Matt Slick Q&A - 8/9/2017




tell me when tell me when to go whatever we're on all right so welcome back we're gonna be doing a little bit of Q &A so this will put up the two questions all right
I don't know I never heard that they were ever called priestesses it's only the priesthood is only by the males what
I understand I'd say no to that one but I don't know it's good question I've never had to answer that one before good question
I don't think don't think it's the case though don't go ahead we got if people don't show up or whatever we'll just cut it short tonight because we're towards the end of this thing that mics not turned on okay
I will figure it out and this is on karma videos too okay I'm gonna find how to find the video so I watch
I can see what any questions that people might have coming in okay videos let's see oh here we go oh cool oh yeah gotta show him here all right so if anybody wants to ask any questions in YouTube I'm watching
YouTube chat so you guys can fire him away if you want you only have some people watching so it'll be slow and we'll end up going leaving early what's up he has to go to the temple in order to receive the endowments that has to be done in the temple so without a temple he can't do it that's what
I've understood then they wouldn't be able to do that from what
I understand but I don't know if they would say that maybe in a special circumstance that someone could just give them the knowledge but I asked never been anything
I've heard has been acceptable but you close can we move it back and forth yeah go for it there's nobody else okay
I don't know if they do baptisms for the dead I have understood only the guy to the priesthood can do that but it's not something
I don't start at the Mormon temple ceremony very much it's usually a doctrinal thing but that's a good question Bill McKeever would know but I don't know if they would make do women practice baptism that they do that too don't they for the ladies no let me you did it for others yeah okay yeah okay yeah that's a good picture frame looking good during the camera buddy all right ask away yeah you guys can ask questions if you want if not no big deal one of the things we're going to talk about is if is what we're going to talk about if you'll miss what we're going to next
I may want to take a week off or something like that I've been studying my brains out what okay what do you got for suggestions
I could do
Jehovah's Witnesses I could do Islam yeah I could
I got Islam basically ready Jehovah's Witnesses I have to develop a course like this it would take me weeks there's a lot of work you have to make the graphics to go through paginate put everything in which it's certainly worth doing the audience mic isn't working and the cameras too high okay we've got that fixed the transition of stream seems a bit awkward but I navigated myself around it good
John Baker all right okay well you know what if nobody's gonna ask any questions we just call it we'll give them a minute no serious there's no big deal it's just towards the end of all this we're tired and long series go go for it can't get in locked yeah
I have not studied that it's a deep topic and there are schools of thought and they the guys who studied this stuff discuss which tree is better than others for different reasons and I've never gotten into it because it's it's such a rare topic they don't have to worry about it and so I just haven't been able to devote any time to it it's you know
Mormons are asking more Muslims are asked you know so I'll go into these things but that's it's a worthwhile study
I do know one of the guys on staff with us that's one of his hobbies he loves studying that stuff just one of those things he likes studying so you could email us at CARM maybe forward an email to him and maybe he'll know he likes studying biblical textual evidences and stuff like that so he studied that it takes a lot there's a lot of study in it all right okay let's see
Matt you should do an in -depth study on the tabernacle of fulfillment of Jesus yeah that's that would be good yep it would be good
I keep thinking people should do an in -depth study on something Wow okay so I'm thinking in terms of weeks that it would take me to to get something like that done and how many things
I've already got how many projects I got backed up it's just I want to do so much but yeah that's a good idea hey dude how do you ride the x -17 but through the okay whatever so I guess that's it yes of course yes because of pressure it was actually political pressure because when
Brigham Young had taken the Mormons out to Utah and they were in the Salt Lake City Valley they were there for quite a while and statehood was an issue and so I don't know all the historical details but statehood was an issue coming into the
Union and to do that they could not have polygamy plus there was an issue of some military force coming in to do something with the state and it had something to do with that topic and some other topics it wasn't just one thing and so then they conveniently got a revelation that polygamy was no longer necessary and then statehood could come and some other stuff so that's that's that's the issue there who was scripture referring to when it says the angel of the
Lord it depends on the context the angel of the Lord in the Old Testament sometimes was referred to as a pre -incarnate
Christ in the New Testament the angel of the Lord most probably is just an angel of created being so depending on which usage go ahead yep yes the real rapture well the real rapture is just the rapture it's when the
Christians who are alive and remain are caught up to meet the Lord Jesus in the air and it's out of first Thessalonians 4 verse 16 through chapter 5 verse 2 that's just what the rapture is not an issue really of a real rapture it's just that's the rapture let's see
Gina Williams says or Willis excuse me since I go to church once in a while where the pastor is a woman is it weird that I feel like I should not be there women are not to be pastors she's not supposed to be a pastor okay first Timothy 2 12 and 13 says
Paul says he does not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over man but remain silent for Adam was first created it's not a cultural issue she's not to be in the place of authority and you can also go to first Timothy 5 17 which says that the elder the pastors an elder and then you go to Titus 1 5 through 7 and 1st
Timothy 3 1 through I think 6 and it talks about the elder is to be the one wife a man of one woman literally in the
Greek and a pastor is an elder and the Bible says that the elder is to be a husband of one wife a man literally of one woman so a woman cannot be a pastor it's not right okay they also talked like they get a word from God then should
