Provoked: Evangelism - The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly (Fixed Audio)
In this episode Zack and Desi review videos of different evangelists, and discuss what's biblical and what isn't.
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- 00:00
- All right, there's our first exam. It's about four minutes a little bit too long That is the hell -shaking street preachers of Oregon on the front maybe my hands sweat
- 00:13
- So, what is your Wowzer it's just it's hard because You know, we're in a culture where people don't want to say anything about hell, you know
- 00:26
- Don't offend don't tell people about the reality of hell and so you're you have one side
- 00:32
- This is like way over here and then you have that which is obviously way on the other side of the ditch so it's like I I can appreciate them warning of the dangers and reality of hell, but clearly it's not coming from a place of love and humility
- 00:48
- Sure. So yeah, because here's the thing I've actually listened to a lot of these guys over the years and they do have some truth to what they're saying but it's just It's just this adversarial
- 01:02
- You know, you'll see it more in a couple more of these videos, but it's like a quarreling adversarial posture right to where guy gets up in the face and their nose to nose just screaming back and forth right and it's like You know the scriptures say even though Jesus was reviled.
- 01:18
- He didn't revile in return So, I mean look at a couple of these scriptures. I have to relate with this type of evangelism
- 01:28
- That's what makes it insidious just like a lot of a lot of things it's you know little truth mixed with Untruth.
- 01:37
- Yeah, exactly. And so what do you you what you did is you described like a balance beam, right?
- 01:42
- You said, you know, there's this on this side. You got people who will not say the hard truth, right? You know, they won't bring up the law of God the reality of hell the holiness of God So it's all really
- 01:53
- Jesus loves you. Jesus loves you God just wants to make all of your wildest dreams come true genie -in -a -bottle type of description, right?
- 02:00
- And then over here you have just fire in brimstone. No grace here It's just flat -out not walking with people through it an extremely adversarial combative type of like cramming the truth into you
- 02:15
- So where you see your Christology helps fix everything in your
- 02:20
- Christian life Evangelism and everything else your Christology is your understanding of Jesus John says he came in grace and truth
- 02:28
- So Jesus is the fullness of grace and truth. It's the perfect balance of This loving graciousness as patience as kind heartedness to those you're talking with and this uncompromising truth which
- 02:41
- I see in Bobby which I see in Jeff which I see in Conover and Zach and And so many other guys, it's this balance of firmness
- 02:50
- Like I'm not gonna capitulate and compromise the truth, but I'm also gonna communicate to you Communicate it to you slowly and in love, right?
- 02:58
- That's what we're going for but when it comes to these guys because I've actually talked to these guys in line and Saying guys, how do you handle second
- 03:05
- Timothy 2 24 and the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome But kind to everyone able to teach patiently enduring evil
- 03:15
- Correcting his opponents with gentleness. Yeah Yeah that God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth and they be come to their senses and escape from the
- 03:25
- Snare of the devil after being captured by him to do as well I think we want the lost to come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil.
- 03:32
- So intertwined with God's gifting repentance to people It's it's immediately connected with how we
- 03:41
- Share the truth you see that it's his sovereign will to grant repentance to a lost person is
- 03:48
- Coupled with how we go about communicating the truth, which is saying you can't quarrel You have to be kind you have to teach you have to endure evil not go face to face
- 04:00
- So one big thing that you see with these guys is this escalation of a conflict?
- 04:06
- So as we're teaching good good qualities of an evangelist bad qualities of evangelist when you
- 04:12
- Receiving hostility, which you will Jesus says if they hated me, they're gonna hate you if they persecuted me
- 04:17
- They're gonna persecute you and he said they hate me because I tell them that their deeds are evil Which in the gospel message is the exposition of sin.
- 04:24
- We're exposing people sin, right? You can expect adversity, especially in front of the mill But you are not to escalate that to you know
- 04:32
- To where you're screaming back at somebody and they just want to tear your heart out now They're gonna tear maybe somebody wants to tear your heart out and you you're being
- 04:40
- Calm and kind and gentle and they still want to do it that happens Yeah, but we as evangelists shouldn't escalate that poor fire on the gas of their anger, right?
- 04:49
- Which these guys are doing like pointing them out, you know, he even got physical with the guy Pushed him away.
- 04:55
- We can't we can't do that. Yeah, we're not allowed to do that Yeah, Colossians 312 therefore as God's chosen people holy and dearly loved clothe yourselves with compassion
- 05:05
- Kindness humility gentleness and patience. So your clothing is what people see right? So in evangelism, they have to see this these different characteristics of Christ really
- 05:15
- Meshing well with in fleshing out in the way that you go about Handling these things.
