Road Trip DL: Responding to the Backlash on Mocking the Holocaust, Plus a Little Olympics Commentary
Had to spend 3/4 of the program responding to the amazing outpouring of, well, error and conspiracy and disrespect and nastiness on social media following the previous Dividing Line and my relatively short discussion on the meme mocking the Holocaust. Folks, there are serious, serious problems under the surface in a lot of Reformed churches. Beware! Keep an eye out! Then we suggested Mike Tyson should become Michelle Tyson and dominate the entire world of women's boxing (Babylon Bee type comment there).
- 00:27
- Well greetings welcome to the dividing line, it's been about 48 weird hours actually
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- Once the last program was was done. I didn't really see much commentary
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- Until the next morning and maybe it's cuz there
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- I don't follow some of the people I need to follow to be able to see all this stuff, but After that things started getting really weird
- 01:03
- Someone Sent me a link to a post on X where Someone was saying hey listen to what is said here at about 30 minute mark and once you find those you start looking around that's when you start discovering and I knew when
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- I chose to comment on Doug Wilson's comments on the issue of a particular meme
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- He had brought it up, I don't know about ten days ago or so and I had been contacted about it before them.
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- I I think I knew about it before Doug did and That This was being
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- Passed around within the reformed community as if it was humorous and It was that meme.
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- It's a it's I've seen it in many some people have reposted it since then Where the little girl is asking her mom they're baking something and it's just a little conversation and I've seen this mean used for Dozens of different things and lots of funny things
- 02:31
- But this one said mommy, what's the Holocaust and mommy responds
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- It's when the Jews Had to do manual labor and they said it was killing and you know,
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- I've I've followed the Auschwitz Memorial people they will post pictures of People who died at Auschwitz when they you know
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- They've got the date when they were brought in and when they died or if they survived very rare for that And of course for years and years and years
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- I have I was in high school when I first read the hiding place Which is a story of?
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- the ten booms And especially Corey and Betsy and their experience at the
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- Ravensbrück concentration camp and how you know
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- Betsy had died there and Corey was released by mistake
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- She was only like a week away from when women her age were executed and And then when
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- I used to travel over to Germany and teach Over there, which
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- I really enjoyed I missed that I really do I Got to visit various places.
- 04:06
- I got to visit the Stasi prison, which was the East German prison in East Germany East Berlin and What a what a
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- Depressing place that was But I also got to visit visit Sachsenhausen.
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- I mentioned this last time and Visit the gas chambers in the medical quote -unquote medical
- 04:32
- Experimentation areas and I mentioned that when the Soviets came in they took it over and expanded it actually
- 04:42
- But I saw I Mentioned last time over the the gate They all said the same thing our bike mocked right and Sachsenhausen has the same thing it was a
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- Surreal experience to walk through that gate and to walk around those grounds early ones so I Commented on the last program partly to just warn my fellow elders
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- This is not the type of thing That should be being laughed -at amongst reformed people
- 05:23
- No matter what your perspectives are now, you know When the attack on Israel took place last year the phrase anti -semitism began to be discussed by a lot of people and Anyone who you know,
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- I my first master's degree is from Massa fully theological center and So I have said many times on this program that New Testament theology
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- Christian theology as a whole but especially New Testament theology has been deeply impacted deeply impacted
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- By the state of affairs in Europe after World War two and so You all may remember
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- When The movie came out with Mel Gibson the passion and how there was a lot of pushback for the portrayal of Jews their role in the crucifixion and How at one point especially and when
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- I saw the movie I definitely caught this and at one point In the film remember they use subtitles and actually used
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- Aramaic For what was being said and They had had the quotation from Matthew you know when pilot says my hands
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- I washed my hands of innocent the bloodless man and The Jews say his blood be upon us and upon our children which is found in the
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- Gospel of Matthew and in fact is directly related to what
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- Peter says in Acts 2 When you know, the
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- Jews are like, what shall we do with they figure we've killed the Messiah. We're we're toast and He specifically says the promise
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- And this is where my Presbyterian brothers don't quote it correctly The promise is to you and to your children and to as many as are afar off as many as the
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- Lord our God so called himself, so Peter says the Jews actually
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- You're not cast off If you'll believe in the Messiah the promise the
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- Holy Spirit forgiveness of sins is for you and your children Jewish people and For as many as are far off the
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- Gentiles as Many as the Lord our God should call to himself Jews and Gentiles together one church
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- Acts chapter 2. This is directly related to what is said by the
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- Jews in Matthew because like The Jews who hear this message when Peter preaches are like his blood is upon us.
