All Lives Matter BECAUSE God is the Creator: Getting the Conversation Right


Well I imagine the woke folks will be lighting the torches and grabbing the pitchforks (if they can get out of the Autonomous Zone in Seattle anyway) but we just had to deal with the flood of cultural Marxism flowing into the veins of evangelical churches right now. Looked at JD Greear's comments (hopefully fairly) as well as some others, looked at a few articles, and generally tried to provide a coherent response from a consistently biblical and Christian worldview. 90 minutes. Visit the store at

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Greetings welcome to the dividing line. It is a Thursday. It's a warm one here in Phoenix only gonna get warmer
That's just how it is here. I hope it's um, I hope it gets real hot in Seattle Cuz cuz you know, there's sort of an insurrection going on there.
There's a Enemy force has taken over Downtown Seattle I've heard there's an
African warlord in charge now I'm not sure how he got there, but maybe parachuted in I don't know beamed in these days who knows
But I but it is funny because there's a tweet going around where someone had said To whoever's trying to set up another autonomous zone inside the autonomous zone.
Stop it it's just like but my favorite one was when they first took over and and they're like All the homeless people we invited in took our food could someone someone bring us some vegan meat substitutes
And I'm just like Yeah 2020 is gonna be
Don't it's going down in history folks. It's I don't know if there's could be a bay left to write any history after 2020
Or just just rewrite it. That's I've never seen more quotations of 1984 that I'm seeing right now in social media
People are finally picking it up and they're actually quoting it Especially the stuff about the
Ministry of Truth and the rewriting of history and and his statement history has stopped
Because you you can't have History that is being rewritten When you when you are constantly rewriting history so that it matches the presence and present then history stops and That's yeah, that's that's what we're seeing.
That's the mindset and It's all based upon. Well, I don't know if you can show this but there is they
Summer posted a Yeah rioters in Philly Deface a statue of Matthias Baldwin an early abolitionist who fought against slavery 30 years before it ended so and I guess that's a girl who knows anymore.
I mean in the olden days, I would have assumed, you know skirt long hair I don't know what she's doing.
I Don't know. Maybe she's trying to you know, pull it down or something. I don't know But here's an early abolitionist and here's my guess.
She doesn't know what an abolitionist is Probably has no idea Probably has no idea
So many of these people that are rioting know nothing about history and they're just getting paid by George Soros So, you know, hey, let's go out beat something up tear something down and Get paid and you know
It's more fun than unemployment. So and I got tired of Netflix really isn't much on anyways, so but Yeah, too so it's this guy was black lives matter before black lives matter became black lives matter and But we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna tear him down anyways, because well,
I was sort of like the London Protesters defacing Abraham Lincoln's statue in London Okay.
Yeah, sure, right. This is yeah, it's it's brilliant What's going on around us is had definitely has us wondering what is what is happening
There's no no two ways about it. So I've got a lot of stuff like that. I just don't know how Ordered all of this is going to be someone this morning very kindly suggested to me on Twitter that They would just rather hear my theological thoughts and not my thoughts about anything going on To which
I responded if your theology does not prompt you to in some way speak the truth in the face of The coming tide of leftist communism
Any much of a theology and See, I'm sorry folks who who just want to you know, stay where we used to be
Uh but the reality is I've I read some books about history and There is this thing called communism and It's got a really bad history and I know they don't talk about this much in school anymore but if you actually read real history you discover that world views are never neutral and You've probably been taught that we can all be neutral You've probably been taught that it's best to start out neutral and then and what you do is you appeal to man's free will to get him to Make a decision to do the right thing and follow
Jesus But that doesn't have anything to do with you know, like the world around you or righteousness and yeah
I know it's weird. You you you read Paul talking to Festus and and King Agrippa and and there's all this stuff about righteousness and and this is being spoken to people in political authority and bringing
God's law to bear against them and and they feel conviction and things like this, but that must have just been back then because today we want to make sure that We we strictly observe the the fact that religion should never have any impact
Upon the culture we live in. I mean, that's that's what people have been taught and you just you religions over here
It's what you do on Sunday. And maybe if you're really super spiritual Sunday night and Wednesday night, maybe
So you do that stuff over there and then you know everything else just You're just like everybody else.
There's there's no there's no difference whatsoever So that's what people would like and the problem is that I know this was a saying is a neutral worldview and I happen to know that socialism and communism is based upon a view of man that is
Fundamentally anti -christian. So when it gains power the Christian faith suffers
The Christian faith suffered under communism Communism demands it's any totalitarian state right now.
Xi Jinping wants to be worshipped in China He wants to be worshipped in China.
He when when they They'll go into churches and they'll take down Crosses and other religious symbols and they'll put pictures of Xi Jinping up He's the state is
God The state is God and It's it's inevitable there are no neutral Worldviews it is when we talk about a clash of worldviews.
It really is a clash and So, I know that if you just sit back and let history repeat itself again communism killed minimally 120 million people
I Mean murdered them either starved him to death shot him gassed him hung him
Imprisoned them till they died whatever Poisoned them and did a few of those two
Wars, you name it at least 120 million people in the last century probably more like 150 million and We've still got 80 years to go in this century,
I'm not sure if it's like 2020 Yeah, we can survive all that but we still got the ways to go and We have people going right back to the same old playbook doing the same thing all over again
And if you know history, how can you just sit there and go? Oh That's gonna turn out badly.
I Think I'll just ignore it Well, that doesn't really Doesn't really work out very very well.
There is no neutral worldview And if what you and I as Christians what we believe is true
Then there is this whole idea of a panacea a socialist panacea where men are men and women if they were just given equity if we if we all just had the same amount of stuff
Not not equality of opportunity, but equity we if we all just had the same amount of stuff we would all live in peace and harmony and there would be no hate and it would all be love and and We'd we'd we'd take care of each other and there'd be no harsh words and no gangs and no theft and no drugs
If we just had equity Then everything would work perfectly well
The Christian who falls for that? Obviously has not been reading their
Bible very much Because you can see
Powerful powerful men in the Old Testament that had more than equity they had they had a lot of they had a lot of they were kings and Yet in the midst of everything
They had sin had everything that they could want. They they they had it all and Yet David goes out walking on the roof one morning and ends up killing one of his best generals
It's not what he expected to do that day But that's what ended up happening
You see there's this thing called evil in the heart of man and that is why
Governments that concentrate power in the hands of evil men Amplify sin
They amplify the effect of sin you've heard that power corrupts and absolute power of crops absolutely and the reason for that is found in Romans chapter 1 and so There is the necessity of law.
