That Is NOT In The Bible (Part 1)


Mike and Steve discuss an article called "67 Surprising Things Not Found in the Bible". They also explain biblically why it is wrong to swear.


Future For Israel (Part 2)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ. Based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, �But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.�
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn�t for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we�re called by the
Divine Trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her King. Here�s our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth.
Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry. My name is Mike Abendroth. Here with Steve Cooley. Hi. How are you? Steve, what if we would take our unregenerate selves and mold them together?
We could have a Lutheran Mormon or a Mormon Lutheran. What would that really look like?
I don�t know, but it�s making my head spin. Well -dressed, well -groomed.
That wouldn�t have been me. Yeah. I was an acolyte for the Lutheran Church, and I remember to this day when you had to light the candles to signify the service was beginning, that you were to hold it with two hands and you were to keep your right elbow up.
That was one of the things I remember. Like if you�re shooting a basketball, keep that elbow away. See? Yeah.
Yeah. And so what�s that beef, you know, when you teach a kid to play basketball, right?
Bend your knees, eyes on the hoop, elbow in, follow through.
Beef. Oh, right. Okay. You know who taught me that? No, I�ve never heard of it. Tomek, our Polish missionary.
Really? Yeah, beef. Hmm. Yeah. I wonder if there was one for pork. Chickens. Chickens.
Chickens. So now I�m all messed up. What were we talking about again?
I think we were going to talk about how to play horse. Oh, yes. And basketball. And so we had an 8 .30
service at the Lutheran Church, Calvary Lutheran, and then we had an 11 o�clock service. And so the acolyte at the 8 .30
service, when the service was over, he snuffed the candles in an inappropriate way so firmly and with so much strength that he broke off one of the wicks.
So when I showed up at 11 o�clock to start the service and light the candles, it would not light.
So what did you do? Offer a strange fire? That�s good. So he had only five candles instead of six, and I think it threw off the mojo of what was going on.
In that sacramental system, I would regularly hear, Steve, after communion, and we would have real alcohol, of course, and we would have these wafers that had kind of a�
I would often hear, �I�ll have another.� Steve, what do you call that?
You were trying to print a bulletin the other day, or not a bulletin, but something that had like a little watermark on it.
What�s that? It�s called a watermark. Yeah. Well, our communion wafers had like little cross watermarks.
Really? These little rays. Like a little imprint. Yeah, yeah. And then if you put them in your mouth, they would stick to the roof of your mouth, and it was like �
And you know, you try to get that excised somehow. But anyway, I would remember our pastor, and he would say, �Based on the authority vested in me,
I now pronounce your sins forgiven. Go in peace. Serve the Lord.� That is fascinating to me.
Now we� Who gave him that authority? Was that the Nebraska governor? I guess it�s the
ELCA Nebraska governor, maybe John, not John Kerry. We had Bob Kerry. Okay. Yeah, but not in those days.
So anyway, I was glad to be rescued from a faith that didn�t save.
I believe Jesus was God. I believe that he was raised from the dead. I believe that he�s the only Savior. I believed in sin.
I believe I was a sinner. I believe in hell, heaven, yet I did not understand how the benefits of Christ�s life were given to me, and that is through the non -meritorious instrument of faith alone.
Well, I mean, it sounds pretty much like a, I mean, it sounds a little Catholic to me.
Well, here�s the funny thing, Steve. I grew up across the street from St. James Catholic Church, and so the nuns had a little house there.
And I always appreciated the nuns because they would go golfing over in the area there behind the church, and then they wouldn�t find their golf balls.
So we would go to find the golf balls, and then we�d sell them to other people. Oh, I thought you�d go back and sell them to the nuns.
I�m going, �I don�t know how that went over back in those days.� And the nuns across the street thought my father looked like Billy Graham.
Really? Yeah, I guess that�s all kind of a convergence there. Because they knew Billy Graham.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They were big Billy Graham fans. So, if you want to follow us on Twitter, you can go to NoCoRadio.