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- We can't we're doomed so There was such an outcry
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- Against the movie before it came out people who previewed that they removed the subtitles
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- But they kept the words in Aramaic and if you know enough Hebrew, you can follow the
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- Aramaic and you can still hear them Say it But they took it out there was so much pressure placed upon them and You know,
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- I I talked about that as a reformed theologian you spend a fair amount of time in Acts chapter 4 and the early church's prayer and The early church recognized that God in his sovereignty
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- Had used Herod crazy Pontius Pilate had
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- Chief Authority the Romans in Jerusalem at that time, but a pure political animal and a coward
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- The Jews and their jealousy of Jesus and the Gentile people the
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- Roman soldiers To do whatever your hand and your will predestined to occur.
- 10:07
- That's the early church's teaching That's you you'd have to sit there and say well, you know No, that was that was what was really church taught and that's what
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- Bible teaches and I've talked about the fact that it's very unpopular in New Testament circles
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- To say things like this. You're not allowed. You're not allowed To let the New Testament speak for itself because that's that's anti -semitic or that's anti -jewish and So for decades,
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- I've said call it what you want. It's what the Bible teaches and it's what we need to teach
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- You don't you don't edit the Bible based upon what happened 2 ,000 years later
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- It's like well that could cause a problem. And of course You all can go to YouTube and You can find the sermon that I get well sermon talk
- 11:06
- Lecture. Oh, it's not really the lecture that I gave on October 31st 2017 so the 500th anniversary of The Reformation I talked about the two
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- Luthers and the dangers of sacralism and I talked about how
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- Luther up to 1525 had put himself in danger literally
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- By how he referred to the Jews and how he wanted to see the Jews converted and the
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- G He said Jesus was a Jew. Can you believe that that was actually a controversial statement? in that day it was and Then the peasants revolt takes place other things take place in his life and Toward the end of his life the
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- Jews and their lives he writes and He has completely gone about You know reversed course and he's saying the same things that the
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- Popes have been saying for a long time Who were deeply anti -jewish and Amazingly the same things that his arch -rival were saying
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- Eck his arch -rival he was the first person to oppose Luther and Eck wrote the worst book in the history of the
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- Western Church Against the Jews. It was putrid is horrible Luther's wasn't as bad, but it certainly wasn't any good and of course
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- Luther is the one that gets attacked because the Nazis quoted from Luther and stuff like that and and they could
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- Have quoted from the Pope that could have quoted from Eck, but they quote from Luther At least in northern
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- Germany southern Germany to be much more Roman Catholic So I talked about this in the talk that I gave on Reformation Day in 2017 and so we've been very consistent over the years you
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- You know when When this definition of anti -semitism was suggested that was put into law
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- That said that part of anti -semitism is saying the Jews responsible death of Jesus. I'm like oh
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- Well for the Bible it says they were There's no way around it.
- 13:46
- You can't Can't change what was written long before this nation even came to existence so I'm not
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- Any longer haven't been for many many decades a dispensational pre -millennialist
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- I certainly was raised with that and so it did take a while to You know
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- I've told the story about in 1984
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- Now even before that no no the 1980 You know telling my friends that our Baptist Church about the budding the fig tree it took place in 1948 a generation's 40 years, so we've only got till 1988 and and I Seriously prayed
- 14:36
- Lord. I'd really like to get married before the rapture happens Then you had the 1988 was it 88 reasons is via 1988 or is it 84
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- I forget Edgar Wisson and no not Wisson it with Sorry Chris of Edgar whatever his name was
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- We walked out of church one day and this booklet was on all the cars, and this was a large church
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- There's a lot of somebody had to really put a lot of work into that. I'm surprised we didn't have security back then anyway
- 15:04
- So all that stuff You know where Israel today You know
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- Michael Brown thinks Israel today is a fulfillment of prophecy. I don't it's a secular nation
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- I said on the last program they promote the LGBTQ Stuff now been to Tel Aviv.
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- I've seen it there You know I I don't think that the
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- Nation of Israel is a prophetic fulfillment Anything like that at all and so I don't believe that they are
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- Perfect in what they do Netanyahu was in deep doo -doo a
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- Year ago right now with the Supreme Court stuff and look like not gonna lose an election
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- But may even be removed from office and hey politics politics politics They locked down like nobody's business during kovat you know all this kind of stuff, so Not not a dispensational hey everything
- 16:08
- Israel does is great type Person, but what does any of that have to do with?
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- mocking the murder of Jewish people by the
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- Nazi regime I did not know until the past 40 hours that there are people and I have been blocking right left and center on Twitter I Mean I've been removing followers.