I stay there and I wouldn't stay there yeah that's you know to be sitting there guys and girls will do this up in the pulpit
I'm getting a word from the Lord good work oh wow well our pastor could talks to God directly which it is saying is look to me
I'll give you these words look how special I am I'll inform you and you'd really about pointing to the word that's what's the problem there so what is the rapture rapture biblical yeah things like that on his car so about this issue it's really something that's important is that you can really elevate yourself with I got a word from the
Lord oh I'm hearing the Lord talk to me I'm this I'm that look how what you're not saying I'm special but what you're doing is showing you're special and what that does is it causes people who are gullible and willing they'll just oh that person talks to God he gets it from the
Lord right now okay well to go to that person for truth instead of opening the Word of God that's a problem it's a big problem all right there we go all right next okay the next question is from Victor Vasquez can you explain black
Hebrew Israelite movement there's a lot of factions within it but basically it says you can go okay basically what it is is that the true people of Israel are the black people and the white people are not black
Hebrew Israelite and some go so far as to say that white people are demonic and that they're actually demons oh yeah some do some don't most of them don't they don't say no they're not devils and things like that you'll call them white devils and stuff like that but there's a large faction in a large and there's divisions within it quite a bit some of them are more militant and some are not but basically the idea is that the black people are the true
Israelites the true people of God and everybody else are imposing their will upon the true people of God and abusing a power that is not theirs and they need to be stopped you could imagine what this could lead to and it's racist you know it's the black people are what the black oh so it's a skin color thing now they're the true people of Israel Wow John Baker my mother like female like female churches how do you have a female church
I mean what's a female church what without a steeple sorry
I could not resist that one I could say some other things but I'm not gonna that's plenty probably too much sorry yeah you already said just lost his salvation probably likes female pastors but I know that like Matt I know like Matt that this oh you know that it is wrong so I get into heated arguments with the woman that I love over there with your mom yeah got jumping
I know Johnny's good guy she didn't give you life God gave you life but she was the means by which
God gave you life but yeah and John's a good guy okay anybody else after his human after his human nature
Jesus was still human after his ascension next well I don't know you know people elaborate okay
Jesus did not stop being a man after his resurrection ascension into heaven right now in heaven is a man on the throne of God with holes in his wrists and his feet his back ripped open he retained the crucifixion wounds after the even after the resurrection you go to John 20 25 to 28 put your finger into my hand put your hand into my side he said to Thomas that was his glorified resurrected body at a first Corinthians 15 35 and 45 and he ascended into heaven and right now he sits at the right hand of God sent into heaven in the same way he went up he'll come back that's actually 1 9 to 11 and the
Bible says there's one mediator between man and God the man Christ Jesus that's 1st Timothy 2 5 and Colossians 2 9 says for him dwells all the fullness of deity in bodily form so he's a man right now yeah there's no lessening of his human nature he's the first fruits of creation you can say that you go to Colossians 1 15 and he's the first one to be resurrected like that so he's still man fully man fully
God and forever will be in that that state that's proper
Christian theology all right the new body is a glorified body it means it's a glorified body which doesn't is not susceptible to death anymore for one thing we don't know exactly what it means the only evidence we have is they recognize
Jesus he still had the wounds but you guys glorified body and he could appear in different places so hopefully it's what we can do to that'd be cool
I'd like to go to a couple of big computer stores and check them
I'll be that way we do okay sorry when you use this was the question of the angel
Barona I mean so devout why is he an angel they don't
I haven't got any good answers I don't know if I look into that oh or well he you have a deal
Oh God didn't want him to be a god yet because he had to be an angel that's the one that makes that part because he needed to get the books and stuff well if it's a spiritual vision a spiritual eye they didn't see him and then the first visions wrong so how do you how do you have a spiritual vision with blue sunglasses that's a spiritual vision what is it you know yeah yeah it doesn't make sense that's not what they say though in the in the in that all right let's see when looking at Revelation 22 to does this imply that there are people at eternity with unglorified bodies due to the tree of life being for healing of the nation's the tree of life has many has several different interpretations of what it can be and because it's ambiguous
I don't know how to answer the question because I don't know the actual meaning of the tree of life actually is some say it means you're saved some say but yet your your names blotted out some say there's a textual variant there near there so you know it's the tree of life that's one of the topics
I can look at and I don't know the proper answer to that because the
Bible just doesn't tell us what it really is so I don't know I met when did all the different languages start and why so many about 14 years ago on May 8th
Tower of Babel that's what it happened to in the Bible a few thousand years ago it's one misargument the name of the
Father Son Holy Spirit is Jesus so you baptize the name of Jesus what they fail to understand is that in Acts 4 7 it says that they were questioning
Peter in what name by what authority do you do this they understood in the name of to mean in the authority of stop at the name of the law so we did this by the authority of Jesus in the name of is a designation of the authority of so to baptize in the authority of Jesus in the name of Jesus which is the authority of Jesus you say
I baptize in the name of the Father Son Holy Spirit that's the correct view now we know from the did okay and it's the only document that's not biblical that I will quote that has some merit because the did okay was written probably between 60 and 80 a .d.
