Say Something

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When it comes to the gospel, do we need to live the life or should we say something? Should we listen to God? How can churches support parents who adopt from overseas? Christianity Today brings a lot of news stories worth discussing!


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. Michael E.
Abendroth here, and I am glad that you listen. The Lord has blessed the ministry of No Compromise Radio beyond measure.
In nooks and crannies all across the world, very, very thankful that you would listen. Try to make it 24 and a half minutes of something that would be encouraging, positive.
If you like to read and if you like free things, you need to write to the
Chapel Library. Chapel Library, 2603 West Wright Street, W -R -I -G -H -T
Street, Pensacola, Florida, 32505. I'll repeat that in just a second.
The Free Brace, easy for me to say, I'm so tired. I was gonna say Free Brace Broadcaster.
The Free Grace Broadcaster comes out, I believe, about four times a year.
And what the Chapel Library does is they accumulate mostly older writers and get a theme.
So this theme is Fall 2013, issue 225, the theme of the work of Christ.
And so John Flavel, No Doctrine More Excellent, William Plummer, Christ the Mediator, Thomas Watson, Christ the
Priest. What else? Christ the King, John Flavel, Octavius Winslow, and what we have here, it's free.
It is approximately, oh, 45 pages, and you get it for free, and you should get that.
Something I've received for many years and appreciate their ministry. Chapel Library, 2603
West Wright Street, Pensacola, Florida, 32505. Or you can write them, or just go to their website, chapellibrary .org.
A ministry of Mount Zion Bible Church. I think you probably need that. What else is up today?
Well, I could give you the Mother's Day Prayer to our mother God, but I'm gonna do that another day.
Let's see, Christianity Today, October 2013.
Andy Crouch is the executive editor, and he says, on page nine, it's a smarter, bolder, and a little bit taller
Christianity Today. Yes, it's really different. Above all, we wanted to convey how serious we are about serving our readers in print.
We've adopted the glorious typefaces, periodico, periodico, and calibra, or calibre, but that's
B -R -E though, Jean, among the most intriguing and graceful font designs of the last decade.
How about more mainline? I don't want mainline. How about more traditional, orthodox, biblical articles?
I'd settle for that. How about that instead of hermeneutics, hermeneutics? How about real hermeneutics?
How about getting more scholars from the evangelical stripe? How about that?
But see, once you figure out that I've got to maintain readership, I've gotta go for the broad base, watered down.
To contribute, you can send checks, US dollars only. To contribute, how about I already pay for the thing and then only use it for my no -code diatribes?
How about that? Well, there are some things in here that make fun radio. How about this?
Now, for those of you that know me, you will know that I believe the Catholic Church's doctrine is not biblical.
It will damn you, and you need to run from such doctrine. But that does not mean
I hate Roman Catholics. That does not mean that everything a Roman Catholic says is false.
It doesn't even mean everything a Roman Catholic leader says is false. I'm going to enjoy what I'm doing. I'm going to enjoy watching the complete implosion with the new
Pope and the Vatican. They'll reel him in soon enough. You just watch. Mark my words.
Cardinal Francis George, the Archdiocese of Chicago, said something that I really liked.
And so, see, this is not me endorsing the Roman Catholic Church. I'm just saying, good for this guy.
Good for this guy. I appreciate this man's statement here. Cardinal Francis George, when he defended the withdrawal of Catholic support from an
Illinois immigration coalition over its expansion into same -sex marriage advocacy.
So we've got the immigration deal, but now you've got to wrap it up in the garb, in the livery, in the clothing of same -sex stuff, because that is the new religion.
That is the new opiate. That is the new mantra. That is the new everything. And he didn't like it, and so they withdrew
Catholic support from that coalition. Kudos. Good job. Way to go.
But what he said was the best. Jesus is merciful, but he's not stupid.
Ba -bum. Jesus is merciful, but he's not stupid. Cardinal Francis George. Yes, of course
Jesus is merciful, but he's not going to want the same -sex marriage advocacy deal.
So I just like that. All right, this is fascinating here. Messiah. Fourth rank among fastest growing names for American boys in 2012.
762 boys named Messiah in 2012, placing it between Scott and Jay.
There aren't many Scotts out there, and there are not many
Jays. This is according to the Social Security Administration. So see this
Christianity Today. Don't you want to spend $19 .99 for this? They have this Open Views deal.