- 16:44
- You know it says follows you remove block remove remove. I did not know
- 16:53
- The vile Stuff that's out there. Just vile Hitler defenders
- 16:58
- Hitler was Hitler was misunderstood by history and Hitler wanted to just get rid of all the sexual perverts in Europe And Hitler was this and Hitler and I'm saying you're going
- 17:10
- Why are you people talking about what what is going on here, and you're following me
- 17:17
- Anymore you're not um What is and at first yesterday?
- 17:24
- This is it's telling the truth over half the people That I was blocking for their
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- I Just can't believe that you would say that's not funny I just can't believe you would think that churches should be warned about this churches should be warned about this and I've already been warning institutions and churches
- 17:47
- About this kind of stuff Over half the people
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- That I was Removing his followers and blocking Had in their bio, you know those not everybody has it
- 18:04
- I've filled mine out as much as it can be filled out. I've had to be very you know
- 18:09
- I Grandfather and this that nothing Not everybody has it but a lot of people will put that by a little description of who they are what they do something
- 18:18
- Yeah over half of them Had 1689 in their body now if you don't know what that is
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- That's the London Baptist Confession Bay 1689 Do with it, but that's another long story.
- 18:36
- I was stunned. I was stunned When I started seeing this stuff,
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- I I was talking to a couple of Reformed Baptist scholars professors
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- Colleagues about it and and I'm you know, my heart's broken I just That the utter lack of discernment and maybe these are younger guys, you know,
- 19:03
- I was looking at I was looking at some guy just You know talking about Stuck in the how
- 19:14
- I'm stuck in a boomer worldview a Boomer worldview
- 19:23
- I'm Sorry, but if you know anything about world if you I mean if you really know anything about world Then you know there is no such thing as a boomer world or at least you would you'd have to recognize that Someone who is engaged in the work that I have for as long as I have
- 19:40
- My worldview is the subject of a tremendous amount of study I've taken my worldview outside of Twitter and Facebook outside of social media and have actually exposed it to All sorts of other worldviews and things like that which almost none of these people have themselves so I'm just like So much of this stuff
- 20:12
- I I don't even know how to respond to but There's this one guy.
- 20:21
- I just I just oh great wonder where I put my oh
- 20:27
- Brother you see those reading glasses next to you. We have a studio audience today and You're gonna see an arm here, thank you reading glasses are very very helpful
- 20:42
- But there's there's a guy I've already banned him called outer spection outer spection one and I don't know who posted this specific thing, but it is a screenshot from the last program the background is like that of me on One side on the other side.
- 21:03
- I think is Stephen Wolfe. I think and It's which way reformed man which way reformed man and down below it this outer spection guy has
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- James White had his time at this point. He had been a nuisance Frozen in a boomer worldview it is boomer world
- 21:26
- I'm not even sure what that exactly means and I sort of doubt that outer spection would be able to give a overly comprehensive definition of that Especially if I were to be standing in front of them these so many of these folks are so brave behind a key
- 21:47
- And then they just start stuttering When you actually face them yourself
- 21:54
- I don't stutter in those situations. I've been around this block a few times. I even had a guy
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- I and this was It says genuine question of James White and I truly hope he answers which
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- I did An hour ago. I'm gonna read what he said
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- What's the difference between me? laughing at a Holocaust joke, that's what that mean was and Coping about my dead wife through humor.
- 22:29
- Should I repent of both? people cope with the absurd through humor and I'm like, ah
- 22:42
- So this is this is this is my response this is exactly what I wrote It is difficult for me to believe that you're being serious it truly is
- 22:51
- I struggle to believe anyone could be so vacuous as to make a comment like this if your wife had been murdered by vicious evil men who have been indoctrinated into a cult of death and who had murdered thousands of others heartlessly while laughing about it and You laughed at a joke mocking your wife for her misfortune.
- 23:12
- Then you might have somewhat of a parallel Otherwise you clearly lack basic categorical thought skills
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- Because you're comparing things that cannot logically rationally morally
- 23:27
- Ethically be parallel, but I I just can't believe anybody would say something
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- It's just beyond beyond my capacity even understand that someone would say something and the weird thing is
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- Hey It's not his act thing. But before the act thing it says a
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- Jew what I I I don't even know.
- 24:05
- I don't even know So So I I just just now found his response what
- 24:19
- I just read to you. This is prideful and unbrotherly I just noticed your answer by the way
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- I'm being sincere and you dismiss sincerity because the humor offends your sensibilities One of us is actually sitting right now and it isn't me notice.
- 24:34
- He does not interact with anything. I said, it's I'm So far I have not found any of these folks that actually are willing to do so Categorical thinking is not something that they're up.
