F4F | Todd White Doubles Down on False Leg Lengthening Miracle


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Sadly, no shortage of crazy things being said out there.
We do the comparative work to save you heartache and woe by those who are out there deceiving, and there's a lot of those out there.
Now, if you've ever been told that, well, the proof that God is doing signs and wonders today and miraculous stuff is that Todd White can miraculously lengthen people's legs.
Yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below. Don't forget to like the video, and also don't forget to ring the bell so you can be notified when we update the channel, because, well, leg lengthening is a parlor trick.
It's not a miracle. It's a false sign and a false wonder, and so we're gonna start out in a biblical text, and let me pull this up, switch over to here, and this is a text
I like to go to on a regular basis talking about the great apostasy.
Apostasy is a rebellion against God, and it's within the visible Church. This is the prophecy given by the
Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. We'll note a few things. We won't read the whole chapter out, however,
I do strongly recommend you take some time and familiarize yourself with this text, because it'll help you understand a lot of what's going wrong in the
Church today. Here's what Paul writes. Now, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to Him, we ask you, brothers, not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us to the effect that the day of the
Lord has come. You missed it, apparently. So let no one deceive you in any way.
So don't let anyone deceive you, get you all anxious. Yeah, you haven't been left behind is what he's saying.
That day will not come unless the rebellion... Now, this is the English Standard Version, and the
ESV translates the Greek word apostasia as rebellion, which is exactly what an apostasia is.
It is a rebellion against God, and it takes place within the visible Church. The pagan world is already in rebellion against God, and so this apostasy takes place within the visible confines of the
Church itself. So unless the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction who opposes and exalts himself against every so -called
God or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be
God. Yeah, that's right, the lawless one, the man of lawlessness, aka the
Antichrist, will exalt himself within the visible Church, even proclaiming himself to be
God himself. Christ also gives a prophecy along these lines in Matthew chapter 24, and I'm doing this here from memory.
And yeah, so Matthew chapter 24, and it says this, I'll kind of give you the context,
Jesus left the temple, was going away when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple, and he answered them, you see all these, do you not?
Truly I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.
As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?
So you'll note that the question has to do with the end of the world. Jesus answered them. It also has to do, by the way, with the destruction of the temple, so the two get weaved together in Jesus's answer.
He says, see to it that no one leads you astray. Many will come in my name, saying, I am the
Christ, and they will lead many astray. You will hear of wars, rumors of wars, see that you're not alarmed, for this must take place first.
But the end is not yet. And so Christ goes on to talk about false
Christs and false prophets who will arise in those last days, and when we are like on the cusp of the return of Christ, these false
Christs and false prophets will be able to perform true signs and true wonders. In fact, magos, great signs, great wonders.
And here's what Christ says. He says, I'm skipping down to verse 21 in Matthew 24.
Again, it's worth the read. There will be great tribulations such as not been been from the beginning of the world until now, and no, never will be.
If those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.
Now if anyone says to you, look, here is the Christos, and it's best to take kind of a...you
can take this narrowly as well as broadly. A Christos is somebody who claims to be an anointed one.
Mm -hmm. Yeah, and I think that Christ here is prophesying that when the man of lawlessness shows up, he's gonna exalt himself above everything that is called
God, and make himself out to be God within the visible church itself. So Christ is warning about that, but he's warning about false
Christs and false prophets. So he says, look, here's the Christ, or there he is, don't believe it. For false
Christs, pseudokristoi, this is plural, and false prophets, pseudoprophetai, this, again, plural, will arise, and you're gonna note here, they will be able to perform megas, great signs and wonders, great signs and wonders.
And the purpose of them, in fact, if we were to take a look at the Greek here, and they will be able to give or to give or perform signs, great, and wonders.
Yeah, and here's the reason, hosta planesai, for the purpose in order to deceive, to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
So you're gonna note here that true signs and wonders do not make a true prophet or a true
Christ. Yeah, no, they don't. You always have to pay attention to the theology and the doctrine accompanying said prophet or said anointed one, and you'll note that Jesus says there's a time coming when these false prophets and false
Christs, false anointed ones, will be able to perform great signs and wonders, not pseudo false signs and wonders.
We're still kind of ramping up, if you would, because coming back then to 2nd Thessalonians, here's again the prophecy regarding the man of lawlessness, he will take a seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be
God. So do you not remember that when I was still with you, Paul says, I told you these things, and you know now what is restraining him so that he may be revealed in his time.
