F4F | Phil Pringle Caught Selling Miracles


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now have you seen the the recently aired two -part expose done by A Current Affair down in Australia about C3 Church and Phil Pringle?
If not, if so, it doesn't matter. Go ahead and and like the video, subscribe down below, don't forget to ring the bell.
We're gonna be spending a little bit of time talking about C3 Church and giving some of the bigger evidence that they weren't able to do because of the format of their expose.
I mean, they didn't do a long -form discernment type of stuff that we do here at Fighting for the Faith, and so they had to hit a lot of topics and they had to hit them quickly.
And if you know watch the exposes, then you'll note that I was interviewed for this particular expose, and in fact they contacted me just before I left for Europe for the
Pirate Christian Radio Conference in Swansea, and they sent a film crew out to our conference, and that's where the actual interview took place.
But let's just kind of hang it out there that C3 Church and Phil Pringle, these are very dangerous people.
This is not a church, this is like a mafia -like organization that exploits people for money.
That's what they're all about, and Phil Pringle, he flat -out sells miracles. And one of the things
I've noted is that they've given a media response to the current affair stories, and there's something missing.
Yeah, let's in fact, let's take a look at it, and what we'll do is we're going to, in this installment of Fighting for the
Faith, we're gonna take a listen to absolute proof that Phil Pringle sells miracles, sells them, yeah, and has done so in the past, continues to do so.
We'll go back in time a little bit for some salient evidence along those lines, and we'll even note what he said, you know, the apostolic declaration prophecy that he gave regarding Kang He, when
Kang He was...the charges were just being brought against him before it went to trial and all that kind of stuff.
So a little bit of a long episode. Buckle up, we've got a lot of work to do, so let's see here.
Yeah, here it is. The media response to a current affair by C3 Church, and I found this to be supremely lacking in a lot of different ways, but we'll note that on the second night of a current affairs expose, they released this minutes after that aired, and so it says...here's
their response. Over the past two nights, a story aired on a current affair, raising a number of issues relating to C3 Australia, including our governance policies and an extremely unfortunate situation that occurred last year relating to marital infidelity by one of our former pastors.
Now I would note that, yeah, and the fellow apparently died. I mean, that's kind of weird.
But I'm gonna note that, okay, so the sexual misconduct, alright?
It was handled poorly at best, but let's not drill in on that, shall we?
Because you're gonna note that they talk about the misconduct of one of their pastors who was featured in the expose, but then they talk about Pastor Kong He.
Kong He should not be a pastor anymore, period. He embezzled how many millions of dollars from his church in Singapore in order to fund his wife's singing career, and have you seen the videos that were produced during that time?
Yeah, I don't even think I should talk about the words that come to mind when
I see that. Sun Ho's music videos, they are less than Christian.
They're kind of pagan and carnal, if you know what I mean. But anyway, so in talking about Pastor Kong He, they note that he was convicted in 2015.
He was imprisoned. This is most certainly true. A served his sentence was recently released.
He should never again be given any public forum to preach or to teach or whatever, let alone
City Harvest Church in Singapore. All of that being said, they never mentioned the fact that Phil Pringle gave an apostolic declaration prophecy thingy saying that Kong He would...that
his head would never be in jail or prison, and he was there for quite a while. We'll go back in time and listen to that.
Now regarding the National Redress Scheme, yeah, this is kind of a big deal because there are a lot of people who have been really hurt by C3 Church as it relates to the safety of children and other things.
I would point you to Carrie Ferguson as a salient example of that, and she spoke quite clearly about the fact that one of the
C3 pastors covered up a felony related to child sexual abuse of her son by her husband, and the
C3 pastor there knew all about it and did not do anything correct regarding handling that.
Anyway, so I think it's interesting that they say, well, we have until June, and then reumination agreements and things like this, but the one thing that they didn't talk about at all in their media response was the fact that Phil Pringle sells miracles, just flat -out sells them.
Yeah, he has these miracle offerings at the Presence Conference every year, and so he straight -out sells miracles.
We'll talk about that. We'll talk about Kong He a little bit on this installment of Fighting for the
Faith. So what I did is I made a graphic just for this installment. Let's do this, shall we?
