

Pastor David Mitchell



We're in Romans chapter seven, so the two or three that still have regular Bibles, you can turn in your
Bible to Romans chapter 11. That phrase hardly works anymore. Does it turn in your
Bible? People take their phones, turn it around. What's he talking about? Um, so we got a little, we've got a little bit of review.
We started here talking about the parallel of two olive trees. Okay. So there's a
Jewish olive tree and we went back into Jeremiah chapter 11.
We began to talk about this topic just a little bit last time and just kind of, kind of got into it.
But what we found out was that, oh, we talked about this. Most of us that study theology, most of you in this room know that, uh, most prophecy has a near fulfillment and a far fulfillment.
Some have said that's a contrivance of, of people who are dispensationalists.
Well, people who are hyper dispensationalists do have a lot of contrivances, but that's not one of them because it's a fact that there are near and far prophecies on almost every prophecy.
And it's so easy to demonstrate. It's beyond me debating that anymore. It's a fact.
So in this passage, we have the same thing going on. And so primarily talking about Israel before she went into Babylonian captivity, but the far, the far, and by far,
I mean, distant, the far prophecy, I believe applies squarely to America.
And you say, well, how do you know it's America? Well, I don't know that it's America. And I give you a year to shoot down the theory.
After that, it becomes the truth and dogma and so forth. Not really. I'm teasing, but, uh, you you're, you're welcome.
That's what we do here. And if you shoot it down, then I get up and apologize and say, I was wrong. And, um,
Burge shot it down and bird gets up and tells how it really works and that's how we do it.
Right. Okay. So in this, I'm not going to put it all up there cause this is review, but I'll give you a little taste of what we saw.
They are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers. So these sins that Israel were involved in, we're not new.
Their forefathers had done the same thing when they backslid and God did the same thing with them and took them into captivity until they began to pray again.
Right. Hallelujah. Sister, come on, preach it. She's my grandchild. So you're going to be the takeover when
I die. Well, maybe not. Well, she'll have classes for the ladies. All right.
Um, so, um, they, you know, they went into captivity before this, didn't they?
And then that brings them back to prayer and God answers the prayer and raises up, uh, a savior, a human savior to take them back out and bring them back into the land again and again, it's a cycle.
Judges talks about it so many times, but it's all through their history. So this is half it's about to happen again.
They're, they're doing the same sins that their forefathers did. And the first sin, and it's the same way with the modern church.
The first sin is when you start lifting anything else on an equal plane with the authority of the word of God.
And I'm talking about the written word. I'm not, I'm talking about the written word of God. When you put something else on the same plane with that, with regard to authority, then you're falling, your fault, your church is falling.
And it's so subtle. You don't know you're doing it. If you have all these programs in your church, you look around and say, well, where's scripture, it says we ought to have these and you can't find one.
Well, then you just put the tradition of your church higher than what the word of God says you might should be doing.
You see, and if we do that same, I'm preaching to us too, right? Not just our internet friends out in the world, who knows where they might have gone to church.
I don't know where you guys have gone to church in the past, but I just know that I've been involved with churches where that sort of thing was happening.
And I call them Bapto Catholic if they were Baptist, because the big mistake of the Catholic church, the
Roman Catholic church, once they started receiving government money, the big mistake was that they just put their tradition on an equal plane or even higher plane than the word of God.
And they're there at that point, they began to tank. I'm not saying, I mean, I've got some friends that are Roman Catholic that I feel are, uh, saved, but they're not saved by their tradition.
And, uh, there's a fine line there. You can love the tradition if you want to, but if you think that you have to do that plus Jesus, then
Paul says, then Jesus avail of you, nothing. Right. So there's a fine line there.
And we don't know where that line is, but it's there same way with Baptist. If, if, and we're not
Baptist anymore. So I don't know the reason I pick on them is I grew up Baptist. Okay. I grew up Southern Baptist and was independent
Baptist for a long time. I love to pick on them. And fortunately the
Lord awakened Charlotte and myself to the fact that legalism is bad and I got a really bad taste of that among the independent.
So now like, if here's legalism, I'm I'm here. Okay. It's all about grace.
You know, I don't have to tell you what to wear, how long your dress has to be ladies, or if you can't wear pants, ladies, or if you men, doc, if your hair's touching your ears,
I don't have to tell you that, you know why? Because I know the Holy spirit. I've come to know him. And I know that he can tell you that if, if he ain't going to tell you that, by the way,
I just picked some stupid things they pick, he's not going to worry about that, but if he wanted to, he could, couldn't he?
So I don't need to worry about it. I, you know, most of the things that I don't like about you,
I don't have to tell you, I just pray. Right. I get prayed for more than anybody in the room, because if I tell you, you'll never forget it and you probably won't listen to it anyway, so I'm not going to tell you usually now, if I have to,
I might, I mean, you, you know, like you might tell me something if you had to, if you thought it would help me and edify me and build me, and that doesn't mean it's real positive.
It could be, you know, like a, an admonition, the serious one, as long as it builds me and makes me a better Christian, you might have to share it.
