Beth Moore's Future Outpouring "Prophecy"


Chris Rosebrough (@PirateChristian) analyzes Beth Moore's "Prophecy" RE: a future outpouring and demonstrates that Moore is a dangerous false prophet.


Time for a Beth Moore update. Faster than a hummingbird on speed!
Able to flit in and out of your brain without ever blinking! Able to receive prophetic words from God before she's even finished her ninth cup of coffee!
It's time for prophetic insights from Beth Moore.
Alright, yeah, Flight of the Bumblebee, that's our Beth Moore update music. So what we're going to be listening to is apparently a direct word that Beth Moore has received from God.
And what's weird about this is that this was delivered at the recently completed
Awaken Now conference put on by James and Betty Robison of Life Today, and this message is one of those messages that has me going, ooh, what?
Yeah, she's going to be preaching and preparing people for the future.
Yeah, apparently God's telling her stuff and telling her that something's coming down the pike and she believes that it's her job to warn the body of Christ ahead of time about those who would criticize what's coming.
Here's Beth Moore to explain. No one in this room is in severe drought than the one who cannot remember the last time you cried a tear for a broken world.
That's drought. What if we got courage enough to go bring back my tears for the lost?
Bring back my tears for the captives, those imprisoned, those dying on planet
Earth. Bring back my passion for what you, Jesus, are passionate about.
As we cry out for downpour, I'm going to tell you something. I believe it's coming. You know why?
Because I believe the truth is we are. Now did you catch that? As far as a downpour, I believe it's coming.
So apparently she's starting to prepare. Folks, she's claiming to be receiving direct revelation from God. You'll hear that in just a second.
But now she's starting to prepare people. Apparently there's a forthcoming outpouring of the
Holy Spirit. Thus saith Beth Moore. And the only thing we have to do,
James, as much as I understand, the only thing we have to do is just go I'm thirsty. I'm poor and needy,
Lord. And I'm just crying out. I'm just crying out. He says, if you do that, I'll pour it out on thirsty land.
But on land that says, I mean, we're just like plenty wet here, you'd scare us half to death. We don't want anything new just as long as you do what you've done before.
We're good with it. But you know how we are here. This is really weird because I hear this exact same kind of rhetoric from the
Patricia King gang, from televangelists heard the same kind of rhetoric, pretty similar to it, from Tony Palmer and the guy who spoke at Kenneth Copeland's conference as he was introducing the
Pope. Apparently there's something new coming and Beth Moore believes that it's her job to tell the body of Christ to not resist this new thing, whatever it's going to be.
I mean, Stephen Furtick talks this way. This is weird. I'm just tired of saying it to him.
I'm going with him. And you know what? I don't even know where we're going. Just very recently,
I wrote a post just going, I'm sick to death of telling him where I wanted to go. I'm just going where God is going.
I'm going where God is going. Well, the next morning I was putting on my mascara at my mirror and I set the mascara wand down on the counter and I just turned around and I said, where are we going?
If you could tell me where we're going. Now, she wasn't talking to her husband while she was putting the mascara on.
She's talking to God. So she's asking God, where are we going, God? Faith is such a blast to me.
I love the adventure of it. But I always love it best in retrospect. Looking back, I go, now that, that was an exciting time.
I love that. Because suddenly it's not concrete. It's just like water under your feet.
Water, water. So you don't know where you're going. We just want to go with you,
Lord. I believe that God placed it on my heart to tell you. I believe that God placed it on my heart to tell you.
That's a very sneaky, subtle way of saying I'm receiving direct revelation from God and acting in a prophetic office.
This puts her in the same category as Patricia King and all of the people who claim to be getting direct revelation from God.
So God laid it on her heart to tell us what exactly. That as it comes and it will.
As this outpouring comes. If we'll own our thirst, it will.
So if we own our thirst, is this a commercial for Coca -Cola? If we own our thirst, there's an outpouring coming.
God laid it on her heart to say that. What else did God lay on your heart, Beth? If we'll be willing to stop telling what it has to look like.
Oh, so as long as we're willing to accept it in whatever it looks like when it arrives. Okay, this is really getting eerie.
It's coming. It's coming. But we must be prepared in advance for scoffers. Oh, so whatever's coming, not
Patricia King, but Beth Moore, wants to prepare us ahead of time that there's going to be scoffers.