So we'll put that up, and then let's go ahead and we'll do a little bit of listening to Presence Conference's past.
Presence Conference's past. As we listen to a C3 vision -casting apostolic leader,
Phil Pringle, and as he's selling miracles, and we're going to do this long form so that nobody can accuse me of taking him out of context, but listen to some of this stuff.
And that's one of the reasons I would do this, because things happen. It's not like...
I mean, how negligent would you be as a shepherd of God's people if they had troubles and you had the answer, and you didn't have the spine to bring the answer because you're fearful of a little criticism here or all that kind of thing?
All right, so the setup here is he's... this is from the 2010 Presence Conference. He was saying, you know, what kind of a pastor would
I be? What kind of a shepherd would I be if I knew the solution to people's problems and difficulties and stuff, and I didn't tell them, and instead
I was afraid of some criticism? What would be the answer that they're apparently looking for?
Well, let's listen again. God needs some people who will stand up for the price that it costs to bring miracles into other people's lives.
God needs people to stand up for the price that it will cost people to...
What? Listen to this again. God needs some people who will stand up for the price that it costs to bring miracles into other people's lives.
What is the cost of a miracle? And that's what we're doing here.
That's what you're doing there, standing up for the price that it costs for miracles. Exactly, and this is the way that God has said many times in Scripture that this will take place.
No, there's not a single biblical text that says that in order to receive a miracle from God, there's going to be a price involved, and you've got to pony up money.
No text says that. And so we invite people to actually get involved in bringing an offering to the
Lord that blows their mind about how they've ever given in times before. And when we do that, it just starts to blow open the heavens over our world, and things that have been stuck can get released.
So things that are stuck can get released after people give money to Phil Pringle and C3 Church during their miracle offering.
I would note again that the gifts of God are not for sale. This is over four presence conferences that she has had.
These miracles happen time and again. Now one of the things that Phil Pringle does is that during the presence conference, he trots people on stage to give testimonies of, yeah,
I emptied my bank account, and after emptying my bank account, I had miracles happen in my life.
Yeah, that's what he does like every single year during the presence conference. It makes me think that God is wanting to establish the fact in the earth that he still works miracles, that he's still in the
Western world. It sounds to me like God's supposedly establishing the fact that miracles cost money, which is not taught in the
Bible at all. Where do you see Jesus saying, yeah, listen, I know you're a paralytic, and, oh,
I know you were born blind, but, you know, hey, until you can demonstrate your faith, you know, nothing
I can do here. We'll have a miracle offering before I heal you.
Yeah, Jesus never did that. Isn't that weird? ...brings his presence into people's lives, that it's not just in India or Africa or in South America that God is raising the dead and healing the sick and bringing about miracles, but it's right here in Sydney, Australia, right here on Australian soil, in the
Western world, we can see the power of God happening in people's lives. And I believe this with all my heart, that God wants us to spread this conference and to spread our kind of churches throughout the entire world.
God wants them to spread their kind of churches, you know, the kind that fleeces people and charges people money for miracles.
Right. I don't think so. And I know that you and I can make that happen here today as we bring a miracle offering to the
Lord. The great things about these that I always find is that is that God is touching people who give to his purpose.
Cam and Emma, where are you guys? All right, so here comes some testimony regarding, you know, hey, you know,
God wants you to give lots of money so that you can get a miracle. And this doesn't really sound miraculous to me, but we'll get to that.
You come up here. I want you to come up here. And these guys have a story that I thought
I'd like them to tell. And so welcome, Cam and Emma Packer. Cameron, look at your little baby.
Beautiful, huh? All right. Young couple with a baby. Doesn't sound very miraculous to me.
You're clever. To get a wife like that.
I know, exactly. It's a miracle. Tell us the story. That is a miracle. How much of the story would you like?
There's four years worth of story. It's like, yeah, December 2004, April 2006, April 2007, April 2008.
Crazy. I'll just check out your notes. I came to Sydney in mid -2004 to do
Bible college. And I thought, okay, this is going to be a six -month stint, and then I'll go back to New Zealand and carry on with my life.