But if you don't, here's what I know, brother Otis would say, if you don't have to share it, don't share it. Pray for them.
I love what he used to teach along these lines. He said like brother, David only give people the information that they need.
Like that's brilliant. This idea in the modern church of transparency is ridiculous.
And it's not in the Bible unless you're a Roman Catholic where you have to tell every, you know, you share everything that you're doing and thinking with your spouse, even that's insane.
That, that by the way, is probably the worst marriage counseling I've seen. I've seen whole churches that are doing this now, especially on the west coast.
All right. So they're saying, you know, like you'd be totally transparent. Tell your wife, everything you're thinking, gentlemen, do you think that would work real well?
Ladies, do you want to know everything we're thinking? Of course not. Because you're assuming that, that the holy spirit comes and says,
Hey dude, you're not supposed to be thinking that. And your new man says, Hey, you're not allowed to think that I own this body now.
Right? That's what you're assuming we're doing. And we should, if we're not doing that, you need to tell us, but this, this is just some really garbage being taught in churches, but we're in the end times.
And Jesus said, most preachers today are false most. All right. So you have to judge everything a preacher says by the word of God, end of rabbit trail.
First, it does somewhat fit the topic. The first thing they put aside is the word of God. It's not the authority anymore.
I love the thing about, uh, used to talk about, you know, most preachers just quote what they heard older, cool, cool, older preachers say they don't know if in the
Bible or not, Otis and I removed probably at least 200 things from our preaching and teaching vocabulary that we used to teach that we didn't realize was not in the
Bible that we'd heard other preachers say through 13 years, maybe 200 of those words and phrases.
We stopped saying, because it's not biblical. Is that amazing? Every preacher has that few will admit it, but it just needs to be the
Bible. All right. So they refuse to hear the words of God. So what's the next step. Then they go to other gods.
That's always the way it is. You know, that most of your friends, I would dare say I'm right about this. Most of your friends are worshiping a false
Jesus and they have invented a new Jesus. That's not the Jesus of the
Bible and they're worshiping him because it's comfortable. That's an idol, by the way, that's another
God. And the apostle Paul said, there are other Jesus is there are other gospels and there are other spirits, but he said, none of them are real.
They're not really other because they're false. Well, that's the next step, right? If you don't listen, if you don't like the
God of the Bible, then you create one, you like you create a God that loves everybody. So I thought he did.
Let's go back to step one. You refuse to hear the words of God. The words of God say that he doesn't, the scripture says he doesn't love everybody.
So you have a God that does your worst man, false God, you invented it. Might as well call him Buddha. He probably loved everybody and every kind of food.
Whatever. Right. And little children, a lot of that going around Hollywood from what
I hear. Uh, so why is lots of rabbit trails today? Um, so other gods, like your
God, your Jesus that you worship. Well, he died for everybody. Did he, then what do you believe saves people?
Like it's Jesus blood plus what name? The next thing. What else helps save us?
Nothing. Well, if it's Jesus blood plus nothing saves you, then if he shed his blood for everyone, everyone for whom he shared it will be saved because he doesn't fail.
All right. So you got a major problem. If you are worshiping a Jesus who died for everybody.
And when I have to be specific about the language though, there is a sense in which he did die for everybody.
But let's put it very, very strictly. If you think he ransomed everybody, if you think he gave his blood to ransom every individual, then you're worshiping a different Jesus than the
Jesus of the Bible. Now that can be really hard. If that's the first time you've ever heard anybody stand up and preach this.
And it's not the topic today, although it is in the sermon, but I just know I'm not going to get to it today because we'll be out of time before I get there.
But it's there. It'll be Lord willing to be there next Sunday. You'll get to it and you'll see what I'm talking about. The Bible says so clearly in the book of Isaiah and all through the new
Testament, book of Mark, different places that Jesus was a ransom for many. And many can never mean all, all can sometimes mean many though.
It's an interesting logical truth. It's a fact I'll get to that probably next Sunday. We'll go through it till then.
Just study. You don't have to agree with me. Just go study, you know, go look for verses that make it look like he died for everybody.
And what you're going to find out, you might find five, no more than five in the whole Bible, you'll 500, you'll find hundreds that show that he didn't, you might find five.
So then what we'll do is we'll take those five and we'll look at them in context. We'll look at them in the context in which they're written and we'll ask who's being spoken to and what's this about and does it apply and so forth.
And we'll use the 10 proper rules of Bible interpretation to see what those verses actually do say.
And you're going to find out they don't say what you think they say. How do I know? Cause I've been there and done that.
I'll never forget when I found out that dr Freeman didn't think
Jesus died for every individual. And I thought that he did think that he was my mentor, by the way, he's a Jewish believer with four earned doctorates.
And I thought, well, I didn't know that. So I called him on the phone because I heard him tell another preacher that I just sit in there listening.
I was, wow. I didn't know that. Didn't know he believed that. So I called him on the phone. I said, what do you do with? And I gave him one verse, one of the five that you can find.
There's about five. I gave him that one. And he said, what do you mean? What do I do with it?
