Spiritual Warfare


How do you know when you are under spiritual attack? How can we resist the devil and fight spiritual battles? Watch and find out in lesson # 6 of our Discernment Series! Ephesians 6:10-18 "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.


All right, let's open up to the book of Ephesians chapter 6 This will be our final lesson in our discernment series and the subject that we're going to be looking at is that of Spiritual warfare, so there's two extremes when looking at this subject.
We don't want to over emphasize Spiritual warfare and just blame everything on Satan blame everything on demons
Some people do that, but we don't want to ignore it either Clearly angels and demons exist.
We know that so they're out there. They're doing things So we need to find some balance and then it's very important to recognize
When are we? Under spiritual attack, you know, when am I being attacked?
What am I going through or experiencing spiritual warfare? Is it is it an attack from the enemy?
Is it my own flesh? Is it something else? It's kind of a difficult Subject there's definitely a spiritual realm
There's things going on all around us in the spiritual realm that we're not even aware of there's actually very little
Information given in the Bible, but I think the key passage would be
Ephesians 6 which reminds us that we what wrestle not against flesh and blood right but against Principalities and powers you read that passage.
We're dealing with you know, there's some you know earthly rulers that are responsible for evil, but there's also
Satan and his demons and they're responsible to a large degree as well So, let's see what we can do
Ephesians 6 starting in verse 10. We'll read through 18 Ephesians 6 10
Paul says finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might
Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against Principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against Spiritual hosts or armies of wickedness in the heavenly places
Therefore take up the whole armor of God That you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore having girded your waist with truth having put on the breastplate of Righteousness and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace
Above all taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the
Spirit which is the Word of God Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the
Spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and Supplication for all the
Saints. Okay, so this is the primary passage in the Bible dealing with the subject of Spiritual warfare.
So when someone approached me about this subject, that's where my mind automatically went to Ephesians chapter 6 also, there's that story in the
Old Testament about Elisha remember him and his servant and they're outnumbered and Elisha prays
Lord opened his eyes that he may see and he sees this, you know spiritual army of angels surrounding them and you wonder is that is that the way it is are there
Angels and demons, you know around us I Seems like that that might be the case
But Ephesians 6 this passage is mainly about putting on right the whole armor of God So we see that in verse 11 and we put on the armor of God so that we will be able to stand
Stand against the wiles or the trickery of the devil
Which tells you by implication if we are not clothed with the armor of God, then we're not going to be able to stand
So if we don't have the armor of God, what are we going to do? We're gonna fall We're gonna fall in battle we'll fall into temptation fall into sin and then when sin is fully grown as the
Bible says that leads to destruction and Death so Satan is described in the
Bible. You know, this is a roaring lion right seeking whom he may devour So while we're very much unaware of the things going on around us in the spiritual realm
There is something that we can do to protect ourselves So here's the thing you don't really need to know about all of that if God wanted you to know all the details of what's
Happening out there. He'd tell you So what does he tell us put on the whole armor of God?
That's what you need to know So that's my takeaway from Ephesians 6 and we don't know we don't have to know all these things
I kind of want to know more, you know, we're interested in some and I think we can maybe You know piece things together and have some idea about a few things but my takeaway is we just need to know how to protect ourselves and Most of what we can do.
It's Defensive in nature, right? We only have one thing.
That's an offensive weapon. What's that? Right. So the sword of the Spirit God's Word is the only offensive weapon in fighting spiritual warfare everything else is defense so we protect ourselves by Putting on the whole armor of God once we can do that We figure out what that means what
I can do Then we'll be protected and if we understand it, we can teach others so that they'll be protected
So if we're protected if the church is protected, we're in a pretty good Situation and we don't have to know all that's going on out there
Just as far as spiritual warfare, there's a lot of questions that come up. I don't know what you've heard
I mean, there's a lot of information out there. There's books there's preachers who have all sorts of different things to say, you know, they talk to and Communicate with spirits.
