AD and Marcus Talk About Practical Christianity and Entertainment

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Oh man, I wish I could send you the link. We are live.
Are we on your YouTube channel? We are live. Yeah, let me find the link. I was telling Marcus just now that I don't know what
I'm doing. He's like, send me the link. I should at least know that, but I don't. I'll get it.
We'll wait for some people to join while I'm finding this. I have it here actually. This is good content.
Oh man, oh man. I got it. All right, you got it?
All right, cool. Well, welcome everybody. We're doing a live stream. I've been doing these every so often and Marcus and I were connected last week.
I forget what we were laughing about, but it was something awesome. And he said, hey, let's do a live stream. So I said, let's do it.
Marcus Pittman, he is the CEO of Lore, Lore .tv.
And we're gonna talk a little bit about Lore and we're gonna talk about some other things. But Marcus, how are you doing? I'm doing good, man.
How are you? I'm doing fantastic. A proverbial life, Edwin says, is this one of those
Post Mill episodes? Yeah, it is. Oh man,
Marcus, you're that guy, you're that psychopath that wrote - I am a psychopath. The article, you're the guy that wrote that blog post on gab .com
about dispensationalism, are you not? Yeah, I am. Isn't that crazy? I'm still speechless about it, man.
Tell me how that happened. Well, he posted that he wanted some articles like refuting
Darby and Schofield's eschatology. And I was like, does he want mine?
And so I posted on Gab and I tagged him in it and I said, I'll make an article for you.
And he told me where to send it. And so I wrote the blog and he wrote me back an email the next day and was like, you nailed it.
That's exactly what I wanted. The next thing I know, it's like on the official Gab blog. And I was like, oh, this is awesome.
I mean, I don't think people understand the importance of Gab. Maybe in the future we will, but a lot of people are sort of snubbing their nose to it.
There's a lot of crazy people on it, QA non -people, racist people, and more importantly, probably liberals pretending to be racist.
But I haven't figured it out yet. Things like that. But I thought, man, like if white supremacy is such a problem and Gab is sort of the haven for white supremacists that everybody says it is, but we should be there.
Like we should be there sharing the gospel and using it to promote. Especially when you have a founder who's like, just, you know, like in cage stage
Christianity. I don't think he was converted, but maybe a few years ago. Yeah, that's right. And so like you have a guy who's really looking to use his platform to further the gospel.
And I don't think the response to Christians should be to sort of downplay its importance.
And we should encourage him and say, dude, let's go. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Let's use the tools you've made and like, let's go.
So let me just say something really quick here because the kind of, the article that you wrote, I forget, what's the title of the article?
Do you remember off the top of your head? He changed it to an eschatology of victory.
Okay, yeah, yeah. I think my original title for it was something about eschatology's impact on media and companies or something mundane.
But his title's better. Yeah, his title was better. So it's a great article, right?
And it's stuff that we've seen on, you know, some of our favorite, you know, blogs, you know, American Vision, you know, it's similar kinds of messaging and stuff like that.
I don't know what American Vision's readership is like, and I'm sure it's pretty substantial. But not only did this blog go out to everybody that, you know, follows
Andrew on Gab, but he also has an email list. It's like, what, like 4 million people? Yeah, he sent me an email,
I think the next day, after he posted it on the blog and said, hey, I just sent it out to 4 million people.
And I was like, okay. So my point is that - All right.
What an amazing resource, right? Like 4 million people just read an optimistic post -millennial eschatology of victory because Christ is going to win.
Christ is going to win. He's not gonna forget to ask his father for all the nations. He's not gonna forget one of the enemies is gonna be hiding under his footstool, but he doesn't remember that he's there.
Like he's gonna win for real. Right. And 4 million people at least had that message put into their inbox.
Yeah, and so like my thought on this the whole time, I'm thinking, well, why doesn't the
Gospel Coalition have a Gab account? It's unbelievable. Why doesn't Karen Swallow Pryor have a
Gab account? Like if white supremacy is such a problem, if it's like the biggest plague in all the church right now, they should be getting dirty, right?
Like they should be there. They should be the ones coming and offering
Soros money to Andrew Torr, but maybe that's why they're not there. There you go.
Because he can't be bought. And so I think that's probably a good reason why
I don't think they're there. But I think because they're not there. Allegedly. Allegedly.
Oh yeah, I mean, yeah. They're paying attention, that's for sure.
I guarantee you that. But I think it really opens up, it gives us a whole place to be able to...
I mean, these are people who are angry about the government. Like they have lost their jobs.
Like this isn't cosplay Christianity. This is, to borrow, it was your term, right?
Like you're, I know it was stolen from you, but. Yeah, no, LARPing, LARPing. Yeah, you called it LARPing and then they were like cosplay
Christianity. They don't know what cosplay is. They're not in that world. But go ahead.
No, you continue because it sounds like what you're about to say is what I was thinking when I read
Karen's article was that this is such textbook projection. What does she know about cosplay?
This is, right. She's never been to a Comic -Con. But this is projection though, is my point. Because she's fighting white supremacy everywhere where it ain't.
Yeah, right. Not that she's fighting it. It's like the Emancipation Proclamation. I'm gonna free all the slaves in the territories we don't control.
Right. But the ones in our territories, you know, they're on their own. Yeah, and so it's just this whole thing of like this, you know,
I think it really hit home when I was at the Fight Live Feast Conference. And I was talking to you, you were there.
This was the recent one that was in Tennessee. And it was like all these blue collar guys just hanging out.
Like, I mean, there was like George Grant was in like a polo shirt. Yeah. I was like, I've never seen George Grant like not in a suit.
And he's like walking around, just chilling, talking to people and stuff. And it just felt like there wasn't this like religious elite there, right?
There wasn't this green room. I think they did that on purpose. There wasn't a green room for the speakers to hang out in.
Like nobody was at like a higher level than anybody else. So, you know, Vati was just chilling at the table, talking to people all day.
And like when you go to even conferences like G3, like that's not the case. Like the speakers have big bodyguards with their, you know, fists, you know, in front of them, walking around everybody.
And you just get this sense of, oh, I'm glad to be here. But it's not the same.
And I think one of the things that I walk away from is under like this,
I think we're in this position now that the Reformation was where you had this religious elite, right?
You had this religious sort of group of people who were saying, this is how the
Bible is to be read. It should be in Latin, right? We don't want the commoners to get ahold of this thing.
The uneducated, the learned, as I think Karen Swalwell -Pryor used that in a tweet.
The learned. She said she had, well, it was a tweet. She said she had like learned people who reads her stuff.
And it's like, okay, I won't read your stuff then. She's got that, she is the big brain meme.
Karen Swalwell -Pryor is the big brain meme. By the way, what's up, Torba? Torba's listening. Yeah, what's up, man?
Torba's in the chat. Fantastic. Yeah, man. Yeah, so I think what we're seeing now is this decentralization where Lifeway isn't running the plays anymore.
Like Lifeway's closed, right? The Christian bookstores are closed. They're not controlling the narrative anymore.
And now you have social media. Well, even if it was like Facebook, even if it's
Twitter, well, Twitter for sure. Because if you notice like, and Twitter and YouTube are the
Gospel Coalition. They have no engagement on that channel. We could pull the stats right now. And like, you would see like they have, maybe last time
I checked, like each video was getting like 400 views. And that was with John Piper, right?
And it's just like, you guys, no way he's even paying attention. And the only time something gets like a lot of attention is when it's us mocking them.
And it's so obvious, like any like high school social media intern can figure out that they have no engagement and nobody's paying attention to what they say unless it's to mock them.
And like, you know, so part of me is like, they're losing their power and authority, but they're getting a lot of money.
Where is that coming from? That's another question. But, you know, so - And there's like micro versions of that too.
Like there's individual churches that have been split up and shrunk because of critical theory and stuff.
And yet somehow they're also getting more money than they've ever gotten before. Where they have like 10 % of the population, there's 10 % of the members, but they still have more money than ever.
It's very, very interesting. Yeah. And so, you know, you sort of see this, like they have, and so part of me has to wonder, like, do they care?
Because are they getting so much money that they don't care? And they just are being considered, you know.
I mean, Russell Moore's doing stuff with, with what's the guy's name? That he posted with like Obama's political campaign guy.
Oh, I don't even know, man. I forgot he even existed. Oh, yeah. But yeah,
I mean, like, but that's not small potatoes. I mean, like when you talk about like, you know, like on the corporate ladder to Satan, that guy's like right, like two steps under.
And then, so here's Russell Moore on his show, bashing the church and Christian, you know, the evangelical church and stuff.
And so they're in this whole different category. And I don't think they realize that nobody takes them seriously anymore.
