F4F | Kathryn Krick's Bogus Teaching on New Wineskins


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ. This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. So if you've ever spent any time in charismatic Pentecostal churches, then you've heard the teaching of the new wineskin.
Mm -hmm. And what we're gonna do today, we're gonna head over to Catherine Crick's congregation.
They're not a church. She claims that she's an apostle, and she ain't.
And she's a false teacher and a dangerous one at that, but she's gonna be teaching kind of two classic Pentecostal false doctrines.
One of them is related to new wineskins. We'll actually talk about that. But the second one is the one we're gonna start off with, and that is this.
Did you know that the original Pentecostals, and many
Pentecostals today, they are cessationists? I kid you not. This is just one of those things.
And I've pointed this out before regarding Frank Bartleman's book, The Eyewitness to Azusa Street.
Frank Bartleman flat -out was a cessationist. And so the question that comes up is, how come we don't see these things in church history?
You know, from the closing of the Apostolic Age until these wingnut wackerdoodles show up. How come we haven't seen stuff like this, you know, as part of the like the normal experience of Christianity?
Well, answer? They, I kid you not, the classic
Pentecostals and Charismatic, they are cessationists. And we're gonna hear, to start off with,
Catherine Crick giving the cessationist narrative. I kid you not. You're just gonna find this very fascinating.
But then when we're finished with that, we're gonna go back into the sermon so that we can listen to her teaching on the so -called new wineskins, and you'll see that this major twisting of Scripture.
So settle in. There's lots for us to do on today's episode of Fighting for the
Faith, and that requires me to then whirl up our desktops. So all right, let's whirl up the desktop.
We've whirled it up, and let me start here. So what we're going to do is we're going to begin with Catherine Crick explaining to us cessationism.
Mm -hmm. I kid you not. So listen to this narrative. I think you will find it very fascinating because this is the historic, classic position of Pentecostals.
Listen to what she says. Here we go. This speaks to us today that religion, tradition, that's not from God, like religious tradition, old religious doctrine, cannot mix with the new wine, with a new thing that God's doing, with the powerful, precious anointing.
All right, so you'll note she's building off of her doctrine of new wineskins, which we'll get the details of that in a minute, but I just want to make sure that you can see the connection point.
Let's keep going. It can't mix, and to go more in depth of what
I mean about what the old wineskin is, is, you know, this new thing that God is doing right now, his revival.
This new thing that God's redo is doing right now, you know, the revival that Catherine Crick, the apostle
Catherine Crick, is heading up. Okay, listen to what she says. The power of God that's flowing, the deliverance that's happening, the supernatural healing that's happening, the impartation of anointing, the prophetic anointing flowing, all these things, for the most part, we have not seen in the body of Christ.
In our generation, in the generation before us, in the generation before them, in the generation for them, That's cessationism.
And again, I would strongly recommend you get Frank Bartleman's book, Eyewitness to Azusa Street, the last chapter of the book.
He gives a very similar narrative to what Catherine Crick just gave here. Let's listen to listen a little bit more of them.
I mean, pretty much since the book of Acts, there has never really been anything recorded that's like, the
Acts church, this is what's happening today in the church. Like, it's never been recorded that that was happening, what they saw in the
Acts church. And that's been a big stronghold of why people are so skeptical to what looks like the Bible today. It's because they literally have never heard of it being recorded.
Uh -huh. She's a cessationist. This is just straight -up cessationism.
Who knew, right? Again, this is the historic Pentecostal position. So, what we have is the spirit of religion seeping into the church a long time ago, a long time ago.
This was the devil's crafty... Alright, so the reason why the gifts ceased is because the devil crept into the church a long time ago, and it was really crafty, and he stole the anointing or something.
Okay. To try to remove the power of God in the church, in the vessels of God, so that he could keep people bound while they're praising
God and saying they're a Christian. He could keep them bound. This was the devil's crafty plan, and he's defeated now.
Hallelujah. Didn't Jesus say the gates of hell will not prevail against the church?
You know, I think we have a biblical text to that effect. Let's see, Matthew 14, yeah,
I think it's 14. Death of John the Baptist, Jesus feeds the 5 ,000, walks on the water, heals the sick.
