Open Air Theology “Reunion”


Open Air Theology “Reunion”


What are you doing? He never let us a guard that way you use a wooden match
Preserves the flavor you see but the worst curse would come upon the one who seduced him
Whose head would be crushed? by the seed of the woman And the punishment was too severe
What's wrong with you people are you ready to get back to work with pleasure
What is this about I Choose to believe the
Bible because it's a reliable collection of historical documents written down by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses
They report to us supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies and claimed that their writings are divine rather than human in origin
But because of his own purpose and grace Which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began
I don't know why you're clapping. I'm talking about you. I Didn't come here to get a man.
I didn't come here to be applauded. I'm talking about you We did not come here to be applauded, but we came here to rumble
Don't think it gets better than that right there
Washers last statement there You did you were you were right on point with that just drop down.
That was perfect. I was trying Yeah, that's awesome My name is
Tom Sheppard, I'm a grace Bible Church of Bernie, Texas a member there also a co -host of open -air theology and another co -host for striving for eternity apologetics live and We just want to welcome.
We have a great show today We have two guests today, but first before we get to those I want to introduce
My left I'm going next. Yes. All right. My name is Brayden Patterson I'm the pastor here at grace
Bible Church in Moorpark, California It's a great blessing to be here. Our services are at 1030 on the
Lord's Day Sundays It'd be a great blessing if you live in the Ventura County area See me Valley or somewhere near Barrett nearby there.
You should come check out our church It'd be a great blessing get plugged in worship the Lord with us on on Sundays Also have a
YouTube channel called reformed ex -mormon. And before we go any further, let me just say this We have our show is open -air theology
We would love for you to go on to YouTube look up open -air theology Subscribe to that channel share it with your mom your stepmom your step -grandma share with your second cousin as well
Share it with everybody and tell them to subscribe and tell them to share it as well and also just a great blessing to be able to partner here with striving for eternity and just Just love the fellowship that we share with Andrew Rappaport So show him some love as well and go like and share his stuff as well
And on that note, I'll pass the mic down to my brother below me our special guest that we were waiting to announce
Go ahead special not so special As you can see my name is
Aaron Dufresne, that's Dufresne like Shawshank Redemption Andy Dufresne not
Dufresne, not Dufresne, but Dufresne and It is
French and that's all you need to know about me. No, I'm just kidding Member at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California And Born again
Christian, I guess those are synonymous terms. I don't usually even say that just say Christian So that's what's the most important about me
Married for going on 10 years to Allie and Two beautiful children
Haddon who is two years old and Talitha who's seven. So that's that's me And We have one more one more, but he's well -known
He is he's the one and the only caps Addison Is up y 'all
I'm doing maps. I'm doing pretty good, man. You know doing pretty good man. I love Idaho.
But yeah, my name is Haps Addison I go to a copy Bible Church and pay yet and I'm the the founder of passing the torch school of apologetics and That's what
I like. I like apologetics and I evangelize and do all that fun stuff Mmm, all for the glory of God up in Idaho.
What's Idaho? Like I don't know anything about that. Oh, that's Bigfoot country Straight up dude.
Yeah, I live in a little town called Sir, Idaho and I helped my brother
If you got you guys know my brother's got some medical conditions I help him run a show on whatnot called open air.
I mean not open it It's called
Idaho coin exchange and So I do coin auctions and I love it.
That's awesome Well today today so as you guys notice in matter of fact,
I think Braden talked about it earlier We are partnering with striving for eternity and Andrew Rappaport He's allowed us to come alongside him
And so if you are seeing his seeing this stream through Striving for eternity or on one of his
Facebook page or one of ours, please go to open our theology and on YouTube Subscribe like and share it with everybody again.
So today we have a really cool show today. We've gone to AI to find out what are some of these random questions that AI is gonna ask us and We have to answer them and try and give a biblical answer, but most importantly we're here to point people to Christ We want to see people saved.
We want to tell announce to everyone that Christ is King That we are all sinners and that we need a substitute.
We need to be covered by the blood of Christ So if you don't know them repent and believe the gospel today brother, amen before we jump into AI questions because that's what we've been really enjoying doing and By the way, if you're in the audience and you would like us to ask answer some questions
Please shoot them over our way and we would love to be able to interact with those things but this show is
Reunion we haven't talked to Haps Addison in a long time Haps What have you been up to in the last year?
You just did a show the other day and yeah, it was good to see your face back on the interwebs you know what
I um, I Was going through something called the wilderness experience and I think that every believer should really
I think it should be taught and I think it's something every believer should go through and it's a
It's a reminder as we're wandering in the you know, the wilderness and everything it's a reminder that it's the
Lord that provides he provides everything the food the clothing the the shoes not wearing out just this
It Was a beautiful experience and you know the
Lord is our protector and we can hide behind him and have put our hope and faith and trust in him and He has provided everything for me and my wife here.
I mean just just everything, you know and And so now we're able to give back, you know
We're able to help out the kid this small little community here and and it's beautiful Is it now when you tell when you say you've been through the wilderness what tell everybody what you mean by wilderness
Well, it's I was just talking about this with another pastor the other day that had a wilderness experience and you know
You know when my when the the ministry the Lord gave me shut down I was like, what what
I'm I don't I don't have a career or anything like that I'm an ex -criminal.
I have nothing to go back to I understand completely what the the The followers of Jesus Christ the 12 that were left standing there and he said don't you want to go with them as well?
And they said we have nothing to go back to your words lead to eternal life, you know, and so It was just this like where's my place now where what's you know like when you do full -time ministry for years and years and years and you're so embedded into your community and it's just this
Yeah, it's it's highs and lows and a lot of Emotion and then there's
You know You come under a spiritual attack as well, you know and and And you're not hearing anything from God.
Not I mean like a charismatic like Shyamalan ding -dong, but It's where you have to sit there.
You're just like gosh, you know what and then it was like three days before Christmas like that it was just like it was like It was this piece came over me that I can't even explain
You know, it's like it's true. It is true. It's a piece that surpasses all understanding, you know
Yeah, then all of a sudden I got a phone call from you guys, you know, yeah You know
What's amazing is that that? And I know what you mean by going through a trial and tribulation when you said peaks and valleys and in our walk with Christ That there are times
You know when it seems Like we're alone, but we we know that God is faithful that he never leaves us.