But God had other plans. In that presence, my first presence, 2004,
I didn't know it at the time, but both Emma and I were sowing for each other.
Sowing for each other. Yeah, they were paying money to Phil Pringle, sowing for a spouse.
Now, call me old -fashioned, but get this. I mean, my wife and I, we've been married for 31 years.
And I never sent a single dollar to C3 sowing for my wife.
Yeah, we met in high school, you know. And also, here's the thing.
Never once did I send in a seed offering so that my wife could conceive.
In fact, all three of our children were conceived without any financial miracle offerings being given to C3.
Yeah, I know, it's hard to believe it's even possible. I know most people don't conceive until they send money to C3, but yeah, you get the idea.
And that was... What do you mean? Sowing. So you gave...
The game was right here. So you didn't know each other? Well, I mean, she enrolled me in Bible college, but I didn't really know her then.
Right. She wasn't really... You were after him. She wasn't on the radar. You targeted him. Well, like a saundee would say, two excremosomes and a pulse.
What can she do? Where were we? That's right. So this was all totally new.
And I felt, you know, God tugging me. I was a student, and I had a limited amount.
I had a terms worth of fees in my bank account, and that was it. And I just felt God say, I want you to give that all.
And, in fact, it was actually so hard for me to give, Pastor Phil, that it was...
It was so hard. But, you know, he heard God telling him to give the money that was in his bank account.
And so, you know, by implication then, you know, the people at C3's presence conference, you know, hint, wink -wink, nudge -nudge, know what
I mean? Know what I mean? God's wanting you to empty out your bank account too, you know, because, I mean, we all know it's practically impossible to find a spouse or conceive children unless, of course, you know, you empty your bank account and give it to Phil Pringle.
After the night had closed, I went up to see if the F -Bus machine was still open. And I gave.
So you didn't give it to actually then? It took a little while. I was wrestling with it. Oh, right. And so then that was...
But it was just like obedience. It's just like God's nudging you. You can run, but you can't hide. That was 2004.
2004. I met him that year. 2006. What did I put for 2006?
You were due to get married. Beautiful. Apparently, he would have never met her if he hadn't, you know, put money in the presence conference in 2004.
Emma gave him the offering. Emma came during the day. She gave the miracle offering. While you were at work. While I was at work, just, you know, selling mobile phones as I was doing then.
And I came along the night, and actually a very good friend of mine said, you know, actually, you know,
God speaking through him said, you know, in so and into your future, what are you doing about it? And I felt
God say, I thought I actually received that word. I felt it was like it was from God. Right. So we went out.
We doubled what we'd already given and went up. And as we went forward, you pulled us aside and proceeded to prophesy over our life and over our future as pastors and the call of God on our lives,
God's provision, his abundance. Amazing. And it was at that point I actually felt like I became a son of the house too.
Yeah. After he gave money, he finally became a son of the house. Before that, he was, you know, just living out in the servant's quarters or something.
I didn't put that in there, but I felt like I'm home now. Wow. Yeah, that is amazing.
And then last year, we'll probably cut to 207. 207. Gee, this is amazing, isn't it? Believing for a new job.
Believing for a new job. It just goes on and on. It does. Last year, 207, I was believing for a new job. Yeah.
In fact, unless you give money to C3 and Phil Pringle during the miracle offering, chances are if you're unemployed, you'll never find a job either.
I've been applying for all kinds of work, and I was a bit tired of retail. Wasn't exactly what
I intended to get into, but God gave me a way out. And sure enough, I'd applied.
After eight months of applying for work, I got a job working for a drug company, which instantly doubled my income.
And God's caused favor. This is a legitimate drug company, right? Yeah. So, I mean, he got a way better job.
It never happens unless you, you know, give money in the miracle offering. Pharmaceutical drug company.
In the year 207 to 208 financial, I was the top rep sales to budget.
God's totally blessed me in that company. Finally, last year, 208,
I'll hand over to my beautiful wife for the story. Yeah. Excellent. Well, we decided that we probably weren't going to start trying for a baby until about 2010 when
I'd finished my uni degree. When she finished her uni degree, which means this is a young couple.
