By Grace You Have Been Saved


Ascension Presbyterian Church - Longwood, Florida Rev. Mark Carley  "By Grace You Have Been Saved" Ephesians 2:1-10  June 30th, 2024


Please open your Bibles with me and turn to Paul's letter to the
Ephesians, Paul's letter to the Ephesians. We are going to be looking at chapter 2 and specifically the first 10 verses.
Ephesians chapter 2, these are the words of God, and you he made alive who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.
But God, who is rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.
By grace you have been saved and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which
God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Well, let us pray. Our gracious God and Father, as we come to our consideration of this passage, one that is extremely important to us to understand the radical nature of those who are in Adam, that you would fill us with your spirit so that we may be able to discern what is right, see the way that you see, that we may think your thoughts after you and incline our wills to yours.
And we ask this in the name of Christ Jesus, our Lord, amen.
Amen. Well, please be seated. There are a few times when you come into a
Sunday service or come to what we call Sunday school or the teaching hour, where everything just seems to align.
Today is one of those things. Providentially, the things which we have talked about in the teaching hour in Sunday school, the things which we have sang about, prayed about already, are all encompassed in what we are talking about today.
Providentially, we should not be surprised because it is all of God and we would expect these things to hold together.
This sermon is a bookend to a sermon I preached last fall regarding the
Christian identity. And you may recall that at that particular time, we looked at Ephesians 1, 1 -14.
That particular section of scripture is absolutely breathtaking. And I encourage you, perhaps later today, to re -familiarize yourself with that section.
It describes our condition as Christians, that condition of our new nature and our new identity.
At that time, we talked about the identity craze which seems to be everywhere in our culture.
And we noted that it is not unimportant and that it is not crazy, but it is vitally important.
Yet the unbelieving world is looking at the situation completely wrong.
And that really should not surprise us. When you start from the wrong spot, how could you possibly end up in the right spot?
But they are correct that identity is important. They know in some way that identity is the most important thing.
But they are looking for answers to their identity problem in all the wrong places.
They are looking to sexual desires, or gender, or skin color, or tribal relationships.
And just about everywhere they look, they are looking in the wrong place.
Because our identity, and theirs, is not tied to anything physical, but spiritual.
We concluded by noting at that time, that in the end, there are really only two identities.
Those people who are in Adam, or those who are in Christ.
And while Ephesians 1 looks at that glorious state of our identity in Christ, our passage today in Ephesians 2 gives a glimpse of the nature of those who are in Adam.
And it is very important for us to fully grasp the spiritual condition of those who are in Adam.
There has been quite a bit of bad doctrine that has been spread about those who are in Adam.
About those who are not Christ's. And as we endeavor to establish this local congregation, as we look to have an impact in our community, we must know what we are up against.
We must realize the situation clearly. We must see it as God sees it.
And the Apostle Paul gives us a clear description of those who are in Adam in our text today.
So let us take a bit closer look at that text. The opening verse of this chapter may be the most important text that deals with the question of the sinful nature.
The nature of those who are in Adam. The nature of those who are outside of Christ.
The unbelieving community. Paul is addressing this letter to believers.
We know that from the beginning. He writes in the very first, Paul, an apostle of the
Lord Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints that are in Ephesus.
But those saints, he says, were once in Adam. They are now in Christ, but they were once in Adam.
And he draws immediately a stark and dramatic comparison between the difference of their two natures.
Between those who are in Christ and those who are in Adam. And this difference is the difference between life and death.
This is an absolute difference. It is a dramatic difference. It explains the depths of human corruption.
It describes the radical nature of the spiritual condition in Adam.
The term radical comes from the Latin word that means root. This is not a surface problem, it is a root problem.
The radical condition underscores the absolute dependence upon the grace of God, the work of the
Holy Spirit, in bringing us to life in Christ.
Paul writes, And you he made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins.
As I mentioned, this opening statement by Paul is a stark description of the natural persons, those who are in Adam, their condition due to original sin.
Sometimes there is confusion by the term original sin.
Some people believe original sin points to the first sin, that sin that was committed by Adam and Eve in the
Garden. But the doctrine of original sin does not refer to that actual sin, but rather the consequences of it.