And so then talking about the revealing of the lawless one, starting at verse 8, and then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the
Lord will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his kingdom. So the coming of the lawless one, his coming, he's not quite here yet, is by the activity of Satan with all power, and note what it says here, that means signs and wonders, false.
Yeah, so the coming of the lawless one, not quite here yet, is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and false wonders.
Yeah, so you'll note that we kind of have two categories here. In the days leading up to the revealing of the lawless one, the activity of Satan is with the power to create false signs, false wonders, they're not true, and then with things ramping up into the
Great Tribulation, the time of the Devil's heyday here on earth, then what will happen is that the false
Christ and false prophets will be able to form great signs, great wonders, rather than false signs, false wonders.
So I see a dichotomy here between the two of them. So I personally think that what we see going on in so much of the
NAR today, and in much that passes for the Charismatic Movement, these are what
Paul prophesied in 2 Thessalonians, the sameas kaeteras in sudus, the signs and wonders false, all right?
And there's a day coming when there'll be signs and wonders great, but we're still in the false sense at this point.
Anyway, the coming of the lawless one is by the power and activity of Satan with false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refuse to love the truth, and so be saved.
So therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Hopefully I didn't confuse you all there, the point is that Scripture prophesies that there will be deception that will involve false signs, false wonders, and by the way, leg lengthening is that.
It's a false sign, it's a false wonder, it's not real, and we'll demonstrate that. But be advised, there's a day coming, and I have no idea how far out that day is, when the false
Christ and the false prophets will be able to perform great signs and wonders for the purpose of deceiving the elect, if that were possible.
That's what Christ warned us about. So I see in the prophecies regarding the end of time, and leading up to the day of the revealing of the lawless one, two qualities of signs.
One are false, and the other are great, and we're not to the great ones yet.
I mean, even Benny Hinn is a flim -flam, you know, false sign guy, and so is
Todd White, but there's a day coming when no one will be able to deny that these false prophets and false
Christ are performing great signs and wonders. The problem is that Christ has told us ahead of time to be prepared, because when that is going down, that's not the
Holy Spirit working, that's still the activity of the devil. All of that being said, a little long -winded there, we're heading over to the
YouTube channel of Todd White, and he's put together a video,
Does Preaching the Miraculous Damage Your Ministry? Does Preaching the
Miraculous Damage Your Ministry? So we're... Now, I just got to take issue with this right off the bat.
Right off the bat, I have to take issue with this. Why do I have to take issue with this? Because, well, is that I'm a miracles guy, okay?
I believe in miracles. I preach the miraculous practically every
Sunday, and let me explain. I mean, kind of the pinnacle of it is the resurrection of Christ.
I believe he rose bodily from the grave on the third day after he was crucified and was stone -cold dead.
He was raised from the grave on the third day, and I believe Jesus walked on the water.
I believe that he gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf. He raised the dead.
He cleansed the lepers. He healed the sick. I totally believe in that.
And then you think about Moses and them crossing the
Red Sea. That legitimately happened. You know, it was at the Gulf of Aqaba, that little stretch of the
Red Sea there. I mean, I totally believe this. I believe that Jesus was born of the
Virgin Mary and that she was for sure a for real virgin. She'd never had any kind of sexual relations with any dude, and yet she conceived by the power of the
Holy Spirit, and Jesus was born our great God and Savior.
So I preach the miraculous all the time, but Todd White is talking about something different than that.
Something different than that. So let's head over to...this looks like a Jesus image event that we're gonna be watching, so let's take a listen.
You've probably received similar advice as I have regarding the miraculous, that coming off that a bit would help expand reach or maybe be more acceptable to different people or different streams, maybe the healing.
Did you see Benny hit on the on the dais there? The thing is limiting your message.
Oh, and Ben Fitzgerald is there. Yeah, Bethel's in the house, folks. What's your response there? What's your conviction?
Pray for them, have them get healed. So you need to get healed if somehow you're opposed to the miraculous.
Now again, I point out, I don't preach against the miraculous at all. I'm a firm believer in it.
I've been in front of lots of people that don't agree. I've actually been on airplanes with pastors from churches that are adamant that preach against...preach
against healing. Okay, hang on a second here.
I gotta do a little bit of work. Okay, so here's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna check on this... Alright, let me back this up. I mean, this guy, as soon as I hit the button, it's like he starts talking.
Anyway, you know, you need a...you need a cannon, dude. A little bit of a buffer, but anyway.
Alright, so this guy's going to explain to us what a straw man fallacy is. Alright, let's listen in.
