Paul Tripp Response Part 2 - AD Gets Smooth With Ned Flanders

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Eric Mason is Desperate to Make it Fit (Part 3)

Eric Mason is Desperate to Make it Fit (Part 3)

Hey there, Smooth AD Robles here, I'm sorry about last time, you know, we started out we were going to be winsome, we were going to be smooth, but I started feeling a little spicy so I had to change character, you see, so today we're going to continue the review of the
Paul David Tripp Cult Recruitment video, and hopefully this time I'll be able to survive a little longer, as smooth as I can possibly be, so just sit tight, hopefully we'll finish this video,
I don't want to go too long because I don't want to be accused of creating an alternate history, if you know what
I mean, so let's go ahead and finish our response to Paul David Tripp, now if you look at the screen right now,
I have to say, Paul David Tripp doesn't look like he's kidding, he looks like he's not kidding if you know what
I mean, but he looks kind of angry, I mean, you know, Paul, it's okay buddy, it's okay,
I mean, I know we don't agree on things, but certainly there's room for some honest and charitable disagreement here, and you know,
I just feel like you need a little more joy in your life, perhaps, I don't know, I mean,
I'm not saying that you don't have joy, but you just look kind of, well, you look kind of stuffy here,
I don't know, I mean, people have noticed that as well, so let's just go into it, let's continue, and I'll try to respond in a smooth, winsome, authoritative way if I can, so let's get to it.
The second passage I thought of was, hold on, I've got to get the audio set up here, hold on one moment here, what's going on, there we go, just give me one second here,
I'm just going to fix this, so that way you don't hear the echo. Christ railing against the
Pharisees, this is Matthew 23, 23, and he says, You tithe a tenth of the mint and dill and cumin in your garden, but you have forsaken, you have neglected the weightier matters of the law, justice, mercy, and faithfulness.
Jesus... So one of the problems that I have with many people who are accused of twisting scripture, and accused of things like Marxism, socialism, things like that, is they often will cut verses off in inappropriate places, because this is actually a good verse, you know, he is railing against the
Pharisees for not doing the weightier matters of the law, but if you notice, one of the things that I've noticed over time is that Christ does say that you should have done these along with the tithing, so you should tithe and also do the weightier matters of the law, and so that's kind of what
I'm advocating for. I think that all of scripture is important, and so if we're going to be merciful to people, if we're going to be just towards people, we're going to have righteousness.
We have to do it according to God's standards, baby. That's the ticket here. We always got to consider what does
God say to do, and so it's not enough to say, I'm going to be merciful today. You've got to be merciful according to God's standards.
You've got to be just according to God's standards. That's the whole point. Jesus doesn't say that the Pharisees are teaching incorrectly, rather he's saying they're teaching correctly.
They're just not doing what they teach, and so the law of God is central to all of this.
That's why I always want to bring it back to the law of God because the law of God is the only way to know if you're truly being just, if you're truly being merciful, if you're truly being righteous, and that's the point there,
Paul David Tripp. That's why the accusations come your way because when you talk about these injustices and things of that nature, you often talk about the same supposed injustices that Marxists and socialists bring up, and it's actually not true at all.
It's not true in any way, and that's the whole point here, Paul David Tripp, and so, you know, it's just a little help.
I'm just trying to be helpful here. It's all about love on this channel, baby. You know what I'm trying to say? Let's continue. Calls justice, mercy, and faithfulness.
This is our savior. This is the hero of the story. This is the epicenter.
This is the one into whom we are being formed, into his likeness.
This is the one who says the weightier matters of the law are justice, mercy, and faithfulness.
You see, here's God's plan. What's God's plan? Until we are on the other side in the new heavens and new earth.
This is so boring. I'm sorry. This is where I got into trouble last time. You know, I said that it was too boring.
I had to stop being smooth. I'm going to increase the playback speed. It's just very difficult to me to listen to all these weird pauses and dramatic rhetoric.
