Getting Back to Work - After SBC Fail - White Pills

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I know it's been a while. I haven't been doing a lot of videos lately, but it has been quite a busy time.
So it's a little bit of a mix of everything. Like I said in the last episode, work has gotten a little bit busier. And also
I had Little League, which finally ended. So that's good. I enjoy Little League quite a bit, but it definitely throws off the schedule for a month or two.
So that's good. And also I've been out fishing and I've had a pretty exciting time lately.
I got this fish that you see on the screen here. This is the biggest freshwater fish I've ever caught.
It is a seven pound Northern Pike. And I found a little spot on this pond that I fish quite a bit because it's close.
It's not the greatest pond in the world, but it's close and it has pike. And so I've caught pike here before, but seven pounds is my biggest by far.
It bested the most recent personal best at five, which was last year.
I caught another one the same day that was five pounds. So I found a little spot here. I've been back the last two days in the morning and it's been really hot.
And both days I struck out, so kind of paying for it, you know, getting the personal best. Now things got to even out.
You know what I mean? Sometimes things are good. Sometimes things are bad, but you know, it's always good to be out fishing. I've had a few incidents of lines breaking and stuff like that, which happens with pike, of course, because they're very, very strong.
But it's been a lot of fun. So you know, that's been great. I also lost some bass, some big bass as well that shook the hook.
So it's just been a real exciting time. And so it's been fun. That being said, let's jump into it today.
You know, the last episode I did was before the SBC voted down the old law amendment.
And you know, of course, you know, all the liberals are taking their victory lap and the liberal media, of course, the liberal media is going to spin it whatever way they want, but they understand what time it is, right?
I mean, they took this to mean that the SBC is okay with female pastors.
And of course, the conservative liberals say, no, no, no, that's not it.
That's not it. We just don't need the law amendment. But at the end of the day, it really is it. I think the liberal media, though they lie and though they spin,
I think they hit the nail on the head. They get what this is. This is the SBC saying, no, we're not going to do much about it.
Yeah, we don't agree with women pastors, but you know, we're not going to do much about it.
You know what I mean? We're not going to take a strong stance. I mean, that's just a really disappointing thing. Now, I was not surprised by this.
I know that a lot of my friends were feeling real confident. And I think understandably so.
They were really confident because of what happened last year. And there was a ton of people that wanted this.
And they felt like they had a lot of momentum, they had put a lot of effort into it. And they came up short, you know, they didn't come up too much short, but they came up short.
And I was not surprised. But I totally understand if you were I'm not saying that you're not smart or not a good prognosticator or, or things like that.
But the thing is, the reason I was not surprised is because I've, I've gotten used to disappointment. I've gotten used to it, you know what
I mean? But, but, you know, I wanted to take, you know, I'm glad I didn't do a video right away.
Yeah. And this is not why I didn't do it. But I did want to take some time to think this through, you know, because it's not good to be used to disappointment.
You know what I mean? That's a sign of, I mean, it's low key, it's a little bit of despair. But it's also a sign of just being, you know, kind of beaten down over the years, beaten into submission, and just kind of expecting things to not go your way.
It's not good. It's definitely not good. And that's, that's, that's a character flaw in me.
And I don't think that it's completely unrelated.
This is gonna sound stupid to you. But I don't think it's completely under unrelated to the sports teams that I follow.
I, as you know, I follow the New York Mets, and the New York Jets, and the
New York Rangers. I follow these teams. And, you know, the Rangers are perennially really good, but they they typically fall short of the
Stanley Cup, which again, happened this year. But I can't really say the Rangers are part of this, because they're usually pretty good.
But the Mets and the Jets, they just, they it's me and my brother try to predict, like, how are they going to disappoint us this year?
You know what I mean? Like, what's going to be the story? Because they always seem to manage to get you to believe again. And then they just crush your dreams, like, like as if it was nothing, you know what
I mean? And I'm speaking just in hyperbole. I mean, I'm not that into sports in the sense of like, it ruins my day.
It doesn't, it definitely doesn't ruin my day. But, but the teams have just been so historically and ridiculously disappointing over the years that you just kind of expect it.
And when things don't happen that way, and when things happen in a good way, you're you're surprised by it, but you don't, but you're always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
That's the life of a Mets and a Jets fan. You're always waiting for the other shoe to drop. And so and I have lots of theories as to why this is the case and and what happens and, you know, how the media is involved in all of this, but it is a very interesting life.
