Kanye and AJ - AD's Reaction

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Yeah Yep, yep, this is this is good.
This is good. That's what I'm here to tell you that this is good. I Didn't catch the whole thing beginning to end.
I've only seen the the scare clips and things like that But I gotta say even just the scare clips have a lot of stuff in them
At the time you really couldn't be better when you think about it. It couldn't be because earlier today. I posted a
Video that I had done Where I was giving pastors advice about how to deal with the the questions people are asking about you know anti -semitism
And interracial marriage now the content of that video still stands, and so I don't apologize for it at all
Pastors are gonna need to learn how to deal with questions about those kinds of things without spiraling into you know
Right you know you're a racist seizures and seizing up and all that kind of thing It's gonna have to happen you're gonna have to deal with it
You're gonna have to deal with it legitimately Because otherwise they're gonna go to 4chan and like I said in the video.
You're not gonna like what they find on 4chan but anyway But in the video I did say one thing and I don't apologize for this either because at the time
I still I still kind of believe it, but in the video. I said that you know
People had heard Kanye talk about some of these things and he didn't sound crazy to them He didn't at the time and even now he still doesn't but I have to admit that later in the day not a few hours later
He does look a little bit crazy Now the cut you can't deny the comedy factor of some of this stuff, too
I I just have to say is his time his comedic timing I think who did
I sit here say that I think you might have been Sargon of Akkad He said that even if even if he's saying crazy stuff
Which you know you I'll let that up be up for you to decide His comedic timing is pretty funny
And I gotta say I saw this clip and I watched it quite a few times in a row, so let's just Let's just dive right in So here we go so we've got yes, this is this is this is
Kanye over here actually let's blow this up here This is Kanye over here, and he's appears to be in a
I guess it's a ski mask It's not even a ski mask.
It's like a backwards Like hoodie that has a zipper But he's wearing it the opposite way, and maybe not
I don't even know what it is or I Don't know what this is that's what I'll say. I don't know what this is, but it's definitely not normal And so So so Alex Jones over here just said hey
I'm in the Twilight Zone and so Alex Jones You know by comparison this is not sure really sure what to make of this and so if you if you don't know if he caught
This but he he pulled out from I guess he has a little bag over here And he pulled out a net and a yoo -hoo and the net
I actually own this net. I should have brought it out It's not orange like this, but it's the same exact net.
I believe it's a fray bill and I use it for scooping out live bait when
I fish with live bait, so anyway. Let's continue Net Yahoo What do you have to say?
What do you have to say to Alex Jones right now Nick Fuentes and yay all right? So he's now talking to the net and the yoo -hoo.
It's a net and a yoo -hoo, and he called it net and yahoo It's not even yeah, it's a yoo -hoo
Okay, I gotta get I gotta get control of myself, okay He's talking to the net and the you the bottle of yoo -hoo
And he said net and yahoo. What do you have to say to Alex Jones Nick Fuentes and yay?
Here's what that yahoo has to say It was bad for Trump to meet with Nick Fuentes and yay
Don't even have any commentary for it I just knew that a lot of people potentially wouldn't see this part because there's another some other parts
Where he says that you know Hitler wasn't all bad? you know every every human being brings something of value to the table and And so that's gonna be the scare thing the scare clip that they're gonna use about the whole interview
And I believe he says something about how he invented row highways or microphones. I don't I don't know if any that's true
I'm just saying that's what that's what yay said that that's that's the clip They're gonna use so you might not see this one and this one's way better So he says yay, it was bad that Trump met with yay and Nick Fuentes Had no idea your voice is gonna sound like that net and yahoo
So you don't like So he says so he look he's got is there's there's isolates in this little mask interesting
I was wondering how he was seen But I guess this is like a ski mask with little isolates for you to see out of oh man
So he says you know it was bad that Kanye met with Or that that Trump met with Kanye and Nick Fuentes.
That's what Netanyahu said and then you who? And Kanye responds.
I didn't know have any idea your voice is gonna sound like that neither did I? You know
I was talking to my brother about this And it made me sad when I found out that Benjamin Netanyahu was not a good guy
Because and it's not really because of him or Israel or anything like that I don't really care so much about that to me
It was sad because he actually looks a lot like my grandfather I guess I should say my my my grandfather's older than he is yeah,
Mike. He looks a lot like my grandfather and So that kind of made me sad because I always had like a little special place in my heart for Netanyahu Just because he resembles my grandfather but but anyway, so So he says
I had no idea you were gonna sound like that And here's what it's Alex Jones. I lost my place here hold up Alex Jones over here
He he sees this display in front of him, and he hears him. You know mock Netanyahu's voice
I don't even I honestly don't even know what Netanyahu sounds like maybe he does have a little pip squeak voice like that I doubt it.
I I seemed it. I highly doubt it, but maybe he does but anyway, he sees this in this crazy display and He tries to ask a real question, so you don't like Benjamin Netanyahu.
This is what he says there we go here we go Oh my goodness. I lost my lost my place here.
Hold on. I got a phone all right. We're back here. We go Okay, I Netanyahu Quiet and I guess waits for the next question
He's very pleased with himself obviously the way he's posturing and God and Alex Jones is that so you don't like I Just I just heard about this guy two weeks ago, so it's like the tweet, and I thought he had a funny name
I Just heard about this guy two weeks ago, and I thought he had a funny name that is quite the thing
You know what it reminds me of it reminds me of that movie the head of state Where Chris Chris Rock was running for president, and then he gets like his buddy is bonds bail bail bondsman
To run with him as a vice president, and they ask him about NATO He's like I don't know about NATO. I don't know
NATO You don't know NATO like he doesn't even know what NATO is or whatever and they're very surprised that he's running for president It doesn't know what
NATO is that's kind of a remind me of that Anyway, I'll have to watch this whole interview.
I mean there's obviously a lot going on with it Obviously people are gonna be very upset that he likes
Hitler. It's pretty weird Not gonna lie pretty weird I've got nothing to say besides that But I'll just let you watch this clip in all of its goodness all in a row
I'm in the Twilight Zone right now Netanyahu What do you have to say?
What do you have to say to Alex Jones right now Nick Fuentes and yay? I had no idea your voice is gonna sound like that Netanyahu, so you don't like Benjamin yet.
Yeah, I Just I just heard about this guy two weeks ago, so it's like the tweet, and I thought he had a funny name
There it is there it is I Know this wasn't helpful.
I Know I know it wasn't so I'm not even gonna say. I hope it was But I hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you next time with a real video.