Original sin describes the fallen and sinful condition out of which every actual sin comes from.
Remember that the Bible does not tell us that we are sinners because we sin, it tells us we sin because we are sinners.
Original sin describes the fallen condition of sinful man.
And Paul uses the term dead. This is what he is telling us of the spiritual condition of those outside of Christ, that they are spiritually dead.
A Christian song written by Bob Dylan opens with these verses.
I was blinded by the devil, born already ruined, stone -cold dead as I stepped out of the womb.
This is the nature of those who are in Adam. There is much controversy about this in the
Christian community and it is a very old controversy. It stretches back to the early days of the
Christian church. It is a controversy that is maybe cast for the first time in history between two theological positions, one commonly called
Augustinianism or Reform theology or Calvinism and Semi -Pelagianism.
This controversy started with a debate between Augustine, who many of you know was one of the great theologians of the early church, perhaps second only to the
Apostle Paul in the church at that time, who had a debate, so to speak, with a man named
Pelagius, a monk from Great Britain, or what is now Great Britain, from the English Isles.
This debate was about the nature of man before Christ and it centered really around one question.
Does man have the moral, spiritual ability to accept
Christ? To see Christ as he truly is, to understand the things of God, to see his sinful nature and the perfections of Christ, to see his absolute need for a
Savior or not? Augustine said that the
Bible says that the unbelieving man cannot and does not have the moral or spiritual ability.
Why? Because he is dead, spiritually dead. Pelagius, on the other hand, said, this is not his words, but it sums it up, that there is an isle of righteousness within man, that there is a part of man that hasn't been touched by the radical nature of original sin.
In a way, I guess we might be able to understand this point of view. After all, unbelievers are biologically alive.
They walk around, they have minds that function, hearts that beat, wills that choose, they have affections and emotions, and all the rest.
But what does the Bible say about their spiritual life? You or they were dead in trespasses and sins.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, dead is dead.
It is not mostly dead. It is not somewhat alive. It is dead.
We can think, many of you may know this, some of the goofy ways that modern semi -Pelagians put it.
Man is not dead, or dead means he's sick, like really sick, like desperately sick.
Or he's drowning, he's going down for the third time, or whatever else they may give you in order to give man an itsy bitsy way to choose
Christ. Simply put, they cannot. They are dead spiritually.
Paul puts this differently in other places. In Romans 8, 7 he says,
But the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.
The carnal mind, the mind of the unregenerate man, is not blind to the things of God only.
He is an enemy of the things of God. Paul writes in 1
Corinthians 2, 14, But the natural man, that is, the unregenerate man, does not receive the things of the
Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
The carnal mind, the natural man, cannot see the things of God.
In effect, he hates the things of God, he thinks they are foolishness, because he is spiritually dead.
Man is unable to, in his natural state, unregenerated by the
Spirit of God, unable to cooperate with the grace of God. But it gets worse.
The situation that exists now is stacked against him.
Paul continues to tell us that the world, the flesh, and the devil are all working against him.
He puts it this way, In which you once walked, according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the sons of disobedience.
That first part, according to the course of this world, that's the world. But notice what
Paul is not saying here. He's not referring to the things, the material things, in this world.
So many make this mistake. You will hear sermon, after sermon, after sermon, who says that if you want a nice house or material things, you're walking in the course of this world.
Well you may be, if that's your orientation. But having material goods, those good things that God said in the creation account, that he created all things and they were good, and pietistic movements that we've seen throughout church history, keep pointing and say we can just get away from the material things.
Everything will be alright. But Paul doesn't say that. He says, the course of this world.
What he means is the world system. It's culture, it's values.
The unbelieving man takes it's counsels, follows it's passions and fashions.
It watches it's shows and movies. They talk about what, or we may talk about what they talk about, and we may imbibe in what they imbibe in.
That is what Paul is talking about. They're all swept up in it. It's like a giant river and it just sweeps everything along.
And we have to admit, that even though we're in Christ, it's tough not to be.
We're very much swimming against the current. And from time to time we may even be swept downstream by the course of this world.
But Paul goes on, as he mentioned, as I already read, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the sons of disobedience, that's the devil.
John describes him in Revelation 12 .9, the great dragon that was cast out, the serpent of old called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.
