9Marks is Full of It - But There Are LOTS of Signs of Life

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Black people listening to whyte music. 10/10 Highly recommend.

Black people listening to whyte music. 10/10 Highly recommend.

All right, so let's just jump right into this one today. I saw this gab from Andrew Torba, and it got me thinking about something.
Here's what it says. It says, every generation has their purpose. Ours is to reveal the truth and reverse the brainwashing.
You know, it got me thinking because I've talked to my brother about this a lot. It's just, we've been having conversations with regular people, you know, just normal everyday good folk, um, not crazy people like you and me.
I'm not calling you crazy, but when I'm talking to my brother, my brother most certainly is crazy. But anyway, um, just we're having conversations and people will make these off the cuff remarks, um, about things that used to be called conspiracy theories, but now it's just like commonly accepted.
We don't trust the government. Back in the day, people would just swallow everything. They were spoonfed, you know, government would never do any wrong.
And, you know, NASA is the greatest agency of all time and, you know, all kinds of stuff. It just, oh yeah, that's just crazy talk.
Right? I mean, the government told us that 10 ,000 cows died because it's too hot. I mean, obviously, and like stupid things like that.
And, you know, I, I was always sort of suspicious. Um, maybe not always, but for a long time
I've been suspicious and, you know, maybe a little conspiracy minded. I'll, I'll be honest. Um, but now it's like, it's like common and it's like, people are making these off the cuff comments.
They're like, yeah, you know, I don't believe a single word of what was just told to me by the FDA. And it's like, man, it's just very interesting to see that somebody on GAP said that, you know, they were having a conversation.
They're like, yeah, you know, it's hot out here, but it's not hot enough to kill a hundred thousand cows. I guess it was 10 ,000.
That's, you know, hyperbole in any case. Um, so this is,
I think people are waking up at record numbers. And I think that, that a lot of the sacred cows that were just false sacred cows, like, like, you know, just, you know, a lot of the, a lot of the, the, the, the big lies that we've been told for decades and decades and decades, people just don't buy it anymore.
They just don't buy it anymore. And that's a very good development. In my opinion, there's a lot of reason for optimism.
You know what I mean? There's all people are waking up. And, um, I saw, let me, let me say this, the, the
PCA General Assembly, um, there's a lot of signs of life in the PCA guys.
And I am very, very happy to hear it. Um, now it's not all good news.
Now this is a, an overture that, that was voted on in the PCA General Assembly and the basically, you know, they're like, look, if you're a, if you're a pastor and you identify as a homosexual, that you, you're, you're, you're gay.
You're a gay pastor. You can't be a pastor. If you're gay, you can't be a Christian pastor.
Obviously that's what the, the, uh, overture says in much more winsome and nice language.
And it's one of the most obvious statements of all time. If you identify with your sin and you're like, man,
I'm just gay. You know, I love guys. Like I lust after man flesh. I just, I just can't help it.
It's how I was created. Like if that's you and that's the position you're in, you are a slave to your sin.
Not only are you not a Christian, but obviously you can't be a pastor. It's one of the most obvious overtures of all time.
And I was expecting this to not pass because we were in crazy land and maybe, maybe there was some negativity kind of boiling over from the
SBC, which again, the SBC is gone, guys, you lost. It's a liberal organization now, but it actually passed the overture past.
And I gotta be honest, it passed, but kind of barely 54 % to 46%.
Now you might be like 80, that's not barely. Well, when you consider how brain dead you have to be to think it's okay to have a gay pastor, 46 % people voting.
Yeah. We shouldn't ban gay people from being pastors. Um, that's, that's a huge number.
This is a, like this should have been 98 to 2%. So to me, anything below 80 % voting for this overture, um, is a, is a close call.
Now, from what I understand though, the way the PCA is set up, the liberals kind of have, uh, a bunch of like fake
Presbyteries where they have like, you know, maybe two churches in the one Presbytery and they're both liberal and they get an equal vote to Presbyteries that have a lot of churches.
So most people assume this will never pass the, uh, the Presbyteries have to approve it.
I think, I think it's by two thirds or I don't know a whole lot about the polity, but most people say it's too close.
There's no way it'll pass the Presbyteries. The liberals have rigged the game in that way. And so this won't actually pass, but there are signs of life here and that's a good thing.
And I want to, I want to encourage, uh, good men who are in the PCA. I heard of a few guys that I'd never heard of before.
I guess one guy named Aldo, I guess he's a Cuban guy. I mean, this guy was dropping bombs about this other overture, not this one, a different overture.
Um, that was basically about, you know, January 6th is horrible. Christians can't participate and stuff like that.
And, uh, you know, he was like, well, hold on a second. Let's not go crazy. I mean, even if you don't like January 6th, let's, this is way too vague.