- 05:21
- Yeah, and it's just really being led by the Spirit and Asking God for strength in that area because it's just in our nature to want to defend ourselves to want to be right especially when somebody's attacking you saying
- 05:35
- Slanderous things or lying or you know getting in your face like these guys were getting in their face. It's just Natural, I think to want to return it's natural, but it's just really asking
- 05:46
- God Please give me the spirit of self -control and gentleness and patience, right?
- 05:51
- You know exactly and I think God has works through that to grant salvation like second
- 05:57
- Timothy says so You know, it's hard to say something like okay if you don't do this then
- 06:03
- God's not gonna grant salvation I don't think I would say that because God can use what a bent read to strike a straight blow
- 06:10
- Yeah, which he does with us. I talked to somebody out at the mill and he's like, man I just wish I would have said this he was sharing the gospel.
- 06:16
- I'm like, well, no It's really God uses the power of the message not the messenger that's right. Yeah Paul says
- 06:22
- I come to you with fear and troubling Yeah, thank God. Thank God. He does so we can't expect perfect. A lot of people do that I'm not gonna share the faith because they're just their standards or perfectionism.
- 06:32
- I have to not be afraid I have to be able to communicate perfectly and therefore if I don't do that I'm not gonna be able to share my faith right you have to discard that and know that Failure and evangelism as Tony Miano says is failure to evangelize ultimately, you know, we fail when we don't do it
- 06:49
- But when even if we do it in an insufficient way And of course we want to mature in this God is using that to save people, right?
- 06:56
- I think the enemies like mo2 is to want to shut us up like even with what we were talking about before just adversity
- 07:04
- Every time I go through any type of adversity, it's like, okay let's let's pull away from sharing the gospel or doing what
- 07:11
- God has called me to do in my life and being faithful and you know and and also in this what you're talking about of like Perfectionism and going okay.
- 07:20
- I can't communicate because if somebody asked me about Levitical Code, I'm gonna I don't know what to say to that You know, it's like no you can understand you can if you can communicate a basic gospel message
- 07:32
- Then you can share the gospel but what the enemy does want to do to us every single day is to somehow Shut us up.
- 07:38
- Exactly. Get us to not speak to be Unsure of ourselves or to be not confident or to be burdened by other things that we go
- 07:48
- No, we're gonna we're gonna put seeking the kingdom of God aside for today. Yeah, it's good Okay, number two.
- 07:54
- This one's got some language. I don't know if we're gonna bleep this stuff out So you may want to turn this down a little bit or push pause if you're in the car with your kids
- 08:05
- Well, you're not parents anymore Just flush it out go whore around do whatever you want to do live your sexually immoral lifestyle
- 08:12
- And then just get rid of the baby. Oh, I don't want it anymore It's gonna cramp my style shame on you and you you're a little boy.
- 08:21
- It's time you grow up and be a real man That's right Little wimp little half a homo
- 08:28
- Shame on you. You pathetic piece of trash. Oh wait till you stand before God Who are you to preach anyway, buddy, you're a worthless wimp, that's what you are worthless
- 08:44
- You wouldn't make a good father Anyway, what were you doing? You should have kept it in your pants if you couldn't deal with the consequences of having sex
- 08:54
- What did you think would happen? You're worthless. You're a piece of trash and God's gonna deal with you.
- 09:00
- That's right He hates hands that shed innocent blood. You're a worthless coward and God's gonna take care of you, buddy
- 09:07
- He's got to take care of you. Oh, yeah, you are ashamed cuz you're guilty of murder I ought to make a citizen's arrest right now on you
- 09:19
- No, this isn't making a mistake this is being a whore and then saying oh
- 09:26
- I don't want to deal with having a child Flush it out So murder is always the best option right according to you
- 09:37
- I think you're sick you're twisted you're on drugs right now You have lost your mind
- 09:44
- You've lost your mind I'm yelling at an abortion clinic
- 09:54
- You're talking to me right now So now I'm gonna have to talk to you and call you wicked
- 10:05
- Maybe you shouldn't live next to a murder mill So that's not in front of me
- 10:21
- Makes me sad. Yeah, so the thing is though is people will listen to that and say man.
- 10:27
- He's saying a lot of truth He's saying a lot of truth. They're using the word coward, right? so we do use the word coward and people whenever we use that and so many people have come up to me when they've
- 10:39
- Been with me at the mill. They're like dude. I heard you call him a coward Mm -hmm and so we've explained this before on the show, but we use coward because it's a biblical definition of a person and Revelation talks about cowards are at the top of the list of those that God is going to judge pretty severely, right?
- 10:55
- So we want him to know how God sees him before he stands before God really because a coward is somebody who fails to be a man men at the very basic Our basic duties is to love women and children and protect them, right?