There is the necessity of biblical justice Not this fake stuff going around today, but justice as defined by God, which is not equity
It's not everybody having the same amount of stuff It's Equality before the law and that law has to be based upon a recognition that mankind is created in the image of God There will be no meaningful justice as long as babies are murdered in the womb as Long as the marriage bed is defiled by the rejection of the obvious reality of male and female created by God There will be no
Justice as long as mankind rebels against God's revelation that he is creator and we are creation
But we are to strive for Justice in this life knowing that justice will be done in finality at the great day
This is the great hope of the Christian. This is what has Allowed for some of the most just systems of government ever
There they can never be perfect They can never be perfect in this life. The the the pursuit of a perfect governmental system is
The proverbial tilting at windmills you you are not going to accomplish that even the system that God set up was a system that was designed to work with sinners and Sinners are gonna mess up and there's gonna be
Problems because It's a fallen world. So you can
Have the acknowledgement in Scripture That the servant of the government does not carry the sword in vain
That doesn't mean they're not going to be corrupt sword bearers But the
Christian response to that is they will be held accountable in the Day of Judgment They may get away with in this life, there may not be
Christians have lived under governmental systems I mean you think about the medieval period you want you want slavery being a serf was the same thing as being a slave
You Remember in the medieval period the average person never traveled more than seven miles any one direction from where they were born
They they had no hope of any kind of advancement economically educationally anything like that That was that was a that was an ugly time in an ugly system and yet Christians were able to face that kind of a situation
Because they knew that the judge of all the earth would do right and justice would eventually be done If not in this life in the next well
Once you have a people and we have passed the tipping point now the vast majority of people in this in this society
Do not believe that there will ever be a day of justice they don't I can't if you're a secularist there is no day of justice and the rest who still claim some type of religiosity have so deeply drunk at the well of Secular humanism that they don't believe this could be a day of justice either the vast majority of Christians.
I know They'll say it. They just won't live like there's gonna be a day of justice someday
And so here we are this is what we're facing this is what we are up against and We are seeing the struggle in our religious organizations
When you fire up almost any website right now you go to Facebook you go to Amazon you go to Google You go anyplace we support black lives matter black lives matter black lives matter
Let's um logically recognize that there is a vast difference between the organization and The declarative statement black lives matter is a communist leftist political organization that by their own statements wish to Undercut and destroy the traditional nuclear family
They support homosexuality transgenderism In fact,
I'm going to I'm going to play some comments from J .D.
Greer the president Three -term president, I guess of the Southern Baptist Convention Thanks, COVID No, no, no, no, that's not gonna happen
But but it certainly helps to have an extra year right now to be doing this kind of stuff but I Watched the comments and then very quickly ran across I think it was the same pastor guy
That we reviewed Wow 2015 Yes Did you see that too that was that same guy?
I think it's the same guy because it looked like him Yeah, check it out see if you can verify that Danny Cortez was the name and and I think that church was
Removed by their association from the SPC. Anyway a guy named Daniel Cortez. It looked like the pastor that made waves back about 2015
When his son came out as gay and so as a Southern Baptist their church came out as affirming
Not same guy Really rich says not same guy looked like the same guy anyway the immediate response to Greer was will these leaders now stand up and say black trans lives matter black trans lives matter
Same guy. Okay, you say it is same guy. Okay, rich is sort of like the WHO and the
CDC Face diapers not face diapers, who knows, you know, oh
But get get ready for the panic of the second wave folks. It's it's coming. It's not actually there, but it you're gonna yeah
Got to keep people panicked and hiding and wearing their face papers anyway
Black trans lives. See how this works That's intersectionality.
That's the essence of critical theory. That's the essence of Intersectionality get everybody to say black lives matter and Now let's divide that a little bit farther and then you divide it a little bit farther and it never ends
But you use it to break down that which unites you use it to break down that which unites that's what critical theory is about the intersectionality is just the the result of that and So black trans lives matter is is the next thing
But going back to black lives matter You're not allowed to say you will be fired
If you have a job where you can be fired for such things It's one of the reasons right now
Hey, thanks to all of you who have been supporting us Despite the fact that Bradley Mason Slanders us and says
I'm a white supremacist which means nothing in his world he has no basis any longer for even defining what that means, but and Tries to do the cancel culture shame on anyone who supports these people and what they do
I think most people have now seen through Bradley Mason and his his behavior, but anyway
People Not in my position because Alvin Omega rich ain't gonna be firing me.
I'm not gonna be firing rich I Mean, that's what intersectionality would do.
I mean he is French And so if we wanted to start going down the critical theory
Road, you know, I've got a lot of Scottish British and British in the French. Okay history
Yeah Lots and lots of wars. I got that stuff too. So, you know, let's go ahead and take the
I'm sorry. It's rich Pierre. I mean that's that's just the way it is. You're stuck with it You're French.
You're just just I know it's embarrassing but you just have to be transparent these days Anyway Anyway, what was
I saying? I don't know what I was saying intersectionality we could I'm not gonna get fired for saying the things
I need to say but So many other people Cannot say the things that actually need to be said about what's going on.
Not only in the culture but in the church as well and so We can say
I can say all lives matter because all lives are made by the same creator and all ethnicities are
Resolved in the unity of the body of Christ all ethnicities
Stand on the same ground before God based upon the same
Means of justification by faith alone And the same result which is the imputation of the righteousness of Christ.
It's one righteousness. Therefore. It's one body All ethnicities are resolved into that and what was that?
What what was one of the first things started happening just a couple years ago, remember? We started pushing back on what unifies us and those who are already infected with the virus of intersectionality
What did they want to emphasize revelation chapter 5? remember Remember even it like revoice.