And he went into a whole bunch of things. Very, very good. And then this guy, man, Dr. Palmer Robertson.
I'm going to play this for you because at least part of it, I mean, there's signs of life in the PCA brothers.
Be encouraged, man. We've got your back and we will fight with you. There's no question about that.
My brother is a ruling elder in the PCA, a good man. The guy gets it and he's, he's willing to sit and fight, um, right now.
And, and, um, you know, there may come a time when he's no longer willing, but, but right now he's, he's got a lot of, uh, positivity about the
PCA. Good for, good for you, brother. But anyway, listen to, listen to this theologian, Dr.
O. Palmer Roberts, uh, talking about homosexuality. And he's talking about the slippery slope, how like a few decades ago, you know, they were kind of injecting it into sitcoms and then they were laughing about it.
And then basically every sitcom had a gay character. And then he kind of goes down this list and listen to this. I don't like the word base, but this is, this is pretty based.
I have visited on occasion to even read the apostle
Paul, Romans chapter one in public, and you can be arrested. What is it in Romans chapter one that is stressed so strongly here as Paul is trying to establish the need of humanity?
He says, therefore, and he begins to specify, and what is it that he specifies?
God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
Men exchanging their natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.
Men committed indecent acts with one other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
Mr. Moderator, you never hear the word perversion anymore. It used to be that you could speak of sodomy and sodomites.
That is a specification of a sin in the Old Testament that is just as relevant for today.
And though with all love and here, if we are to save those who are captured by this sin, then we must speak that wonderful word, the first word of salvation, which is repent.
People have been so calloused at this point. So many people, because this is a way to become a hero.
If you want to become celebrated and a hero and just like the greatest person in the world, come out as gay in our culture, right?
Come out as gay. And so to get someone from that place where they're a freaking hero to recognizing that they're actually a depraved wretch, they need to repent of their sin.
And one of their sins is this identity that they've just allowed to consume themselves within themselves, a degrading passion, a perversion.
They become identified with the perversion to such a degree that they can't even fathom not ever feeling that way again.
And almost they get tricked. God can't even save me from this. This is fundamentally part of who
I am. In order to wake someone up for that, it's not going to work to be like, oh, you can still be gay and be a
Christian. Yeah, you can still be gay and you can still, there's a lot of gay treasure after all.
And, um, yeah, like that's totally fine. As long as, as long as you say your celibate, like if you say your celibate, then that's okay.
Because if you say your celibate, then of course you obviously are. And, uh, you can still be gay in every other way.
And that's not going to do anything. That's not going to get anyone to repent. That's not going to get anyone to see their need for Christ.
You need to use language that'll wake them up. You don't have to say sodomite, but you can totally say sodomite.
You don't have to say perversion, but you can totally say perversion. And I would recommend it because those are biblical words and they have the, the shock value to be like, you know, someone might, you call them a sodomite.
And all of a sudden it's like, I'm waking up now. I might wake up to fight you, but I'm going to be awake.
I'm going to hear what you have to say. But people are, that's not winsome enough.
And it's like, these winsome people, man, they think they're nicer than Jesus.
They think they figured this out in a better way than Jesus. You know, they go up to, to, to, uh, to, uh, to Goliath and they say, you know,
Goliath, we don't have to fight. You know, God has a wonderful plan for you, Goliath. Sometimes you need to smack people in the mouth with rhetoric.
It's just, it's just, it's just people think they're nicer than Jesus. And really all they're doing is appearing nice to the world.
But in the act, in actuality, they're hating people. When you try to soften people and massage them into this faith and be like, yeah, you can still be gay, the gay treasure and all that.
You're, you're just hating people, uh, to death is what you're doing. You're hating them to death. And so you get them to the point where they're so callous, they're so inoculated that, that, that, that they just, they can't hear it.
They don't understand. And so it's just, it's just such a amazing thing to see that there's, there's signs of life here.
Let's, let's let him, let him finish. Repent of that specific sin that is the one that is pressing the wedge between truth and behavior and untruth in the totality of our culture today.
And so, Mr. Moderator, I would urge us to respond. You know, in history, you will see that, that there is this floating, this movement along in history.
And then some, where something cuts the line and says, this far and no mother, no further.
And then everyone reads the history and says, why, of course that line should have been drawn right there.
And that's where we are today. Somewhere we must draw the line.
Look at this guy. He's loving this. And so am I item of homosexuality.
And if we're to draw it in any line in the public eye, it would be with respect to the ordained minister of the church of the
Lord Jesus Christ. And therefore, Mr. Moderator, I would speak in favor of this amendment.
Your time is up, sir. Thank you. Very good. Very good. And, and it's just so, you love to see it.
I saw somebody say that on Twitter. You love to see it. And that's, it's, it's true that, that, that's really good.
