Authentication of Scripture (12/10/2000)


Pastor David Mitchell


Turn with me this morning to Exodus chapter 19 Seems like all of our songs today were
Songs that would lead you to worship they were not the kind that would lead you to necessarily
Jump the pew unless it was to get down to the altar so you could worship And so that seems to be the tone that was set this morning
And I can't think of a more appropriate tone to have set that then that when we're going to discuss
God's Holy Word We're talking about We're doing a doctrinal study through the
Bible and our first topic is called bibliology Which is the study of the Bible itself, and if you don't know
What the Bible claims of itself and what the Bible is and then it doesn't pay to go any further
Because if you don't read it as truly God's Word Realizing that God is the author and that man is not man is merely a penman or a secretary that Was used by the
Lord to get his word into this dimension of time with us But man is not the author of it
God is if you don't understand that then you cannot read it in the power of the Holy Spirit You cannot discern anything of it
Anyone who's not a believer in the fact that every jot and tittle of this Bible is Ordained of God and is exactly where it's supposed to be and that Jesus himself said that heaven and earth can pass away
But one jot or one tittle not one jot or one tittle of this book shall go Undone So Jesus was one who believed that the entire scriptures were
God -breathed and we're exactly right and if you don't believe that you're not a believer and you cannot understand it anyway, but The truth is there are many in churches today certainly in our seminaries across the land who don't believe it
And so we sometimes get comfortable in our families and in our church here and that's wonderful that we can be comfortable together
But we need to understand there's a battle raging around us over the Word of God And when you remove the
Word of God you're left with what the philosopher Hegel Believed which was that there are no moral absolutes and that is exactly what we find in all around us in our government and our politicians and Some of our theologians and most all of our philosophers in the land that we live in there are no moral absolutes
There's neither right nor wrong Hegel believed that what happened was that the universe is an expanding universe and man is the conscious conscience of the universe the consciousness of the universe and That there can be no truth because it's an ever it never -ending
Revelation of truth by nature to man and so nothing that we believe today is true because we're going to change it tomorrow what a horrible sea of Of Being tossed to and fro that would be to live in and yet most of the modern philosophers believe that and in fact most
Politicians and most people most of your friends live that right now in this generation
This generation is the most confused generation there ever was you could take a simple question like is it ever right to steal and People adults and young people in our generation would have difficulty answering that question, especially if you posed
Another statement or two and you said well, what if this is a man whose children are starving to death and he has no money
Would it always be wrong for him to steal some bread for his children to eat so they wouldn't starve to death now
It's a little more difficult to answer the question, isn't it? Unless you can remember that the
Word of God says thou shalt not Steal and then it becomes black and white so Hegel and all of his predecessors in the world of philosophy have taken away truth and now there is neither truth nor non -truth it all just merges together and it's all truth to them and We live in a world where the good is called evil and evil is called good
And the Bible has much to say about that But my whole point this morning is this if you didn't have the
Word of God you would have to join that parade because without God's Word there is no absolute authority there is none and It's interesting to me to listen to secular people argue
Positions and try to prove things because they always try to prove it without any authoritative basis for truth and so neither one ever wins the argument but when you can take your argument back to the rock the
Word of God and show clearly that God said this then the arguments over and So in order to be able to do that though One must believe that God did say this and that this book is
God's book And so that's what we've been talking about for a couple of Sundays today. If you remember last
Sunday, we asked several questions we
We began by asking Questions such as was
God's method of revelation the same in the Old Testament and in the new and we found it Basically, it was very very similar with some slight differences in that being that in the
Old Testament He spoke to us by the prophets through dreams and visions and so forth And in the last days he says
I have spoken by my son Jesus So it is a direct revelation from the
Word the Son of God Either directly or through his apostles and the
New Testament prophets And then we asked the question Was the
Bible completed by the end of the first century? We didn't answer that question yet that in part will be what we begin to discuss today and then we asked the question is
God still revealing doctrinal principles outside and independent from The revelatory information already given in the
Bible that's mouthful, isn't it? Is God still giving new truth doctrinal truth outside of the
Bible? there are many mystics today who believe that he does do that, but only through them and So we will discuss some of these things to begin this part of the discussion.