when John the Apostle the very least was still alive and then the did okay it talks about baptism in the name of the
Father the Son and the Holy Spirit but it actually says get baptized each time three father one so baptizing and the
Holy Spirit three times but it just shows that it was done in the full name and that's right there not scripture
I don't make doctor out of scripture but it's very important supportive information that did okay says that and that's that's that's called a did okay you go to my website calm org di d a ch e look up did okay and you can read it it's not that long you don't worship the human nature and the divine
Jesus that's an historian is them in the sense that within the body of Christ are two distinct natures just worship
Jesus the one person the one person of Jesus had two distinct natures just don't worry about this nature that nature just worship
Jesus and we perceive the divine to the human so if we were all back there in time of Jesus we would see him walk on water but that's a human thing but we would see him at demonstrate the attributes of divinity in this miraculous ability to to walk on water we would see him call the storm by a command and this ability to do that so we would see the divinity through the humanity and that's what we got to understand so we don't worship just the humanity and the divinity or the divinity not the humanity that's that's a false approach just worship
Jesus if he was there right in front of you that's him that's the one person with two attributes
I was giving with the attributes of both natures of both God and human both God and man okay all right how can my
Lutheran friends be right on so much yet look to their baptism as concrete evidence of salvation how can they be so steeped in the world in the word as and miss it they can do that because they're indoctrinated and they're loyal to their denomination and not to scripture
I went to a Lutheran College so I know exactly what's going on there Matt if earth is the only planet with human life what are all those
UFO sightings I believe they're demonic manifestations oh he says I believe they're demons what about you yes
I believe they're demonic manifestations because they teach theology and they teach Jesus is not God that we are divine and reincarnation is true and so this is not very commonly known but it is one of the things that they do so they deny biblical doctrines
I believe they're demonic manifestations okay here we go any other questions what why do
Lutherans reject Calvinist teachings because they don't really take the Bible seriously I'll make it trouble for that one no because they have presuppositions that because they focus certain things they focus on a few other things than reformed theologians do in my personal opinion having gone to Concordia University got my bachelor's degree from a
Lutheran College LCMS Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Rod Rosenblatt was my professor in a lot of the classes there for those who know that know who he is that might get some kudos in my opinion
Lutheranism is you know Luther did a great job leaving Roman Catholicism but he didn't go far enough and where Calvin completed it and so I my opinion is that Lutheranism just has a little bit too much of Roman Catholicism still flowing through its veins and they're semi sacerdotal and that the sacraments are the means of grace but they're not extensive like they are in the
Roman Catholic Church so that's that's why I believe that and then you grow up in that and you kind of hold on to that let's see yeah there
I saw these orbs more than ten times in the past four years well you got to check your vision maybe you have something an ophthalmologist might want to look at that's the first thing
I would check I've seen gargoyle looking demons before I got saved I've seen some demonic stuff too gargoyle stuff was it like in the morning when you turn the light on in the bathroom because you know shadows can make you look pretty bad but uh especially if you're a guy you know girls never see gargoyles you know guys could get oh like me but uh yeah you know check your eyes make sure that what happens you know just check your eyes first but actually
I've seen orbs too I was in the occult we saw balls of light moving okay
Luther died before he could take care of all the RC issues yeah it looks like right Dadi Mendoza any update on the
INC study no the Iglesia Ni Cristo study no yeah
I really need to do that don't I oh boy I believe you live holy
I believe you saw stuff yeah I've seen stuff when I was involved in the occult any other questions you guys got what's that who messed up all the text
I can't follow who makes up the text the tech oh sorry because I do have that ringing in my ears a lot of people don't know it's pretty loud so sometimes
I don't hear stuff right sorry John Baker it is strange to me that Sam is not familiar with the principles of reformed theology but I await his explanation for his response behavior okay okay and okay anybody else come on guys fire some questions at me isn't that a nice picture be right there relaxing you'll be there that'd be nice that'd be nice it's
Windows 10 actually but yeah I'm medium
I don't know I have to ask a spirit why he does that they think about it somebody say why does the spirit not do this
I don't know why does he say one person I know I don't know I'm not answer able to answer those kind of questions because it has to do with what the spirits intention purpose and reasons are which
I don't know but we could give generic things he doesn't give election to some people because well they don't want to believe it okay who knows there could be lots of reasons and things hey
Matt should I commit my time to complete the entire Calvin Institute I don't know
Wayne I've never read the Calvin's Institutes I've heard it's really good though it's up to you if you got nothing else to do read them speak a bit
Matt about smoking and if it's a sin I don't think it's a good thing to do I don't know if it's a sin because we have to define what constitutes a sin in the sense of of our body is smoking a sin well how about having coca -cola is it a sin about candy bar and I'm not just cloud the issue with a bunch of questions it's just why just say smoking when there's other things that relate to what we do to our bodies and so the issue is smoking is it bad for a body well yeah but then maybe eating some certain foods fast food is wrong it's bad too and would it then be a sin let me get into the issue of you know of honoring what
God has given us in our own bodies and so I'm not gonna say it's sinful but I would say it's not not a wise choice
I'll just leave it at that what is the
International Church of Christ okay let's see my son has autism and I taught him some on Jesus and God since I'm not sure how much he understands will he go to heaven since he believes in Jesus and God from what we say if he believes in Jesus in all the truth then sure the reason he's going he does that is because he's regenerate if someone believes in these things that's a sign of regeneration so you should expect to see him in with the
Lord I would say so site Matt do you believe that calling Jesus the
Most High God has a biblical foundation calling him the Most High God I had to look at the phrase the
Most High God see how it appears in Scripture and see if we can use it in an economic
Trinitarian sense in reference to the second person but certainly the Most High God appeal of refers to the whole of the doctrine of the
