Christ's Bodybuilding Program - [Matthew 16:18]



If I were to ask you the following question, what were some of the most important words ever uttered from our
Lord, and why? How would you answer me? You might say, well,
I think John 14, 6. I am the way, the truth, the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me. Why? Because it simply shows unequivocally the exclusivity of Jesus Christ.
Some of you might say, well, I would pick Matthew 28, verse 19, as the most important words uttered from our
Lord. The Great Commission, go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.
Because those were his final words, and we know that last words are lasting words.
Someone else might say, well, John 10, verse 30, where he declared,
I and the Father are one. Because it shows a direct declaration of his deity.
Some of you might still say, well, I think one of his sayings on the cross, such as, it is finished.
John 19, verse 30, because it showed the finished work of Jesus Christ. That he had completed the work that the
Father sent him to do. Those would be maybe on your mind as the most important words ever uttered by our
Lord. But would you think of these words, five words, uttered by our Lord? I will build my church.
Turn with me, if you will, to the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 16, verse 18.
It's almost two years to the date, if I recall correctly, August 12, 2012, when
Pastor Mike gave us a bird's eye view of this chapter 16 in Matthew. But I want us to bring this down a little bit more and focus on specifically verse 18, rather than looking at the whole chapter.
Of course, we'll cover some of the context. We wouldn't be able to understand the meaning otherwise.
But our text for tonight is Matthew, chapter 16, verse 18.
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock
I will build my church. And the gate of hell shall not prevail against it.
I've entitled this message, Christ's Body Building Program.
Pastor Steve can testify to this, that in my study at home, amongst all my theological books and commentaries,
I have one of my favorite, Arnold's Encyclopedia of Body Building. Well, the encyclopedia for the church today about building the body, the church, is right here in the
Scriptures. But it seems like today a lot of churches do not realize that. But why is this passage in these very words of our
Lord important? I mean, all of Scripture is important, is it not? We don't need to go there because we understand that.
2 Timothy 3 .16, all Scripture is breathed out by God. And every word of Christ is important.
But why are these also important? For a number of reasons, these very words of Christ in verse 18.
The Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, record what we'll see in a few moments, previously the confession of Peter, that,
Lord, you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Matthew records that,
Mark records that, and Luke records that. But it is only Matthew that records these very words of our
Lord, where he says, in light of Peter's confession, I will build my church.
Mark doesn't record it, neither does Luke. So it's important that we look at this. Secondly, the term for church in the
Greek, Ekklesia, is used only twice by our Lord in the Gospels. And it's actually in the book of Matthew.
This is the very first time he uses it, I will build my church. And the next time he uses it is in Matthew 18, where Christ, the head of the church, instructs the church about church discipline, where he says in the process, tell it to the church.
Only two times, granted that the apostles, those who walked with Jesus during his incarnate state, gave us clear and direct doctrinal teaching about the church in the epistles, in the pastoral epistles and the church epistles.
But it's significant to note that only twice does Jesus use the term church in the Gospels. And this is one of them.
So therefore it's important to look at it and understand it. A third reason this is important, these words of Jesus, is because this is the climactical point of his
Galilean ministry. If you divide the ministry of Jesus, his earthly ministry, this is the point at the end of this chapter as he shares these words, the end of his ministry in Galilee.
But a fourth reason I would say that these are important is a grammatical reason. If you look at the text with me briefly, verse 18, he begins, and I tell you.
In the Greek, the essence, the meaning is really what he's trying to say is, but I, for my part, which
I is talking here in verse 18, the I that Peter just confessed earlier in verse 16, you are the
Christ, the son of the living God. Christ is saying, and I, the Christ, the son of the living
God, tell you. But I, for my part, because he told in verse 17,
Peter, Jesus addressing Peter, he told him in verse 17, and Jesus answered him, blessed are you,
Simon Bar -Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.
In other words, the Father has just revealed this truth to you, significant truth of who
I am, my identity. But I, for my part, am about to reveal something very important and true to you now.