Hi there, internet commenter. You've been sent a link to this video because someone is concerned that you might not be arguing your case to your utmost ability.
They're concerned you might have used a fallacy to make an important point, thus defeating your own claim.
The fallacy they're concerned you might have used is the straw man fallacy. Contrary to what many people would have us believe, a straw man is not simply an argument that you dislike or find inconvenient.
Rather, it is a version of an argument that is misrepresented, simplified, so that it is easier to knock over.
Just as an actual man made of straw is a less solid version of a man made of flesh, a straw man argument is a less solid version of a fully fleshed -out argument.
A straw man replaces or represents whatever actual argument is being made. Strawmanning can come in many different forms.
It's not even always intentional. You might accidentally construct a strawman if you don't fully understand the depth of an argument.
And that is fine. It happens to the best of us. However, to intentionally misread or misrepresent an argument to simplify the process of discrediting it, that's a little bit less forgivable.
To take nuanced points out of context, to ignore crucial information, to even exaggerate claims to the point of absurdity, which is then easier to refute.
These are all straw man tactics. For example, Mike and Straw Mike are having a conversation about how to responsibly depict awful stuff in media.
I don't think it's too much to ask that when a media creator wants to show heinous or awful stuff, they do so in a context that shows that that stuff is heinous and awful.
Oh, so now we're not allowed to show violent or terrible things unless we include some long -winded sermon about how bad things are bad.
I think creators should be able to show or do whatever they want. The original argument states a preference for what
Mike thinks constitutes the responsible use of media. The strawman argument recasts this as something much simpler and easier to agree with.
Freedom is good. Censorship is bad. But now Mike and Straw Mike are no longer arguing about the same point.
And so the conversation will quickly become unfocused and aggressive, which is never Right. Never, never is fun.
Now all of that's kind of to make a point. Coming back to Todd White here. He's claiming, oh, he's been on airplanes and stuff with pastors, plural.
Apparently pastors like to conglomerate and glom together. You know, they, they travel in airplanes on herds, in herds, especially the kind they can't afford private jets.
And, and so he's been on airplanes with pastors, man. And, and they get all up in his face because they vehemently preach against healing.
I don't know that guy. I've never met that guy. Who are you talking about?
That's what we call a straw man. Let me back this up. Just listen again. Don't agree.
I've actually been on airplanes with pastors from churches that are adamant that preach against, preach against healing.
I'd like to see that church. I want to see those sermons. I want to hear those pastors because here's the thing.
I personally skim and review a gazillion.
It just, it feels like it, a lot, like a metric ton of sermons on a weekly basis as I'm looking for segments to look at here at, you know, to consider at fighting for the faith.
I have yet to run across a single sermon where a pastor has ascended the pulpit or maybe, you know, took a seat behind the music stand on the stage and said, today, we're going to talk about why healing doesn't exist.
It's, it never happens. God doesn't heal. I, I've, I don't know that guy.
I've, I've never seen that. So I've never heard that sermon. So this is a straw man.
He, Todd is lying through his dreadlocks and his face. The, the, the, he's spinning a yarn here and, and misrepresenting those who would criticize him as being, oh, they, they preach against healing.
I don't preach against healing. In fact, when somebody in the congregations I serve is ill or sick,
I pray for their healing. And I've seen God miraculously answer prayer on behalf of those who are suffering physically in their bodies.
And so, uh, you know, I'm a firm believer in the miraculous, firm believer that God answers prayer and that God can heal if he so wills to.
So I don't know what he's talking about here. I can't, could you please point me out these pastors who preach against healing?
I don't know that guy. Like really mad. And when I share my testimony, they're like, wow, that's amazing.
So the Lord rescued you. And I'm like, he did. He saved me from all this stuff, from pornography, from drugs, from...
Can we get a little more juice on this, these monitors, please? Can you hear me now? Yeah. All right.
Let me rewind. So when I'm on, like specifically on planes and wherever I was, when
I worked, when I worked for the ice company, I, I, I was a full time missionary in America as soon as I got born again.
So I knew that Jesus wanted to use me to heal and wanted to, wanted me to pray for the sick. So I, I several times
I could just share testimonies, I guess, of a couple. I ran over to a car, there was a pastor.
He was from a denomination that didn't believe in healing. He actually preached against it. What's the name of that denomination?
Which denomination has as part of their official denominational doctrinal statements?
No healing today. Don't even pray to God and ask him to heal you. He ain't gonna do it.
