Is the Mormon My Brother?

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Pastor Wade Orsini and Mo of Apologia Utah get into a quick conversation with an LDS Professor. He didn't want to talk about the differences between Christians and the LDS but instead, focus on the similarities. What do you think? Is the Mormon an Evangelical Christian's brother or sister in Christ?


So how long have you been going? I don't even know.
Why'd you come out of Utah? Are you a professor?
Yep. Wow. So, I mean, what'd you get?
I mean, I studied the Bible, I studied the Book of Mormon, I studied Mormon. I'm glad I'm based on history and my own personal experiences and have a relationship with the
New Spirit. It's confirmed for me in my heart that it's true. People say, you guys believe in a different Jesus.
There's only one Jesus. He is our Savior and Redeemer, and I know that in my heart.
I know He's our Savior and Redeemer. I know He's suffered for our sins. I know He died on the cross for me.
He's the one, right? That's true that there's only one Jesus, but, you know, of course and I'm sure you know as a learned man that you know,
Muslims will say one thing about Jesus. Jehovah's Witness will say one thing about Jesus. I could say that Jesus is this guy right here, but even
Jesus asks His disciples, who do you say that I am? And He asks them that because there is a way in which
He's revealed Himself. So, there is one Jesus. The question is, is our belief and faith in the one true
Jesus of the Bible? And that's where, you know, we take issue. We see, you know, some doctrinal differences between, of course,
Evangelical Christianity and Latter -day Saint doctrine that would create such a differentiation between what we see to be
Jesus that it might be damning. You know what I mean? Have you ever thought about that?
Actually, here's my feeling. I feel like anybody who truly believes in Jesus and understands
His role as our Savior, seeking to follow Him, you, are our only
Savior. You know, He's the way, the truth, the life. If you're mistaken, but you truly believe that and you're doing your best, you're not going to be defended.
If I'm mistaken, and I actually don't believe I am mistaken, I believe that He did appear to Joseph Smith.
I know I've read the Book of Mormon. How many times have you read the Book of Mormon?
Um, not many times. No, I've read through some of that. Probably a dozen or more.
I've also read the Bible. I've studied the Gospels regularly.
I mean, I know Jesus, and I know His Gospel. Who is Jesus, though? That's sort of what we're trying to point at.
He's the Son of God. Is He the brother of Satan? Um, is He the brother of Satan?
Brother of Lucifer. What if He is? What does that mean to you? Who created all things in the universe?
Who created all things in the universe? Well, I'll answer you. Actually, in John chapter 1, it deals with Jesus being the one who created all things.
It says in the beginning was the Word. God created all things through Jesus, right? Yeah. So is
Jesus and God separate people? That's where we have a difference.
Well, there's one being of God, and yet there are three persons of God. So I know
LDS Doctrine would say they are three separate beings, which would make them three gods. You know what? Let's say they're not.
Let's say that they're one being. Let's say at the end of the day that particular understanding that we have or the fact that I still believe in Jesus Christ.
That's not a damning misunderstanding. I'm saying they are three different people. I'm just saying the fact that you think they're all one, that's okay.
As long as you believe that Jesus Christ is your Savior and Redeemer and you're trying to follow Him. Can I ask you one thing in regards to that?
So Jesus specifically, especially in the Gospel of John, he would mention what's called the
Tetragrammaton, which comes from the Exodus 3
Burning Bush passage. He says, Ego Ami, which is of course in the Septuagint, which means
Yahweh, I am, I am that I am. So Jesus ascribes to Himself the name of God.
So is He uncreated? Is He eternal?
As an intelligence or as the Son of God? As an intelligence? Where is that?
Where are intelligences? Yeah, where would you find that? Yeah, that's not in the
Bible. Well, continuing revelation has to be consistent with old past revelation.
And that's consistent with the law in Deuteronomy. I don't think that's true. Jesus taught that He was sent only to the house of Israel, not to the
Gentiles. There's it in the Bible. He said it Himself. He even told the woman who was...
But then in John 17, He said there... I'm sorry, John 10. John 10 said there's sheep not of this fold.
Those are the Gentiles. Those are... of course. Well, it could be, right? So let me just say
I believe if you guys are going after Jesus Christ and following Him truthfully in your heart, not just in the praise of the world, but if you're doing it for the right reasons in your heart and you really are seeking after Him, you're going to be saved and I'm going to be saved too.
I hope you will be. I'm concerned about some of it. I can tell you're sincere and I can tell you've had experiences.
Yeah. But authenticity, sincerity, feelings, those don't determine what truth is.
If He is the way, the truth in life, we look to Him as... as what truth is, right?
I wish that was the case because we don't think we're going to become gods. We think we're going to worship
God and be with Him for all eternity. That is so fundamentally different. Of course, that's
Psalm 82 and there's a context to Psalm 82. We appreciate you actually talking with us.