Trinity the ontological Trinity sense and that the Father Son Holy Spirit also share this divine nature and I said
I'd like to know how phrases are used by God in the Bible I can't answer the question if it's appropriate for the
Son because some things are for the Son only and some of the Father only but generically speaking
I would have no problem with with it Jesus is the Most High God not if you mean though that the second person of the
Trinity is the Most High God then who would the Father and the Holy Spirit be in relationship to that so that's you got to be careful how you're saying things here because that question has ramifications depending on how you interpret a few of the phrases where is your scriptural support for regeneration happening before repentance and faith he causes us to be born again first Peter 1 3 and you can go to John 1 13 which
I'll do right now I'll read John 1 13 come on John 1 13 talking about us who are born
Christians who are born I'll read that verse 12 because people in one of them but as many as received him that's the
Christians to them he gave the right to become children of God even to those who believe in his name who were born talk about being born again here okay not of the blood now nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God so regeneration is something that must come first because if you're born and pop up being born again not of your own will then the will has to follow being born again it's otherwise if you're born of your will then that would lead to regeneration but that's not what the text of Sion okay do you believe the calling
Jesus yeah where's a piece of 2 -4 Colossians 2 13 Hebrew oh good for you to look all right does scripture speak to whether God is displeased with someone getting a tattoo in this day and time
I want to say Leviticus 1918 but I don't think that's the right place but it does say in the
Old Testament let me look at the verse about not getting tattooed and the community context you'll see
I will never get a tattoo I do not like them I have no desire of them
I don't understand why people want to do it that's just me but I don't judge people who do so in fact
I would even date a girl should I check to you all right so maybe go to Carmen look up on Carmen but I have information
I'm curious where it is because I did the research on this and wrote an article I didn't call it sinful but if I remember correctly the issue that the tattoo thing in the
Old Testament was here we go oh it is a little bit Oh Leviticus 1928 you shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves
I'm the Lord revelation 13 16 17 and he causes all small great rich poor free slave to be given a mark on their right hand and on their forehead and it's the mark of the beast
Leviticus 1926 230 you shall not eat anything with blood nor practice divination or soothsaying you shall not round the sides of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead or make any two marks on yourselves
I'm the Lord so it seems that the context of the tattooing has to do with an occult a pagan practice of identification with the dead and if so then the logic would be well if you're not doing it for that reason then it's okay that'd be the logic what another issue is that this is for the
Israelites and who are under the Old Covenant and the Old Covenant is no longer in effect so does that mean you're free what would
I say is if you want to do it I don't recommend it but if you do it that's between you and God and that's it and I I don't understand why anybody would want to do
I just don't get it it's just weird to me why would you want to do that I don't know it just doesn't compute with me but anyway so if people do it
I don't judge it so let's leave it up to you and the Lord and go study it for yourselves do you but here's a question to put a tattoo on yourself is to identify with something now people have different reasons for doing things putting a face of a loved one some people want to put scripture you know so my reticence of it doesn't mean it's right or wrong or anything but between you and God I'll just leave it at that I'm done with that one leave that church to say no
I was a heretic depends on what he was teaching well if he was anybody teaching oneness is not qualified to be a pastor so what do you do with a man who is oneness who becomes
Trinitarian and he's in the church stay and teach the truth stay and slowly teach him the truth you're in a great position to do that and yeah you know it's we have these rules but sometimes applying them it can be a little bit difficult and so I would say that well let's put away on one up one option is that he could stay and try and teach the truth but another one is that he might want to just leave and get grounded in the truth because if he's gonna leave oneness and become
Trinitarian then there's other things that are attached to that and he can't just solve them all in 20 minutes and then he decides to stay so I think you know might modify what
I just said a little bit ago and to say yeah depending on the situation I like the idea this is the opinion
I like the idea of staying and trying to convert others to the truth but I also like the idea of step down step away and go learn or maybe you could try both try and stay and teach the truth till he gets kicked out and then spend that time to go learn and use the street what are you gonna do between God and that person you know
I say well you gotta weigh them and see maybe it's a good question though yeah a
Muslim once asked me why Jesus said he only came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and I wasn't sure how to answer please advise by 1524 also
I think it's Matthew 10 6 he said only go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and the reason he said that this is the answer to this okay
Serrano is that Jesus was covenantally not sent to the whole world the covenant that God set was between God and the nation of Israel more specifically
Abraham and his descendants the people of Israel Jesus was said covenantally only to Israel when
Israel rejected the Messiah then we the Gentiles are grafted in that's why he said he was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel a lot of people think that Jesus was sent to the whole world he was not because in Matthew 15 24 he says
I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel he was not sent to the
Gentiles but of course the Jews rejected the Messiah we the
Gentiles are grafted in that's prophesied in Genesis 12 3 fulfilled so to speak in Galatians 3 8 okay
I don't know how old the earth is and I don't believe it's millions of years old
I don't know if the Bible necessitates it to only be so to speak 6 ,000 years old and I'm just not convinced that that's a necessity scripturally
I don't have any problem with it being 6 ,000 years old I could easily that if I thought the scriptures required that I don't see them requiring it how old was the garden before Adam and Eve were put in don't know now people say
Yom means one day it's one of the things that people say when Yom which is the Hebrew for word for day is used with ordinal number ordinal numbers first second third fourth it always means 24 hours and that's not true because the seventh day doesn't have an end and that's the reason
I don't equate it necessarily to literal 24 -hour periods that's the only reason
I don't do that and I believe that the earth could be just 10 ,000 years old maybe 20 maybe 50 maybe a hundred but I don't think much more than that that's my view good