And so you have these blue collar guys, like me and you, who are just normal people using the tools that, you know,
Torba has made for us. And, you know, a sort of new printing press that we have there.
And God's really blessing it. And I think it's such a crazy cut to the throat of the evangelical elite, because they don't have any power anymore.
You know, Wyman Taylor Bear in the comments here, he always has some insightful comments. And I actually tend to agree with this one as well.
He says that the lack of engagement is irrelevant to them. They just need to spew out false messages to demoralize people.
And this is the trick, right? Because even, I think he's right in many ways. Some people don't though.
Some people, these lower level guys, they're just doing what they think they need to do to climb these, they're not corporate ladders, but sort of, these corporate ladders, whatever.
So the point is though, that that's their attempt to demoralize. But the thing is, it's not working the way it used to, because there are lots of legitimate
Christians that are doing and building things that we've never seen before.
We've never seen the unlearned, the unwashed do these things. And so the demoralization tactic, it still works to a certain degree, but it's working a lot less than it used to, man.
And I think, you know, I don't know if Andrew's still here, but like the Gab story, man, like I have a video that I've recorded about Gab and why
I think it's so important that I haven't released yet. But it's just so funny because like they throw all their tactics at him.
You know, they call him an anti -Semite, you know, they call him a racist, you know, they de -platform him, he can't bank.
And then, you know, recently he was posting about how now investment bankers wanna talk to him.
So now they're tempting him. So now it's like, you can't go from not being able to have a checking account to investment bankers wanting to give you money without there being a play there.
There's a play there. That's right, that's right. And so anyway, they're throwing everything at him. And because,
I think the reason is because their demoralization tactic has stopped working with so many people.
And Gab is a place where you can go and you don't have to face these demoralization tactics anymore.
And all of a sudden we used to think we were alone, right? Like there's a pocket of Christians here in Idaho, there's another pocket over here.
And like, everyone's like, we're all alone though. Like there's so few of us. But now because they forced us into Gab, we all see each other.
We're like, wait a minute, we're actually not alone. And also I wanna add to that, what
I get from Gab is not the same thing that I get from Facebook. Like Facebook, mainly people are used like connect with families, which is good and valuable.
It has its purpose, but I don't have one ounce of trust in Facebook to build a business or a brand.
But when I go to Gab, I see people are building things, they're promoting their work, they're promoting the stuff they do.
Like they're using this technology, Gab, to build things. And like that is tremendously, way more dangerous than Facebook being used to share photos of your kids.
Because I think people are figuring out, especially with Gab ads right now, let me give a plug for that.
If you have a business to use Gab ads, because that has been, Facebook, man, it's cheaper.
And way more effective. We've gotten hundreds of emails on lore .tv. Probably at least maybe,
I wanna say, like close to a thousand emails through lore .tv and stuff, and tons of attention and stuff going through lore because of the
Gab ad platform right now. And we're spending very little money compared to what we would spend on Facebook for the same thing.
We'd have to spend probably maybe like, who knows? It's more money than our budget would have.
In order to, you know, and so, and we can run ads that say no more gay movies, which
I can't run on Facebook, but I can run on Gab. And so I have more freedom in sort of the content as a content creator.
And so there's a lot of power there. And I think people are using Gab as a way to build stuff.
And eventually, you know, the thing is, you're gonna get the grandmas to come to Gab, but usually before you get the grandmas to come to Gab, you gotta get the business owners to come to Gab.
You're right, like you gotta bring in that sort of market. And so that's sort of a thing.
But the thing I see is like with lore, what we're doing with lore, we started out saying
Christian movies shouldn't suck. And we didn't know how to get investors. We didn't know how to get content creators. We just had like one premise.
And it's like, we think Christian movies suck and they shouldn't suck anymore. And if we say it, the people who believe that too will come to us.
And that's exactly what's happened. And so I think, you know, what Andrew's done with Gab, we're doing with lore.
It's really, man, it's just really incredible. And so I just think it's really funny. You know,
Torba said, he said a little bit, he said, Big Eva hates Gab for the same reason the establishment
Republicans hate Gab and the ADL hates Gab. Is that they can't control us.
And that's exactly, you know, that's exactly it. And we're seeing that there's a market for companies who are bold.
And this is the thing, right? Cause like people have said similar things about me, you know, the content that I do and all that.
It's just, I'm just a wild man out there and stuff like that. And it's just, they can't conceive of someone that they can't control, but is still bound by a standard.
Is still bound by God's law, but it's not the phony baloney nonsense that they say is God's law, where you have to be perfectly nice to everybody.
And all of a sudden meekness becomes like being kind of weak, like, oh, you know, like a church lady kind of thing.
And nothing wrong with church ladies, because they're ladies, they're supposed to be like that. But like, so they hate the fact that people can actually read
God's law and say, hey, you know, meekness, Moses was the meekest guy alive and he was pretty based.
You know what I mean? Like they don't like that. And so, so yeah, I totally agree with that. It's out of their control and all of the usual stuff isn't working.
All the temptations, all the threats, all the name calling, it just rolls right off our backs now.
And, you know, Torba's like that. Doug Wilson's like that. You know, the Fight Last Feast guys are like that. You can try anything.
They wrote an article about me saying that I wanted sex abuse survivors to be executed.
And you know what I did when they did it? I laughed. Are you crazy? You think that one's gonna work?
The video is online. I'm proud of it. I didn't say that. Yeah. You know, when we're at the
Fight Last Feast conference, there were people there. I mean, well, I just give you, give a comparison. Like we go to the
G3 conference, which is a great conference, so I'm not downplaying it. But you have pastors and seminaries and the booths are all theological and academic.
And, you know, there's like five different sponsors of different mission groups that are all saying the same thing.
And then when you go to the Fight Last Feast conference, you got a guy selling guitars, like you have guys selling coffee mugs and coffee.
And then like there's actual people that have used Fight Last Feast conference to just promote their business that may or may not be theological in the core of what they do.
And I think, you know, there was a CEO lunch in there that was really great, where there was just all these people that were business owners.
And the premise of that lunch was like, just connect, invest with each other and build together.
And then, you know, so there's a real, like, I feel like there's a real power shift happening that just like in the
Reformation, where you sort of have like the micro dirty jobs of Christianity that's taken place.
And it's not cosplay. Like people are really losing their jobs. They're really feeling the weight.
I've talked to, you know, filmmakers who are having to find another job, you know, that work in Hollywood, and they're having to find a job because they won't get the vaccine and stuff like that.
So like there's a real thing happening where the religious establishment is completely out of touch with the people.
They think it's cosplay when people are actually losing their jobs or actually quitting their jobs because of what's happening.
And the government is really punishing people. Like there's, you know, they're not punishing them because they've obeyed and followed the rules and already seared their conscience.
So, and have no standard for what the government should and should not do. So I think now we're dealing with the common man who's getting their hands dirty and they're having to actually fight.
They're actually having to say, oh man, my kids should not be in government school. Now I have to learn homeschooling for the first time.
Never thought of this before. Like, this is real. Like, you know, my wife probably should quit her job and do this.
And it's going to take us down to one income. And now I might, the husband might lose their job at the same time.
Like, I guess the real concerns people are having and, you know, 10 steps to, you know, and enjoying the church no matter the thermostat blogs on Gospel Coalition aren't going to help you on that.
Like nobody cares, but nobody cares. So anyways. It's great.
This is a great comment here from Ted. The illusion that we need to play by their rules is shattering and you can't get it back.
There's just no getting it back. The funny thing is they still think people care about playing by their rules.
Yeah, yeah. And like, nobody does. Yeah, absolutely. Well, I mean, like you could probably think of some articles they've posted recently that are just laughable in the context of nature, right?
Like, it's just like, nobody cares about this. And like, this is not the sort of subjects that you guys need to be talking about with people you actually want to get traction and attention to their website.
And so, but again, I don't think that they're really, they just need to put on the illusion that they matter.
You know, Marcus, I've been saying that these people have been acting like the
Supreme Pharisees for such a long time, these big Eva goons. And the fact that Gospel Coalition and none of these ministries, the fact that they do not have a
Gab account is more evidence of this. So think about this for a second. If their narrative about Gab is true, so you just accept everything that they say, they're racist, anti -Semites, it's just a haven for iniquity, right?
That's what they say. So if that's true and they don't have a Gab account and they're not active on Gab, but they talk about the sinners over there at Gab all day long and how they're against racism, how is that different than the person, the
Pharisee who prays on the street corner to be heard, but he doesn't actually do anything.
He's just consistent, look how good I am. Thank you, Lord. You didn't make me like one of those Christians with a desire to get a
Gab account. Right, and all of the while, again, if you're taking them at their word, that being there would be, you'd be tainted, you'd be tainted by the racist.
