Spiritual Transitions from Birds that get Fried by Electricity

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


So this is the spiritual transition game where we transition before we do our
Striving for Eternity Academy. Those who watch live give me something to transition to the gospel with and I take whatever
I have no prep no no I do not know ahead of time what's going to be said and just the imagery of what was posted in the chat room it's kind of funny
I guess and I got to figure this out but the I have to transition from birds that get fried by electricity to the gospel now ask yourself whether you could do that the reason we play this game is because the more you can transition from crazy things like that to the gospel the more you realize that you can transition any conversation make any conversation bring that into the gospel anytime you want you don't have to pray
Lord please give me an opportunity to share the gospel today you can create that opportunity so here we go birds that get fried by electricity
I don't know my kids and I always like to see those times where you know and you'd see it in the cartoons where all the birds are on the on the electric wires and they've all spread out and they take the entire thing and sometimes you see one thing that that sets them off if you're like me as a kid you throw a rock just to see them all fly away but what would happen if that was if there was maybe a cut in the electric wire and here all the birds are landing on the on the the wire only to find out thinking that hey they've done this thousands of times before and never once has there ever been an issue with being fried by electricity in fact they have done it so much that they completely trust that the wire not only will hold their weight but that it is perfectly safe to do so and the one time that there happens to be a cut in the line and a bird lands on that he will get fried
I mean deep fried if you've ever seen how much electricity goes through some of those power lines that bird would not survive and it would basically have put its trust wrongly in something you know when we talk about what faith is faith actually is good a good understanding of it is the idea trust but we can put faith in the wrong things a bird that's going to put trust or faith in that wire that had that has an opening is going to put its faith in something wrong and it is going to pay a dear price it is going to be electrocuted and dead deep fried we need to make sure that we put faith in the right things we put faith in the chairs that we sit in but I remember once explaining an illustration of faith being trust and that we can trust the wrong things and just just as we're explaining that someone leaned on the arm of the chair and it broke and he fell over if we put faith in the wrong things it can have very serious consequences like a bird on a wire that gets electrocuted doesn't matter how many times it did it before it's that one time that it shouldn't have put trust because it was not to be trusted that it paid the price same is true for you and I we need to make sure we put faith in the right thing and the only thing to really put faith in is some one who cannot lie someone who's perfect someone who's ultimately good and that's
God Jesus Christ who came to earth and died on a cross to be a payment of sin so that we could put our faith in him so that we wouldn't be deep -fried in hell if we put our faith in ourselves see that's ultimately what it's gonna come down to either we're gonna put faith in ourselves we're gonna put faith in Christ where is your faith today and that's how
I would transition from a bird being electrocuted or bird being deep -fried fried by electricity to the gospel how would you go about doing that?