Matt Slick Live: July 26, 2024



The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 07-26-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Historical Comparisons to Jesus and How to Respond Hate Mail Friday What Does the word WORLD mean Where are The Wicked Taken Secular News Media Bias Are The Damned in The Presence of God Mary; The Ark of The Covenant July 26, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at CARM .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick, and you're listening to Matt Slick Live.
If you want to give me a call, all you've got to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
That just reminds me, saying my own name, Matt Slick Live. I think it was last night or the night before,
I was in a discussion room on the net. I think it was last night, and this guy, we get talking, and after a while I go, wait a minute.
You don't think Matt Slick's my real name? He goes, of course not. And I said, well, it is, and he says, no, it's not.
I got a big kick out of that, because I'm telling him my name, and he goes, no, that's not your name. Really?
I didn't know it was. So anyway, after a lot of people in the room go, no, that's his real name, you know.
And at any rate, then he was quiet. I get a kick out of that kind of stuff.
Well, anyway, hey, look, if you want, you can give me a call, 877 -207 -2276, and today's date is
July 26th, 2024. If you want to watch the show, you can do it a couple of ways.
One, oops, excuse me, there we go. One is to go to, wait a second, my throat, hold on, let's see how that goes.
One is to go to rumble .com forward slash Matt Slick Live, and you can watch the show, just me sitting here.
But the good part is, not watching me, because there's not much to see, the good part is the fellowship that we have with the people who come in the chat room, and that's good.
And also, you can go to YouTube, let's see, karm .org forward slash, no, wait, it's
YouTube forward slash Matt Slick Live, I think that's what it is. You can get in there. Or, if you want, you can go to karm .org
forward slash radio. Whew, man, okay, so a lot of stuff going on, people are texting me and stuff like that, and I just got to mention that, for those of you who don't know, we have a website, and that's what pays the bills, the website is karm .org,
C -A -R -M dot O -R -G. In October, it'll be 25, 29, excuse me, 29 years old, and it's got over 160 million visitors to the site, so a lot's been going on, been working on a lot of stuff.
Today, I did a video to match an article, which will be released in three or four days, and the article and the video are on what would make a good sermon.
Stuff like that, with good and bad, so that's what I was doing, I was working on that today, and I'm going to be doing some other stuff, trying to teach myself how to do social media things, and I've got a lot more to do as far as learning goes.
And today, today is hate mail Friday, and so hopefully I'll get to some of that, and if you want to send me an email, all you have to do is send it to info at karm .org,
info at karm, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G, and I just put in the subject line, radio comment or radio question, and then we can get to it that way.
Hopefully that'll make it easy. All right, well, why don't we just jump on, excuse me, jump on the air, let's get to Jamal.
Hey, Jamal, welcome, man, you're on the air. Hi, Mr. Matt Slick, thank you for taking my call.
I had a question about other guys that might be compared to Jesus throughout history.
For instance, I've heard of through, like, you know, internet and other guys talking, of course
I don't believe it, it's just ammunition to, for the detractors. They said there were guys that floated and other guys that were resurrected.
I just wanted to get some, like, ammunition to go against those guys. We can't say that those things did or did not happen.
When people say anybody comparable to Jesus, well, you can compare people to Jesus, you know, compare
Muhammad to Jesus, and Muhammad comes up short. But what a lot of critics do is they just say, well,
Osiris or Mithra or some of these ancients or somebody else, whatever, they were just like Jesus, and it just goes on and on and on.
And what I'll do with them is I'll say, well, do you have any documentation for this? And they don't have any documentation except for Bob's website, you know, and I just made this up and I heard this,
I'm putting it up here, you know, it's just stuff like that. So when there's different ways to tackle them, so one of the things
I'll do when someone says there's others just like Jesus, I'll say, OK, all right, let me ask you, did this other figure, was he proceeded by all kinds of prophecies, you know, his birthplace, where he would come into the place, what lineage he would be, you know, how he would die, his resurrection, it's all prophesied and documented, you know, hundreds and hundreds of years beforehand.
And, you know, well, not really, but he might have some who say, yes, well, there's documentation, let's see that, and then they never produce it,
OK? And I'll say, OK, so how many of them raised themselves from the dead? Because Jesus prophesied that in John 2, 19 through 21.