Okay? I don't know if someone's had the birds and the bees conversation with them yet, but human conception does not involve writing a check or giving money to C3 church.
You know, it just doesn't. During presence that week, God really spoke to both of us, and we just really felt that it was time to start thinking about a family.
So the miracle offering came, and we gave into it believing that the next year we'd have a baby in our arms.
And during that session, we just both just were so moved. There was lots of tears, and we just really felt the peace of God.
And then during the worship session in the next session, I just really felt this amazing presence of God, and then
I felt this vision, and it was sort of like a tap on the shoulder. And as I sort of turned,
I felt God handing me a baby, and I really felt in my spirit that he said, this time next year you'll be holding a baby in your arms.
And little Olive Rose was born 13 days ago. Right. It would have never happened. I mean, young couple, wife still in university.
Yeah, young couples rarely ever conceive, you know. And it's a miracle that any of them do.
But if you really want to guarantee it, you young couples, what you really need to do is you need to give a lot of money during the miracle offering at the
Presence Conference at C3, because then you can finally beat the odds and conceive and have children.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this miracle offering thing, you know, all these miracles that happen, it's kind of like selling ice cubes to Eskimos, man, you know.
Yeah, you know, young couples, conception never happens, you know.
This is weird. She's a miracle. Why are they clapping for this?
Man, we're really young, we've only been married a couple years, my wife's still in university, she conceived, and oh, it's a miracle because it happened right after the miracle offering.
It's amazing. That's fabulous. So each year it's like the miracle offering for us is just laying our dreams and desires on the altar.
And we have plans, you know, for our life, but when you give them over to God, He can do so much more with them.
Why does it cost so much money to give your dreams to God? We just trust Him every year with the big dreams and desires in our heart, and every year
He's just been faithful, and we've seen amazing miracles, things beyond our wildest dreams. That's awesome.
What you described really wasn't, in the truest sense, a miracle.
You know, guy meets girl, guy and girl fall in love, guy and girl get married.
It happens all around the world today, and even in Christian churches without miracle offerings.
And then guy and girl, after getting married, they decide they want to have a baby, and wouldn't you know it, you know, they do.
Again, my wife and I met, got married, had three children, never sent a dime to Phil Pringle.
In fact, I even went from retail to really good jobs, good paying jobs in the corporate world, and again,
I never once sent even a cent to Phil Pringle or any church for a miracle offering.
You guys are great. We love you. Amen. God bless. Yeah, thank you. Yeah. Fantastic.
Give them a big hand, would you? And I guess the reason
I'm saying this is because it's, you know, this offering is about miracles that extend wider than just our finances.
But I believe that... Again, he's selling miracles. You've got to put a lot of money in the plate, or even an
IOU. You know, you've got to make a commitment, and maybe even empty out your bank account.
That as we give in obedience to God, we're going to find ourselves triggered. Where is it say that we have to pay
God in order to receive a miracle, and that by doing so we're being obedient to Him? No biblical text says this.
Triggering amazing supernatural things. Now I'm going to back this up. Listen, this is a total quid pro quo.
It's like Tetzel from the time right before the Reformation. When a coin in the coffer clings, a soul from purgatory springs.
You know, when your dollars hit the C3 bucket, then God's going to open up the windows of heaven and make it rain on you.
Total quid pro quo. Listen again. Wider than just our finances, but I believe that as we give in obedience to God, we're going to find ourselves triggering amazing supernatural things in our lives, simply in obedience.
So give money, and it'll trigger supernatural things in your life. No biblical text says this.
And even beyond that, we are promoting and supporting and blessing the expansion of a conference that actually will meet the needs in people's worlds miraculously.
Yeah, this conference doesn't meet anyone's needs. It just fleeces people. And there are the number of places and people who are bringing the miraculous and the power of God to bear on situations seems not to be increasing, seems to be decreasing.
But I'm kind of on a warpath. I'm on a warpath to bring the mighty power of God, the fact that God is alive and He hasn't just got information.
He's got impartation that will change people's lives and turn your world around.
And I can't think of a better time for that to happen than right now, especially in people's financial world.