What do they do the Elements of gay culture that will be brought into the kingdom and presented before God You do the same thing with ethnicities elements of our beautiful ethnicity they'll be brought before the throne of God and so they want to push the uniqueness of the ethnic group over the unity
That is created By the one means of justification the one righteousness that is imputed to every person no matter what their ethnicity is
Remember that now we're seeing it now you see what that results in So when you say black lives matter
There is if you're talking about the organization that is now an organization that if you are a
Christian you must stand against black lives matter is a
Socialist communist leftist organization that is anti -christian in its worldview.
This is not a question This this is not something that you that is arguable I've seen evidence that money that's going into BLM is then being funneled into Democratic Electoral races, which is probably illegal, but hey
So is taking over downtown Seattle. That ain't really Accomplishing anything today either is it?
so the The problem here is we have a problem of language Because if you object to black lives matter being on every website
NBA NFL Major League Baseball it you you have to bow the knee all of professional sports.
It doesn't matter what it is You got to bow the knee Literally and physically and Emotionally and mentally and in every other way you've got to bow the knee or you're gone.
You're your Means of livelihood is done That's is that not the case.
It is the case. It's obviously the case. That's the organization so the problem then becomes
The Statement black lives matter is a tautology to a
Christian Because all lives matter why because all are created by God but you see what happens when the
Christian says that the reason that black lives matter and Asian lives matter and Hispanic lives matter and Chilean lives matter and South African lives matter and Da -da -da -da we can go on for this for about what 186 countries and like that's pretty easy to do
The reason that all those things is true is because we have a creator who gives coherence to the worldview
So that all those lives matter There is no creator in The secular worldview and so no matter what you do in the secular worldview to say black lives matter is to prioritize
Black lives over other lives. You can't help but do it. That's what critical theory does it has to do it
It has to do it. So there has to be white guilt This is so America centric. It's amazing that people don't recognize
That the fact that these protests are taking place in other countries that do not have our history Tells you everything you need to know about what's really going on that.
This is a global Organized Purposeful Attempt to move everything to the left.
It has a goal and it's working. It's working It's working here in the United States.
Look how far left we have lurched in a matter of months and Even if this spasm
Loses steam what happens is you get the people who rush into the middle So you've you've got these people who've all of a sudden
I mean think about it Think with me for just a second kids. Just just follow along here a sec.
It's January 2nd 2020 We're still living in a world that makes some kind of sense and all of a sudden
Some group shows up in Seattle before Kovat before Floyd before any of the others before the riots
Some group shows up what they are fifteens and says abolish the police and starts putting up barriers
What's gonna happen? Everyone's gonna be like What now there was already preparation up there.
They're already Antifa demonstrations and stuff like that. It's been going on for a while, but Had you heard
Almost anyone saying abolish the police up until this point I Hadn't I mean
I had you know, you've got some ultra libertarians, you know that don't like having a police state
I certainly get not wanting to have a police state, but the idea of Mankind needing laws and one bearing the sword
Now all of a sudden what had never even been heard of is now there are now people filing
Legislation in the House of Representatives Pushing that direction now, are they gonna go all that way?
No, cuz they happen to know that the polls say 80 % of people go That's not it, that's not a winning electoral strategy right now but what happens is you get the radicals to come out and the radicals say radical stuff and they burn and loot and riot and stuff all the rest that stuff and Then to try to mollify them
The moderates come in and say well, let's compromise on this. And so all of a sudden everyone has been moved left
For no particularly good reason at all But it's been accomplished because the people on the right.
I'm sorry I am massively unimpressed with the leadership of Anybody on the quote -unquote, right?
It doesn't seem like anyone has any particularly strong commitment to The principles of the
Constitution, especially those principles that are derived from biblical law You know these things called due process.
Yeah. Well, yeah that comes from Scripture That comes from English common law which came from Scripture You know the necessity of witnesses and all that stuff that people are just tired
We don't have the patience for this anymore. We are the Twitter generation. It needs to be done tomorrow
It's trending now. So it needs to be done tomorrow. Well, that's not how justice works. So back to Black Lives Matter so you from the biblical perspective
Black Lives Matter as a statement not the organization, but as a statement is a tautology because from a
Christian perspective All lives matter Because lives are created by God so as soon as you say
Black Lives Matter as a Christian without starting with God as creator
You are buying into the insertion of intersectional thought into the Christian faith Which has no place but the
Christian faith has no place for it. Think about this way It's one of the reasons
I like I Like how we we do it We come forward to receive the bread and the wine at church and How weird would it be if we
Prioritized one ethnic group over another in what bread and wine or how much bread and wine or if Because I stand there
This this last I mentioned before this last Sunday we had Whole lot more people than we expected.
It was packed out and we also had baptisms right after which is great man I mean baptism
Lord's Supper how much better can you get? But because of that I Was the only pastor
Down front and we have two lines coming forward and people are taking the cups And so once a tray is empty, you've got to Move it out of the way and get the next one ready and some
I'm literally going back and forth like this between the between the two lines what if I were to stand there and I were to make a comment or have a blessing based upon your ethnicity as You came forward
If that is a strike you as absolutely wildly insanely weird it should Because this is the one time the baptistry as well the ordinances
The one time where there is No place for ethnicity for racialism of any kind Because here you have the gospel being presented
Shed shed blood broken body Same body same blood one body results from this the body of Christ, right?
There's no basis for that in the secular worldview and in this critical theory
Intersectionality that is plaguing. It's a plague upon us So What do you do when your whole society is all sudden saying you need to say black lives matter
Well, you need to respond from a biblical perspective to be able to defend saying all lives matter
Because all lives are created by the one God who has revealed himself in Jesus Christ so this type of stuff could not happen as Long as the majority of people in the culture believe that there is a creator
God in the first place They don't believe it anymore All bets are off We have to present
God as creator. So that's really basic. Yep really basic But here's the next thing
The defense that you're gonna hear from JD Greer Assumes a narrative that is an
Untrue narrative now It would be it would work a whole lot better for me
Because I mean I just you know No one enjoys being slandered and lied about by by people like Bradley Mason and people like that who say you're a white supremacist
That's just so absurd it's it's hard to even know where to start but No one enjoys that it would be a whole lot easier for me to just simply quote
Black men at this point and a few black women To say everything that I need to say because they're saying it thankfully everyone that does say it
Everyone who says it gets attacked gets called a Oreo or a cracker or a sellout to their people or whatever
But I can give you the quotes and not just from Christians From non -christian
Black men who see by common grace what's really going on?