They're getting messages from the you know Spiritual realm there's there's preachers today.
I've talked about this before There's a movement now like a resurgence in you know casting out demons this is very popular right now, you know binding the devil and casting out the devil and I Don't know about all that.
I don't know if these people have the power to Well, I don't think they have the power to bind
Satan is highly questionable whether they can really perform exorcisms But I've heard pastors talk about all sorts of wild things and you just have to Remember this if you hear someone talking about that you say, oh, this sounds kind of far out if it's not in the
Bible, I mean you need to take that with a grain of salt and If it's not even connected to scripture
They're getting extra revelations a lot of these guys might be making it up. Some of them could be hearing from spirits
It might be the wrong Spirit so just just be careful if you study this subject or someone watching online
They really want to get into spiritual warfare. They're gonna buy a book listen to this guy or this guy be very very
Careful. I think there's a lot of people who could you know start out with the right intentions and start studying this
And I think some could be led into dabbling in the occult It's one of those topics, but let's turn to Revelation chapter 12 for a moment.
We do get some details about spiritual warfare We know angels and demons fight each other
There's war in heaven Bible's going to talk about war in heaven
But details are pretty pretty scarce Remember Satan presents himself as an angel of light
So just the people out there talking about spiritual warfare just because they mentioned the name of Jesus doesn't mean they're actually serving
Jesus but this passage here in Revelation 12 gives us some insight of what is
Happening or at least what will happen in the spiritual realm. So look at Revelation 12 verse 7
Says in war broke out in heaven Michael and his angels fought with the dragon.
Who's the dragon? Satan, you know in the dragon and his angels fought so you have the
Holy Angels fighting with the devil and his angels and by the way Sometimes people want to equate
Jesus with the devil as if they're on equal Equal playing field.
Is that true? Absolutely not Michael and the devil. Okay, that's more equal.
So Michael and his angels fought with The devil and his angels verse 8 with the devil
He did not prevail nor was a place found for them his him and his demons in heaven any longer
So the great dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole world
He was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him
When do you think this is? Happening. Is this describing a past event?
I mean John's writing this in about 9095 ad do you think John's describing something in his past in his present or in his future?
Future, I believe future. I think it's still our future Marcus did you have a hand up?
I thought you were talking about when when Lucifer was cast out of heaven. Well, and obviously in the garden
On the sixth day of creation or maybe the seventh or shortly shortly thereafter
Creation so it must have happened when the angels were cast out, right? I mean, that would be another viewpoint that some would say he's talking about.
Yeah, the fall of Lucifer which happened You know thousands of years Earlier, here's why
I don't believe it's talking about the fall of Lucifer because When he fell
He was kept yes Well here it's describing he's cast. He's cast down to earth and he has no more access to heaven, right?
That's what it's saying We know from the book of Job that Satan at that point did have access to heaven
So because of that I don't think it's describing the fall of Lucifer way back then
I think it's describing something that will happen Basically during the Great Tribulation.
That's that's the timing of this I believe Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 would be the passages
That's how I remember it yes Well, let's just finish reading verse 10 then
I heard a loud voice from heaven saying now salvation and strength and the kingdom of our
God and the power of this Christ have come for the Accuser of our brethren who accused them before our
God day and night has been cast Down and you know, this is where you know, he has great wrath because he knows he has a short time left
I think again, I think this is future events during the Great Tribulation so Warfare, we know at the very least war in heaven
Will happen the question is is it happening now? I do think there is
Spiritual warfare in the heavenlies happening right now based on the book of Daniel you see the
Holy Angels fighting You know the the demons so it's I think it's been happening and it continues to happen and then there's going to be an even greater battle
In the future so spiritual warfare has been ongoing since Lucifer fell originally up until today and until he's thrown into the lake of fire
Now without getting everything getting into everything I talked about in my heaven series
Heaven because I want to identify the spiritual realm, right? This is where we believe that the angels and demons are
They have access to earth But generally we would say that they are in the spiritual realm you on board so far you agree with that Okay Where is this spiritual realm?