Yeah, so God wants to bless you financially, but you first need to empty out your bank account and put all the contents of your savings in the bucket at C3 Presidents Conference during the miracle offering.
Uh -huh. And I know that as we step out, we are going to find ourselves actually in the zone of miracles.
I'm going to ask Fraser and Tammy Rowe just to come up here real quick as well. All right, here comes another, you know, miracle testimony.
We put money in the bucket and blammo, out came a miracle. And Tammy's our worship leader today, and these guys have a great story to tell as well.
So they're on staff. Got it. Thanks, Fras.
God bless you. This one good? Yeah. We are excited. I was kind of nervous about this because it's the personal part of your testimony, not just an offering message, but for years since we started at church here, four and a half years ago, babe, we, uh, as we started, we kind of thought we wanted to buy in wholeheartedly and learning the heart of the house as well as the heart of our spiritual father and mother who we want to honor in our decisions and the way we, our belief systems as well.
So it's not, it's not a sucky perspective. It's the reality of coming into a home.
You get what I'm saying? So we started along those lines, and we'd always, I guess, viewed that we would, and determined to be generous on every occasion.
And so rise and build would come up, miracle offerings. Miracle offerings. They're selling miracles.
We would give into those up to sort of 20 times the amount that we had thought we would at any point in time and anything we've done in the past and loved it.
We're really enjoying it. So we gave up to 20 times. You should do the same too. You'll note that the purpose of these testimonies is to basically whip people up into a frenzy and go,
I'm going to get a miracle if I put thousands of dollars in the C3 miracle offering bucket.
No, you're not. You're just going to be out thousands of dollars. So we did that for sort of two and a half years.
Our accountant got mad at us for giving away 55 % of our income one year. 55 % of your income.
You should do it too. That was a good chance to talk to him though. So that sort of stuff went on.
Then two years later, after that level of giving, we had the worst two years of business.
Apparently it didn't work. Didn't work. And the reason I tell you that is not because I'm worried about that, because I know that a lot of you are in that place.
You've given and you've given and you've sacrificed, but you haven't seen yet. But I bring you a word of hope.
You don't give to God in order to get. What are you talking about?
That I'm right in the middle of now and that that is only your temporary position. That is not the description of you and it is not your status or a statement of your father's care or provision for your world.
So we walked through that. And even though I hate that moment, I love that moment because it's the shaping of my character.
When Tam and I go home and there's no microphone, no lights and no one to talk to, and we sit there behind a closed door with an audience of one, then we're measured.
Then the rose will be measured before the one who matters. And the decision will have to be made, do we believe what we say enough to continue or is it just sort of when it all works?
Yeah, you got to give even when it's not working. This isn't how
God works. God. Let me kind of put it this way.
Jesus taught us to pray our father who art in heaven. Yeah. So God is a heavenly father.
He cares about our needs. His gifts are given as gifts by our heavenly father.
They're not purchased. And so we persevered in that. We kept giving above and beyond double offerings.
We gave into the mirror. We actually both gave into the miracle offering and didn't realize till later. Can you remember how much it was?
Yeah, you did $2 ,000 and I did $10 ,000. $12 ,000 between the two of them.
$12 ,000. And the reason their testimony is being told like this is because the expectation is that if you're attending the
C3 Presence Conference during the miracle offering, you need to pony up.
You're not putting $10, $20, $30 into the bucket. No, no, no, no. You're giving 55 % of your annual income.
You're giving your entire life savings. You're giving $12 ,000 in order to get a miracle.
And that was, was that last year? I think it was last year. And so there's other times that we've done that and followed that through.
There's other times they've done that? That's not the first time they've done that? Wow. Now, I'm going to pause right there.
We're going to go back in time just a little bit. I think this is 2011. And in order to do this,
I've got to hide Phil Pringle here for a second. My apologies. There, I'm hiding him now. And we're going to note that back in the day, things got really awkward there for Kong He when the accounting discrepancies in the tens of millions started to be noticed and reported to the
Singaporean government. He was brought up on embezzlement charges. And all of the tens of millions that went missing from the church's coffers were for the purpose of funding
Sun Ho's music career, which never really took off, did it?