I don't know. It's just very annoying. That's another piece of advice for you, Paul David Tripp. I mean, if you're going to do these videos,
I'm sure some people find them helpful. But, you know, a guy like me wants to be, there needs to be a little entertainment value in it too.
You know what I mean? Take a little, take a little, take a little tip from old AD and his smooth character.
All right. Where perfect justice will reign in righteousness forever.
Here's the plan. We are called to be God's ambassadors. That's right. And that means
God makes his invisible justice visible by sending people of justice to stand for, to defend people who are experiencing injustice.
That's right. And that's the whole thing. Like over the years, I've often lamented the fact, and listen, if I'm going to lament, that must mean that you need to lament as well because you should lament with me.
That's what the Bible says, right? So I've often lamented the fact that Jesus here is saying the weightier matters of the law are justice, mercy, righteousness.
And of course, the only, in the context, the only thing he could be talking about is justice and mercy and righteousness outlined by the law of God.
The old Testament code, baby. And that's why we cannot stand for reparations. We must not because we must be ambassadors for the kingdom of God.
And if we're going to do that in an authoritative way, if we're going to do that in a biblical way, baby, that's what
I'm talking about being biblical here. We must stand against any kind of law or any kind of system that seeks to make the sons pay for the sins of the father.
And so reparations is off the table. Welfare is off the table. We cannot vote for the government to take from some and give to others, and especially not if they're not working, baby.
If he will not be willing to work, he shall not eat. Do you know what
I'm saying? We've got to look at the scripture here. It's not enough to just say, we got to be for justice. And therefore anything that's called justice, we ought to be for as Christians.
You see, this is why people look at you with suspicion because in the matters of adultery or raising your kids or the other things you mentioned before, where you're very trustworthy, you're bringing the
Bible to bear. You'll look at the Old Testament code and say, this is this, this is that, and all of that. But with this issue, for some reason, you will, of course, quote scriptures, but you'll only quote the vague ones, the ones that say justice, but don't have any content to it.
And I say yes for justice, but we must have some content to it, baby, because we know that people abuse the text of scripture.
We know that people misuse words like justice, mercy, righteousness, love, all kinds of words, baby.
So we need to be so careful. That's the point, David Tripp. We must be careful how we use language.
And the reality is that so often people from the woke church, including your pastor, use the word justice the same way socialists use the word justice, the same way
Marxists use the word justice. And that is an incorrect usage of the word justice.
And so that's why people are called socialists and Marxists and all of these other pejoratives that I know it's very obvious that they bother you and you don't like it.
I understand that. I don't like being called names either, but it's not like we're just calling you names for no reason.
It's because you're using these terms the way those groups use these terms. That's a problem for many of us.
And so that's why we do it. We do it out of love because this channel is all about love. Of course, love is defined by the scripture, baby.
All right, let's continue. Life between the already and the not yet.
The already and the not yet. Is ambassadorial. I'm always in every way. The already and the not yet is one of the best things in Big Eva.
And justice is close to the heart of our Savior came.
That's true. That's very true. Now, here's what has hit me as I've had these experiences over the last couple of years.
He's angry. If you notice, he seems very upset. For those of you who have listened to Paul Tripp before, is this how he normally is?
Is this how he normally is? Because he seems pretty angry here. I don't know. I mean, I haven't really watched much of his content.
Maybe I will just to see if this is part of his character. Normally, you could see him like furrowing his brow and his mustache is getting all wrinkly.
Just like kind of like Ned Flanders when he gets all upset. You know, it really does look like Ned Flanders. I don't mean to be mean, but I mean, it's he's a spitting image.
Ned Flanders. You see that that one Ned Flanders episode where not just one, but it's just kind of a meme in Simpsons where he screams like a girl.
It's pretty funny. He's he's just like Ned Flanders. I wonder if I wonder if Paul Tripp screams like that. He might.