- 11:12
- We're to be protectors So this goes completely against the grain of who you are as a man. It's anti man or Antithetical to God's description of a man, which is you would support those who kill babies and hurt women
- 11:25
- That's what abortion does or you would actually pay somebody to kill your own child So it's the coward is definitely a good word to you.
- 11:33
- Yeah. Yeah, it's not even our choice That's what God says, but let's admit he's he's calling people worthless pieces of trash whores half of homos
- 11:41
- What does even that mean? I don't even know what that means But it's like attacking in and just being vicious.
- 11:49
- Yeah, and I would call that judging Yeah, I would call it. Yeah, right come to us all the time and say
- 11:55
- Yeah, well, Jesus says you to make a right judgment Matthew chapter 7 verse 1
- 12:01
- When Jesus says judge, let's not you be judged. He's talking about self -righteous judging
- 12:06
- That's what the context we've talked about on the show before I'm getting it too much It's a self -righteous standard of judgment now that is definitely judging, right?
- 12:14
- Because he is just calling him whores and all sorts of things He's making a judge it not based upon what the scriptures say, right but just based upon his own evaluation, right?
- 12:23
- Now we're to make judgments based upon biblical foundations biblical principles That's what drives what
- 12:28
- Jesus said is a good judgment. So that's it's like again this adversarial Attacking type of spirit.
- 12:35
- You don't see so There's a lot of truth in that but you don't see the balance of grace radical grace
- 12:41
- Jesus came in grace and truth. You don't see him like hey, let's walk you through this.
- 12:46
- Let's Let's say we care about you right here about the baby. Let's talk to these two young ladies in a way to where you're explaining what you're doing out there with a calmness in like a
- 12:57
- You know, it's just an overall combative spirit and they will say in response. I'll say well God's a warrior
- 13:02
- I need to be a warrior. Well, I believe you need to be a warrior, right? I mean I do you need to be a God defines us as like soldiers farmers and athletes strong people who are you know you know forthright and Able, but you can't just take one
- 13:18
- Aspect in like a race everything else. Yeah, it has to marry together So we're to be warriors way to be soldiers, but that doesn't mean that we can just quarrel, right?
- 13:27
- I mean, can you even imagine somebody listening to that and say they were? Convicted like just having that like aggressive spirit.
- 13:34
- Like I just don't see anybody being like you're right It hard yeah, maybe that could happen maybe
- 13:42
- I mean I believe obviously God can save anybody through the gospel message if they're out there sharing the gospel
- 13:47
- Like you said he can take a crooked stick and you know, yeah, I hit a straight blow
- 13:52
- But it's like I just I don't see that in the scriptures I don't see the disciples doing that or Jesus obviously not it's like This is just not the biblical model.
- 14:04
- It's not in it, but it feels good, right? It feels good I mean, you're angry you're angry and you're so mad at the situation and these people are killing
- 14:13
- Babies, they're babies and if it is so not natural and normal to do this type of stuff, which I have not on that level
- 14:19
- Thank God, but I have become angry and said things that I shouldn't have said and that's the easy That's the fleshly response.
- 14:26
- Jesus is talking about the scriptures of spiritual response Not a fleshly reaction right to something and that that's what he's doing
- 14:32
- He's feeding his flesh, but you're not hearing about Christ or the gospel. You're just healing hearing about the
- 14:38
- Singular component of God's justice, right? That's an essential component, which we preach
- 14:43
- Yeah but you have to include all the other components of the gospel and Love the love of their soul and their eternal destiny, you know, yeah speaking the truth and love
- 14:53
- It's just it is not happening there whatsoever. And so Comfort Ray comfort says grace to the humble law to the proud
- 15:01
- So there are times when you like say when somebody's coming up to the abortion clinic, you're you're reaching out in grace
- 15:08
- Hey, let's have a conversation. We care about you and your baby. This is gonna hurt you. What do you need? We have everything all the resources that you would need.
- 15:15
- It's grace grace grace, then they harden their heart But here's the thing. We don't use our like like viciousness
- 15:21
- It's not viciousness to the proud it's law to the proud right so now comes in the components of hey
- 15:27
- You're gonna stand before God on the day of your judgment. You're gonna give an account for this You see it's not it's the it's the information of the law that breaks the hard heart, right?
- 15:37
- Not this vicious guy and his adversarial spirit like pounding that into them Yeah, it's just it stinks too because there's just in comparison to all the people that are
- 15:48
- Proclaiming Christians the amount of people that actually go out and do public evangelism is like Infantile, you know, it's so little and so you get guys like this and even within the street preaching community
- 16:01
- They're even less of a percentage, but they're the character that people when you say
- 16:06
- I do evangelism They're like you're stereotype. You're the guy that's calling people half a homo. Yeah, and you're like, nope
- 16:12
- Don't even know what that means. But right. Yeah. Okay, so let's move on just for the sake of time
- 16:17
- So here's another guy out in front of the mill. Let's watch him Well, good morning
- 16:24
- Morning, my name is Bobby. I'm sad to be in front of a place like this.