God could have done it but I don't have a problem with 6 ,000 years old either so next question is from Eric who's
Michael Heiser what who's
Michael Heiser sometimes I read a book without knowing the name of the author is read and I never
I don't read whole books anymore I just read it for research trying to do everything on Kindle so okay the next question is from Neil Roy in John 313 states that no man has gone to heaven there is no scripture anywhere that says you go to heaven when you die but you do read what but you do read that when
Jesus returns everyone is still dead and he resurrects them otherwise if all people go to heaven or hell when they die who is still in their graves that need to be is that on YouTube can
I see that so I can because it's a big it's long there's several things in it okay good so John 13 say said no man has gone to heaven which heaven there's three heavens the first second and third the first heaven is where the the trees and the clouds are the second heaven stars moon the third heaven is the dwelling place of God if you mean the dwelling place of God that's correct nobody's gone there except Jesus who has descended from heaven there's no scripture anywhere that says you go to heaven when you die you're right there's no scripture says you go to heaven when you die you're right but does that prove you don't go to heaven when you die no it doesn't second
Corinthians 5 8 says to be absent for the body is to be home with the
Lord now second Corinthians 12 2 it says I know a man whether 14 years ago like 14 years ago whether in the body or out of the body
I do not know but such a man was caught up to the third heaven that's the dwelling place of God that is where God is and Paul the
Apostle saying such a man went to heaven and this is most people think well not most but some possible explanations is that Paul was referring to himself when he was stoned and left outside the city for dead but you do read that when
Jesus returns everyone is still dead and he resurrects them what do you mean by dead mean physically dead or do you mean that he don't exist anymore in soul sleep because some people say dead means because the annihilationists will say when they're dead they don't exist anymore they don't have life anymore in them they're in a state of unconsciousness or this undefined soul sleep so what do you mean by dead it's seriously
I don't just not understood otherwise if all people go to heaven or hell when they die who is still in their graves that need to be resurrected
I don't understand the question that doesn't make sense to me so okay what there's three heavens in Jewish cosmology the first heaven is the air the clouds the second heaven is the stars the moon the
Sun the third heaven is the dwelling place of God and second Corinthians 12 to Paul says a man was caught up to the third heaven and second is 5 8 to be absent from the body is to be home with the
Lord and Jesus is in heaven you'll be home with the Lord you'll be in heaven yes yeah yeah they use that the third heaven they see there's three heavens and things like that but that's because they don't do their homework yeah and that's in first Corinthians 15 yeah there's three three types and stuff that they'll they just totally misinterpret it but I've got the proof of what
I was just saying about the first second third level third levels first second third heavens it's on car how the three heavens just look it up the scriptures are there to demonstrate it right there why does the
Holy Spirit speak in Acts 13 to Holy Spirit said set apart from Barnabas who may have called how come the first Corinthians 811
I believe it is he has a will so if someone is going to simply use one set of scriptures and not use the whole of scriptures referring to the person and work of the
Holy Spirit then they're going to end up with false theology the Holy Spirit is certainly a force of power but this is we're talking about God and the
Holy Spirit speaks what they're gonna have to say is it's just a personification no that's not what it is the
Holy Spirit said that only does it is accomplished by persons now of course the talking donkey did that because an angel spoke through so it's personally so occurring there so he's got a problem with how he understands that in Luke 1251
I think it is Jesus says from the blood of Zechariah the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah this will be held against blah blah blah so what he was doing was authenticating the
Old Testament not the apocryphal so that's not an issue and he also talked to the law of the prophets in the
Psalms which is the three divisions of the Old Testament the New Testament is a little more difficult to kind of prove that we have what we need we can't can't prove it what we can say is that God is certainly capable of making sure his word is recognized by his people at John 10 27 28 my sheep hear my voice they follow me so the
Word of God is the voice of God written down and the Christians recognize it some of the criteria that they used was was it written by an apostle or someone under the as an amanuensis as a scribe of the apostle or disciple of the apostles and did it have several criteria that was one of the main ones and didn't have authority was it consistent with other scriptures and had a testimony of the
Spirit there's a little bit of subjectivity in it and before I understand the church recognized the
Word of God that way and that's how it was done so if someone wants to say how do you how do you know that was right you know what whatever how far are we gonna go back well we know that because of 18 councils and 15 guys they rested for 45 days how do we know they did that right you know you could just go on and on and on and so the issue is that we just what that the
Pope says no that never settles it so that's it the church just recognized the Word of God we can trust that God knows what he's doing and we have the full fullness of the gospel messages okay since it's at the beginning of the chapter let me just read the whole thing therefore be imitators of God's beloved children and walk in love just as Christ also loved you gave himself up for us an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma but immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you as is proper among saints and there must be no filthiness or silly talk or coarse jesting which are not fitting but rather giving thanks for this you know with certainty that no immoral and impure person or covetous man who is an idolater has an inheritance in the kingdom of God in Christ Jesus all right so he's saying that you need to be basically he's talking about you need to be sanctified keep yourself you know morally right doesn't mean that's what good saves you but you know act properly do what's right don't be coarse jesting and stuff like that he said for you know that immoral people won't make it to heaven now is he saying if you become immoral you're not going to make it to heaven what he's doing is he's talking to the people in the
Ephesians and I've been to Ephesus incidentally it's incredible but he's talking to them generically said look here's the warning you know that the moral people don't make it people who practice immorality are not saved see 1st
John 2 4 says if you say you know him and do not keep his commandments the truth is not in you when you're a liar the reason that we keep the commandments is because we're regenerated we've been born again that God lives in us you go to John 3 3 through 8 and John 14 23 that we are indwelt and we're changed and that's why we are then able to follow