Right. All the while, the iniquity that goes on on Twitter is through the roof. So it's like, so even if you take them at their weird delusional world, it just shows you that this is
Pharisee 101. This is the person who thinks that they're over here and you're over there and I'm just so grateful that I'm not like them and I'm gonna talk about them and all that and pretend that I'm against what they're up to, but I'm not gonna do anything to help them.
Again, that's taking them at their word about their narrative, which I don't think is necessarily true about Gab. Now, of course, because it's a haven for free speech, there are racists at Gab, obviously.
Obviously, just like there are racists at Twitter. There's just some racists at Twitter that are tolerated and others that are not.
Yeah, well, I think this needs to be very clearly said and this is to the gospel coalition, to the evangelical seminary elite.
If you care about white supremacy, then share the gospel and get a
Gab account and tell everybody on Gab, right? Tell the QAnon guys, tell the
Red Pill guys, share the gospel with them. And if you don't get a Gab account, then stop complaining.
Cause - Dude, are you trying to give them a heart attack? Yes, well - They're gonna come here and their heart's gonna stop.
I will, because this is important, because it shows - These guys have been, dude, these guys have been vaccinated.
You can't mess with their blood pressure, man. That's a good point.
Yeah, right, that is true. Just kidding, Marcus. You were about to make an important point. Well, the point is that they're not gonna do it.
They're not gonna see the gospel coalition with a Gab account. And so I think we need to be very public about this and then use this as a way to expose them that they don't care.
Cause they're not gonna say that social media isn't important, because they've already made tons of meaningless articles on the importance of social media, right?
So they know social media is important, but now it's like, okay, well, actually do something about it.
If you really believe that white supremacy is real, then go on there and share the gospel with people.
Yeah, and you know what? When they yell at you back, face them down. You gotta destroy every lofty argument,
I thought. You can't just be put - This is something that Ruslan said recently. He's like, the reason why he doesn't get canceled is because he's only talking about what he's for.
That's great. I'm glad to talk about what I'm for too. I do it all the time. But also we have to destroy every argument.
We have to defeat them. Yeah, you said that about Ruslan. Ruslan said that he doesn't... You said that's the reason
Ruslan doesn't get canceled. Allegedly. Allegedly. But yeah, well, right.
I mean, I don't know what Ruslan's for, so. You know what he's for though.
That's what he said. He's for anything. Whoever's the guest, that's what he's for. Unless it's a conservative, then he's not for that, of course.
Yeah, so. Anyway, but no, I think it's such a good point. And you got to lay down the challenge.
I mean, if you care, if you really care and you really believe this is real and this is the haven for it, then you got to get a
Gab account. You got to do it. Well, yeah, you have to get your hands dirty. This is the thing, like these people, this religious establishment, they're so in a high ivory tower.
They have no clue what's going on. And I think a lot of the disguise has come off in the past few months, especially since Biden's got elected, and especially since Russell Moore's left the
Southern Baptist Convention. You start to see that these people really are shedding their snake skin.
Oh, sure, 100%. It's really coming out. And so, somebody told me,
I was talking to somebody, and they said, the reason you know, no, they said the most dangerous time for a tear is at the harvest, because you can see what they really look like.
They bloom and you know they're tears. And so I think that's what we're seeing now, is that there's a harvest happening.
And it's happening in the least expected places.
I would have always said that reformation and revival and all this sort of stuff is gonna happen through Facebook.
And here it is on this website called Gab. Most people didn't even know about five years ago.
And so it's really cool to see, and I'm thankful that Andrew Torba is very active and using this platform to share the gospel and ban pornography and all this stuff.
And it's fantastic, man. There's one guy I was listening to that,
I forget who it was, and maybe someone can recognize what I'm saying, and they'll tell me. But like the principalities and the demonic forces and stuff like that, like they do work in the shadows for a time, but they always eventually desire,
I think, to reveal themselves, because they're very arrogant and proud. Demons are proud and Satan is proud.
And so like, yes, they'll be behind the scenes if it gets them what they really want. They do want to show themselves.
And so I think that what we can expect, well, I was watching a video today of this anti -racist psychopath from Twitter that I used to interact with.
And apparently he used to be a Christian and became an atheist. Then he was an editor -in -chief of Relevant Magazine after he became an atheist.
And then he became a deist again because he took some mushrooms and, I don't know, saw
God or something. So he's a good guy. He's a sorcerer. He's engaged in sorcery and stuff.
Relevant Magazine. Yeah, he's a sorcerer, necromancer, the whole thing, right? And I was thinking to myself, like, you know, we're gonna see people start to reveal themselves.
And this is a bombastic way where he's just admitting, yeah, I engage in sorcery. And then there's gonna be others that are gonna kind of reveal themselves in other ways.
I think the demons want to show themselves. And so we're gonna see, like you said, the snakeskin, it's gonna come off and you're gonna see who's who.
The fault lines that are developing, they're gonna become canyons. It's gonna be so easy. Right.
Well, you know, one of the things, I don't know if you've been listening to the
Rise and Fall of Mars Hill podcast. I haven't, no. Well, one of the things that's amazing about it is how, like, when they miss, they really miss.
And, like, all their conclusions, like, they identify a problem, but their conclusions are completely wrong, right?
So obviously, Driscoll, there's, you know, an arrogance to authority, and there's legitimate problems that happen there.
But they blame the patriarchy. They blame reform theology. They blame biblical manhood.
And then they play, like, you know, the best preaching Driscoll ever did as part of the problem, you know, in that podcast.
Yeah. And then they go and devote an entire episode to interviewing the guy who did
I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. What's Africa? Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's an apostate now.
And they treat him like a hero. Right. And it's like, this is a sort of, you know, big
Eva institutions that, you know, that this guy who wrote this book, and Josh is, what was,
I forget his name. I don't remember. I wasn't a Christian at the time, so. Okay, yeah, but, you know, and, like, this guy's still being treated as a hero, even though he completely abandoned the faith and is now teaching people how to abandon the faith, you know, for money.
And he's a homosexual as well, is that right? I don't know if that, I know he divorced his wife.
Yeah, I think he's gay as well. I'm not 100 % sure, but. Oh, man, well, you know, Josh Harris, thank you.
Yeah, that's who it is. Yeah, so, you know, Josh Harris is a complete pagan who abandoned the faith, whereas, and the reason
I bring this up is because it is the biblical teaching on reformed theology and biblical manhood that Mark Driscoll did get right that caused his elders to shut him down and to stop him, right?
Like, but whereas, in all these big Eva churches, you have all these narcissists, you know, and even, not even that, like, even in the
Southern Baptist Convention, you have people like, you know, well, what's the guy's, like Andy, you know, like the big megachurch pastors who are just complete narcissists, and they're going around and they're not getting shut down by their elder boards.
It's because they don't preach reformed theology. And so the reason I'm bringing this up is because reformed theology and getting it to the regular people strengthens them in such a way that can stop this nonsense that is happening within big
Eva. And so the point is that this teaching on reformed theology and biblical manhood is what is going to stop big
Eva, which is ironic because the podcast is done by Christianity Today. So they have to make an enemy out of the reformed theology.
They have to make an enemy out of patriarchy and stuff like that because they know it'll come for them if it don't.
Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I think, you know, and on the same woke preacher clips thing that I'm referencing, there's a woman who was also an apostate and she calls herself a
Christian atheist. And, but she said, but this is the important part. She's an idiot, obviously.
But like the important part though, is that when she talks to people and introduces herself and like gets involved in groups, she doesn't say that.
She says, she's a Christian just, and she says, it's to avoid confusion. And it's like, no, no, no.
It's because you like to lie and you're infiltrating these places is what you're doing. And the thing is, so we need to recognize that people like the mushroom, you know, shaman and this woman, they are purposely infiltrating
Christian places. And it's like, well, how do we, how do we know this unless they tell us? Cause this, this shaman came out and I guess his demons told him it's time to come out, you know, whatever.
But the point is, how do we, how do we figure this out? Well, the reason, the way you figure it out is because they were anti -racism and critical race theory and Marxism and social.
That's how, you know, they don't have to tell you that they're a demon possessed person. You just know that they're teaching demonic doctrine.
So you don't let them in. You don't let them teach. Yeah, yeah, that's absolutely true.
But they can't teach obviously. Right. Anyway. So you don't have to wait for the demon to reveal themselves.
You can just say, hey, you can't teach false doctrine in my church. Yeah, yeah. It's pretty simple.
It is simple. Didn't Jesus say something about a good tree and good fruit, something? Yeah, yeah, that's right. It's really amazing to me because you know about, you know,
I've seen this coming for maybe five years, but it's just so obvious now.