- 16:29
- I'm sad that it this place exists, but I Have a hope for you and I'm here because I'm not ashamed of the gospel
- 16:37
- The gospel of Jesus Christ is a power of God for salvation for all who believe
- 16:45
- The gospel is a message of powers power to change Your hard heart of stone into a heart of flesh a heart that today came here hating
- 16:55
- God hating children hating women To a heart that loves women and children
- 17:04
- I'm here because I love you guys Because love speaks truth to his neighbor love doesn't
- 17:12
- Lie to his neighbor love doesn't hide the truth from his neighbor love speaks truth to his neighbor.
- 17:17
- So Our hope that we have today is found in the person and work of Jesus Jesus that Step down from his rightful place in heaven around 2 ,000 years ago and live
- 17:29
- The perfect life that you and I could not live a life without sin Though he was tempted in every way we are tempted.
- 17:35
- He was without sin Jesus he Died on a cross not for his own sins for but for the sins of his people people like you and me
- 17:45
- People who had taken his name in vain people have lied stolen dishonored by their father murder
- 17:52
- Those are the kind of people Jesus died for the Bible says he came in a world to save sinners All right, so he just goes on.
- 18:00
- So what a stark difference right huge difference right there. It's awesome just to put those two Clips right next to each other.
- 18:06
- So what are your thoughts? just like you said just what a what a stark difference like it's just There's no comparison immediately
- 18:15
- I mean as soon as you hear just the tone of his voice is calm gentle straightforward very clear but he just Emulates love right?
- 18:26
- So he's saying he's voicing it. I love you. Mm -hmm. It's all intertwined with the gospel, right?
- 18:32
- So he picks up the sword of the gospel You know starts to wield it. Yeah, that's what
- 18:37
- I'm not ashamed of the gospel like he immediately He's not he's not pretending to be on the fence there either
- 18:44
- He immediately comes out and says what his intention is, which is I'm gonna share the gospel with you and he said some hard stuff
- 18:51
- Yeah, so it's gracious demeanor speaking the truth and love very calm composed collected
- 18:56
- He's speaking clearly the amp is that a not blasting these people who are a couple feet from him
- 19:03
- Mm -hmm. I would say I would probably because of my ability not use an amp just because I can be heard from along Yeah, that's the only thing
- 19:11
- I would say but you know, but it's not it like some aggravating Volume and I get it.
- 19:16
- We need to communicate to the women inside Mm -hmm, but we can also just be like fingers on a chalkboard and uh, you know
- 19:23
- Scott doesn't do it John doesn't do that and they see a lot of fruit. Yeah, so your fruit is definitely based upon your method
- 19:29
- But if you look at where he is, too, there's a lot of cars. So even though we can hear him Well, it might be louder there.
- 19:36
- Yeah all that ambient noise behind him Yeah, but it's so he he said stuff like hey, you know,
- 19:42
- I hope your heart changes from hating women and children So it's this now he's getting to the center
- 19:47
- We were talking about a balance here to where he's being gracious loving kind tender gentle speaking the truth and love but not
- 19:55
- Chirking away from hey, this is murder, right? This is what the gospel is.
- 20:00
- This is what you're doing, you know Exposing the evil there. The Bible says do not partake in wicked deeds of darkness rather expose them
- 20:07
- So I just I talk about Bobby a lot, but I just that's you can even more you can see even more clearly
- 20:13
- Yeah, his balance here right maturity. Yeah, he truly is a balance of a great evangelist
- 20:19
- Hopefully I'm not embarrassing you buddy. I think you do a good job. Okay, let's look at him deal with conflict right here
- 20:37
- I love it. It's an encouragement. It's an encouragement to see a scriptural truth happen right before your eyes as you're preaching.
- 20:44
- What's wrong with that? I love seeing a personal example of what's going on.
- 20:55
- I wasn't even talking about you. Okay I Mean why do you presume that's not a guilty cause
- 21:05
- I mean a guy came here like 10 minutes ago He said every time I go by here. I feel judged. I mean, I've already said
- 21:11
- I'm not anyone's judge I'm not above anyone here. I've been saved by the grace of God And I'm just a beggar trying to tell other beggars where to find bread.
- 21:20
- The problem is you don't want the bread You know, what can I say? Tonight you're pursuing the last of this world
- 21:28
- That the desires of the flesh the last of the eyes I mean, I'm telling you where the bread is who the bread is and I'm saying come to him
- 21:35
- But you say no, I won't come I refuse Yeah, what have you heard of say that you object to I'm talking to him friend.