There's so much work. But man, that it's good to see that there is some, the heart is pumping.
There's some vigor there. There's some, there's some, in a winsome way, some, some aggressive language there.
And I, for one, am all about it. Guys, if you are winsome, but you do have the ability and the willingness and the courage to aggressively in a winsome way, stand up to this, you could put me out of business in about two seconds flat, and I would gladly never do another video again.
But until then, I'm going to try to wake as many people up as possible. And if I have to shake them a little bit with my rhetoric,
I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. So, you know, put me out of business guys.
That's, that's what I really hope you do. More, more interesting stuff here as well.
Again, I consider this a sign of life, although I have some harsh words for it. Apparently, a lot of people are pretty pissed at Kevin Smith because of what he said at the nine marks event.
This was picked up by occupied Democrats, one of the most Marxist radical groups around.
They love, they're loving it. They're loving what minister Kevin Smith said, because he said that Trump voters, the reason they voted for Trump is because they lost their mind because a black man was elected president.
How, how he knows this? Who freaking knows? Because he's, this is a critical race theory does, right?
So they don't lost their minds when a black man was elected president. He probably doesn't talk like that, but, but it's
Eric Mason, you know, Eric Mason talks like that. And he says that they became whores for Donald Trump who, who lost their minds when a black man was elected president.
And he said this during a nine marks event. And the allegedly, according to occupied
Democrats, the Trump or passers in attendance were outraged by this. And, um, you know, listen,
I don't mind the, the whore rhetoric, like, you know, Hey, that's fine. If you want to call them whores, uh, that's okay.
But at least they're whores. They get paid. At least they're whores that got something in return for that.
See, I don't think they're whores though. I think you're making all this up, but let's just go with your stupid narrative. Kevin Smith.
They were racist. They lost their minds when a black man Now, it wasn't that he was black. It was that he was a psychopath.
Kevin Barack Obama was one of the most radical presidents we've ever had. That's why we were upset with it.
And so that's probably, you're probably right. That's probably how we got Trump, but it had nothing to do with his skin color.
You liar. So stop lying. It had to do with the fact that he was radical. It had to do with the fact that he, he paved the way for Hillary, who was going to be more radical than him.
We all saw that coming. And so a radical president who happened to be black, uh, won presidency.
He cleared the path for Hillary, who was going to be way worse. And that's how you got Trump. So, so, so you're lying.
You liar. Stop lying. But if you want to go with your narrative, at least they're whores that got paid because we got some decent judges.
Now I don't trust in Supreme courts or anything, but we just heard today that they overturned
Roe versus Wade, obviously the right call because Roe versus Wade was a horrible decision and it made up a right out of thin air and it took away power from the
States. It was just horrible in every way. And because of, uh, what we got for Trump, that was our payment.
If you want to go with your stupid narrative, which I don't Kevin, but let's just, I don't mind the rhetoric. If you at least were a whore that got paid, right?
At least we're a whore that got paid. And now we got about abolish abortion in every single state was a lot more work to do.
It's just like with the PCA, some good stuff, some signs of life, but there's a lot more work to do. Abortion must be made illegal, punishable as murder and murder for hire, depending on who you are in the circumstance.
If you're the woman or the doctor, I guess the doctor could be a woman as well. And it's not really doctors, murderers.
So if you want to go with your stupid narrative, at least they're but you see
Kevin woke Christians who often vote for Democrats and you know what you get in return? Nothing.
You get nothing in return. You're a whore who spurns payment. At least the
Trump voters got paid. You didn't get Jack. You paid. In fact, you donated your money and time to these idiots who say, yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll get you those reparations and aren't going to give you a freaking dime because you're just that stupid that you keep falling for the same tricks over and over and over and over again.
So at least Trump voters are whores that got paid. Biden voters and then all these other
Clinton voters and stuff like that. They're whores that they don't get paid. They pay.
How do you like that? But from what I understand, what I understand, the nine marks people, people are starting to ask about this.
Like, what's the deal with that Kevin guy? Why'd you have him at your event? Like, why? Why didn't you say anything like this?
We're winsome. We can't use the language of a whore. I mean, we can't do that. Right.
Because because I'm not offended by that. But I'm offended by by the lie where they pretty pretends that Trump voters were mad about Barack Obama because he was black.
That's just a blatant lie. Like, I'm upset about that. That makes me, well, upset is a relative term.
That's the part that that's a problem for me. Not the whore language. That's OK. You can say that if you want.
But anyway, so nine marks people, they're very winsome. So for them, it's probably the lie about about them being racist.
But also it's about this whore language, which is not winsome. And and it kind of reveals that nine marks is full of it because there are these guys all the tone.
It's very important. And then in their event, they've got this psychopath using ridiculous tones, kind of like me.