It's so absolute Marxism. It's so absolute a desire for communism. It's anti -capitalism.
It's all these anti -Christian views of government they're pushing and the critical race theory and stuff.
Like these people aren't even close to being Christian. You know, they tried to couch it and, you know, early on they tried to couch it at all.
This is just a difference in how we believe the government should work. It's like, it was never that.
I mean, like, because now you're saying that the government has priority over the church. It's because you worship the state.
All of this nonsense is because of people that worship the state and critical race theory is a way to give the state the power over classes of people.
And so everything is really just about government control with these people. Like they don't have a stop button, right?
There's not a place where any of these big Eva guys will go, well,
I think the government has too much power there. No, no. They like to pretend like there's a place like that.
They, you know, Lehman will say, you know, we need to reserve our capital to stand up. White supremacy is a place they should stop.
And mean tweets, mean tweets for sure. There is no place like that though.
There isn't. They're never gonna stand up for anything. It's like, that's like the federal reserve saying we're not gonna print money one day.
Of course they're gonna, they're never gonna do that. Yeah, yeah. How does
Lure fit into this? Like you wanna talk about this a little bit because Lure is your company.
And you think as far as I know that this actually is important for what we're talking about here.
I think it's important, sure. Yeah, let's talk about that. So one of the things we see now, especially
I think Netflix is the best example of this. Netflix has this problem.
I think, and like, I'm trying to figure out exactly like where their problem comes from because it seems to me in some sense, they like Dave Chappelle and they want
Dave Chappelle to be free to make the jokes. Like it seems like inherent in their worldview, they tend to be classically liberal in that sense of free speech.
But yet they've also invited in like the transgender community, right?
And so now we have this serious problem where Chappelle makes a joke about the transgender community.
And now the transgender community revolts against Netflix and the cancel mob comes out full force.
And so Netflix is in a situation that they've created for themselves where they have to decide between like Dave Chappelle's freedom to tell a joke, even if it's offensive or offending the transgender community.
And it seems to me that they've sided with Chappelle in opposition, but it creates a massive problem for them.
And now they're getting sued by some of the employees. I mean, they've opened themselves up to this, but it just shows like the failure of the worldview.
By the way, none of those people were complaining about cuties, right? When that came out and they're sexualizing children and stuff like that.
So - I mean, they're pedophiles. Pedophiles run the country. Of course, right? No problem with that.
I think they just made this weird document. I saw the article, but it was like,
I guess it's something with like Gwyneth Paltrow and like it's like sex and goop or something like that. I don't know.
But it shows some sort of like sexual therapy that's illegal in 49 States. And that's like part of the documentary.
And so like the article just came out and was like, whoa, whoa, Netflix. But it's like, so like they don't have a consistent ethic and worldview, right?
Right. They're just making it up as they go. But they do know, because this is the point
I'm getting to, is Ted Sarandos says, we have a firm commitment that the content on the screen does not correlate to harm in real life.
Now we would say that's preposterous because obviously they know that what they're teaching matters.
So GLAAD came out in response to what Ted Sarandos said and said diversity in movies has led to like transgender laws and gay marriage rights, right?
So GLAAD was rebuking Netflix and saying what you're saying is nonsense because we know that the diversity that you guys have helped do has led to gay marriage laws, right?
So my thing is, okay, what we need is a form of media that uses storytelling as the mechanism to help promote and share stories.
And you're not gonna get that with like PureFlix because they're owned and bought by Sony, which is part of that transgender problem in itself, right?
So there isn't really, and then VidAngel of course is Mormon, Angel City. Marcus, can I stop you for a second?
So if I'm following you, it sounds like you agree with GLAAD. Yeah, no, 100%.
Because - You heard it here first, Marcus Pittman. And GLAAD, they're just like that. Yeah, we agree.
God, you know, our chief content officer, Jason Farley said this and it's stuck with me.
He said that God never gives us law without encompassing it in a story.
That's true, that's so true. Yeah, so like Moses and the Ten Commandments, it's encompassed in this story, in this narrative.
Scripture is this narrative and then there's smaller narratives within scripture that for each accounting and retelling of the law that we get.
And Hollywood's figured this out. And so what they do is they bring in diversity, they make all these stories about homosexuals and marriage and all this sort of stuff.
And then when it gets to Congress, everyone's like, well, yeah, of course that should be a law.
We've been seeing this for 10 years in the movies, right? But with Christians, we don't have that.
Because I mean, the nonsense that we get from Christian entertainment is just pat yourself on the back sort of garbage and it's not controversial or edgy.
You don't see any Christian movies where the villain is a homosexual because he's a homosexual.
Like you don't see any Pureflex movies like that. You don't see any movie where the transgender community devastates a small business, right?
And like you would never see that. And so obviously now that Sony has purchased
Pureflex, you're definitely not gonna see it. You're never gonna see it, yeah. But you weren't gonna see it beforehand because that's just not what they were attempting to do.
And so what we wanna do is we wanna create edgy, controversial stories that encompass a biblical worldview, but they might not be like agenda driven in the sense of like, it's not gonna be like preaching or an altar call at the end of the story.
They're just gonna be stories. And so when you look at this, like, well, how do I build a media empire? How do I build a global brand?
Well, the best way to do it is to not do it and create a platform that lets other people do it. So what we're doing at Lure is we're creating a platform that allows content creators to pitch their movies and ideas to the subscribers.
And so the subscribers will be able to fund the movies and TV shows that they wanna see.
And the more subscribers we have, the bigger production films and TV shows we can do and stuff like that. And so it's a long game.
It's not gonna be a overnight thing. It's a long game. And we're counting on the fact that people wanna change.
They want a difference. And so the creatives that we've spoken to in Hollywood who work in Hollywood, who work at high levels in Hollywood, and you would know the work they've done.
Sure. If I said it. But they're looking for an exit strategy. Yeah. And they know it's not pure flicks because they don't wanna make nonsense because they're real artists.
Sure, sure. And so I think we're creating that sort of third way, but we're also coming in at it as the
MTV of Christian media, right? Like what does a Christian version of South Park look like?
Like those are questions we're asking. Like what does a Christian version of Rick and Morty look like? Like those are all like legitimate questions that I think there is a place for.
Question, Marcus. Let me just interrupt you here because JJ here asks, can we get an example of a movie that had been done in this vein?
Because I don't think he can even conceive of one and I don't blame him. Yeah, I think that movie with Denzel Washington, where with the
Bible, what's the name of it? The Book of Eli. The Book of Eli. I think that is a great
Christian movie, right? Like the violence is real. There's real consequences.
And the purpose is incredible. Like at the end. They kind of ruin it at the end though when they just put the book next to all the other ones.
I honestly believe a Hollywood executive required that shot because the reason I say that -
It's totally out of place. Because there's a mention in the movie where he says that this book has caused more wars than any other book in the history of the world or whatever, something along those lines.
And like, it doesn't fit there, but I feel like a Hollywood executive at the end made that happen.
Yeah. It's a good movie though. I like that movie. It's a great movie, but I think like that's the sort of context.
And like, I mean, even if you look at, second commandment violations aside, the passion of the
Christ, just the fact of the violence and the realism there, I think Christians, there's a place for those sort of stories.
There's a place for those sort of edginess. So you're talking about movies that are, maybe some of them are actually
Bible stories, but not all of them. Like some of them are gonna be just sci -fi, fantasy, dystopian type stuff.
Yeah, so we have a zombie comedy that you can go watch the trailer for now called Fall of the Dead. It's a zombie horror comedy.
And the premise of that is we get the monsters that we deserve. And it's about millennials who are so tied to their phone.
They don't know what's real news and what's fake. When events... So those are underlying principles and stories that are consistent with a biblical worldview, but it might not be a
Christian movie. It's just a good movie. Because Christians should be good storytellers. And a good example of this is if you look at God's creation,
God's creation is general revelation, but it's not special revelation. But the general revelation is
God's handiwork. It's his art. And it doesn't save anybody. So why is it that we think that our art has to save people if God's art doesn't have to save anybody?
And so it's possible just to have art that's beautiful just for the sake of it being beautiful.
And it doesn't have to necessarily have a sermon tied to it.
Yeah, yeah. So it doesn't have to be an extended version of a gospel track. That's what you're saying.
Right, that was a terrible idea. Yeah, whoever decided to start doing that was just... Like, Ben -Hur was an incredible movie, but it wasn't a gospel track.
Right. You know? And so those are the sort of things that we can make.
We have the freedom as a Christian to do that. I think Schaeffer said something along the lines of the artists who built the temple were instructed to use their gifts and talents, but they weren't given micromanaged details on every aspect of what they could do because God gave them the freedom to use their gift and creativity to help beautify the temple.