It's scripture. I just, I believe it with all my heart. I said, well, but it says, it says here, he died for everybody. He said, brother, David, he said, you know what?
I'm not going to be able to teach that verse to you in three minutes on the phone. Why don't you drive down to Fort worth and spend a day and I'll show you what it means.
So I did. And he did, he was absolutely right. I had never studied the context that the verse was in.
Didn't have a clue what the verse was talking about. I knew what it sounded like. It said, but I didn't know what it meant.
And that's what matters. I wait, you need to do this research for me. Uh, my re my research people do this research for me.
Um, Mrs. Huber, you're my research person. So look this up. What smart man, what cool old preacher said, it's not important what the
Bible says, it's important what it means. Find that for me. Somebody said that. I don't know, but it's pretty smart.
All right. So now we have other gods. Cause we, we make them be who make us feel good.
And that's who we worship sometimes. And I, and I know I'm not, I'm not talking to people here in this room like that.
I don't know anyone in this room like that. And I, most of you guys out there, I know, and you're not like that.
So I'm preaching to America. Okay. Not just to us, then shall the cities of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem go and cry into gods and to whom they offer incense, but they shall not save them.
So guess what? The prophet, the man of God says, okay, they've created all these false gods.
And when it comes time where they're about to be destroyed by an enemy nation, they're going to pray to these false gods and those false gods aren't real.
So guess what? They're not going to help them see that. So we talked about that last time.
All right. So here's the progression of apostasy that was in that whole passage that I didn't just cover. First, they refused to hear
God's word. Then they went after false gods and they broke the covenant. Now this was the mosaic covenant, by the way, not the
Abrahamic covenant. Very important to know the difference because the mosaic covenant was conditional,
God says, if you do this, I'll do this, I'll bless you. If you, if you worship bail, I will curse you and I'll take you into captivity, send you into captivity, et cetera, number four,
God brings evil on them, which was part of the covenant. He said, if you worship false gods,
I will bring evil. And so God did. And then number five, God will not hear their prayers at that point. Because now he will hear the prayers of his own, but you, you have to differentiate between the nation of Israel, which pictures everyone that goes to church and claims to be
God's child, right, versus the ones in, in the earlier passages, two, three weeks ago, in these passages, it says those whom he foreknew the fact in Roman chapter 11, he says those whom he foreknew he did not cast away.
So Israel had both, you know, three kinds of people save sheep, lost sheep and goats, all three kinds.
And, uh, so God never cast away the sheep, but part of the nation got cast away as because they weren't keeping the covenant, you know why?
Because lost people can't keep a covenant like that. Like the most hate covenant facts, say people can't really keep it. The only way in which you could say they would is they did the sacrifices.
Would you agree with that bill? They did those by faith and they were saved by faith, not by the sacrifices because they pictured the true sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
It was yet future for them, but, but still it rolled their sins forward for another year, every year until Jesus finally died for his saints from the old
Testament and us, but God didn't hear the prayers of this nation that was turned away from God until they went into captivity and began to really pray from their hearts.
Then he heard their prayers and set them free. Isn't that the cycle? Number six, they pray to false gods, but they cannot save them.
And number seven, the number of gods increased. They found more false things to worship.
The further they got away from the word of God until finally they began to offer their children as sacrifices to bail.
That's the end of it, right? How many hundreds of thousands of children have we offered by way of abortion to the
U S bail government? Yeah, it's bail. I mean, the gut, listen, you don't believe me.
The democratic party of the U S government and some Republicans think they're God.
How do I know? Because only God is smart enough to figure out the economy. He created it. He's the only one
I'm dealing with that every day, right? With trade way. I deal with it every day. I look at the whole economy and the whole world every day, and no man understands it, nor can predict it.
Only God can, but the Democrats say, oh, we'll fix it. We just print money. That's a temporary fix, but that ain't going to fix it.
So they think they're God number two, the weather climate change. We're going to fix that. We just shut down the oil industry, get rid of your cars, get rid of all plastic, which ends all the space shut space shuttle, the spacecraft, every airplane you fly, all of it, you know,
Tesla mostly made of plastic. It won't exist anymore when they shut down the oil industry, but that's what they're going to do because they're
God and they're going to fix the environment. Right. And then the other thing you get to decide, God gets to decide who gets to live and who gets to die.
So they determine they're going to abort babies. They think they're God. Government is not
God. Government is bail. All right now. So as we turn away from the word of God and we invent false
Jesus's and worship them and false gods and worship him as if he's God, we move toward destruction as a nation.
And I know we're not part of this nation. We're part of the heavenly nation. I know all that. But if you're like me, you do love the history of America and the fact that God used
America to print more Bibles, send more missionaries in the other country in the history of God's world. So it's important.
What happens to America to us? Part of our job is to be salt and light to America because that's where we are.
So it is important. And I know that's not our first citizenship, but it is part of our citizenship and it's important.
Everything about it's important. And you say, wait, brother David, you shouldn't talk about Roman chapter one, where it mentions 21 sins.
And the one it talks about the most is homosexuality. And people say, well, that's not a sin. God made me that way.