I'd like to go into Exodus chapter 19 We're going to go into Ezekiel chapter 1 and then into the book of Revelation and I'm going to give you three examples this morning
Of how God did give his word The reason I want to give these examples is because when someone comes to you and claims that God has spoken to them and revealed
Something to them that only they can tell you you need to realize how
God did that in the word and Look at that person ask the question. Did God do this to this person who's making this claim?
People like David Koresh rise up about every decade or even more often and they make the claim that God has revealed some secrets to Me that you can't find in the
Bible. So you need me and they often serve very good Kool -Aid
But the thing is have they been through the experience that you're about to see that happened when
God gave his word to men God always does something when he gives his word to a man he then authenticates the message with miracles genuine miracles that cannot be done by Pharaoh's magicians and so you have to ask the question if you see a present -day person who claims to be in direct line with God in such a way that he can tell you something about your life that you cannot find by the
Holy Spirit and The Word of God the revealed Word of God You have to ask yourself the question is this man's word authenticated
Now, I believe there will come a day and I believe we're in that day Probably in the foothills.
I like to think of it as a mountain range as you go into Tennessee and in Kentucky and you start to get close and all of a sudden you see the little pretty foothills and Then you don't think about it too much and you get out there and all of a sudden the majestic mountains are there and I think we're in the foothills at least of the end of the end times and we'll see some information given in the book of Joel about the fact that in that time there will be things that were very similar to the day of the first advent of Jesus where you had
Prophesying you had the gift of prophecy You had people who had words of knowledge
Where they could speak God's Word or give revelation from God because at the first advent at that time
They did not have the complete material Word of God yet So they had to have these gifts if they wanted to know a simple truth like Ephesians well like anything like We're by grace.
We're saved by grace through faith and not of ourselves It's the gift of God if if they didn't live in Ephesus They didn't know that if they were at the
Roman Church Then they didn't know that truth unless God would raise up someone who could give a word of wisdom and say
God gives this principle That's how they existed until they had the whole Bible Now let's go into Exodus chapter 19.
I want you to follow along with me and read along with me and notice one particular place in the
Bible where in fact a large portion of Scripture was given and Let's see how it was given by God Himself to God's man
Moses and how it was Authenticated and so forth So let's begin with chapter 19 verse 1 in the third month when the children of Israel Were gone forth out of the land of Egypt the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai for they were departed from Rephidim and were come to the desert of Sinai and had pitched in the wilderness and there
Israel Camped before the mount and Moses went up unto God and the Lord called unto him out of the mountains saying
Thus shalt thou say the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel You have seen what
I did unto the Egyptians and how I bear you on eagles wings and brought you unto myself
Now therefore if you will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar Treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine
I want you to notice a couple of things about this passage. I'm already starting to get goosebumps. So But that's easy for me.
I've already read all this and studied it and I know where I'm going but This happened 45 days from Egypt And then
There were Another few days where these people were to be purified Which adds up to exactly 50 days at the time when this was given and so the law basically was given on Pentecost the same day that the church was formed years later and as Moses is told by God himself to come up to the mount
Notice that what God says in verse 5. He says now therefore if you will obey my voice
He is about to give Moses his voice or his word
Moses is actually going to take this down and then pin it so Moses becomes the penman or God's secretary in this sense as God is the author of his word that he's about to give now notice that one of the early things that God says about his word and the
Purpose of it and the life of his children is given at the end of verse 5 It says if you will obey my voice or my word
Indeed and keep my covenant then you shall be a peculiar let's stop right there a
Peculiar people you'll be different than all of the other people of the world
Even though the whole earth is mine. You will be different if you hear my voice and if you have my word
You realize ladies and gentlemen that this Bible that you hold is the way that God sanctifies you
Now his Holy Spirit works in conjunction with it because you can't be sanctified.