What's really happening? John McWhorter, I mean
I first heard something he recorded back in 2017 and Phil Johnson just linked to something.
I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet I was gonna do it when I was riding this morning, but I didn't I'm gonna get to it as soon as I can but He's saying so many of the same things that Christian men are saying doesn't mean he has the same solutions
But sees the same problems. I it would probably be better if I just simply let People with a different skin tone than me say all these things but it real that's really not
Plausible that's not something you can do so Here's the issue when
When you have religious leaders saying we need to say black lives matter we need to tap into this cultural moment
What is underlying this is a narrative that is simply a mythology McWhorter put it this way back in 2017.
In fact, I wonder I Do let's see if let's see if the yes good
Sometimes the no, no, no, we're not putting it up Sometimes the the cloud works for you
Here's a John McWhorter said I think it was back in 2017 He was asked what's the problem?
What's the black problem? He had been asked. What's the white problem? What's the black problem? We have been taught as black people
To pretend that racism is more of a problem than it is So to be a good smart black person is to walk around identifying racism in various ways, of course
It is not usually overt. And so you're supposed to find it in subtle ways But if you look for it, you'll find it and that means that you are taught that to be a good educated black person is
To claim that we are the only people in the history of humanity who can only succeed
Under ideal conditions. We are taught that to say that makes us proud
That is supposed to be the basis for a true ego a true sense of pride It is unquestioned often just as is unquestioned that white people are supposed to think of themselves as racist
Let me repeat the key sentence You are taught that to be a good Educated black person is to claim that we are the only people in the history of humanity who can only succeed under ideal conditions
He's right. There is a narrative The narrative is repeated over and over and over again, and it wouldn't matter
If there was not such evidence such strong evidence of a unified group think at least within Western black communities, especially
United States. What do I mean simple look at the voting patterns? Look at the voting patterns.
I mean hasn't anyone sat down gone. This is really weird because most of these riots are taking place in cities that Have been controlled by Democrats forever
You know the same Democrats that were against the civil rights bill the same Democrats that that were pro -slavery, you know the
Democrats They are the ones with the governors and the mayor's and the
DA's and Yet, that's where all this is happening. I mean
Seattle they broke into the break into the government offices and are demanding that one of the wildest leftist nutcase mayors ever resign there is never folks, please
Think about it. There is never any way to mollify a mob Did you not see what happened to the the mayor in in Minneapolis?
Oh Wasn't that embarrassing? Oh my goodness. Oh, I know. I know that that was
Wow. Okay, you cannot reason with mobs mobs do not multiply intellect they multiply emotion so literally a mob is functioning on a
Significantly lowered IQ level because when you multiply emotion by the same
Mechanism you are undercutting rational thought so you have a
Narrative and the narrative it was on MSNBC There's a genocide going on now.
It takes two different forms in the United States you have majoritarianism and It does happen.
What's that? What's that mean? you will get Racial profiling Happens all the time.
What's interesting is it's not racial profiling based upon the race of the person doing the profiling in other words black cops will pull over black suspects
Hispanic cops Asian cops if you're working in an area of high crime
And the high crime is primarily being done by blacks. They'll all do it. It's not white supremacy
They'll all do it the numbers show this they show it But the idea is so so that does happen.
There is no question. No Be it known That if you are a minority anywhere on this planet
The majority will look at you differently because you don't perfectly fit in so if you are a black person in China You are in much greater risk
Than the United States of being racially profiled because the Chinese culture is significantly more racist at its core
Against blacks than United States is you don't know that because that's not doesn't fit the narrative, but it's true
When I'm in Africa I I expect that I Glow in some places in Africa.
So yeah, I expect that If you're in India China South America, whatever
Majoritarianism is how human life takes place the majority Minority, but that doesn't explain all of this by as long shot
McWhorter was right. There is a narrative that is meant to create division and create unrest
Votie called it Ethnic Gnosticism you can't know what we've been through and So the leaders say always look back always look back always look back.
You're a victim and they will do everything they can to exacerbate and to Exaggerate and to massage and to create the victim mentality even if the numbers don't
Substantiate it even if the numbers say no, that's not happening. What MSNBC was saying is there's a genocide going on There's a genocide going on when the numbers say that's just not true.
Well, let me take that back In certain cities in certain contexts.
There is a genocide going on and it's self -inflicted It's self -inflicted.
I Had seen the graph and I looked for it and could not find it And it's a shame
But For years the numbers stayed pretty much the same The percentage of black victims killed by blacks is 94 percent.
So when you look at blacks who are killed by whites Plus blacks that are killed by cops
Put it together. It is a minuscule number in comparison to Blacks were killed by blacks and that's not even factoring in the reality of abortion
Now you raise abortion and you go. Yeah, but whose fault is that because obviously
Planned Parenthood racist organization that its history is
Wants blacks to kill their babies That's part of their eugenics program
It's also how they make money, you know that never underestimate the money thing so is black abortion
Black on black because I mean How do you how do you?
Leave that one to the side not in the sense of ignoring it But leave it out of the percentages because there could be discussion as to exactly
What the motivations are there? But you see a actual graph
That shows you meaningfully number of homicides in 2019 of black individuals and who perpetrated it and the vast majority is
Black on black a black man walking down the street Has far more to fear from another non -police black man than anybody else
Than anybody this is a fact that you can't talk about black people do talk about there are
Christian leaders in Chicago and places like that that are doing everything in their power But they are constantly drowned out by the drumbeat of the narrative to create division
To create victimhood the drumbeat of division and so I'm sorry
I have a hard time taking overly seriously Anybody who's running around the
BLM t -shirt on that has doesn't have the least bit of a problem with the plague of abortion and Doesn't have hasn't said anything about how many?
