Joel Berry is Not Your Average Conservative! 😂

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Alright, let's jump into it this week. God bless you. Thanks for joining.
Thanks for coming back to the channel. Hope you're having a good week so far. You know, I fully intended to do a video on Monday and Tuesday of this week, but it just didn't happen.
So here we are on Wednesday. Thanks for joining. I want to do a video about this, about the editor of the
Babylon Bee, Joel Berry. He posted a series of tweets the other day that were so hilarious, and I just wanted to talk about them.
A lot of people have commented on them, but I've got my own unique take, as you might think.
I've been noticing this kind of thing since I was a kid. I'll never forget. I was probably 10, 11, 12.
I don't know, something like that. And my aunt, who is no longer with us, she graduated from college, and she's my father's youngest sibling.
So she graduated, and I remember being at the graduation. I was so bored.
Graduations are so boring, and especially for a kid. And I remember hearing everyone get their diploma and stuff like that.
And then they announced my aunt's name, and she was so excited.
She had her Puerto Rican flag with her. Nobody else was carrying a flag, but she was. And Puerto Rican flag, waving it around, so excited.
And as a kid, I was just like, what's the big deal? I liked being Puerto Rican. I always enjoyed it.
On Christmas, there's always some roast pork there. It's just wonderful. All my friends had to suffer through dry turkey, and I had turkey and roast pork.
I like that kind of thing. I like the music. I like the culture. I like listening to my grandparents play dominoes to all hours of the night when
I was a kid, trying to fall asleep in their house in the Bronx. I just liked everything about being Puerto Rican. But I never was so enthusiastic.
And I can understand, too. If you were the first Puerto Rican to graduate, I probably wouldn't have carried a flag, but I guess
I could see and understand why someone would do it. Or even if they were the first person in their family to graduate, or their town or their little village that they came from, from Puerto Rico.
But that was not the case. My aunt was from New York, and my father was older than her and had graduated from Columbia.
So it's like, it didn't make any sense to me. But likewise, on the flip side,
I've never understood white people that just seem to deny any interest in their ethnicity at all.
It's just, it's a very weird thing. And I kind of got that feeling from Joel Berry.
He wasn't really saying anything against whites per se, but he certainly seemed to be appealing to a certain audience.
So I wanted to just, you know, kind of go through a couple of different tweets in this. It was like a
Twitter, it was like a, it was like a self -immolation, like a Twitter meltdown. Like, it was, it was unforced.
Nobody was asking him about this. He just went out there and said, you want to see some stupid tweets?
Here's some stupid tweets. I'm grateful, though.
It did provide a lot of comedy. Here's what his first tweet said. This is from an article by Andrew, Pastor Andrew Isker from Gab.
Here is what his first tweet said. He says, on popular take, mass immigration could save this country.
These are hardworking, mostly Christian and Catholic people coming in. The Democrats immediately want to hook them with welfare and turn them into permanent underclass voting bloc.
We could prevent that by assimilating them. It's like,
I just, on the face of it, this is a stupid idea, a very stupid idea.
It's like, look, here's how we do it, guys. This is how we win. We do exactly what the
Democrats want. We bring it, we bring them in. Just open up the borders. We got to bring them in.
Oh, man. And these are the people that love democracy, right? They just love, they know democracy works.
If we could only just, you know, win those elections, right? But it's very difficult.
It's like, you just have to, you have to really deny reality in order to, in order to think that democracy works and that somehow importing a lot of socialist, you know, country living people because they're
Christians is a good idea. So you see, the very strategy that your opponent is using to win, you should do that because you can win.
You just have to assimilate them. What does that mean? What, what does assimilate them mean?
I'm getting too into it. I'm getting too deep into it. But you got, what you got in democracy is you've got one party that's promising all kinds of goodies on the left.
This is the left for you. And then on the other, on the right, you've got a party that's promising less goodies.
So they've got some goodies, but less. And this, you know, this is how democracy works.
Whoever's promising the most goodies over time is going to win. So Joel Berry here is like, that is a massive, let's bring them in.
That's how we do it. Except the key, here's the key that Joel highlights here. This is how we win guys.
We do everything the Democrats want them to do, but we assimilate them.
By the way, this is the opposite of an unpopular take. I just, I can't even, and Isker of course recognizes that instantly.
That's the first thing he comments on, unpopular take. This is not an unpopular take, Andrew says.
It's the foundational position of both political parties on the immigration question. The set in stone position of the
GOP, the Republicans, is in favor of mass migration. And it's been this way our entire lives.
Yeah. This is, this is why this is a self immolation. He's like, guys, guys,
I've got some base stuff for you. I know you're not going to like this. Mass immigration, that's how we win.