The great enemy of mankind. In the Lord's prayer, there are some versions that say, to deliver us from the evil one, the devil, the deceiver who tempted our first parents in the garden, and through his enticements they disobeyed
God and plunged the entire human race, the world, and the universe into darkness, sin, and death.
The unbelieving man, the natural man, the man who are in Adam, they follow the devil.
And not only some of them, all of them. Augustine put it this way, man is like a horse, he'll either be ridden by the devil or he'll be ridden by God.
Remember we've talked about this before, when Paul calls himself a slave, he opens a lot of his letters,
Paul, a doulos to the Lord Jesus Christ, a slave, he's saying, it's not whether you'll be a slave or not, but to whom you will be a slave to, either to God or to the devil.
And nothing is more natural to fallen man than to adopt, embrace, and walk according to the course of this world in direct contrast to the things of God under the supervision and direction of the devil.
Paul puts it this way in 2 Corinthians 4, 3 -4, but even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the
God of this age, that's the devil, has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.
The devil blinds the minds of those who do not believe.
Why? So that they won't believe, lest they believe in the light of the gospel shining to his heart.
But Paul goes on, he says this, among whom we also once conducted our lives in the lust of the flesh, following the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath.
That's the flesh. Not only does the whole world, the course of this world, the world system, drag us along, not only are we under the power of the devil when we are fallen in an atom, but everything inside us is conspiring against it too.
He is saying that this is the mode of behavior of every man, woman, and child outside of Christ.
This is the behavior, this is the lifestyle of everyone who is spiritually dead, those in atom.
And that's pretty grim. It shows the complete fallenness of man.
There's a theological term for this, as there almost always is, in this case, it's total depravity.
And you may remember this term that has come up. It started in the 17th century in the
Reformation movement, where those who were in the Netherlands were responding to a teacher by the name of Arminius, and they came up with a response to him.
And we remember that response in the acronym TULIP, to which we are to remember that it came from the
Netherlands, because that's where tulips primarily come from. But TULIP stands for Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Preservation of the
Saints. Many people confuse total depravity to mean that we are as wicked as we can be.
We are not when we're in atom. Pharaoh was not as wicked as he could have been.
He was mighty wicked, but he wasn't as wicked as he could be. Neither was
Adolf Hitler, or Joseph Stalin, or anyone else who was in atom. But it does mean that every aspect of their being was impacted by sin.
For the unregenerate man, his nature is completely tied to the course of this world.
It is under the direct control of the devil, and is in complete agreement with every lust of his flesh and of his mind.
And there's controversy here, too. You may have heard this, isn't the unbelieving man basically good?
You ever hear that? After all, no one's perfect. My good deeds will outweigh my bad deeds in the end.
Paul here is saying that the situation, as I've mentioned, is not a surface situation. We can't change our habits, or our actions, or our activities.
No. It is a root issue. It is a core matter. It is at the very heart.
The problem is not that we lack the will or the desire to do it. The problem is our wills, or those wills of those who are in atom and unregenerate, are only evil continually.
But Paul goes on, and he says that we were by nature children of wrath, just as the other.
And Paul is saying this, and he's not referring to our created nature, but the nature of fallen man.
Man is not born in a state of innocence, as humanism would tell you. We're not a blank slate, not knowing good from evil, but we are born opposed to God.
Now, back to that Dylan tune, born already ruined, stone cold dead, when we've stepped out of the womb.
That is our nature in Adam. That was our nature in Adam. That is the nature of those who are still in Adam, justly being children of wrath.
You know, some people will say, we're all children of God. That is simply not true. Those who are in Adam are sons of disobedience and children of wrath.
That's what we're up against. It's not that they just have the wrong information.
It's not that just they have unbridled appetites or affections. It's not that they just don't have the, or they have an incorrect view of the world system, although they all do.
In some ways, they're like real zombies. The walking dead, spiritually dead, blinded by the devil, given to the course of this world, trapped in the lust of the flesh and of the mind, and all willingly so.
That's a pretty desperate situation, pretty grim. But notice the next verse, verse four.
Verse four is at the very heart of Christian theology.
But God, who is rich in mercy, grace, mercy, loving kindness.