How many of them walked on water and raised others from the dead as well as themselves from the dead? When you start going into more specifics about Jesus, then these impostors fall away.
Now, maybe there's a guy who floated. Let's just say there's a well -documented case of someone floating, all right?
I'd say, OK, so he floated. Now what? What's the proof? Is the proof he's equal to Jesus, who claimed to be
God? Or is this the guy floating because how do you know it wasn't demons doing it? And, you know, other things.
So there's lots of ways we can... I'm listening. I'm sorry? I'm sorry.
I got distracted. I'm listening. Go ahead. Sorry. OK. So I'm just saying, when people start saying that and I'm having a dialogue with them,
I started getting more specific over and over and over again about various things, and then their arguments just fall flat, and they always do.
So that's one of the ways to do it. One of the ways to tackle them. OK? Yeah.
And, you know, that's one of my key ones is the resurrection of Jesus.
I was like, OK, well, I hear you about the documentation and everything, but I had explained intercum and all that.
And they say, you know, they can't justify that or they can't prove it. So I just wanted some other stuff besides the intercum.
The prophecies are very true. Also, how he, you know, lived his life and raised other folks.
Nobody else did that either. So, yeah, I appreciate that. I'm walking the dog right now.
All right. That's what I kind of found. I'm getting a little distracted. So thank you for your question.
I'll try to call back and see what I'm doing with the walk. All right, man. Sounds good, buddy. God bless. All right.
God bless. Hey, we have nobody waiting right now. If you want to give me a call on this nice Friday, all
I have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
I'm going to get some hate mail because we've got nobody waiting. And I just want to let you know that we stay on the air by your support.
And so if you like what you hear and you wanted to continue, would you please consider supporting us?
All you have to do is just go to karm .org forward slash donate. And the information is right there at the bottom of the page.
We're working on changing the look. We've changed a couple of things. What we're going to be doing is setting it up so that you can just log in and have all the information you need of what you've done and everything.
We're really working on improving that. It's a slow go because we don't have the resources to do everything all at once.
But we're working it. All right. All right. Now, we do have a caller coming in.
But, you know, I do like hate mail. You know, like I told people,
I'm a little off. And people are saying amen to that. But I enjoy hate mail and wacko mail.
I do. And here's a good one. And it starts off with the title, Still Can't Answer the Question.
Of course, it doesn't say what the question is. I don't know who this person is. But it starts off, because you do not know what the
Bible really teaches because you are too busy spewing this complete non -biblical sun,
S -U -N, sun, space, day, church, garbage that is not taught in the
Bible anywhere. How absolutely pathetic. Well, you know, you'd think that such a person might do something like this.
You go to karm .org, right? And then you go to the search engine and you type in Sunday worship, right?
Let's see if there's anything on Karm about this. And, like, there's an article here.
Does the Bible allow Christians to worship on Sunday? Another one is, why do we worship on Sunday instead of Saturday?
Oh, hey, look. All you have to do is start doing some reading. And you can go to the various verses in the scripture that we use to justify
Sunday worship. Right out of the New Testament. And they are there.
You can go into it sometime if you want. And, uh, so there you go. Okay? I mean, and, you know,
I like these kind of insults. You know, they're empathetic. And it reminds me of someone who insulted me a few days ago on the radio and I just let it go.
I thought, hey, might as well. It was kind of entertaining. So, uh, let's. Oh, hey, speaking of that, let's get to Horvath from Virginia.
Horvath, welcome. You're on the air, man. Hi, Matt. Can you hear me? Yes, I can.
Yes, I can. Okay. So my question is just what you were just speaking of.
The man that you were debating. I guess I don't. I just don't understand what his stance was with, like, the word world and what does world mean?
And can you explain that a little more to me? Like, what was the issue that you brought up?
Well, you see, I affirm what's called limited atonement, that Jesus only legally bore the sin of the elect, because if he did bear the sin of everybody who ever lived, then their sins are paid for.
If their sins are paid for according to Colossians 2 14, then they're canceled. They're gone.
Then nobody could go to hell because they're all gone. They're all paid for. It's simple logic, and it's a very good thing.