Oh, maybe it's 13. Hang on a second here. Oh, yeah, let's see here. Let's see, parable of the sower.
No, no, no, it's, hang on a second here, keys. Alright, I know what I'm looking for.
See, sometimes my brain just, you know, I'm getting old, and so I can't quite get at the thing that I'm looking at.
Ah, it's 16, Matthew 16. Why don't I just add some context to this? Here we go.
Alright, so here's our context to this. Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, so he took the disciples outside of Judea, and Caesarea Philippi, pagan territory for sure, and so he asked the question, who do people say the
Son of Man is? And they said, well, some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, others Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.
So he said to them, alright, but who do you say that I am? And so Simon Peter, he replied, you are the
Christ, the Son of the Living God, and Jesus answered him, blessed are you, Simon Bar -Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my
Father who is in heaven. And I will, and I tell you, you are Peter on this rock, I will build my church, and here it is, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Well, in the charismatic version of the cessationist narrative, and yes, classic,
Pentecostals are cessationists, because they can't explain, you know, they have to come up with a narrative to explain why the gifts were not operative normatively in Christianity for 2 ,000 years, okay?
Their explanation, well, Satan prevailed against the church. He stole the anointing, he stole the gifts of the
Spirit, and stuff like that. But did he though? I mean, Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail against the church.
Could you imagine a Holy Spirit -less church? Wouldn't that be the epitome of Satan winning against the church?
I'm just, you know, I'm just saying. So let me back this up. Listen again to this. It's again, this is a cessationist narrative.
Keep people bound while they're praising God and saying they're a Christian. He could keep them bound. This was the devil's crafty plan, and he's defeated now.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Satan's defeated now that Catherine Crick is on the scene.
Okay. And so the devil came and just started speaking the spirit of religion to people.
This, what he's doing is he's actually bringing back the same spirit of religion that the Pharisees carried, where they're all about performance and rules and rituals and stuck and not open to God moving in a new way.
They're stuck. They're stuck in their box of rules. She's not a very accomplished theologian, is she?
Nope, not at all. Religion and traditions. And this is the way you do things. They're stuck there.
The devil put people there with his spirit, speaking it into people's minds. This is what the
Word of God means. This is what the Scripture means. This is what the Scripture means. So if you're attending a church where they exegete the
Scriptures, apparently that's a satanic church, overrun by the devil.
What's happened is that even though Jesus has returned so many people in the body of Christ, several generations back till now...
Jesus has returned? Did I miss the second coming? Would somebody let me know when this happened?
When did Jesus return? Maybe she meant the Holy Spirit returned. Either way, it's just not so good, is it?
No, this is some pretty awful theology. Are living more in the revelation that the
Pharisees had? That the people had of, this is what it means to be a child of God. The Pharisees were heretics.
They denied Sola Scriptura and they believed that God gave Moses two
Torahs when he was on Mount Sinai. One was written and the other was oral. And they claimed to be the the the caretakers of the oral
Torah, which is where they got a lot of their other rules from. So yeah, and Jesus flat -out repudiates the
Pharisees and their oral Torah in Mark chapter 7 when he talks about the tradition of the elders. And Jesus never allowed his disciples to obey the commands of the oral
Torah or the tradition of the elders. They were heretics. The Pharisees did not practice the same religion as King David did, as Isaiah did, as Jeremiah did.
No, their religion is a completely made -up one. So she doesn't even understand the distinction of the
Pharisees here. This is how to pray. This is how to fast. These are the ways of the kingdom. Didn't Jesus teach his disciples how to pray?
Didn't he teach them about fasting? Hmm. Weird, isn't it? Different aspects of the ways of the kingdom, meaning like what
God commands us to do in his Word. All the different things he commands us to do. It's a religious revelation people have, rather than revelation from the
Holy Spirit. So it's the same Word of God, but different revelations. So you can be reading the Word of God, know the
Word of God so well, but you're not living in God's truth at all. You're not actually doing what God wants you to do, even though you feel...
So you can be reading God's Word and not even living in the truth. Yeah, apparently the gates of hell prevailed against the church.