This is part of what the Reformers said in that soundbite that they came up in the Reformation.
Sola gratia, grace alone. But God and not man. Man is unable to do anything for himself.
Paul here is telling us that man is not capable of anything spiritually, but God is.
God, out of the depths and riches of his divine grace, because of his great love with which he loved us, there was nothing to commend ourselves to him.
We were totally unlovable. But yet he loved us.
Even when we were dead in trespasses, he made us alive in Christ. As we've noted, many people, including many
Christians, believe that man must take the first step to God. But no man seeks after God.
Paul puts it this way in Romans 3 .10. As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one.
There is none who understands. There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside.
They have all together become unprofitable. There is none who does good, no, not one.
It took and it takes divine action. This work is a spiritual resurrection.
Those who were in Adam were dead. When we were in Adam, we were dead, and he makes us alive.
He made us alive, and all this took place while we were dead.
This is something I want you to grasp and I want you to hold on to. We worship a God who raises the dead.
Think about where you may find yourself today, what situations you may be facing, what difficulties you are.
Are they as dead as Jesus in the tomb for three days? If so, be of good cheer.
We worship a God who raises the dead. We can't raise ourselves.
Think back to that account of Lazarus. Lazarus was in the tomb for four days, and not only that, he started to decompose.
Remember what his sister said when they were opening the tomb? He's going to stink.
He does stink. He's rotting away. He was totally unable to raise himself with the power of God, and regeneration comes before faith.
That's another controversial statement, but it is absolutely, biblically true.
The new birth comes before faith, and it comes before we do anything. Yes, we believe, absolutely.
We respond 100%. We choose God. We call that our conversion.
But it is not until God has worked through his Spirit and radically changed our nature.
He gives us spiritual life. He raises us from a spiritual grave so that we may be able to do something, particularly things which we'll talk about in just a moment.
Then we have this parenthetical thing, perhaps the greatest thing written in parenthesis in all human history, by grace you have been saved.
How could it be anything else but grace? We are utterly dependent upon a supernatural work.
We were dead. Dead people don't earn gifts. Grace is unmerited favor.
We are not saved because we deserve it or earned it. We have not worked for it.
We are saved by grace. But Paul continues, and he raised us up together and made us sit in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness towards us in Jesus Christ.
We are sitting right now, we remember this, back from Ephesians 1, we are sitting right now in the place where Christ sits, in the heavenly places.
Where is Christ sitting now? On his throne. He has dominion over all things.
And we who are spiritually resurrected have been given dominion over the world with Christ.
Remember, he said that we were adopted as his children. And then later in chapter 1 he says we are co -heirs with Christ.
That we're going to get this inheritance and the down payment on that inheritance was the Holy Spirit. We are co -heirs with Christ and we're not to do our own thing.
We're to do what he tells us to do. Do what he does. We have dominion through Christ establishing his kingdom through us, the church.
And it's not just these four walls. When we go out here, that's
Jesus's too. When you go down the street, that belongs to Jesus. When you go across the country, that belongs to Jesus.
And you get the idea wherever we go. Christ, who at present is in the heavenly places, is extending his kingdom today through the church in the here and now.
But he says in the coming ages, right? In the verse here, that in the coming ages he's going to show this in a way, the show is exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness towards us in Christ.
That's the kingdom. The kingdom will be gloriously manifested before the world.
His inheritance, his kingdom, his people will be extended to the ends of his domains.
These are his lands. This is his universe. And it will become more and more evident throughout history.
The manifold wisdom of God will be made manifest so everybody can see it.
And this work has already begun and will continue one spiritual resurrection at a time until the second coming when he will consummate the kingdom.
But now we continue. And Paul writes in verse eight, for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves.
It is the gift of God. Another controversial verse. Many of you may know this.
What is the gift that is at the heart of this controversy?
What's the gift that is given? Is it salvation or is it faith? And much ink has been spilled, we might say, in writing on this.
And many words have been exhausted in debate. But in the end, it doesn't really matter.
Certainly, theologically, it doesn't matter. Why? Because you were dead. Everything that you get after being raised to life is a gift from God.
All of it. And Paul writes these next verses in case there are those who are really slow.