And so kind of, you know, when I've been disappointed quite a bit, it is difficult for me to see a way out.
You know what I mean? And that's not a good thing. That's a that's a character flaw. That's for sure. I'm a pretty optimistic guy, you know, when it comes to like my own personal life, when it comes to things that are that I'm doing.
But when it comes to external things like the Mets, I mean, I have no impact on how the Mets do, you know, when the
SBC, I have zero impact on how the SBC does. I'm not in the SBC. When it comes to stuff like that,
I have low expectations. I'm very easily disappointed. But, you know,
I was thinking that I'm very grateful and glad for people that aren't like that people that have a lot of positivity, people that feel like that they can get it done at any point, you know what
I mean? And I think that, you know, I don't know William Wolfe personally, or at least too closely.
I mean, I've met him, but he certainly strikes me as one of those kind of guys that's that's very optimistic about things that, yeah, he has a part in them, but ultimately he's got to rely on the vote.
You know, he's got to rely on external factors. You know, I really respect that.
And I really like that in like, look, look, I know people in my audience, some people think that that pro sports is just a, you know, the bread and circus show, and it's not good.
It's a net negative. I actually don't think so. I think pro sports is good. And it's not good that pro sports is gay, you know, and everyone's flying their pride flags and stuff like that.
And all that. And of course, it's not good to be too obsessed with pro sports. I mean, everyone knows people like that.
And I pity those people. But but pro sports is good. I really do think there's a lot of good in pro sports.
And one of the things about many professionals is that they, they are very optimistic.
They're very, they have a lot of positivity. And it's, and it's something that they've kind of developed and learned over time, you know what
I mean? They've slumped, they've done well, and they've come out of slumps. And they, you know, things like that. And they, they really do trust the process.
They trust the process. And they, you know, they've, you know, they've, they've worked through difficulties and challenges and stuff like that.
And but they keep going. And they always feel like they're right at that precipice where things are going to turn around.
I admire that in people, you know what I mean? And there's a lot of professional athletes that that have that.
And then, you know, on the Mets, there's a guy named Brandon Nimmo, who's a believer, you know, he's a good guy, you know. And Brandon Nimmo, you know, he's, he, he's recently come out of a slump.
And they, and they asked him about it. And just the way he talked about the slump, and how, you know, he, he, he worked, you know, on really hard on certain things.
And you couldn't really see it in the results. But he could feel it, that it was getting better over time.
And then eventually, he came out of this slump. And now he's just hitting RBI is like, it's his job, which it which it is his job.
And I like that. I really do like that. And so, you know, I admire that in people.
And you know, I've worked over time to feel that to get some of that for myself.
And like I said, in my personal life, I'm a pretty positive person. And I've, you know, I've been through slumps myself, you know, business wise, and just in general in life,
I've been through slumps. And I know that certain things that you can do, there are certain things that you can control that there's certain things that you can't control.
But you know, if you're going to come out of a slump, and there you've had a lot of bad luck and stuff like that, the worst thing you can do is to be like, well, it's totally out of my control.
It's not. It's not totally out of your control. There are certain things that happen to you that are out of your control, but your piece of it is in your control.
And so you can put in your effort 100 % every single day and do what you need to do.
And eventually, there's a good chance that the external factors that are at play, are going to start dropping, they're going to start falling, and it's going to go your way and stuff like that.
So I guess, you know, what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry for rambling. But what I'm trying to say is, you know, if you're in the
SPC, and you're discouraged, and you're contemplating leaving and stuff like that, I totally get it,
I totally understand because there's more than one way to skin this cat, right. But I think that the effort that, you know, people like William Wolfe and that Baptist Leadership Center, or whatever it is, they're, they're doing real good work, and it is worth getting behind.
And I think a lot of these guys say, look, you know, you can't just retreat every single time the liberals, you know, make their moves and take control and stuff like that.
This is winnable, and we can win it. And we just need to be more dedicated to it than the liberals. I agree.
I agree. And so I'm not going to get mad at people, if they want to leave the SPC. But I do think that there are plans and there are ways to move forward in the
SPC. And I think that and I've started to see some of this to people intentionally joining the
SPC, to help the effort to help the fundamentalists and the conservatives to move the ball forward and to eventually take over the
SPC. See, that's something that is amazing, because that's totally in our control. That's it, you can just join the
SPC, intentionally, and to cooperate and to change the direction, you can do that.
