

Do you know what the word intinction means? And why is Pastor Mike talking about it? You'll have to tune in to find out!


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "...but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you."
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the
Divine Trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth.
Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, "...but
we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you." In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. If you're listening here in the Worcester area, then you always hear
Todd Friel's promo before Todd Friel and Wretched Radio, sponsoring No Compromise Radio ministry.
That's pretty exciting. I did get an email the other day, and they said that they heard about No Compromise via Wretched Radio, and then they said, don't tell
Todd, but we listen to No Compromise more than we listen to Wretched now. So, shh, don't tell
Todd. I got a text from Todd the other day, some Thanksgiving text, and he texted
Phil Johnson, Ray Comfort, me, and some other phone numbers I didn't know, but I was happy to be included in that group, very happy with the
Uber megastars. Well, I did appreciate the other day written by Chris Roseborough.
I emailed him, by the way, on the Pirate Radio deal and asked him if he wanted to be on No Compromise Radio, and you know what he said?
He didn't respond. No Compromise what? Is that a book about Keith Green?
What's going on? The new PIRA survey reveals real reasons the unchurched don't attend church.
So, maybe you have the approach that Rick Warren had many years ago, let's walk around a super rich neighborhood and ask people what they don't like about church.
What was his spiel again? It was a very sad spiel for a Christian man to do, an alleged
Christian man. He asked them if they go to any church, synagogue, mosque, or religious gathering.
If they said yes, he said, stay with it, God bless you. He went to the next door.
But anyway, you think that'd be the right approach? Right reproach? Reproach them all. So, what do we do with the unchurched people?
Take a survey and see what they want for church and then invite them? I guess I could ask it this way.
Would unbelievers really like the church meeting, worship service that you attend? Do they feel at home?
Would they really enjoy it? Should you change a few things so that they would enjoy it?
After all, don't you want unbelievers to come to church? No, come on. So, you see this line of thinking.
Well, Chris wrote an article that I have in front of me. And it says, a newly released
PIRA survey, P -I -R -A. Know what PIRA stands for? I'll tell you in a minute.
Of the biblical texts reveals the real reasons why the unchurched do not attend church and the results are sending shockwaves through the seeker -driven and missional camps.
From now on, instead of saying missional, I'm always going to say missional. Allegedly.
Hey, haters. I think I've said it before, but you've got to pull up the Steve Furtick Hey Haters parody video.
Go to YouTube. Type in Steve Furtick Hey Haters parody. You are going to laugh.
Hey, haters. Hey, haters. Chris Rosenborough, lead researcher for PIRA, the organization responsible for this biblical survey said, quote, for decades, the conventional wisdom in the broader church growth and missional movements has told us that the reason why unchurched people don't attend church is because they think church is boring and irrelevant.
Although true, the conventional wisdom has not been able to satisfactorily explain why unchurched people feel that way.
Our survey of the biblical text strove to dig down and uncover the real reasons why our pagan, non -Christian friends and neighbors feel that way about church.
What we discovered was shocking. And its implications regarding the newly adopted church methodologies and seeker -sensitive driven churches will challenge the core assumptions of the entire church growth history industry.
PIRA survey reveals that non -Christians, contrary to the assumptions of church growth consultants, are not basically good people who would love to attend church and worship
God if only their pop culture tastes and preferences were employed in church.
Instead, the survey reveals that the unchurched abhor and hate
God. They're dead in trespasses and sins. They do not seek God.
They love the darkness and sin and hate the light. And their continual, continual, that was a
Nebraska slip up there, continual, Missouri, continual, Rot Red, Rot Ted, Red Ted, continual intentions and thoughts are only evil, and I would add, in light of Genesis 6, continually.
Please consult the chart below. Click on the chart to enlarge it. Said Rosenborough, the results of this biblical survey make it undeniably clear that the only way you could make church relevant to a non -Christian would be to give them what they want, i .e.,
sin, idolatry, false doctrine, fleshly delights, and worldly entertainment.
Boy, that is classic. But when you bring those things into the church, then your church ceases to be a church and just becomes a popular entertainment venue with a thin Christian -ish veneer.
Shellacked on there, might I add. And since unbelievers hate God, they'll leave us as soon as you try to confront them with their sins or try to make
Jesus and Him crucified the true center of the church service. The reason for this is that the unchurched don't want to have anything to do with the one true
God. They hate Him and the cross is foolishness to them. I guess that's why regeneration is so important.