So clearly it's another realm. It's not here. It's not the physical that we're in the physical realm
That's number one. Number two heaven is Described as being up right everywhere in the
Bible where it talks about heaven is It's always up so It's not that heaven is a million light -years in that direction.
I mean, that's not the way it works So I believe the spiritual realm the best way to put it would be it's another dimension
Okay, it's something Maybe not that far away from us. It's just that we have no access to it.
We can't see it. So Hypothetically if there if there were angels or demons in our presence
They could be close by but you wouldn't know you wouldn't be able to see them Okay, you're on board with that so far
Okay, mark Is this where Paul was saying he was he says
I know man But we all think it was him was caught up to the third heaven or isn't it the place?
Where described as Abraham's bosom or paradise? Yeah, Jesus promised the feet
They would be that day. Is that that's the first that's another realm
Atmosphere the second heavens are the stars and planets and galaxies and the third heaven, right?
There so in the Bible the first heaven would be the sky right so birds airplanes fly in the first heaven
Second heaven outer space. It's not really what we're talking about though We're talking about yeah, the third heaven, which would be the abode of God a different realm.
All right So there seems to be at least two different realms
Probably three there's the physical realm where we are. We all get that the spiritual realm which you could call heaven
And then a third realm would be hell. Okay, and hell would be the prison for Lost souls and eventually a prison for for the devil himself
So in Daniel chapter 10, you don't have to turn there but there's a story about the angel
He's talking to Daniel and he basically says, you know, I've been trying to get to you
But the Prince of Persia Withstood me for 21 days.
So this angel was trying to get to Daniel to give him this message but he was hindered because of this
Prince of Persia, which we assume is is a Demon it's a it's a devil
But then he says Michael the Archangel came to help so However, the battle goes
Angels are going from one place to another maybe trying to help people
But demons are preventing them and then they have it's like it's like a war they have to get
Reinforcements to drive back the demons so that they can do what they were intended to do
So God has a mission for them they try to do it and then demons hinder and they they're fighting
I mean, obviously they don't use You know guns or so. I don't I don't know how that works.
But in the spiritual realm there is Literally a war going on constant battles
So I think that's pretty clear Again, we don't have a lot of details But there is this battle going on in this other realm, which
I'm gonna just gonna call heaven For because I don't know what other realm that would be
Marcus So they can't appear we know ain't
Satan here is an angel of light. Yep, so They Yes, angel angels do
Angels in the Old Testament even in the new have appeared on earth as men
Sometimes people couldn't even tell that it's not you know, they just look like a person So the
Holy Angels have the ability to come into our realm and appear as men It's happened before it could be happening now and you would never know right
Hebrews tells you to enter Don't be don't forget to entertain strangers because some have
Entertained angels being unaware of it and that did happen in the Old Testament demons though don't seem to have that ability they cannot
Take the form of a person they have to possess a person They can't just manifest as a human being so there seems to be that that difference
Yeah Prison -like place Where I assume like in Luke 16 the rich man
The beggar where one was was in Torment is the lake is the lake of fire
It's the course the place prepared for Satan and his angels is that a place now
Nobody's in the lake of fire yet, but there is a place that Peter Refers to as Tartarus.
Yeah, so I'm just trying to keep it simple three realms heaven You know earth and then the underworld hell
Tartarus, whatever you want the abyss So just trying to just trying to share what we do know angels can come and appear
Demons can't demons have to possess, you know, the pigs right they went into the pigs they can possess a person and then their behavior is
Erratic and there's certain ways you could tell yeah Yes, yeah, yep.