And then people say, well, you got accepted. No, you don't. Because then what they're doing is they're saying that the sacrifice of Christ is made effective by what you do.
And they have man -centered theology, not God -centered theology. And I get into stuff like this. So what sometimes they'll do is they'll go to John 3 16, for example, and I'll get to the verses he brought up.
But John 3 16, God's love the world. He gave his only begotten son. And people will just say, well, the word world there means every individual.
Maybe, maybe not. And so what I did was I pointed out in Matthew 15 24 where Jesus says he was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
He was not sent to the whole world. He was only sent to Israel. And then when we look at the
Jewish mindset, we see that the Bible tells us who he was sent to and the scope of the meaning of words.
OK, so this is the behind the scenes. So one of the things he went to was John 1 29.
The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
And so he said, if I remember correctly, that the word world means every individual. Well, how's that working?
If if the word world there means every individual and he's taken the sin away of every individual, then how does anybody go to hell?
And so whatever excuse anybody was going to give me at this point, well, that's that sin. And why aren't they going?
It causes it actually means that God is doing something unrighteous because he's paid for the sin.
The sin is gone, but yet he's still going to judge him. He's going to go to hell. For what? For nothing. There's nothing left.
So it's that. The other one was 1 John 2 2. He went to Jesus of appreciation for our sins, the sins of the whole world and the idea of world.
And he was saying that I say the word world there means the elect, I think was John 1 29.
You say he's the elect. You know this. And that's not my position. So it was stuff like that.
And there's a break. So can you hold on? And I know you want to comment. I hope you do. And then when we get right back from the break, we'll talk to you.
Okay. Hey, folks, if you want to give me a call, we have three open lines. 8772072276.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 8772072276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right. I went. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, it's easy.
Just dial 8772072276.
We'll be. I mean, I just got distracted by something. Let's get back to Horvath. Be right back. Hi. Hi.
Okay. So did that help? Yes. So I, um, growing up as a
Christian in the church, I became a Christian when I was 16. The way that that man was debating you, that's how
I was taught. Um, and, but I, I, I really like respect you and your points.
And, um, and I just feel like you're really sound. And so I wanted to look more into that.
Um, and so I guess what my, my question would be then, how did, how would
I reconcile like when Jesus says, go make disciples of all nations or, um, like, you know, to, to bring people to Christ and we're not going to know who the elect are.
So we, we, we preach to anyone, everyone. Um, so I, I, I guess my question is.
How would I like reconcile that? Or is there reconciliation with that? And then how could
I like learn more about that? There's no need to reconcile. It's just simple. Okay.
Go do what Jesus said. That's it. You know, when we know that'll.
Yeah. The elect is already chosen. Yeah, they are. And we don't know the criteria that God has chosen them.
We don't know how that works. We don't know if, um, your prayer, uh, which the
Bible says in James five can influence God because it's in Christ. We don't know how we who are indwelt by God and he moves us to pray for somebody is accomplishing his will that influences him because it's what he wants us to do.
These kinds of statements are kind of like circular, but we don't know. We do know that the
Bible elects, it says God elects. And we know that from Ephesians one, four, second Thessalonians two, 13. It's just what it says.
Okay. Well, people say, well, they're elected. Don't witness. But that's not what the Bible says either. It was what bothers me is people say, well, if election's true, then don't evangelize.
Well, election is true because the Bible teaches it and it teaches to evangelize. So do both. And it always confuses me.
Yeah. We don't know. And we don't know how it works. We just don't know. And me, I'm a witnessing fool.
I'm always out looking for opportunities to witness and to share. And I've had people say, well, you can't do that.
Why not? Because you're a Calvinist. Well, why can't I? And they don't realize some of the greatest evangelists around are reformed in their theology.
And so. And that's another thing too. Like, I don't want to take up any more of your time. No, it's okay. No, go ahead. Is that something
I can like go study, like Calvinism reform? Is that something on calm .org
that I could go like look up? If you really want. I have another website where I put that stuff on there.
And that's Calvinist corner. Okay. One word Calvinist corner .com. There's a lot of stuff there.
Okay. And because look, I'm reformed in my theology. I believe in the sovereignty of God. And Charlie, who
I'm looking at on the screen right now, he's on the board of directors. I've known him 44 years. And to be perfectly frank,
I don't know if he's really a Calvinist or not. I don't know. Are you or are you not, Charlie Rick?
