She’s Playing a Game of Twister with the Scripture

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Are demonic “things” being sowed into your life by Satan while you sleep? The Holy Nope Breakdown


Are demonic things being sowed into your life by Satan while you sleep? Apparently yes. Be prepared to never sleep again as we break down the
Holy Nope episode 281. Have you ever wondered why you keep waking up at 3 o 'clock in the morning? God is the one waking you up at 3 a .m.
Sometimes he may want to talk to you, and at other times he may need you to pray. If you're waking up at this time, don't ignore it.
These hours are widely known in the occult as the witching hour. This is when Satan and his demons sow demonic things in people's lives.
Ever heard the parable about the terror sown among the weak while man slept? That's exactly what this is. So yes, there are definitely things that go wrong in the night.
But through prayer and the power of God, you can be the one that bumps back. I want to say first that I fully believe that God may prompt his people to prayer at different times, but who is she talking to in this video?
She doesn't even know. She just puts it out there for anyone who happens to have a habit of waking up around 3 a .m.
Of course, some people receive this word who have been waking up at 2 a .m., but does that even count? How does this woman know that God is the one waking up her viewers?
This is a classic prophetic technique used to allow the prophetess to speak to whoever happens to align with what she says.
It's just vague enough. It's the right kind of bait for the right kind of fish. People wake up at different hours of the night for many reasons, but the spiritually gullible will take this word and believe that God is enlisting them in some kind of territorial spiritual warfare against the occult.
Spiritual warfare is not about contending for territory in the spiritual realm during a so -called witching hour.
Jim Osmond, in his book that I would recommend to you, Truth or Territory, writes, or rebuking demons in an attempt to take territory from Satan and claim it for Christ.
But spiritual warfare is a truth war. War is waged with truth. Truth is found in God's word.
But this woman twists God's word to support her unbiblical views of spiritual warfare. She points to the parable of the weeds in Matthew 13, 24 -30, in which
Jesus speaks about the kingdom of heaven. The scene he describes is comparable to the kingdom of heaven, and in this scene, the master of the house sows seed in his field.
While he and his men were sleeping, an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat. So when the wheat came up, weeds came up with it.
The servants of the master ask, Didn't you sow good seed? The master responds, An enemy has done this.
The servants ask, Do you want us to tear up the weeds? The master responds, No, lest you tear up the wheat with the weeds.
Let both grow together until harvest. And at the harvest time, I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.
Now, before we even get into the meaning of the parable, I just want you to notice that the woman's message in the
Holy Nope episode is that you should do spiritual warfare because Satan is actively sowing demonic things in your life while you're sleeping, meaning that you should tear up the things that Satan is sowing while you sleep, which is the opposite of the master's instruction in the parable, who says let the weeds and wheat grow together.
But her point is not even remotely what the passage is talking about. Jesus explains the parable in verses 36 through 43.
The master who sows the good seed is the son of man. That's Jesus. The field is the world.
The good seed is Christians, sons of the kingdom. What is the weeds? Is it the demonic things?
Demonic things in people's lives. No, the weeds are the sons of the evil one. That's unbelievers.
The harvest is the end of the age wherein the weeds and the wheat will be separated. Unbelievers are thrown into the fiery furnace and believers enter the kingdom in glory.
The parable is about believers and unbelievers existing together in the world until the final judgment.
It has absolutely nothing to do with a territorial view of spiritual warfare taking place while you sleep and certainly nothing to do with a witching hour.
Again, in this episode of the Holy Nope, Scripture is twisted to support unbiblical views. That's why it's a
Nope. I also want you to just think through this with me a little bit. She says demons are especially active at 3 a .m.
because it's witching hour. It's always 3 a .m. somewhere on the earth.
So either demons are respecters of time zones or there really is no biblical backing for such a statement.
The whole idea presented in this video is foolish. The people defending this video saying she's just encouraging people to pray are missing it and that's how false teaching spreads.
Now, while waking up early and praying is certainly a good thing to do, you don't need to be in fear of what demonic things are being sowed into your life by Satan and his demons while you sleep.
If you are a Christian, you have overcome the evil one and Satan cannot touch you. Sleep is a gift from God.
He gives to his beloved sleep. If you are in Christ, no matter what's going on in your life, you share in the security of the psalmist who says in Psalm 48,
So you can be done with this page if you want. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it because robbing believers of this spiritual blessing is a holy n -
I got a lot of pushback on this episode, but my favorites are these two. You are the first one who will get gotten by those witches.
The fact that you are so dismissive of what goes on in the occult world shows you don't know half of what you think you know.
You have to have a clearer insight into the spiritual realm. I'm not going to lie, I cracked up at that comment.
And then this one about how I need to stop finding fault and just talk about Jesus. I hear both of your concerns and I'm not dismissive of witchcraft.
I'm just not worried about it. Satan is a defeated foe and I've been given the glorious gospel of a mighty
Savior with which to storm the gates of hell. So here's a video of me engaging in spiritual warfare by proclaiming the truth of God's word in the gospel of Jesus Christ at a witch festival.
Jesus Christ is foolishness to those who are perishing, to those who are dying in their sin.
Foolishness to those who are perishing but to those who are being saved, it is the power of God. And I pray it is the power of God to you today.
In righteousness, you must believe it is appointing God that is resurrected. You must believe that he is born again.
And God would be good and just and right to leave us in this state all by ourselves.
To leave us without hope. That you can be made right before God.
So merciful that he's even sent to you the pictures of his word so that you would know what he has done to rescue sinners.