What is the Atonement of Jesus Christ?

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Pastor Wade Orsini and Deacon Andrew Soncrant of Apologia Church Utah get into a powerful conversation with two young LDS people. The question being covered is What is the Atonement of Jesus Christ? Watch this video to find out!


So what do you think the gospel is from my point of view? Kind of like from Mark, Matthew, and the
New Testament stuff, I don't know. Yeah, so let's think about it this way. So when Jesus died on the cross, what happened to him?
He was dead. The apostles kind of didn't know what to do for a while, and then they decided to go spread the good news after, after he told them to.
Gotcha. Okay, so I mean, when Jesus, like, why did he die, essentially, is what I'm asking. Well, part of his atonement, you've heard that word,
I'm sure. Yeah, yeah, what do you think that is? So it's, you know, it's made up of three parts.
Of him, the person, suffering for his sins. Okay. Okay. Dying on the cross, and overcoming death.
So the atonement, in short, is a gift from our
Father in heaven for the redemption of our sons and daughters. For the redemption of our souls. Do you know what the word redemption means, and like, what occurs with redemption?
Like, what's the, what does it mean to redeem something? Well, you can redeem a gift card. Paid for.
It's been paid for. It's good. So that's, that's exactly it. So it's, it's like you're in a debt, in a sense, as well, and you've been redeemed from that debt.
So the payments that Jesus made on the cross for my sins is enough. Okay. Do you believe that?
Um. In what sense do you mean? Right. Perfect. Great question,
Jared. So what that means is exactly what Jesus said on the cross. He said, Tetelestai. He said, it is finished.
So when Jesus died on the cross for my sins, my sins were placed on him, and me believing in him, in faith,
I'm accredited righteousness. So I'm literally redeemed from the pit, right?
To have the right relationship with God. Yeah. By the work of Christ in Christ alone. Nothing that I can do.
Yeah. Solely through the work of Christ in redemption. Do you believe that? Well, I do believe that we were redeemed and that we've been paid for already.
And I believe that there's nothing I can do in my short life to make up for what you paid for me.
I personally believe that. But I also know that everything
I do isn't to kind of fill a debt, fill the hole that I dug for myself, for all my sins. I think what
I do is just out of respect for what he was willing to do for me. And so by living righteously for as long as I can, it helps me to not repay something that's been paid for, but just show my gratitude for what's been paid for.
Interesting. So do you know the third article of faith? No, I don't.
So do we believe that all mankind may be saved right through the atonement of Jesus Christ, through the obedience to the gospel?
So do you have to obey the gospel ordinances and principles in order to get to the highest level of heaven?
I don't think that, I think, I don't believe that when we're going to be judged, it'll be about all our actions.
I mean, sure, those help. I think it'll be about where my heart is, how much I appreciate and love my father in heaven,
Jesus Christ. I think that certainly living the gospel principles helps me do that.
Okay. It prevents me from a lot more heartache and sorrow than not doing so would. And so in that sense, it definitely does save me a lot of misery and save me trouble in this life.
Okay. And so in that article of faith, I definitely do believe that. Okay, let me put it in perspective a little bit too, in terms of our salvation.
When I hear the article of faith number three, I think of things like this, that in order to be saved, not according to the
Bible, but according to LDS theology, and correct me if I'm wrong, you must be baptized. And someone must lay hands in proxy for you if you never believed here, but then end up believing, let's say, in spirit.
Can I add one clarification too? We're also saying not necessarily what will manifest in your life after a changed heart, after the
Lord Jesus has saved you. We get that there's a transformation. There is fruit of what the
Lord has done. But what we're trying to fundamentally hit at is a word in the
New Testament that is justification. Meaning, how are we made right with the living
God? What saves us? What exactly saves us?
Not exactly what manifests afterwards. Because I think we would both agree that if the
Lord Jesus has saved you, you're going to look a little different, right? You're going to be changed. But just to clarify what my brother's asking, you know, theologically, biblically, what has to occur for someone to be saved?
And so I thought I'd just clarify. That's kind of why I was asking the question in terms of the baptism. In order to get to heaven, someone has to be baptized.
That's a work, right? That adds on to what Jesus has already done for us.
So I can give you an example. In the book of Galatians, have you guys ever read Galatians? I have. I'd say read it again.
It's really good. Paul is warning the church in Galatia of a dangerous heresy that's being committed there.
There's these people called the Judaizers, all right? And they were telling people that were Gentiles, in order to come to Christ, you first must be circumcised.
And so Paul says this. He says, if you believe that, he says, if you believe that, you might as well cut your whole member off.
He straight says that. It's really a strong language in the Bible. But the point that's being made that Paul even says, he says, if you're trying to add works onto salvation that Christ has already given, right?
He says that the death of Christ is of no effect. Fallen from grace. Fallen from grace.
Just circumcision. So one of my worries in terms of the gospel is the gospel ordinances and principles.
Like for all my 1032, love the Lord with all your might, mind, and strength. And then God's grace is sufficient for you.
But the Bible says the opposite. It says by grace you have been saved through faith. It is a gift of God, not of yourselves.
Not a result of works. Not a result of works. Lest any man should boast, right? But you want to know where I think the gospel ordinances and principles comes from?
I think it comes from getting a different Jesus, a Jesus that can't save. Because even
Paul warns, he says, even if an angel comes down from you, but preaches to you a gospel that's contrary to the one that you've been taught, let them be at first.
My burden for you guys, Jared and Julia, is that you have been taught a gospel that is contrary to scripture.
Not only that, you've also been taught a Jesus that is contrary to the scriptures. Have you ever read
John chapter 1? I have. Yeah. Do you agree with what it says in John chapter 1? Well, there's a lot in John chapter 1.
I don't know what you're asking me. So yeah, right at the beginning. I definitely, I've come to appreciate the gospel the way
I was taught and the way that I live it now or try to anyway. And I really do appreciate you talking to us today.
I think that's a perspective I needed to hear. But I do really believe what
I believe right now. So maybe my mind will change when I read this and get to talk to you guys again.
Let me leave you with one thing before you go, Jared, okay? In John chapter 1, it says, in the beginning was the Word and the
Word was with God and the Word was God. All things were created through Him.
There was nothing that came into being unless it was created through Jesus. That means Jesus is the creator of Lucifer, not the spirit brother of Lucifer.
That He made things, all things visible and invisible. Like it says in Colossians 115, you can look it up.
That He is eternal. That as far back as you can go, He has already been there. That He was in fellowship with the
Father as far back as you can go. He was with Him, intimate relationship, and He was God.
He was not a spirit creature, created being. Because if you get the wrong Jesus, you're going to also end up with the wrong gospel, and you're not going to actually have an atonement for your sins, all right?
Test your prophets to Scripture. Go to Scripture and see what it says. Read Galatians 1. Read John chapter 1.
Yeah, we don't want to tear down what faith you possess, but we want you to take that faith and put it into truth.
And like you said, we're concerned you've been taught falsehood, and we want you to know the living
God through the living in Holy Scriptures. So, all right. Thank you, Jared. Yeah, appreciate your time.