Open Question, Three Views. Actually, somebody who listened to No Compromise Radio said they sent my name to them to be one of the
Open Views. Open Question, Three Views. How can churches best support the Christian faith? How can churches best support parents who adopt from overseas?
And then, of course, they have to put their little editorial mark in there. There are no easy formulas. This Social Agenda deal, it's just gone bonkers.
It's gone bonkers in evangelicalism, in mainline churches, in liberal
Protestant churches. How can churches best support parents who adopt from overseas? Why is that even a question?
Somebody would adopt from overseas here, Bethlehem Bible Church, I'll say, well, make sure you do all your research so you don't spend a lot of money, and then you get jobbed overseas for something else.
Make sure you use a reputable place. I'm thankful that you want to adopt a baby, and way to go.
But see, this whole 2K deal comes into play. And what is a church's responsibility?
As my brother likes to say, is the church's responsibility to start doing ambulance services?
That would be helpful to the community. After all, we're closer to some of the people here, and we've got some EMT folks and some paramedics.
I'm not against adoption, although it is romantic to many people. It is a cool thing to do.
I think it's a very self -sacrificial thing to do, and for many years I thought I'd probably adopt a kid.
In the old days, if you were a pastor, there was a good percentage chance that you would be adopting a child, because there'd be a young lady at church, and she would get pregnant out of wedlock, and she would want to give up the baby for adoption, and with the same mentality that people think, well, you know what,
I should probably get counsel from the pastor, since he's at the top of the heap, and I should also probably give my baby to the pastor, because he would take care of that baby, and so for years
I thought, we'll probably have a child given to us, and that was never the case. I'm not against adoption, that's my point, but I am against churches who forget the
Great Commission, small G. The Great Commission, capital G in my mind, is
God the Father commissioning the Son, the covenant of redemption, to go save the elect.
But it is a great commission to go make disciples, baptize, teach, in the name of the
Father, Son, and Spirit, the singular name. So how can they support, like give money to them?
I wouldn't be wrong, I guess, for a church to do that, but it's just confusing, it's blurring the lines, and I don't like that,
I don't like that. What is the church's mandate? What is the church's commission? What is the imperative of the church?
Is it social imperative? If you listen to people in big churches in New York City, I think you'd probably figure that out, that it should be that.
All right, it's got a big article about the Jesus Calling, Sarah Young book, and she's listening to Jesus, she's praying by seeking guidance and listening, listening and then writing what
I feel He is placing on my heart. When you read the
Bible, if you wanna say that's listening, fine, when you talk to God, that's prayer, never let the two meet.
I'm not against meditation, I'm not against biblical meditation, I'm not against turning everything off and sitting there quietly,
I often do that, and I have a Bible with me, and I have a piece of paper and a pencil, but I don't write the things down that Jesus tells me because the canon's closed.
We have a sufficient scripture. We believe in sola scriptura, and you functionally deny sola scriptura every time you do this, you know,
God's talking to me, just like Lily Tomlin says, when I talk to God, it's called prayer, when
God talks to me, it's called, I'm schizophrenic, and so we have to be careful, and of course, the
Jesus Calling book is a worldwide famous book, and you ought to run from that.
They quote Kierkegaard here, and it's interesting to read Kierkegaard, but he's not evangelical, he wasn't orthodox.
A man prayed, and at first he thought that prayer was talking, but he became more and more quiet until in the end, he realized that prayer is listening.
Ooh, sounds so good, couldn't be farther from the truth. Listening, what am
I to listen for? I guess I could listen for loud sounds like the guy who's mowing across the street, cars just drove by, notice that the people that ride by on carbon fiber bikes aren't emitting any pollutants.
I could listen to sounds and listen to a bird and go, you know what, Lord, you even take care of the birds. Birds are taken care of, you're gonna take care of me.
Birds don't even last that long, the flowers don't even last that long, and yet you care for me, why am I anxious?
I could listen to the sound of a siren and say, Lord, would you please help those people that need this emergency care?
I could listen to the no -compromise radio and say, could you pray for that guy?
I'm gonna pray for that guy. I could listen to my own heart.
Boy, that's a bad idea. You trust in your heart? What does Jeremiah 17 .10 say about that?
You don't wanna do that. You don't wanna listen to yourself. That's why we have scripture external, outside of us.