You can't be begin to even understand spiritual things if you're not born again and indwelt by the
Holy Spirit and beyond that even filled by the Spirit in Oneness with him in unity where your spirit and his spirit become one spirit within the center of your life
When you get to that place and you study this book, it's what makes you different It's what makes others around you see that you are a bit peculiar if you will you are
God's child living in Satan's world Satan is called the god of this world with a little
G and God for some reason has chosen to allow that for a time period for a season
And so all of the things of the world the ways of the world the world System is set up by Satan himself and it all goes against everything
God is for and stands for and everything you as his child stand for and so therefore as you get more and more into this
Book you first get saved and you're a babe in the Lord and you just you've read John 3 16 Maybe in first John 1 9 that's a good two verses to have to start with Especially that first John 1 9
Because that's the one that allows you to go on with God as you believe him when he says if you confess your sins
I am faithful and just which means I'll do it every time and it's right for me to do it to cleanse you of your
Sins because of the blood of Jesus and therefore when you fail you get up and you go again But you continually come back to the spiritual food this
Word of God That's why in our churches those who are in this book Studying it in their own home in their own quiet time
Even become peculiar in the church and that's sad to say because most people in the church don't stay in this book
They come to get fed on Sunday and that's awfully similar to what happened right here in this story
We're reading the people said we don't want to hear from God Moses you go up there and you get stuff bring it back to us.
It's safer that way Well, it is safer that way Because if you go up there and you get
God's Word yourself You're gonna end up a missionary or an evangelist or preach nobody gets saved if they're in the word they get saved
They become an evangelist every time You become you become a zealous person on fire for God now
You may not witness with your words like some people do but you will be a fire for God You'll be a witness and and you'll be different and peculiar and your whole family new little children
Everybody about your life will be different if you're in this book So yes, it's safer to have someone else go up and get it for you
Because then you don't have to be so different and Monday through Friday at the job You just normal like everybody else but if you come back home that night and you get in this book and you realize this
Satan with his Claws is clawing at the windows trying to get your children trying to get your wife trying to get your husband trying to nail you and If you're so prideful that you don't have to fall on your knees and say
Lord help us place this under your wings like little chicks and Then let me get in this word and get some power as the man of God in this home
So I can pray for my wife and my children If you're so prideful is to think you don't have to do that.
Then you're not very peculiar You're pretty similar to everybody else walking around in Satan's world system, but Moses was not that way
Moses Said well God, whatever you've got I want that and I love
Joshua because Joshua the young man Man, he had a zeal even beyond Moses It seems to me in many ways because I remember one incident when
God came down into this tent It wasn't the true tabernacle it was one they had pitched outside the camp and Moses went out and the people saw the fire come down and the cloud hover above the tent
Moses went in there and Joshua runs in there runs in there with him and God speaks to Moses Moses comes on out and goes about his business and Joshua stays there the young man stayed there
He wanted to be with God he wanted to get God's Word and that made him a very peculiar different leader someday when it was his time and So Moses in verse 6 and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests.
God said and a holy nation All of this sanctification this
Peculiarity this being a kingdom of priests the whole the entire word meaning of the word holy does not so much mean perfect as it means separate and Different than everybody else all of it comes back to the end of verse 5 where he says if you hear my voice it comes back to his voice and To his word now go down to verse 9 and the
Lord said unto Moses I want you to see how God gave his word from the time from from the dimension of timelessness
From the place where the father dwells where he is always in the present tense, which we can't even fathom what that's all about But it means everything is done
Everything or you could say everything is and from that place He brings his eternal word
Down into this dimension of time and sequence in space where we live and he gets it to us without really defying
What we do in other words, he gave it to human penman. Isn't that amazing? And these humans were sinners
Well, they weren't sinners in the true sense the word had been saved, but they still sinned every once in a while Didn't they they weren't perfect men?
but God gave his perfect word anyway, because God is so big and so powerful and That is the greatest miracle the world's ever had if you want to talk about miracles is the fact you're holding this in your lap today and it's perfect and Verse 9 says and the
Lord said unto Moses lo I come to thee in a thick cloud We're gonna see how Moses got part of this word.