Homicides there were in Chicago last weekend and how many there will be this weekend or in Los Angeles 250 percent
Increase in homicides in LA in one weekend since this lawlessness started
Since this lawlessness started 250 percent who is suffering that primarily minorities
But who's doing it primarily minorities? Again facts are facts and mobs don't care about facts
But Christians have to care about facts because Christians are a people of truth And if you actually want to solve a problem, you can't solve it on the basis of what feels good
You have to look at the underlying causes and reasons and actually deal with them But people don't do that People don't do that that that doesn't fit the narrative so People won't people won't go there
So as I said, there is a Oh good this will work
This is actually from JD Greer's Feed because JD Greer felt he was misrepresented by How this clip was presented
I had recorded it at home and unfortunately put in the wrong sub directory So it didn't get uploaded to Dropbox What Showing my age.
Are you an ageist? You you you you just showed you said sub director.
You're showing your age I'm sorry, once you have committed ageism or able ISM or anything else.
There is no you can't say you're sorry There's no forgiveness. So you are an ableist or an ageist or both forever and Therefore you need to come in here and get down on one knee and this and I'm older than you so there
It but I didn't point that out. So there see how this works Like I said rich and I could sit here and do the critical theory
Intersectionality thing all day long. Anyway, I recorded it and I recorded past to the point where he specifically says
We have worldview issues with the organization black lives matter. I Have to say
I've seen some responses to this that just made me cringe a little bit um They weren't fair Yeah, there's no reason to be unfair here the problems are surface level
When you go too far you give people an excuse to ignore the substance of your rebuttal
But let's listen to What this is two minutes 19 seconds what?
Dr. JD Greer current president of the Sun Maps Convention Said I guess the convention was supposed to be going on right now
Yeah, so this is sort of like the presidential address or something like that Nice background but Here's here's the section.
So the Baptist we need to say it clearly as a gospel issue Black lives matter
Of course black lives matter our black brothers and sisters are made in the image of God Black lives matter because Jesus died for them black lives are a beautiful part of God's creation
And they make up an essential and beautiful part of his body and we would be poor as a people without Them and other minorities in our midst.
Let me echo my friend Jimmy Scroggins I'm pastor down in in Florida and saying that black lives matter is an important thing to say right now because we are seen in our country the evidence of specific injustices that many of our black brothers and sisters and friends have been telling us about for years and And by the way, let's not respond by saying.
Oh, well all lives matter Of course all lives matter, but I've heard it described this way So you're in a group or with a group at a restaurant and and the waiter brings the food to everybody except for one guy
Your table your friend Bob and so you say to the waiter Hey, excuse me, Bob deserves food and somebody your table corrects you to say no.
No, all of us deserve food Well, that's true, but you're missing the point Bob is sitting there by himself without food
And so we are saying we understand that that that that that many of our black brothers and sisters have perceived for many years
That the process is the due processes of justice of have not worked for them as they have for some others in our country
And by the way, like Jimmy like dr. Scroggins says let's spare each other the quotation of stats right now
You know If you talk to some black friends You'll know that they can tell you about their experiences and how some of them can be quite different from from others in our country
We want rights and privileges to be extended to everybody We Christians want to hear our brothers and sisters to feel their pain to enter into that pain and bear that burden with them black lives matter and by the way
I realized that the movement and and the website has been hijacked by some political operatives whose worldview and policy
Prescriptions will be deeply at odds with my own but that doesn't mean that the sentiment behind it is untrue
I do not align myself with the black lives matters organization And I think saying saying bald things like defund
The police is is unhelpful and deeply disrespectful to many public servants who bravely put themselves in harm's way every day to protect us
But I know that we need to take a deep look at our police systems and structures and ask what we're missing
Where are we missing the mark and I'll say that we do that because black lives matter okay, so First of all, no one has hijacked
The backlight black lives matter website, okay, this is what the the movement has always been about this is this is what it's
Funding has always been about. This is what it's Activism is always there's no hijacking
By political operatives. It's a political movement and so you have to differentiate between the capital letter
BLM Organization and the Simple sentence black lives matter the declarative sentence black lives matter.
It's a shame that that Black lives matter itself and the media is playing on The confusion between those two things, but no one has taken anything over But what
I wanted to focus on aside from the fact that here we are cultural moment You You've got soccer players being fired
For their wives being offended by looters Even if they weren't a part of it, you've got them being fired for that.
You have an absolute totalitarian Mindset To where You've got you've got professors with under police protection
Because they had their there's their black students demanded that they not have to take final exams because Floyd was killed and The professor is like this is an accounting class.
You need to take the final exam They want him fired. He has to be under police protection You have radical totalitarianism all around us
Demanding that we say a certain line and here's the president of some of that's convention going yeah, we got to say that and then he says
He sort of throws it off to Jimmy Scroggins. Okay, fine, whatever and he says, all right first of all
Let's let's not say all lives matter Let's not go there and then he gives an example of Someone at a in a restaurant that doesn't get food that must be the black community and So we shouldn't say all people deserve food because someone hasn't gotten it
What's the narrative there? The narrative is the acceptance of the idea of this type of genocide going on which is not going on does it doesn't exist
The problems in the black community are real problems But they are sin problems
They are problems of fatherlessness. They are problems of violence. They are problems of drugs.
They are problems of the exaltation of sexual immorality and sexual license by the people that are made the heroes of These communities that you can't say anything about They are problems of the fact that they have leaders who prey upon them
Who make millions off of them but don't live in such a way that is even slightly consonant with their claims
These are where the issues are the issues are fatherlessness the issues is is the and and black lives matter says they want to attack the very solution from a
Christian perspective They want to attack the traditional family. They want to promote Transsexualism and all the transgenderism and all the rest of the stuff the black community did not have these issues
Until the welfare state was instituted They did not have these issues They had the father in the family until the government started paying them not to do so and Brought people in to preach that and teach that You can't now again all sorts of black scholars
Ministers are saying everything that's every single thing that I've said It's a reality if that's true, then the we do have the solution
You're exactly right. We do have the solution but it's not by repeating the mantras that are destroying the black community and As long as the black community buys into the idea that it exists separately from the rest of humanity
We're not gonna get anywhere As long as the black church continues to act like it's separate from the rest of humanity.