He's kind of, he's going any kind of in between. Okay. It's all right.
And so he, you know, and I've known him 44 years. He's the guy who read me the quote that got me started studying apologetics, you know, so long ago.
So to me, it's like, okay. But when people call it a heresy, I'm going to step up.
If they say we don't need to do this and that, because I'm going to step up. I'm going to defend it.
But you know, it's like if you come back to me three weeks later and say, I'm just convinced that you're, you're positioned in a couple of these areas of reformed theology.
You say you're convinced I'm wrong. I'll go, okay. As long as you believe in the essentials. So that's, that's what, that's what
I say. All right. And I want unity in the body of Christ. I want the Christians to be educated. And I also want them to know that we reformed people have good reasons for why we believe what we believe.
And so don't be so quick to judge and just be open -minded. And if you're not agreeing, that's okay.
And then read Romans 14, which says, do not pass judgment on your brother on debatable issues.
And too many people do. Yeah. Yes. That man that you're speaking to definitely did.
Yeah. Yes. Thank you so much. That helps a lot. And I'll go check that out. Thank you, Matt. Sure.
You're welcome. Let me know what you think. Okay. All right. God bless. Okay. I will. Okay. All right.
Let me just reiterate, folks, you know, um, I've been on different radio networks and let's just say that generally the idea of preaching
Calvinism is not, um, not looked upon with a lot of favor, but I'm not saying they're hostile or like that, but, um, uh, you know,
I am reformed. I'm sorry, but I am. And if you disagree with me, okay, that doesn't,
I don't care as long as you're not causing division of the body of Christ or looking down your nose at anybody who is reformed.
This is just as a reform should not be looking down her nose at those who aren't, it shouldn't happen. We need to be focusing on our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and what good he has done. And this is what I say, Hey, we're all going to be corrected when we get to heaven.
So be careful who you point fingers at. All right. Let's get to Martin from Virginia.
Martin, welcoming on the air. Oh, Hey Matt. Hey, uh, thanks for your witness and your, uh, ministry.
And, and I gotta say off the bat that please don't be harsh on Charlie. He's a, he's a good soul.
I, you know, when you were gone in, uh, I think Israel for the week, a week or a week plus, that was the first week that I don't think anybody got condemned from karma.
It was, it was not a calm, calm and making Charlie. He's a good guy.
Sharp guy. Smart guy. He is a good guy. That's right. He can damn nobody. So I condemn people.
Maybe, I mean, by the authority of scripture, I mean, if you believe, you know, the Catholics are false and you know, I'll do it.
Cause I'm not afraid to do it, but, uh, it depends what the calls are. Yeah. Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah.
Well, I mean, I, I listened to a lot of your callers. It's like, you know, I, you know,
I, unfortunately I'd like, Oh my gosh, I might condemn that person too. But you know,
Charlie, Charlie did good. He kept to the wits and he, uh, he kept very level headed. I'm supposed to go to Europe in October.
I'll be gone for three weeks. So we're not going to just do replays for three weeks. We're going to have different people come on the radio.
Charlie would probably be one of the guys coming in and, and, uh, we'll, we'll figure it out. You know,
Charlie and some other guys. Yeah. And, uh, we'll figure it out. I want my wife to come on, but you know, she'd be terrified.
Yeah. You keep saying that. So I kind of had two comments. Sure. One was from a caller last week.
Well, we'll get to that shortly. But, um, you had always commented that, you know, the, the wicked are taken first, you know, the tears.
Yeah. They return to Christ. Where, where are the wicked taken? Well, there's discussions about this.
And to be honest, I'm not exactly sure. Like I will, I will die on the
Hill of Jesus as both God and man, but where are they taken now? Okay.
That's a tougher one. So the reason is, is because I'll give you an answer, but the reason is because there are different words used, uh, in association with hell.
And they're kind of used interchangeably. So basically what I say is people who die now, uh, who are unbelievers, they go to a place of, of extreme discomfort punishment, but they're not cast into eternal fire yet.
That comes later. Hey, there's the music. Hold on, buddy. We'll, we'll be right back after these, these messages.