Then why is it listed with 21 other sins or 20 other sins? And it's the one talked about the most as the worst sin.
You say no sins, worse than other than check out Sodom and Gomorrah. They were destroyed over that sin. They weren't destroyed because of lying or stealing or fornication.
They were destroyed because of homosexuality. You say, well, don't talk about that. Well, why shouldn't I? Because I want to tell you something.
If I had lived and been a godly man in Sodom and my grandbabies were there, they could have been killed because of the sin of those people.
So don't you think I have an interest since I've got nine grandchildren in America, I have an interest in whether America supports homosexuality or not, because God hates it and God will destroy nations over it and has done it.
So do I have an interest to be able to say something about it? Yeah. Why not? We have freedom of speech.
Don't we still it's kind of ended on January 6th, but it's not totally gone. I'm of the
March to the Capitol by a friend of mine who was there. Who's a professional videographer who does
TV commercials, that professional at that level. And he talks about it.
He shows it as he shows it, he gives his testimony. What happened that day? He said, look, what I saw was totally different than what the news agencies are showing, because what
I saw was men and women with their kids and grandparents and some in walkers and some in wheelchairs going to exercise their freedom of speech, thinking that the election had been stolen.
We didn't see anybody that wanted to hurt policemen or any of that stuff. We don't even know where they came from. We didn't see they weren't in the crowd.
We didn't see them. So, I mean, there's two different stories being told about that day, but we no longer have freedom of speech in this country, unless you talk about climate change in a way like we're going to listen.
I just read something. This is really good. You'll, you'll enjoy this, but in Chile, there's a family, a wealthy family there who bought a huge ranch two or three generations ago, back when people still had common sense and wisdom, and they ran thousands of head, tens of thousands of head of cattle in Chile.
You know, you don't make a big salary, do you? But they were well -to -do because they had all those cattle. So now the generation that now owns that land, they, they got rid of all the and they built a hotel, a wellness hotel on this land.
And they said the reason they got rid of the cattle is because they fart so much that it's destroying the environment.
That's good science. Pardon the French. Glad we had children's shirts today.
Anyway, but probably a word most kids know, except in my house where Charlotte is, they don't know that one.
They don't get to say that one. Okay. Um, in fact, there's no word for that in our house. I don't know what we do.
Just ignore it. Now I'm definitely on a rabbit trail or a cow trail.
I'm going to get in trouble. I'm stopping. Okay. All right, let's go. All right.
So we ended there last time and, uh, we, we start talking about this passage of scripture, where it's going to talk about these two different trees.
And it's interesting because, um, you see this map.
Man named Joshua, who is the high priest. And you have this other man named
Zerubbabel. If you remember the story, who's kind of the secular government type man, he was the man of God too, though.
And the two of them are going to go back and rebuild Jerusalem after Babylon destroyed it. Right. So that's what this is talking about here.
And this Joshua, who was the high priest, look at verse three, what God had to do. He had to take his filthy garments and replace them with garments of righteousness.
Is that a beautiful picture of what God did with all of us when he saved us and all that's so cool in there?
I wish we could talk about it again, but here let's talk about this a little bit. Cause we don't have a lot of time today here now.
Oh, Joshua, the high priest, thou and I fellows that sit before thee for they are men wondered at.
Oh boy. The preachers. Can I have your autograph? I used to be independent bad as you wanted to get the preacher's autograph.
Cause you turned them into like, uh, like heroes until they ran off with the organ player who normally was a female back then.
So that was better than now, but right now they kind of did that back back here too.
Now here's what I want you to do. I have evidence that indicates very strongly that there is a far fulfillment of this prophecy yet in the future.
I also have evidence that the apostle John, who the holy spirit led to write the book of revelation had a
PhD in Zechariah and other old Testament prophets that he had memorized most of what they wrote, maybe in a paraphrase manner, not word for word, but he could probably paraphrase just about everything
Zechariah said from his mind. Not to mention the holy spirit was the true author of what
John wrote. John was just the penman. So you had that too, but you're going to see
Zechariah all through the book of revelation. And so that is the far fulfillment of Zechariah and John wrote about it too, in the same words he did.
It even talks about these two trees we're talking about here. And yet this was written what? 2 ,800, 600, at least six, 500, 400 years ago.
Hold, I will bring forth my servant, the branch. Now, who do you think that's a prophecy of?
Who else in scripture has ever called the branch, Jesus Christ.
He's telling the holy spirit just told Zechariah some information that not a lot of people knew back at that time.
I'm going to bring forth the Messiah for behold, the stone that I've laid before Joshua, uh, upon one stone shall be seven eyes.
What does that picture? The seven eyes. You see, you see that when John in the book of revelation, when John described what he saw in heaven, he saw a throne that had seven lamps in front of it, and he saw a lamb.
And when you looked in the eyes of the lamb, you saw seven spirits. So what does it picture?
It's allegorical, but what does it picture? Who does it picture? I should say the seven lamps, what do lamps have inside of them?
That makes them burn oil. What does oil picture? When you anoint someone, you'll know what was it picture.