It's not of works, lest anyone should boast. Your faith is a gift.
Your salvation is a gift. And it's not by works. Get it? That's almost what
Paul is saying. And that should have solved this problem, but sadly, it has not solved this problem.
We are reminded of that verse from Rock of Ages, nothing in my hand
I bring, only to thy cross I cling. The only merit, the only work that will save us is that of Jesus Christ.
We can talk all day long about salvation by works. And I'm here to tell you, brothers and sisters, it is absolutely true.
We are saved by works, just not yours. The works of Jesus Christ, his act of obedience, his passive obedience, his work on the cross that was gloriously ratified in the resurrection, underscoring what he said from the cross.
It is finished. There's nothing more for you to do. But then
Paul concludes, for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which
God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. And we understand, obviously, that biologically, we are all created by God.
This universe is all the work of God's, well, words, not hands.
But that's not what Paul is talking about here. But lest we forget, man didn't create himself any more than he made himself alive, any more than he borned himself, right?
God does all of that. But Paul is talking about here, not creation, but recreation.
Just as Christ recreated the heavens and the earth in the three days in the grave, so now he is redeeming and renewing fallen humanity.
Paul is talking about our redemption, our renewal. Just as in creation we are his workmanship, his craftsmanship, so in our recreation.
This is not our work. But we were created in Christ Jesus for good works, and that word for is extremely important.
He doesn't say by good works, but for good works. This is one of the goals of our new birth, of our redemption.
This is one of the reasons why God saves us from spiritual death and darkness, which we had, in a way, we were doing works then in Adam.
The unbeliever is doing works, he's doing the works of the world, the devil, and the flesh. But now we have new works to do.
Remember what Jesus said, that he had come to give life, and that abundantly.
That's the life that God gives us. That's what he is calling us to do in the works that he has provided for us.
We have been reminded recently in a sermon by Pastor Breno that we are saved by faith alone, but a faith that is never alone.
It is always accompanied by the fruit of that salvation.
If we are justified, if we are saved, if we are redeemed, if we are the workmanship of Christ, if we have the
Holy Spirit dwelling within us, and my brothers and sisters, that's all true about us, then we will most certainly manifest that change that God has wrought in our souls by doing the works that God has prepared for us beforehand.
Well, you may be thinking, what are those works? This is not an exhaustive list, but this is one of them.
Worshiping God, getting married, having a family, raising children, being diligent in your labors at work, sharing the gospel, building relationships, discipling the nations.
Those are the works prepared for us by Christ. Well, we have seen what it is like to be in Adam, and that there is a radical change which is required to bring us from in Adam to in Christ.
And we have seen the true nature that we all once had.
We realize the radical nature of our salvation and our redemption. We could not achieve it by simply fleeing from the world, as some of the escapists try, or trying to avoid the devil, or by changing some of our habits, no.
The salvation that we required, required the Son of Man to come into the world, to live a sinless life, to succeed where Adam failed, to give his life on the cross as a propitiation, the payment of our sins, and to have this work gloriously ratified in the resurrection, again underscoring what he said, it is finished, and gloriously inaugurating the kingdom with his ascension.
It required a new birth. It required a new creation. It required a resurrection.
And as we traffic in the unbelieving world, with our unbelieving family members, our unbelieving co -workers, our unbelieving friends, our unbelieving neighbors, this is the message that we bring.
It's not self -help, it's not habit changing, but a radical change. But thanks be to God, we worship a
God who raises the dead, who is rich in mercy because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ, for it is by grace that you have been saved, amen.
Let us pray. Our gracious God and Father, we thank you, O Lord, for these words which you have given us, words of comfort,
Lord, when we reflect about who we were, we can praise you,
Lord, for the work that you have done in our lives. But Lord, not only that, as we look in the community, as we think of the unbelieving world that we labor in, we can rest assured that you who began a good work in us, who spiritually resurrected us and brought us from death to life, can do and will do the same to them.
We pray, Father, that you would remind us of the works that you have given us to do, to go forth and preach the gospel, to live the lives that you have given us, according to the gifts and talents that you have bestowed upon us.
We ask, Lord, that you would continue to give us the grace to do these things, in the name of Christ we pray, amen.