So what ended up happening is that when things started, when the
Singaporean government looked like they were getting serious about bringing charges against him, and he had the lawyer up, and all this kind of stuff, wouldn't you know it that Kong He went to President's Conference because Phil Pringle is one of the advisors, the pastoral advisors, accountability advisors, for City Harvest Church.
And so Kong He, in this video, he looks scared and he's worried, and he should be, because four years after this, he's going to prison for a few years.
And he's committed crimes like you wouldn't believe. And so rather than repent, resign, he held the pulpit until removed from the pulpit by the
Singaporean government. No joke. And let's listen in as he's calling for his apostolic leader to give an apostolic declaration prophecy thingy over him.
We'll see how that worked out. Tonight, is it possible, past days, 11 months,
I don't know what the future holds. I believe in God for complete deliverance. I believe in God to come through, not one night.
But I believe in the blessing of the house. Son, I would believe in apostolic proclamation and blessing.
Apostolic proclamation and blessing. He believes in it. And apparently his apostle is
Phil Pringle. Tonight, as the advisory pastor of City Harvest Church, as the apostle.
Did you catch that? As an advisory pastor of City Harvest Church. For you, as the gracious lay hands of God.
Can you all just pray for us? Amen. Amen, Father. Here right now.
Father in heaven. Deliverance is theirs. Yes, Jesus.
You circled us with songs of deliverance. Yes, Jesus. You turned our mourning into dancing.
The feelings of despair. The ashes replaced with the oil of joy.
What a victory this will be. Yes, Jesus. What a victory this will be. He's apostolically declaring victory for Kong He.
That didn't work out, did it? Though it's dragged on. Yes, Jesus.
It's only for a greater rope to hang the devil by. Yes. In Jesus' name.
Father, we pronounce victory. All right, he's pronouncing victory, man.
Apparently it didn't work. We pronounce conquering.
We pronounce deliverance. Deliverance, yay. Jesus' name, not one night.
Will his fair head spin behind bars? Lord God, your name is exalted.
We decree, declare, we prophesy in the name of Jesus. Not one night will his fair head spend one night in jail or in prison.
He spent two years there. A lot of good that did him. Yeah, apparently, you know, maybe
Phil Pringle forgot to put enough money into the miracle offering that year to get
Kong He out of the clink. You will glorify the name of Jesus through this great man and his wife and that awesome church that they have built by the power of God and in the name of Jesus.
So here tonight, Father, all of us stand together as the body of Christ, as the kingdom of God.
Yeah, so, yeah, like I said, that didn't really work out very well for Kong He.
And, yeah, it makes me think that Phil Pringle doesn't have any power to do any apostolic declarations and prophecies and thingies and stuff.
Yeah, his powers are weak. Anyway, let's go back to what we were listening to from the
President's conference is that, you know, he's selling miracles, man. Selling them, you know, and they're not cheap.
Expected to be tens of thousands of dollars, at least maybe like 55 % of your income that year and things and stuff.
And now you're in the middle of actually landing a really big contract, right? Yeah, well, yeah, we were strung out at the end of last year.
Those two bad years I told you about felt like a parasite got into our world. So apparently there's no way to like land a lucrative contract, you know, unless, you know, you cough up 12 ,000 bucks repeatedly during miracle offerings and thingies.
The parasite, but I had one client pretty much cost me $90 ,000 and then another client hold back $42 ,000.
And, you know, I'm a businessman learning in the middle of it and I get more diligent as time goes on, but also that was not a right thing to happen.
And it challenged why we would give and how does God, how do you reconcile those things?
But again, I reiterate that was never... Yeah, we gave tens of thousands of dollars, man, and no miracles were shown.
They lost money and yeah, man, God, how could
I lose money? And how could I lose money on this business deal? I gave $12 ,000 during the miracle offering.
Could it be that nowhere in Scripture we told that God's miracles are purchased?
...never something to be attributed to him. And my character was developed, my determination and my position on giving and the faithfulness of God was enhanced a thousand times over, so that even if I had no story right now,
Pastor Phil, I'm glad I went through what I went through in order to produce in me and Sam what that did. Right.