And we assimilate them. Of course, that's how you do it. You assimilate them into voting for Republicans instead of Democrats.
That's how you do it. Is this a possible thing that could happen?
Sure. Yeah, sure. I mean, it's possible that all the trannies will convert and vote Republican.
There you go. It's possible. Is that a strategy? No, it is not a strategy.
And Pastor Andrew Isker, of course, here does a really good job breaking down exactly why this is a stupid idea.
But I don't really want to go into it. If you're interested, it's called the conservative case for the great replacement. It's an interesting take.
And I really recommend it. Go ahead and give it a read and all of that. I wanted to talk about the other tweet.
And this one was really, really, really hilarious. If you thought the first one was hilarious with the unpopular take from the editor from the
Babylon Bee, which was the most popular take that you could imagine. Here's the next one.
And this one, when you first read it, you might not get it. And I can
I could listen. It seems like an innocuous take on first blush, but he gets turned into a pretzel immediately with a very basic question.
And it's so satisfying, guys. This is a satisfying exchange. Here's what
Joel Berry, the editor of the Babylon Bee, has to say. He says Western civilization was invented by the
Greeks and the Jews, while white Europeans were still naked savages dancing around campfires.
Now, you think about that. You're like, yeah, you know what? You know, white Europeans, you know, they they were pagan.
You know, they had pagan idols that they worshipped and and stuff like that. OK, yeah, you follow, you follow.
Yeah, they used to eat each other. Sure. You know, that that's true. I mean, you know, they they had their they had their
Norse gods. And I don't really know a whole lot about, you know, the kinds of gods that they worship. But I knew I know they were pagans.
That's true. And then Western civilization. Yeah. You know, kind of what we know is Western civilization.
Of course, we know we we we base our civilization on the scriptures, of course. And and there were
Jewish scriptures. That's like that's true. And and all of that. But, you know, of course, we also recognize that, you know, the gospel came through Europe.
And of course, the Protestant Reformation happened in Europe. And of course, we owe a great debt of gratitude to Europe.
So so what's the point of of this tweet? Right. And you might not know how to attack it right away because there's some there's some truth there.
But you can kind of sense that he's saying it to gain some brownie points from someone who
I don't know who, but someone. And this is the thing, like white, white, certain white people have this pathology.
It's like the opposite of what my aunt had. And a lot of minorities have this where they they're like so into their ethnicity that it's just like you don't really get it, but you kind of get it.
But it's just a little over the top. That's how I always felt since I was a kid, you know, holding the Puerto Rican flag anyway.
So he gets tied into a pretzel immediately. So let me just reread Joel's tweet.
And then the the question that that stumps him, it stumps him. Joel says
Western civilization was invented by the Greeks and Jews and Jews, while white Europeans were still naked savages dancing around campfires.
And he gets asked, Joel, what's your favorite thing about whites? It seems like an innocent question, and I think this is why it tripped him up so much, because it's like it's just a basic question.
Right. And, you know, you can kind of see that he's trying to make it's like a rhetorical question almost where he's kind of trying to make a point like,
Joel, why do you hate white people so much? Right. It's OK to be white. You know, the the the old Reddit thing.
Was that Reddit? No, that was 4chan. It's OK to be white. Yeah. Everyone loses their mind when you post a sign that says it's
OK to be white. Anyway. So haunted backlog here. I don't know who this is, says, what's your favorite thing about whites?
And Joel responds, that's a nonsense question. It's like asking what's my favorite thing about people with green eyes.
Race is meaningless. Now, have you caught it yet? Just think about it.
It's a nonsense question. Race is meaningless. When he's asked, what's your favorite thing about whites?
But Joel seemed to understand exactly what race was all about and how it was meaningful when he was making his point about how white
Europeans used to be naked savages dancing around campfires while Jews and Greeks, who
I guess aren't white, invented Western civilization. He he seemed to understand the racial categories, the ethnic categories and and the importance of them until he was asked to mention something positive about whites.
And then, of course, it's meaningless. Who cares? So when you're trashing whites, everybody knows what you're talking about.
But when you're asked to say something nice, all of a sudden, it's like, what does white even mean? Who knows? Oh, you white people, man, you guys are crazy.
You guys are nuts. Seriously, I love white people. You know, I could name a lot of things that I like about whites because I've had a lot of experience with white people.
But I got to be honest with you, you guys are nuts. Someone's going to come get your boy here and tell him, you know, we're not all that bad.
The question is, who's
Joel trying to impress here? That's what I want to know. Who is this tweet for? Because obviously it's for someone.
It's an unpopular take. It's not an unpopular take. But why why did he write this?
Why like this? It just seems like such an unforced like face plant of and this is not the only ones.