All right, so that's just information that may or may not be helpful So the question now is what can
I do about all this? Can I have it because they the heavenly realm seems to affect us with this
You know angel coming to visit Daniel they can affect us in some ways demons certainly affect people
What can we do? Can we have any influence in the spiritual realm? I think
I think there's some things we can we can pray we can worship we can praise the name of Jesus It has been suggested
This is a theory it has been suggested that when we gather on the Lord's Day when God's people
Individually, but especially in large numbers when we worship when we praise
God when we do those things It has some Influence or some make some difference in the spiritual realm
At the very least it provides protection for us if we're doing the right thing. We're Protected it it can protect
The church it may provide strength for the heavenly
Angelic army, I'm not sure about that But it's reasonable to think if what the angels do and the demons do affects us
It's possible to some degree what we do and our faithfulness or lack thereof could affect
Things in the spiritual realm again. That's a theory I'm not sure I've heard arguments But I think of when the people were praying in the book of Acts the church had gathered together in fervent prayer for the
Apostle Peter right because he was in prison and What happened? an angel came entered into this realm and broke
Peter out and then he came and knocked on the door and They answered it and like after shut the door his angels here
But it was actually Peter so it seems to me that prayer May have empowered the angel to actually come and break
Peter free. I don't know that that's a possibility also in the book of James Chapter 5 is another passage about fervent prayer, you know through that Elijah was able to stop the rain so it may be when
God's people a large number of God's people are worshiping and praying if we're All doing the right thing it gives
God's Heavenly army additional strength. I think that is a good possibility
Marcus Yeah, let's turn their
James for turn to James chapter 4 Was there a question in there you just bring it up In order to resist the devil though you need to have on The armor of God is if you don't have the armor of God, let's say
Let's say you're in a backslidden condition. You're not you haven't been doing the right thing You know, you just become spiritually dull and then all of a sudden you come under spiritual attack
I mean the odds of you standing Firm in that day pretty slim. So how can you resist the devil at that time?
You're not gonna resist you're gonna give in but if you have the armor of God, you'll be able to Do this of what
James is talking about in James chapter 4 starting in verse 6 Says but he gives more grace
Therefore he says God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble therefore
Submit to God so that's required. You have to submit to God submit to God Resist the devil and he'll do up.
He'll flee Submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you draw near to God.
He will draw Near to you. So if all of God's people are worshiping and praying doing the right thing
Larger numbers we can I believe that helps to kind of fight back the forces of evil not just here on earth
But even in the spiritual realm Likewise when God's people forsake the church when we're not praying when things become lukewarm
Then Satan's forces start to gain ground in the spiritual realm which affects us and that probably describes
Our current state of affairs here in the United States and in the Western world Because you see always see a direct connection the state of the church with the state of the nation usually
I Mean the persecuted church, I mean there's other arguments to make I suppose but I believe what we do does make
Does make a difference. All right, let's go back to Ephesians 6 if you're not there already I just want to talk for a moment about what putting on the armor of God looks like, you know
Practically speaking and then I want to get into the question. How can I know when I'm coming under spiritual attack?
Is it just a feeling that I get, you know, you there's been times you probably feel agitated
I gotta know all of a sudden you're just You're just angry or you're just sad or you're just this or that there might be other reasons
But it might be a spiritual attack. How do you know? Well, I think there are some answers
Ephesians 6 10 through 12 Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of this might put on the whole armor of God That you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood
Okay, so that's that's the reminder. We're not wrestling against flesh and blood. So put simply
What do we have to do to put on the armor of God verse 14? Talks about the truth.
We are to believe the truth. We are to walk in the truth Walk in righteousness
Talks about righteousness living a a holy life a clean life a set -apart life verse 15
We're not mentions the gospel. We're not only to believe the gospel. I mean he's talking to people who believe the gospel
I think we should be involved in Spreading the gospel. Maybe it's something as simple as giving and you're helping to Helping to further, you know missions work, but being involved somehow in Sharing the gospel verse 16 faith is our shield
Right. We walk by faith not by sight. So trusting in God in every circumstance get behind the shield just trust in The Lord of what he has said that he's going to Do what he says he's going to deliver us
Putting our faith into action you know a beat obedience obviously is key in all of this verse 17 the helmet of Salvation obviously you have to be saved to put on the whole armor of God I don't think he's talking about you need to be saved.