We're not gonna get anywhere This new segregationism is going on. Wow. Where did that come from?
Anyway, so the first thing is to say well, he didn't get his food is to buy the narrative and To accept the reality of that narrative then he said and please let's not do the stats
Did you hear that? That to me was why I had to respond to this.
Let's not talk about the stats How can a Christian say that we have the answer to a serious problem
When we cannot be truthful about the nature of the problem itself But instead what did he say?
Well, we've talked to so many of our black brothers and it's their experience so you're saying
The experience the life experience Trump's the actual facts the actual statistics
Trump's truth experience Trump's truth JD Greer just said experience
Trump's truth You will not have any means of solving any of this as long as experience
Trump's truth Maybe I shouldn't have used Trump's Can't even use that anymore that that verb has now been hijacked as well.
So that that's what caught me was not only The virtue signaling of I'm gonna go ahead and do the do the line
Because that's what everybody has to do right now or you will be attacked And believe me
I will be But Then to seriously say we shouldn't talk about statistics, let's just go with the emotions.
Let's just go with the feelings Until the real issue is identified
There can be no solutions. There can be no solutions none so a series of Series get it.
Hi Siri. No, you can't help me with anything right now going I always stop and go.
What did I say? Oh, yeah. Okay. I know what it is there were the the troublemaker from Texas Posted that's not what
I want posted some materials on Twitter and He included dr.
Strickland from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary there were some videos posted
That were troubling in many ways and Then we're basically saying well look, you know
We need to look at Why people are looting and burning and rioting and just you know understand where they're coming from Folks if Unless you just simply haven't watched any of the video coverage um
There are all sorts of reasons Why the violence is taking place
There is a grain of truth to the fact that you can have a peaceful Demonstration going on and it will be hijacked by Antifa by BLM They'll bring people in you see the little earwigs
They've got radios Um these piles of bricks just showing up in major cities there is organization there is intentionality in creating the violent situations
But then there's just a lot of folks That are doing what they're doing because their hearts are desperately sinful and It doesn't matter what their history is
Their favorite store is getting looted and they're gonna get theirs too, and so I've watched so many videos
These stores are being looted people are running out with an entire stack of Nikes Don't tell me please don't insult my intelligence or yours.
Don't tell me these are people who feel disenfranchised And this is how they're making their voice known
No They just want free stuff There's no higher
Calling here. There's nothing there. There were people pulling up outside these stores in cars
I will never be able to afford in this life Because I actually insure mine, you know do the stuff you're supposed to do they're pulling up in cars
I can never ever have and Looting the store don't tell me it's because they haven't been given a voice
But dr. Strickland said some stuff that just left me completely baffled as To how someone could say this and so here's here's a one -minute little thingy here
That I wanted to comment on as well Don't get lost on the like what they're doing
But the why like why is it that they're doing this because that then shows a wound that the church can actually engage
You can't engage The wound of being paid by Antifa or BLM If you're literally getting paid and and we know this was happening
If you're literally getting paid to riot the church can't address that your heart is just black and we can call for repentance, but it's not like You know, so you're not gonna send social workers out
Sending social workers out. They're probably part of Antifa anyways But you can't do that Because throwing a brick through a window is not gonna heal their soul or or give them hope or soothe the eggs
But we know somebody who can Right, but if they're doing it because they're getting paid to do it or they're doing it just simply to It's not has nothing to do with their pain
It has to do with their lust their desire for the things of the world Their rebellion against law their disrespect for others their disrespect for private property
And maybe they've just been told all their lives that they should have what everybody else has maybe they've just been given a really really bad worldview
That's going to cause them to behave in really really bad ways That that might be a problem too, right?
and so I Think trying to figure out why people are doing this as opposed to looking at and analyzing what they're doing in order to you know, sort of affirm assumptions
About what's going on? But but the reality is just to kind of press into the wound a little bit
I mean there are people who are trying to get the attention of civil government and have their voice heard
Because Every other time they're not being heard. There's nobody clamoring for their votes
There's nobody doing town halls in their neighborhoods listening to them. Okay now,
I'm sorry This just left me going for two decades now
The black community has voted 97 % the same way in Presidential elections,
I think that's the number it might it may vary between 94 I think it's gonna be different this time around but 94 to 98 percent.
I think certainly with Obama I think it was like 98 percent and then you sit there and go no one's clamoring for our votes
That's because one party thinks they're all theirs by right The very party that voted against civil rights the very party that was for slavery
Yeah, that same party now gets Who runs Chicago?
Who's the mayor of Chicago a black lesbian? right Who runs
New York? Who runs Detroit, of course, they're not asking for your votes because they assume they already have them.
Yeah, the other party gave up well Trump hasn't I Know I know
I know that's cuz he thinks he can sell sand to Arabs That's just he sees as a challenge.
Let's just let's just be honest. That's that's what that's what he's all about But anyway, so I'm just I'm just like, okay
So some of these people are rioting because they don't have a voice because no one clamors for their votes because they've always voted the same way and So that party goes we've got them they're ours they're our constituents we don't have to worry about him
What why not vote them out? I? I'm just I'm just left going.
Um, I'm confused. I'm lost what so they're like, man if if they're not gonna listen to us, then what we have to do is is kind of get busy and Again not every person is doing that Yeah, okay, so we're gonna throw a brick through a window so that we can we can be heard
There there there there there is a real need for a clear message in our day a clear message that there is an answer to all this stuff and it's not
Therapeutic moral deism and It's not what you hear from the most famous not famous in our circles, but let's use let's use a a
Metric outside of our circles because we know some awesome black preachers
We really do but they will tell you they're in the fringes.
They're not the mainstream the mainstream Okay, the black community is infected with word -faith heresy
Sadly and Even more so outside the United States Africa Oh Word faith foolishness everywhere
But that's moral therapeutic deism. There's there's no sound theology in that. There's no there's no theology of man
There's no theology of repentance. There's no theology of atonement. There's there's nothing there So What is needed is clear solid
Biblical rock hard repentance holiness sovereignty of God we are all
Called to bow the knee to the lordship of Jesus Christ Not well, we're just all
God's chillins. No, we're not. That's not biblical That's not what Jesus taught
You become the child of God by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
We're not just all God's children so You want to end the the divisions?