Now, so you'll know, that's part of her cessationist narrative. So Catherine Crick is the cessationist, but she doesn't go to Azusa Street as the look to where the
Holy Spirit returned. She looks to her anointing and the things that are happening there at 5F
Church. Hmm. Now, let's back up. Let's talk about this new wineskin thing, because this is really where I need to point this out, because like I said, if you spent any time in Charismatic Pentecostal churches, this is a doctrine you should be familiar with, because, oh man, this is a classic
Pentecostal twist of Scripture. So let's let her read out the text, and then
I'll fast -forward to the part where she explains what the text means. Here we go. Today, I'm gonna be teaching about the new wineskin.
Hallelujah. So I'm gonna read the
Passion Translation of this verse. Mark chapter 2. Passion Translation is not a translation. Passion is a complete abomination.
Avoid it like the plague. I would point you to the work done by Mike Winger on the
Passion Translation. You need to avoid this. It is not a faithful translation. It is absolutely deceitful, and it is not a translation.
Those of us who can read the biblical languages can attest very well that that is not a faithful translation of what
God's Word says at all. 2 verse 18. One time the disciples of John the
Baptizer and the Pharisees were fasting. So they came to Jesus and asked, Why is it that John's disciples and disciples of the
Pharisees are fasting, but your disciples are not? Jesus answered, How can the sons of the bridal chamber fast when the bridegroom is next to them?
As long as the bridegroom is with them, they won't. But the days of fasting will come when the bridegroom is taken from them.
Note the the context of the text, which I'm surprised she put in there, is about the question of fasting.
Why don't the disciples of Jesus fast? So when Jesus gets to explaining about wineskins and old cloths, you know, patches and things like this, there's a reason for it.
Well, we're gonna show you what this text means. It's actually pretty simple, but let's keep going. All who would mend, all who would mend worn out clothing with new fabric?
Oh, sorry. And who would mend worn out clothing with new fabric?
When the cloth shrinks, it will rip, making the tear worse than before. And who would pour new wine into an old wineskin?
Alright, so start with new fabric and old fabric, new wineskin, old wineskin.
What's Jesus getting at here? Well, we'll see. Eventually the wine will ferment and make the wineskin burst, losing everything.
The wine will be spilled and the wineskin ruined. Instead, new wine is always poured into new wineskins.
So Jesus is sharing this parable, this example about wine and wineskins, and he's speaking, he's saying this applies to the kingdom of God.
This is how. Yeah, that's exactly correct. It applies to the kingdom of God. The question is, how?
What does it mean? So we're gonna take a look at the text again, so, and you'll note
I'm using a different program today. I'm using Logos, so that you can see how this works, using just something as simple as a good study
Bible. So the text is Mark chapter 2, starting at verse 18.
Now the disciples, John's disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, and the people came and said to him, why do
John's disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?
This is the question that has to be answered and that Jesus is answering, okay?
So whatever metaphor he uses, whatever parable, parabolic language that he uses is to answer that question.
Why aren't Jesus's disciples fasting? So Jesus said to them, can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them?
The answer is no, that makes no sense. People at a wedding party are celebrating, right?
And so as long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast, because I'm here with them, dude.
So the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day.
And now here comes the parabolic language. No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment.
If he does, the patch tears away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear is made.
In other words, that's not an appropriate thing to do. And no one puts new wine into an old wineskin.
If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is destroyed, and so are the skins.
But new wine is for fresh wineskins. So here's just a good study
Bible. The Lutheran Study Bible put out by Concordia Publishing House in St.
Louis. This is the publishing arm of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, a faithful, confessional, conservative
Christian church body. So watch what it says here. So explain to me what this means,
Lutheran Study Bible. It says, fasting is a time for sorrow or penitence, whereas feasting is associated with joy.
Jesus emphasizes that feasting is proper because the Messiah, who is the bridegroom, is now present among God's people.
Jesus hastens to add that he will someday be taken away from them after his death, resurrection, and ascension, and then
God's people will have occasions to fast. So you'll note here the whole point of this text is that it's about the reason why they're not fasting is because this is a time of joy, not a time of sorrow.