And I think that's sort of what our art should do. Our art isn't necessarily has to be, it doesn't have to be evangelistic, but it should be used to help beautify the earth and prepare it for the
King. Right? And like, I mean, I could get into this, but if you look at like, when
God created Eden, there were jewels that washed up from the river that Adam could have used to beautify the garden.
Yeah. And then those same jewels are required to be in the temple. And then again, those same jewels are required to anoint the throne.
So God dwells in this beauty and God's given us the materials and resources to build this beauty for him to reign on this earth.
And so I think artists have an important job here and it's to use the materials that God has given us to create art and to beautify the world and prepare the way for him.
Yeah. So let me ask you this. What would you say, because there's a woman on Gab who she does,
I don't actually really know what she even does, but she's well -known on Gab. She goes by a profanity, but anyway, she researches like conspiracy theories.
Oh, she followed me. Yeah. I know what you're talking about. Got it. Yeah. I actually like her content. She researches things that are what people would call conspiracy theories in normy land.
And it's very thorough research and she's got interesting stuff to say all the time. Anyway, one of the things, a few months ago, she was like lamenting about how like anytime she posts about something normal, like,
I don't know, going on a walk or like playing a game or something, people say that she's trying to distract them.
And it was like, well, what's the deal? Like I have a real life. You know what I mean? And so what would you say, Marcus? I know how
I would answer this. How would you answer this? We've got so many bigger fish to fry. What's the deal with lore? Like we've got, you know, we've got a country to win back.
We've got politics. Like lore just seems so unimportant. Well, how would you respond to that? You can't win the country back without propaganda.
And so Christians have no propaganda. We've given that to Hollywood, right?
We've given that to the mainstream media. We've given it to Fox News, our propaganda to Fox News.
And just, you know, if you look at like, I mean, even the preaching of like the
Blackrobe Regiment during the time of the revolution, the American Revolution, like they're filled with stories.
They're filled with just the way they preach their sermons were artistic and very highly evangelical and filled with scripture too.
And so I'm not negating the two or saying that we need more artsy, like weird big church services.
But what I'm saying there, there was an eloquence and a beauty and an art to the way they preached, but it wasn't just purely like Fox News stats that you see a lot on Gab, right?
Like, oh, you know, here's the latest COVID stats. Who cares about the COVID stats, right?
Like who cares? It's not real. Nobody, no liberal, no liberal. By this point, no liberal is going to convert based on evidence at this point.
You're not gonna convert these people based on evidence. Like, no, I'm serious, I really am. Because I mean, I've read tweets, tweet threads, or somebody posted the other day a tweet thread of a woman whose child went to the hospital for like arrhythmic cardiac or whatever.
And she's still talking about how glad she was that she gave this kid Vax. And like, that is not, that's not an evidence problem.
That's not a Fox News, Tucker Carlson report problem, right? Like Tucker Carlson is not gonna convince that woman.
Like that is a deeply seated, heartfelt allegiance to the state as God.
That's right. And so you need ways to counter that. You need stories, you need the gospel, you need all sorts of motives, you know, comic books.
Like all those sorts of things. Because we don't have government, we don't have education anymore.
That's not on our side. We don't have the media. That's not on our side. We don't have big tech other than Gab.
Like none of that's on our side. Like every, this is what
I wrote about on my blog that went up on Gab. Every major core institution is run by Marxists.
And they're not running their companies off of capitalistic principles. Like the airline industry's decisions to get rid of thousands of their employees to follow this in step with the government is not a capitalist decision.
Yeah. Like that's the God, the government is above us decision, right?
And the thing is, I think people, this confuses people because they made the decision to make money. But look, there were companies in Russia that made a lot of money.
Making, wanting to make money is not, doesn't make you a capitalist. Right. Because there's ways to make money and be a complete tyrant.
Right, right. Like big Eva's are not capitalists. Right. They're not capitalists but they're making a lot of money.
Right? So there's ways to get money and have no idea about capitalism. And so I think like that's sort of like the thing, the thing you see is we've abandoned business.
We've abandoned media. We've abandoned technology like Coca -Cola, food, like food supply.
Right, all those, everything's run by Marxist at this point. And so we have a real concern that it's not just media on Laura's end that needs to be decentralized and regulated or deregulated from the gatekeepers.
It's food, right? Like the FDA's rain on food, like all those things need to be disrupted.
So it's, you know, what Gab, Andrew is doing with Gab, what I'm doing with Laura, all these sorts of things, like all these industries need to be built by Christians.
And I would argue that it's easier to build these big businesses than it is to think that we're gonna take back the gospel coalition.
Right? Like you're not gonna do that. 100%. Yeah. You're not gonna like, you're not gonna send a riveting tweet to Karen Swallow Pryor and get her to repent of her feminism.
Like it's just not gonna happen. And let's go back to Gab for a second, because this is what's so, this is why they're tempting
Andrew with money now. They're gonna try everything. I mean, you know, honestly, Andrew needs our prayers because they're gonna throw everything they have at him.
They're gonna try to do anything that they can. Whatever temptations normally work on people, they're gonna use on him. Because here's the thing, guys, we're all in this one space now because, you know, some of us are still in Facebook and Twitter and some of us aren't, but we're all like to get -
Some of us have to be. Yeah, I get it. For our jobs and - I get it. Companies and stuff we're building, yeah. Well, there's,
I'm on LinkedIn. I, you know, I have to use it for my job. It's a cesspool there - LinkedIn's incredible. But I just, I use it. My pronouns on LinkedIn are
CEO slash boss, by the way. So, they asked me what
I wanted my pronouns to be. And I was like, do I have to do this? Okay, here's what they are. So, anyway, so my point though is we're all together now.
And the thing is, we actually realized there's a lot of us and now we're seeing people starting businesses and we're seeing people that have this freedom where they're like, look,
I know this is gonna be tough, but I don't want to be in a position where I have to sort of go with this insanity.
I don't wanna go down with Babylon. So, here's the reality. And we're building this stuff and we're all kind of feeding off each other now.
And the thing is, they need to stop this because if someone realizes that they can actually build good content, not through Netflix, who knows where that's gonna end up.
They wrote an article about a little town in Idaho in the Guardian, because they're terrified of Doug Wilson and what he's up to.
Wasn't that a great article? This article - Yeah, what's the headline?
Pull up the headline. Can you pull up the headline for that? Okay, here's the title of the article. It's from the Guardian. Make it a
Christian town, the ultra conservative church on the rise in Idaho. And this is fear.
They wrote some fear porn about Christ's church in Idaho, about how they wanna make it a
Christian town. And it's hilarious. I was talking to you, Marcus, before we went live and I was like, it's like experts say that the church makes up about 10 % of the town.
And number one, 10%, that's a lot. Number two, you called it experts for this?
They're terrified. They're writing fear porn about a church that's too theologically conservative and too biblical and too godly and has too many people.
They're scared. But the sad thing is, Big Eva has surrendered the idea of towns becoming
Christian. Yes. Right? So within the elite circles, this is a crazy idea.
You know what I mean? Like none of this, like this stuff is nonsense. The Russell Moore isn't talking about how to make a small town into a complete, like Tim Keller is so fixated on cities.
He's never stepped foot into a rural town. You know what
I mean? And as someone who lives here in Moscow, we moved here. One of the reasons we moved here was when we got our first investor with Lore.
I told my wife, I said, I need to be around men who have built businesses. I need to be around men who have built million dollar companies because I don't know how to do this.
And I need to be around godly counsel and fellowship and wisdom where that can happen. And that's one of the reasons we moved here.
And it's attracting a lot of other people to do the same. And like, it's very dangerous for the elite academic class who've never run a business in their life before, who've never had to figure out wages versus cost of goods for their company, like those sorts of things.
Like they don't know that stuff. They don't know.
This is gold. This is like, when you know that an organization is writing fear porn and they're writing it and you're like, this is so great.
Like it's such a good feeling. Wyman Taylor Bear says you can easily control a town with 10 % of the population.
He's right. But here's what should really strike fear in the hearts of all of these pagans.
If you think about the businesses owned in town, probably more than that. How do you like them apples?
But also, also too, just to mention outbreeding. Demographics, bro.
Like the liberals in Moscow aren't having 10 kids, man. Right? Like they're not doing that.
They're having abortions and all the other stuff. And then - Want to hear something also that's amazing? Ready for this one?
Yeah, go ahead. Universities are probably not gonna exist in the future. And when the college is over, it's a done deal.
You gotta hold on to that college like grim death. Yeah. Because once that's gone, it's over.