It's probably a reference to the assurance of Salvation you need to be saved and know it because if you're doubting
Constantly doubting your salvation people who are consistently doubting their salvation.
They're up they're down. It's a spiritual roller coaster. So Walk in the full assurance of our salvation believing in God's Promises obeying
God praying verse 18 pray be watchful, you know, you need to be aware of what's going on This is a tendency people have to kind of just stick their head in the sand
But no you need to be aware don't need to know everything but you need to be aware pray and God trust in God that he'll give you the help and strength to persevere through the trials
I mean, these are just some basic things. This is just what every Christian should do day by day
But we need the reminders. Nobody's doing this perfectly, but if we do these things
He tells us here. You'll be able to stand doesn't he say that? Oh, well
I you know, I just don't know. I just don't know if that's gonna work, right? See if you have that attitude You're not getting it you need to have trust in in God stand against temptation stand against unbelief as Opposed to getting like again in that lukewarm backslidden condition when you're doubting everything and then you become easy
Pray for the enemy. So if you're not doing all those things people they're not praying. They're not reading their
Bible They're not going to church. I mean, I still believe but they're not really doing anything You know, they're they're naked, right?
They don't have the armor of God and they become easy pray and I've seen as the pastor you can sort of tell
You know when people starting to stray and drift and then they fall out of church and then you know
Sometimes you see this the devil does devour people. So he's he's like that roaring lion
Okay, think about the animal world You know if you ever watch those nature shows the lion or the tiger when they go after the gazelle or whatever
Which one did they catch The weakest right the one that's injured.
They're slow You know the the one that's yeah the one the one that is the weakest
So the devil if you are spiritually weak He's going to have the most success devouring
Those people so we just need to make sure it's not about being physically weak There's a lot of people that are physically weak, but they're spiritually strong And then there's some people that are very strong physically, but they're very weak spiritually
So it's about being spiritually strong. But again, the the armor of God is
Is almost it's all defensive who's that football coach who said the best offense is a good defense
I'm sure more than one said that but I mean, it's really true And then you're in Ephesians 6 still look at Ephesians 6 17, so it's all defensive except for this one thing
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God All right, let's turn to Matthew 4 just a quick Example of this.
I think we know the story that Jesus when he was Tempted in the wilderness.
I mean nobody was more. Nobody is more spiritually strong than Jesus Christ, obviously
So when he faced Spiritual attack means the odds.
I don't know about this. There's a good possibility. The devil doesn't even know who you are He said that's not true, but Satan is an omnipresent right
Satan doesn't know everything but he has plenty of demons So if you've ever been under spiritual attack, it's probably from a demon not
Satan himself. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but Jesus was attacked by the devil himself like the strongest of the evil angels, but Jesus fought off the temptation
How did he do it? by Quoting scripture. Okay. So this is how you fight spiritual warfare
You take out your sword and you start swinging which means you start quoting the
Bible and again There's gonna be someone. Oh, I don't think quoting the Bible is gonna help see again.
You don't get it You don't believe in the power of God's Word look at Matthew 4
And by the way Just one other thing Hebrews 4 12 Compares God's Word to a sword the
Word of God is living powerful sharper than any two -edged sword, right? Matthew 4 1 then Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights
He was hungry Verse 3 when the tempter came to him He said if you are the
Son of God command that these stones become bread and what does Jesus do? He answered and said what it is written so Jesus is quoting
Scripture and Then the devil comes back again Devil tries to quote scripture, you know the story by now and he takes it out of context
Jesus comes back again with what? Scripture and then the third time the devil tempts him again the third time and Jesus quotes again
Jesus takes his sword and Quotes scripture and then the devil Devil fleas right three times.
He knows he's not getting anywhere. He He fleas so how do you fight back? Okay, you're spiritually strong.
You can resist the devil you can really only go on offense when you Quote God's Word and obviously you can't quote
God's Word if you don't know God's Word What do I need to read the
Bible for you know, it's what good is that gonna do You can hide the Word of God away in your heart.