I'm so glad I lost all that money because it helped build character. Right. Now, middle of last year,
I got a phone call from an architect. I'd been praying for years. I'm a builder, build Prestige Residential.
I prayed for things. I prayed for financial release, that we could be generous on every occasion to the church and people and that we would have a good time.
You're wrapping me up. I'm so sorry. Prayed for architect relationships and space to do real men.
And I get this phone call from one of Australia's best -known, highly -recognized architects, even at a global level, who couldn't get a job approved through council.
And he rang me in the middle of nowhere to say, do you think you could give it a crack? And I looked at it, and it looked like a legitimate case, so I said yes.
And after he had labored on it for a year with his resources, I did it, and four months later we had an approval. Yeah, everybody knows there's no way to get government approval for an architectural schema, you know, for a building something, without at least, you know, giving
God tens of thousands of dollars during the Phil Pringle C3 Presence Conference miracle offering.
It's practically impossible. In fact, I'm surprised more people, you know, throughout the global economy have not figured this out.
Mike, it was favor. It was favor that I'm comfortable to say because I know where it comes from.
You bought it. It's favor. It's the favor of God, and I know where it comes from. It comes from the fact that I purchased it for tens of thousands of dollars.
Really, where in Scripture does it say you can purchase the favor of God? From there, I walked in with no competition in this tender, and we signed a contract on the 22nd of January for a $3 million project, the biggest we've ever done by sort of 1 .7
mil. Right, and he had favor that he purchased. And it's a great return.
It's a year -and -a -half's work for a builder in a climate where development applications... Yeah, in fact, sending money into the miracle offering, you know, you get a good return on your investment.
There's an ROI involved. Applications are down 49 % year -on -year, so you've got one -half the work for just as many builders, and I've got a year -and -a -half's work ahead with good margins, good returns.
It could have never happened if he hadn't spent tens of thousands of dollars putting it into the miracle offering thingy.
And it will take less time of mine. I anticipate 8 to 10 hours towards real men in my week, every week.
This isn't a miracle, by the way. I didn't have before this job. Awesome. So I thank God for that. That's great.
Good man. Well done. Yeah, yeah, wow, way to go. I mean, that's not a miracle, by the way.
I mean, I've just got so many great stories, and they're all too long. They're just stories.
These aren't miracles, and you can't buy God's favor. But so many people have discovered that there is something special about this moment in their life.
What's special about it is how much money you make at their expense. By the way, everybody who's put tens of thousands of dollars or significant percentages of their annual income into the
Phil Pringle presence miracle offering, they are also victims.
They are victims of fraud. They are victims of manipulation. They are,
I mean, this is just unbelievable. They're victims of Phil Pringle's greed, a man who's demonstrably a false teacher, false prophet, not an apostle, and somebody who's selling the gifts of God.
Yeah, there's a whole list of victims there that need to be remunerated for the fraud perpetrated against them.
And as I'm standing up here, I'm telling you, I get these, like, breezes blowing past me.
And Bino will clear that right up. You've got to understand there are anointings for particular things.
And there is an anointing for healing. Anointing. So there's a healing anointing.
Oh, okay, a healing anointing. Yeah, how do I get me one of them? There's an anointing for deliverance.
How do I get that? There's an anointing for growth in church life. How do
I get that? But there's also an anointing for prospering your world. How do
I get the prospering my world anointing? Where are those mentioned in Scripture, by the way? Any of those anointings?
And every one of those anointings are accessed by obedience, by a stepping out, by giving something.
I see. So all of those anointings, none of which are mentioned in Scripture, are, well, they're accessed by, you know, obedience.
Because nowhere in Scripture are we told that this is how we are to obey God. And by obedience we mean, well, you know, you've got to give a lot of money.
Yeah, you want to be prosperous, don't you? Well, you've got to be obedient, give a lot of money. Tiger Woods is a
Buddhist. How did he get so rich without giving a lot of money to C3?
I've never known anything to happen without me taking some step of faith.
And a step of faith isn't just a step. It's a step that we get nervous about, that we get scared about.
If it doesn't make you nervous and scared, you know, like, Oh my goodness, I can't believe we're going to give $20 ,000 in the miracle offering.