He will never forsake us nor abandon us He's always there and and in that piece knowing that we have a hope that this world is not in our not our home
We trust in him that regardless of what we're going through. We're not to respond like the world does
But we're to have faith and trust in Christ and live a life continue to please please be pleasing to him, right?
Yeah Yo, what do you say sounding all prim and proper tonight?
What am I? What's up? I actually took a shower today I'm all spiritual and everything.
I dress like an adult and everything That's why I haven't said anything yet because I have not showered
Thank you, brother Aaron, so you're you're this is your first time on the show you're gonna definitely be coming back on another day
Lord willing, of course, but Beacon Hill binding tell people about that. Boom Yeah, so yeah, and I just want to add to what have said to those are the the most glorious times
I think in our lives are the wilderness experiences because You know,
I Beholding him as an Amir, you know beholding the glory of the Lord as an Amir It's when we see the glory of Christ the most
Clearly is when we're going through seasons where the world is
Becoming less and less You know fulfilling
I guess you could say we're not getting what we either expected or whatever from Greetings brother.
Let's continue to shower this buddy. But yeah, so I Was just saying
Seeing the glory of Christ more clearly In the world less and less but uh, yeah, so we went through you know, it's funny.
I was I have been desiring to Rebind Bibles for a long time.
I'm Sort of before it all blew up So but it's kind of funny that now that it's all blown up.
I that's when I started but it doesn't bother me whatsoever because though the rebinding market some viewers will know some won't that rebinding
Bibles is kind of like a it seems like a sort of a fad right now in a sense because there's so many people coming in and In doing it and in one sense that is
Great and I think if people do it to the glory of God and they had their heart is in the right place and wanting to restore
Those, you know specifically starting because this was my desire. I'll just tell you my desire was
Those closest to me those around me locally and stuff like that dealing mainly with people that I Know or don't know but that I run into that are like hey,
I have this Bible That's my you know, my first Bible. It's got all my notes in it and stuff.
It's falling apart Like can you help me because they heard through word -of -mouth that I was Repairing Bibles or something because that's kind of how
I started was I love books and Love just binding.
I just have like a I always had like a attraction to one of my closest friends and mentors is
John Stone who's the dean of the Masters Seminary and Masters University Library and With his knowledge of books and everything like that He kind of took me under his wing and and well his knowledge of really the
Puritans and things like that My obviously my love for books and Bibles and things goes far beyond the binding of them
That goes without saying however, I just always had sort of an attraction to How are these bound together?
the beauty of them when they're done with leather, especially like Leather overboard.
That's something that I'm gonna be learning to do as well rebinding old books and things like that and So to make a very long story short that was like over a six -year span from now six years ago just like Starting to take apart
Bibles and see the binding and stuff like that and then just going man I I really would love to be able to do this someday well to start in Bible rebinding you have to have money and That's something we never have so, um, but the
Lord opened a door Hey, Ben, there's a another fellow rebinder right there.
He's a great brother. How'd he been? The Lord opened a door
Because there's a brother named Tom Pennington who calls himself Tom the lesser because he's not
Tom Pennington in in Texas at Countryside Bible Church, not that Tom Pennington, but Pennington up north same exact name they're both pastors, but Tom Pennington up north in Oregon is
He does Rebinding has been doing it for a long time his rebinding
Company is tell tell us I so it is finished rebinding and And anyway, he he
He's the one who always encouraged me to get started and then the Lord opened a door where he text me one day It's like hey, there's a bindery.
That's like it's really old bindery up here in Oregon. That is shutting down I know the guy I he's got like over seven thousand dollars worth of rebinding equipment.
I think we can get it for dirt cheap so That's what we did. We pulled the trigger on that got it for dirt cheap and that's what's sitting behind me
I have this really cool from this guy This is a Hamilton like 1930s
Hamilton typeset dresser And it has like over six thousand dollars worth of typeset, which
I will never use I've used some of it, but I'm coming to find out in rebinding.
I really just need like two types Like two and I have like I have like thousands but yeah, so I got all this equipment and Really it was just it was just the
Lord's Providence and huge Brother, do you have that one that you or have you sold that one yet?
No Show that one the new
King James Version and then show off this 16 Do you have that 1689 in front of you right now? Real quick while he's looking for that.
It's so funny because he mentions Tom Pennington I remember friending a guy by the name of Tom Pennington on Facebook thinking that it was
Pennington the greater Tom has some funny stories
That know Tom Pennington's name, but don't know his face right the
Tom the greater space Are you unwrapping that Bible right now? Yeah, I didn't mean to unwrap it. I wanted to I Wanted to smell it anyway, so fair enough what so Yeah, Tom Pennington would be at at Shepherd's Conference Tom Pennington The lesser would be at Shepherd's Conference and people would come up to him and see his name tag and he would he would side their
Bible But Hey Caleb, what's up, man?
Oh Nice, brother. Let me say you that Yeah, I know.
I love the smell of a new Bible, too Let me say this Tom literally went out of his way got picked all this stuff up for me,
I mean like heavy -duty presses Stamping machines for where you stamp the gold gilding on the on the
Bible and everything like that They're big and all this stuff He picked it up for me drove four hours south to meet me and in Redding, California and I drove eight hours north and It was just amazing he was just like yeah, man
I want to bless you and that right there is the heart of a fellow rebinder who's not in it necessarily to Undercut somebody else but to build other brothers up and Tom really showed me the way in that and and it was
Because he was never like hey, you know, I'm worried about you. You know what? He told me he goes you're gonna be a top rebinder and I want you to be and I'm gonna help you get there
I'm like, that's not gonna happen. But thank you Yeah, but that's I mean the attitude is great.
It's that's what Yeah Wait, yeah, let's see that So, this is a
King James English standard and I kind of just went my own route on this stamping
And I knew it was gonna be confusing some people because they might think it's an LSB But people who know the legacy
It's a single column legacy ESB so people who know that text block would know it's when it when it says on the spine
English standard and legacy together You're gonna know it's uh, it's this beautiful the legacy edition
Yeah, but it's just a very soft it's called
Al ran Native goatskin with a dark navy liner nice maroon and sheets
And this is just one of many black Beresford's from the
United Kingdom. Those are like top of the line and right now I saw you recently Stitched one as well.
Yeah, so that one's off in the mail to its owner and that was my first stitch job and Yours look better than mine.
Oh, look at that. That's so cool. Come check it out tomorrow Well yours look way better than mine those are like from like the tale of the
Crips like what is it like Indiana Jones Yeah Listen this one.