- 24:45
- It really isn't Truly amazing truly amazing
- 24:55
- So what I'm discovering One other guy one other guy
- 25:02
- I'm not sure if I can find it in here But I I said to a guy ah good post mill in practice someone named post mill in practice
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- He is attacking us who follow those who came before him led to them by him
- 25:24
- Sure, I Hate that I'm forced into the situation. I loved past tense
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- James White. I loved past tense Wilson But they are shooting us in the back as we continue on the very path that they laid out
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- For us in pursuit of truth. My response was we never
- 25:48
- Capitalized all caps. We never laid out this path for you.
- 25:55
- Never not once Don't try to blame don't let don't try to lay the blame for your bigotry and imbalance on the ones you now condemn
- 26:06
- But I am just going what? Why are there so many 1689 errs doing this stuff and when you push them on it, they're like well, but you know
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- You're gonna be accused to be an anti -semite if you just say what the Bible says about the Jews I've been there done that long before you came along That's not what
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- I'm talking about if you can't see How a mean
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- Mocking Jews in the Holocaust Is not only not funny
- 26:44
- It's untruthful Think of all the things that Paul says that we were to think of true honest just pure lovely
- 26:52
- That ain't none of those things You hear me? That ain't none of those things.
- 27:01
- So I'm sitting here. This is basic Christianity 101. I mean this would literally be like you sitting there and I'm sure that I could probably pull one up Very quickly if you just can find a few
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- Planned Parenthood people to follow on social media. This would be like mocking
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- Babies who are torn apart in the womb and thinking it's funny same thing
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- Same thing There were so many Christians who gave their lives
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- To try to rescue Jews From the Nazi Holocaust and if you laugh at that mean you are mocking them
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- You're mocking the ten booms You're mocking all the faith the people in that family that died to rescue people you're mocking them
- 28:00
- And if you can't see that what spirit of deception has taken you over?
- 28:09
- I don't get it There's nothing in the 1689 there's nothing in the
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- Westminster Confession and here's where here's where people are going Here's where people are going.
- 28:20
- They're saying see this is all about eschatology. If you are a dispensational pre -millennialist nothing
- 28:25
- This wouldn't be happening. Well, um This is the arguments this if you don't believe that the modern nation of Israel is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy
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- If you don't believe that the majority of Old Testament prophecies about land and God's blessings like that are actually about Israel and not about the church, even though Anyways, if you would just do what we do
- 29:01
- None of this would exist Okay Um So, when did we start doing biblical interpretation based upon what might happen?
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- If we apply sound hermeneutical principles description, I Am reminded of the debate
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- I did with dr. Sabin in 1999 he was one of the leading
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- Oneness guys you may have seen I think Walter Martin. I think Walter Martin debated him like the 80s anyway
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- One of his arguments in our debate was You can't believe in the
- 29:43
- Doctrine of Trinity because Trinitarians burned Unitarians and it's like well, um
- 29:54
- Yes Self -professed Trinitarians did burn
- 30:00
- Unitarians That did happen in church history now as I pointed out in Louisville a few months ago,
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- I Was doing a quick church history run at Brian Gunter's Church, and I Made the comment.
- 30:15
- I said Baptists have been killed by everybody Roman Catholics reformed
- 30:23
- Anglicans everybody has killed Baptists Um Baptists have been killed by everybody.
- 30:32
- We haven't killed anybody Baptists don't have a Foundation for Imprisoning persecuting drowning burning whatever other people on the foundation of theological differences and so the the pastor's wife
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- Immediately had a t -shirt made for me, which they gave to me with that quote on it Baptist. We get killed by everybody
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- We don't kill anybody. So I haven't mourned it on the dividing line.
- 31:10
- I should do that just it but The art the argument does not impact how you interpret the passage of Scripture that clearly teach the doctrine of the
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- Trinity So if someone who believes something That's true does something bad that doesn't change the truth of what they believe so You know,
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- I can I can see people who will profess
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- I think the London Baptist Confession of Faith is a great summary of Christian doctrine and I also think that Hitler was actually a really cool dude
- 31:52
- Okay, the one actually doesn't impact the other but it does make anyone sit back and go
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- Have our church has been assuming things they shouldn't be assuming are we not addressing foundational things that I Mean most these people seem rather young My parents lived through World War two my uncle fought in the
- 32:17
- Pacific of course, I've been a reader of the history of World War two for a very very long time and And so maybe we're getting far enough away now,
- 32:32
- I mean You know, we just had the what was it the 80th anniversary of D -Day and I thought it was so cool
- 32:38
- There was an actual paratrooper from D -Day That parachuted into Normandy now, of course, he was with some other guy that was you know, but he was like 96 or something
- 32:53
- If Every bone in my body would break if I did something like that I can't I don't know how he stood up after that landing.