The holy spirit there, you have Jesus mentioned in verse eight, and you have the holy spirit mentioned in verse nine, behold,
I will engrave the graving thereof say it, the Lord of hosts. And I will remove the iniquity of that land.
What land do you think that might be talking about Israel one day? I will remove their sin in a day.
Do you think there's anything in the book of revelation that talks about something like that happening? Well, there is, and you talked about it.
Bless your heart, brother bill. You didn't walk all over my sermon this time you did last week, but not this week, but you, you did talk about this subject, uh, a little bit.
And, um, so I'm going to assume people already forgot what you said. I'm just going to keep going. Okay. No, no, no.
I love it. It's awesome. Um, so, um, what you talked about in Sunday school today was you said all
Israel shall be saved was the scripture you referred to, and you said most commentaries don't think that means what you think it means by the day.
Cause what I think it means is all Israel will be saved. That's what I think it means. I think it says that, but I think it also means that, but I think it's at a specific point in time when it happens because it's not right now.
Well, it could be like this afternoon. We don't know when the Lord's coming back, do we? But, um, my mentor was
Jewish, but he was one of very few Jewish people say back in those days, very few of them got saved because they had blindness in part put upon them by the
Lord. Right. But they could be saved. Couldn't they? They can be all right. But there's going to be a day when every
Jew that's alive on the face of the earth will be saved. And what day is that? That's the second coming.
When they see him as lightning from the East to the, to the West, when they see him in the air, coming in the air, like he departed from here in the book of acts and other places that recorded how he left here, they're going to bow the knee and everyone will know that's their
Messiah. You know why? Cause the Holy ghost will call them. That's the only reason they'll know like two seconds earlier, they rejected him and hated him just like you did two seconds before you, you won't think you hated him and maybe you didn't.
If you were lost sheep, I'd see. There's another interesting thing we could talk about. Did you really hate him? You didn't want him. I can say that clearly, or you would have received him already, but then all of a sudden you did.
Why? Because the Holy spirit called you and opened your eyes and opened your ears and so forth. And that's going to happen to every
Jew. And look what happens in a day. And that says I removed their iniquity of the land in how many days does that say?
All right. Now, does that mean like a thousand years? Does that mean a day? It means a day and that day repeats it.
That's called, you know, emphasis say it's the Lord of hosts. Shall you call every man, his neighbor under the vine and under the fig tree.
Now in America today, can you call everyone your brother or sister or everyone, your neighbor?
Not really. Now I've got so many different theories than what we learned from our theological studies.
Like when Jesus said, love your neighbors, yourself, I've always taught. That didn't mean just anybody that your neighbor that meant like a brother or sister cry, you know, they may not go to your church, but they're, they're a child of God that lives near you and they need help.
That's I've always felt like it means that first, it certainly means that first before you help other people.
And here it's kind of clear that it's talking about save people in this context, because you're looking forward to a time when you're about to go into the millennial kingdom and you call every man, your brother or sister.
At that point, there will be a day when that happens. And the angel that talked with me came again and waked me as a man that was waked out of sleep.
That's how I am every day till 10 o 'clock in the morning. And said unto me, what see is thou?
And I said, oh, I have looked and behold a candlestick of gold and a bowl, you know, like a little thing on top of it that would hold oil that you could light and seven lamps there on and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof.
And I saw two olive trees by one upon the right side of the bowl and the other upon the left side.
And those olive trees are why we're in this passage because we're studying Romans verse by verse. And in Romans chapter 11,
Paul starts talking about the olive tree that God broke some true branches off of and blinded
Israel in part so that he could take the wild olive tree and take branches off of that and graft them into the real olive tree.
That's the Gentiles that got saved. That's us. And that has a lot of biblical, um, like first mentioned things going on.
Where's that mentioned for the first time in the Bible and so forth. And this happens to be it. So it's important because it sort of sets the scene for what this is going to be talking about.
And the same allegory is used to talk about something similar. It's not exactly the same thing, but very similar.
That's just as important. We'll see that in a minute, but that's why we're in Zacharias because of these two olive trees, because Paul talks about the two trees, the
Gentile tree and the Jewish tree. Okay. Now both of those trees picture the
Gentiles and the Jews. Now, if you take the Gentiles and the Jews, that's every human, right?
Because the Gentiles is comprised of all kinds of races. Would you agree with that? And Paul spent most of his time talking to the
Jew first and the Gentile Gentile. And he had the biggest difficulty getting Jews to believe that God would save a
Gentile. Right. I mean, they just didn't believe God to save a
Gentile. I mean, they knew they were proselyte, but hardly ever happened. And they just didn't really believe they, you know what they didn't want
God to save a Gentile. Think of Jonah, for example, they, they, they didn't want to believe it.
And Paul says, you know what? You're wrong about that. In fact, God called me to be the apostle to the
Gentiles, which he was a Jew of Jews and they knew it smarter than anyone in the room and they knew it.
And he said, not only that, but Jesus will save all men. Now in the context of that, what did he mean?
Did he mean every individual or did he mean he'll save Jews and some Gentiles? You see, it's very clear.