I did this one because the death of death and the death of Christ from John Owen It's I just inspired me that you know on the
Hill Calvary the school is where Christ paid my sin death So anyway, yes, okay. So Aaron real quick.
That's my wife right there. She says she wants to King James So we're gonna have to put you to work. Let's do it That's great well, so Braden is there anything else before we get on with the show?
Okay, yeah, so everybody and I don't have the the little things
So we are we are partnering with striving for eternity and apologetics live with Andrew Rappaport There it is right there.
And so we are open -air theology And he's Andrew is helping us get get popular.
So if you guys have not done it If you guys have not done it go to the
YouTube show I gotta say the way it is, you know I just say things I'm black sheep, man. Yeah, so Another shower
That's right Anyway, so go to the
YouTube channel that says open -air theology click on like and subscribe and share it, please and hold on We got yes.
I know. I know Melissa. We're losers That's why we're here together losers together
But today's show is about is about answering questions we want to be able to answer your questions
Hopefully they'll be able to edify other believers. If you don't know Christ, we won't be able to answer those questions as well
But because we're just in now introducing this we went to AI to ask some random questions that AI popped us
Popped us for us. So if you have questions of your own that you want answered
Shoot and the hard ones we're gonna give the Braden in haps and me and Aaron are gonna take the easy ones
There you go. Hey and real quick before you start. Let me just bend the stitch took like three to four hours
I think like I did it in sections. I just want to answer his a deep theological question there first before we got going
So haps real quick pick pick a number between one and ten Mm -hmm
Seven seven, okay
Hey, I question number seven says this is post -traumatic stress disorder, but post -traumatic stress disorder a
Legitimate condition or is it over diagnosed in today's culture? it is a real condition that's a lot of the
Men that I would get back from Overseas when they would come into my program
Post I and and I'm a stickler on that. You know, it's a real post -traumatic stress disorder is real and They can be talking to you and like that be up back over there.
They're not even they're not there right now you know that they're over there, you know and Do I think it gets over diagnosed
I'm sure I I I think so, but you know, I really dealt with the real deal, but you know
There's a lot of over, you know There is you know, there's a lot of that, you know, but you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater either
Yeah, so let me ask you this So there's a follow -up to this and and I want it because it really doesn't matter our opinion
Stuff like that. Not that that's just your opinion. But what does the Bible provide for sufficient resources to address these issues or Does God also provide additional tools other than Scripture?
Oh, he provides you know tools, of course with Scripture and and You know
God gave us, you know, I mean you have doctors You know, like if there's something wrong with your health, you know, well, what if something's wrong with your mind?
You know, you know that your mind's still a part of your body you know and And in sometimes like my dad my dad was in Vietnam So Mike was you ever seen the movie hammered or Hill?
Yes, that's my dad that my that's my dad was the sergeant of that platoon and Growing up man, we couldn't watch like the deer hunter or anything like that because he would just snap and he was he was a
Believer in Jesus Christ, you know, you know, I mean hardcore. He went to Shepherd school through Calvary Chapel Him and my uncle planted a church in Hosanna.
But yeah, he would definitely have those moments, but now that he's older Yeah, it's it's he
He can't go out and hear fireworks, you know and stuff like that, but he's not the same dad when
I was younger Yeah, no, so I do see some healing over time Right Braden being a firefighter a firefighter a fighter fighter
He's a real fighter he's a fighter fighter fighting fires Have you run, you know with people, you know that have lost their homes or maybe you've lost a loved one that you know
Maybe driving by their home. What what what happens is their post -traumatic stress disorder. Is it real?
Absolutely, I would say yes It is an old it can be in a very like all things in the world right now
It seems like there's over diagnosis with so many different things and so but it is a real thing and I I would go back
So a couple things I think going back to something that have said is is true right we go to doctors
We have math teachers, right That is secular But helpful to us math could be improved to us if we had a presupposition taught to us in math school that God is a logical
Consistent God, therefore we can trust these math You can go that route, but still the secular math thing helps.
So I think even in the medical side of things as well On one hand we should be trusting our diseases with God But that doesn't mean that he hasn't given us the the command to go out and subdue and take dominion over the world and so part of that I think is to fight against those those parts of Curses the curse that we experience in the world from the fall.
And so I think one of those things is Mental things mental things of different capacities so going to the firefighting example
Yeah, no firefighters pulling out Burn charred dead bodies Parents losing children real things that that affect people in a long drawn -out course
Sometimes are they a result of sin they can't be but not all the time like for example a mental
Chemical imbalances is something that almost every woman experiences after having a child. Yeah, they have a child and guess what happens
Postpartum Depression and it's chemical related not related to actions or a lack of ability on their side
It's it's a chemical imbalance and that's what's going on right there And so when it comes to PTSD there there can be things that that will affect people in a long run
And it's something that they have to battle with they should be God with and and helping with in different ways.
So I hope that answers your question. It is good So but I want to move on to another question on this because it's very very much related
Aaron and you're up Well, it's gonna be very related so you're
I think it's gonna tie it in great so can can Christians use psychotropic drugs for conditions like anxiety or depressions or depression or Does the reliance on medication reflect the lack of faith follow -up?
Before you answer that is Anxiety purely a spiritual issue or is it possible for physical and spiritual factors to coexist?
And where would you go in the Bible? To to to look for for biblical trust or medical
Sciences, sure. I Think first of all, I don't want to say too much because this was kind of like when
I read, you know When I was looking through some of these questions They they're important questions that I think
You know Brayden answered I think even the one that you just asked really well because it's a it's a both -and
It's a both -and situation Because scripture does give answers and I got some here and I even want to speak to it on a personal level
Of personal experience, which is an authoritative, but I'll tell you it's authoritative when it got submitted to the
Word of God So but I did want to say that Brayden answered that well because what you have in these situations is you have the common grace of God given to us through Certain mediums like doctors and stuff
But yes, I think just to just to rewind just a little bit just like Hap said right away that yes
It can be over diagnosed because we live in a fallen world and there's going to be thousands upon thousands of doctors who have no
Authority to stand upon and so they're diagnosing things that they believe are the solution not just diagnosing but giving a solution that may not be the full and final
Good solution that God hat would have for this person in a fallen world. And so it's a both -and
It's it's I think you have to be very careful with who you source out for those for those things
But and I don't I don't want to speak directly to a psychotropic
Situation either because I would I on on the surface I would disagree as far as I've never seen anything good come out of psychotropics but that's again, that's a non authoritative statement in a sense because I Don't know enough about that But so without even getting into the details of that specific drug or or other drugs
I think Braden just nailed it on the head saying that there's common graces. God has given us. However, You know,
I think I think what's expected sometimes from Either the watching world or even other
Christians who are frustrated with their spiritual state Whether it be PTSD or something else like spiritual battles that they're going through They don't want people to come along and just slap a sticker on it and just our scripture sticker on it and and say
Get over it however, I think that There's a way to do that without just saying okay.