Then Everybody has to have everybody no matter what their ethnicity no matter what their skin color
Needs to be brought back to the foundation which is why
I had no intention in 2018 of making myself the
Object of the nastiness of the social justice warriors, but I could tell listening to what was being said
At the MLK 50 thing and at and at TGC and at t4g and all this rest of stuff
There was a fundamental compromise on the issue of What unifies
So as to create the one body of Christ that one imputed righteousness and That what was the very that was the first time
I Addressed this first time I talked about things at the BDN ability of saving. What was it about?
We are in Colossians We went to Ephesians It was all focused on that nothing has changed because that remains the answer
That remains the solution It still is But what we've got today in I'm not a
Southern Baptist. Okay, so some of you might say hey Stay out of it.
Well, I've got a lot of good Southern Baptist friends and It doesn't matter what quote -unquote denomination
You are associated with we're seeing this everywhere. The Presbyterians PCA is chock -full of The social justice message chock -full
It's everywhere every
Southern Baptist seminary is now filled with professors and students
Who are promoting this stuff? They have been infected by it and the quote -unquote non -denominational denominations
Are just as susceptible if not more To this kind of stuff.
I can't believe how many people I'm seeing in my feeds and They're saying the same thing.
I Had no idea but last Sunday I go to church and all of a sudden everything I'm hearing from my pastor
Is about social justice stuff. I didn't think we believed this stuff Yeah, I know
I get it But we've got to address it While we still have time to do so the result we know what the results gonna be
Like I said, there is a constant cacophony of slam doors. I hear it. I Can I can hear it in my mind?
More and more places that never gonna have that terrible horrible nasty person not because they could ever sit down with an open
Bible But because of Experience you're not willing to experience you're not bearing burdens folks
The only people who are truly bearing burdens here are the people who are willing to say we have to have the proper solution that is given to us by God and as soon as you buy into intersectionality and cultural
Marxism and all this experiential claptrap You Take away the one thing that can actually bring healing that can actually solve this stuff and So who is actually bearing the burden the people that are just simply going well
My black friends will feel better now if I say these words Or the ones will say y 'all should be listening to those guys over there that are pointing out that This is the real issue here
But that doesn't make you feel like they're bearing the burden they are
They actually are Yes, sir Put your earpiece in.
Oh the if you The man that I do so the claim that dr. Greer made at the beginning of the idea that Black the black lives matter mantra has been hijacked
I would have him go to a website that he can search and find
DC area Educators for social justice. Yes. Yes. Mm -hmm. This is about a it's called the
DC area black lives matter at school week of action and Interesting the dates were
February 3 through 7 of this year When you actually scan down the focus of this event is the 13 guiding principles of lives matter and Then you suddenly start realizing.
Oh my 13 principles coloring books additional lessons resources for black lives matter 13 principles for middle and high school 13 principles for ECE and elementary and you start going through the 13 principles
That's what dr. Greer say well, I can't exactly agree with all that He's the one doing it in hijack.
Nothing. No, he's the one doing the hijacking This is what it's been all about all along. And when you dig into this website just this one page you start to realize
This has been going on for years And where is it focused at the brainwashing of the children?
We are committed to Dismantling the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work double shifts that require them to mother in private even as they participate in justice
Work, that's number ten by the way number six queer affirming number seven trans affirming a collective value
Intergenerational and it goes on black villages. Oh, I know and it goes on looking at it, too It's DC area educators for number four socialjustice .org
if anybody wants to take a look at it Yeah, that that all by itself totally turns everything.
He said in that video upside down it does I Know I know but what's the cost gonna be?
Well two more things saw a article this morning that Again, you need to understand this movement is totalitarian
It is not you have your views. We have our views it is you need to have our views period so Pastor Chris Hodges Posted or liked he clicked like on Certain tweets,
I guess you can follow what people like on Twitter. I guess there are people actually sit around doing this kind of thing and so a
Woman by name of Jasmine Clisby. Let me read this to you You can lose your lease a lot of ways if you fall behind on payments abuse the property or follow conservative media
Like most people Chris Hodges probably didn't think a quick tap of support for posts on Donald Trump or China's role in the corona virus
Would amount to much of anything turns out he was wrong a local English teacher Decided to catalog
Hodges as likes and share them with the press Little did anyone know it would be the beginning of the end of the church's services at two local high schools.
I Do not attend Church the Highlands teacher. Jasmine Clisby said openly and she insisted I Can't see into pastor
Chris Hodges his heart now. Listen to this language because we hear this in the church all the time This is what
I was this is what I've been getting There are people doing entire videos and this is the same can't
Christian cancel culture language. Okay, I Can't see into pastor Chris Hodges heart
But his support for what she considered quote culturally insensitive views end quote is quote troubling end quote
I Would be upset if it comes off as me judging him.
She said without a hint of irony I'm not saying he's a racist
But thanks to her smear campaign the Birmingham Board of Education is oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah So here is a pastor likes tweets someone trolls him
Puts this out into the media make sure the Board of Education sees it and what do they have to do?
Well, of course We can't we can't let people who have what is it here?
Culturally insensitive views use our facilities and we get to make that decision
So your lease is canceled You can't meet here anymore totalitarianism bow the knee
Follow follow the narrative do what we tell you to do you cannot have any other views and that's certainly what
Sharon McCutcheon would tell you as well There's this picture of three white ladies
Now one of them sort of doesn't look all that white but three white ladies in a stunningly white baby
As in albino blonde haired, baby The article is titled yes, my dear all white people are racists
First learn what racism is. I'm sorry. That's that when I said Sharon McCutcheon that that was the photo by this is
Marley Kay I'm sorry First learn what racism is and what it's not Well, of course
There's the issue We know what racism used to be We know the only meaningful definition of racism and that's the one meaning of racism.