We need that because we're fallen. And even as Christian people, we still have, let's put it this way, you're less than glorified, aren't you?
Unless you're some crazy Keswick guy or Methodist perfectionist lady, which neither of those is a good place to be in.
You're gonna be tainted. And that's why you need external help. That's why you need other counselors to sharpen you and come alongside.
That's why you need wisdom from God. Need to run from this whole deal.
Listening for God knows what. Well, on the positive side,
I like to look at the ads at the back of Christianity today, especially for the seminaries.
My name's Mike Kamendroth, No Compromise Radio today. And we're just, this is Christianity today.
There is a great ad for Southern Seminary, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
And I'm proud to be an adjunct faculty member. Can you imagine? Me, of all people, an adjunct faculty member.
I taught a class called the Proclamation of the Word. Proclamation, Ministry of Proclamation.
That's what it's called. 3000, I think was the name of it. And I'm going to be teaching here in the
Northborough area in January through March of 2014, preaching class and then the preaching practicum where the guys get up and preach, and then
I critique them. And so I'm happy to be an adjunct faculty member. I'm happy to get letters from Dr.
Mohler, welcome to the staff. I mean, that is really, it's amazing to think of. And there is a great ad for,
I can't say it's my employer because Bethlehem Bible Church is my employer, but my seminary, it says here, shows
Mohler standing there preaching. And then it says, don't just stand there. Now, what's the normal fill -in line to don't just stand there?
Do something. But it doesn't say that. Here, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with the sub -theme here of serious about the gospel.
It says, don't just stand there. Say something. Say something.
That's what the gospel is. It's something to be said. It's something to be declared.
It's something to be delivered with this pace that I have as a Southern Baptist style preacher. It's a cadence.
Herald the word. Preach the word. Proclaim the truth.
The gospel is to be proclaimed. You don't live the gospel. You proclaim the gospel.
I have good news. No matter how great your sins are, no matter what you've done in the past, no matter how many times you've done them in the past,
Jesus Christ died for sinners like you. While you couldn't live up to God's law, you couldn't love him with your whole heart and you couldn't love your neighbor as yourself and you couldn't do anything that the
Bible calls you to do. You couldn't honor God. You couldn't give him thanks as a creator.
You couldn't admire his power and nature. You couldn't give him thanks properly because you didn't have faith in Christ Jesus.
But Jesus, he did all those things. He honored God. He gave him thanks.
This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased. Now it wasn't just at his baptism. You could put that umbrella statement over his entire life.
He always pleased the father. That's an amazing thing to think of. And he did it because he was fully man.
The eternal son of God cloaked himself with humanity and lived in Israel.
He lived there, walked there, ate there, and perfectly obeyed.
When you think of a sacrifice, why does it have to be unblemished and spotless?
Well, just think typically a little bit farther in the future into the anti -type Christ Jesus. Spotless, blameless, perfectly kept the law, then died on the cross for our sins, 1
Corinthians 15, and was raised from the dead according to the scriptures. Believe it.
Change your mind. Repent. Trust. We talk about good news in a world full of bad news.
And when you go to theological seminary, you need to be trained to say something. Moeller says here, 2013, to fail to say something in the time of trouble is sin.
And yet the temptation to sin is ever so present among us, and increasingly so because it costs more to speak the truth.
sbts .edu forward slash say something. Great ad.
I didn't say that to get the job. I've already got the job. Well, my name's
Mike Avendroth, No Compromise Radio. If you have show ideas, you can always write me. It takes a lot of research.
You know, you want me to do some theonomy deal, or you want me to do something about the Masons. I have some stuff that's ready, but here's the thing.
As you can probably tell, I don't really study for the show. Now, if this was my job,
I'd have it all set up. I'd have my crack staff all get my research together, and I'd come in here, and I'd be, you know, demanding two chocolate donuts and some
Beets coffee. When was the last time I had a donut? I think I had at Gail's Bakery in Santa Cruz some cinnamon roll kind of thing, but it was foo -foo.
It was five bucks. That, by the way, is Phil Johnson's, one of his favorite places to eat, Gail's Bakery.
I think Phil listens to No Compromise Radio only when I'm on Wretched Radio, and so,
I don't know, Phil, you're backsliding a little bit. I need to have Phil back on the show, don't you think? Maybe you could write me and ask me to have certain guests on.