In these words, I will build my church. It's almost as we've been seeing through the Gospel of John, as Pastor Steve has been walking us through there, the many times that Christ says, truly, truly,
I say unto you, or for those old King Jamers, verily, verily, I say unto you. In other words, everything
Christ has to say is significant, but pay attention, what I'm about to say is very important.
And that is what he's trying to tell us here. And I, for my part, the Father has just revealed this to you,
Peter, and I now am about to reveal a very important truth to you. This text, verse 18, is a seminal text, a foundational text to understanding the church.
You cannot understand the church apart from this text. As we mentioned earlier, it's one of the two times that our
Lord uses this term in the Gospels. If you were to take an ecclesiology class on the doctrine of the church, this text would have to be in there.
If the teacher doesn't include this text, don't take the class. This is foundational to understanding the church.
It will determine our view of what the church is really all about, including our understanding of involvement in church ministry, including our understanding of church membership, including our understanding of what is our motivation for coming to church on a
Sunday morning. All of that plays a part into understanding what the ecclesia that Christ is building is all about.
As we delve into this, there's really three parts that I want to highlight that bring forth the truth that Christ is trying to tell
Peter and us today. The first one is this. I call it the cornerstone of Christ's bodybuilding program.
Number one, the cornerstone of Christ's bodybuilding program.
What is this cornerstone? There was a Roman Catholic scholar,
Lenoy, who examined about 85 interpretations of this text from the original church fathers in the first few centuries of the church.
And when he examined these 85 interpretations, he came out with really four categories of how they sought and saw this text interpreted.
Let me give them to you. And these still apply today, and we're going to look at what this text really is saying, what
Christ is selling to us. Of the 85 interpretations, 17 of the 85 early church fathers, number one felt that the rock in verse 18, and on this rock
I will build my church, refers to Peter. Later on, 19th century expositor
Alexander McLaren, he was during the heyday of expository preaching, men like Spurgeon and Joseph Parker.
Alexander McLaren was one of the great expositors. It was actually said of him, so you know who's saying these words about it being
Peter, that the rock here being Peter. It was said that if you want to choose a text of scripture to preach on, and Alexander McLaren has already preached on it, either take his outline or pick another text.
The man used to read his Bible in the morning, a chapter from the Old Testament in Hebrew, a chapter in the
New Testament in the Greek. So he's no spring chicken. And this is what he said.
Quote, Unquestionably the apostle is the rock on which the church is built. The efforts to avoid that conclusion would never have been heard of but for the
Roman Catholic controversy. But they are as unnecessary as unsuccessful.
In present day, a theologian who holds to this, the rock in verse 18 refers to Peter is
Dr. R .C. Sproul who says, and I quote, If it had not been for the abuse of this passage by the
Roman Catholic Church, it is unlikely that any doubt would have arisen that the reference is to Peter.
Now there's a thing that I like to call knee -jerk reaction theology. So that if a heretical church or movement or teacher teaches on a subject that's contrary to the scripture, we have a knee -jerk reaction and say it can't be that, it has to be this.
But that's not how we approach the scripture. We need to approach the scripture to understand its background and historical context.
But that was 17 of the 85 early church fathers believed that the rock of verse 18 referred to Peter.
Number two, eight of those 85 early church fathers believe that the rock referred to not only
Peter, but all the apostles, the 12 apostles. For example, they might reference Revelation chapter 21 verse 14, where it says in the wall of the city had 12 foundations and on them were the 12 names of the 12 apostles of the land.
Eight of the 85 believe that third interpretation. This was the biggest group, 44 of the 85 more than 50 percent, 44 of the 85 early church fathers believe that the rock referred to the statement uttered by Peter in verse 16, that you are the
Christ, the son of the living God, and that the rock upon which Christ was building upon was his confession.
Peter's confession of the reality of who Christ was. And then 16 of the 85 early church fathers, a fourth interpretation was that the rock refers to Jesus Christ and none other.
Augustine, for example, held that later reformers like Luther and Zwingli held to that position that the rock refers to Christ.