This is a time of rejoicing, not a time of penitence. That's the point that Jesus is making.
So, well, Catherine Crick, who clearly has not studied to show herself approved, does not rightly handle
God's Word at all, is jumping on the classic Pentecostal twisting of this text to basically then use it to say, well, what
Jesus is getting at is there's a new thing that God is doing, and that new thing is the new wineskin, and you have to accept it because otherwise you're gonna miss it.
You can't be a part of what God's doing if you're focusing in on the old stuff.
I kid you not, that's what she's going to be saying. So here's Catherine Crick to explain to us now what she thinks this text is about, but in the context, there's no way to justify what she's about to say, and this is the classic
Pentecostal charismatic twisting of this text. So when we talk about new wine, the meaning of that is the anointing.
No, it's not. It is not that at all. There's nothing in the context that can justify you saying that.
The point that Jesus was making is that it is an inappropriate thing for his disciples to be fasting because he's present with them.
That's the whole point. The new wineskin and the unshrunk cloth are just examples of things you don't do because that doesn't make any sense.
Revelation. Revelation from the Holy Spirit. New revelation. New wine.
It means the things of the kingdom that we haven't seen, that have been lost, that need to be revived.
Things of the kingdom that have been lost. Yeah, again, there's that cessationist narrative there.
Revival is the new wine. This end -time revival is the new wine. No, it's not.
No, it is not. You are twisting Christ's words, and this is blasphemy. We continue.
In this revival is the new wine. So the anointing released is the new wine. The revelations from Scripture that is preached, that is taught like today, is the new wine.
The new revelations that she's giving, that's the new wine. Baloney. This is just nonsense.
This woman is deceiving these people. They're sitting there saying, amen, and she is legitimately sending them to hell.
The ways of the kingdom, this is new wine. Like the ways that we are to do things that God is telling us to do, that's the new wine.
You're just making stuff up now, and you look uncomfortable while you're doing it. And what is the wineskin?
Well, the wineskin is like a vessel, is a container, or a framework. So we are vessels of God.
We are vessels. We are called to be vessels of the anointing. We are called to be vessels of the new wine. No, that's not in that text either.
You just added something there that ain't there. You see, when you apply the three rules for sound biblical exegesis, context, context, context, you can't be deceived, you know, by what this woman's doing.
It's very clear what that passage is about, what Jesus meant, and what everything you're saying has no relationship at all to what
Jesus said and what he meant. Hallelujah. And so vessels of the new wine have to be a new wineskin, meaning we cannot come as the old wineskin we used to be, which is doctrine that is religious.
You can't have doctrine now. The odd thing here is that she's teaching a religious doctrine here.
Isn't that ironic? Revelation that is religious, not from the
Holy Spirit. All scripture is God -breathed. All scripture is inspired by the
Holy Spirit. Hmm, that's weird. Doctrine that contains tradition, rituals, and religion.
Okay, hang on a second here. I'm gonna look for a word here. I'm gonna pull up my
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I use and things like this. So I'm gonna look for the word traditions. Okay, traditions.
And I'm gonna look not in the Gospels, I'm gonna look in the Epistles. And let me shorten this up.
Oh, here we go. 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. All right, 2
Thessalonians chapter 2, specifically verse 15, is what we're gonna be looking at.
So we'll add a little bit of context here. Listen to what the Apostle Paul writes to the church at Thessalonica, right?
Actually, Thessaloniki is how it's pronounced nowadays. But here we go. But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, beloved by the
Lord, because God chose you as the first fruits to be saved through sanctification by the
Spirit and belief in the truth. To this he called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our
Lord Jesus Christ. So then, brothers, listen to this, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by spoken word or by our letter.
Now, so here's my question for you. Does this text condemn all traditions?
Nope. The apostolic traditions are held up by the Scriptures as those things that we should be subscribing to and doing.
Paul here is talking about traditions in a positive light. Let me come back to Catherine Crick, who just is making stuff up, you know, just off the top of her head, and she hasn't really done any real scholarship or any real sound research into what the
Scriptures say, and so she's just made up this thing, oh, the new wine is the new anointing thingy, the revival that God's doing, and the old wineskin, well, that's anything that has to do with tradition.