Please give me a call. 877 -207 -2276. We'll be right back.
It's Matt Slick live. Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. Just want to remind you, we stay on the air by your support.
And also we have schools that you can sign up at. You can check out, uh, learn .org.
Learn .com .org. And we have a school of theology of apologetics and critical thinking.
You can check them out. Learn .com .org. All right. Let's get back to Martin.
Martin, are you still there? Yeah, I'm still there. Hey, before you go on, you said Shoal. Is it
Sheol or Shoal? I say Shoal. Shoal or Sheol. Just depends.
But Shoal. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I just want to make sure I was saying it right. Yeah. Now, what's interesting is that, um, in Luke 16, 19 through 31,
Lazarus and a rich man, they both died and the rich man went to, uh, to Hades and he was, he was in flame.
So it looks like this is the state of the unbeliever that they go into a place of torment.
And then at the last final judgment, they're cast into outer darkness in the lake of fire.
And that's where they are for eternity. But when I say the wicked are taken first, that's at the return of Christ in relationship to what happens here on earth.
Right. Yeah. I was just curious about if you thought they went to hell or if that was hell after the last judgment.
Cause I mean, the final judgment I thought was for all souls. Yes, it is. Um, and then it's used to see the word hell is, uh, is kind of used interchangeably and that's the issue.
So, um, that when we get more specific, the final judgment has not yet occurred, but people who die outside the faith of Christ are, uh, in a place of torment.
Now, conscious torment. When you say outside the, the what of Christ, the will and the work and the faith of in Christ.
Gotcha. Okay. I mean, so there are, there are souls that will be in hell, um, as probably described from biblical writing.
Yeah, absolutely. That's just people that aren't saved. Yes. So the wicked descend alive into Shoal.
Uh, that's number 1630. Uh, the cast in outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth.
That's Matthew 8, 12. Cast into the fire, suffer consciously. That's Matthew 13, 41 through 42.
Uh, cast into a tormenting fire. Romans, I was going to be revelation of 14, nine to 11. The lake of fires in revelation 2010.
And, uh, Jesus talks about, uh, the fiery hell and Matthew 5, 22.
And there's the unquenchable fire, which is Matthew 3, 12. And it goes on. So yeah, there's some tough stuff there.
Yeah. Yep. All right. Thank you for that. Now, that second thing you had to call her a few weeks back. It wasn't last week. It was a while ago.
It was the giggler. And, uh, um, he tried to get you off track a little bit. And he, he asked you the question.
If you ever saw a magic show that you didn't understand how the magic trick was done. And you couldn't explain it.
And he's trying to get you down this path. And I'm like, Oh, come on, Matt. You've got to hit him with, well, there's a difference between magic and miracles.
I mean, I've, I like magic. I dabble in a little bit, but I've never seen a magic trick that I could not find the answer for.
There's, there's always the answer for magic. But there's not always an answer for miracles. There you go.
Except to say that God did it. And, or a demonic force has done it. So, but yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Something otherworldly. Something that, you know, scientists, you know, you know, science, they, they have empirical evidence.
And spirits, good or bad, are beyond empirical evidence. Right. Generally, yes.
Because they can't affect physical stuff. But they're too smart to be tied down by the scientific method.
But yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right. Yep. That's right. All right, man.
Thanks again. All right, man. God bless, buddy. Thanks. God bless, bud. Okay.
All right. Hey, this is going to be different. Let's get to this guy called Alberto from Georgia.
Welcome, buddy. You're on the air. Yes. Good evening, Matt Fleck. I got a question. Why do the conservative news people never put up front when things happen in the black community, when tragedy happens to them by these immigrants, when this poor black girl got jumped and beat up and ganged by a bunch of immigrants that beat her eyes so badly she could probably end up getting blind?
Why you don't hear about that like you do when the Caucasian people get killed or injured from the forefront all the time, though?
How do you hear about it if they don't talk about it? Because some guy in a video on YouTube, he mentioned about it.
So you don't hear about it. Because I watch the news all the time, and I didn't hear about that situation.
You don't hear about the things like that that happen all the time in the forefront news every day.
You don't hear about it. What they do with the Caucasian people, you put up front on the news all the time that they've been attacked by the immigrants.