- 32:59
- But anyways that's getting to be a long time ago and Maybe there's just more and more people that just That's just ancient history
- 33:11
- Don't even need to worry about anymore. Don't you think about it anymore? I know none of these people have toured
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- Sachsenhausen, that's the only one I've been to I've driven past Buchenwald and by the way,
- 33:26
- I used Buchenwald as my example when I spoke to the Phoenix City Council a number of years ago It's on YouTube.
- 33:31
- He only had three minutes. I made it my three minutes, but I used Buchenwald as my example and how
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- Patton had forced the inhabitants of the nearby town to tour
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- Buchenwald Many of them threw up and and Couldn't make it and passed out and everything else and he forced them to do it
- 33:53
- You sat here and you watch these smokestacks you did nothing So, I Don't think most of these people been to those places and I don't get the feeling they would care
- 34:06
- To go to those places either I guess But yes, it does leave me sitting here going
- 34:13
- What's going on I've never had I've never blocked
- 34:20
- This many people I think once I made that comment on my anniversary in like 2020 and I think over the next two or three days.
- 34:32
- I may have blocked as many people as I've blocked now But the vast majority of them were on way on the left
- 34:41
- They weren't Supposedly my fellow Reformed believers and so someone might use this as an argument against reformed theology.
- 34:53
- Okay, I You know if you want to make a connection between a belief in the sovereignty of God or something like that and and Allowing people to do this kind of thing
- 35:04
- Go for it. I'd like to hear what it is But I don't think that that's about argumentation, but it does make me go.
- 35:12
- What are we missing? What are we missing that would allow the next generations?
- 35:21
- To be so easily deceived by literally Nazi propaganda. Oh And I know
- 35:26
- I've seen a bunch of these things. I I've seen this stuff and and it's like Yeah, well if you say the
- 35:35
- Jews crucified Jews here, we call an anti -semite I've said that forever and I'm not gonna stop saying that because the Bible says that So I don't care about that.
- 35:43
- And yeah, I'm But I can defend it That doesn't mean for a second
- 35:51
- I am going to be subject to Nazi propaganda And another guy was just really really angry at me because I've told us
- 36:03
- I'm not gonna tell the whole story again But because I'll how I handled the guy who came to apologia
- 36:08
- With a message for us. You should have been really nice to get folks.
- 36:16
- I I uh, I Went to For 29 and a half years.
- 36:25
- I was a member of the Phoenix reformed us Don Frye was the pastor when we joined there in 1989 and I became an elder there for decades and Every time one of these people showed up Don Frye's Attitude basically was oh
- 36:48
- You're here to tell the elders what to do. Okay, please don't let the door hit you on the way just No patience with that at all
- 36:58
- God did not make you an elder in this church That's not how it works if You want to walk into a church?
- 37:06
- Thinking you're a prophet and you know what? 99 .99 % is people are not in a church
- 37:14
- They're not serving Christ because they can't get along with anybody because they think they're the only ones who have the insight stuff and Those of you who are upset about that.
- 37:24
- You've obviously not been pastoring very long if you're a pastor, okay? just I'm Someday You're gonna be greeting people after the service
- 37:36
- You've already had to deal with two or three crises that day Somebody in this church is not happy with you
- 37:43
- You know, you're gonna be meeting with a couple that's in trouble in their marriage, you know two days from now and some pit
- 37:49
- Some person you've never met before in your life with a little bit of a while look in there Is gonna come up to you and they're gonna communicate to you that you need to sit down and learn from them
- 38:01
- Right. No what you're gonna remember That you came after me
- 38:10
- For doing what you're gonna do when that happens because you're gonna realize no, no, no, no, no
- 38:18
- Sorry, that's you know if you're a part of this church and You're a serious student and you've got serious questions or you've come up with serious issues
- 38:30
- That's completely different if you're someone that I don't know from Adam that's just going from church to church to church to try to get disciples ain't happening and I ain't gonna feel bad about it.
- 38:43
- I ain't gonna feel bad about it, so Again it was this guy saying
- 38:50
- You know, we appreciate everything you do with the Mormon abortion But you just need to understand who's behind all of this
- 38:58
- Who starts all the come? I've seen it. I've seen a bunch of this who's who's who's who does all the pornography?
- 39:07
- Who does all the abortion? It's the Jew or some of us said what no, no, we need to be more accurate.
- 39:16
- It's not the Jews. It's Zionism What what so Some people say well you shouldn't block folks.