I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that. I mean, we all have our own our own quirks to our voices. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that.
But I would like to hear him scream one day just to see if I like Ned Flanders. Change in this area of racial injustice, which has so marked our culture.
Okay. So Mark, the unique experience of blacks in America from 1619 to 2020.
If change is going to take place, change takes action. What kind of action? Action requires compassion.
Compassion. Okay. And compassion requires information. That's true.
That's very true. I say all the time that human beings may the image of God do not live life based on the facts of their experience, but based on their interpretation of the facts.
Okay. And so if I think I'm following, I'm not sure. If you're hearing about the experience of another person from a distance and you hear words that are similar than the other words that you use, right?
And you don't unpack that person's experience. So you really understand what they're saying, what they're experiencing.
You will interpret those things out of your own experience. I mean, that's what people do.
I mean, that's, that's not really avoidable unless you make a conscious effort to not do it. And, and I think that the only thing that we can do as, as, as people,
I mean, we're, we're all, you know, completely fallible. We all have our own experiences and he's very right about all of that stuff.
I mean, that's not really deniable, but the only thing we can do to kind of counterbalance that is to really try to filter everything that we believe, everything that we say through that lens of the biblical worldview.
That's, that's the important thing. That's why the Bible is so important because there's only one worldview that is completely accurate and that's
God's worldview because he has all the information. He knows everything. He created the world.
He knows why he created it. He knows how he created it to work. He's, he's, he knows everything. He's infallible.
He's perfect. His mind is more vast than anything we could possibly imagine. And, and so the only real worldview, the only correct worldview is his.
And he's chosen to reveal some of that worldview in the scriptures. And that's why we have to run things through the scripture to understand if we're being accurate.
Now we're not going to be perfect, but we try. We try to use and interpret that word as best we possibly can.
That's, and that's how we do it, baby. That's how we know that we're being biblical. That's how we know that we're being loving and truthful and just and just and trustworthy and all that kind of stuff.
And so that's why we've been asking for scriptures here. And it's, and it can't just be a scripture that uses the word justice is because as we've, as we've seen, as you're about to say here, it seems anyway, that we can't just use the word justice according to our own experience.
We've got to run it through the only worldview that counts God's worldview. And so that's why
I'm so winsome. That's why I'm trying to be so helpful here, because, because I think I understand something about this justice thing that is very important for people.
Justice doesn't mean anything. Anything, anything, anything important, unless it's
God's justice. And you will hear the words, but it's sort of like this.
You will add two and two together and get five. What? Because you will put your experience on that person's experience.
And, and what almost often happens, always happens when we do that is we end up minimizing the reality of that other person experience because you just haven't come to understand it.
So here's what I want to say to you, say to my white brothers and sisters. I love you.
I love the church of Jesus Christ. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. Given my life to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I very much appreciate it. I love the body of Christ. I love every word in the
Bible from the very first word to the very last word. This is all good. I would have nothing to offer if it weren't for the gospel.
But what I want to say to you is this is what motivates me to say, please care enough about this issue of racial injustice to become informed.
I'm going to ask you to do. This is still very slow. I can't imagine listening to this in normal speed, man.
I don't know. I don't know, man. You listen to this. It's, it's difficult to listen to not, not because of the content, but just because of the style.
I just don't understand. It's just like, please care. I'm not being very winsome.
I'm sorry. I got to get back into character. Hold on one second. All right.
Four things to get informed. First, just get out your phone or your iPad or your computer and Google the
Bible and justice and read the volume of passages on this issue.
This is one of your Bible's most dominant themes. Um, Paul Tripp, with all due respect.
I mean, this is, this is really childish, really. I'm going to take my glasses.