He doesn't mean every individual. He means God will save some people from every people group.
In the world, including the Gentiles and all the different divisions of the Gentiles.
He'll save some from every people group. That's what it means. In fact, in Greek, the word passes all. It doesn't mean every individual usually usually means some from every group.
It can mean every individual. So you have to go by the context and we'll be looking at that next Sunday, I would imagine.
So here you have these two olive trees, Gentile and Jew, Jew and Gentile Jews, always first Jew and Gentile.
And each of them consists of three kinds of people, law, sheep, save sheep and goats. Okay. So he sees these things.
So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me saying, what are these?
My Lord. And then the angel that talked with me answered and said to me, you don't know what those are.
Doesn't that make you feel funny? When, like when brother Otis would ask me, brother David, you don't know what that means.
Hey, that made me feel. You don't know what that means. You never studied that one before.
Oh, I know brother Otis, but I want to know your opinion, right? Okay. That's what's happening here.
You don't know. You don't know what these trees symbolize. I mean, you're Zachariah, you're the prophet, you're
God's man. You don't know. And I said, no, my Lord, because he's one of few, he was a, a, you know, an honest prophet.
I don't know. Then he answered and speaking to me saying, this is the word of the
Lord. And to Zerubbabel saying not by might nor by power, but by my spirit says the
Lord of hosts. Now Zerubbabel was the secular leader type man.
That's going to work together with this man. It's being spoken to Joshua and the two of them are going to go back and rebuild the temple.
And the temple that they rebuild will be the very one that Jesus and the apostles are sitting on the ground, looking at when the apostles say, look how beautiful this building is.
Lord Jesus. Isn't it marvelous. And Jesus totally ignored that and said, you know what? The time is coming when not one stone will be left upon another in this building that bothered him because it was a beautiful building that these men built, and this is before they built it, but they're the ones that built it.
And then they came to him privately and ask him two questions. Not one is so important to know that he asked to these men, the apostles asking privately to question number one.
Okay. When's that going to happen? When are they going to tear down the temple? And secondly, second question, tell us the signs of thy coming.
They believed in a literal second coming and at the end of the world, which means the end of the age, the church age, when's that coming?
So he answered both questions throughout Matthew chapter 24, certain passages in Luke and Mark.
So what's interesting in his answer, it has near and far prophecies as well, because some of his answer was about the building that was going to be torn down in 70, about 40 years in Jesus's future.
Some of the verses talk about that. And then some of the verses answered the other question that hasn't happened yet.
When's the second coming happening? What are the signs that hasn't happened? But some of those signs are being some of them.
I saw on January 6th that I'd never seen before in this country. Anyway, like over a hundred thousand.
Uh, adult children turning in their parents to the FBI to be arrested. Jesus prophesied that he said before I make stuff, start falling from the sky and hitting the earth and killing millions of people before that daughters are going to turn in their mothers and sons are going to turn in their fathers to be arrested and some to be killed, that's already happening.
Even in American, we're the last stronghold for the truth, right? A hundred thousand to the
FBI since January 6th. All right. Well, anyway, um, so here who art thou?
Oh, great mountain, but Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plane, you know, and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying grace, grace, and to it now you, you have to understand the story of Zerubbabel to understand that.
But he was a very important, brilliant, powerful man who grew up in the court of Babylon with the greatest library that existed on the face of the earth, studied science, studied military, uh, conquest.
He studied the Jewish books and the Targums and the old Testament books.
He was brilliant. He thought he was super powerful in the Lord is telling
Zerubbabel. Who's the other key player in this that guess what? You're going to be like, you think you're a mountain.
You're going to be like a flat plane by the time I get done with you, but you are going to do my will and you're going to build the temple.
And he says, it's not going to be by power and might like you have, but by my spirit that you're going to do it.
So, so he had to learn some things. And so God is telling the man of God, you got to go tell
Zerubbabel this. Do you think you wanted to go tell him that this impressive figure who was like right -hand man to the leader of the entire world of Babylon, he didn't want to tell him that, but he had to.
So part of this is talking about this is going to happen. Moreover, the word of the
Lord came to me saying the hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house.
So that was prophetic. He hadn't yet done it, but he's going to do it. His hand shall also finish it.
So while that man is still alive, the temple will be finished completed. And that's the same temple that was destroyed in 70
AD. His hand shall finish it. And now she'll know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you.
So, but why? Because this is prophecy and it comes to pass if they miss the prophecy, they get stoned to death.
I love the way the modern charismatic say, well, it's not like that. Now we know that our profits aren't perfect.
I'm saying, okay, show me in scripture where that's a profit because we don't stone them as their point.
Okay. For who has despised the day of small things. In other words, this is not going to be done by power and might of man of Zerubbabel and all of his connections with the government.
It's going to be done by everyday. Israelis who are led by the
Lord and by the spirit of God. Isn't that cool. So don't despise the day of small things for they shall rejoice and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven.
And that's a device, the plum line to show how to build a wall and get it straight and all that sort of stuff.
So that picture is building the building and they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth.