When you look at the Greek in verse 18, there is a play on words and it says, and I tell you, you are
Peter Petros. And on this rock, Petra, I will build my church.
Those who believe that the rock refers to Peter say that's really insignificant. That the plan words that Christ uses is not very important.
He does that because Petros is male. He's talking about Peter, the male disciple, and then he uses the term
Petra because it identifies the church, which in Greek Ecclesia is female also.
But those who believe that the rock is none other than Jesus Christ say, no, this is a significant difference.
Christ significantly used his plan words to signify that there is a difference between Peter Petros and the rock
Petra. Because if Jesus wanted it to mean Peter himself, he could have simply said,
I tell you, you are Peter Petros. And upon you, I will build this church.
So what is Christ trying to say? I think there are two determining factors. The first one is number one to determine.
This is think like a Jew. Matthew is primarily written to Jews.
Christ spoke to the Jewish crowds all the time, but Matthew, particularly that gospel writer who includes these very important words of Christ.
And that's why Matthew of all the gospel writers has more references to the Old Testament.
What would a Jew think of when he heard the words rock? They would think of the song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32 verse four, where God is referred to as the rock.
Later on in that chapter, Deuteronomy 32 verse 31, it says, for their rock is not as a rock.
Furthermore, first Samuel chapter two verse two says, there is no rock like our
God. Second Samuel chapter 22 verse two says, the
Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer.
That same exact wording is repeated again in Psalm 18 verse two. And then in Psalm 18 verse 31, it says, who is a rock except our
God? That same verse is repeated in second Samuel chapter 22 verse 32.
Who is a rock except our God? When the Jew heard this, he's thinking
Old Testament that a rock is a direct reference to deity to God.
The rock cannot be just a statement made by human and cannot refer necessarily to another human, even
Peter, the apostle. And the second determining factor, I would say, is to not only think like a
Jew, but to think like Peter. If you were in a debate with some theologians and you were going back and forth, what did the early church fathers believe?
What are some of the theologians today believe? If we were to understand the church today, who is this rock referring to?
What would Peter say? You ever read a book, a non biblical book, and somewhere along the lines, you're reading and you say,
I really can't grasp what the author is saying. And you wish you could say, I wish he was here so I could ask him.
Well, if Peter was sitting in your debate, what would the apostle Peter say? What would he understand the rock to be?
Turn with me to first Peter, chapter two, first Peter, chapter two, verses six to eight.
Peter would look at you and probably say, well, have you read my first epistle? I explained there what the rock is referring to.
Christ was talking to Peter. What did the original audience Peter understand it to mean? First Peter, chapter two, beginning in verse six.
Peter's quoting from the Old Testament for it stands in scripture. Behold, I'm laying in Zion, a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious.
And whoever believes in him will not be put to shame. So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
And verse eight, a stone of stumbling and a rock Petra, same
Greek word of offense. The cornerstone of Christ's bodybuilding program is none other than Jesus himself.
Peter would say, and is what he's saying there in first Peter, chapter two, the reformers wingly in his treatise on true and false religion, writes the following.
And I quote, it is as though Christ were saying I was right to give you the name
Peter for that word. Peter for staunchly and clearly and unwaveringly. Peter confesses that which has a saving power for all.
I too will build my church upon this rock, not upon thee, for thou art not a rock.
God alone is the rock on which every building shall be built. So thou Peter, art not a rock for how would the church have collapsed when he trembling at the feeble voice of her who kept the door in john 18, 17 began to make denial that the divine apostle so understood the words of Christ.
He himself bears witness. First, Peter to unto whom Christ, that is coming, a living stone rejected indeed of man.
But with God elect and precious, you also as living stones are built up a spiritual house.
Behold, as Christ is a rock, you say, so are we rocks. But see, in what sense, Christ is a rock.
In what sense we are rocks. Christ is a rock upon which the building rises. We are the common stones in the building, which has its foundation in Christ.
Christ alone. Therefore, not Peter, nor any creature is a rock built upon which the church stands fast against all the vicious fury of all the storms and quote.