I can't be winsome here anymore. Um, with all due respect,
Paul Tripp, this is, this is childish because number one, if you really do love
Christians, like you say you do. And I think you think you do for sure to, to think that the opposition here, that the people that aren't agreeing with the woke church stuff, they just haven't even looked at the
Bible in terms of justice. That's so ridiculous. That's, that's one of the most ridiculous assumptions
I think that anyone has ever made. The whole point is that, that we, we actually know that the
Bible talks a lot about justice, but it doesn't use justice like a buzzword.
It doesn't use justice as a slogan. I'm sorry,
I'm mocking you a little bit here, but it doesn't use justice as a slogan or a buzzword or something like that. It says justice, but it has, there's content there.
And so the reason why we oppose Black Lives Matter, the reason why we oppose your pastor, Pastor Eric Mason, the reason why we oppose this woke church stuff is because the content that the
Bible gives the word justice in many cases is the opposite of what those people promote.
The content of what the Bible calls justice and mercy and righteousness is often the opposite of what
Pastor Eric Mason promotes. And so it's not an issue of ignorance. It's an issue of we understand all too well what your pastor promotes versus what the
Bible says. And so we're not going to treat justice like a buzzword.
And so while I think it is very helpful to Google the word justice in the Bible, it's all the times it talks about justice.
What a responsible person would recommend is that you do that. And then of course, see the actual context of these words.
When Amos says, let justice roll down like waters, what is he actually referring to? Because if you just listen to the
David Platt speech about that, I refuse to even call it a sermon. If you listen to the
David Platt speech about that, you would think that Amos was talking about statistical disparities and wealth income inequalities and stuff like that.
And that's just not the case. We know the Bible too well to fall for that, Paul Tripp. And so stop abusing the text.
It's really just that simple. Stop abusing the text. Because a
God of perfect justice will not be silent in the face of a multitude of injustices that a sin broken world will create.
Name one, because I can name tons. You name one and tell me how you know, and tell me how you came to that conclusion.
Because so many people are saying, look at the Ahmaud Arbery situation.
Look at the George Floyd situation. That's an injustice. And the thing is, I know about how biblical justice works.
And so I'm not willing to say that. And further, I'm willing to call you to repentance for joining the lynch mob before you even knew what was what.
Before you even knew what was what. Because the minute you call Derek Chauvin a racist, I know you don't actually care about what the
Bible says about justice. I know you don't. The minute you say, oh yeah, like the day after the
Ahmaud Arbery situation, people, oh, look at those racists. The minute you say that the day after when you don't even know what the heck happened there,
I know you don't care about the biblical standard of justice. Because you've already broken God's law from the first minute you decided to tweet about it.
You can't just say something about someone you don't know it's true. I mean, what else is there?
I mean, you're putting on a good show here, and you look very serious. And you're saying the word justice, and you're quoting a few
Bible passages. You're putting on a good show. But of course, you yourself know,
Paul Tripp, that every heretic can quote Bible verses. You yourself know that Satan quotes
Bible verses. So we need to look under the hoods here. And so give me an example of one of the injustices.
Maybe I agree, maybe I won't. But let's talk about it. We actually have to have a conversation. Because I know that it's against biblical justice to just join the lynch mob.
So we're not going to do that, regardless of your track record, Paul Tripp. I don't want to join your cult.
So you're going to need to show me in the Bible where you get this stuff. And yes, it's a good place to start to look at the quotations of justice.
Now you can show me, where does it talk about reparations? Where does it talk about assuming that a white officer killing a black man is a racist?
Where is that allowed in the Bible? Let's talk about some specifics here. Because until you do, all you're trying to get me to do is to join your cult where you decide what's racist and what's not.
Where you decide what's just and what's not. I don't want to join your cult, okay?
So we're going to need to talk about the Bible here. And more than just treating the Bible like a book of slogans. I'm not going to do that either.
That's another cult tactic. And again, I don't want to join your cult. That's the first thing.
The second thing I want to do is recommend three resources that have been produced by people who are committed to the gospel of the
Lord Jesus Christ. That's why I'm recommending these resources. I think they're each helpful in different ways.