That's no longer valid as This this article demonstrates I need white people to understand that all white people are racist
Admit it and let's move on to the business of repairing and healing the country. We can't do it without you Yes, my dear is all white people are racist all of them
Here is where you stop to cry clutch your pearls rant and rave aloud to tell me how wrong I am and tell
And tell me not all white people. I'm doing reverse racism. There's no such thing as reverse racism, by the way
I just stopped right there. I Can't tell you now how many? black
Christians Who claim to be Christians anyway Now tell me no,
I can't be a racist I it's a sin for you But it's not a sin for me because I can't be because I have now decided to redefine racism in power structures
The Bible never does that the Bible can't do that That's not its worldview, but I've done it and so you can be guilty of the sin of racism.
I can't be there you go so there's no such thing as reverse racism and You're ready to do tit -for -tat with me and every black person on the internet because you're too afraid to say it's nonsense in person
On how terrible black people are I have fill -in -the -blank white person save your activity here
So I know I'm not racist. I don't say the n -word. I don't go to I I go to church with black people
I even go to lunch with the black lady guy from my job. I have a biracial charge a child
I date black women or men. My husband wife is black. I work in all black fill -in -blank setting.
I am NOT a racist I'm liberal. I voted for Hillary. I use black lives matter hashtags I have a black friend that I never talked to about race.
I know I've heard it all already, honey I know you're a product of your racist American environment
You are racist love, but it's okay to admit it I'm ready for you to admit it so that you can move on to bigger things
You deny the obvious stalls the long road to healing you're denying the obvious stalls the long road to healing
Take a moment to sit with this new old revelation. Your racism is a product of nurturing and nature own it
You can't help you were born to racist parents who are raised in a white supremacist system You can help with tearing down the racist systems and structures that support you and kill me and my sons
See the narrative based on flawed science crafted by flawed white and European people
White people admitting they are racist is necessary for those individuals desiring to do something right now
If you can't do that, I can't rock with you. I can't walk with you. I can't talk with you I can't help you and I darn sure can't trust you see
There is no reasoning with this This is this is the statement that says you will accept what
I say You will accept that you are what you are There will be no discussion
There is no rational discussion to be had. This is where we have to start. This is the narrative and this narrative is coming into the church
This narrative is in the church. This narrative is in the seminaries At least
Marley Kaye is being just straight up front about it and saying honey But this is racism in its core
To this is real racist. This is sinful racism This is false witness against someone else based upon no factuality at all and you will not even bring a witness this is sinful as sinful can be
But it's the narrative It's the narrative now. There's no reasoning with someone like this
You know all the stuff about white fragility and all the rest there's no reasoning with these people they're not using reason
Critical theory does not require reason. In fact, it breaks reason down That's its function.
That's its function. That's where we are. That's where we are and People if people
I'm sorry,
I just I made the mistake of looking at At looking at Twitter and So I'm just looking at something real quick Phoenix seminary just posted a statement on racism.
It's fairly short Anyway, I I don't
I would like to see you know, there's there's something from Ephesians 2 that's good Don't see a whole lot there, but it's just sort of like the timing that makes me go.
Mm -hmm. Great. All right anyway It's everywhere and I've got a lot of people contacting me go what okay now, what do we what can we read like what you know?
and right now I've just been directing people to The pre -conference we did at g3 in 2019 and I've been pointing them to the interviews that Michael Fallon did
On the subject a whole playlist at sovereign nations where you can again Get a running start at it.
Anyways But we're definitely behind the eight ball and There aren't a lot of publishers are gonna touch this one with a 10 -foot pole right now
There really aren't That's the cultural moment that we that we face thankfully
Despite the fact that the educational system is completely soaked in this and that means if you've been sending
Bobby off to the public schools Bobby's getting this every single day Um, thankfully none of this actually makes sense in the long run
So it's a violation of the image of God and therefore It will eventually break down the damage it'll do in the process is huge But it eventually has to break down of its own weight because it can't again critical theory can't build anything.
It can only destroy things Seattle might be a good picture of what this is gonna end up looking like And maybe some you know, who knows maybe
Portland will be next and there must be something in the air in the Pacific Northwest I don't know, but it's weird
We have the answer We have the answer. Yes. So what I don't
I think you missed on Twitter though is the Announcement that the folks in Seattle now they've started their own victory garden
Which I'm sure vegetables will grow from at any moment and You know what?
I think they did. I think that well, you can see the pots. They ran to Home Depot They dug in the ground and they stuck plants in it from Home Depot We'll eat so a lot of planning as long as the homeless people don't take our food first a lot of planning going on there
Yeah, yeah Someone pretty soon there's gonna be those black helicopters.
They're gonna be dropping McDonald's bags You know, that's Yep. Yep.
Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep There there there you yeah, there you go. No, I haven't been really following much
I just happen to have seen that thing pop up and and I'm like, okay What can
I say? What can I say? I Don't know did you see the tweet about the reformed interactive companion helper
Yes. Good morning, James. I am the reformed interactive companion helper, but you may call me rich You've been turned into how?
Open open the door rich. I'm sorry James. I can't do that. Oh And then right below that suddenly it breaks my heart and I wonder why this is
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope won't launch in March of 2021. Oh, I knew this would start happening.
Yep coronavirus pandemic The coronavirus pandemic is to blame for the latest schedule slip
NASA officials said Take deep breaths take deep breaths take deep breaths
That panic Oh Take deep breaths. Anyways folks So once again to the kind fellow who said to me this morning, let's just go back to theology look
There was a lot of theology in what we just said There was a lot of theology and what we just said that we had to say there's a lot of theology about Anthropology, there's a lot of theology about justification and and everything else
God's law says a lot about how we were supposed to treat one another and how we're supposed to live in this world Do I want to get back to Wilson?
Yeah Yeah, I'll get back to it. But to be honest with you there's just a
Lot of stuff going on right now, and it's I think it's important and someone has to stand up and say hey
If if you if you just sense you you're recognizing there's something off here, what is it?
Somebody needs to be saying here's where it is. Here's here's where the issue you're not crazy here.
You're not crazy. You're not alone There is stuff that is definitely off. So anyways
Still our plan to be back tomorrow On the program don't have any idea.
We'll be talking about but I did I'm preaching Sunday and So I have to spend the afternoon working on that and so I'm just not sure we may just have to do open phones or Something like that depending on how much time
I can get to do anything else, but We will be back Lord willing tomorrow.