It is a consistent testimony of the other apostles. The apostle Paul said to the Corinthians in chapter three, verse 11 of his first epistle, for no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is
Jesus Christ. First Corinthians 10, verse four, for they drank from the spiritual rot that followed them.
And the rock was Christ. He is the cornerstone.
Church programs are not the foundation of any church. The person of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the church.
Seeker sensitive worship services are not the foundation of any church.
The savior who seeks those who do not seek after God. Is the foundation of the church.
The pastor is not the foundation of the church. The Petra, the rock,
Christ himself is the foundation of the church. That is the first truth that Christ is trying to tell
Peter that on this rock, the Petra, myself, Christ, the one who is the son of the living
God, I will build my church. That is the cornerstone of Christ's bodybuilding program himself.
Secondly, the second truth I want us to look at is the certainty of Christ's bodybuilding program.
There is a certainty to Christ's bodybuilding program. And it's based on three things.
First of all, it's based upon his person. Again, we look at Peter's confession.
Going back to verse 13. Of our text in chapter 16, when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, who do people say that the son of man is?
And they said, some say John the Baptist. Others say Elijah and Isis, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.
So he's asking, who do people think of his identity? And he turns it around to them in verse 15.
And he said to them to the 12. But who do you say that I am?
Verse 16, Simon Peter replied, you are the Christ, the son of the living
God. Jesus answered him, blessed are you, Simon bar Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you.
But my father, who is in heaven, haven't we? Didn't we see that this morning? The identity of Christ in John seven.
Can it be that the authorities really know that this is the Christ? When they heard these words, some of the people said, this really is the prophet.
Others said, this is the Christ. But some said, is the Christ to come from Galilee? Has not the scripture said that the
Christ comes from the offspring of David? And comes from Bethlehem, the village where David was. It was a question of Christ's identity.
And that is the certainty of Christ's bodybuilding program because of who he is, his person.
But secondly, the certainty that the church will be built is based upon Christ's promise, not only his person, but his promise.
Notice in verse 18, what the text says, I will build my church.
Not I hope to. Not I might build my church.
But I will build my church. Christ guarantees it. That's one promise, but he makes another promise at the end of the verse.
And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Think like a Jew. The gates of hell of Hades was a place of punishment for unbelievers.
The gates was the entry point. There is no exit point. It literally to the
Jew understood it as meaning death. Even death itself shall not prevail over the church.
Jesus Christ promised that he would build the church and the gates of Hades, even death would not prevail against it.
The third reason we know the certainty of Christ's bodybuilding program, not only because of his person and his promise, but because of his purpose.
Let's look at the context a little bit further. Verse 21. From that time.
Stop there. From what time? From the time when he just acknowledged Peter's confession of who he is and told him the reality and truth of that.
He this rock. Jesus is building his church from that time. Verse 21 continues.
Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed.
And on the third day be raised. And I love this. This is the same Peter from earlier, right?
And Peter, verse 22, took him aside and began to rebuke him. By the way, a little trivia.
There are only two people that I recall in apart from the Pharisees, of course, as a group. But two individuals who in Scripture rebuke
Peter. Rebuke the Lord, I'm sorry. Peter is one of them, as we see here. And remember the story in Luke 11,
Martha and Mary. Lord, tell my sister. I'm busy over here. She's sitting at your feet.
Peter here, the one who confessed Jesus, but it was revealed to him by the father, took the Lord aside, rebuked him, saying, quote, far be it from you,
Lord. This shall never happen to you. Christ response, verse 23.
But he turned and said to Peter, get behind me, Satan. By the way, another note.
If that was Peter who was a rock and now Christ is calling him Satan. Christ is the rock.
But he turned and said to Peter, get behind me, Satan. You are a hindrance to me, for you're not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.
How is this related to the certainty of Christ's bodybuilding program? Peter said, no, you're not going to go to the cross.
You're not going to suffer. Christ said, this is going to happen. And notice the text. Verse 21. It says, from that time, from the time he made the confession,
Peter did. And Christ told him the truth that he would build the church. Jesus began. He told him a number of other times after this, but there was a point in time that Jesus began to show his disciples that he would go to Jerusalem, suffer and be killed.