So they're full of it. So from what I understand, a little birdie told me that the nine marks people are very embarrassed by this.
And privately, they're saying they're saying that, yeah, we just we didn't know what to say at the time.
That's what they're that's what they're allegedly saying privately. And it's like, look, nine marks, guys, if you don't know what to say in the moment when one of your invitees says something crazy from your stage, then you need to get out of the game, man.
All you had to do was just is put up a little fight. You don't have to come up with the perfect zinger to get him back.
You just got to say, dude, Kevin, Kevin, that was intemperate. You could say whatever you that was intemperate.
Like, like, do you think that that's that's peacemaking? Do you think that I could think of a million things? Look, I don't even have a problem with that with the tone of this.
I don't even have a problem with the tone. But if you do have a problem with the tone, I could think of a hundred things on the fly that would address it in a winsome way.
Hey, Kevin, did you really have to say that? I mean, that was kind of inflammatory. And you know, Kevin probably wouldn't. He probably would have apologized because he understands he's got to be a certain level of winsome to get his bread buttered kind of thing.
And so he understands he probably would apologize and it would have been squash and you would have at least you have some backbone.
But they couldn't think of a single thing to say. And you know what? The reason why, in my opinion, they couldn't think of a single thing to say because he's black and because Big Eva worships black people,
Nine Marks, John Lehman. They can't question a black man because they know that they're going to get called a racist for questioning a black man.
They would never do that to a white person. You would never question a white person publicly like that. But because he's black, they didn't have a word to say because they fear black people and they worship them.
They worship them. They don't want to offend a black the way that most of us don't want to offend God. And it's disgusting.
It's disgusting. Nine Marks, grow a pair, grow a pair. It's embarrassing.
It's embarrassing. You should be embarrassed. You should be embarrassed that you couldn't think of anything to say. You could think of things to say.
You just didn't have the courage to say it. And that's the reality. You won't say jack and you're full of it.
You see, even if you don't like the tone, the only people that you dare say anything about their tone are people that you're allowed to say something about their tone.
It takes no courage whatsoever. So you can see this thing. And I might get a message or two saying, oh, your tone,
A .D., your tone. I can't believe you said that about the whores. I can't you said that. I can't believe you imitated
Eric Mason's voice. I can't believe it. And it's like, and you'll say that because it's you're allowed to do that.
Right. And that's fine. You can say whatever you want to me. I'll hear you out. I'll hear you out and I'll consider it. And if I was wrong, I'll apologize.
But you have zero courage because it takes zero courage to call out a guy like A .D. Robles out. It takes zero courage to call out a guy like Tom Askell out.
It takes zero courage to slander John Harris. But but but a guy like this in your stupid circles, a guy with black skin who's kind of woke, it takes a lot of courage to call them out when they do something that you don't think is right.
But since you have none and you have no spying, you'll never do it because you're a coward.
And so nine marks. Yeah, there's some signs of life there. You realize you made a mistake. Make it right.
Make it right. Wake up. It's time to get to work. Nine mark. You guys could be such a force for good if you just grew half a spine, half a spine, half a colony.
Like if you didn't have both colonies, but you only had one, you guys could be such a force for good. But you have zero colonies.
You have none. It's time to grow a pair. Anyway, there's
I know I seem angry. I know I seem angry, but I'm actually in a great mood today. My son caught four fish this morning and he was so excited.
In fact, he caught the biggest brook trout that any of us have ever caught. I also caught a fish that looked like a bird had tried to snatch it up because it had like a cut on its neck.
So I let that one go because I figured, look, you cheated death once. I'm going to let you cheat death again.
And I let him go. He swam away. I wouldn't say totally fine, but it took him a little while to revive.
But then he swam away real good. So I'm in a great mood. And then the Roe versus Wade stuff, you know, that's that's very good news.
There's still so much work to be done. We have to ban abortion. And the thing about banning abortion is that we have a lot of people to convince about that.
It's not just the pagans. It's also Christians because most Christians don't actually think that abortion should be treated as murder and murder for hire.
And so we've got work to do in the church to take them to the scripture and say, look, this is what Christ commands.
This is what he demands. He demands this. We need to protect the lives of the innocent. We need to do it the way
God says we ought to do it. We need to do it with vigor. And so we have a lot because, look, you hit what you aim for, right?
So if Christians aren't aiming for this, they're not going to hit it. And so a lot of people expect a lot of states to ban abortion.
That's great and all, but I don't think that a lot of them will ban it the way they need to. And so, you know, all that to say
I'm in a great mood. And so there's signs of life, guys. There's signs of life. People are talking.
People are making moves. And I'm very excited about that. But there's still so much work to be done.
God bless you guys. Have a great weekend. Have a great Lord's Day. Love you all. God bless.