesus is very specific here. He's very clear here of what that mission is, is to go and make disciples of all nations, nations.
And as we've been in our spiritual bubble, we've narrowed that interpretation of nations to mean, well, he's speaking,
Jesus is speaking of the individual people in that nation. And yes, there are individuals in that nation.
But he wants us to baptize the nations. That's huge.
That's a huge paint stroke. He's painting with a broad brush.
And I don't think it just encompasses the souls of the individuals within that nation.
He says, baptize the nations. Baptize them into the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Yes, baptize with water, by immersion,
I would say. Individuals, when they profess faith in Christ, when they repent of their sins, their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, but also bring into submission, baptized into politics, baptized into your medical practice, whatever your job is, your insurance salesman, your custodian work, your secretary work, your marketing work, your security work, whatever your job is, we are to baptize it into the name of Jesus, the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The nations encompasses all those things, and especially the governing authorities.
So how do we do that? How do we baptize the nations? How do we baptize politics in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? It means that we've got to be sending genuine believers into that field.
So what's our identity first? First and foremost, what's our identity? Our identity is in Christ, right?
So I'm not a doctor first that happens to be a Christian. I'm not a teacher that happens to be a
Christian. I'm not an insurance salesman, a custodian, a preacher.
Whatever job that you have, whatever jobs out there, you're not that job first that happens to be a Christian. Our identity, first and foremost, is a
Christian. And so it's okay to teach our children.
It's okay to encourage our brothers and sisters who want to be involved in politics to say, go and baptize politics in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Go with boldness.
Go with the authority of Christ because he made it, he owns it, and he's reconciling it to himself, and he's asked or he's commanded us to be a part of that reconciliation.
We should be baptizing politics in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit by encouraging, and even if you have a desire or interest to go there yourself, go, be fruitful, be bold, stand firm, stand on the authority of Christ, and trust in him instead of fearing the other side, instead of fearing standing alone, instead of fearing the consequences.
If you feel led to go, then go and be bold. Go with your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
And can you imagine the reconciliation that will take place? Because I believe that God is going to move us in that direction because he's,
God doesn't lie when he says Jesus is reconciling all things to himself.
If he's doing that, then it's going to be accomplished. He is not a liar. So our generation may not see it, but we can encourage this generation, we can encourage the next generation who will encourage the next generation to be thinking like this, move forward as a doctor, move forward as a teacher, move forward in your politics as a politician or as a voter with the perspective that Jesus created all things, by him, through him, and for him.
He has authority over all things, in heaven and on earth, and he's reconciling all things to himself.
So baptize that doctor's office in the name of the Father, Son, and the
Holy Spirit, because you are a Christian that happens to be a doctor. You are a Christian that happens to be a politician.
You are a Christian that happens to be a teacher. You are a Christian that happens to be a custodian.
So it's about the identity of Christ in all those areas within your life.
You are a Christian that happens to be a father. You are a Christian that happens to be a mother.
You are a Christian that happens to be a son or a daughter. You are a Christian that happens to be a pastor.
Nancy says, I pray that God will raise up godly men who are Christ -centered and absolute. Let me post this.
I pray that God will raise up godly men.
Thank you for explaining this. You're very welcome. I hope that I was clear.
I hope that I was understandable, and I want to be accurate to Scripture. And, Nancy, I'm sure you believe that of me, that I want to be true to Scripture.
I don't want to take things out of context. I want to see them for the way Jesus wants them to be explained and how
Jesus wants them to be lived out. And so we've got to remember our identity when we approach politics as a politician or as a voter.
And can you imagine? This is where I was going a few minutes ago. Can you imagine the direction that we're going?
And we can't make moral change. We can't make the desire to have a
Christian society or for people to not behave this way or people not to behave that way.
We can't make those things our motivation. We've got to put them into perspective. Yes, we want those things.
We want to see those things happen. But our mind is to be set on things above, on Christ.
Our mind is to be set on being God -glorifying, Christ -exalting.
And then those things will fall in place and will glorify God because of what
He's done. Our mind has been on the good old days, the way things used to be, where things were more moral.
You had the words often leave me, where the prohibition movement, where they got rid of the sell of alcohol.
They tried to do it moralistically, right? And that's been our approach for so long, to do things moralistically.
But you see, that didn't work. And so they found ways around it.
But the only way to change hearts and to change society is to change how we approach politics.
To change how we approach evangelism and missions and baptize all of them in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Because when we go into things with our identity in Christ, who happens to be whatever, and we go in preaching the gospel,
Jesus will save people. Jesus will change hearts. And then the
Holy Spirit will change their behavior. And we've got it all backwards.
We're trying to change the behavior first. So yes, we should be involved in politics.
We should be involved in every aspect of God's creation. And be obedient to his command to go and baptize the nations in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Why? Because he has been given all authority in heaven and on earth.
So we are underneath the king himself who's given us that order. And we don't have to fear a different political party.
We don't have to fear the opposition. What does scripture say? That don't fear man who can only take the body, but fear him who can take the body and the soul.
So let's move forward with the proper perspective, with our minds set on things above,
Christ who is set at the right hand of the Father, and remember our identity.
If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, we must know that we have all sinned and fallen short of his glory.
We've broken every single one of his commandments, whether we want to admit it or not. And because of our sin, we deserve eternal hell because God is eternally holy.
And he is just, and he will do what's right. And doing what's right is punishing evil wherever it's found.
And we are part of that evil because of our sin. But God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten, his one and only son, that everyone believing in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
So repent of that sin and put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. He will call you out of the domain of darkness and transfer you into the kingdom of his glorious Son.
He will transfer you from death to life, give you a new heart with new desires, and you will have eternal life with him instead of the eternal death that we deserve.
Christ took that punishment for us on the cross. And we are given his righteousness so that we may live.
So it's all praise and glory and honor owed to him. Let's pray as we finish.
Father, thank you for the time that you've given us tonight. And I pray and ask that I was helpful and accurate with your word and the perspective that you would have us to have.
And I thank you for the cross. Thank you for saving us and the offer of glorious salvation in your wonderful Son.
I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. All right. Thank you guys for watching. Remember, leave a comment.
Let us know if we can pray for you. All you have to do is type me. If you would, like it, share it, let other people know about what's going on here.
We want to join together with you to grow up our community in all things into Christ.
Grow in all things into Christ, who is the head, by speaking truth and love.
Remember that Jesus is king. Go live in the authority of Christ. Speak with the authority of Christ.