Why is this certain of Christ's bodybuilding program? Because who did
Christ go to the cross for? The church. Christ said in himself in John 10, verse 11.
I'm the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for who? And the sheep and the goats for the sheep.
Verse 14 of John 10. I'm the good shepherd and I laid down my life for the sheep. For you husbands or soon to be husbands.
Ephesians 525. Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church. And what did he do? And gave himself up for who?
For the church. So the certainty of Christ's bodybuilding program is because the purpose for which
Christ came to fulfill what God the Father sent him for was to go to the cross to die for the church.
That's why when he said, I will build my church, we can be certain that he's going to do that. And he is doing that.
But let me show you. This was amazing as I was studying it. How amazing the certainty of this is.
Because he himself said it. I will build my church. He is the Christ because of his person, because of his promise that he would do it.
Not maybe. And that the gates of hell that death shall not prevail against him because of his purpose for coming here to die for the church.
But when this text is found in Matthew, you have to understand the scope of Matthew a little bit. To understand why this is so amazing.
In chapters 11 through 16 of the book of Matthew. Matthew. This is a section where it shows
Matthew highlights that the people are rejecting the king. And I want to show you this a little bit.
To understand the scope of this and the impact of what Jesus said here that I will build my church.
The one that they're rejecting as king says I will build my church. Go back to chapter 11 here for a moment.
Verses 18 through 25. Chapter 11. This is the people rejecting
Christ as king. The one who is now going to say I will build my church. Which shows us how amazing the certainty of Christ doing this is.
Chapter 11 beginning in verse 18. For John came neither eating nor drinking and they say he has a demon.
The son of man came eating and drinking and they say look at him. A glutton and a drunkard. A friend of tax collectors and sinners.
Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds. Then he began to denounce the cities where most of his mighty works had been done.
Because they did not repent. Woe to you Chorazin. Woe to you Bethesda.
For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon. They would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.
But I tell you it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for Tyre and Sidon. Than for you.
And you Capernaum will you be exalted to heaven. You will be brought down to Hades.
For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Sodom. It would have been remained until this day.
But I tell you that it will be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom. Than for you.
Chapter 12 verse 8. For the son of man is
Lord of the Sabbath. He went on from there and entered their synagogue. And a man was there with a withered hand and they asked him.
Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath? So that they might accuse him. That was their intent and motive.
Verse 11. He said to them. Which one of you has a sheep? If it falls into a pit on the Sabbath will not take hold of it and lift it out.
Of how much more value is a man than a sheep? So is it lawful to do good on the
Sabbath? Then he said to the man. Stretch out your hand. The man stretched it out and it was restored.
Healthy like the other. But the Pharisees went out and conspired against him.
How to destroy him. Jump to verse 22. Then a demon oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to him.
And he healed them so that the man spoke and saw. And all the people were amazed and said.
Can this be the son of David? But when the Pharisees heard it they said. It is only by Beelzebub the prince of demons.
That this man casts out demons. Jump to verse 28.
But if it is by the spirit of God that I cast out demons. Then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Or how can someone enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods? Unless he first binds a strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house.
Chapter 13. Verse 10. The continuous rejection of the king.
Then the disciples came and said to him. Why do you speak to them in parables? Verse 13 is his answer.
This is why I speak to them in parables. Because seeing they do not see. And hearing they do not hear.
Nor do they understand. Indeed in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says. You will indeed hear but never understand.
You will indeed see but never perceive. For this people's heart has grown dull.
And with their ears they can barely hear. And their eyes they have closed. Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears.
And understand with their heart and turn and I would heal them. Chapter 15.
Verse 6. So for the sake of your tradition.
You have made void the word of God. You hypocrites. Well did Isaiah prophesy of you when he said.
This people honors me with their lips. But their heart is far from me.
In vain do they worship me. Teaching as doctrines the commandments of God. And finally chapter 16.
Verse 1. And the Pharisees and Sadducees came and to test him.