I want to see that church body. I'm not familiar with any American or even international church body, but you were an ice man and you were a mission missionary to the
United States. Which denomination was this guy a part of that, that preached against healing and denied that, that God heals today?
I want to know what that guy is. You know, what, what, what is he?
Is he a Lutheran? Is he a Presbyterian? Is he a Methodist? What is he?
I'd like to know. What's his name, by the way? I, I'd like, you know, I'd like to know his name.
And it's gonna be important that we get his name because I'm sure Todd could find him really easily because as the story is gonna go, you're gonna see he apparently healed him.
He lengthened his legs. Yeah. Let me back this up just a smidge again. Listen again. Several times I could just share testimonies,
I guess, of a couple. I ran over to a car. There was a pastor. He was from a denomination that didn't believe in healing.
He actually preached against it his whole life. I was actually delivering ice. His whole life he preached against healing. I ran over and I put ice in his car to help him.
And he was like, thank you very much. And, and I shared my testimony with him because he told me he was a pastor. And I was like, man,
I said, well let me share what Jesus did for me. And I shared it with him. He's kind of looking me up and looking me down. And I could tell that there's maybe a little bit of my dreads aren't very comfortable for him just to start with.
And so, and that's okay. And, and I said to him, I said, man, I said, I noticed you limping when you came to your car.
Now when I told my testimony, he was really happy. But when I started to share about the miraculous, he was like, okay, we're pretty much done.
I said, well, wait a second. I said, you have a leg that's short, obviously. He said, I was born with polio.
Now, no, I want to point out something else. Note that in the setup for this account, apparently this is a historical narrative here, that it's in the setup that Todd White told us that he was from a denomination that he had preached against healing all of his life.
And so we know this information before he tells us anything about what happened.
But as he's telling the story, I'd like to know at what point Todd did this pastor tell you that he's preached against healing his entire life?
Yeah. And what denomination, again, is it that, that has an official statement against healing?
Let me back this up just again. Start to share about the miraculous. He was like, okay, we're pretty much done.
I said, well, wait a second. I said, you have a leg that's short, obviously. He said, I was born with polio.
I'm like, no way. So he's a head pastor of a, of a church in Harrisburg. And I said to him, I said, man,
I said, all right, head pastor of a church in Harrisburg. So we have a city born with polio, all his life preached against healing.
All right. So those of you, I mean, the internet always knows it. Who is this guy? I'd like to know who this pastor is in Harrisburg, who all of his life, he preached against healing and was born with polio.
I said, I would love to pray for you. He goes, man, I'm really good. I've been, you know, born this way. Look, God doesn't do that anymore.
I said, well, if he doesn't do it, then let me pray for you. He was born with polio. I thought polio was a disease that you got.
And then the impact it has on your physical body afterwards and in the wake of it is fairly devastating.
Born with polio. All right. Again, let me back this up in Harrisburg.
And I said to him, I said, man, I said, I would love to pray for you. He goes, man, I'm really good. I've been, you know, I've born this way.
Look, God doesn't do that anymore. I said, well, if he doesn't... God doesn't do that anymore. Really? Again, which denomination doesn't believe in praying to God and asking for healing because they officially state that God heals nobody today?
Who believes that? Was he a liberal who denies the miraculous?
Yeah, you think of like the modernist liberals, right? The modernist liberals who took over a lot of the mainline denominations.
They denied the miraculous, but that also included Jesus's virgin birth, his bodily resurrection from the grave.
You think of guys like John Shelby Spong, right? Guys like that.
And to say he was a head pastor wouldn't quite fit in the
Episcopalian way of talking. At least, yeah, I'm a little sketchy here. Who, which, what was his name?
I'd like to know who this guy is. ...and do it, then let me pray for you, because nothing will happen.
I'd love to pray for you. He goes, man, I'm really good. I've been, you know, I've born this way. Look, God doesn't do that anymore.
I said, well, if he doesn't do it, then let me pray for you, because nothing will happen. And he's like, well,
I don't care if you pray for me. So I said, all right. I said, well, I need to see your feet. So he had a three and a half inch short leg because polio made it really small, and he's hobbling.
All right, so now he's going to his standard miracle. Now, let's do a little bit of work here.
This is video from a trip to Israel that Todd White took, and this is a video released back in February of 2018.
So this is more than a year ago. And Todd White is going to perform his famous leg lengthening miracle trick.
And then we'll have Steve Cozart explain how this is done. But here's Todd White.
...so leave my back heel a bit to the right. Okay. Can I use this chair? You see his leg?