But you don't hear when things happen in the black community. Why is that? Why Trump just don't give a good talk just to get votes for the black community?
Hold on, hold on, hold on. You have a question? Because you're kind of asking the question and going on.
So I got the question. The question is, why does the conservative news zone support bias?
I don't know how biased they are. Everyone's biased. The left media is so biased, you can't trust them at all.
But I can't answer for the news media. I don't know why. I haven't studied them. I do know that they will bring more information out, generally speaking.
But I can't answer you. I don't know why they don't do more stuff like that.
Okay. Well, I'm just curious. That's all. I mean, I'm not, you know, I'm not against, you know, nobody.
I'm just the media itself. You know, they only cover certain people, but they don't cover other people. They're Americans, too, you know.
You know. So that's my whole point. Okay. Thank you. All right.
Have a nice day. All right. You too. Okay. You too. Bye -bye. Okay. Bye. All right.
Hey, folks, if you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to Ebenezer from California. Ebenezer, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt.
Yeah. I was actually listening to your call with the guy about what you think
SHIELD was. And so it kind of triggered a question I had before in regards to, you know,
I was in a Bible study with some Anabaptists. It was over TikTok, so it wasn't a
Bible study per se. Well, they were having a Bible study, and so they were talking about how hell was near before God's presence in an unglorified state.
I just wanted to ask, you know, what you think about that. I don't understand.
They said hell is what? Hell is the person who is being damned before God in an unglorified state.
I don't understand what that means, an unglorified state. I don't know what they mean by it, because glorification really occurs to the believers, not the unbelievers.
So when they say an unbeliever in an unglorified state in the presence of God, I'm not sure what they mean by that.
Because the soul can be separated from the body. We know that from 2 Corinthians 12, 2 -4.
So they're saying that hell is the presence of the soul in the presence of God? Or are they saying in the resurrected body?
Or are they teaching soul sleep or annihilation? Yeah, the resurrected body.
So they're saying that when they have a resurrected body, but it's not a glorified body, but resurrected, which is going to happen to the unbelievers, that hell is being in the presence of God that way?
Well, for the damned, they're saying that hell is being before God. For the damned people, it's being before God in an unglorified state.
I don't know what they really mean by that. No, that's not what it is. That's not what it is. Look, whenever they say something like this, just ask them, show me the scriptures for that.
Because hell is a place of fire and torment. Are you familiar with my website, karm .org?
Yeah, I looked it up on Anabaptist. The passage they gave me was how
David was talking about in Psalms, when I make my bed in hell, you are with me, or something like that.
Yeah, and you see, the problem here is that when people start making a doctrine like that, going to the
Old Testament, that's a problem. That's not to say the Old Testament is not true, but what
David was talking about in the culture, in the context, is he dies, he goes into the place of the grave, because that phraseology is used of different people, and that God is there with him.
But in the New Testament, it's different. It's more specific. And so when people, it's just a general rule, general.
Not always applicable, though, but it's general. When someone goes to the Old Testament to make a doctrine that the
New Testament clarifies, and they don't go to the New Testament, but they stick with the Old Testament, usually it's a bad doctrine.
Usually. Like the dead know nothing. So that means they're soul sleep. But that's contradict what the
New Testament says. Or the idea of what you said when David's, you know, make my bed in Sheol, and you're there.
So, yeah, they're amateur theologians. Hold on, man, we got a break, okay?
Alright? Alright, no problem. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages. If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
Alright, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
I got to reactivate Ebeneezer, there we go. And let's get back on, hey buddy, you there? Yeah, I'm there.
What's your name? Also, yeah, so also, I was also talking to some
Catholics on regards to, and so they referred to the prophecy for Mary as, you know, the
Ark of the Covenant? Yeah. Yeah, you know, so they said that, you know, the
Bible prophesied about Mary way back in that passage, and so they alluded to that passage.
Like, how truthful is that? Is there any validity to that?
Because I thought they were taking that way out of context. Yeah, it's one of the articles I want to work on, and I started it someplace, just never released it, never finished it.
But what they want to do is say that that which is in the
Ark, the Word of God, so Mary had the Word of God in her, that they would bow before the
Ark, they bow before Mary, things like this. And there's a whole bunch of stuff that they say.