- 39:27
- I don't want these kinds of people in my comment threads because they'll start off sounding like They're reformed like we are but in reality, they've got another agenda behind and I'm gonna do it and If you don't like that then
- 39:49
- Don't follow me on Twitter. That's perfectly fine, too But let me tell you something.
- 39:57
- I now know what's out there And I don't think I even know the depth of it yet But I know what's out there and My ears and eyes are now open.
- 40:11
- I've already communicated this stuff to the elders at my church and We are gonna keep a close eye out.
- 40:17
- This is not gonna happen and We have to be careful who we associate with outside because you know,
- 40:27
- I Love the fact that apology Wants to work with everybody we want to get along When we do reform con we bring people in from all sorts of different perspectives
- 40:39
- And we don't demand that you we agree on absolutely everything. We've got
- 40:44
- Presbyterians in there all the time and And we want to work together we work with Doug Wilson might work with Toby something we work with Chocolate Knox, even though I scare him to death and and Gabe wrench, you know, you know
- 40:59
- Gabe watched me on my very first RV trip trying to hook that thing up for like 20 minutes and Now I do it first shot like that Honestly Gabe and Gabe came to apology to do a debate with one of our beacons on The issue of fatal baptism and Southwest lost just what's this luggage and he had to do the
- 41:23
- Debate in jeans and a t -shirt, which I think for Gabe is probably his best look anyways I I just think that's probably best.
- 41:29
- But anyway We get along with people we want to get along with people But there are certain things you just simply can't not allow to enter into The fellowship because if people lack the discernment to be able to recognize the evil of Nazi propaganda
- 41:48
- Then they are going to be subject to bring things into the fellowship that will cause division. It will cause strife
- 41:56
- That will cause church splits it will cause they will be looking to bring to take disciples off after themselves and That's what people do.
- 42:06
- I can't believe you're adding to the gospel adding to the gospel if You can't see
- 42:15
- How the gospel should cause you? to not find funny the murder of innocent people
- 42:24
- Then I don't think you know the gospel You may know all the verses and everything else, but I don't think you even know it you're in trouble deep trouble
- 42:37
- And I say to my fellow pastors my fellow elders and reformed churches Keep an eye on this stuff is out there and half these people
- 42:47
- I had no idea Because the only times they would comment on stuff was on stuff. We were all in agreement on And then all sudden it comes out
- 42:58
- And this is how you sow division this is how you destroy things and This is what's happening.
- 43:04
- So I I I don't even know what to say about Things I you know people want we're wanting me to get into all sorts of stuff and I'm like, um, okay
- 43:21
- Tomorrow evening. I'm debating Tim Barber here in the Denver area You can be able to make the debate.
- 43:29
- It's nice having a live studio audience, even though I wasn't sure if he was still conscious We're doing dinner after this.
- 43:38
- So, um I'm debating Tim Barber on open theism Mari Now you may not care about it
- 43:49
- Okay, I think it's a very important issue. I think it's
- 43:54
- God honoring to defend his Sovereignty and his eternality I think open theism is a blatant
- 44:06
- Making God in our image and so we're doing the debate tomorrow night
- 44:14
- And I'm hoping that it's gonna be as friendly and Uncompromising as the debate we did last week, which
- 44:26
- I think is over 60 ,000 views in less than a week I'm very pleased about that, especially given all the things
- 44:35
- I said about Pope Francis in that particular debate. So I Not sure why it's so wildly popular, but I think it's great
- 44:43
- So two debates next
- 44:48
- Wednesday Debating Jared Longshore from Moscow, I know
- 44:54
- Lou St. Andrews Nature the New Covenant who's in the New Covenant. I Listened to everything that I said on the dividing line to Jared back in December on a very long
- 45:08
- My rides are getting longer and longer because I'm going slower and slower Bike ride up here in Colorado just The day
- 45:17
- I have to stop doing this You're gonna see a real change. You really will this has just been so much a part of my life for so long now the beauty
- 45:29
- The beauty up here is just astonishing it really really is anyway, I've got a lot of stuff going on and I'm I'm just sort of saying to folks.
- 45:42
- No, I'm I'm not gonna drop all this. I'm not gonna be unprepared for debates. I'm not going to Invest my life in that which is so depressing and so sad
- 45:55
- But that's what you have to do because you know, they have all these secret sources of information
- 46:01
- It's got to get out of your boomer worldview Okay All right,
- 46:11
- I'm Denver, I don't know what on earth is causing this to infiltrate reformed churches But I can guarantee you one thing the enemy is targeting us
- 46:20
- They really are there's no No, no, no toys about it
- 46:28
- Looks like I do have some tweets are gonna be very very interesting. I have now twice seen undoubtedly an
- 46:37
- AI Created image, of course, it's it just disappeared. It was there a second ago.