Here's this text, you know Go and be alone with this text There's a way to come along somebody with the text and encourage them in the text of Scripture to trust
God rather than Rather than just kind of, you know, like I said giving them a scripture and saying, you know, get oh, yeah
That goes back to that, you know part of Part of so I think that that's seen in the church, right?
Because there's a shepherd as a pastor you're supposed to be shepherding those that are a part of your flock those like that Christ has given you charge of those that you
Are acting as an under shepherd over and part of that is that you are caring for them in ways that you can
Which is sometimes in in these depressed Anxious states and it's not just a all right.
We had one meeting high -five. All right. Bye. I'm not gonna do that again it's a it's a matter of discipleship over a long period of time that that can see those that fruit and I mean all of us need to be continually reminded in different means and methods from different portions of scripture in different seasons of our lives to Keep our trust and eyes on Christ.
Yeah, and so we're no one no one's above that Those seasons so I think that's a important thing to do too is especially as for Christians is
If the Bible is gonna speak on it, and if we can get help from the scriptures, you know from from whatever we're struggling with First and foremost seek your spiritual help from your pastor from somebody who is caring for your soul
And and start there that should be the number one priority but there are cases where there are extreme cases where People, you know, does it mean that it's just simply a lack of faith.
Does it mean that your anxiety is? When your feet your heart may be coming in and so anxious that you can't even breathe
Is that some is that brought on by a sin issue, you know, perhaps maybe maybe there is some guilt there
And you need to talk that out with your pastor But not always but not always. Yeah, but not always there are there are other times like you you brought up post -traumatic stresses or a
Postpartum stress right with a baby. I mean that happens Me and you were talking about this the other day
Braden and you were talking about that some drugs that they give you actually cause One of this one of the symptoms of it actually caused you to be more anxious.
That's right So, how can that be a sin issue? Yeah, I mean that just proves that there's something chemically that's going on right there
It can produce more anxiety doesn't mean that it's a function of less low faith It means that there's a chemical there's something going on inside of you.
That's causing that to take place Yeah, I think scripturally to I think you can see a very clear in my opinion on how
I would interpret this in Timothy Where Paul is instructing Timothy to drink a little bit of wine
That's on the the coattail of do not accept a Accusation against an elder bait, but unless but on the basis of two or three witnesses don't accept an anonymous accusation
And then right after that drink wine for for your upset stomach Why why would Paul be instructing
Timothy that because Timothy is going to experience the previous said verse with accusations coming in against him yeah, and I so I think what what is that going to produce in Timothy at the time as Pastor any pastor that has ever shepherded any flock guess what's going to be inside of your gut is
Worry and Paul tells Timothy it's not because it's a lack of faith on your side He says go ahead and drink a little bit of wine to help soothe your stomach take take this medic medicinal
Type of object for you and your help and we know wine cheers a man's heart, right?
Absolutely. I mean according to scripture. Yeah. Yeah it you know, I I also think that like the the the one thing that You know, you know being a pastor all these those years and everything and and having really, you know
Talk to people you were in the in your congregation and everything you you know Nine times out of ten when
I started seeing them having to take Some type that I mean
I'm having anxiety it was it was always an excuse to continues sinning and continue to take certain like marijuana or I take gummies because I can't do this or that and then and then it's like I You know,
I show him grace and mercy and I sit down with them and I go. Okay. Well, you know for how long? you know how long you know and and I remember one guy telling me he goes well,
I've been you know, I I started I never done weed in my entire life And then all of a sudden I got married.
Hmm. I mean I got divorced. Yeah, I got married Yeah, no, he said
I got I got divorced and I go, okay He goes I was just like really and I go.
All right, you know and I go. Well, what was that? He goes ten years ago. Hmm, and I go, you know, so, you know, there's there's always
There has to be an even balance, you know, because it could become habit -forming and I'd all of them, you know
And I mean like full -blown But yeah, yeah So Brandon Scouser asked this he goes is the chemical balance imbalance no longer simple
And I think what he's saying that it would correct me if I'm wrong here. Hey, what's up, Michelle? If if if your chemical imbalance is causing a person to sin
Okay. Now now we have an issue Because there is no excuse for sin, especially for the
Christian So If you can't blame your sin on a quote -unquote chemical imbalance, right?
We would all agree with that. And so I think the counsel there from for every not being me not being a pens
Pastor would be to repent, you know repent of these sins And whatever is causing these issues,
I mean you listen and and I think somebody else wrote it He they said, you know, you can't just throw a verse at it
And I've seen some biblical counselors say here repeat this verse if you're suffering from anxiety and worrying
Yeah, what does the scripture say with regards to anxiety, you know be anxious for nothing repeat this prayer 30 times a day
That's not the way the Bible is meant to be read. Yeah, not a prescription For a condition, you know get in the
Word of God and read what God is saying about your situation Yeah, good
I would just say it's also important to state, you know I think we're we have the presupposition all four of us right now.
We've presupposed that this person is in Christ And and if they're not then it is the answer is repent and believe the gospel
Right, but secondarily if they're in Christ I think that Brandon brought up a really good point and I think you're answering it
Well, and what comes to my mind right away is Colossians 3 right that put on and put off therefore
If you've been raised up with Christ Keep seeking the things above. What are the things above?
well obviously what we have from above is down here the Word of God and Where Christ is seated at the right hand of God set your mind on The things above not on the things that are on earth and I think
Well, let me just finish reading it for you have died That's the point for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God When Christ who is our life is revealed then you also will be revealed with him in glory
Therefore consider the members of your earthly body is dead to immorality Impurity passion evil desire and greed which amounts to idolatry just like Haps was saying but Skip down to verse 8, but now you also put them all aside anger wrath malice slander and abuse of speech from your mouth
But verse 10 and have put and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge
According to the image of the one who created him. So I think The thrust of this passage obviously is you've died with Christ And you're considering the members of your earthly body is dead to these sins
And as you consider that you're setting your mind and so a big part of anxiety
Even with a chemical imbalance is going to be in the mind And setting your mind on those things that God has prescribed is the answer
Absolutely. So matter of fact, I want to I want to follow that real quick in in Romans chapter 12 verse 2 it says and do not be conformed to this world, but be
Transformed by the renewing of your mind just like what Aaron was saying. They're in collages by the your mind It starts in our thinking so Christian What are we filling up our minds with are we filling up our minds with the world?