The first one is a 17 -minute video done by Phil Vischer. He's the creator of Veggie Tales called
Race in America. It is a brilliant video. The thing that's brilliant about this video is there's almost no opinion whatsoever.
I'm not going to say there's no opinion whatsoever in this video. That is so naive. That is so naive.
I mean, with all due respect, Paul Tripp. I mean, you seem like a smart guy, but as someone who makes videos, let me explain something to you about how the art of the video works.
Because when you say there's no opinion there, I'm assuming what you mean is he just presents facts, right?
He just presents facts. But the thing is, when you're making a video like this, you get to be an editor, right?
You get to... And there's nothing wrong with this. I do the same thing. I'll take a video, an article, and I'll highlight certain things, and I won't talk about other things.
And the reason why I do it is because I'm creating a narrative here. I'm creating a message.
I'm creating what I think is going to be a helpful piece of video.
And I choose certain things and leave out other things. And the problem is, you need to understand that when you do that, you are putting your opinion into the video as to what's important versus what's not.
All in the service of your narrative. And as many people have pointed out, myself included, is that Phil Vischer leaves out tons of information.
Tons of information. And he assumes so much about the information he does present that it's almost worthless from a historical perspective.
So it's actually not helpful because it doesn't tell the whole story. And the reason it doesn't tell the whole story is because if he did tell the whole story, it would completely destroy the case he is attempting to make.
So it's not helpful. And it does contain his opinion. Paul Tripp, you seriously can't be this naive.
I mean, maybe you are. I don't really know you. You know what I mean? Maybe you are just this naive. But to pretend like there's no opinion in the
Phil Vischer video is one of the most naive statements I've ever heard in my entire life.
Now, personally, I believe that it's actually more charitable to assume that you do know what you're talking about.
And so then my question is, why are you misrepresenting that video?
Videos, fact after fact after fact, that is a bit mind blowing.
I could create a similar video and spin a white supremacist narrative where I don't put my opinion in it, but I only highlight certain facts.
You understand what I'm saying? Like, this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I could cite you facts and have a white supremacist message, and it wouldn't make the message true.
It's just the way I spun the video. And it's just all facts. I could say it's not my opinion. It's just all facts.
And it's like, yeah, but obviously you're doing something with those facts, right? You're leaving certain other facts out, and you're only including certain facts that bolster a certain case.
And again, he's also pretending like this video was just created out in thin air. No, it's created in a certain context.
Like, Paul, this is really, really manipulative, man.
You're manipulating people. And the reality is, Paul Tripp, you're a counselor, man.
Why are you emotionally manipulating people like this? Why are you psychologically manipulating people like this?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself, to be honest, because you're a counselor. You know how this works. You're not a stupid man.
The Black Experience in America. The second resource...
What does Phil Vischer know about the Black Experience in America? I mean, just a thought.
26:07 by my pastor, Eric Mason. It's called
Woke Church. Now, I'm aware that woke language has become very controversial, and some of you will react against that just because of the title.
It's an extremely helpful book, actually. It's not a helpful book. In any way. I did a chapter -by -chapter, 11 -part review of this book.
So I recommend that you watch my review of this book, and I'll show you exactly what this book is about and exactly why it's not helpful.
And it's not about the language. I mean, the language is kind of silly, woke church. It's kind of silly and childish, whatever.
That's not the point, Paul. It's the ideas behind it that we're concerned with.
People use silly language all the time. Nobody really cares about that. It's the ideas,
Paul. Not everyone thinks in slogans. I know that might be troubling to you, but it's true.
Not everyone thinks in slogans. So we've reviewed this book, and I'm sure there'll be more content about this book because it's becoming more popular.
And we look at the ideas, and we're not just playing footsie with the language. We're looking at the ideas of your pastor, Eric Mason, and we try to match it up with what the
Bible says. Sorry about that. We try to match it up with what the Bible says, and it doesn't match up.