God those who are immoral those who are impure are not Christians it's not an issue here practicing a little immorality or little impurity or little covetousness and therefore you lose your salvation if that were the case now think about this if you're worried about losing your salvation an issue of eternal security think about this if this means that if you're immoral or impure or a covetous which means
I'm in trouble because I think some things I shouldn't think sometimes it'll be right on the road to the entity oops what's right this thinking okay a covetous because I'll go
I'll drive that road I go oh that want that guy's car right there that's a nice car oh dang it okay you know if things happen an idolater my wife's pretty hot and so what does it mean what am
I putting in front of everything does it mean I lose my salvation right then I think about this if you're doubting eternal security then it means you can lose your salvation and if it means you can lose your salvation then you won't know if you're ever gonna be saved because you don't know if you're doing enough good according to the law to keep yourself right before God so if you're gonna sit there and say it no immoral or impure person who's immoral what does it mean someone who practices a little immorality or someone who is immoral because that's not a
Christian though I might think something I shouldn't think sometimes it doesn't mean I'm not a true believer doesn't you know if I just think an immoral thought oh he's immoral go to hell what how perfect have
I got to be this is the problem that this leads to it leads to self -righteousness it leads to pride you know look at me
I paid my tithes I don't pay tithes of all that I get I'm not an adulterer
I'm not a thief I'm not like that tax gatherer over there Luke 18 9 through 6 9 through 13 18 14 how self -righteous we're gonna be no
Jesus said my sheep are my boys I give you eternal life to them and they shall never perish John 10 27 28 in John 6 20 38 through 40 where he said that the ones that are given to him by the
Father he will never lose any of them as I will no wise cast them out oh you can lose your own salvation no you can't the deal is between the
Father and the Son not between father and you anyway you should not you should doubt your one more thing before I go on the reason people doubt their salvation is because they're they've got their eyes on themselves instead of the cross now
I'm not saying it's okay to sin I'm not saying it's alright because you know Romans 6 1 through 2 says how should we have died to sin still live in it may it never be we are not to live in disobedience to God that's not what
I'm saying but those who are immoral and impure are those who do just that that's not a sign of regeneration it's a sign of darkness it's a sign of death not a sign of life it's the
Christians who struggle against their sin their immorality their impurity their failures the
Christians are the ones who struggle with that if you are struggling with these things it's a sign of life in you if you don't struggle with them it's a sign of death the impure don't struggle with their sins the immoral they don't struggle with them they're dead so don't put your don't put your faith in your ability to be good put your faith in the work of Christ and his ability to work good through you and live that way and that way you won't doubt your salvation now you're supposed to make sure you're saved you know if you're living in sin well and that and you don't have no conviction that's a problem
I wouldn't say you're saved getting other stuff you know
I put some what age of the earth age of the earth it could be either young or old and not very old reason right but part of reason saying that is because when it has young and a number it would indicate 24 hours the theory is that whenever the word young day is used with ordinal numbers first second third it always means 24 hour period that's not true so the seventh day doesn't have that that's why
I don't believe that it's a literal 24 hour period set up for that now that doesn't really affect this 6 ,000 year old whatever how old it is
I just don't know how old the earth is since he's a certain age so you're saying
Adam had to have come along after the earth was already really old at some point because that last day that doesn't have the number with it is after he was already created right?
yeah I don't know how old the earth was. Right, but that's my point. If it has a day and a number and a day and a number, the only day it doesn't have the number with it is the last day.
Adam was created before that. When Adam died, he was a certain age. Are we just not counting how old he is until after the fall?
Or what would you say to that? I'm not sure I'm following the logic. Okay, so if Adam was a specific age when he died, then we can follow at least from Adam's death the timeline.
Well, I don't remember, I'd have to go look. Two days? At least how old he was when he died. We don't know how old he was, right?
Right. The Bible says how old he was when he died. Oh, oh, oh, no,
I was thinking, sorry, I was thinking, I've been doing so much annihilationism work that my idea of death,
I shifted it a little bit in counter, so I'm saying Genesis 2 .17, that's when he died.
Biologically he died later. I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know how long those periods are, those 24 hour periods.
I don't know if they're literally 24 hour periods because of this problem with Yom and the seventh day.
That's the only reason. That's why I say I can't answer because I don't have a set pattern. I'm just saying at the very least, wouldn't it be accurate to say the
Earth is at least 6 ,000 years old from Adam onward because it shows how old he was and how old the following people were?
Yeah, I could have no problem that that was 6 ,000 years ago when he fell, but it doesn't necessitate how old the
Earth is before that. Okay, even though the previous days, including the day he was made, says
Yom and a number, the only day that doesn't have Yom and a number is last year.
So Yom does not necessitate with ordinary numbers a 24 hour period.
That's it. And because of that, I can't therefore say it's just 24 hours. That's all.
I'm saying I can't say it's only because the pattern's broken. That's my only caveat on this.
It's like, I don't know because of that pattern. That's all. That actually threw somebody for a loop who's a creationist who studies this.
He goes, I never thought of that. And he has a response. We're supposed to talk about it, but I haven't heard.
I mean, you know, if he's got an answer for it, like, oh, there you go. I have no problem with a 24 hour creation time.
I have no problem with 24 seconds. I can do what he wants. So, yeah,
I just don't know how old those days are. That's all. That's all I'm saying. I'm just not sure how it is.
What's the response of those who see the Holy Spirit as a spirit of Jesus and not a person? Go to Carm, look up the
Holy Spirit, just look him up and you'll see that he has attributes of personhood. He has a will, he can love, he can be grieved.
He speaks. Use the whole of scripture. True, because I believe you can lose your salvation.
Like Jesse Morel, when I first got saved and it was really judgmental and condemnation. Now I have been humbled by my backsliding.
Are you humble enough to keep yourself saved? And it was made on day six. See Tulip, Dr.
Good. And the more a believer grows in holiness and daily living, they are more and more purified.