But Scripture actually talks positively about some traditions, while other traditions, which are the traditions of men, they're condemned by Christ in Mark chapter 7.
So note, the Scripture doesn't just give a blanket condemnation of traditions. Even the
Apostle Paul taught certain traditions and expected people to stay in those. So let's listen again.
That is religious. Revelation, that is religious, not from the Holy Spirit. Doctrine that contains tradition, rituals, and religion.
Paul taught traditions. Old wineskin includes the way that churches do things, that Christians do things, but they are not seeing the ways of the kingdom that we see in the
Acts Church. Right, so if you go to a church and you're not seeing the Acts Church stuff happen like it's supposedly happening at to Catherine Crick's church, well, that's a sign that you're part of the old wineskin thingy.
Now that's a classic Pentecostal application of this twisted interpretation.
Not seeing it. So that's all the wine, that's all the old wineskin. All right, and so we cannot step in with the old wineskin and jump right into the new wine.
We can't come with our old wineskin that we are in currently, that we've been in for a long time, that we've grown in for a long time.
Yeah, I gotta get rid of like sound biblical exegesis, you know, good Christian apostolic tradition, and on top of that, you know, doctrine and dogma and things like that.
That's all gotta go. And step over here and say, I want the new wine. God cannot pour
His anointing, His new revelation, the ways of His kingdom. He cannot pour that into that old wineskin, into your old wineskin vessel that you are.
You have to transform, allow God to transform you into a new wineskin. You have to shed your old wineskin.
I don't see Jesus talking anywhere about here, about us having to get rid of our old wineskins.
No, Jesus didn't say anything like that. He just talked about that, how can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them, and then goes on to say, no one sews a piece of untrunk cloth on an old garment.
If he does, the patch tears away from it, and the new from the old, and a worse tear is made, which it's not appropriate for my disciples to be fasting.
And no one who puts new wine into old wineskins, if he does, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is destroyed, and so are the skins.
But new wine is for fresh wineskins. In other words, it's not appropriate for my disciples to fast, because I'm the bridegroom, and I'm with them.
This is not a time of grieving, and sorrow, and penitence. It's a time of joy, because I'm with them.
That's the point that Jesus is making. Hmm, boy, Catherine Crick really is messing things up, isn't she?
Surprise, not really, but we continue. You have to choose, you have to surrender that to God, leave it at the door.
You got to surrender your old wineskin. Where in the Bible does it teach me I have to surrender my old wineskin? Nowhere.
Shed your old wineskin, so God can give you a new wineskin.
This is complete nonsense. Scripture doesn't say anything like this at all. Hallelujah.
Yeah, and saying hallelujah makes this even more blasphemous. So you cannot mix religion and religious doctrine with God's true ways of the kingdom.
We see... Define religious doctrine, because Scripture talks very positively about sound doctrine.
Yeah, I'd just point you to Paul's epistles, like, you know, 1st and 2nd Timothy, Titus. Yeah, it speaks very positively of sound doctrine, and negatively of those who don't teach sound doctrine, who teach false doctrine.
Hmm. That the Pharisees, they could not mix with the new wine.
They could not mix with the disciples. The Pharisees were heretics. If you just read, you'd understand that.
One would think the Pharisees, the Sadducees, they were the people of God at that time. No, they were not.
They were not at all. Okay, Mark 7. So, when the
Pharisees gathered to Jesus, with some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem, they saw that some of his disciples, they ate with hands that were defiled.
That is unwashed for the Pharisees and all the Jews. They do not eat unless they wash their hands properly, holding to the tradition of the elders.
That's the Oral Torah, which is an addition to Scripture. These guys are heretics. And when they come from the marketplace, they do not eat unless they wash.
And there are many other traditions, these are man -made traditions, that they observe, such as washing of cups and pots, copper vessels, and dining couches.
So the Pharisees and the scribes asked Jesus, Why do your disciples not walk, conduct their lives according to what?
The tradition of the elders. That's the Oral Torah. But they eat with defiled hands.