- 21:51
- I'm not talking to you. I can only have one conversation at a time I can't talk to people at once I'm saying
- 22:00
- I can't talk to people at once. He was talking to me first. I'm happy to talk to you In all the five years how much have you actually listened and Tell me one specific thing that you've heard that you have just I'm just asking in five years
- 22:23
- I what have you heard and give me one specific thing that you've objected to where you would say
- 22:29
- Everybody if you are sitting right now the fact that you were out downtown you are not living by the grace of God Nobody said that Except Jesus Christ Like me saying like yes
- 22:48
- All Atlanta Braves fans said this because you're an Atlanta Braves So here we have
- 23:01
- Adversarial people they're hostile calling them arrogant getting up in the face disrupting the preaching the gospel.
- 23:07
- So, what do you see? Just not reviling in return, right, right
- 23:13
- That's I feel like in that moment too is like the prime example of when you can let frustration take over because he's
- 23:19
- Really trying so hard to just communicate in love and they're talking over him And they're accusing him of things that he's not doing saying you're being arrogant.
- 23:28
- You're being hateful He's like doing the opposite, but they're accusing him of that. Anyways, but he continues to just be calm
- 23:34
- Yeah, exactly and completely shuts down all their argumentation. Yeah, but you can even see his posture.
- 23:40
- He's Five four six feet. He's not face -to -face with these guys. He's not letting their aggression.
- 23:46
- He's not escalating their aggression He's a certain, you know calling them by sir
- 23:51
- Not half a homo or worthless pieces of trash or you know whores or whatever whores
- 23:57
- He's not slandering them and mocking them He's got his hands down.
- 24:03
- He's didn't have a finger pointing in their face and he's simply, you know Challenging their claims with scripture and logic, you know saying hey, okay, you know if you've accused me of this
- 24:14
- Please provide the evidence of when I've done this so it's like this Engaging with them in a calm demeanor
- 24:19
- I like that He's got the microphone on because he's still you want to be heard when hecklers and people come like this because it'll gather a crowd
- 24:28
- Right, so you still want to keep the amplification going and it has typically they'll team up And what they'll do is they'll not let you get in a word edgewise it's more of like accusation throwing
- 24:39
- Rather than being open they he's calming them down to think clearly because of His demeanor.
- 24:47
- Mm -hmm. Now if he were just reviling they would just be like shut doors brick walls
- 24:52
- They're not listening to anything. He's saying they're just listening to what they can Throw back at him, right?
- 24:58
- Yeah, I think to it allows You not to strain your voice because sometimes when you're trying to speak over that many people you can then sound like you're angry
- 25:08
- When you're not because you're like wait I have to get my voice to this level just so that you'll hear me because I've got all these people
- 25:14
- Yelling at me. So the speaker kind of allows you to go over that Craziness, you know, and that's you're exactly that's a good thing about amplification
- 25:23
- Is that you can speak loudly in a conversational tone and when you don't have it
- 25:28
- You're just you sound like you're mad when you're not you're just like my cuz like my voice I if I when
- 25:34
- I've done evangelism before and like a lot of people especially at the mill you get a bunch of ladies yelling at you
- 25:40
- You're just trying to get your point across and they're so loud that you're like, I have to yell and then like see you're angry
- 25:48
- Amplification even louder like, you know more expensive ones helps you to that have that conversational tone
- 25:53
- He's capturing this here to where they are being really loud and projecting and he's just like calm collected sharp minded
- 26:03
- Loving to them answering walking them through what he's trying to say trying to be
- 26:09
- Understandable trying to educate them rather than just slamming them with the truth and I would just say this and you might disagree
- 26:15
- I think we do have to build bridges now friendship evangelism where you have to you know, do all of these preparatory prerequisites
- 26:23
- No, I'm not saying that because we don't know when these guys are gonna die Then it's it's over for them as far as getting right with the
- 26:29
- Lord but you do want to build bridges you want to make connections and that is you want to open up a relationship and it's it's
- 26:36
- Your methodology has to be kind and gentle and patient and understanding like Bobby is Typifying here, right and that's not like Compromising the gospel in any way you're still of course sharing the gospel with them because it's not evangelism if you're not doing that But just having that heart of like wanting to talk to that person and listen actually listening and understanding to I've seen it where it's like understanding these people might have never stepped foot into a church ever or heard anything and sometimes you see well -intentioned
- 27:08
- Christians going out there and preaching You know really Complex sermon almost waxing eloquent and you're like, hey, this isn't we're not in church with a bunch of believers
- 27:19
- These people don't know what this means and so kind of knowing your audience too, right? Yeah, absolutely so much there
- 27:26
- Well, I think we should do this as a regular statement. Did you want to look at this last one?