Because if you haven't been born again, then there is no way you're going to think that church is relevant.
Well, PIRA, of course, is short for what? P -I -R -A -T -E, because he has pirate radio.
Well, the point is clear by Chris that we struggle all too often in evangelical churches to bend over backwards for the unchurched.
I hate that term, by the way. I even hate kind of a non -Christian terminology. Maybe you say unbelievers, maybe you say abhors.
I don't know, what's a better word? I think unbelievers is maybe a better word. Non -Christians. You're saying I'm a non -Muslim.
What are you? Oh, I'm a non -Hindu. Just not that big a deal, but at least today
I don't prefer it. If you go back and do a statistical analysis on all the No Compromise radio shows, maybe you could find something.
Coming up, we're going to have 1 ,000 shows and 1 ,000 times 24 is what? 24 and a half minutes of me talking times 1 ,000.
How many days total does that make me talk? Actually, sometimes it seems like a lot of days as I sit here in the beautiful downtown
Burbank studios for No Compromise radio. He has a bunch of Bible verses listed here, does
Chris. It says Romans 5, 12, and 19, by one man's disobedient the many were made sinners.
As I referred to Genesis 6 earlier, the Lord saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil, what?
Continually. Genesis 8, 21, the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth. Psalm 51,
I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin. My mother did conceive me and the list goes on and on.
Jeremiah 17, the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick. Who can understand it?
Jesus said in Matthew 15, what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart and this defiles a person for out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.
So I could read you a lot of verses, but I don't really need to. The point is well made by Chris that we in a society today, especially our
Christian churches, are obsessed with trying to get unbelievers in the church when we should actually go out and preach the gospel to unbelievers and when
God has his elect unregenerate come to faith by monergistic salvation, when
God makes a sinner to be born again, to use 1 Peter 1 language, when he causes them to be born again.
Then they will like what they used to hate and hate what they used to like and then you can invite them.
Unbelievers don't worship, they blaspheme, and so should you be nice to unbelievers? Could you invite them to a service, especially maybe
Easter time and Christmas time when most likely pastors will make their messages more evangelistic?
That's about the only times I really do that unless there's a national catastrophe or a 9 -11 kind of deal that went on.
Most of the time I'm preaching to the church, and if unbelievers are there, I make appeals.
This last Sunday, just before the benediction, I addressed anyone in the audience, anyone in the congregation sitting there, any goat amongst the sheaves, sheeps rather, the sheeps.
What's the plural for sheep? Sheep. Any people among, any goats among the sheep?
Sheeps. See, that is why if we had so much more money coming into No Compromise Radio, that we could fix all these problems that I cause.
We could have special websites and ways to give and, well,
I guess that's not going to work either. Actually, what we could do though, I still think we should do this. Ted doesn't agree with me.
We should have a special No Compromise extra deal that if you give money and you're a special in the
Missouri club, then you get 24 more minutes of me every week in my pontificating mood.
All right, well, I want to talk about something today that is really kind of kooky, and it's intinction.
I'm not making this up. Intinction. I've never heard of intinction in my life.
It shows you I don't get out much. The extinction of intinction. What is intinction?
Now, maybe you grew up, like I did, in a liberal Lutheran church in the Midwest. ELC, LCA, ELCA.
What does it matter? What's in an acronym? Maybe now you attend a
Baptistic -oriented memorial service Lord's Supper. Or maybe you do know what intinction is because you're in the
PCA. Actually, June 28, 2012, Bobby Griffin writes an article on Vintage 73 website, which is a blog website talking about the
PCA, the Presbyterian Church in America. And he says, in the lead article on this page, at least it's lead, the
PCA and intinction. Perhaps a different conversation is in order. This is a follow -up to a recent blog post.
Could intinction actually be a benefit? Now, I have some
PCA friends. Even though Carl Truman makes fun of their khakis and how their associate pastors dress, if Lincoln Duncan was here,
I wouldn't probably make fun of him. Especially if he was with his rapping brother. Quite a dynamic duo.
I'd need my brother. By the way, if you'd like to listen to more Abendroth preaching, you can go to omahabiblechurch .org
and listen to Pat Abendroth, my brother, preach. He's going to be on No Compromise Radio soon enough. Patrick Abendroth, who's also been bitten by the bicycling, road biking, of course, the bicycling bug.