Are we filling up our minds with trash, you know? Are we filling up our minds with everything other than the than the means of grace by the very
Word of God? Are we going to church? Are we spending time with God in his word? Are we spending time meditating?
on the cross and of Christ and I So that is the solution.
So there are many ways That the Bible is the answer for whatever we're going through that the scripture is the answer
Yeah, and you know just before we Move on I think earlier on when you had first posed that question to me
One big thing when you when you even first started asking Brayden the initial question One thing that pops in my mind right away, and I was saying about a you know
Yeah, Brandon's bringing up some good points, by the way as he continues to say just anxiousness is a sin
And it's all to be repentant of absolutely, yeah, and but you know from personal experience, but then
Personal experience back with the authority of the Word of God which came into my life back in 2006
July 12th 2006. I was not a believer I was 18 years old. My brother
Luke was 19 and he had a heart attack and he died. Yeah, and Instantly and this is when we're living back in Massachusetts where I'm from and You know, those are that you know,
I don't want to go into the whole story because it's very long But I'll just never forget that time right? Obviously my my
I was not in Christ. My world was flipped upside down He was my best friend.
We did everything together action sports skateboarding Snowboarding snowmobiling You name it.
We lived on a farm. We did everything together and Then then all of a sudden he was taken
In the blink of an eye and nobody knew it. He had six -pack abs ran four miles a day race dirt bikes I mean the guy was healthy as a horse
So he had what was called a rhythmogenic dysplasia of the right ventricular valve. So the right valve in his heart became
Fatty tissue instead of muscle tissue and nobody knew it and then all of a sudden his heart stopped
So when that happened I can distinctly remember in the weeks following that I would be
Just I wouldn't even be thinking about him I would just be talking to somebody just like I'm talking to you guys and it was like haps
Hit the nail on the head when he talked about the people that he's known All of a sudden
I would almost black out my heart would beat out of my chest and I would Have full -blown panic attacks where I couldn't even stand up and so I never got
Diagnosed and I don't know anything about post -traumatic stress disorder
But what I can tell you is that there is stress after something happens Traumatically, right?
Yeah, it's just like you were saying to Braden about people seeing certain things in the field For me, it was the loss of my brother.
And the reason I bring that up is because nothing absolutely nothing changed I went years
Six years span in which my mother was praying fervently for me through this whole entire time because she came to the
Lord in 2006 After wanting to end her own life because of how difficult this loss was of losing her son.
She wasn't in Christ She grew up around the church and stuff But then she came to faith in Christ everything changed for her and she prayed for me fervently and in those prayers was
God protecting me over the six -year span of sin and then I Can remember my anger being so anger the sin of anger the sin of anxiety all of this to the extent where I was like wanted to fight people that even talked good about Luke even brought him up and Naturally, like Luke was a great dirtbiker and I'd be like shut up or I'm gonna kill you
Like that's how bad my anxiety was and stuff like that so this was before I was converted right well,
I got converted and The text it was all the
Bible and my mom can testify to this. I remember she came I was in a program at the time and She came and visited me and I remember she was just like her jaw dropped on the floor because I told her
I want to go to Bible College like that's all I knew at the time when I got converted was I just wanted to study the
Bible and But all of the anxiety all of that It's not that it went away completely.
It's that it was always taken care of with the Word of God be anxious for nothing like Brendan said is is a
Sorry, I'm reading this comment now. I'm getting distracted It is a command and so when you love
Christ you you want to follow his commands But you can't do it without the help of his spirit. Yeah Yeah, go ahead.
I yeah real quick. So Braden pastorally speaking as a as a pastor Melissa talks about what if your anxiety is due to Abuse or trauma which typically it is it would be something that you've gone through Some type of a trauma and this actually has been been brought up Aaron Shared his experience.
Perhaps there's known people that has gone through this. Let's say for example And this was brought up in a
Sunday school class a while back a young lady a young girl is getting raped you know and and a
Terrible horrible experience and And she is the guys didn't get convicted
It's a relative or whatever and every time she sees this man You can imagine what's going through her thoughts what's going through her mind?
Because of the trauma that she's experienced in what way would that be sinful?
Yeah, I wouldn't say that. That's a sinful that that's a normal Honestly, I think that that response is actually a good
God -given response part of our human gifting from God being created in the image of God is having emotion and that's a
That is an emotional response that it absolutely it needs to be tempered with eyes focused on Christ trusting in his sovereignty
Not not denying any of those things, but I definitely think that that is an example where that We would be cruel and it would be wrong for anyone to look at that woman and say you're in sin right now you're in sin right now the
Something that always comes to my mind in this conversation is I I think we end up Defining a lot of things as anxiety
That I don't think always is so what I mean by that is there's a difference between dread hmm and Anxiety there's a difference between trusting in God's sovereignty and being completely out of control not knowing what tomorrow is going to bring
For example to the point of not being able to function. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, so Christ in the garden before he's crucified not my will but your will be done what happens to him
He's sweating large bloods of blood sweating drops of blood and in this
Dread I would say Christ is not being anxious for tomorrow, but he is experiencing the agony of what is to come and so I think that that you and I can can experience things trusting in God's sovereignty and And it's not dipping into that that anxious being anxious for something does that make sense?
Yeah, I like that I want to get a second Corinthians one, you know, God is always
At hand working in us in our sanctification, right? So there's things there's affliction we sometimes we
We fall we sin and we need to be we need to be disciplined and God works all things out for the believer
Right for our good. So no matter what we're going through we know that God's hand is in it, you know, and and when we read 2nd
Corinthians 1 verse 9 it says indeed We had the sentence of death when in within ourselves that we would not have confidence in ourselves
But in God who raises the dead and I think what happens is sometimes even when things are going so good in our life
You know perhaps was talking about the wilderness experience You know that sometime we get complacent, you know, sometimes we we we stray we are prone to wander
Lord I feel it, you know and and and we walk away Instead of being dependent upon our sovereign
God That's right in all things. So no matter what you're going through Christian regardless of what it is
It's so that you don't depend on yourself But to bend on our sovereign God depend on Christ and and I think if we keep our eyes on Christ He'll get us through it.