So the Holy spirit is managing this entire project. And it's going to be done correctly, according to God's sovereign will.
And these two individuals are going to play a human role in it, working together with God, which is what we all do. And there's a lot of cool stuff going on there.
Then answered I and said to him, what are these two olive trees? Well, that's kind of what we're wanting to know.
Isn't it upon the right side of the candlestick? Well, I answered again, said to them, what be these two olive branches, which through the golden pipes, empty the golden oil out of themselves.
And he answered me and said, notice they'll not let these be again. Well, you're like the man of God.
You don't know this. Can you picture Jesus, you know, talking to Nicodemus? What you don't know what it means to be born again,
Nicodemus, and you're a leader of Israel. Oh, what does it mean? Am I supposed to crawl back in my mother's womb?
That was brilliant. Wasn't it? That was the like Bible scholar of the day. And here we are dealing with the same problem.
Then said he, these are the two anointed ones that stand by the Lord of the whole earth.
Now I'm getting goosebumps because I already read ahead on my sermon and I know what's about to happen. And you may be, may not have seen this in a while.
Wow. 2 ,600 years ago or more. Let me look it up here.
I mean, you can probably do it before I can. It's interesting that Jesus mentions this prophet, because if I'm thinking correctly in the
Jewish old Testament, this is the last book I think before at the end of their Bible, it's not in the same order.
It was our old Testament. I love the old
Scofield Bible because it's got some scholarly dates on the top that tell you about when these books are written, you know, maybe more like 2 ,800 years ago, that was close.
Um, so six, 800 years before Jesus was born into the world and 2 ,600 years before now in 2 ,605 years before the second coming,
I made that up. Okay. Cause it might be now. I don't know when it is.
I know the trees are budding though. So summer is night that I know. So you see my point it's prophesying that when you get out into the tribulation period, there are going to be two prophets who prophesy and freak everybody out and anyone who tries to attack them will be slain.
And I think by fire from their mouth, if I remember right. And then eventually the antichrist will slay them and they'll lay in the street and the whole world, a picture of the world you live in now, the whole world will have a party bigger than Christmas, celebrating the fact that the prophets of God are dead, lying in the street, rotting supposedly, but they didn't rot.
That's what they thought should be happening. Right. And three days later, guess what happens on live internet
TV. Where the whole world sees it. Guess what's happens. Those two individuals rise from the dead and ascend into heaven in front of the whole world.
And the whole world gets really scared at that point. And not long after that, they start to pray and ask the mountains to fall on them and the rocks to follow them because they're afraid of the fierceness of the lamb.
Wow. That sounded like a different Jesus than the one that saves everybody. Right. That's talked about today that loves everybody.
Listen, they're good. They would rather have a mountain of rocks fall on them than to face this Jesus that loves everybody that the preachers say loves everybody and died for everybody.
That's kind of different. Isn't it? These two anointed ones are the same ones that are spoken of by the apostle
John in the book of revelation, the near prophecy, however, pictured
Joshua and Zerubbabel. Isn't that interesting? So it had a near fulfillment and it had a far fulfillment.
It will have a far fulfillment. So people debate on who those two prophets are, which
I think is frivolous because the Bible didn't tell us who they are. So we're not, we don't know who they are, but, uh, that's who they were back then on the, on the first fulfillment, these two gentlemen who rebuilt the temple and spake unto him saying, thus speaketh the
Lord of hosts saying, behold, the man, whose name is the branch, who's that Jesus. And he shall grow up out of his place and he shall build the temple of the
Lord. Now that's interesting. Have you ever seen that ever?
Because you've heard me say before, like I'm the old cool preacher saying this, this is my theory.
I think that the temple has to be rebuilt and there has to be a swine offered on that, uh, on the altar of that new temple.
And then at that point we have three and a half years left before the end of this age. Anybody agree with me on that?
You think that's reasonable? I think the scripture teaches that. So the way
I see it, Jesus doesn't build that temple. Would you agree with that? Cause he hasn't come back yet.
When that temple is built, that temple is built before he comes back. It's one of the signs of his coming. So how do you put that together?
Well, I had the advantage of seeing this before you saw it. So I got to think a lot about it and pray about it and ask the
Holy spirit to teach me what it's talking about. So, um, I'm going to throw out another coffee table theory.
I usually don't throw those out here. I usually do it at the coffee table and we'll shoot it down for a year.
And we can't shoot it down. I might bring it up here, but it was almost like our coffee table at this point after COVID.
Right? I mean, this is our coffee chat. Here's what I think it means. You're free to shoot it down.
And by all means, if you can, I want to see it because I don't want to talk about anything. It's not the truth, but I think that implies very clearly that that temple that gets rebuilt will be destroyed during and around Armageddon, the time of Armageddon or even prior to that.
So isn't that something? I think that this pretty clear that that temple that's going to be rebuilt in our future, not that far in the future.
In fact, when you see that thing being rebuilt, you need to find your really nice cave somewhere. All right.
In the mountains, probably would be smart. Or if you live where bill does, you might find a cave out there.