And Pat will be seen soon on his new carbon fiber bike. Carbon fiber.
Well, intinction. What is intinction? I guess we should probably talk about that first.
It actually is a theological term that the Master's Seminary did not teach me. Southern Seminary, the
Southern Seminary, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary did not teach me. And they haven't taught me this at radio school either.
So it means dipping the host. Actually, if you want to be technical, dipping a consecrated host into not just wine, not just grape juice, but consecrated wine.
And if you'd like the technical definition, if I can remember it, I had it printed out, but it didn't come forward in my printout.
Dipping a consecrated host into consecrated wine before the communicant consumes it.
I don't have it written down, but I think that's it. So what do you do?
What do you do? You say, well, I'm not going to have the bread and the cup, the bread and the wine, bread and grape juice.
I think Westminster Confession says wine. So you dip it.
And it's interesting. I did find in my research here with the crack staff, in the Russian tradition, the wine is placed,
I think they use a spoon, by the way. It's a consecrated spoon with the consecrated bread into the consecrated chalice with the consecrated wine before the unconsecrated person consumes it at the hands of the unconsecrated priest.
In the Russian tradition, the wine is placed so that it traces out a, so you've got a little piece of bread and they've got this special spoon.
Actually, it's not just the Russians who have the special spoon. Lots of Eastern Orthodox folks practice this.
And so you have your divine liturgy. It's Sunday. You're going to get it. You take the little spoon out.
And then what do you do with the spoon, do you think? Well, you trace out a cross.
So you dabble, excuse me, you sprinkle. That'd be a good word for this language.
But you take the spoon, you dip it into the chalice, and then you slowly dabble off, pour off, dump off, immerse off, some of the wine onto the host in such a way you can make a little cross.
I don't know if it's a T in my imagination. It's like a cross, like an X sideways, close to sideways.
So intinction, there you know. What's so funny about peace, love and intinction as Elvis Costello used to say.
Where's Steve when I need him? The battle over intinction. You know what? There's worship wars, contemporary music, and now the deception of intinction.
So I just thought that you'd find that interesting. We can even make intinction an interesting topic. Last week, this was back in June 28th, back to that article on Vintage 73
PCA, by a margin of 14 votes, the 40th General Assembly, sounds important and impressive, voted to send a proposed amendment to BCO 58.
See, I can't get this. It's V73 for Vintage 73, BCO 58. That's a cool thing to say now.
If you've got a youth group, 180, 360. That wouldn't be as cool.
I want to call something 90. NoCo 90, where we have sharp edges present.
The sharp edges of the gospel still present and accounted for. NoCo 90.
That's the new thing. Make me some t -shirt. We need some new t -shirts. Josh, where are the t -shirts? We had some people visit the other day from the
Coast Guard in Arlington, Virginia. I think his name is Mike. Mike the Road Biker. Welcome.
I can't remember the other guy's name. He wasn't a biker, so it didn't bother me. It didn't register. He said, where's some t -shirts?
I don't even forgot where our t -shirts were. We need some new t -shirts. NoCo 90, where the sharp edges of the gospel still exist.
See, now you know why I'm not in marketing. Tracy not a cross.
Actually, when I was in the Lutheran Church, Lutheran, back in Nebraska, Swedish version of the
Lutheran Church, then we had some wine. But when you had the wine after the pastor gave you the bread, but see, it was pre -made, and it was more of a wafer.
It was a wafer. And the wafer had, I think, a cross embossed on it.
The way it was pressed, it was some breadish thing. And you'd put it in your mouth, and it would stick.
Does this ever happen to you? It would stick to the roof of your mouth. And so then when you'd have the wine, it was actually real wine.
Then it would form this interesting collage on the roof of your mouth.
So, I don't know, maybe they got the idea from the Russian intinction found back in the
Eastern Orthodox Church dating back to Eucharistic theologies contrasted.
Well, I'm watching right now a picture of intinction in Helsinki, Finland.
There's a lady giving another lady some open -air intinction. Intinction. I thought that was intinction that was extinct.
So, anyway, back to the vote here for the PCA. Opposed, proposed amendment to BCO 58.
Boy, we took a long rabbit trail on that one. To the Presbyteries, that will effectively ban the practice of intinction.