And so what they're doing is trying to exalt her to the place where they can basically have her as a functioning goddess.
That's what they're doing. It's unfortunate, but that's what's happening. So there's validity in the sense that there are perceived correspondence, but it's not valid when they call her the
New Testament Ark. And along with that, when they start exalting her, and this is the problem with it.
There's a lot of problems with it. So maybe I'll unearth that article and see if I can find it. Okay?
Get it going. Are you there?
Yeah, I'm here. Yeah. You said you were going to find the article?
Yeah, I can't do it right now because I don't know. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. And just one more thing.
I apologize. Just one more thing. So also, like,
I know worship and prayer aren't the same thing, but I also was talking to some
Catholics about that in regards to, what is it, what you call prayer to the saints.
And for some odd reason, they always have this hatred for John Calvin and Martin Luther.
I can tell you why. Why? Because they hate the sovereignty of God.
They want their own sovereignty. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, like, I kind of, well, not kind of figure that.
But also, what is that? I was just about to ask you. So, I mean, because they say that prayer and worship are two different things.
But in prayer, you have, you know, you have adoration, you have thanksgiving, you have all those things, which is so similar to, it's the same thing as worship.
Like, you could pretty much call it worship. Like, what do you think about that?
Yes, they want to justify their idolatry. And I'm going to just be flat out straight.
The Roman Catholic Church is not a true Christian church. It's apostate. It's false. It teaches a false gospel, a false
Mary, a false priesthood. So what they do is they've turned Mary into a functioning goddess.
And I could talk about this quite a bit. But they teach that she can hear millions of prayers simultaneously, spoken and thought, different languages, and understand the intent of all the people's hearts, and she can answer them.
That this is a goddess. She's sinless. She's the one you have to go to to get to Jesus.
She's a functioning goddess in there. That's what I told them. That's what I told them. Oh, yeah.
That's what I told them. And they'll deny it. And then what they'll do is they'll say, No, no, we don't worship her.
We just pray to her. We adore her. Say, okay. So then the practice of your prayer to her and your adoration to her is idolatry.
It's exactly what idolatry is, exactly what you do. If you were to go to some country as a missionary, and they had some pagan god that some village was working on or believing in, and they're praying to that image, and they're believing that that image, what it represents, can answer their prayers, is that a form of worship to that?
Of course. Of course it is. And if it has all the attributes of Mary, what if they said this village with this different god could make it up?
In fact, I made up a, I won't get into it, but I made up a false god once to illustrate a point and show people.
But the thing is, if we were to find some tribe someplace that said that their goddess could hear millions of prayers simultaneously spoken and thought different languages, know the heart, and answer them, and that she was without sin, and we gave her the same attributes, most of them, that's found in the
Bible, of God, what they attribute to Mary, we would say that's an idolatrous cult.
But with the Catholics, it's permissible. And it's because they're brainwashed. Absolutely brainwashed.
The Catholic Church has deceived them. It is a church of deception and ungodliness. And the thing is that they call it
Christian. It's not Christian. Yeah, I mean, that's the thing, because every time
I talk to them, they will all say, Oh, we are Christian. We are Christian. No, they're not. And it's like, how?
But anyway, let me let you go, man. I just want to figure out something. All right, thank you.
No problem. Okay, sounds good. All right, buddy. God bless. Let's get to Jamal from North Carolina.
Welcome. You're on the air. Hi, Leslie. Thank you for taking my call again.
I'm done walking the neighbor's dog so I can focus on this phone call now. I wanted to address.
I appreciate it. I wanted to address respectfully Mr. Umberto's comments about conservative news, and hopefully
I'm saying his name correctly. If I'm not, I apologize. First and foremost, let me just lay this background.
I'm a black guy, former Democrat, and I had to leave the Democratic Party because one of the reasons is they focus too much on race now.
And one of the things also before I continue, I know sometimes you allow pop culture topics to be discussed.
So that's another reason why I'm addressing this. So when you have a
Democratic Party, again, focus on the race too much and saying everything is racism, it's a form of control.
It's a way to bend the narrative, so to speak. And if everything's racist, then nothing is.
So what that means is if everything's racist, then it's a false flag.
It's a false narrative. Everything cannot be racist. This country is not racist. The constitution is not racist.