It wasn't like he was driving down the highway and saw a 90 -foot Jesus All right
That's not how he got it and Lord said unto Moses lo I come unto thee in a thick cloud that the people may hear when
I speak to thee and Believe thee forever and Moses told the words of the people unto the
Lord and the Lord said to Moses Go unto the people and sanctify them today and tomorrow and let them wash their clothes
And I want you to notice something before we go any further in verse 9 Do you see that the Lord told Moses I'm gonna come to you in a thick cloud
So that the people may hear when I speak with you and believe you
This is God Authenticating that he is truly giving his pure word to a man who has sinned in his life from time to time
But yet this man has prepared himself and brought himself to the place where he is fit to be given a portion of God's Word and God says
I'm going to reveal myself in a powerful way so that the people will know you're the man
They need to listen to and you have my word for them so He talks about that He's going to come in this thick cloud verse 10 and the
Lord said unto Moses go unto the people and sanctify them today and Tomorrow and let them wash their clothes.
This literally happened. They all went and washed their clothes and Be ready against the third day
For the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai God is authenticating the giving of his word
Sometimes we look at miracles in the Bible We think it's just they're just willy -nilly through there and they're on every page If you took all of the history of the
Old Testament, you would find very few miracles per year There just aren't very many of them and they tend to to focus or be in groups around The authenticating of some new revelation that God's given whether it be the law as he gives to Moses or the prophets
Through Elijah and Elisha where you see these powerful miracles or whether it be the coming of the
Son of God with John the Baptist and then Jesus and then the Apostles and all the miracles that took place there the miracles have a certainly have a primary purpose of authenticating
God's message and a secondary purpose of teaching his truth as we watch the lessons learned from them and He says be ready against that day now verse 12 and thou shalt set bounds
Unto the people round about the mountain saying take heed to yourselves that you go not up into the mount or touch the border of it
Whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death There shall not an hand touch it but he shall surely be stoned or shot through Whether it be beast or man it shall not live when the trumpet trumpet soundeth long they shall come up to the mount and Moses went down from the mountain to the people and sanctified the people and they washed their clothes and he said unto the people be ready against the third day come not at your wives and it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were
Thunders and lightnings and a thick cloud upon the mount and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud so that all the people that was in the camp trembled and Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God and they stood at the nether part of the mount and the
Mount Sinai was all together on a smoke Because the Lord descended upon it in fire and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace and the whole mount quaked greatly and when the voice of the trumpet sounded long and waxed louder and louder and louder
Moses spake and God answered him by a voice and the Lord came down upon the
Mount Sinai on the top of the mount and the Lord called Moses up to the map top of the mount and Moses went up and the
Lord said to Moses go down charge the people Lest they break through unto the Lord to gaze and many of them perish and let the priests also which come near to the
Lord Sanctify themselves lest the Lord break forth upon them this was a serious matter the giving of God's Word into this dimension a
Very serious matter. It had to be done exactly as the Lord said for to be done
Now let's go into chapter 20 of Exodus and let's start with about verse 17 realizing that the
Ten Commandments have just been given in verse 17
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife nor his man servant nor his maidservant nor his ox nor his ass nor anything that is thy neighbors and All the people saw the thunderings and the lightnings and the noise of the trumpet and the mountain smoking and when the people saw it
They removed and stood afar off God gives his word.