It doesn't match up because we know that justice and mercy and righteousness and these things have content in the scripture, and we can look at the content of those things, and we can say, yeah, so,
Eric, I don't want to join your cult. You know what I mean? I've already got a religion. I don't want to join your cult where words mean different things, and you're borrowing from the pagans in order to accomplish whatever it is that you want to accomplish.
Like, Eric, I don't want to join your cult. And you may not agree with everything in the book, but even if you can't find your way to read the whole book, at least read the brilliant forewords.
There's two forewords in this book by John Perkins and Ligon Duncan. Those together are incredible.
I would plead with you, read the whole book. I mean, so the reality is that Paul Tripp is just, he just wants you to be in the cult too.
He's recommending, like, the worst of the worst stuff. Like, I can't think of more terrible recommendations than this, than these two, the
Phil Vischer video and the Woke Church book. We've covered these at length. Other people have covered these at length.
Like, these are terrible recommendations. There's really nothing from a biblical worldview in either one of these things.
So, no, Paul. No, I don't want to join your cult. The third resource is by Jamar Tisby.
He's a historian, and it's called The Color of Compromise.
Jamar Tisby is an unbeliever, you know? And the reason, and the day
I found this out, a lot of people were telling me he was an unbeliever for a long time. The day I found this out was, remember that story back a few years ago, or last year, when the black brother, whose brother had gotten killed by a white cop, forgave the white cop for killing his brother?
Remember that? That was a beautiful story, right? Christian guy. He's like, man, I forgive you. You know what I mean? I forgive you.
I'm a Christian, so I forgive. And Jamar Tisby was furious that he had done that.
Jamar was furious that this man had forgiven his brother's killer. Why? Well, because she was white.
And it set the social justice movement back to, you know, be a Christian and forgive. Jamar Tisby's an unbeliever.
He hates white people. He hates the church. He hates the biblical view of justice.
And so he writes to that end all the time. Just Google Jamar Tisby on my YouTube channel.
You'll get a little bit of a glimpse into the kind of man you're dealing with here. It just traces the history of the complicity of the church of Jesus Christ in this issue.
So four things. Go to your Bible and do a biblical study of justice.
How can you represent the value of this in the heart of God as his ambassador?
Unless you're biblically informed. Second, check out that 17 minute video.
You won't be biblically informed if you just do what he's suggesting you do here. Because you have to actually know what the
Bible means by the word justice. And that's going to take a little bit more work. That's going to take a little bit more work than just doing a keyword search.
Like I can't even believe that this needs to be said in a Paul trip video. Because I've heard that this guy's very helpful.
But you can't just do that. You can't just do a keyword search and expect to understand what the word actually means.
Because the Bible is not a dictionary. So none of the keyword search is going to say justice. It means this.
It's not like that. What you need to do actually if you really want to know what the Bible says about justice. Sure do the keyword search.
I'm not saying don't do it. I've done the keyword search before. But what you need to do is you need to read the book of Exodus.
You need to read the book of Deuteronomy. You need to read the book of Leviticus. Those three books. That's what you actually that would actually be helpful.
If you read the book of Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Exodus. You will have a very very help.
You will be very helped to understand the biblical view of what justice is and what it is not.
Obviously there's more that you could read. But I'm just giving you a starting point. So yeah sure do the keyword search of justice.
And then read Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy in its entirety. Read those books and read some reformed commentaries on each of those books.
I would recommend Presbyterian resources. But there's a lot of good Baptist stuff out there as well. Read Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Exodus.
Exodus after the story of the Exodus. When God starts giving the law.
That's what I'm talking about. Or just read the whole thing. I mean the whole book is good. But this is an incomplete view of how to do this.
I mean Paul Tripp knows better. This is he's trying to trick you. He's trying to trick you. See well this is what he's basically trying to do.
