The Church Needs to be More Cunning

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You wont learn this from #BigEva! #NoDespair2020


so something just occurred to me a few minutes ago and I don't really know what to do with this so if you have any theories you know feel free to message in the comment section below matter of fact please like this video right now
I've heard that if you like the video early on in the video it's actually better for the algorithm but but I've just got some
I've just got some thoughts here that I just they've kind of blown my mind a little bit and I want you to go back in time in your mind you know that's one of the beautiful things about our minds we can go back in time and and put yourself in you know late
February early March and what were we doing right do you remember what we were doing I remember what we were doing
I was sitting in this very basement things looked a lot different I didn't have these walls you know as things are a lot dirtier down here and everything was more makeshift than it is right now
I just moved right I just moved and what was I doing you remember I was doing videos this is when
I first started doing them in black and white and we were all looking at a map of the United States right we're all looking at this map and and there's bright colors
I'm the one I used to look at was was all red it was these red circles you know what I mean and and there were small red circles and then there was bigger red circles and it was all just very confusing like what is this red circle me how many cases does this one represent
I don't know I mean this the circle looks bigger that certainly seems scarier but and it's red too
I mean it's just red is like the scariest color of all and then I remember one time they actually changed the color on the map
I think it was like was it blue or green I don't really remember but they changed the color on the map and things looked a lot different and all that kind of thing they had a yellow because people who cases they're recovering
I was the Bruno's green it was green was the recovering cases and we were all just like refreshing this map constantly oh how many cases in your county well
I only have two cases in my account two new cases but there's two recovering so you know now we can see that the curve is flat and but there's more cases in New York and we're just all we didn't we didn't know what the heck was going on it was it was all confusion that's what it was it was just confusion we're looking at this map and the thing that we're thinking in our minds is that this map is trustworthy right like we're assuming that the information and the data that's going into this map is the real information you know why would they lie to us right but we were so conditioned my goodness we are so conditioned to just accept every piece of information that they want to just shove down our gullets like we're just like conditioned at this point to accept it and it's just like well why would they lie to us right why would this map be fake why would this map with the big red scary circles be fake
I remember one time when they they adjusted the size of the circles so that they could add more cases and it would look fuller so like the circles were smaller but there was a lot more red on the map and before you knew it it was just a big red map and all these decisions that get made how do we get to these these these maps that we're looking at and just like we just assume that the information is true and and it's almost like it's almost like shameful to even ask the question right like how do
I know that any of this is true this could be just one big psyop
I would have no idea I mean yeah sure I've known some people that have been sick with what they said was coronavirus
I'm not saying that the coronavirus is is not real but but all the the data and the map that were just constantly refreshing I used to check that map quite often even though I was never really that scared of coronavirus
I used to check the map dutifully multiple times a day maybe you can you can remember what you were you were doing back then and now we're in the end of 2020 and we're looking at a map again and we're looking at the map and the different case you can get the one with it just the states and the one with the counties and like you know the
Fox News is calling Arizona for the Democrats but really he doesn't really have it and it's like well who how do you decide who calls well you could look at my methodology and nobody knows what that stuff means the methodology who can interpret that so it's like well yeah you know we we knew that Virginia was going to buy it and even though the polls weren't closed even though Trump was leading but we definitely didn't know
Trump was winning Florida even though he was leading and the many of the polls had it's just all fake it's just all it's all nonsense it's a fantasy they're spinning this yarn and they've got a suckling at the teeth of whatever information they want to give us and we're just refreshing this map
I'm not doing it I mean I'm not doing it I've heard people are doing this they're just refreshing their their 270 to win map just to see is there still a chance and this is the thing like people are wondering like man like how is it that they've just cheated like this well they just cheated the
Democrats didn't really win they just cheated who cares who if they won by cheating or if they won by not cheating what's the difference they won right so the thing is like like the fact that the
Democrats were gonna cheat in the election is the most obvious fact that anyone could ever know and so it's like you got you you gotta factor that in you got to do something to stop it
I mean Trump was the president of the United States of America he is the president of the United States of America you're telling me he can't figure out how to stop the the