- 46:43
- It's the one thing about Twitter. It's just like You all saw the
- 46:52
- Horrific Images of a
- 46:57
- Italian Female boxer
- 47:04
- Quitting 45 minutes into a bout with a Transgender woman also known as a perverted man and Then her dropping to her knees and tears and it wasn't
- 47:19
- Because she was so badly hurt. It was because she had worked so hard for this. Now, let me say before someone
- 47:25
- Throws a bomb my direction I'm not really into women boxing.
- 47:32
- Okay, I'm not really into women pugilists beating each other up I I Don't see that that really fits with how
- 47:41
- God made women and how they're to function There's you know, I I think track and field
- 47:50
- Totally different thing. I mean Some of those women they are so fast and they work so hard.
- 47:56
- Okay, I But then again, they have things stolen from them by these cowardly men pretending to be women, but Actually, this is a good illustration this is a good illustration because What let me tell you about a mean this popped up and some of you say we don't think we should laugh at anything
- 48:21
- No, if you can't understand why the mockery of the murder of millions of people
- 48:26
- Based upon hatred is not worthy of laughing then. I don't know how to talk to you.
- 48:32
- We live on different planets I don't get it But what is funny is the meme that I've seen that I can't find anymore, but it will undoubtedly
- 48:41
- Pop up probably right after I'm done with the program Someone took
- 48:49
- Mike Tyson and put him in Female clothes and long hair and said we have a suggestion to the international box
- 49:00
- And I'm like, you know even at his age now
- 49:10
- That man continues to frighten me he really really does And yeah, why not
- 49:21
- Why not if Mike Tyson Identified as a female what are they supposed to do?
- 49:29
- They can't stop him. And how old is he now? Is he in his 60s? I think he might be in his 60s.
- 49:35
- I'm not sure He would destroy everyone with one punch
- 49:41
- He would be world champion. He'd have every belt from every you know That no stopping and everybody knows it and everybody also realizes how grossly stupid that is
- 49:55
- So, why is there this? XY chromosome dude from what is it
- 50:03
- Algeria? Beating up women in the in the
- 50:10
- Olympics, it's wrong. It's perverted. It's disgusting And it makes all of us sit back and go how how did we get here and All of it comes back to a complete rejection and rebellion against God's creative design
- 50:31
- I mean I've said I remember
- 50:37
- I was in Flagstaff speaking at a conference that I would never be invited to speak at again. So amazing what happens in nine years
- 50:44
- But I was in Flagstaff, Arizona speaking at a Reformed Baptist conference and back then we were all friends and that was great
- 50:53
- When the Obergefell decision came down and I've commented a number of times it's like a switch was flipped
- 51:03
- I remember listen, I converted the Decision to mp3 so I could listen to it.
- 51:11
- It was the biggest pile of childish emotional Dribble I've ever listened.
- 51:19
- I mean Kennedy wrote it and he should be absolutely shamed himself. Then again the
- 51:24
- Roe v. Wade decision was just as absurd on a legal level People almost never read those things at least not in the media
- 51:35
- So it's like a Switch was flipped and all of a sudden all the emphasis on homosexuality became emphasis on transgender
- 51:44
- Within a year just oh, that's where everything went And that's what's led to this
- 51:52
- It's not insanity. It's evil. I Mean, it's insanity can be evil.
- 51:59
- Hitler was an insane evil, man. So I guess you could do it that way But sometimes people think of insanity as a disease or something like that something you can treat with drugs or something
- 52:10
- No, no, this is insane evil and we we see it over and over again and Part of me almost feels badly for this male boxer guy because I think
- 52:25
- Globally, he's gonna have to like change his name Hairstyle and everything else because there are many many cultures in this world that will not accept this kind of Stupid behavior and I I'll be honest with you.
- 52:44
- I I think he He could be a date. I Really? I really do.
- 52:51
- I I think he needs change. His name is look and everything when he gets home Because I think he would be in real real real danger
- 53:01
- But then again every woman he's fighting is in building. So it sort of goes both directions
- 53:10
- But I was a little I've been a little surprised I'm not watching the Olympics like I said, if you're on social media this stuff pops up and Like I know that Remco Even a pole won the men's time trial and I guess the men's road race is
- 53:27
- Saturday I'd love to watch it, but I'm not going to But I follow so many cycling sources on Twitter, I'll find out it's gonna pop up whether I want to see it but I'm a little surprised that It's only in the boxing area have they started weightlifting yet,
- 53:48
- I don't know But if they allow it in boxing are they allowing weightlifting because that's the other area where you know, you've seen these dudes
- 53:57
- Wearing a bra, you know lifting 150 pounds more than any woman has ever lifted in their weight class before So, I wonder if that's gonna be happening in the
- 54:09
- Olympics but I thought I thought they banned like Thomas What was his name?