The Bible is not hate speech and anything to say that. And if a military,
Donald Trump, and all conservatives like AOC says that all white guys are racist, CRT taught in schools is racist.
It's a form of control. Come on, people. I mean, you say all this stuff is racist. It doesn't make any logical sense.
So one of the reasons why they say that is, again, for control to control the narrative, to make people think that one side is evil and to come to the other side.
But again, when you look at who's pushing that narrative, that everything is racist, it's the Democratic Party.
So when they don't have anything to run on, the economy, the border, morality, and they definitely don't back
Israel, but they definitely don't back the true form of Christianity, have them to read the book word for word and talk about Jesus as Lord and King.
Some of them will have a problem with that. Not all of them, but some of them will. And just those points alone is one of the reasons why
I cannot back the Democratic Party. So sorry about that. And I think it's one to put up for your audience there. Yeah, I appreciate it.
And since you brought that up, I just released an article, what political party would the
Antichrist belong to? And it's on Quorum. And what I did was
I went through and I looked at the references to the Antichrist. What are his positions? And according to Daniel 1137, he will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women.
That means he's going to be homosexual. So therefore, he'll be pro -LGBTQ.
And his goings forth are in accordance with the activity of Satan. That's 2 Thessalonians 2 .9.
And Jesus says Satan was a murderer. Well, then he's going to be a murderer.
He will be pro -abortion. He will support one world government.
Because he can't buy or sell without his approval. Which means he'll force compliance with his policies.
Which party is this? Uses deception. And you're aware that the
Democratic Party uses a great deal of deception and lies. It is so common among Democrats.
They don't care about the truth. I'm not saying the Republicans are all that spotless. But I'm not a Republican either.
Right. And I didn't put this in there. But I could add it later and say he would be for gun control.
Because Jesus says in Matthew 11 .24. No. 11 .27.
Oh, man. I've got all these verses in my head. Jesus says, oh, 22 .37. He said, buy a sword.
So we have the right of self -defense. But you can't have that if he wants worldwide submission to him.
And you can't have people self -armed. So the implication is he'd be anti -self -defense, gun control.
He will also make war with the Christians. And the principles of Christianity.
Who's doing that? Amen. That's right. I think it's a great question.
Which party would the Antichrist belong to? Yeah. And not to beat a dead horse here.
It's clear that a lot of people are deceived. And I'll put this out there as well.
When I talk to some black folks who are Democrats, I used to be solid.
But now I can't be solid because one of the reasons why Jesus chased after the one.
Sorry, how does it go? Jesus left the 99 to chase the one lost sheep. And that's my thing.
I don't want anybody to be lost. I'll just plant a seed and let Jesus take over. Because I don't want somebody following a false group.
So when I hear people talking about how racist the Republican Party is, I'm like, okay. Well, do you realize Martin Luther King was a
Republican? And when Jesus said, my brothers and my sisters are the people that follow after God.
He didn't put race above anybody. He didn't put your group affiliation above anybody. He didn't put also your political affiliation after anybody.
So one of the reasons why in case somebody's asking why I lean conservative. Because conservatives lean more for Jesus.
And I'll go with anybody that goes with Jesus. Amen. Amen. That's right.
Good for you. I don't know. We need to focus on him. But there's a lot of deception in the world.
And here's an example of something. I'll go quickly.
My wife was at an anti -abortion rally 20 some odd years ago, whatever it was. And she actually got arrested.
Praise God. Oh. She said it was a vacation in jail with all the Christian women singing praise songs.
She met friends there. Still friends. One of the friends. But at any rate, here's the thing. She said they were sitting down politely, peacefully praying and singing.
And the pro -aborts were yelling. They were vile. They were cussing. And finally, after two hours of this, a
Christian just got mad and yelled back at him. The cameras showed that on the news that night.
Christians cause a problem. The hypocrisy. There you go. The lies of the left.
And they would support the Antichrist. I'm going to start saying that more and more.
Democratic Party. There you go. Just get right in line with the Antichrist. Okay, buddy. We got to go.
There's the music. Okay. God bless, man. Thank you, sir. God bless. All right. Hey, and sorry,
Julie. Hey, we'll be back Monday. God bless everybody. Have a great weekend. Another program powered by the