No matter how hard it is. That's right. Yeah, I Really? I I'm confident with what you just said
Tom. I think that that is very well said I I have to look back at The example of Christ though in the garden and and it says that he was in agony
Yeah, and that wasn't because Christ was in a sinful state and you and I can be in agony
That a lot of people would define as anxiety even though it's not anxiety we're feeling we're feeling dread for what is around us or what is to come to us a
Conversation that's going to take place because we still trust in a God in the sovereignty of God, right? Yeah there's a lot of things that can that can produce that and I think
I think maybe one of the differences between dread and anxiety is pending the person's
Perspective and trust on God's sovereignty. Would that be a fair way of saying that? So almost like almost like saying that a person is actually wallowing in in their dread
Yeah, maybe instead of maybe in the in the dread maybe instead of having your eyes
You could have your eyes focused on two places either up at God at that time We're looking down at your hands and worrying that you have your hands empty
God. Why did you do this to me? You know, yeah, yeah and and ultimately it's it's hard to differentiate with with Because we all have these different emotions and feelings and whatnot
But I really I am I just think back Christ couldn't be sinful But yet he was he he was feeling agony and dread the day before he knew what was coming that night
He knew it and that's why he was in this this state of sweating and drops of blood was because of the pressure
Right The pressure that's on him. But yeah, that's that's the pressure
We couldn't look at Christ and say oh you Christ. You're just not trusting in God's sovereignty. You're acting sinful right now.
No No, he's not. He's trusting fully in God's will to be done. The father's will to be done yet.
He still had agony He still had dread. He still had pressure. He suffered all those things for you and I and Yeah, I mean think it think about you know, number one
I mean that that place that he was at Yeah, what what was take place the entirety of hell is getting ready to be poured out.
That's right on him his father Was gonna crush him
Wow. Yeah, I mean, yeah, and that's where I'm saying I really I'm a firm believer that just because you believe in God's sovereignty doesn't mean that you don't have dread in your life
Right. Yeah, and and it would be I think I think you would be erroneous of us to say that the the feeling of dread is
Vanquished at a trust of God's sovereignty and that's not the case Yeah, you know,
I you know, I I also think that you know, like when it you you really gotta take a step back
And see and see, you know, like where's where is this person in his walk? That's right in the
Lord at the time, you know, are they infants in Christ or they? Going through growing pains as they're starting to mature
In Christ, you know, are they mature Christians that are going through something? Anxiety of some sorts of stuff like that.
I think that's you know, a lot of times pastors When they have dealt with us so many so many times
They've become desensitized you know by the The reality of somebody struggling or having anxieties or or you know
Then in knowing how to bear their burdens and how to really know in a way showing a lack of compassion
To people who are suffering. Yes. Okay. Yes, and and so, you know because We're all sinners in need of a
Savior, you know, we all fall short of the grace of God And none of us have got this all figured out, you know
But we have the scriptures we have, you know fellowship, you know and you know and again if you're plugged into a solid church and You know, there's just so many prescriptions
That that have been given to us through scripture and through the finished work of Christ That we can stand him and we can all we can know that we can stand on his promises, you know, yeah yeah,
I just you know having just Gone through everything that my wife and I had just gone through just for the last.
It's been a long two years You know, there'd be times when I was just so angry.
I wanted to take it out on everybody, you know Yeah, and then there was times of repentance and you know, and so it's just Yeah.
Yeah wilderness experience is fun, you know You know, but Yeah, I just Let's let's do this one now and it kind of a shift gears a little bit here
Not so much on the anxiety and stuff like this was still still in the realm of suffering and persecution
But question number two is this by AI and says the Bible teaches that true believers that Christians Will suffer persecution
What does it mean? What does it say when there is a lack of visible persecution in the
American Christianity? What does it indicate about our faith and our witness? So let's let's do this again
This could be convicting really for everybody everybody in the United States watching when we're talking about true persecution
We are talking that every true believer in Christ Should suffer
Paul's expecting there a matter of fact in 1st Corinthians 15 Paul says if there be no resurrection that we above all men should be most pitied
You know why because he's assuming that That we are making sacrifices to live this
Christian life that we are forsaking the world that that you know there should be a difference and us going to church and the only thing difference between us and our
Neighbors the car has gone in the driveway in a Sunday You know, so so let's think about this again.
The Bible teaches that true believers will suffer persecution Why in in the
United States aren't Christians suffering? Well, how do we know they're not well in I mean really suffering persecution for the sake of the faith
I Don't know anybody Who I mean in so I yeah, we're gonna have to define suffering
So, I don't know anybody who's really truly taking a beating because of their faith
Me like the evangelism or just I mean, yeah
What what kind of what kind of persecution is anybody facing here? yeah, and I think that defining persecution or suffering and persecution is obviously important because I Think we all know
People who you you men have done plenty of open -air preaching and never been punched in the face.
I Shouldn't say never I'm saying it doesn't happen all the time, right? oh, so the obviously we we understand that the
Severity of the persecution is going to vary. It's always on the spectrum. I understand what the question is getting at insofar as You know, why is there such a lack of persecution well, it's obviously because there's a lack of evangelism
There's a lack of Open truth telling whether it be an open -air preacher
Which is very very valuable Which is I think is part of another AI's question is that a lot of the the
American church sees it as very very invaluable They look down upon that form of Evangelism, which is the silliest thing ever
And we could talk more about that, I guess however, I think that I Mean like well,
I'll just take my own church. For example every single Sunday There is a large group of people who go out and evangelize every
Sunday after church in our local community and There's one group that goes out to the bus station and open airs.
There's another group that goes door -to -door But not everybody has a story of being struck or hit or spit on but a lot of people have stories of Being mocked and laughed at and Scorn and stuff like that.
So And and most of the time with a mature Christian You also have to remember that people aren't gonna go and boast about that type of stuff
That's something you wear in your heart but on the other hand Yeah, obviously what the question is getting at is the lack of evangelism in the
American Church, which suffers No persecution then.
Well, I mean the result is no persecution So what would happen let's say and on that point, you know, let's say if the
American Church was Faithful if every I mean just think about it if all of our churches were full of a congregation
That were to go out weekly and do door -to -door evangelism So the question was here brought up It was says
I think also we should take into account the more just laws in American that is restraint in the persecution that could be
Yes But at the same time I guarantee you if the church would be active the way that we should be active
It would be illegal tomorrow right because of the truth and yes light and darkness
So yeah, the more light that's gonna shine the more darkness is gonna come out Also, you know like the scripture that comes to mind is
Philippians 129 Not only has it been granted gifted for you to believe at the name of Jesus Christ, but also to share in his suffering.
