Christian Calls for Utah to Establish Justice for the Pre-Born

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Kriss Martenson of Voice for the Voiceless calls for Utah to Establish Justice for the Pre-Born while exposing the fact that it is the LDS Organization that legalizes the whole and slaughter of innocent human beings in the womb.


House Bill 467 just became public this afternoon. Fox 15 News reporter
Chris Arnold spoke with anti -abortion and pro -choice advocates, who let their voices be heard on this extremely emotional issue.
My name is Chris Bartinson, I'm with Voice of the Voiceless, and I'm against any bill that ends the life of babies in the womb for any reason.
But thinking back to a conversation, a phone conversation I had with Representative Lisenby, she said to me, quote, women who have been victimized still have a choice under Utah law and under LDS church doctrine.
She said that because of that, quote, it would be almost impossible to pass a bill that deleted all the exceptions.
She's shown that the Utah law and the LDS are aligned with abortion. Utah law and the
LDS doctrine say that they'd rather abortions don't happen, but one person's agency is taken away, then they are allowed to take the agency away from the baby and murder the child.
Life is, as Alabama Supreme Court affirmed and the gospel always said, life is at conception.
We are made in the image of God. All life is valuable, no matter what stage of development, and to take away that life is murder, regardless of one person's agency over someone else's agency.
Today's bill only changes wording. It's of no consequence. The bill that is in the courts right now, if passed, will continue with the murdering of children in the womb.
So today, I'm here to say repent, turn to Christ, stop these wicked bills, and establish justice and give equal protection to every human being.