They asked him to show them a sign from heaven. He answered them when it is evening you say it will be fair weather for the sky is red.
And in the morning it will be stormy today for the sky is red and threatening. You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky.
But you cannot interpret the signs of the times. An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign.
But no sign will be given to it. Except the sign of Jonah. And on the heels of all this rejection.
Christ comes and says. I'm going to build my church. It's amazing.
But it's also amazing because of his suffering and crucifixion. That it began to show the disciples that we read in verses 21 and 23.
But if that weren't even more amazing about the certainty of him building the church. If you were going to build a church would this be your invitation?
Look at verse 24 of our chapter 16. Then Jesus told his disciples.
If anyone would come after me let him deny himself. Take up his cross and follow me.
For whoever would save his life will lose it. But whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
What a way to build the church. That's so amazing. Jesus gave us the guarantee and the certainty that he will build the church.
Despite the people rejecting me as king. Despite the fact that Peter. As a spokesman for the 12.
Said this will never happen to you to go to the cross. And despite the fact that his invitation. Was not a seeker sensitive watered down gospel.
Christ. Is certain to build his church. Because of who he is. Because of what he said.
Thirdly. Not only the cornerstone. Of Christ's bodybuilding program and the certainty of his bodybuilding program.
But thirdly. The church. Of Christ's body building. Program. The church.
In the Greek. Literally means to be called out once. Not necessarily called out from the world though that's true of us.
But to be called out in the sense that we are to be called out to gather. Together. That is how the term is used the church.
Notice what Jesus said in our text. I will build. Whose church. My church.
I remember one of my professors in seminary we used to call him prof. Howie Hendricks he went to be with the
Lord just last year. When he used to visit churches and. And preach there he would. Meet with the pastor afterward and.
Ask him about. The church and how he was doing. And any time in the conversation when the pastor would say.
Well my church is doing. This and this and that. Prof would say
I wanted to wring his neck. And I would remind him. It's not your church. It's his church. You're just the under shepherd.
Christ said I will build my church that has to be our understanding of the church. Why is it his church.
It is Christ's church because Christ. In the context of what we've been studying. He's the rock.
He's the foundation. He's the cornerstone. It is Christ's church. Because he is the one who died for the church.
It is Christ's church because he is the Lord of the church. He is the head. Of the church.
I always encourage people. When it comes to church membership when somebody asks you what church did you go to.
Have the freedom a lot of people nowadays don't have that unfortunately because of their. Wrong view of the church to say well this is my home church.
But ultimately the church. Is Christ. Pastor MacArthur was asked a few years back.
I believe by some church growth guru who was going around to find out why the churches were growing.
To the capacity they were and he went to check out grace community church. And this man asked him.
Asked MacArthur do you have a great desire to build the church. Because of its growth. MacArthur's response was quote
No. Christ said he would build the church. I'd rather not compete with him. It's his church.
Today's churches are eager to satisfy the consumer. Why. Because they've not understood this truth that the church is
Christ. Because to them the church is not Christ. It's the consumers. For example.
In his 10 year anniversary of his book Purpose Driven Life that was rewritten. And entitled What on earth am
I here for Rick Warren says this and I quote. I'm often asked by people if you had to say what's the single most important ingredient in the growth of Saddleback Church.
Where we've grown from just can I to over 20 ,000 and over these years. What's the one thing that's made the biggest difference.
I don't have any question in answering it. No delay. And it is this.
I know you're on the edge of your seat. With bated breath. His answer. The power.
Of the annual. Campaign. End quote. Not the power of God.
Not the power of the gospel. When we moved from New York with my wife and I in 2001 to church plan here with the
Southern Baptist. I was always asked this question. Are you going to follow the. P .D
.C. model by Warren the purpose driven church model. He was held up as the guy. To follow.
Peter who these words were spoken to by Christ that I will build my church. In his ministry that's recorded in the book of Acts you don't have to turn there.
How would he answer that question. How does Christ build this church. Answer. As Luke writes.
The conviction of the Holy Spirit and the sovereign call of God would be the answer in Acts 2 it says. Now when they heard this.
