Debate Aftershow: Matt Slick vs Matt Adelstein, Does God exist?



Debate Aftershow: Matt Slick vs Matt Adelstein, Does God exist?


Okay, sorry about that. I was just reading something. This is the after show I could take a few minutes reveal to come in. I said
I would do it right about now. So after showing a debate I had with the guy named Matt Edelstein and Just listen to some noises outside So Nobody nobody's watching yet, but people said yeah after show so we'll see if people jump in I went down and had some uh food
A chicken curry. Oh, man, it was it was good.
All right, everybody. We've got nine people watching So if you guys want to participate you can come in here oh my
Stuffy nose if you want to come in and talk you can do that by just Click on the link that's there
By the way, Israelites lie to Egyptians about having rough births to say babies. You can lie about dinner
Dinner to your wife. I don't even lie about dinner to my wife. I don't lie. Hey Kentucky's in the house
This is bro. Josh from Kentucky Calvary's cry international missions ministry So if anybody wants to add comments in about what they thought about the debate if you watched it what you can say
Miss most of the show tonight. You didn't really miss much and Let's see
So we have it on a Facebook match look like Facebook we also have it on going right now on Yeah on YouTube so you guys can watch if you want
So we'll see if anybody comes in to this area on yards stream yard
We can talk man. That was a long debate and a quick dinner. Yes It was So Yeah, the issue is blessing them for lying, you know
There's always something got to check out context and stuff, but You know as I said to him, you know, if I were to lie, does that mean
Christianity's not true? Does it mean it's not true or does it mean that I don't have the capability of knowing how to answer properly?
Okay Or to keep up with his hundred bow. Yeah, that's true a hundred mile -per -hour rebuttals.
He didn't he didn't He didn't do as well. He thought he did. I know this is irrelevant, but why you did lie
If you did lie, it would make you an inconsistent Christian inconsistent with your Christian profession
But it wouldn't false, but it wouldn't falsify Christianity. That's right. He missed that Yeah, that's right.
That's right. You're right sugar beets He did fail and to answer a lot of the stuff that I said, he misrepresented me a lot of things, too
You think oh Yeah It may to be very frustrating
Explain why Andrew or guys keep guys want, you know, you can come in here and in this room and talk if people want to Hold on the cough you mentioned you might have another debate tonight well
Was that speaking of tonight or another night? What I didn't hear what the first thing you said
I was coughing one you were speaking of having another deep debate What did you mean tonight? Someone want me to come in to another room and they're having a discussion on science and Evolution, so I would do this for a little bit and maybe go into that a little bit later.
I don't know Yeah, well he's trying to make a point that Lying means that Christianity's position is false
What I thought was it which doesn't mean it just only thing it would we would demonstrate is that I don't have the right answers in All situations, that's all but I Liked what he said that I Got a kick out of it when
I was getting absurd By say, let's look at each day yet,
I said Let me get this straight. So let's just see was big absurd here and I got a kick out of that.
That was funny I'm the one being absurd, but he's inventing Terrorists who kidnap me while I'm on my way to Melody Lahonty's house and I have to say with sincerity a certain tone a certain verse that the so that people's faces aren't burned off and yet Yeah When he said that the one lie would include a smaller degree of wrongness
I'm glad I was on because I started laughing Like And then and then the the other idea he said well and you don't get caught to imply getting caught
Betrays the fact that you know, it's wrong already Yeah Some of the things he said committed suicide as soon as they left his lips
But he's a youngster. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he made some mistakes, but I Hope God gets a hold of him because this guy he could do some damage of the faith because he's smart enough
Articulate enough to twist things enough He's got enough bumper stickers and slogans in front of him to read off of but I'm not sure about the rest
There's some more critical things. I observed that I'm not going to mention without him here, you know, that wouldn't be fair.
But Yeah, it was rather shallow Yeah Let's see some people are saying some things here.
Let's see Worst case scenario game.
I don't even think it would make you an inconsistent Christian as long as normal Somebody I saw the debate most of it.
The guy does not listen to your questions Yeah He kept saying he didn't answer the questions when you did and he spoke over you and wouldn't shut up and let you speak
He wanted you to answer the questions with only his answer. No other answers Is there a chat and live video running on Facebook to?
Should be on the Matt slick Facebook page So there's that rate comma thing is plausible yeah, it is and probably it's happened the terrorists is much more
It's a I just say a certain sentence it's like what it was ridiculous.
Oh, man Yeah, he couldn't justify his position. You don't have but I've noticed I've talked to a
Lot of atheists has happened to and also with Eastern Orthodox and also with Roman Catholics their worldview
It's a picture their worldview as a road and the principles Are the foundation of the world and the more principles you have the better foundation the more further you can go
And what I've noticed is that with atheism like this guy tonight You only go so far down the road his road
And I'm down at the end of his road passing the end of his road saying come on let's go and they can't go any further
So they are forced to interpret things in light of that dead end and they just go in circles and this is what was happening with him it's
Happened with more with Mormons Job's Witnesses Catholics, etc so anyway, um
Right come with things plausible. That's right. You have to read fast to give it with this particular prompter I had to leave he was using
God's name in vain. I know and I didn't like that and I almost said please don't do that but Anyway, my eight -year -old daughter watches.