Moscow is now a Christian town. There's nothing in the town but the college, right? And they almost bankrupted themselves last year anyway with the
COVID regulations they imposed on themselves. And then that just started people already are like now indoctrinated to the idea of just,
I can get my college education from online school. Like why do I have to actually go to the
University of Idaho? Why do I have to go to the University of Washington? It doesn't make any sense. And then that on top of all the stuff that Mike Rowe's been pushing for years about a blue collar millionaires.
And I mean, I watched Dirty Jobs a few weeks ago. And I mean, these guys are millionaires.
Like these plumbers and stuff, these people that are, I love
Mike Rowe's Ted Talk where he talks about how he met the farmer that was neutering the goats.
And he was just like taking a knife, cutting the thing and then like using his teeth. And then he told him, he said, you can't do that.
We can't film that. Like, we can't do it. And he's like, well, we can do it the way the Humane Society says.
And they put a rubber band around the sack and then the poor goat is like limping for days.
And Mike Rowe goes, why is it we think the people in these institutions know more than the guys that are actually doing stuff every day?
Right? And like, and that's the thing like, and I think like, but he's been like propagandizing.
Because a righteous man has regard for his beast. And pagans don't have regard for anything except themselves.
That's right. Yeah. Well, I mean, my goodness, look at the beagles. Those are the people we're taking our moral cues from.
It's hilarious when you think about it. Unbelievable. It's yeah.
So the point of that is just to say that, that like, like it is possible for those everyday laborers, those commoners that sit in your pews to know more about stuff than you do with your seminary degrees, right?
Like, like that it is possible. And I think, you know, what we're seeing is that they've sort of built that ivory tower so high that nobody even knows what they're talking about anymore.
And they're completely not relevant. And they're dying. They are dying. I think like, that we, like we need to emphasize that all the more.
The Gospel Coalition has no social media engagement. Yeah. They like, nobody is watching them on YouTube.
Nobody is retweeting their tweets on Twitter. Nobody's listening to their podcasts. It's just not happening.
Yeah. And so they have a very small group of people that they influence and they use that little influence to influence the influencers of these other local areas.
That's why you have regional Gospel Coalition groups and stuff like that. Let's go back to Gap for a second. It's working so poorly with some of these guys that the
Soros money, whatever it is allegedly, that now they got to try to tempt Torba. Like guys, your money supply is going to, they're going to lose interest in Gospel Coalition.
These pagans are not going to give you money anymore. They realize that you're so worthless.
It's worthless to give them money. So they try to tempt Torba now. That is interesting, right?
Like that's such a great point. It's like, well, why are the investment bankers going to Torba? Yeah.
Who has a platform filled with, you know, an incredible amount of racism and white supremacy, allegedly.
And some lunatics writing about post -millennialism. And some lunatics writing about post -millennialism. You know, and this is something we need to be, we need to pray for Andrew, because it's easy.
Same thing with Lore. You know, we have a very high evaluation that we started out with initially as a means to keep the
Marxist out, right? To only get people who invest in such a way that they actually care about the mission.
And so you have to do that. And it's going to keep wealthy investors out.
And it's going to make it a lot slower. Look, it would be, look, Christians spend,
Christian investors spend $10 million on God's not dead all the time. Like those movies all the time, right?
Like people write checks for unplanned for millions of dollars. Like all these Christian movies, right? No one's written us a check for $10 million to build a platform that can make all the movies, right?
And we would have to be very cautious about anybody that came to us and wanted to do that. And that's because we're trying to build a platform that allows us to mock and fight wickedness in such a way that our creators are free to make what they want and they don't have to fight.
So like the platform will fight for the creator. And we can't do that if we're fighting internally with our own investors on a bureaucratic copy that goes out in emails and make sure it's worded right and that sort of thing.
Like it just can't be done. And so the people who are with us now are going to be with us for the long haul and they know it's a long haul and we're going to build something over time that can have a lot of weight.
Just think about it. Like imagine if there was a company as big as Netflix and they just dropped the documentary series exposing the national partnership in the
PCA, right? Like that just, I don't know if you heard about that or the leaked emails, there were email leaks.
I'll mention this to you. Great. I'll send them to you too as well. Please send it to me, yes.
It'll make you great content. But they were saying that there was no secret group within the
PCA that was trying to make these liberal agendas and determine the motions and make sure that they have all the votes in order for different things to pass or whatever.
And it turns out that there was, it was called the national partnership and all those emails got leaked.
Brother was in that group like somehow because he's Puerto Rican. I know that exists. They just let him in.
Yeah. And so those emails were leaked and Brian Chappell's in there and all these other guys, you write like all these people pushing the homosexual stuff in the
PCA. But imagine a global brand, a big global brand that just says, here's a documentary exposing this nonsense.
Like it would just completely end them, right? I mean, imagine like a company like McDonald's that were to put out like just on all the
McDonald's, imagine if McDonald's put out like thou shall not murder on their
McDonald's cups the week before like the
Supreme court was hearing an abortion case. Sure, yeah. Like this is the importance of having these global brands.
It's because they're pushing it. McDonald's is pushing pride cups. They're putting pride stuff on their cups, right?
Like, so it's really, it's not a matter of whether or not your business is used for political propaganda. All businesses are used for political propaganda.
Even if it's just, you know, the wealth that you're storing up to educate your children from the business, that's propaganda too, right?
You're using the money and the wealth and the stuff from the company to educate your children and for generations to be able to give them privilege based on their skin tone, right?
So I wanna ask you about Laura one more time but I do wanna interrupt here and I wanna post this here. And I agree with this as well.
I told you this guy, he always has good interesting comments. Basically he's talking about the powers that be.
He says, to be honest, they probably think they can sway Torba. They've done it to many before him. From what I understand, he's a legit believer though.
So I don't think they understand what such a man is like. I agree. I think they think they can get to Torba. And so all the more reason to pray for Torba because they'll do whatever they think they can do.
They do it with money, power, sex, whatever they think they can get you with. That's how they'll bait the hook because these people are demons, many of them.
Now, let me just say one more thing though, because on Gab, this is something I've been thinking through as well because it's like awesome to be with a bunch of people that don't think like the zombies on Twitter.
It's great to know that we're not alone. But I started thinking, what if there's a danger though about maybe thinking that we're more than we are, right?
Because now we're all together, we're condensed in Gab now. So maybe it seems like we're like a big, huge army.
So I was thinking, is there a danger to fall into the other pit? And then I started caught myself. I'm like, okay, let's say
I fall into that pit where it's like, we think we're stronger than we are, right? Where these Christians, nationalists, these evil
Christian nationalists that God forbid want to make the world Christian. Wow, that's horrible, right?
Yeah. Let's just assume that we're less than we think we are. We think we're more than we are. Wait a minute, we've got
God on our side though, right? So does it matter if we're smaller than we think we are? God's on our side, right?
So the opposite error is actually not an error. So if we overestimate our power, we're not overestimating our power.
Well, if you overestimate your power too, God will reduce your army size even more.
We have this from us. We heard this in a story, did we not? Yeah, with Gideon, right? Because Gideon wasn't the one who won that battle.
No, and God wanted to make sure people knew it wasn't Gideon that had anything to do with that win, right? So he picked the, you know,
I joke about, you know, what we're doing with Lore is so audacious.
The vision and the plan and the goal to build a global brand like this is like, we have no idea what we're doing.
Yeah. And I'm like, I like it that way. Like who says we're going to build a brand and build a major Christian brand by saying that Christian movies suck.
Like that's absurdity. Everybody told us not to do that. I got messages from people very early on.
Do not do this. Do not like that. And you probably thought to yourself, we're going to say some worse stuff than that. So yeah, buckle up.
Yeah. Well, you know, the slogan says Christian movies shouldn't suck. It doesn't say they do.
It just says they shouldn't. And so we were told that nobody would want to work with us because we were attacking all the, they would say like, it was sort of like some big
Eva language, got a message from a filmmaker. And he said, I'm just really worried that, you know, these filmmakers that aren't that good, but they're still on your side, right?
You're going to offend them. And it's like, well, yeah, but what they didn't see is all the Emmy award winners that are in Hollywood that have called us and said, how can
I help? Like, you know what I mean? Like the guys who aren't that good, like they shouldn't be making movies.
They should have another job, right? Like, you know, this isn't a church choir. You know what
I mean? I've heard some of the names and it's not a church choir. Let me just say that. Well, that's what people think
Christian film is. It's just every, you know, it's everybody in the church that wants to sing gets to get to be a part of the choir, whether they're good or not.
And then, you know, you have these really terrible concerts. Like I know about them. I grew up in a
Southern Baptist church, right? And so, yeah, right, right. Well, who me? No, no, no, no,
I did. Oh, you did. Yeah, a hundred percent. And I was a kid. Oh yeah. And so, but film is a business, like it's a capitalistic endeavor.