Could you please have so -and -so on your radio show? I used to get free books from people. I'd read them, have them on the radio, and it just took a lot of work, so I have a job.
I want to minister to the people here. Lots of folks, lots of needs, lots of other things going on, and so, three or four days a week,
I can't sit down and do the show, so it's usually one or two days. I'll tape two or three shows at a shot, and then maybe four total for the week, and then
I have to move on, so I get an idea, come over here, say, Lord, help me, hit click, and then 24 and a half minutes later,
I send it to our server, so anyway, if you have ideas for shows, you can write me if you want me to interview certain people.
I try to interview some folks, and they say no. They say no.
Trying to think what else is going on here. Things That Go Bump in the Church, I wrote that book with Byron Yawn and Clint Archer.
Those guys, Byron used to write for Cripplegate. I don't think he does anymore, but his books on By Harvest House, and Suburbianity, and the one for young ladies, and the one for young men, and What Every Son Wishes His Father Would Have Said, and the flip side for the female version.
He's an excellent writer. Clint is an excellent writer, and so Kind of Scary Doctrines for New Christians.
That's going to come out early spring 2014, and so maybe
I'll interview myself. My chapters are on Unconditional Election, because you know,
Scary Doctrines. This is a book you want to give new members, or you know, new Christians, people that are unchurched
Harry's and de -churched Sally's. Unconditional Election, Hell, Church Discipline, God Told Me, you know, lead kind of thing, the subjective deal, you know how
I love to talk about that. And there's one other chapter, Oh Sin. Just you know, I'm dysfunctional,
I'm full of illnesses, diseases, and demons.
So you can pick that up. Zondervan is going to publish an S. Louis Johnson commentary,
Romans. It's called Discovering Romans, Spiritual Revival for the Soul, Samuel Louis Johnson Jr.,
adapted by Mike Ebendroth. It's not with, because it wasn't with me, but it was adapted by me, and I'm trying to, it's due in a week or so,
I'm trying to whittle that manuscript down to the 90 ,000 words, and I didn't know footnotes counted, and I think
I'm at 96. So what do you do? Anyway, those are the things going on here at No Compromise Radio.
Mother God, today we honor the mothers of the world, and we honor our mother God. We honor the deep strength and sheer grace, the unending love, the watchful eye of the fierce, unwavering protector.
We honor the lioness, the stalwart vigil kept, the spirit fire lit, the tears bravely spilt, the strategic sacrifice, the billowing brilliant mind which thinks, which dreams, which leads us in the harsh struggle for the greater good.
Jennifer Crumpton, she was on Fox News trying to talk about how she's this new
Christian writer, blogger, mainstream Christian, and she is whacked.
She's the loony bin lady. How do I need to read anymore? Our mother
God is the God of dreams deferred. She is by necessity by the sins of humanity, but this is not her passivity, it is her power.
She is free, yet she stays with captives. She is whole, yet she lives in pieces next to the hurt, the abused.
She moves for the immobilized. She speaks for the silent. She defends the defenseless. She exhausts herself with righteous rage, making the assessment argument on behalf of those who receive man's selfish anger.
Not to resort to violence, not to shed blood, not to prolong the cowardly wars, and not to make vengeance hers.
The last time I checked, the scriptures talk about the Lord is a warrior. Revelation 19, has she ever read?
I don't think they taught her that at the seminary she allegedly attended. Friends, it's good to look at bios.
It's good to do a little research. And if people are on Fox News yet, you ought to ask yourself the question, why would
Fox News have such a person on? Makes me mad, makes me super mad.
I mean, what's the difference between that and a UFO? You know, of course, down below it, it says you also may like zealot, the life and times of the, you know, the fake
Jesus that the Muslim writes about. Sophia, wisdom and peace, we honor God who birthed us, and we honor the many women who have also raised us in every way.
You find me, paganism, and I'll show you mother, womb, birth stuff.
We believe in Jesus, he's a lamb slain, but he's standing, substitutionary atonement.
They don't like the cross? Well, I don't doubt it because they're unbelievers. And so, read 1
Corinthians 1, 18 and following, and that'll set us straight with that. My name's Mike Abendroth, NoCompromiseRadio .com.
You can write me, info, NoCompromiseRadio. The YouTubes are at NoCo90 .com.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.