Get really deep down in it because America is not going to do well.
Even before the tribulation period, I think. So, um, we'll finish that later.
That's because part of this is going to talk about America. I think we talked about a little bit last Sunday. Did anybody shoot that theory down yet?
You did. No, no, you're not raising your hand. I'm messing with you. Anybody shoot that theory down yet that, oh, well, here's one to think about if you're visiting.
Okay. The, the great Harlot spoken of in revelation, I think it's New York city. I just figured,
I just think that's what it is at this point. I never believed that before until this study through these scriptures
I'm going through. But, um, I think it's very likely it's New York city. I don't think it's actual real
Babylon. Uh, bill. And I discussed that before we used to kind of lean like it might be, but no longer,
I don't think that anymore. So check that out, see what you think about that. But I think that this implies that the temple that is going to be rebuilt where they all offer the swine, where the antichrist
Christ goes in, takes over the temple and offers a pig on the, on the, uh, at the altar, you now have three and a half years before this age is over before Armageddon happens before the
Lord Jesus comes back and the rapture of the church and all that stuff happens, uh, at the time that's built.
And I believe that same temple, even though it's brand new, I think it'll be destroyed during this time period, because Jesus, it says here, the branch will build the temple of the
Lord. But I think that's going to be a little bit different kind of temple. I think he'll actually going to be the temple, but anyway, we'll see about that because we'll get into the book of revelation and talk a little bit about that and I'm running out of time.
I can just, I'm out of time. It's in this study, but I'm not going to get to it today. So you guys are visiting.
You'll have to stay another week. You say, well, you are online. Anyway, even he shall build the temple of the
Lord and he shall bear the glory and shall sit and rule upon his throne.
Who's that? And when is that that's Jesus? And that's what's what period of time is it?
Well, y 'all are done. Aren't you? I can tell it's okay. I've gone long millennial kingdom and he shall be a priest upon his throne and the council of peace shall be between them.
So I think we're out of time. I've, uh, you guys have had all you can take today. I mean, this is not easy material.
Um, and it's not easy to hear what's maybe about to happen to the nation you grew up in and loved.
But, um, I think that's some interesting stuff to think about there. Is it says pretty clearly that Jesus builds the temple.
So the temple can't be there at that time. So apparently this temple gets destroyed also, which doesn't seem to surprising to me.
I mean, Jesus said, if I hadn't cut it short, there'd be no life left on the earth, it's not going to be the only building destroyed, there won't be any skyscrapers left.
Have you ever wondered like if, if, if the Bible weren't true and you didn't have God and you just had just secular stuff, how many years would let go by before all those skyscrapers just had to come down and how would they accomplish that little by little?
Wow. Well, guess what? There is God and there is the Bible and it's all going to happen during this time period called the tribulation.
There won't be any buildings left. There won't be any infrastructure left. If you look and see how they're fighting, much of the fighting is being done with bows and arrows.
Try to go get ammunition. Now, have you tried that lately? You know,
I watch these golfers on TV, like they grew up and they knock one in the water and that's like a $2 ball in it nowadays, two bucks for one ball.
And then I'll turn, I'll watch somebody practicing shooting. I said, well, there went a golf ball.
Boom. There went another one. Every bullet's $2. So it's going to be different than what everybody thought.
But, uh, if the Lord didn't cut it short, there'd be no life left on the earth. And who does he say he cuts it short for whose sake the elect sake.
So the elect are still here. They hadn't been raptured yet. Church has not mentioned.
Yeah, it is. It's mentioned many times after chapter three of revelation. So, um, anyway, is truth is important.
And when people believe into a lie, they won't be prepared because they don't think they need to be prepared because they won't be here.
Anyways, what they think that's what they've been told by Bible scholars. And, um, it's just that those scholars were incorrect and that's a nice way of putting it.
So I think we're out of time. So let's stand and have prayer together, man. I wish I had more time. I'd like to get to the end of this study today, but we'll, we'll work towards that in next, next
Sunday, the Lord willing, Lord, we thank you for your word. We thank you that you have woven it together in such a way that no part of it will contradict any other part of it if properly understood and context.
And according to all the different rules you've given us to study, the grammar study, the word meanings, and all the different things that we look ask who's been spoken to what's the topic, all these different things.
You've woven it together and every great truth is mentioned more than once so that even the enemies of the
Bible have a hard time destroying any truth. They haven't been able to ever, and they've tried many times.
And we thank you for giving us your word, but also preserving it to our generation and for all eternity.
Lord show us what you need us to know so that we can be the salt and the light in our time and do our job working together in your great family.
Business. We thank you that you called us to yourself as your children and workers together with you.
So go with us now in our time of fellowship as well and bless the meal. We're about to have in Jesus name.
Amen. Let, let me quickly say that. Uh, if you're visiting, we hope you will stay for lunch. We'll have plenty for everybody.
And I need to also ask, uh, maybe brother Paul, if you could lock up today, because some of us in my family have to leave immediately.
And, uh, it's Finn's birthday party. He just turned three. So we've got to make it all the way to walk the hatch by two o 'clock.