I'm nervous, and you should be. And I know that Chris and I, in this offering, are giving double what
I intended to do at the start anyway. It's all going back to you. So your giving is just a sham.
And I'm not sure we even chatted about this yet, but she might be planning on giving double as well, and send us broke.
Amen. But we won't be broke. Yeah, they're willing to empty out their coffers, man.
Although it's all going to come back to them. And, oh man, so you might be broke, but don't worry, you won't be broke.
I mean, this is a hard sell. This is manipulation of the highest order.
Notice the sappy music that's been playing in the background the entire time. This is all about emotionally manipulating people.
Oh, I'm in need. I need a new job. My wife can't conceive. I can't find
Mr. Right or Mrs. Right. And I need a miracle. I know,
I'll empty my bank account and give it to Phil Pringle in C3 Church. Then God will give me a miracle.
God's miracles are not for sale. You can ask God for these things directly, and you don't have to pay
Him a dime. He's your Heavenly Father, and He cares for you. We never have, never have been.
We've never lacked a thing. And we just stepped out recently to not take wages from the church.
And we will never go. We will never go without. There's a God in heaven, and you never discover there is until you actually step out in faith and find yourself in a place of lack, a place of need.
And then you find that He starts to come through in your world. And I would never want to lead you or anybody into a place of lack or of hardship or difficulty that I didn't know there's a
God in heaven who's going to actually hold your hand and get you to the other side. I'm going to put you in lack and difficulty, but don't worry.
God's going to see you through it. He's going to hold your hand after you have no more money left. Unbelievable.
This is criminal activity, folks. With far more than you ever dreamed could be possible.
Some of you are wanting a house. Some of you are wanting to see a breakthrough in your job.
You're wanting more business. You want a house. You want more business. You've got to give a lot of money to Phil Pringle.
Like Fraser, you're wanting something to happen in your world right in this offering, right now.
I want you to start writing down the amount that you're going to give. You want those things?
Well, you've got to write down the amount that you're going to give right now. Because you can't get those things until you give.
Bah humbug. I want you to start believing with your wife if you need to talk together as a family.
If you're a single person, just... Are you going to throw in a free timeshare after this? Considering on your own.
And as you take this step today and you believe God that you will find yourself walking into an area you've never been before.
You'll stretch yourself. If you haven't got all the amount that you want to give right now like Andrew Kabbalah and Janine did last year and they made a pledge of $50 ,000, they said this is what...
$50 ,000? They made a pledge of $50 ,000? What we're going to give over the next year.
You're welcome to do that. They'll be happy to have an IOU on that, yeah. We had a gentleman who did that,
I think I mentioned it the other day who put $770 ,000 in this offering. $770 ,000.
Like I said, this is a crime here. He's going to have to account for every penny to Christ on the
Day of Judgment. Selling miracles. Nowhere in Scripture are they for sale.
Selling God's gift. This is... I am sick about what I'm hearing here. And he fulfilled it over the period of the next year.
And there are other people who put in similar amounts. Yeah, similar amounts. Hundreds of thousands.
Almost a million. And it's unbelievable to me that as they step out they find themselves having the most unbelievable miracles.
This is not how God operates. At all. This is just straight out criminal manipulation.
I think you get the point. There's no point in belaboring it. And there's no way he can deny it. I find it fascinating that the media statement put out by C3 didn't address this fact and never mentioned that there were victims of this type of manipulation and criminal activity on his part.
So let's pray that the snowball that's begun heading down the hill regarding Phil Pringle and C3 builds momentum so that this fellow is drubbed out of the ministry or ends up in prison like he should be.
That's the best way I can put it. So if you found this to be helpful all the information on how you can share this is down below in the description.
And I'll just say this, is that fighting for the faith I can't promise you any miracles or nothing.
But I can say this, we can't do what we're doing here without your financial assistance.
So if you don't already support us so that we can keep exposing these types of charlatans and criminals who are making merchandise of people within the
Church all in the name of Jesus then if you don't already support us we really do need your support.
All the information on how you can support us is down below in the description. So until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ in His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.