And I've started to hear rumbles of conservative and fundamentalist churches doing just that, because they see the value in the
SPC. They see why the SPC is a target of the liberals, why people are trying to subvert the
SPC, because it's important. It's not the most important thing, but it is important. And so I guess that's what
I'm trying to say to today, like, like consider what you need to do.
And some of it is out of your control. Of course, we all get that we all understand that every athlete knows that there's a little bit of luck involved in every sport.
You know what I mean? In every sport, especially baseball, there's a little bit of luck involved, you know, you can hit the ball really hard right at somebody.
And you can do that over and over and over again, and you're not going to get a hit, you're out, because you hit it right at them.
But you're doing the right things, you're hitting the ball hard, you're swinging, you're not missing, you're, you know, you're working through, you're at bats the right way.
There's a little bit of luck involved, there's just no question about it. But, and of course,
I don't really believe in luck, I'm just saying that colloquially. But God's gonna do his part.
He always does. God always does what he's going to do. What you have control over is not what
God does, but what you do. And in the SBC, that is something that, you know, if you're conservative, and you're frustrated that you need to keep in mind, like, are, are you doing the things that you need to do in order to move the ball forward?
Are you doing the things you need to do? Are you doing your part? Are you doing your job? That's the key.
That's the key, man. Fishing is like that, too, man. Like I can't make the fish bite. Sometimes they just don't bite.
In fact, you know, just just today, I saw a couple of big pike follow my lure.
And they just did not bite. They followed it. But they just did not bite. I could see him in the water.
And I tried a few different things. I tried a few different, you know, retrieves and stuff like that. And they just didn't bite.
I can't control that. I can do my part, though. And I can try different things. And I can, I can try different spots.
And I can, you know, be consistent about things, I can do my part. And eventually, one day, the seven pounder is going to bite.
Now that I got the seven pounder, though, I tell you, I'll tell you this, my next target is 10 pounds. These things get really big.
I mean, this is a relative, this is like a probably maybe a 12 year old fish, something like that. But these things get enormous.
I mean, these can get up to 40 pounds plus in this pond, probably not in this pound, upon pond,
I've seen probably, you know, 15 pounders, maybe a little bit more. So double the size. That's I'm going for 10.
That's the thing. I want to go for double digits. That's my next goal. I'm going to keep trying things until something works.
In any case. But yeah, I see a lot of people that understandably are black pilling.
And then I also see a lot of guys like William Wolfe that are just saying, Hey, look, guys, you cannot black pill about this.
You just cannot. You just got to get right back to and this is the thing. Another thing about sports is that there's always next season, right?
When you fail, you can get right back to work if you want to, you know, I mean, you could wallow in your in your in your failure, or you can get right back to work because it's your job.
It is your job when you're a professional athlete. And when you're in the SBC and you're a pastor and you're a you're a messenger or whatever.
It is your job. It is your job before the Lord. You know what I mean? And so I just I suggest get right back to work.
Get right back to work and make it happen and make those connections and you know, put in the time put in the effort to attract, you know, more like minded people to the
SBC so that they can, you know, it's amazing. I mean, it's absolutely amazing that this is the battle that's happening.
The female pastor battle. It's just unbelievable. But here's where that's where we're at. That's the fight that's in front of us.
And that's where we got to go. That's what we got to do. I encourage you all man. Listen, I hope that you find this encouraging.
Reach out to some of these guys at the Center for Baptist Leadership or whatever it's called. Yeah, man, like there's so much more that we can do.
We can get like you put in good effort. You can always get better. That's another thing about pro sports too, man.
Like, no matter how good the player is, you see them taking their batting practice. You know what I mean? Aaron Judge takes batting practice every day.
And he's the best hitter in the world. He's the best hitter in the world. And yet he does his batting practice every single day.
You know, there's a lesson there. There's not too good for it. He thinks he can get better. And man, I hope he doesn't.
I hope he doesn't get better because he's the most amazing hitter I've ever seen. But but he thinks he can.
He's working towards it. We can all do that. We can all do that. So I hope I hope you found this encouraging.
I hope you found it helpful. Get out there if you're if you're a fisherman. I wish you good luck and and all that kind of thing.
And we'll we'll jump back to some kind of reaction response video soon. Those are usually the best. But I wanted to address that today.