And if you're not good at it, you don't need to be doing it. Like there are people who are making a living making movies that shouldn't, right?
I actually think there are people that are insulting God by making movies that are really bad and they're getting paid money to make a living doing this.
And I don't think they have the talent or the skill to really be able to do it. And so one of the things about capitalism is it pushes an industry forward and it forces those who are skilled to get paid well and those who aren't skilled to not be able to make the cut, right?
And so that's one of the things, like it's already done. It's already pushing things forward.
I think there's all sorts of, I mean, there's people using our language, they're copying our language in their ads now.
I won't mention the names, but it's like very clearly my podcast talking points in their ads.
And we're like, okay, but we're pushing it forward. You know, like we haven't made a dime.
We don't have a single subscriber and already forcing them to rethink. So Marcus, why don't you tell them how you really feel then so they can copy that stuff too.
I, yeah. I actually, you know, I was thinking about maybe you don't do that. Repent of Mormonism.
That's how I really feel. Ah, there you go. So I love that one. Yeah, you just told us everything. Hey, so Marcus, so what can you tell us about time?
Allegedly. What can you tell us about the timeline here? A few people in the comments are saying, hey man, when do
I get some content? When's this gonna launch, man? And if you can't tell us, tell us what you can tell us.
I'll tell you exactly where we're at because people think we're just talking and we haven't done anything. We've signed about 10 to 12 contracts for content, which is tremendous.
So those are deals that we've made on, we like, like you said, we don't have a multimillion dollar budget, right?
So our content is really great. It's really, really good stuff that'll be coming.
And then the main thing right now that's happening every single day is we have about maybe eight.
I don't know the number now, which is really cool. Employees that are developers that are developing the website backend and stuff now.
Wow, that's amazing, man. It's cool to not like know the number offhand. I think that's really, it's really cool to see how that is.
But this works, you know, just advice for anybody who's doing a startup company. This is mainly,
I'm sure Andrew Torba had the same thing when he was doing Gab. You know, there comes a point where you have so much money, but you're not at the point where you can hire full -time people because you don't have like the health insurance benefits and stuff that they're getting at other companies from your family.
So what you wind up doing is taking some guys who are part -time and you're squeezing drops of hours out of each of them as much as you can.
So, you know, you have eight to nine guys and you're trying to get, you know, maybe two full -time employees from eight to nine guys every week.
And so that's just sort of the thing. And that's just a capital problem. That'll be solved once you can prove that there's the market works and you're bringing in money and income.
And every startup has the same thing. This isn't a thing. So right now what we're doing is we're about to, we had a meeting today to discuss the internal economy, how
Laura will fund films, the numbers, stuff like that. And then hopefully by the end of the year, the plan is by the end of the year, there'll be a closed beta that we'll privately invite people to.
We'll run some data, get some statistics, figure out users, how they function, how they fund stuff, all those sorts of things.
And then hopefully early next year, very early next year, I think the plan at least hopefully would be first quarter for sure.
We'll start actually, we'll do an open launch. So that just all depends on how the beta goes.
And so the closed beta. So very exciting, man. It's really close. It's really close.
But this thing takes time to build and we're not trying to, we're not doing a
Vimeo OTT website. Like we're not, I mean, we could very easily go to Vimeo and we could pay them a thousand bucks a month and we could throw movies up there and say, hey, subscribe to the
Lord. But we're not, we're building a whole technology, a whole funding mechanism, that might have uses in areas outside of movies, right?
So it's completely different than what anything exists right now. And I think it's gonna be very useful and I'm looking forward to kind of seeing where it goes.
And I can't say any more on that, but I think it's not a WordPress blog that we're converting into a streaming site.
It's a custom. I don't know if I've ever told you this, Marcus, but you know that I am a recruiter, a tech recruiter, and I work with a lot of startups.
And what I always think when I work with a startup is like, okay, so they've got a product and that's great.
But what about like, what can this technology do that's not this product? Because there's some money in that, you know what
I mean? And that's actually always been the interesting part. I like movies, you know,
I'm not a movie buff like you are probably, but I like movies. I like that kind of stuff. But what's interesting to me is that whole internal like economy and the way that things get, that's so interesting to me.
And I'm not gonna say anything more than that, but the point is like,
I'm glad you guys are talking about that because that's not easy stuff to figure out either. Like that does take some time.
And so I understand why people are anxious to see what happens and what the content is like, because that's what most people that are watching the stream are interested in, the content.
But you also have to get all this other stuff ironed out too, to make sure that this is a concept that actually can make money.
Yeah, art is part of it, but technology is just as big, right? And then getting subscribers is huge, but also getting filmmakers is huge.
So there's two different audiences, there's two different markets that we have to capture. And then there's two different kinds of consumers that we need at developers, right?
We need developers of art and developers of technology. And so it's a massive undertaking. And it's,
I mean, a lot of the tech stuff, I'm not a programmer or coder, but I know when people are good at their jobs and I know how to hire people and trust people to do what they need to do.
And everybody we have on our team is a rockstar and they're working for Fortune 500 companies on the side.
Like they're not Indian contractors overseas. It's legitimate, it's a legitimate company.
We're building a legitimate Silicon Valley technology that's not in Silicon Valley. Brother, I love that you said that because like,
I want people to know, cause you know, some of our enemies watch this show and we're everywhere guys, we're everywhere.
Yeah. I've got customers. I'm telling you, man, that has been awesome talking to some of the guys that work for us and just knowing that they exist there.
And just, and some of, you know, even some of the investors we've spoken to, it's like, you're there, like they exist.
You know, a lot of them are like Daniel and they're putting their heads down and they're doing the job. Yeah, I talk to people, it's funny.
Like I've got some up and coming startup customers that are just growing lots of investment there.
I've got customers at all the different various levels, series B, series C, you know, whatever, all that stuff.
And the thing is like, a lot of them know about my channel and they don't care. They don't want anyone really knowing that I'm their primary recruiter.
They don't care because they need the service and they like my service and all that kind of stuff.
And we're everywhere. And there's a lot of people that don't care about your woke mob and they're just not ready to come out yet, but there's a sleeping giant man in this country.
We're everywhere. We're everywhere. That's what's so great about the parallel economy.
I'm sure Andrew Torba could probably testify to some of the people he's probably hired that have worked probably for Google and Apple.
I'm certain of it, right? Like I don't know anyone specifically, but I'm certain that because the demand in these companies from these employees in these companies to work for somewhere that's going to protect them is huge.
This is why Red Balloon is blowing up right now. The timing like wasn't even planned, right?
Like it just came about as a need and it's exploding. Right, yeah, like I love
Red Balloon and what Andrew's doing with that is just, I can't wait till Laura gets to post one ads on Red Balloon.
Like I'm super, like that's a goal of mine. I'm super excited. I have like moments in our company, like goals in our company where you buy a nice whiskey, right?
Like those are the most, and like our first one ad that we post for like a full -time employee on Red Balloon, like that's one of those.
Yeah, that's one of those moments, right? And so it's just like, but it's exciting to grow it.
Like it's exciting to see it happen, to see it take place. Just some of the, just man, just to know that there's like really rock solid post mill, post mill artists, visual effects artists, prop makers, designers, filmmakers, and they're like at high levels of Hollywood, Oscar winners,
Emmy winners, all these sorts of things. And they're contacting us and saying, just an example, because there's no product yet, people think we're just talk.
Over the past month, Jason Farley, who's our chief content officer, has said the level of pitch meetings that he's been in over the past month has changed from independent filmmakers who are just trying to make a film for the first time to actual professionals who know how this business runs.
And it's because words are already getting out in conversations in the shadow. And so part of this long play, it's absurd what we did, but it was just like, we don't know how to do this, so we're just gonna talk about it.
And then the more we talk about it - You get my evil laugh. Yeah. Well, when we started this, we were like, yeah, we don't know how to do this.
So we're just gonna talk about it openly. And we know that people can't steal our idea because they don't have our worldview.
So because the content really is gonna be the differentiator and no one's gonna do that. Of course, yeah, of course. And so we're like, let's just talk about everything as much as we can.
Let's talk about where we are at in investment. We've raised $400 ,000. We need 500 ,000 to close the round.
We're close to doing that. We should do that in the next few weeks. So we've spoken very openly about these things and it's only benefited us, which is in complete opposition to the
NDA world of Silicon Valley, where you don't talk about anything. And so that's really been a blessing,
I think, to see that. And it's really been coming along and there's a lot of stuff happening on the back end that is far more than talk.
Yeah, no, I hear you. It'd be so much easier if we were just stealing the investor money.
It'd be so much less stress. We're gonna wrap this up in just a minute, but let me just say this too.
I talk to software professionals all day. That's all I do. And there's so many people that...