He says thou shalt not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor, including his wife or her husband or anything like that and he authenticates it with thunderings and lightnings and The noise of a trumpet and the mountain smoking and the people were so frightened by this that they backed away
They moved back away from the mountain and they said unto Moses speak thou with us and we will hear but let not
God speak With us lest we die isn't that so like so many Baptists today and other people in all the churches
They want to come to church on Sunday morning and get a message from God and there's that's good I mean, that's a part of it because we need that but I tell you what it was never meant to be exclusively all that you hear from God that week and Yet it's kind of becomes that so often where all of a sudden we wake up on Sunday morning and we remember
That we haven't studied the Bible all week and we're say well, I'm glad we'll go study a little bit today
You won't be very peculiar that way You'll be pretty much like the vast majority of the
Christians in the world and the many who claim to be Christians Verse 20 says and Moses said unto the people fear not
For God has come to prove you don't be afraid to go get to know God better Don't be afraid to get in his word and to study his word and meditate on it and to spend time in prayer with him
Because he's just going to prove you he's gonna prove what your purpose in this life is all about.
Anyway, why are we here? He will prove you and that his fear may be before your faces that you sin
Not have you ever heard the expression that the Bible will keep you from sin and sin will keep you from the Bible You know that at least half that truth is found right here in verse 20
It says that if you are in my word He says I want you to don't to not be afraid to approach me and to have a relationship with me because all
I'm gonna do is prove you and The more you get to know me by hearing my word the more you will fear me and the more you fear me the less
You will sin It's like God's Safety net for us.
It's like God's method for keeping us out of sin And that's what sanctification is all about being a peculiar people means you sin less than the other people
That's really gets down to the bottom line. You sin less. Well, none of us are perfect But I mean you sin less you sin less than you did the year before you sin less than you did before you start studying and getting in the word every day and as we get in the word and I and let me be careful about saying every day because I don't want you to think it's
Like a rote thing that you get in and you want to read through the Bible in a year that won't get it
That won't get it at all. What you've got to do is get into the word and study it You got to study it study to show that self -approved meditate upon it get in and study doctrinally
That's one reason I like this thing that we're doing for a while is if you don't know how to do it it'll give you some guidelines on where to go and what the topics are and to study the
Bible topically and verse by verse through the little passages that deal with that topic and to get in there deep with the
Word of God and Learn some things you didn't know about the Lord and he says, you know what? I'll just prove you that way
I'll bring you to fear me more than you ever did and that'll help you to stay away from sin now
Let's go into chapter 24 and look at verse 9 Well, I'm in chapter 23 and get over here to 24 then
I'm in verse chapter 24 verse 9 then went up Moses and Aaron and Nadab and a by who and 70 of the elders of Israel and they saw the
God of Israel and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of Sapphire stone and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness now you have to understand
We're leading up to a portion in chapter 25 where God's giving more of his word to Moses He's going to give more of God's Word down into this dimension to Moses.
Look at how this thing is set up I mean here these these elders are allowed to go and observe these things
Again to authenticate that this really is going to be God's Word God always
Authenticated his word as he gave it down into this dimension Because there are so many false prophets around us even today who claimed that God spoke to him
How do we know if he did or he didn't well this shows how God did this He says they saw the
God of Israel and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of Sapphire stone and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness and upon the nobles of the children of Israel He laid not his hand.
Also. They saw God and did eat and drink and They fellowship there in the presence of God and the
Lord said unto Moses come up to me into the mount and be there That's that's interesting like come to church, but also be here
You know come in and we'll have a message together but be there when the message is given to hear it with ears that hear and I will give thee tables of stone and a
Law and commandments, which I have written that thou mayest teach them to others do you know that you can't teach if you don't receive first and Moses rose up in his minister
Joshua. Here's Joshua boy. He's an amazing man after God's heart Moses went up into the mount of God and he said unto the elders
Terry ye here for us until we come again unto you And behold Aaron and her are with you if any man have any matters to do let him come to them and Moses went up Into the mount and a cloud covered the mount and the glory of the
Lord abode upon Mount Sinai and the cloud covered it for six days and the seventh day he called unto
Moses out of the midst of the cloud and the sight of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire on top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel and Moses went into the midst of the cloud.