See how behind I am as a Baptist? The church plant I serve does not practice intinction. So says
Bobby Griffith. He's a good football player. But I am not opposed to it. I do believe the practice should be allowed because I believe it to be a diaphora.
I realize there are differing opinions and fears, but I think the bigger conversation is to be had that addresses other widespread practices rather than targeting 20 or 30 churches affecting our military chaplains and senior ministries.
Do people in the military do that? Navy SEALs, do they do intinctions? I thought that was extractions.
I'm not writing this to change the hearts and minds, but to offer a few thoughts from last week's debate. So, you say intinction.
I say extinction. You say Latin rights. Actually, I did find out too in my research that this is one of the four ways approved in the
Latin right of the Roman Catholic Church for administering Holy Communion under the form of wine as well as bread.
Quote from the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. That's not M -A -S -S -L -E.
This is M -I -S -S -A -L, page 245. I quote,
The norms of the Roman Missal admit the principle that in cases where communion is administered under both kinds, the blood of the
Lord may be received either by drinking from the chalice directly or by intinction or by means of a tube or a spoon.
End quote. Now, if you're going to have the
Mass delivered by intinction through maybe some straw -like device, you can almost picture a pixie stick.
But instead of sugar, it has intincted materials with bread that has the wine on it.
Then you're just going to have to pass that by me. I'm not going to have any intinction. I'm pretty much dead set against intinction.
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, page 285B and page 287, see usccb .org
for this information. It says, if this modality is employed, okay, tubes or spoons, then hosts, we're not talking about radio hosts here, we're not talking about Tuesday guy, hosts, see why do we call them elements at Bethlehem Bible Church?
Because they are elements, the bread and the juice, the bread and the wine. If you call them hosts, then if you think of sci -fi movies or something, then you think of alien inside a person, that person is hosting that other one.
Sorry, that's what I think of when I think of hosts. But it's containing something. These are containers that contain the blood and body of Jesus.
You're probably not going to think this is too funny, but the other day we were cleaning up after a
Lord's Supper Sunday morning worship service, and some of the kids, thankfully, were helping clean up, and one of them picked up the bread plate.
It looks like an offering plate, but it has the bread that we use to remind ourselves what the Lord Jesus did in our place as a man, more than man, yes, but as a man, as our representative.
They dropped it and they spilled the bread all over the floor. I looked over at them. At first, I looked around to make sure we didn't have any guests, because I didn't want to unduly offend.
What I just said, now, kids, aren't you glad you're not Roman Catholic? What if you spilled the juice?
What if you spilled the wine? What if you spilled the intinctions? Then what do you do?
Well, you probably have to look up the Catholic Missal, page 5 ,000 or whatever the thing is, to tell you what to do if you drop the
Lord on the ground. That's why we don't call them hosts. Well, that's not the main reason, but that's one of the reasons.
This says, hosts should be used, back to the general instruction of the Roman Missal, should be used which are neither too thin nor too small, and the communicant should receive the sacrament from the priest only on the tongue.
What does that mean? I guess you stick your tongue out. Where else would you put it? Seems like a fine question for me to ask as a radio host who doesn't think intinctions, the best way to celebrate the cup and the bread.
Some actual paedo -communion folks, that is giving communion to babies, they like to take a little bit of the bread and dip it into the wine, then the baby doesn't choke on the bread.
It just dissolves into the baby's mouth, and then it helps him sleep in the afternoon. So see,
I guess there's pragmatism, even in Moscow, Idaho. Well, enough today of that.
My name is Mike Gabendroth. This is No Compromise Radio. Today we've talked about two things. We've talked about intinction, and we've also talked about why people don't like to go to churches if they're not
Christians, if they're unbelievers, if they're pagans, because they want things that tickle their flesh.
I'd like it if people came to Bethlehem Bible Church and said something like this. There's nothing like this in the world.
This is not like the world at all. That's exactly what I want, because I want them to understand the holiness of God, and I want his integrity to be lifted up, and I want people to know what he requires because of who he is and what his law is like, and how
Jesus is the only one that can be a mediator, can be an advocate, can be the propitiatory offering, and high priest as well, and that he was raised from the dead, and people need to turn to him through faith and repentance.
My name is Mike Gabendroth. No Intinction Allowed at No Compromise Radio at NOCO90. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbcchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff, or management.