God's laid it on her heart. There's something, some major outpouring coming. As long as we're willing for it to not look like anything that has ever happened in the past and she's trying to prepare us ahead of time that whatever it is when it shows up, she's going to tell us there's going to be scoffers.
You know that guy Chris Rosebrew at Pirate Christian Radio on that Fighting for the Faith program? Yeah. There's going to be scoffers saying that this isn't
God the Holy Spirit, but God laid it on my heart to tell you this. I'm going to say that again. We must be prepared in advance for scoffers.
I want you to look at one another and say... So this hasn't even happened yet. And she's preparing these tens, thousands, hundreds of thousands of people who watch this program to be prepared for something completely new and preparing ahead of time that there's going to be scoffers.
What are the scoffers going to say? Be prepared for scoffers. And here's the thing.
The unbelieving world scoffing is not going to bother us that much. We're used to them thinking that we are idiots.
Can we just own that one? I mean, we're used to that. Of course they think that. We've got that one down. That's not what's going to bother us so much.
What's going to bother us, and I believe that God is saying get prepared for it. So God's telling you get prepared for this.
So when it does happen, you are not all disturbed and all rocked by it, but it's going to come from some in our own
Christian realm. So whatever's coming, there's going to be scoffers within Christianity who are saying that's not from God.
Who is she talking to? This doesn't sound like anything from God. Brothers and sisters.
We're going to have people that are honestly going to want to debate and argue with us about awakening and downpours.
Like the laughing revival?
The last time we talked about somebody talking like this, I just put it out there and said what about the naked revival?
And I shouldn't have done that because then it turned out the next day that was what was happening. What is she preparing people for?
That's not the way it should look. You know what's asking you. Are you thirsty?
Not for false teaching and false signs and wonders and false outpourings of a false spirit, I'm not.
Yeah, that's called drinking the Kool -Aid. The semantics to get it like you want it.
So this hasn't even broken out whatever it is that's supposed to break out. And Beth Moore, rather than exegeting a biblical passage, which she's sometimes apt to try to do and with some results better than others, she has decided at this
Awaken Now conference to prepare everybody for something that she believes
God laid on her heart to tell everybody is coming, but to prepare for scoffers. But I will say to you
I'm just thirsty and I'm hungry, but there'll be scoffers and they will be the far bigger threat, the one within our own brothers and sisters, our own family.
So if you just don't go with this, you're a threat to the body of Christ. Listen to the messaging here.
You've got far, far more demoralizing. And yes, it will come from bullies and yes, it will come from the media.
So it doesn't matter who they are. If they're challenging this on biblical grounds, they're bullies.
They are people who are enemies of the body of Christ. Spirited. And I want to tell you,
I've learned so many things. I could have spent the whole evening on what I've learned from these two people, but they have lived something, they've taught me something over and over and over again and I've watched them live it.
James says all the time, you know what, just when people hate you, just love them. Just love them. You just keep loving them.
The more they hate you, just keep loving them. So when people start scoffing and saying this isn't from God the
Holy Spirit, this is not what the Bible teaches, you don't hate them, just love them. Really?
What is this thing that's supposedly coming? Sounds like some major worldwide cataclysmic deception to me.
You just keep loving them. Get it in your mind that they cannot make you stop loving them.
You just love them all the more. They hate you, you love them. You love them. Blessed are you.
We got to be ready. We got to be ready. So she's out there making people ready for whatever this outpouring is and for those who are going to say this isn't from God.
We got to be ready. Within the body of Christ, of course. What God began to show me is. And of course God showed her this.
Would not just come from the mean spirited. It'll also come from people who are just genuinely concerned about us.
Not mean about it, just like man, I hate to see that happen.
Why should I believe that God the Holy Spirit is the one who revealed this to Beth Moore? I'm so glad y 'all are laughing.
I wanted to be funny so bad today. Their hearts, you know, they were kind of they were really balanced for a while.
What is balanced exactly? Anyone like this person.
I don't want to send
Jesus name. Let's all be balanced. You're going to say, what a shame.
I mean, when this shows up, what nonsense is Beth Moore going to jump on the bandwagon with?
What a shame. In that early downpour of the
New Testament church, Paul said in 2nd Corinthians 6 -8, we are treated as imposters and yet are true.
Yeah, that was the Apostle Paul speaking. So now she's, again, all of this is for something that hasn't even shown up yet.