And so Jesus said to them, Well, did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites? As it is written,
This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
Here's the irony. Catherine Crick, right now, she is teaching the doctrines of man.
Commandments of her own making. She's not teaching sound biblical doctrine at all.
So in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. Catherine Crick is behaving exactly like a
Pharisee. That's the odd bit here. It says, You leave the commandments of God and you hold to the traditions of men.
And so he said to them, You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition.
For Moses said, Honor your father and your mother. And whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.
But you say, If a man tells his father or mother, Whatever you would have gained from me is korban, that is a gift given to God.
Then you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or mother, thus making void the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down in many such things you do.
Jesus doesn't accept the Pharisees as the people of God at all. He calls them hypocrites and people who make
God's word void by their oral Torah. So again, Catherine Crick clearly doesn't know what on earth she's talking about.
She is not interested in knowing the truth. This woman is a deceived deceiver. They were the people in the church.
They were the people that knew the Torah, the Word of God, the Old Testament. They knew in and out. They were coming faithfully. No, they didn't know it in and out.
They added to the Torah and they made God's word void by their oral traditions.
Every time that there was a service, they were following the Word of God. They were following the commands. They were saying, Lord, I praise you.
No, they were not following God's commands. They added to them. They're doing similar things that we do today in terms of praising
God, in terms of praying, you know, they were real people of God. And one would think we would. So she's basically trying to make it make it appear like the
Pharisees equal sound churches where pastors preach the Word. Okay.
Think that at least some of them, at least a handful of them, would receive
Jesus. Would say, this is the Messiah we've been waiting for. Would say, ah, this is...
What do you think of Nicodemus in like John chapter 3? Have you considered that? This is more of God than I've ever experienced.
This is God, but even more that I've longed for. I'm coming here to receive here, to be a part of Jesus's way.
The new one. So now she's basically making herself out to be, you know, the new thing that Jesus is doing.
Catherine Crick is apparently. One would think, but it didn't happen. We see
Jesus call no Pharisees as his first disciples. We see
Jesus call... Because they're heretics. These normal average people, fishermen, people with a bad past, tax collectors.
Average Joes we see Jesus call. People that did not have old wineskin.
They had no kind of wineskin. Oh, I see. They didn't have an old wineskin. Jesus's condemnation of the
Pharisees had nothing to do with them having an old wineskin. You don't know your
Bible, lady. You are not qualified to be a teacher, and you definitely are not an apostle.
Yeah, that's who Jesus called. So these people didn't even have to shed old wineskin. They could just come right in and receive the new.
Yeah, I think you get the point. This is a classic twisting of Scripture used by Pentecostal and charismatic churches for more than a century.
It's part of their narrative to explain what's going on. You want to be part of the new thing that the Spirit is doing. You got people clucking like chickens and barking like dogs over there on the ground because they've been slain in the
Spirit. And you sit there and go, what on earth? And you go, oh, you can't be questioning that because, oh, that's some old wineskin thinking there, brother.
You need to embrace the new wineskin, the new wine thing that God is up to. Baloney. Complete twisting of God's Word, and those who engage in using this text this way are deceiving people, and they are deceived, and they need to repent of their blasphemy because this text says none of the things that they say that it says, especially what
Catherine Crick says that it says. So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
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So thank you very much. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.
Amen. So nice to see that you've made it to the end. Before you inevitably click on another video to continue binging our glorious content, you should know about some of our other offerings.
First off, some of you may know that our pirate captain is also the pastor of Kongsvinger Lutheran Church out in Oslo, Minnesota.
The editor, that I totally don't have locked in my basement, produces audio and video versions of Kongsvinger sermons and Sunday schools weekly.
So go check out Kongsvingerchurch .org to see all of our offerings. Now, to address some of the frequently asked questions we get in the comments.
One, the Bible and video editing software we use are named and linked in the description down below.
Two, if you wish to donate to us directly so we can keep the lights on, go check out www .piratechristian
.com and hit the crew tab. We don't promise miraculous healings or a double increase in your finances, but what we do promise is more quality discernment from our studio into your ear holes.
And three, how do you tie up with boxing gloves? Okay, who's the wiseacre who put this in here?