Have you ever been there? That's a fearful thing to realize you're entering the presence of a pure perfect Holy God Without the blood of Jesus we could never do it but even being equipped in the fashion that we are
If we truly saw where we were when we enter that presence, we would fall on our physical faces
Our spiritual faces too and Moses went in the midst of the cloud and get him up into the mountain
Moses was in the mountain 40 days and 40 nights and the
Lord spake unto Moses saying on and on and on so this is where Moses received
God's Word in one portion and notice the smoke notice the fire the devouring fire notice the voice that was so loud that it sounded like a
Trumpet louder and louder and the people heard it and backed away and Moses walked right up in the midst of it and God gave him the
Ten Commandments He gave him this information on how to build a tabernacle gave him the laws for the entire nation
Gave him all of the precedents for every law that's been ever been made in any nation And this is how it happened.
Now. Let's go to one other area. I want you to turn to Ezekiel chapter 1
God's Word is not given without Amazing things happening
And you get into Ezekiel chapter 1 where God is about to speak to this prophet
Ezekiel 1 1 now it came to pass in the 30th year in the fourth month in the fifth day of the month
There was no doubt when this happened I mean it's given in detail in the fifth day of the month as I was among the captives by the river
Chebar That the heavens were open and I saw visions of God and In the fifth day of the month and it goes on and it lays lays the time frame for for sake of time
Let me go down in here and let's look at some of this Let's go to about verse 4 and I looked and behold a whirlwind came out of the north and a great cloud and a fire
Enfolding itself and a brightness was about it and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber out of the midst of the fire
Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance
They had the likeness of a man and everyone had four faces everyone had four wings and their feet were straight feet and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot and They sparkled like the color of burnished brass.
Was he giving detail here? It had this man seen the presence of God as God was about to give him his word
And he goes on and describes this and in such great detail in verse 13 as for the likeness of the living creatures
Their appearance was like burning coals of fire and the appearance of lamps It went up and down among the living creatures and there was fire but it was bright and out of the fire went forth lightning and The living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of the flash of lightning we see some similarities of what was going on in the top of the mount with Moses and Verse 20 whether so ever the spirit was to go they went and so forth in verse 22 and the likeness of the firmament
Upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the tear of terrible crystal Stretched forth over their heads above and under the firmament were their wings straight the one toward the other
Etc. And now in verse 24 the noise of their wings was like the noise of great waters as the voice of the
Almighty Many times you hear God's word Expressed by these men who heard it as the voice of ocean waters come in crashing in awesome powerful sound it was like Great waters as the voice of the
Almighty the voice of speech as the noise of an host When they stood they let down their wings and there was a voice from the firmament and verse 26 and above the firmament like was over their heads was the likeness of a throne and As the appearance of the sapphire stone and upon the likeness of throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man
Above upon it. Who was this man? the Lord Jesus Christ and I saw as the color of the amber and the appearance of fire round about within I saw as it were the appearance of fire and it had brightness round about it as The appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain
So was the appearance of the brightness round about it this was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the
Lord and when I saw it I Fell down upon my face and I heard a voice of one that spake and He said unto me son of man stand upon thy feet and I will speak unto thee and he goes ahead and he
Commissions him look at verse 2 and the spirit Entered into me when he spake unto me.
There's no better picture of Inspiration of the Bible than that God breathed the Word of God is
God breathed when you see the Bible that we have today is because the Spirit of God entered into a man as God spoke to that man and gave him the exact words to pen and The Spirit entered into me when he spake unto me and set me upon my feet that I heard him with ears that would hear
I Heard him that spake unto me and I'd like to go lastly to Revelation chapter 1
There is no doubt when God gives his Word There is no doubt You don't wonder well, is this
God's Word or not because he authenticates it Revelation chapter 1 in verse 10
The Apostle John is speaking as he begins to write this wonderful last book of the
Bible the book of the Revelation And I like to say what dr Rocky Freeman said taught me so many times and I heard him preach so many times from the pulpit
The Bible has a front cover and a back cover and the back cover This Bible is this book of Revelation and as God gives it to the
Apostle John sometime shortly before ad 100 Look what happens here in Revelation 1 10.