It'll be there It's good to quote it exact. That's great But you need to have an understanding of the scripture to pull it out
Know what it says and I would say quote it out loud. Let's say Let's say something you're really
Going through something difficult and you start thinking a certain way and you know, that's the wrong way to think quote a
Bible verse that says otherwise like Literally speak it out loud replace that thought with God's Word.
I don't want to do that in public Well do it under your breath. I mean Seriously, they'll speak
God's Word out loud. That's what Jesus did But let's close we're almost out of time let's close by asking this question
How do we know how can we recognize? When we are under spiritual attack if you remember in Revelation 12
The devil is called what he's the accuser of The brethren.
I mean that is literally what the name devil means the accuser
Okay, so when you are falsely accused That's a pretty good indication.
You are Under spirit coming under spiritual attack because that's Satan's whole deal.
That's what he does day and night He accuses the brethren now if it's true. I mean, that's another story
But these are false Accusations. So if you are being falsely accused, that's a pretty good indicator
Another thing when you start feeling guilty you start feeling Shame you start feeling like you're just worthless and you know, you start thinking that way
Maybe you feel guilt. Here's the thing You might feel guilt because you actually did something wrong
Now if you did something wrong and you feel guilty, that's not the devil That's just old -fashioned, you know conviction of the
Holy Spirit But if it's something you did in the past and you confessed it to the
Lord and you know He forgave you because he promised to forgive you, right? First John 1 9 says what?
Yeah, if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so let's say you actually did something and You confessed it
You trust that you are forgiven, but now you're just feeling bad and guilty And accused you're maybe your own thoughts are accusing you
Something you did in the past you say no, that's see that's the enemy. He's trying to bring something up in the past God says you're forgiven.
The enemy says no, you're not Okay, so when you start thinking to yourself, you're you feel guilty
You feel down because of something you did but you're forgiven of it. See that's the enemy And That's how
Satan keeps people in bondage. Well, I could never amount to anything I could never serve
God because this happened in the past or I did this maybe you actually did it
But if you're forgiven see you're not trusting in God in that moment because you're believing The devil's lies that you aren't forgiven and you're no good so when you feel that way when you start thinking that way, that's
That's the enemy, you know, there's other things where if you feel afraid if you feel tired
Other feet, you know that might not be Spiritual attack it could be for another reason.
Maybe you didn't get enough sleep But sometimes the devil he can drain he can drain you you just have to kind of you have to figure it out for yourself and Why am
I feeling like this? Am I feeling like this for no good reason maybe look at your prayer life look at your spiritual life if you're spiritually strong and That it going through that stuff.
Maybe talk to a doctor, but I you know, the devil can affect us physically because our spirit and our body
I mean we're We're one person. So with all that said we're not going to get answers to every question
But the simple advice is resist the devil and he will flee from you
If you don't give him a foothold He's gonna give up and he's gonna go after the demon will go after someone else
Because there's plenty of people willing to give them a foothold. So as long as you don't if you just resist
They will flee from you one last thing hopefully to encourage you that story of Elisha and his servant and second
Kings Chapter 6. This is one thing that's easy to get discouraged.
We feel like we're outnumbered, right? In the workplace, you're outnumbered just in society.
We're outnumbered and that can get you down But remember that story They were they were
Elisha and his servant. They were outnumbered Physically, no question about it.
And then Elisha prayed to God, you know Opened his eyes that he may see and God opened his eyes and he saw an angelic army all on the mountain all around him chariots of fire and Elisha said those who are with us are more than who are with them
So one last word of encouragement is true one -third of the angels fell And that's a lot.
There's a lot of demons out there probably one for every person maybe more who knows So one -third of the angels fell but what does that mean?
two -thirds are still obedient to God and according to Hebrews 1 14
One of the ministries of the angels is to serve God's people so while we're outnumbered here on earth
That's true, but we have the majority of the heavenly hosts For us and we have of course
God Himself in Romans 8 31 tells us if God is for us