But also they view themselves as they are in light of God's holiness. The saved man mourns.
That's right. The saved man mourns against his sin. He was made mature on day six.
What? Hebrews 12, 5 through 11. Let me take a look at that. Hebrews 5.
I have to get a mouse up here to make it easier. What was it?
Hebrews 5? No, it was 12, 5. What?
Okay. And you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons.
My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord or faint when you are reproved by him.
For those whom the Lord loves, he disciplines and he scourges every son whom he receives. It is for discipline that you must endure.
God deals with you as sons. What son is there whom his father does not discipline?
But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons.
Yeah, that's the issue of being disciplined and reproved and matured by God through your circumstances and through your issues.
Boy, people are starting to ask questions here.
Okay. The next question is from Eric. Do you think it is wise to read other literature from the biblical era to better understand the mindset of the biblical writers, for example, 1
John? Yes. Okay. Any more? You said, do we think it's a good idea?
Yeah, it's a good idea if you want to do research and understand some of the stuff that's related. Understand that it's not scripture.
So even the apocryphal books have some interesting historical information, but it's not scripture.
And Jude references the book of Enoch, but it's not scripture. So there's no problem with doing that.
Even Paul the Apostle quoted pagan philosophers. Just remember, it's not scripture. It helps us understand things.
In fact, when they do lexical studies on word meanings, what they'll do is look and see how it's used in other cultures and contexts.
In fact, in one of the articles I was doing on annihilationism, where they say that the idea of the immortal soul is paganism.
It came from pagan ideas, which they can't prove. Just because Plato had an idea of immortality doesn't mean that's where it came from.
And the Jews did believe in immortality. But when
I did some research, I found out that there are other things that are similar to those backgrounds.
When you do word studies, you look at how it's used around you. How different texts translated of something, what words they use.
And with the culture, how does it relate? And it's all worth it. And you start learning things. And so I found that, let's just say for the annihilationists who might be listening,
I found that that sort of cuts both ways. If you want to say that the immortal soul idea is pagan in origin, if that's what you want to hold on to, then you'd have to give up other doctrines that you naturally believe in because of similarities to pagan thought.
And there's some big ones around the culture at the time. Anyway, and I have it documented.
Okay, sorry. Okay, next question is from Gina Willis. I do not understand why
Jehovah's Witnesses think there will be a paradise on earth. Is that true? Well, because it does say that there will be new heavens and a new earth.
And so what they're interpreting it as is there's going to be a paradise earth. Well, if the new heavens and a new earth where things are restored, then it would make sense.
But what they're going to say is that the earthly class stays there. The heavenly class goes to heaven.
144 ,000. I have one more question, Matt. This one gets me fearful sometimes.
I've never really had someone explain to me Hebrews 12, 15 through 17. Hebrews 12, 15 through 17.
See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God, that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled.
That there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal.
For you know that even afterwards, when he desired to inherit the blessings, he was rejected, and he found no place for repentance, though he sought within for tears.
It seems to me that what's going on, and I haven't studied this for a while, so I'm going to be very careful and not get too specific.
But generally what I understand is that Hebrews is written to the people of Israel.
Even though the new covenant was in effect, they were thinking in terms of being under the old covenant.
The old law system. And so what he was doing, the writer of Hebrews, I think it was Paul, was writing in those terms familiar to them in the context of their belief of the contemporaneous belief that the old covenant was still in effect.
And in that context, he says, see to it that you don't come short of the grace of God.
That the covenant aspect of God and your work with God and his work with you in the covenant has certain boundaries that you're to keep in the covenant.
Make sure you don't fall short of the grace. Now, grace, the unmerited favor of God that he has given you, even in the covenant.
So if you're going to be Hebrews, be careful that you don't mess up in that covenant relationship and aspect.
That's how I understand it to be. He mentions Esau, I'm not exactly sure why he would do that, but Esau sold his birthright, what was covenantally given to him, what was properly for him.
He got rid of it. He gave it away because of an irresponsibility, missing the right that belonged to him.
Just as the Jews have certain rights because of who they are covenantally with God, they're messing out on it too because they haven't come to the true living
Christ. What's the fulfillment of all the covenant work? Oh, that makes sense.
That's how I see that. Pagans brush their teeth before Jews and Christians, but I practice it myself.
Yeah, that's right. Actually, Charlie, Jonah, there's some allusions to Jonah in pagan, real pagan stuff.
The idea of, what was the other one?
Jonah, I could find some, I could read some stuff. In fact, maybe I'll do that just to do it. I've got the file here.
I should be able to have it. I'll just open this and then
I can quote you some of the things I found. It was very interesting. If this file thing will open up, it's not opening up to the supposed to be.
We do this. Okay, come on.
There we go. All right. Now, where is that one? It'll take me a second.
This is really interesting. I'm going to find the article title, then the link, and then you'll get the link.
Oh, here we go into the soul issue. Pagan, come on, where is it?
Oh, Greek concept. Okay, got it. So that is there. Okay, now
I know where to look. Almost there. Sorry about this, folks. All right, got it.
So, annihilation of the soul.
Certain Jews portrayed death as the end of personal existence. Some Jews did that.
Now, that's not a Christian concept. Some of the Jews are believing this. For example, Jesus Ben Sirach taught that there were no joys to seek and show.
That's in Sirach 14, 16 -17. It said God's people should pursue immortality through children.
Now, I can go on. That's just one of them. Pagan king lost seven sons, just like Job.
Canaanite literature from Ugarit describes the trials of King Keret, who, like Job, lost seven sons.