Democrats from cheating on the election I mean if he really can't then that's a big problem I mean he's not as cunning as we thought he was but I just can't that's the thing well they're just cheating they just think they can't win without cheating okay fine but like don't get so uppity about it you know they're pagans they're gonna cheat you gotta factor that in you gotta be more cunning than that it's like if you had a like like you play games with your brother right you know your brother is constantly cheating in board games and then you have a board game that you really want to win let's just say you like bet
I don't know your allowance on it or something and you know your brother's a cheater he cheats all the time right and this time you bet your allowance on it so it's like all of a sudden you have to go to the bathroom right you have to go to the bathroom and the board game is right there and you're like you like knowing that he cheats like you need to now figure out how to make sure you can still win this game and so you're fortunate so all right you listen
I don't trust you we got our allowance on this I gotta go to the bathroom you got to come into the room with me I know it's gross but I don't trust you you don't need me there's got to be something you can do people are asking on Twitter you know
I keep seeing this well what can we do what do we do like what can be done about this the
Democrats are staging a coup coup de ta coup de ta I mean what are you asking me
I'm a youtuber I don't know what to do but something has to be done right you got to factor this into into your calculations into your maneuverings like the fact that the
Democrats were gonna randomly find a big box of only Biden votes a hundred thousand votes and they're all for Biden all at once the fact that they were gonna do that like you have to anticipate that kind of stuff
I mean listen this is the thing like this is what I think this is what Christ was talking about when you need to be shrewd as a serpent but innocent as a dove like you need to factor this kind of stuff in we need to find some cunning right that's the thing that's how
Christianity is gonna go forward we need to go forward with the message of the gospel of course the Holy Spirit will protect us
Christ will protect us but we need to find our shrewdness my friend and the reality is
Big Eva is not gonna prepare you for this like Big Eva is still clicking on the on the coronavirus map there's the back in March we're clicking on this map trying to see the case number case number can we open up churches well let's see let's let's find the case numbers like they're still back in March like they're not ready for what's happening right now right they're not ready for it the thing is like like we're like none of us are none of us are guiltless here right because I'm still looking at a map it's just a different map they got a different brightly colored map that they got me they drew my attention over here so over here
I was on the coronavirus map and then I stopped that you know I gave that up pretty quickly but you know they dangled a little another another map over here in November and I'm though yeah that's all yeah let's let's refresh it they got me they got me on that one there's no question there's no question about it got me on that one and I'm not trying to insult anyone that cares
I obviously care about the election right but but complaining about the Democrats cheating is not gonna fix anything it's not gonna do anything and look
I realize that there's there's there's all kinds of lawsuits that are gonna happen we're gonna see what nobody knows what's gonna happen
I get it I get it nobody knows but but what I'm saying though is that we need to establish some kind of training in strategic planning or some kind of some kind of shrewdness training some kind of cunning and I just don't think you look at the the landscape of Big Eva and evangelicalism right now and our leaders and stuff like that they're just not equipped to teach you to get the cunning that you're gonna need in order to survive in the next you know decades and things like that look look don't get too uppity about this don't get too uppity about this if the
Democrats win and they cheated it wasn't fair and square look that's just life you got to win one way or the other right
I'm not saying that we need to start cheating and stuff like that but we do need to you know have some kind of a of a countermeasure to this kind of stuff
I mean it's possible I don't have the answer I'm a youtuber right I'm not I'm not in the upper echelons of this kind of thing but we need to start thinking in a way that's very different than the way we've thought in the past there's just no question about it the things that have worked in the past are not going to work in the future we need to start changing the game a little bit flipping the script a little bit and I just I don't think that sucking at the teat of mainstream media's maps whatever map whatever the next map they show you is is gonna work we're not gonna necessarily get anywhere by continuing to allow the mainstream media to frame how we view things and this is hard man because we've been we've been conditioned since we were a little kid right out since I was a little boy in kindergarten conditioned to accept what what my authorities told me you know was the case and the fact is we it's just they've abused that there's no reason to do it anymore so you know whatever whatever
Joe Carter calls you conspiracy theorist because you don't believe the official story put that kind of stuff in your rear view rear view mirror because it's worthless
Joe Carter and like they're just not going to equip you to deal with things the way you need to deal with them going forward