Well, number one, there's a lot of Christians out there that are in big tech that are planning exit strategies now. At this point,
I've talked to, I don't know, maybe 20 people from Google, Amazon, like the whole nine yards.
And some of them are public and some of them are kind of like hiding right now, but are planning their exit strategies.
The point is though, even non -Christians are starting to recognize that there's something spiritual happening in the country and in some of these companies.
And they don't know it yet. They don't know what is really the problem, but they recognize that there's a problem.
And they'll talk to me and they'll say this. It's just like, everyone went crazy one day. And I'm here and I'm not crazy.
And everyone else went crazy. And I don't know what that's all about. And they might not be Christian, but those people, in my opinion, and this is just my opinion,
I'm not saying this is the Bible, but they're ripe for the plucking, man. They are ready to be pulled from the fire.
And they can see now that there's just, it's not just that everyone went crazy randomly and there's nothing spiritual going on.
No, there's something spiritual going on. And so I think that like, guys, if you wanna get in the game right now, to be honest, there's been no easier time to be on the
Lord's side. The battle lines are so easy. And it's a radical move to just not get a vaccine these days.
It's just like, it's like the things that you can do that'll make like, hey, man, what's the deal with you?
Like, well, you know, they're easy. They're easy. Yeah. All you have to do is say, hey, a boy is not a girl.
And it's like, people freak out. So like, it's just, it's a great time.
And the gospel can be shared with people that have been deemed untouchables by all these, you know, these great reset people, the big evil, all these people.
You can share the gospel with those people. And guess what? I've always said, when I was in New York, I lived in New York for a while,
Marcus, I don't know if you knew that, but I always found it easier to share the gospel with Muslims than I did with atheists.
Because Muslims, you know, they were like, they were like persona non grata. So they were like ready to talk about spiritual things and stuff like that.
Cause they're in like this battle here. Everyone hated the Muslims. And it's like the people that everybody hates, like the culture hates, like they're ready to hear.
Yeah. I'm telling you, man. I would put this asterisk on it. It's gotta be more than red pill rage.
Yes. Yeah, absolutely. I said this on Gab the other day, but like winning the
Fox News Nielsen ratings, like Fox News winning the Nielsen ratings is not gonna help our country.
Right? Like, it's not a matter of if we have more conservatives than liberals. It'll probably hurt the country.
Let's just face it. For real. Like we, I mean, if you haven't read sermons from the time of America's founding heir, which has sermons from, you know, like the guys that lived during the
American revolution and they were preaching. And if you haven't read those sermons, you listen to those sermons and then you watch
Fox News and you'll go, man, we're in danger because it is so wholly different in every sort of line.
I mean, like hearing about how George Whitefield you know, he came to America like six or seven times.
Right? And on a sixth time he visited with some clergy in a back room and a secret meeting.
And he said, the British are coming for you and your freedoms that Americans have known are going to go.
And it was Whitefield's meeting. He's from England, right? But it was Whitefield's warning to the clergy in America that when the
Stamp Act got passed a few years later, it really woke the clergy up. And it was like, man,
Whitefield is right. And they, if it wasn't for that meeting and literally the espionage of Whitefield to the
American clergy, then we wouldn't be where we're at. And these were pastors that were leading the charge on this.
And they would tell people, they said, look, you do not want to go to war unless you're repentant in your heart. Because you will die on that field.
And God will destroy us. And this, which is completely different than the civil war where just the mentality just over those 60 years in terms of that, we don't want red pill rage fighting wars.
Like that's not gonna be, it's not gonna help. And God will use that to judge us as a nation. Even if you win, it'll be long -term bad for you.
Right, right. Like, well, we lost the civil war and we're still have consequences from that for sure.
Permanent. We've never recovered from the freedoms that we lost during the civil war.
And I'm not talking about slavery. This brother just said we lost the civil war, FYI. So if you're looking to write an article,
Guardian, whatever, this brother just said we lost the civil war. That's right. That's right. We did.
We did. I agree. I mean, I know you get clips taken out of context about talking about slavery when you talk to people.
Of course. But it's not, it was about so much more than slavery. So much more.
I mean, they were complaining over a 3 % tax. I mean, a 3%, they went to war over a 3 % tax.
And we'd kill to have a 3 % tax right now. Oh, are you kidding me? I wish we would.
No. You can't say that, dude. I can't say that. Say whatever you want.
They don't, they never care so much. I can say anything. I was just like, but like,
I mean, like we're not nowhere near as, like our moral compass is so lost when it comes to our conservatism that we don't see, you know, like capital gains taxes.
We're not going to go to war over capital gains taxes if they pass it. We'll be mad for a week and then, you know, we'll just be mad.
Move on to the metaverse. Yeah, yeah. There'll be memes about, you know, losses, like taxes on unrealized losses, right?
For a few weeks. And then, you know, people will just forget about it. And then we'll be taxed on, you know, unrealized
Bitcoin growth. And that will be the next thing. Like it'll be something absurd or insane. Next, you'll be taxed by the birthday gift your grandma got you.
I mean, you know. Right. And then we'll just be mad about it. There'll be memes and, you know, and so what we really have to do is understand why we're fighting, right?
Like, why is it a sin for the government to tax us, you know, more than 3%, 10%, right?
Like, why is that a sin? Well, we can go to 1 Samuel 8 and we can see that God's warning on a nation who wants a tyrant, this is the things that'll happen.
1 Samuel 8 tells us exactly. A 10 % tax will be upon you. Oh, and it's happened.
Like a 10%. God's judgment is a 10 % tax. What in the world are we at?
We're way past God's judgment on that, right? Like so, and so to bring it back to these pastors, they preached repentance and salvation intertwined in such a beautiful, poetic, and elegant way with the gospel and the role of government all together as one.
And they tied it into Jesus and they tied it into the God. I mean, you guys have to read those sermons by as many of those books, the
Kindle versions of those. Say it again, what's the name of the book? Well, you can read it for free, but one of them is
Sermons on the Founding Era. Sermons from America's founding era,
I think it is. There's something along those lines, you can find it. But the other thing is one that American Vision released and it is called
The Christian Character in the Civil Institutions of the United States of America by Benjamin Morris.
And that book is absolutely unbelievable. And I've only probably read like the first few pages and the introduction, but the introduction or the prologue to that, whoever wrote the foreword, it was written in 1865 in the midst of the civil war.
And the introduction to that book is rebuking the tyranny of our government and the sinful nature of the people who are electing these people to run our government.
And I'm telling you, it's like he wrote it yesterday and he wrote it in 1865.
And there's not a single thing. He talks about sexual perversions. He talks about our kids being abandoned to education that's not
Christian, like all in the 1860s. And they're writing this on the verge of the civil war or around the time of the civil war as a warning.
And what he did, this was a time obviously before there was any internet or technology, but he went to the
Library of Congress and he read all these resources, all these documents, all these sermons and materials.
And it's just this compilation of these 10 theses on why
America was a wholly distinct Christian nation and unlike any other nation that was ever built in the history of the world.
And it's incredible. And you just go, Fox News should be calling us back to that because if we're not even at 1865, we're not gonna get back to 1776.
And I always say, I'll close with this. I always say, if we had a war tomorrow and by some miraculous incident, we won that war and it allowed us to separate from the union and let's say each state could create its own constitution, become its own country, like who would be writing those constitutions?
You're gonna have like Sean Hannity, you're gonna have like Mark Levin. Like who are these guys gonna be writing?
I don't want any of those guys writing constitutions. No, not interested, that's what I was about to say. Yeah, and it's like Tucker, I like Tucker Carlson, but I don't want him signing his signature on a, like I don't, he's not there yet.
You know who I want to write it? Whoever's gonna be the mayor of Moscow, Idaho in about, let's call it 10 years.
George Grant. Not willing. George Grant, I think, would be somebody I would want. I'd probably want some of the lawyers that are involved at Liberty University's law school.
I think the radical theonomist lawyers that are secretly in that law school that I know.
Like those - We're everywhere, guys. We're everywhere. We're everywhere. And you don't know it. We started that school. And if people don't even know that, but that's a whole nother story.
But yeah, so like those are the guys, they're there, but they wouldn't be the ones called on to do it, right?
And we need to get to a place in our country where those people are called on to do it, you know?
And so anyways. Brother, thank you so much for joining me. I appreciate it. This has been really fun.
So guys, if you're interested in lore, and even if you're not, go to lore .tv, watch some of the trailers and whatever they've got going on there.
I'm excited about it, guys. Thanks for joining. Marcus, thank you for joining. Yeah, yeah, man. I'm going to end the broadcast and we're going to chat for a minute afterwards.
God bless you guys. I hope you found this helpful. We're still live.