We sometimes he lost my respect Yeah, if lying to preserve life, then God forgives right have lied midwives lied
Corey ten booms family lied She's preserved her life, but it doesn't mean that Christianity's not true.
He really was absurd with that atheists Yeah, he was agreed man. Hopefully he thinks about this debate and God brings me the faith. Yeah, that's correct So That's pretty bad
Anybody got any comments or other questions? I Guess not there may be a delay.
Remember they're not in here with us. I Know sugar beets. That's right. Most of the terrorists hypothetical started
Becoming more absurd when he was saying sincerity is required. It was like could you measure sincerity?
I'd I Gotta be sincere and now I just say to a certain tone. Can I find decibel?
Just I keep finding a ways around his thing. Let's narrow even further Doesn't a lie by nature contain an insincerity?
I mean good grief Well, that's another thing What if I was saying it in such a way where my intention was not to deceive my wife?
But it's being forced and if I'm being forced am I really the one lying? That's another issue Don't have any debates with an atheist right now set up I do have in a couple of weeks a debate on limited atonement with Sam Shimon Is he sliding toward Eastern historian
ISM and not claiming? It's an historian ISM. I don't know. I don't know That's that's my that's my son's observation on him
Yeah, I don't know what's going on. Yeah in the Roman direction, but more toward Yeah, he's a junk junk says how could he not see the self -defeating argument making statements that all definitions are arbitrary
Well, I started talking. I just started. I'll use my definitions. Then I tried to help him out
No, it's a state within a certain context that we're talking and agreed on his things But but that doesn't mean that laws of logic are agreed upon.
Yeah problems. Oh So well, thanks for helping out both that was really good.
You put the phone on the camera like that. That was good I downloaded the app and there it was so I figured
I'd use it. Yeah Yeah, he does not know the
Christian doctrine of God I'm trying to point out you can't say God changes. That's not our
God. That's not our position I'm not gonna argue that you know Didn't get how you're trying to catch you with the lie challenge if you told the truth and millions of people died
That doesn't make you evil. It's just People killing who are evil Yeah Yeah, well, here's another thing.
Are you culpable? Are you responsible for something if you're forced to do it? And I didn't bring this up.
I should have but if you're forced into a lie You're not the one you're not lying
And so if I'm if I hold a gun to your head and say You know rob that bank and you rob that bank or whatever online you do something and I force you to it
And then you're you know, you're not the one responsible you're being forced so then there's another issue of well
If that's the case, then am I the one responsible if I am forced to do it in order to save people? Because if I'm forced that I'm not one responsible and how could it be then be held to my account?
How's it really a lie? That's right. You've become a tool of the one carrying out the app
Just like we have children and before we ever have them. We know they're gonna tell a lie
Sometime in their life, but we're not responsible for the lie And if they pick up if they pick up a stick and poke somebody in the eye
It's not you know that we didn't know they could do that. It's that they did that So they're an agent of their own.
You can't blame me that my kid went wrong, right? Yeah But we love kids.
Anyway, huh? Isn't that godly? That's true. Well, he was trying to show the inconsistency of my moral position but Here's there's lots of ways to look at it.
If he were to say my position was inconsistent Well, then his position is inconsistent because his position
Can be used very easily to demonstrate that rape is okay So I wanted to ask does
Matt believe the universe came from nothing? Oh, that's a whole nother thing I didn't ask that don't know what he believes but the multiverse idea that just Refutes.
I love the multiverse. How many universe is an infinite number? Okay, then Christianity is true. No, it's not
Yes it is because in that infinite number of universes that means one in one of them the true living Christian God is the one who by Definition is transcendent over all other universes.
So therefore you're supporting Christianity. He couldn't handle that one
Maximally well -building and what qualifies it as maximally well -being. What is that? This is all the atheists have it's
Varying degrees of the argument. Well, whatever makes you happy That's what it comes down to I'm I'm praying he'll go back and look at some of the things he presented and it won't be satisfactory in his heart just to rest on those things because they are pretty shallow and like you say they are they're dead ends and I'm not satisfied when
I come to a dead end. I want to go beyond it. So right. Hopefully he will too like I say, he's a young guy, so There's room for him to mature and grow the other yes
So White White effect when I said that about the multiverse you said you punched the air
Did you understand what I was going to say or once it I said it then you got it. I just rolled in my favor
That's a moral objective standpoint. Yeah Well kind of slow, huh
That's all right. I Forgot how he he wanted to bait me.
He knows about me more and more people are asking me for debates now Why would he?
Why would he have such faith in nuclear devastation that he cannot see? Yeah How do you think?
Yeah, I don't know. I forgot He was a young Ben Shapiro the way he talked. Yeah With the exception of Ben Shapiro being a very ethical
Jew. That's right Yeah Well, okay
Get able to call it then that's okay slow show and no big deal. I checked out the
YouTube channel He's very much typing trying to prove God doesn't exist. I haven't watched any of the other videos. Okay? Alright, buddy.
I'm gonna take off and go to the other Invite I had and see how that works You guys want
I don't know where it is. I just was Yeah, anyway, no big deal.
Well the will your invite to make it a public thing that we can observe
I don't know. I'll tell you what I'll do if I can get the information. I'll put it on I'll put on a car .org
Facebook. How's that? Okay, I'll look there for the next little bit then.
Okay All right, buddy Close this down. I'm gonna move over talk to you guys later.