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day See anything similar to Ezekiel The same thing happened.
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day and I heard behind me a great voice as a trumpet Saying I am
Alpha and Omega the first and the last there is no doubt here when God gives his Word I mean they hear the trumpet they see the lightning they see the fire
They see a devouring fire and smoke and they hear a voice of God as Thunder as many men speaking as the ocean crashing against the waves
It's not the same little still quiet voice we hear when the Holy Spirit speaks to us. It's not the same
It was a very loud voice It was a very clear voice when he was wanting his people to pin
Scripture It was not the same as the leadership of the Holy Spirit in our lives today. It's very different It's very pronounced in this loud trumpet like voice said
I am that's the first thing he said He said I am that's exactly what he told
Moses. His name was in Exodus chapter. I believe 3 verse 15 he says
I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last and what thou seest write in a book and Send it into the seven churches which are in Asia and Ephesus and so forth
At least the churches in verse 12 But I turn to see the voice that spake with me and behold and being turned
I saw seven golden candlesticks and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one likened to the
Son of Man the same thing Ezekiel said he said I saw the figure as of the Son of Man on the throne
John saw the same one one as of the Son of Man clothe of the garment down to the foot
Listen somebody tells you they saw Jesus asking what they saw and if they don't describe this they didn't see
Jesus because this is how Jesus looks right now. This is how he looks in his session in heaven
He says he's clothed with a garment down to the foot and gird about the paps with a golden girdle his head and his hairs
Were white like wool not some brown long hair Haired person that the Catholics paint on the church walls and that we have in our
Sunday school rooms That's not who you would see if you saw him So these quote prophets that tell you God gave them a message and they say well
I saw Jesus and I always describe him like, you know, the long -haired man with the sandals
Notice, this is not how he looks now He hasn't looked that way since the time that the Apostles looked up and they said why stand you gazing this same
Jesus? Shall so come in like manner as you've seen him go. He hasn't looked like that since that time
He's looked like this since that time his hairs were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were like a flame of fire and his feet were like into Fine brass and if they burn as if they were burned in a furnace and his voice was the sound of many waters and he had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth a sharp two -edged sword and His countenance was like the
Sun that shineth in his strength and when I saw him I fell at his feet as if dead
This is the effect it had on this man That was about to pin some of God's Word. God did not let them just write his word lightly
He put them through the fear of God in their life before they ever approached the place
Where he would give this to them and he laid his right hand upon me saying and to me fear not
I am the first and the last I am he that liveth and was dead and behold.
I am alive forevermore. Amen and Have the keys of hell and of death
Write the things which thou has seen in the things that are and the things which shall be here after and Then he gave this man his wonderful word
So we see from three different examples in the Bible of where the Bible was actually given to us
From that other dimension from the God of the heavenlies the God of the eternal now Into a time of sequence in a place of sequence on the earth and he shows us how he gives it
He gives it through men who from time to time are sinners. They are not perfect men
But he brings them under such fear of God and to a place of such holy living Before he gives his word for instance
Moses one place was on the mount for what was it 40 days and 40 nights with God And he brings them to such a place of fear in their life that he then gives them his perfect word and they pin it exactly and he places his spirit in their body as he speaks to Them so that it is no mistake exactly what they write and that's how it was given
And so I want to close this morning's Session with this question is God still giving his word in that fashion
And has he given any of it since this wonderful apostle John? Went to be with him.
Has there been any further? Giving of God's Word since that time and that's what we'll discuss this afternoon
I think you already know the answer the answer is no there has not been because God's Word is eternal
It's internal book. It was perfect as it was given and let's stand and have prayer and then we'll come back at 115 and Continue Brother Dennis, would you dismiss us and ask the