- 27:31
- Yeah And then we we have to represent Yeah, geez the
- 27:37
- OG Pastor Luke and Pastor Jeff for a second here. All right, so we're further into the reason rally now and I met
- 27:45
- Matthew Matthew's from New York and he is the co -president the vice vice president of the
- 27:53
- Society of Cornell Cornell. Okay. So you came all the way down for the reason rally? Yeah. Yeah. I mean I'm family around here but yeah, so it's kind of The mental states are
- 28:01
- I mean it becomes a little bit complicated you can talk about Brain states, it's causing mental states and that might make some sense.
- 28:08
- I personally think that it's a little bit on you though It's when I guess what I'm getting at is this is that we have as foundations here. We're stardust.
- 28:13
- We're apes We're cosmically broccoli. Your brain is fizzing Right, and why should anybody say we need to fight for this kind of brain fizz
- 28:24
- Versus over here a person is fizzing this way. Why why is one brain fizz more? That's why I brought up the well in terms of resolving disputes
- 28:32
- That's one question in terms of why within one framework. I would believe anything at all again I think that it's a result of a combination of evolved social instincts and random
- 28:43
- It could have evolved the other way it could have evolved in a different way and it does evolve rationality another social species
- 28:50
- So evolution could have brought us to irrationality as the norm You were talking about morality not rationality
- 28:58
- I'm talking with that information and the fizz going on in your brain So over here we have here's if I use your foundations if I take atheism
- 29:05
- Say Dawkins naturalistic materialism, and I look out across right now. I see a
- 29:12
- Bunch of bags of biological stuff that are fizzing chemically Thoughts let's say reason reason
- 29:21
- And they say we should all hold to the same kind of reasoning and everything else going on over here But that's the foundations as a
- 29:29
- Christian. I look at over here. I see these are not just this is not just stardust They're not just bags of stuff the made the
- 29:35
- Imago Dei everyone here has value and dignity We can we should fight for universal laws and changing and varying laws of logic because this world is not just matter emotion there are immaterial aspects
- 29:49
- Things that you're saying seem to represent a hunger for an absolute foundation on which to base reason
- 29:54
- I'm saying you don't have any philosophical justification for either science logic. You don't have any kind of a bit an absolute basis
- 30:00
- That's correct. I mean ever since I mean, well you you believe you do but you're wrong Well, well, no, I I actually
- 30:06
- I actually can demonstrate to you even by your own reasoning right now God that I you and I both know exists because your reasoning according to the
- 30:15
- Christian worldview you're acting as though their nature is uniform But you can't justify that given your atheism.
- 30:21
- No, but I take the uncertainty as being a being a basic Uncertainty so only if I wanted to claim that I was capable of having
- 30:31
- Assertions, yeah, I would I need to when I need to you can have no certainty. That's correct. Are you certain about that?
- 30:37
- That's an interesting point Earlier say that it's objectively true that there's a
- 30:46
- Yes, okay, so that's Yeah, absolutely certain
- 30:52
- I can have no certainty no, no, I didn't say I didn't say I was absolutely certain no, so I so you can have certainty when you have in terms of a
- 31:03
- A self -contained logical system. Well, we could look at that. I mean we could watch that for hours.
- 31:09
- Yeah as we have But just some takeaways there You know Jeff and Luke are standing at a good distance.
- 31:16
- There was one time when he said you're wrong about Jeff being pastor
- 31:22
- Jeff being able to provide a rationale for his worldview Jeff didn't retort. Yeah, what do you mean?
- 31:27
- I'm wrong or no, you're wrong. He was quiet. He took it in and he said no, let me explain
- 31:32
- I can actually demonstrate why I have a foundation for logic morality, you know induction and stuff like that So it's just like this calm.
- 31:42
- Go ahead. Yeah. No, I agree. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off I just saying I what I love about this clip is that it really demonstrates just the
- 31:50
- God -hating worldview that we're in a kind of intellectualism where you know he's kind of approaching the the guys approaching it from a
- 32:00
- Intellectual standpoint and I think a lot of Christians shy away from that almost because they're intimidated but we know that The the foundation of knowledge is from Christ, right?