You can go to TheTuesdayGuy. You can put a little �at� in front of there, or you can...
Or you can... Not. It�s your choice.
Free will. So, Steve and I are going to talk a little bit about things that aren�t found in the Bible today. Isn�t that interesting?
They�re just not there. They�re not found in the Bible. Yes. What does this do to our doctrine of sola scriptura and the sufficiency of Scripture if things aren�t found in the
Bible? Well, then we would not care about them very much. But we�ll do a whole show.
Speaking of which, before we get into it, because we will talk about biblical subjects. Things not found in the
Bible to preach about would be especially wrong. I remember S. Lewis Johnson saying that he wouldn�t preach on creeds on a
Sunday morning because they�re not scriptural. You know, a conference or something like that. Let�s talk about Heidelberg or Westminster 1689.
Steve, when you were preaching through John and you came to the woman who was caught in adultery and Jesus kneeling down and writing something in the sand, you know this better than I do because you just studied it, but my guess is
John 7 .53 through 8 .10ish or something like that. Yeah, I think it�s 8 .11,
but yeah. Since it�s not in Scripture, would you preach that? Why wouldn�t you preach it?
What�s the thought process? And what we do want to stay away from is, no, we can�t trust the
Bible. Something we don�t like in the Bible, so we just say it�s not in there. Well, it is a good question.
I mean, I was just reading somebody today who quoted, you know, John 8, the early part there and said, you know, �let he who is perfect cast the first stone� or whatever it says there.
What was the process? Well, you really, I mean, I wanted to look at the context, the immediate context and just see that it doesn�t really fit the immediate context.
And as you study it, what you find out is that that passage so didn�t fit the, that section so didn�t fit the passage that people actually stuck it in different areas.
It�s in Luke in one manuscript and it�s in, you know, different places because even the scribes as they were copying down the
New Testament realized that that passage did not belong there. It doesn�t fit the context at all, it interrupts the whole thing.
If you read before it, the Pharisees had already decided they wanted to kill
Jesus, they had already decided they wanted to arrest him, they�d already sent people to arrest him, and instead of doing all that, they dragged this woman caught in the act of adultery in front of them.
And you�re like, well, why would they do that? That doesn�t make any sense. And it doesn�t fit the concept after, you know, the flow of argument afterwards.
And if you just remove the whole section, then everything flows perfectly and it makes all the sense in the world.
So it really just doesn�t belong there. Pete Lots of seminary thoughts come back to mind,
Steve, where there�ll be non -Johannine words used in that section. Is that correct? Yes. Pete Steve, what if you had your life verse
Mark 16, 16, whoever believes and is baptized will be saved and whoever does not believe will be condemned?
That would be sad times because again, Mark 16, 16 is not there.
I think 8 is the last verse we believe is in the… That�s correct.
A lot of people have 16, 15 for their life verse, �Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.�
It�s a great command, right? But it�s just probably something Jesus never said.
Steve, in no -compromise land, this is after Thanksgiving, but in real time, this is before Thanksgiving, one week prior to Thanksgiving, and there outside the building of the
Deluxe Radio Studios in Burbank, California, no -compromise radio, I see one, two, three, four, there�s about 22 huge wild turkeys in our parking lot.
And you know what I�m thinking right now? I could save a whole lot of money. I mean, because we�ll have probably three or four turkeys, so…
We�ll have three or four. So, let�s talk about a few things that aren�t in the Bible, just because it�s a lever, it�s a wedge, it�s a way that we can get to the biblical issues.
Okay. Let�s do that. All right. Let�s see. 67 surprising things not found in the Bible. How many can you guess?
I�m trying to think. This is at ChristianPost .com under News, and I don�t know who wrote it.
But I�m guessing it says �editor�s note� and there�s a picture of David Householder. Wasn�t he in some movie?
I don�t know. I know his brother Paul Householder played professional baseball, isn�t he?
