Jesus was flawed & doesn't care how you live? THE CHOSEN / Their version of Jesus for "Pride Month"

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Was Jesus a flawed sinner like the rest of us? Does He really not care about behavior? This podcast released by the Chosen will shock you! Not only does Dallas Jenkins affirm Mormons as true Christians, not only does he allow pride flags on set, he also hires people like Dan Haseltin


So, the Chosen says that Jesus was flawed, and he doesn't care about how you live?
Yeah, that happened, along with them having a gay pride flag on set. I'll show you the clip in a moment.
But just a quick video here to prove that the so -called Christian TV show,
The Chosen, is not Christian at all. It's intentional propaganda meant to slowly change people's view about who
Jesus was and what he came to do. And they talk about how they're putting forth a certain version of Jesus.
So here is a clip from a podcast that The Chosen put on their YouTube channel a while back.
Watch. I think when they see this version of Jesus portrayed, I think it really does, it matters that he's merciful, that he's extending a lot of grace.
He has his own flaws in a human way, like he's very relatable and gracious, and I think people need to see that side of Jesus, because a lot of us have been force -fed a version of Jesus that only cares about our behaviors.
And every episode, the story pushes back on that. Every episode, it tries to turn the table on, oh, your behavior is not actually what matters.
It is the inner workings of your heart and your soul that will matter. Okay, so Jesus is flawed.
He has flaws. Let that sink in for a moment. And Jesus doesn't care about your behavior.
I suppose you have to say that when you're marching in gay pride parades.
As you can see on your screen, Dan Hassleton from the band Jars of Clay, who's associated with The Chosen, he's been openly pro -LGBTQ for quite some time.
And just to point out the obvious, the guy doing the podcast with him, he's dressed up like a woman.
So again, no surprise that they're trying to push a different version of Jesus, who is pretty much cool with whatever you want to do.
I mean, maybe if you were going to vote for Trump or something like that, Jesus might be against that.
But cross -dressing and marching in gay pride parades, hey, go for it.
Now this shouldn't come as any surprise. Some of you remember last year how there was that controversy surrounding not only the pride flag, but Dallas Jenkins, the show's creator and director, he actually said that Mormons love the same
Jesus that we do. Mormons, they're Christians too. Watch. And what's funny about the
LDS folks is you guys seem to be, even though you're the most controversial, you seem to be the least confrontational.
It's just like, hey, we all love Jesus. Let's just, I just want to let you know we love the show. And when people start going, hey, you're a
Mormon, you're going to hell, you're just like, hey, whatever. It's like you just kind of seems to roll off your back. Maybe it's because you're used to being on the outside sometimes.
But yeah, it's been so fascinating because even my family members, when we first started this relationship with Good Angel, part of it was, well, be careful because of the common misconceptions about our different belief systems, but also just protecting the show.
Like, will the audience be bothered by the fact that there are
LDS people involved? Personally, I didn't really care because I've worked with people of all different traditions or,
I mean, I've worked with atheists. I've partnered with people who've distributed my movies who had zero desire to, you know, or connection to Christ and couldn't have cared less about it.
So even if I had significant disagreements with the LDS community, which I've learned
I have fewer than I thought I did, but even with that, I was okay. I was comfortable with that because as long as they're treating the show properly, that's all that matters.
So it's been, I can honestly say it's been one of the top three most fascinating and beautiful things about this project has been my growing brother and sisterhood with people of the
LDS community that I never would have known otherwise and learning so much about about your faith tradition and realizing, gosh, for all the stuff that maybe we don't see eye to eye on, that all happened, that's all based on stuff that happened after Jesus was here.
The stories of Jesus, we do agree on, and we love the same
Jesus. That's not something that you often hear. Sometimes it's like, oh, they believe in a different Jesus than we do.
Yeah. No, it's the same. I mean, I'll sink or swim on that statement, and it's controversial, and I don't mind getting criticized at all for the show, and I don't mind being called a blasphemer.
I don't like it when my friends are, and I've made it very clear that if I go down,
I'm going down swinging, protecting my friends and my brothers and sisters, and so I don't deny we have a lot of theological differences, but we love the same
Jesus. Now anyone who knows anything about Mormonism, you know that they have a different holy book.
They say the Bible has been corrupted, so they follow the Book of Mormon. They believe their version of Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer.
He's not God in human flesh, so it's a different Jesus, different gospel, different holy book.
It's a different religion. But according to Dallas Jenkins, no Mormons, they're saved, too.
They love the same Jesus we do. That's totally, totally false, but let's just play this clip again of the podcast of them saying that their
Jesus is flawed, and he doesn't care about how you live, because you need to hear it again.
I think when they see this version of Jesus portrayed, I think it really does, it matters that he's merciful, that he's extending a lot of grace.
He has his own flaws in a human way, like he's very relatable and gracious, and I think people need to see that side of Jesus, because a lot of us have been force -fed a version of Jesus that only cares about our behaviors, and every episode, the story pushes back on that.
You know, every episode, it tries to turn the table on, oh, your behavior is not actually what matters.
It is the inner workings of your heart and your soul that will matter. Okay, so you heard it.
The Jesus of the chosen, he just doesn't care how you live. All he cares about is love.
All he cares about is the heart. Well, first of all, you can't separate the two.
Your heart, what you believe, what you say, what you do, it's a reflection of what's inside.
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. What you do is a reflection of the heart.
Also, this idea that Jesus was flawed, what does the Bible say? 1 Peter 22 says that Jesus committed no sin.
So they're putting forth a different Jesus. Their version of Jesus is a different Jesus.
Let's think biblically for a moment. What did the Jesus of the Bible, the true Jesus, what did the
Jesus of Scripture say? Does he care about how we live? Yes, he said in John 14, verse 15, if you love me, keep my commandments.
Jesus cares about that. And the whole reason people hated Jesus in John 7, verse 7, according to the
Lord himself, he says, the world hates me because I testify of it that its works are evil.
This is why people hated Jesus. This is why they hate Christians, because Jesus and his disciples spoke up about what was right and what was wrong.
And of course, Jesus told his disciples that the world will hate you as well. And remember last year when the chosen went through the pride flag controversy, many of the actors on the chosen who played the apostles, they ripped into traditional
Christians on Twitter and they accused traditional Christians of being hateful, judgmental bigots.
Ironically, however, they are the ones being hateful. They attacked people for believing what all
Christians have believed for the past 2 ,000 years and for what Jews believe for a thousand plus years before that.
So in all of this, we are seeing the words of scripture coming true. Not only is there a massive falling away from faith, the words of Jesus are coming true because they hate the true
Christ. They hate the Jesus of scripture. That's why they are busy trying to push their own version of Jesus.
They're busy trying to remake him in their own image. So in conclusion, the
Jesus of the chosen, he is a false Christ. They created a
Jesus in their own vain imagination and their Jesus is just like them.
Their Jesus is flawed. He's cool with LGBTQ. And of course, let's not forget the
Jesus of the chosen is portrayed as a long haired hippie who basically preaches peace, love, and tolerance.
I don't want to make too big a thing of this, but the Bible does say in 1 Corinthians 11, 14, that if a man has long hair, it's a disgrace.
Do you honestly believe the apostle Paul would have wrote that in the Bible if he knew that Jesus had long hair?
I think you get the point. The chosen and the people behind it, they have an agenda.
It looks like a left -wing agenda. It's basically all meant to bring people in a liberal direction, theological liberalism, slowly bringing
Christians into an open and affirming mindset. It's a total mess.
It's not biblical at all. And if this video doesn't convince you of that,