Oh, interesting similarity. God does battle. The mountain of God. Son of man coming with the clouds.
This is in Ugaritic literature. Bodily resurrection is by some other
Jews. So, just saying that when someone… I've got this tangent here, but…
When… Begging and annihilationism. What got me onto that? At any rate, I'll just continue. When people make this mistake of saying that it's pagan in its origin, which doesn't prove it is, and I certainly don't accept that it is, and the
Jews did believe in conscious existence after death, that's the great majority of them.
Even if what these annihilationists say is true, which I don't grant that it is, so what?
Just because someone has a similarity doesn't mean it's false. And there's also the issue of what's called the genetic fallacy.
The origin is pagan, therefore the truth out of it can't be true. Well, that's not the case.
You know, a pedophile taught so -and -so algebra, therefore algebra's false. No. So, it's a bad logic that the annihilationists use.
It's all… It's just simple stuff. All right? Any other questions or comments? What got me on that?
I don't know what got me on that. You know, I'm always, always on topic all the time, so I don't know what the hell that happened.
Wasn't aware that Jesus was speaking to him covenantally, sent only to Israel. I'm now trying to reconcile this concept with verses like John 3, 16.
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that the believing ones, not whosoever, but literally the
Greek is the believing ones, the world. So, covenantally, Jesus was sent only to Israel, but that doesn't mean
God can't love all the nations. Covenant is different than love.
A covenant is a pact or an agreement. It doesn't mean God isn't loving the whole world while he makes a covenant or an agreement with only one nation.
Okay? And John 10, 16. What's John 10, 16? Last one, there's a
Mormon. Okay, let's see. Whoops, maybe it's me. All right.
I have other sheep which are not of this fold. I must bring them also. And they will hear my voice and they'll come one flock with one shepherd.
Some think that's just the Gentiles who are going to be saved. And 1
John 2, 2. He's of appreciation only for our sins, for the sins of the whole world. A lot of people don't understand the word propitiation is properly understood as the sacrifice that removes wrath.
It's not expiation. It's the sacrifice that removes wrath.
If he's a propitiation for the sins of the whole world, and if the word world means every individual, then how could he be a propitiation that removes the wrath of God from every individual?
That's one point. First of all, the whole world, what a lot of people do is make a mistake.
John 3, 16. God's love the world. What does it mean? What does the word world mean? It means every individual.
That's not what it says. He loved the world. It didn't say he loved every individual because you go to Psalm 5, 5 and Psalm 11, 5.
It says that God hates every individual who does iniquity. So wait a minute. People are reading into the text.
They don't even understand what they're doing. So if God was sent or if Jesus was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, to the house of Israel, means a nation of Israel.
He was sent only to Israel covenantally. Then what does the word world mean? All the nations, all the groups.
God's loved all of the nations. A lot of times people don't think in covenantal terms.
They don't understand what's going on biblically, theologically here, and they fail to understand that God made a covenant with Abraham, with the nation of Israel, that the
Messiah would come through the nation. So once the nation of Israel rejected the
Messiah, then people from other nations were allowed to come in. Think of it in those terms.
Everything makes sense. Tulip says, God loved Jacob and hated Esau. Paul Washer said, they hate a church of Asia.
Esau was demonstrated in God, letting him do whatever he wanted. Jacob, however, he disciplined with his whole life.
Yeah, I like that. That's good. Anybody else?
Man. The Manhattan Declaration.
Trying to remember what I said about it because it's been so long since I had to refer to it. And I don't have my internet connection going right now, but it's on CARM.
And oh, maybe I do have my internet connection. Yeah, I do. I'm watching the video. Yeah, sometimes
I amaze myself. There you go. See, amaze myself, light comes on.
Manhattan Declaration. I have written about it on CARM and I wrote about it years ago. CARM cannot sign the declaration.
However, it was with sadness that CARM cannot sign this for one significant reason. It includes
Roman Catholics as Christians. Okay. I can't remember.
So, but I'll have to say yeah for now. But the one reason I said I can't is because the Catholics, so I probably am okay with most of it.
But Roman Catholics can't do that. Manhattan Declaration. What the heck?
Oh yeah. And I started going into why by quoting the Roman Catholic stuff. You need to repent.
You cannot. They need it. Ravi, Zacharias, Kim Keller, if they sign that declaration, and I try to remember, and the declaration says that the
Roman Catholics are part of the Christian church, then they need to recant what they did.
Flat out. They need to. Because the Roman Catholic Church is not a Christian church. And it cannot be declared that it is.
It goes against scripture. And so anybody who would say that it's part of the true church, if that's what they're saying, can't do it.
I would say it'll recant. What? Apparently R .C.
Sproul couldn't either. He couldn't do what? Couldn't sign it? Yeah, I can't sign it.
I wouldn't sign it. They got rid of it. I can't remember what it was. It's been so long, but on this one issue right now, the
Roman Catholics as being Christians, you can't do it. Okay? I couldn't sign it. It's just not going to happen.
All right? Okay. Anything else? All right.
Then, I'm gonna give one plug for something. And then we'll close. I don't do this very often.
I don't think I've ever done it. You guys want to think about supporting me on Patreon.
Go to Patreon and sign up as a patron, which means that when I do videos, people are charged in support.
We're trying to raise funds and support CARM. CARM is having some financial difficulties.
We're going to have to start cutting people's salaries here pretty soon. That's we're trying to find ways of support and stuff.
So, you know, Patreon, just type in patreon .com slash
Matt Slick. It'll help out. Just ready to go. Well, thanks everybody.
to you later. See ya. Good.