One is longer. Look. Come look. Oh, man. This kid doesn't even look like he was suffering from polio.
I mean, look at that. I mean, it's... Oh, man. That's a good inch and a half, two inches of separation there.
You see? You see? You see? You see one is longer.
Yes? You see? Watch. Yes, the right one's shorter.
This one's shorter. Watch. Oh, yeah. Shorter. Way shorter. In the name of Yeshua, right leg grow right now.
Oh, look at that. It's grow... No, it's not. It's not growing. This isn't a miracle. This is a false sign.
Pseudo semeyon. From the video, from the documentary,
The American Gospel, here we have my friend Steven Kosar explaining to us and demonstrating how
Todd performs his famous leg lengthening parlor trick. I mean, I'm pretty sure that if Todd White were to go on Penn &
Teller's Fool Us, he wouldn't be able to fool him. Yeah, like not at all. But here's
Steven Kosar from The American Gospel documentary. Now we're going to see Todd White's clip sped up quite a bit and looped back and forth.
Now this is where we can see what's really going on here. The leg on our right is supposed to be the short leg, and this is the leg which should be miraculously growing, but it's not.
Look at the leg on our left. That's where all the action is. That's what's actually being manipulated.
You can see that Todd is actually pivoting or shifting the foot of the so -called long leg so that the heels match.
Now, he's doing this very slowly over time, but it's painfully obvious when you speed up the clip. Yeah, that's right.
He's leg lengthening via heel manipulation, and that's exactly what
Todd White is doing here. He did that in Jerusalem as well. This is not a true sign.
This is not a sign great. Not at all. This is a false sign.
Coming back to what the Apostle Paul prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2,
Todd White is engaging in parlor trickery, claiming that he's performing miracles, and of course, what's really fascinating is all the stories he tells about entire denominations and lots and lots of pastors who
Sunday after Sunday preach against healing, which is a total bogus straw man.
Let me back this up a little bit and let him finish his story here. I don't care if you pray for me.
I said, all right. I said, well, I need to see your feet. We had a three and a half inch short leg because polio made it really small, and he's hobbling.
I said, well, man, I said, well, look, here's the deal, and I have his feet in my hands, and I said, if Jesus doesn't heal, then your leg's not going to grow, but if it grows, you've got to change everything.
He looked at me and goes, I ain't changing nothing. I go, okay, Jesus, I thank you for this leg growing out right now, and the muscles filled out in his leg, and his leg grew out three and a half inches.
So I was like, what are you going to do with that? Because he didn't believe. Go back and review the video and show how you just totally manipulated his foot slowly.
He was an unbelieving believer. He believed enough to get to heaven, but not enough for heaven to get into him. So I said to him, I said, what are you straw man going to do about that?
And he looked at me, and he goes, I don't know what I'm going to do. I said, well, could you get up and give me a hug? We start there. So he stood up, and he said,
I don't know. I said, can you walk? And he walked, and he goes, oh, my God. I said, that's right.
He's our God. He's Jehovah Rapha. Look what he just did for you. And he looked at me, and he goes, this doesn't happen.
I said, well, walk again, and just tell me it doesn't happen again. And he walked, and he goes, oh, my
God. What's the guy's name? We know he's from Harrisburg, and he preached his entire life against healing.
What was his name, Todd? What's the denomination again? Because, hang on a second here. You smell that?
Yeah, yeah. That smells like rotting fish. Yeah, that's some rotting fish right there.
Something's really fishy about this story, man. Oh, my God. I said, what are you going to tell your church, man?
He goes, oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Yeah, yeah, that's definitely rotting fish.
Really, so we hugged. I told him how much I loved him. He goes, man, do you have a business card? Do you have a card?
I'm like, I'm the ice man. I deliver ice, man. I love Jesus with all my heart.
So there you go. So Todd White, I mean, and that was just published. So, you know, he's doubling down.
Todd White has doubled down on his leg lengthening stick. And this is just a great example of what the
Apostle Paul prophesied in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. And that prophecy has to do with the fact that the coming of the lawless one will be preceded by false signs, false wonders, because the whole leg lengthening thing, that ain't a real miracle.
That's a false sign, false wonder. And Todd White is engaged in complete, utter lying obfuscation and a straw man.
And again, I'd like to know the name of this fellow who was born with polio, who preached his entire life against miracles and healing.
Again, I don't know that guy. I've never met him. So if you found this helpful, please share the video.
All the information on how to share it is down below in the description. And Fighting for the
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Faith. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.