Okay, good. I have no idea who David Hasselhoff is. There, there, there, that�s who it is.
David Householder, but he looks kind of, if I may say, metro. Okay, well, that could be true.
The devil has horns and a pitchfork. There is nothing in the Bible that says that he�s got horns and a pitchfork.
No, there�s nothing that says he went down to Georgia because he was in a bind, he was way behind, he wasn�t willing to make a deal.
Funny. If we could see Satan today, don�t you think he would be a brilliantly beautiful angel masquerading as an angel of light?
Don�t you think? What�s with the red skin and the pitchfork? I don�t know. I always thought he�d look like Sauron.
I don�t know what he�d look like. But yeah, he probably doesn�t have red horns and a pitchfork. So I mean, if I could just be candid here, no -go style,
I don�t really ever want to see Satan. If I, you know, if I could just be perfectly candid, you know, wherever he is, he can stay there.
I don�t want to see him. Yeah. Here he says something not found in the Bible, angels with wings.
I find that fascinating in light of Isaiah chapter 6. Yeah, where it describes that they actually have six wings.
Yeah, that�s pretty bizarre. So I�m going to have to put him down as not a biblical scholar.
He says, yes, seraphim, the burners, have wings and no, the
Bible never identifies seraphim as angels. Oh boy.
Ditto cherubim, plural of cherub, who are intimidating beasts in the Bible, but turned into fat naked winged babies on the walls of Italian churches.
Now that�s at least funny. Yeah, is this kind of pastor or just a... We can look at the very end and find out,
DavidHouseholder .com, that�s all I know. I just like to pontificate about things
I know very little about. Yeah, well, he says that there�s no such thing as a singular apocalyptic
Antichrist figure used in plural by John. He means in 1
John plural, the spirit of the Antichrist, when you�re saying Jesus has not clothed himself with humanity, there�s no incarnation, that�s the spirit of the
Antichrist. You�re against Jesus, but I think the book of Revelation might... Would have something else to say,
I don�t really, I don�t know where he went to seminary, but I�m glad I didn�t go to it, so.
Well he�s got some movie theology here, number seven, that people mock Noah for building an ark.
By the way, seven pairs of many animals were taken to the ark, not just two by two. Oh, I didn�t know that.
Yeah, I was unaware. It�s brand new. Yeah, it�s not like, you know, we read the account or...
Steve, did you see the Noah movie? I did not see it. I wanted to, but I think
I was just washing my hair that night. Okay, Steve, tell me this. I didn�t want to see the Noah movie, I had no desire to see it, but there�s something in me that kind of wants to see the
Exodus movie. Why? Why do I think that? Well, you know, we saw an advertisement for it the other day and the special effects,
I mean, the special effects for the Noah movie were cool too, but I don�t know, there�s just something about these special effects that really look cool, but the problem
I have with it is, you know, if they just updated the Ten Commandments, you know, and made it probably a little more biblical, excise some of the nonsense out of it, then
I would probably like it a lot. But I don�t think that�s what they�re going to do, you know? I wonder if they�ll make like eight commandments, 12 commandments, how would that work?
Or the, you know, 15 commandments where he comes down and then drops one of the tablets. I�ve got 15!
No, 10 commandments. I just thought maybe we could just get rid of the Ten Commandments and we could just have the seven promises of a promise keeper.
Mmm. Yeah. Seven promises of a promise breaker. How about any prohibitions against certain kinds of peripheral cuss words?
So, while I think, Steve, Well, I mean, I think it�s interesting. Peripheral cuss words.
Yeah. What about a non -peripheral swear word? Something that gets right to the heart. I, I, don�t you think what he�s trying to say,
I, I think I read that earlier. Don�t you think what he�s trying to say is anything other than taking God�s name in vain?
Right. And you know, when, and I like our friends at Way of the Master, I don�t think they�re correct in, in kind of making, taking the name of God in vain, swear words.