- 32:12
- And so I just love how pastor Jeff demonstrates just a rigorous and robust knowledge and defense of the faith it using science and reason and logic and That we shouldn't be afraid of this
- 32:25
- When when people approach us in this manner because this happens a lot, okay well, I'm appealing to logic and science and you're like well, so are we really but our foundation is
- 32:37
- So which worldview makes sense right of all the evidence and which world worldview can account for all those things
- 32:42
- Yeah, and doing it like you can be an ass and do that real easily too, but sure not we've seen that Yeah, yeah, but I like he's
- 32:50
- Jeff's pastor Jeff's always slow and careful and I just like it Here's just one guy out of so many and both of their
- 32:58
- Focuses on him trying to communicate truth with them trying to answer a fool according to his fall
- 33:03
- Yes, he's wise in his own eyes trying to implement a good robust. Like you say apologetic
- 33:09
- I just think it shows value for him, right? Right. It's like you're worth us Because you created the image of God you're worth us taking time to really slow down and deal with the difficult issues
- 33:20
- He's not a intellectual slouch this guy, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's just a slowing down Dealing with the issues walking him through, you know defining terms
- 33:31
- Yeah, it's just and he wasn't overly aggressive. He's a God hater, but he wasn't like aggressive He seemed like he at least wanted to engage them and I like that, you know pastor
- 33:41
- Jeff's answers Were articulate and straight to the point without being condescending.
- 33:47
- I feel like that's a hard balance to Do sometimes yeah, you know totally yeah, he's never
- 33:53
- I don't think I've ever heard him be condescending or he's always like Ray I think Ray and Jeff are just too
- 33:59
- You know prime Influences are like huge influences of a lot of people who and I think
- 34:05
- God has gifted them with that influence Yes, they're balanced right? Whereas if they were lopsided
- 34:11
- To wishy -washy to over -the -top. He's just gonna strip that influence from you. Sure. Hey one more and then we're out.
- 34:18
- Okay The blood of Jesus Christ That's what's gonna happen people.
- 34:24
- You can be set free through the son of Jesus Christ Through the blood that he shed on the cross 2 ,000 years ago
- 34:33
- It's time to get right time to start teaching our children You're a terrible father you better back off did you touch me you better charge me do you think you are?
- 34:49
- You are You don't touch people
- 35:01
- Don't touch us Cuz you put your face there, oh, I'm sorry.
- 35:06
- Are you saying this is a physical bubble in an audio bubble? Oh, did daddy get upset? Don't you touch?
- 35:13
- Oh you touch you uncomfortable. You don't know. You don't know. Yes I do know because you know why you need
- 35:23
- Take you out sick father Sick father. Yes, you know, yeah, you hate your daughter.
- 35:30
- You hate your daughter. Show me You hate her. So you're turning her into a guy. You brought her here.
- 35:36
- She could be a slut I mean, that's what you want. You want her to learn how to be a slut. So you know more of the same that we looked at but What I really wanted to kind of drive home in particular through this is how to deal with hostility and You just can't do that.
- 35:52
- I mean it's an escalation Yeah, you have to be careful in the words that we say in our frustration that they don't fan the flame right conflict
- 36:03
- This is not like I had ended with this is not building a bridge of communication to try to lovingly communicate
- 36:09
- That's wanting to get punched in the face. That's wanting to do it Yeah, what does Peter say don't suffer as an unbeliever?
- 36:16
- So they would get decked and then they would go home and know these were battle scars for Jesus Yeah, no, actually those are scars because you were just an idiot, right?
- 36:23
- It wasn't the offense of the cross that got you punched in the face. It was your mouth It was your offense Yeah the offense and it should be like you said right the contents of the
- 36:31
- Communication of the gospel right the contents the gospel that should be the stumbling block. Mm -hmm Yeah, this is just not a way to go maybe
- 36:39
- I'm so attracted to this type of you know Examining these things because I can be that guy
- 36:45
- We are you know when it comes to fight or flight? We're more on the fight side, right? Like well, we want to go toe -to -toe.
- 36:52
- It just comes net more natural, right rather than bailing right on a conflict But it's important as you get out there
- 37:01
- You know what we've said before your methodology matters your way of doing this matters the scriptures teach that Like we had looked through 2nd
- 37:09
- Timothy 2 Is it is inextricably connected to God's activity is your activity and when it comes to conflict?
- 37:19
- And you do this type of stuff publicly like we do and our friends do you're gonna receive a whole lot of hate you're gonna receive a whole lot of oppression and you got to deal with it, right or you're just gonna be a ganging or what is it a clinging
- 37:34
- Clingy gong like without that love and that's what they don't have. I feel bad. I couldn't imagine like wanting to serve the
- 37:41
- Lord and going out and I'm not gonna impugn those guys motives
- 37:46
- But I think they are out there because they truly believe they're serving the Lord and this is what God wants But in the end he says he resists the proud.
- 37:53
- This is not this is not Humility and he gives grace to the humble, you know, it would be horrible if you went about that type of methodology that type of Posture and attitude your whole
- 38:05
- Christian life and then it gets burned up in the end Yeah, and only yours your soul is snatched away.
- 38:10
- If you're truly in Christ these guys, I don't know. I think they believe in Sinless perfectionism. Oh, really?