Hmm, so What does that imply? Yeah, why are you know? Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, and so and then You know, it's like like up here in Idaho what look let me just say this like, okay
It's like over in Illinois when I was preaching out in Illinois and everything They were really fascinated a lot of the pastors and churches out there were fascinated that I would do open -air, you know
Just do open -air and preaching and Evangelism and stuff like that and they go still foreign to them because where they lived they lived out in farmland
They go we've angel eyes at the church. We've already had them bring people to the church. Hmm, and They have
Brayden hasn't been in Cali that long and stuff like that But there is like a rip load of evangelists out all out there.
I mean a grip loads, you know, and Yeah, he's down there and built he's down there and Bellflower I would even say that goes beyond just evangelism
I mean you look at the the the hecklers that John MacArthur has that Grace Community Church and the reviews
That go against because of the biblical teaching because truth is being proclaimed from the pulpit as well.
So Brayden watch out You're gonna have so much fun out there evangelizing, you know, yeah,
I'm so excited for it We actually that's gonna be at our next leadership meeting. We're gonna be discussing some of that stuff.
So Listen, I'm getting installed tomorrow. And so Listen, I'm excited.
I'm super stoked about what the future has just to be able to herald of Christ and Everywhere we go.
It's has already been a place. It's gonna be good. So Okay We got a couple more you guys you guys up for it, let's do it.
Okay question number one another evangelism question Why is there so much pushback among Christians regarding evangelism
Follow up on that. Well, let's go ahead and answer that and I'll do the follow -up later Why do evangelism by the way,
I live I don't need to tell nobody about it The best evangelism is done when
I don't open my mouth maybe so Yeah You just keep quiet over there, all right
If somebody has that perspective they don't have a biblical perspective anyway, so not much to say not much to say if you don't have a
Clear biblical understanding of the gospel and I think there's pushback for that reason
I think obviously we've been dealing for a long time now with churches that are filled with Pastors because it starts from the pulpit, right and there's and what
I mean by that is that you know people like like people like priests because their teaching
Isn't strong on The absolute necessity of the truth
That's one thing our pastor has been so strong on for since the beginning right is that you have to give them the content of the message or else they cannot be saved and so Just by the way another shout out to Ray comfort he has been
Such a huge help to me whenever I have given the gospel I've always gone and it's been my own flavor in the sense that it comes from my heart and my mind in the scripture but I'll tell you it is
I Love I feel like we share this same personality when people ask him
How long? do you need to get to know somebody before you give them the gospel and the answer is usually like three seconds or something like that or five minutes or whatever and And the reason is is because you already know everything you need to know about that person to give them the gospel
Amen, sure you you can you can on an earthly Level you can connect with somebody and want to be friends with them
But that should not create a barrier between how fast you get them the truth of eternal life amen, and so you already know that they are under the wrath of God and If they're not in Christ and that they need to hear the truth.
And so Literally everybody so I work for a company called
American vision windows and I used to install now I'm in the warehouse, but I used to install and every single there's 19 crews
Every single person has heard the gospel from my lips because I've had them stuck in my truck And every single time
I've done the same exact thing. I haven't had to beat around the bush. I've had to just say to them Did you grow up going to church?
Uh, no, not really when my parents are this my parents that oh, that's cool Have you ever heard the gospel before? they're like No, and I'm like, okay, so let me tell you yeah, and I literally just tell them like let me ask you a question
And I bring them through the law by the time I bring them through the law They're like, yeah,
I mean, I guess Wow. Yeah. I'm on my way to hell. Does that concern you? Yeah, that concerns me
Well, it concerns me too. Or if they say no, it doesn't concern me. It's always the well, it concerns me and and Let me tell you what
God did so that you wouldn't have to suffer his judgment and it's in almost every single time
Because of a clear gospel message that these people have never heard because they grew up hearing
God loves them Almost every single time the people have said to me Wow, I've never heard that before.
That's right Yeah I I think what it is is that most people have a wrong Understanding of who
God is that he's gonna be an all -loving tolerant God that's just gonna miss their sin in the end
And that they'll be able to negotiate some type of a deal when they die. A lot of people have that understanding they think their goods gonna outweigh their bad and And or and and far less people at least the people that I meet
Some people actually think that they they're they're just their life has just been such trash that God won't forgive them
Again, not failing to understand who God is Yes Yeah on the forgiven side and so when we when we tell people about that and I think
I The question really talks about the pushback among Christians and and I think that's a pretty broad paintbrush
But I think it still applies to even people in reformed churches I mean when you look at the percentage of the people that's actually doing and I'm not saying going out onto the streets
That's that's a very low percentage, but even in their everyday lives. I mean doing what you do
Aaron is is uncommon even in reformed circles and Yeah, and I don't
I I don't know the answer to that. I don't know why I I don't know why people are Failing to do that.
I think it's fear. I mean, I've I've talked to many Christians That that's the things
I work with Christians, right? Mm -hmm. And every single time I'd share the gospel They would be like wow, man, like it people would say that's a great comfort all the time
You have a gift like how do you do that? Like dude, just open your mouth and say it like yeah, stop being a wuss and just and just give them the gospel
That's what it's loosen out man. And like we've all done it But especially if you're a man just man up Like if you can if you can look like a fool in front of somebody else for a worldly reason
Why can't you do it for Christ? Sure. Yeah, you know, it's like I mean it comes down to are you ashamed of the gospel?
yeah, you know because the gospel is the power of God and salvation for all those that believe and You know, it's just like why wouldn't you want to go?
Yeah when I got when I became to know Jesus Christ Let me tell you dude,
I wanted to tell everybody dude, yeah, I'm free. I'm free. Yeah, it'll never stop
I mean even though I'm not, you know, like doing what I was doing before I got people that come in here to my work.
I get evangelize. I'm on what not selling coins boom I get to evangelize.
I like that. You say I get to evangelize him. Yeah Yeah, you know and It gets me pumped up dude
I get so pumped up when I talk about Jesus dude that it's so funny because I send people on my show to either
Matt slick or rap report For if they have any questions because a lot of them had questions and You know on there about Colts and stuff like that and and now
I'm evangelizing. I got my nephew married a
Mennonite and and her whole family got kicked out of the Mennonites and And so I've been
I've been getting to evangelize them and I'm like I so you've been in this your whole life
Yeah, what's the gospel? I don't know and I'm like, oh, yeah This is where God shows up.