I�m not so sure that they do a good job there. But let�s talk about cuss words in general because for a while there was a cussing pastor in evangelicalism and to his credit he said he didn�t want to do that anymore and repented and so I haven�t brought that up with his name since.
But there are other people that talk about what is really a cuss word for after all hell in Germany, when
I saw hell on a big sign, I think it means light or something like that, you know, and you�re in different places and different words mean different things.
And so why would just a string of consonants and vowels be something bad?
Well, that�s an interesting question. So, let�s go to the scriptures. In the book of Ephesians, as you well know, the first three chapters are primarily doctrine, not exclusively, but primarily doctrine, and then the second three chapters are application.
So, with that as a foundation, Ephesians chapter 4 and then I�m going to read Ephesians chapter 5, just a verse in each one.
Ephesians 4 29 says, �Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.�
So, if you think about that, and then you ask yourself, is what I�m about to say going to give grace to someone who hears it, and then you think about all the epithets you�re about to utter,
I think the answer is probably no. And then Ephesians 5 verse 4,
I think also right on the money, �Let there be no filthiness, nor foolish talk, nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.�
So, you know, are we to tell off -color jokes? Are we to use profanity and all these things?
I think probably not. And if you look at James, what it says about controlling the tongue, if you can't control your tongue, your religion is worthless.
I think all these things and more, you know, what did Jesus say? It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you, it's what comes out.
And you just go on and on and on. And I think there's something more to be said about language than there is to be said about a lot of things.
Steve, when we consider Romans chapter 14 and 15 and liberty we have in Christ, and let's say we're discussing tobacco, we're discussing alcohol, we're discussing, oh, there's a variety of things we could use, meat offered to idols or something.
People try to use the liberty card for the way they talk, swearing and cuss words and it's this kind of cool thing to do.
It's edgy and everything else. You've just talked about scripture. And so, that is our primary authority.
Obviously, it's our only authority. But when I think secondarily of men that I respect, let's say we have
John MacArthur over and we're taking him in the car from Boston, we're stuck in traffic.
Pete I like this theory. Pete Yeah. And he starts yelling out some of these things about the crazy Boston traffic or we go to Martin Lloyd -Jones home and he's really mad at parliament and the queen.
And so, he throws some expletives out. Or we're at S. Lewis Johnson's house and he and Martha are sitting there having a tea, please come over.
And he starts using horrible words about the Dallas Cowboys. I mean, nobody that I respect, my point is, no one
I respect talks in a filthy way. Steve Well, here's what I would say. I would go, well, you know what? Sure, he uses a lot of swear words, but boy, you can preach it on Sunday.
Pete So, maybe he has since changed. I haven't looked except maybe probably three months ago.
So, Desiring God and Piper have Paul Tripp speak. And I think they're speaking something about what comes out of the heart, you know, and all that.
And so, Paul has that little discussion with his children. He was saying that certain swear words about marital intimacy would be incorrect because it's crude and rude.
And we just don't want to talk about a marital union with some of those awful words.
He also said that would be improper to talk about God or using the word God for swearing or damning other people in some offhanded way.
And so, I was with him. I was two for two on that. But I believe if memory serves me, he said something about his child asked him, well, what makes certain words wrong when they're just slang for excrement?
And so, then Paul Tripp, if memory serves, I think five times said a word that I would not say.
I'm not even going to spell it on No Compromise Radio. I wish he wouldn't have done that. I wish Piper would have taken that thing down,
Desiring God taking that thing down, because this is exactly what we're talking about here. And I think it's inappropriate.
And it's not helpful for evangelicals. Pete Well, that's easy for us to say, because we have a little button that allows us to just edit out all the expletives that we, oh, wait, we don't.
Pete Steve, I understand what it's like to have a dirty mind and to have a potty mouth and then get saved and still suffer from the sins that I committed before I got saved.
Thankfully, I don't say a lot of swear words. I can't think of many that I've said in the last 20 years.
But I sometimes think them. And Steve, it is a, it is a kind of a nightmare that I have, that what if I said something from the pulpit that was not good or right?