- 54:18
- Will will Thomas that's right. I know you did named him. No, I truth named him
- 54:25
- They banned will Thomas from competing amongst women, so if you're not allowed to do it in swimming
- 54:31
- Why would you be allowed to do it in boxing it's the exact same thing Have you seen that guy's wingspan?
- 54:38
- Have you seen all of these swimmers these male swimmers? Who can just I mean their arms are
- 54:46
- Seven feet long. I mean, you know, it's like they've got propellers as he does How is that not the same thing as a boxer
- 54:57
- That has all of that connective tissue Musculature if you if you went through puberty as a male you're stuck with it, buddy.
- 55:05
- That's the way it is. Give it up. I Don't get it. I don't understand it and same with weightlifting
- 55:14
- And you never see it going the other direction do you you never see a woman entering the male weightlifting category because they don't like being dead last and everything and You don't see women going into the men's track and field
- 55:32
- You don't see women going into men's tennis Because I think it was
- 55:38
- Martina Navarro Lova who herself who said Any man in the in the top?
- 55:46
- 400 of the collegiate ranks could beat the best female tennis player any of They can serve 20 miles per hour faster they move faster that's just the way that it is
- 56:02
- That's life. That's the difference between being a male female not designed so we are seeing the foolishness of Secular humanism the culture of death all around us and Wrapping things up here
- 56:24
- It's very very obvious to me That the Marxists the left in the
- 56:33
- United States feels that in 2024 They got what they want in 2020
- 56:42
- They're gonna do anything in their power to hold on to power In 2020, I don't know what's gonna happen between now in November or I guess
- 56:50
- I should say between now in January. I Pray for peace.
- 57:00
- I pray for righteousness I Pray for truthfulness, but as I look at my nation,
- 57:09
- I Ask myself the question on what grounds The only grounds
- 57:15
- I can pray for this nation is God in your mercy, but at the same time the propriety
- 57:25
- For God to punish a land with blood dripping from its hands
- 57:32
- Where the people's house is clothed in LGBTQ colors a huge extended middle finger to the sky
- 57:46
- I don't know. I I don't know and I I keep admitting, you know often
- 57:56
- I think about my prayers for my nation and I'm feel convicted of Selfishness Either so I can continue to do the things that I'm doing or as a grandfather for my grandkids.
- 58:13
- I Don't want my grandkids Groveling for food as Chinese soldiers walk down the streets of their neighbor, but when
- 58:27
- I look at the Marxists They're not Democrats. They're Marxists and People that's not fair Listen to what
- 58:35
- Kamala Harris her definition of equity is Karl Marx's All at the same place
- 58:47
- Hello, I Realized if you were educated in the public education system, you've never heard of this stuff.
- 58:53
- I get it That's Marxism Can you imagine what's gonna happen in this world?
- 59:00
- If that woman's elected you think you're paying a lot for food and gas now, you're not gonna be able to afford any of it
- 59:10
- I can be able for it any of it Taiwan, oh my goodness Who wants her to win
- 59:15
- China? Moscow Tehran they all wanted to win and they are pouring the money into it believe you me
- 59:24
- You wanted election interference if there was anybody who actually does research and does investigation
- 59:34
- It's happening right in front of us right in front of us. It is truly amazing. Well, anyways,
- 59:40
- I don't enjoy spending 40 plus minutes talking about the infiltration of utter foolishness into Reformed churches, but yeah,
- 59:53
- I do what you gotta do. Yeah, I do what you gotta do. That's we've always done. It's not popular I'm sure
- 59:59
- I'm losing lots of followers both Them not following anymore fine, hustle
- 01:00:05
- Vista or am I blocking them? And I've seen so I'm saying we're never gonna I'm not ever give a dime to you again a
- 01:00:14
- Couple times I've asked rich. Could you look up such -and -such a name? Yes. Yes all that those records and Not there was one time during kovat
- 01:00:24
- Where one guy got mad at us what I was saying about kovat and everything I was saying has been proven true
- 01:00:29
- Who did give and we took a real hit with that one one of our biggest monthly donors
- 01:00:38
- But other than that every time I've asked like nope never heard the guy nope never given a dime nope never done anything
- 01:00:45
- So most this stuff is like yeah, right. I don't think you're really being honest with me.
- 01:00:52
- So anyway That's how that goes. All right Let me see if I can remember how to do this stuff here,
- 01:00:59
- I think I start the music like that and Say to all the rest of you, thanks for watching next week probably