He's trying to say see the Bible cares about justice. And therefore believe me when I talk about justice. So it's like no no but no no no no.
No because we already know the Bible talks about justice. The question that is at at play is what does justice mean?
What does mercy mean? What is righteousness? That's what we're debating.
It's not about whether or not the Bible cares about justice. And anyone who tells you that the one side is saying the
Bible cares about justice. The other side is saying the Bible doesn't care about justice is lying to you. That's a lie.
There is no side of this issue that says the Bible doesn't address or care about justice. There is none.
What there is is a side that's saying here's what the Bible actually says about justice. Versus a side that says let justice roll down like waters.
And wants to take the content out of the justice. When you quote Deuteronomy they'll be like no no no no no no that doesn't apply here.
When you quote Deuteronomy and you quote Leviticus where it says the sons shall not pay for the sins of the father.
Or when it says you shall not show partiality to the rich or the poor. When you quote that stuff all of a sudden it's like yeah yeah yeah but what does that have to do with this?
We're talking about wealth and income disparities here. Not winsome.
Down low woke church and the color of compromise. Oh definitely don't do that.
Change is needed. Change is needed all right. I'm pretty sure that the change is needed is the leadership of Big Eva.
Because the leadership of Big Eva at this point we just have to recognize it. They're compromised. They're compromised.
And so oh yes change is needed. But as long as you guys are trying to sell these awful books. I mean
I do mean awful. I do mean awful. We're gonna need some some new leadership
I think. I don't know. And change requires action.
And action requires compassion. And compassion requires information. The white church does not have the liberty of being silent in the face of any cultural inequity.
No matter what it is. And we should not be silent in this one too. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And the reason my heart is exercised at this moment is because of that Genesis to Revelation message.
I think we can do better. I think it's time to speak and to act. To live as ambassadors of the one who is perfectly holy in justice.
God help us. May we do that. A church that does not exist. Yeah so you know there's his video.
I think to be honest like um there's there's it's it's one or the other.
It's either it's either extreme naivete or he's just he's completely in the cult.
And I think to be honest it's more charitable just to assume that he knows exactly what he's doing. He's recommending resources that offer an alternative version of justice.
An alternative version of mercy. An alternative version of Christianity. And in some cases an alternative gospel.
And the answer is no. I mean we've said it a number of times but I'll say it again. No Paul I don't want to join your cult because I already know what the bible says about justice.
Now if you're gonna if you want to have a bible study with me and tell me how I'm wrong that reparations breaks the commandments.
That welfare breaks the commandments. That that assuming someone is racist when you have no idea whether or not they are racist breaks the commandments.
That saying that anyone that disagrees with me is as angloid on the inside it breaks the commandments. Like if if you want to debate me on on that I'm more than willing to do that.
Let's have a bible study. You claim the name of Christ. I claim the name of Christ. We can have a bible study together because we're all pointing to the the word of God as our authority at least presumably.
So I don't think you'll ever do that because you understand that the things that are promoted by Eric Mason that are at question here are they don't come from the bible.
The ideas of white privilege and white supremacy and all of these things that that are that are so central to the woke church's message do not come from the bible.
I think you know that right. That's why you're you feel safer quoting verses that do mention justice in a very generic sense and you think that you're safe there.
That's why you won't ever get yourself in a debate or a bible study about this kind of stuff because you know what would happen.
You couldn't you'd have to come out against reparations. You'd have to come out against some of this anti -racism stuff that you see from the critical theorists and stuff like that.
You'd have to come out against the concepts of white fragility which your pastor promotes. He calls it white frailty.
That doesn't come from the bible and you know that you know what I mean. You're not a you're not a stupid man. You're a smart man.
And so no I'm not going to join your cult. If you'd like to have a bible study with me one time
I'd be glad to do it and but until then I guess you can keep proselytizing for your cult but we're not going to join it.
Anyway I hope you found this video helpful. I hope you found it winsome. God bless.