I mean, he went in for a while. There's other things I could have said here, but I just found it so interesting. They're just so they're just so they seem so pointless to me.
Why do this? Like, who are you trying to impress? Are you trying to show that you're not?
I'm not like those whites. That's that's that's what these kind of tweets are. They're like, I'm not like those guys.
You know what I mean? You ever see a church who's like entire marketing strategy is we're like church, but we're like a different kind of church.
You know, basically every church is marketing strategies like that. You know, we're church. I used to know a church where I used to live.
I'm not going to name blast them because he was a nice guy, but but it was it was church, but different.
And it's like, yeah, but should we really be trying to be church, but different? Like, is that a good
I don't think a good marketing strategy is like, you know, come be a Christian like all the other Christians stink, but we're the good ones.
I just don't I don't see that as a good marketing strategy. Oh, man. But anyway, so yeah,
I don't know. You white people are nuts, man. You guys you guys have these weird pathologies. But again, like I said, we have Puerto Ricans and minorities.
We have our own issues, of course. But, you know, this is the thing about this thing about ethnicity and race is like,
I think it's weird to overemphasize it, but I think it's also weird to underemphasize it.
Like there are differences between the ethnicities like like Puerto Ricans are different than non
Puerto Ricans. Right. Puerto Ricans are different than Europeans. We do different things. We value different things.
We are different characteristics and things like there's nothing wrong with that, by the way. There's nothing wrong that people are people are deathly afraid of of of any kind of difference.
That's not like instantly obvious. Right. Like like like physical differences are instantly obvious.
I mean, there's a reason why there's a lot of black people in sports. Right. Things like that.
There's a reason. There's a reason why that that there's there's a lot of, you know, people that have musical talents that are that are minorities or things like that.
There's a reason for all that stuff. And then people are OK with that. But then but then when you start to talk about other things like, you know,
IQ or, you know, behaviors and things like that, people lose their minds.
And and I don't think we really should lose our minds. Like I'm not saying that you need to overemphasize all that stuff.
I'm not saying that it affects your value as a human being, but it might be smart to recognize that, you know, if ethnicities there are differences between the ethnicities,
I mean, in the Bible, like we can see very clearly that there are differences between the ethnicities in the Old Testament.
There's obvious stuff there, even in the New Testament, you know, where Paul's talking about, you know, different groups and things like that.
He doesn't he doesn't shy away from talking about things that are said about the group as a potentially, you know, and not even like good ones, like potentially bad ones, bad things.
What is the what is the I should have looked it up. But you know what I'm talking about? You know what I'm talking about? So, yeah, there's this weird thing.
Like, don't don't I feel like my advice, you don't have to do what I do, but, you know, don't overemphasize it, but don't underemphasize it either.
Like, I'm not going to every time I make an accomplishment, I'm not going to put a Puerto Rican flag on my accomplishment. See, see, we can do it.
That just seems a little weird. But at the same time, like, I'm not going to talk about like all the negative things about Puerto Ricans like, well, yeah, you know, like Puerto Ricans haven't done anything good.
Puerto Rico, it was the Jews that did the good stuff. And then we Puerto Ricans, we just we kind of rode the Jews coattail.
That's essentially how this Joel Berry tweet reads. And it's like, you know, that's
I guess that there's some truth there. But we also know that the
Jews, you know, it wasn't because they were extra special or extra beautiful or extra big or extra smart.
It's just because God chose them. It's okay to be God's chosen people. It's okay that God used
Europe in such an amazing, amazingly positive way in the history of the world.
It's okay to acknowledge that. And it's okay to be white. That's my that's my advice.
My ultimate advice for you today is it's okay to be white. In any case,
I hope you found this helpful. My favorite thing about whites. Let's see if I can think of something. My favorite thing.
I don't know. There's a lot of positive things about whites. I've had a lot of positive experiences with white people. My favorite thing about whites, though, you know, maybe mayonnaise.
I like mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is a good one. When you think about mayonnaise, it's kind of gross.
But when you eat it, it's good. In any case, God bless you. I hope you found this video helpful.
You know, Joel Berry, I'm sure he's a nice guy. I never really was a Babylon Bee guy. In fact, I don't even think I've ever shared a
Babylon Bee article maybe once or twice. But I just never really liked it. I never really read it.
I don't even think I've ever read a Babylon Bee article. I've read the headlines. That's about it. It's never really my cup of tea.
But I gotta say, man, if if you ever needed a reason to distrust Babylon Bee, I think you've got it.
I don't know who they're trying to impress, but it didn't work. In any case,
God bless you. Take care. I should I should end this video the way I normally do. I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless. I changed my mind.
Mayonnaise is good. But tears for fears, man. Tears for fears. Everybody wants to rule the world.