I Almost Forgot The Best Part of "Insurrection"

AD Robles iconAD Robles



I almost forgot the best part about January 6th. This is the whole reason I did the video and I just totally forgot it.
But anyway, January 6th, like I said, I've got fond memories of it because that's kind of where, you know, the spell was broken, the simulation was over, the matrix was revealed for me and probably for a lot of you.
But the best part is when things were going down, right, when they were silencing all critics online, on social media, a lot of email servers were doing weird things.
And it was just like anyone who said anything besides the official, oh, it's the worst insurrection since the
Civil War. Like anyone who had any take besides that was just going to be shut up. And then they kicked off Trump from Twitter.
That was when I realized that I needed to make some moves. And so I started making some moves, not only with social media, but with also some of my business's own technology and things like that, my own
VPNs and all kinds of stuff. You know, I started making some quick moves and that's actually where I started using
Gab. Now, I had a Gab account prior to this because I wanted to use the Dissenter app. I never got around to doing it, but I had a
Gab account. I never really used it. Then I started using it. And that was actually, that's the most fond memory
I have, because if you remember during that time, Gab wasn't really working that well because it was like, it was like the servers were overwhelmed.
People were pouring in. And I remember seeing Andrew Torba, you know, working, you know, he put out a video about what they're working on, how they're trying to make it better and stuff.
And then I started seeing stuff Torba was posting, you know, from post -millennial theologians that I respect.
And I'm like, what in the world? Like the CEO of a tech company, he's posting, you know, David Chilton quotes.
It's like, what is that about? Like, that's pretty amazing. And the longer I've been at Gab, it's just been such a blessing.
And I'm not even kidding. And there's two reasons why it's a blessing, because number one, you know, I sought out people that had a positive theology, that had a that had a theology, that had a lot of optimism in history.
You know, the Fight, Laugh, Feast network is full of those guys, right? That are ready to get to work. They're ready to build and stuff like that.
So I sought the people like that out on my own, but I had no idea that there are so many of us, right?
Like, the Fight, Laugh, Feast network is one thing, but it almost feels like they were like a voice crying in the wilderness sort of thing.
But that's not true. That's not the case. There are a lot of Christians who are ready to get to work, who have good, worthwhile skills and have a mindset of building on their shoulder, a head on their shoulders, and they're building businesses, they're building families, you know, all this kind of stuff.
There's so many of us, and now we all know about each other because of Gab, right? And yeah, you know, not everybody,
I don't agree with the mindset of everybody on Gab, obviously. That doesn't need to be said, right? I don't know why I just said it obviously doesn't need to be said, but there are a lot of like -minded people here on this site that I would not have met otherwise.
And so for that, I am very grateful. You know, and Gab's, the vision for the future is just, they just keep going, right?
They've got GabPay, they've got GabAds, they've got all kinds of stuff. And it's just amazing to just really,
I'm not kidding, it warms my heart to see families thriving and all of this kind of stuff here on Gab.
There's a lot of wholesome stuff on Gab. There's a lot of jerks, of course, but that, you know, that's how the
Internet is, right? Anyway, so that's one thing. The second thing, though, is that on Gab, I don't remember my life prior to Gab.
I'm just kidding, but there's so much joy as well. There's a lot of laughter. There's a lot of joy and there's no, it's not like we're hiding that there's a lot of darkness out there in the world.
Like we understand full well, the darkness out there, the evil that we're facing, you know, all the pedos out there and just the evil stuff that these people are up to, the
Great Reset folks. We don't kid ourselves, it's evil. But the joy on Gab is different than the mindset that I've seen from other conservative circles around the
Internet and the country and stuff like that. It's not just all serious all the time.
And it's not just like, you know, it's not just outrageous. This is outrageous. You know, it's not like that.
It's there's a lot of joy here as well. We joke about it. We meme on it. I mean, look at this picture. Honestly, how could you not?
How could you not joke about this? This is the wreckage of the Capitol insurrection. This is an
Asian man, a feeble Asian man picking up empty water bottles off of a pristine, otherwise pristine floor in the
Great Hall of Democracy with everything intact, no broken glass, the statue is still standing, no graffiti, nothing.
This is the wreckage from the insurrection. Now, if you notice, it's not like all the bottles are like strewn about.
Some of them are upright. This is the insurrection. These are the tools of water bottles.
This looks like a vitamin water. Yeah. The old lady who was there at the insurrection with her very dangerous and deadly weapon, the flagpole, she also had a vitamin water.
It looks like the vitamin C vitamin water. Yeah, it's ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. But the people on Gab know how to have joy.
Laughing is so important because God is good all the time, and even if your life is hard,
God has given you good things, and he's given you opportunities to enjoy life, and we ought to be doing that, guys.
It's not all doom and gloom. This is a serious time in our lives, all of us, and the petto rings are in charge of everything.
They're never going to stop until the whole thing burns down and all of this. But we can take it seriously.
We can prepare our lives and our families and our churches for what's to come, but we can also have joy at the same time while we do it, and so let the serious kind of insurrection, let
Russell Moore get himself into a little tizzy until he quivers with rage all day long, and let him do that until the day he dies.
We will have a good time. We will laugh at him and mock him mercilessly. Because he's little
Eddie Munster. He deserves it, and he's also an enemy, but we have joy here, and I'm so grateful for that.
I'm so grateful for what we have here at Gab and the communities that are forming and just the connections that are being made.
I emailed Andrew Torba yesterday, and I said, hey, my pro membership is running out, and I just wanted to thank you for the website.
It's just really good. I'm just having a great time here, and I signed up as a lifetime member, and he was very gracious about it all.
Even in the message, he's got so much optimism, and I think he's got this optimism not because he trusts himself, right?
He trusts the Lord, and he said to me, he said, we're going to win this thing because we have no other choice.
Amen. Amen. We are going to win this thing because there's nothing else that can happen.
If God is for us, who can be against us? If God is on your side, what can man do to you? Right? We're always going to be on the winning team here, right?
It doesn't mean you're not going to take a few L's along the way. You might, but God is on your side. He's vouchsafed your journey.
Put your faith and your trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and then get to work because God is on the move right now.
There's no question about it. Have your families, build them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and lead them into the future because it is scary out there, but we don't have to fear because our journey has been vouchsafed.
There's no question about it. So let's start making some moves. Continue those moves into 2022. I know so many people that are starting businesses and making things happen.
I recommend Gab. I really do. Yeah, you got to block a few jerks here and there, or you don't have to. You just ignore them.
But there's so much wholesome stuff and so much positivity happening in Gab. And again,
I know this sounds a little cheesy, but it's just true. It's just true. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.