The message of Peter. They were cut to the heart. And said to Peter and the rest of the apostles brothers what what should we do.
Peter said to them repent. And be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ. For the forgiveness of your sins.
And you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promises for you and for your children. And for all who are far off.
Everyone whom the Lord our God. Calls to himself. And with many other words he bore witness and continue to exhort them saying.
Save yourself from this crooked generation. For those who received his word and were baptized. And they were added that day about 3000 souls.
How does the Lord. The rock build this church. Peter knew. He himself
Christ built the church. Acts 2 47 continues and says. And the Lord.
Added to their number day by day those who are being saved the Lord this rock. The Petra.
The cornerstone. Answer how does the Lord build this church. Peter knew. The word of God.
Acts 4 verse 4. But many of those who had heard the word. Believed.
And the number of the men came to about 5000. Acts chapter 6 verse 7. And the word of God.
Continued to increase. And the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem. And a great many of the priests.
Became obedient. To the faith. This is Christ. Bodybuilding program.
Because it is my church. He said. Look there is a stark contrast if you haven't seen it already.
Between how man builds. And how Christ builds. Man builds the church man's way.
Through the charisma of leaders. Through the manipulative methods of successful business models.
Through jumping on the bandwagon of fads gimmicks and trends that come and go. Christ on the other hand builds the church.
His way. After all it is his church. He built it through the conviction of the spirit of God.
He built it through the sovereign call of God. He built it through the proclamation of the word of God.
That is how Christ. Builds his church. What the church is not.
What many people think it is. The Bible says it is not. It is not a club.
With membership rights and privileges. In our American society we love that. What are my rights?
What are my privileges? We sign up at a club and we bring that mentality many people do to the church.
The church is not a club with membership rights and privileges. The church is not the building.
When Jesus said I will build my church. He did not have in mind brick and mortar. We have a facility and we need a facility because that is useful for what we do.
When Christ said he would build the church he was talking about his people. Those he came to save that he went to the cross for.
The church is not a gathering of those who are like minded because of their ethnicity.
I have the privilege because of my background to speak and preach at different churches which come from an ethnic background.
What seems to hold those churches together is not their bond because of Christ. Their salvation in Christ.
But because of similar ethnic backgrounds. Rather the church is the people of God.
Who have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb. Who gather together for worship.
Fellowship biblical instruction. And scatter for evangelism evangelism.
This is the church where Christ said in verse 18 that he would build.
Anything other is a concoction of man and it's not the church of God.
What are the implications for us as we think through. What Christ is building.
First of all what is your view of the church you should have an exalted view of the church based upon scripture. I know many times people because of their background and experience as I deal with people they've been jaded by.
The institution so to speak of church. Somebody's hurt them. Somebody said something so they say you know what.
I'm just going to watch something on TV have no human interaction with a local body of believers.
And that suffices. But they have a misconstrued notion of the church biblically.
Secondly it has implications for what our motive for going to churches. What do you come to church for.
What's our motive for doing what Hebrews 10 says. Let us not neglect our assembly together as is a habit of some.
The implication is for our involvement in serving in church ministry. And if I begin to think that this is the church that Christ is building.
I want to be involved in that which Christ the rock is building. That should be my heart's desire.
And the implication is as we look around sometimes today despite the dismal state in many churches today.
Are you nonetheless convinced. Christ is building his church.
And he will come one day to receive his bride. Christ said
I will build my church. Let's pray.
Father thank you for the truth of your word. You think of the ministry of your word in our lives for the
Holy Spirit how it instructs us it encourages us it rebukes us. And it trains us in works.
Of righteousness. And we thank you for these important words of our Lord and.
How we clearly and unequivocally said that he will build his church. And we know that he is because he is the rock.
He is the Lord of the church he is the head of the church help us to have. A biblical view of the church that will affect not only our actions but our motives for our involvement.
In the local body of our church fellowship here. That ultimately that he receives the glory.
As we wait for the long expected day when he will come back to receive his bride. In Christ's name we pray.