Would there be enough capital earned for me to beg people's forgiveness? Because sometimes when
I see certain words in the I'm not blaming the Bible, I'm blaming my own dirty mind. Things come into my mind because of word associations and thought associations.
It's a struggle. Pete Well, and I think it's, with what you said, you know, about how we come out of a background where it's no big deal.
I mean, I was, I'm going to shift gears a little bit, but I was reading something that one of my unbelieving friends posted the other day.
And here's my take on this. Even before I was saved, I started thinking, you know what, the way people talk all the time out on the street and everything else, you know, because I was a police officer, does that make me sound more intelligent or less intelligent?
You know, if I want to sound like everybody else, don't, I mean, obviously, I don't want to sound like I'm just some kind of pompous dope.
But on the other hand, if I speak like everybody else speaks, well, maybe I didn't get it out of the sixth grade.
I mean, it makes it not, it's not just a question of godliness. It's just a matter of, it makes you sound pretty stupid.
I have a hard time reading something, no matter how smart the guy is, when he can't express himself without using expletives every couple paragraphs.
I just, I don't even, or, you know, several times in the same paragraph. I don't understand that. Because to me, it doesn't show sophistication.
It's quite the opposite. Steve, I looked up the IMBD or whatever it's called the movie thing and it tells you in the little parental section about a movie and you know,
I love World War Two study and movies and so do you and the Brad Pitt Fury movie,
I thought, you know, tanking, tankers, whatever they're called. Celtics.
Oh, did I say that out loud? And I think it was something like the worst word was repeated more than one time a minute.
And so I just thought, how am I going to take my wife to just hear this over and over and over?
I guess that's why I like the Brian Reagan comics of the world, comedians, because they don't, they don't have to use the default to, you know, to George Carlin, seven words or something.
Well, and, and, you know, before George Carlin, I mean, when comedians used to, Bob Hope, all those guys, you know, they didn't have to use profanity to be funny.
And I'm like, now, which one sounds smarter? You know, now it's just so hip to, to be crude, rude, and socially acceptable,
I guess. But it just makes you sound like, like an illiterate buffoon, and not like some smart guy.
That's why, you know, as I think about the more clever people, the more clever writers, the more clever comedians are those who can get their point across and make you think rather than just kind of go, you know, like you're some seventh grade little goofball.
Steve, in this list, there's a mention of, oh, it's there's no apple in the
Garden of Eden, only fruit, we would we would believe that there's no mention of the church celebrating Ash Wednesday, we would believe that.
But what about this one, number 14, the idea that God literally calls us to be our brother's keeper.
And then I read Galatians chapter six. If anyone is caught in a transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.
Keep watching yourself, lest you too be tempted, bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Isn't that amazing? Yeah, but was that written to the church at Galatia? Well, the
Northern churches, Southern churches, yes. Because I understand the Northern churches had a problem with being hospitable and, and serving one another in the
Southern, Southern churches had Southern hospitality, of course, and were very kind and gracious. Steve has some
Gnostic knowledge that you all don't know about. And I'm just so biting my tongue right now. You don't even know.
I do. And that's all that matters. How about any mention of birth control? There's nothing in the
Bible that mentions birth control. And be fruitful and multiply. You know what
I'll never forget? It was Jerry Rags saying, you know, this is a long time ago at a marriage counseling thing or premarital thing.
And Jerry Rags said, we teach exactly what the Bible teaches on birth control. There was a pause.
Nothing. Well, if you'd like to study sometimes, I think you could find some of the things that the
Jews did to prevent conception, but only the pagans would kill a fertilized egg.
Yeah. And, and, and would sacrifice their babies and all that kind of thing. Actually, alligator dung was used to kill.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, that's a wonderful note to end on.
Feel free to write Mike at NoCompromiseRadio .com. Our Tuesday guide at NoCompromiseRadio .com.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbcchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE in staff or management.