- 38:15
- So I don't even know they really I would say there's no fruits from what I can see of being genuinely
- 38:20
- Saved because you're gonna have that love for people. That's what you're Jesus said this They will know you by your love right and I don't know.
- 38:29
- So yeah. Anyway, we'll do that in the future Yeah, I did like it doing it It's it's really it helps to make you examine yourself to in your communication
- 38:38
- Like you said like you love doing it because you could see yourself going in that direction. I've seen with me it's like it's so especially when somebody's in your face like you just want to Return like in kind, but we can't turn you want to revile but that's not
- 38:53
- That's not glorifying Christ part of the the glory too is when you go out and something like that happens
- 39:00
- And you don't do it and you go Lord. I know that wasn't me That was you working through me and you get all the glory for it because I know if it was up to me
- 39:08
- I would have punched that guy in the face. Oh sure Yeah, because the only way I restrained myself was by the power of the
- 39:15
- Spirit. That's important. Right? Yeah, so maybe in summary What you've kind of discussed
- 39:21
- Speak the truth in love. Mm -hmm. Don't attack people calling them whores and sluts Don't call them anything other than sir, ma 'am friend.
- 39:29
- I love you You're trying to build bridges with the lost you're trying to build bridges with the mothers and the fathers
- 39:36
- Going in to the the clinic and you're not I'm not saying build bridges and by compromising the truth
- 39:42
- You're still preaching the gospel truth still Combatting whatever's being said out there with truth, right?
- 39:49
- We're not of course We're not saying compromise any type of truth and there's a loving way to say like sir You're being a coward.
- 39:56
- Yeah, ma 'am. You're going to stand before God as a murderer if you don't turn, you know So right there's ways of saying the truth without being hateful about it.
- 40:05
- Yeah. No, you're exactly right and Second definitely to we've talked about it the whole episode God's activity which you need in evangelism.
- 40:14
- He's the only one that gifts faith and repentance It is tied to you not being quarrel.
- 40:21
- You're not quarreling not being quarrelsome. Yeah, you being kind everyone patiently enduring evil not
- 40:27
- Not, you know, these guys weren't throwing You know haymakers at them, but they were quarreling they were using their words as weapons to just attack
- 40:37
- You're right and not disseminate or explain truth. So yeah, and if you've done this in the past, there's grace and forgiveness, of course
- 40:44
- We can thank God because I have I have done this. So hopefully that was helpful to you
- 40:49
- I like what Desi was saying earlier. It's not about perfectionism as a prerequisite to get out there
- 40:54
- It's just about faithfulness. Jesus is why do you call me Lord? Do not do what I say It's being obedient and getting out there making mistakes
- 41:02
- But also like we try to do is learn from really good examples and learn from bad examples, too Yeah on what not to do and what to do so Share the faith.
- 41:11
- Yeah, thank you thank the Lord for his grace and sanctification and helping us to learn from each other and From other brothers and sisters and we just we hope that you're encouraged and we hope that this week, you know
- 41:23
- No matter what's going on in your life like like we talked about in the beginning, you know Maybe you've got lots of trials like we've been going through but I just I hope that you're encouraged to push forward
- 41:34
- And share the faith even through the trials and especially in the trials because it not only ministers to other people
- 41:40
- But it also ministers to your soul as well You know what? I also wanted to do. I wanted to give a shout out to Jeffrey Rice and his wife who do post tendinobrass
- 41:52
- Lux Bibles I have such a hard time finding Don birthday gifts or Christmas gifts
- 41:57
- Like he is a really hard person to buy for because he's just a guy that doesn't like want a lot
- 42:03
- I'm always getting them the boring stuff. He needs just a dude. Yeah But I found an amazing gift and I'm super excited about it
- 42:11
- So I wanted to share cuz also I feel like, you know We should be giving Christians our business if we can but if you're looking for a great gift go to post tendinobrass
- 42:18
- Lux They do Bible rebinding and new Bibles. Yeah, but it's really cool because Don's had his
- 42:24
- Bible I was actually using it at church the other day and it was literally like falling It's almost about to break but he has so many notes and highlights and I'm like, man
- 42:32
- This would be a bummer if he lost all that. So now he's gonna get be able to preserve that but with a nice Insane, so dr.
- 42:41
- White has had many made. Mm -hmm. I think he even had one made for a guy that he debated here
- 42:47
- Oh, that's a quake. Ooh. Oh, yeah, I remember that. That was a good debate Yeah, and then Zach Conover and Jeff Scott Yeah, they're beautiful Bibles, yeah, yeah, you want a good
- 42:58
- Bible definitely go to them they're just good people too Yeah, so very sweet. Well, we are off to drink beer
- 43:04
- That's what we do Off to a family dinner. Yeah, I think we're gonna have some good beers. Yeah, that sounds good.