That apparently is coming, but God laid it on our heart to warn everybody that they're going to be called imposters if they believe this is from the
Holy Spirit. That's going to be us. The scoffers,
I believe that God put on my heart, please test the spirit. Pray and see if this
Yeah, I'm testing this and finding it coming up wanting because I've demonstrated on this program that you twist
God's word, Beth. It's confirmed to you in prayer and in the study of the word.
I believe that he placed it on my heart that the scoffers will have an alternative answer for everything.
An alternative for every single thing we see. Again, this hasn't even shown up.
An alternative. They will not see it as the hand of God.
Based on what you're saying, yeah, I can guarantee it's not. An alternate answer. Unity will be called defection.
Okay, that is key. Did you just hear what she said? Unity will be called defection.
So whatever it is that she believes is coming, one of the clarion calls of this outpouring that she says is coming is going to be a call for unity.
We just heard that from the Pope about the miracle of unity and how now the
Pope and the Kenneth Copeland Charismatics have all melded together. And so now she's saying that the scoffers are going to say whatever's coming, whatever this thing is coming, and when it's calling for unity, the scoffers are going to say that that's defection.
Holy guacamole. What is coming down the pike? I mean, what has she tapped into?
Because this doesn't sound like anything at all like coming from God the Holy Spirit. Because God the
Holy Spirit tells us to rebuke those who teach false doctrine and to not have unity with them.
So whatever's coming, whatever she's tapped into here, she's preparing everybody.
One of the clarion calls of this so -called outpouring is there's going to be a mass movement towards unity.
I won't unite with Rome. No way. I won't unite with Charismatic and Word of Faith heretics.
Not on your life I will not. And I'll call that what it is, demonic. But again, this hasn't even happened.
And she's preparing people for it. Let me back this up so you can keep listening again. Every single thing we see there will be an alternative.
They will not see it as the hand of God. An alternate answer. Unity will be called defection.
Brokenness will be called instability. Grace will be called compromise.
Notice all the verbs are future tense here. And the genuinely prophetic will be called false teaching.
You see if this does not happen. Again, where is she getting this?
And because of those things, defection, instability, compromise, and false teaching.
Because those things will be simultaneously in effect.
You and I who are believing God for a vivid downpour of His Spirit and recognize it as it comes.
We will have to be taking the risk of being lumped in with the ones that really are defecting.
Unstable, compromising, and false.
And it will be hard for us because we don't want to be mixed up with them. We'll want to say over and over, no, ours is the truth.
Listen, people are not convinced by us going, no, we're really true here. We're really true here.
That does not work. They won't take it by our words. We're going to have to risk being lumped into something not of the
Holy Spirit to endure in that which is of the Holy Spirit. And this will be the hardest part is that the weeds will be among the weeds.
And just exactly as Jesus said in Matthew 13, 24 through 30, to pull up all the weeds.
Yeah, Matthew 13, the parable of the weeds is not about some future outpouring of the
Holy Spirit. She's twisting God's word. In other words, more evidence.
This message that she claims God laid on her heart didn't come from God.
Run the risk of pulling up the weeds. So, you and I have got to be prepared to be mixed up with the false as we're trying to be the truth.
And we're just going to want to say it over and over again. No, this is really us. And it won't do any good because the only test will be, please stay with me here, the only test will be endurance.
What endures, what endures, what endures. You and I will have to be patient while the
Spirit is tested. While our trials are used by God, please hear me when
I say this, to prove us genuine. At the same time, with the greatest outpouring of God on your entire life, you will simultaneously be entrusted with trials for the express purpose of proving us genuine.
I got to ask the question. You know, I don't believe she's hearing from God at all.
Is what I'm hearing literally the messaging that is going to start preparing the way for the
Antichrist? Because that's what that sounds like to me. That, I mean, why on earth would anybody at a conference spend all this amount of time talking about something that hasn't happened in order to prepare all these people for what's coming?
And the people that are there, they're all following false teachers already. You know,
Lisa Bevere, James Robeson, and all of the people that are on, you know, the
Life Today program, right? Man, I'm telling you, that was one of the most interesting things
I have heard in a long time. And the type of thing that makes me wonder, whoa, what has she tapped into and what exactly is coming down the pike?
I don't think I want to see it. That's all I got to say at this point. But very fascinating, bizarre, supposedly prophetic message from Beth Moore.
What did you think? Alright, we're up on our second break.
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PirateChristian or follow me on Twitter, my name there, at PirateChristian. Quick break. When we come back, we're going to end the week off with a couple of good sermons.