All right, and I give him the gospel boom And and now they want to hear she wants to hear sermons and now she wants you know
And and so I get to see God at work our God that saved us we get to see him or Sometimes we don't we don't get to see that but we know that God is at work because God's Word said so therefore it is, you know
This question right or this this statement right here send them to Ray, you know, that's not a bad idea
That's not a bad idea in in the point is if if you don't believe that you're gifting is to be able to share the gospel if you
Think that you're gonna fail or have a hard time sharing the gospel Point him to somebody who can that's what
Andrew did Andrew went to his brother. He showed it to his brother You know when you look at the parable the of the talents
Jesus came back or the he came back of the owner of the who gave the talents for the
To be a steward over the one talent. He said why didn't you invest it? Why didn't you invest it?
All he was saying is hey, you know what go invest it Give it to somebody who can do it if you're not able to get up and go
Help send them to people who can do it who will be able to influence them and share the gospel themselves
Yeah, and I just want to Clarify what I said too because I was obviously hammering on those who can and don't
And in a hammering in a good sense encouraging right like open your mouth. You have a
Bible you have the knowledge however There that yes, it needs to be nuanced a little in this sense one.
There are people that can't we understand that so What what is it? That brother Paul Washer always said there there should be marks on your hands from holding either holding the rope or going down Yeah So if you're holding the rope you're giving you're doing other things to sew into those who are doing that other work
And also the the other end of it would be That I don't believe it's a gifting however there are going to be people who are more articulate than others and also people who
Talk more, you know what I mean? I guess that's what I mean by articulate but just like There are other people who are introverts
But at the same time that doesn't excuse you from the command the obvious command in Scripture to do it
So send them to Ray in this sense. This could be Going anywhere to get the training, right?
That's a that could be a that could be a saying just to say go go somewhere and get trained and Get and also just get the confidence in your
God in the scripture and the power of the scripture where? Even if you get four words out
Wow, you'll you'll feel so Happy that you honored Christ Yeah, as opposed to not saying anything so just don't make an excuse of like I just I'm not good at talk
I mean, that's what Moses said, right? Like I don't have lips, dude Yeah, you know what's interesting in that, you know, sometimes when we go out there's a kid named
Noah Who comes out with us sometimes and he's I think he's 11 year old boy
And and we were talking about how you know how God puts somebody in front of you And when you go out and and he'll walk up to people and he'll look at Adults and he'll start communicating the gospel now
No doubt I could be able to communicate the gospel better than this guy this little boy But I'm not gonna go over there and interrupt this little boy
God put that man in front of him And God will use you he will use you
The words that you're gonna say your personality your mannerisms, you know The whole that you will be the instrument that God uses to communicate
What exactly what the the words that come out of your mouth is what God ordained you to say and he'll use that Yeah, that's another thing too is
I've walked away from many Conversations sometimes where I'm like, man, I blew that and I just this is my prayer
God use the weakness Whatever. I just said that was true of your word use that to convert the person and they get the glory and I just want
To answer Melissa. I think every single one of us here would say leave tracks everywhere No, absolutely.
Yeah, 100 % What do you think about tracks? They're Braden terrible idea Braden's a brain
Braden saucy people people have to see my hands if I do that Anti -surgeon night, bro
No Obviously, you know, I I will say this on tracks tracks.
I think are an important topic tracks When I was LDS, I found a track in the desert industry bookstore and I still remember seeing how my parents reacted to that and so tracks have a
Special place in my heart and what they communicated to me when I was very young However, I have seen tracks.
I think On one hand tracks can go places that a lot of people can't they can be handed out somewhere and then hand up and up in somebody else's pocket end up on this table end up wherever right and so that right there says the amount of weight with tracks, but a
Lot of times I think people can utilize tracks as an excuse to not tell somebody the gospel. Yeah, just don't do that Don't do that, you know, and so I personally like one thing
It was some years ago now when I'm doing street preaching, I have no issue with handing out tracks but at one point I was like man I I don't want tracks in my hand because that'll then tempt me just to hand something to somebody and let him walk away
Yeah, so yeah, that's a good point. Here's a better idea. If you have a track in your hand walk them through the track
Yeah, you know that usually I mean there's a lot of the tracks that we use they they have they have the gospel on you
Go through the verses. What does it say about God? What does it say about man? What does it say about sin? What does it say about the substitute?
What does it say about the resurrection? Yeah, you know and walk them through the but also I think
Melissa's point was Just like cuz like many times You know,
I would leave like Ray has so many good tracks, right? Like he had a credit card one that one's sick
Like you literally leave it in the credit card slot at a gas station. Somebody's got to take that You know like the wallet one.
Did you ever see that one? I haven't seen that sucker on the ground It looks like a damn And Somebody's gonna pick it up.
Of course, they're probably gonna be PO that it's you know, not real But they'll probably be interested enough to read it.
I don't know you don't know but I think I think you should I think you Should drop tracks everywhere.
Yeah, you have them and because it now just like Brayden said it's not that complicated
I think that if you have tracks drop them everywhere, but don't rely on them Use your use your mouth to get good at that But yeah, you know,
I I think that a lot of times, you know, like I didn't really use tracks that much
I mean that I mean maybe a few times, you know, that just wasn't you know, my get -down but Yeah, but I think that you know when we're out there
What we need to remember we're doing this to glorify God. Mm -hmm We want God to be glorified to be exalted up on high and and you know a lot of people they they just bring them to their pastor to know to hear the gospel and It's like what was the pastors training those within the church and reminding them of the gospel
And and I mean is Communion being served regularly, you know where you have the gospel on full display right there is that you know
I I would even say, you know, because they're To be honest with you.
I wish Christians did that at the very least though Haps like asking people. Hey come to church with me if if every
Christian did that man, man, oh man, oh man, it'd be a lot today because we
We're so timid to even ask somebody how they're doing in the morning Yeah Don't ask him if they would come to church let alone tell them if they've repented and believe in the gospel or could tell them
Right and so it's uh, I do agree with you though haps that you know, it's
Everybody the Great Commission it should be on the whole churches shoulders not just on your pastor's shoulder
I and I will say to so tracks can play a different role too as well in in actually
If if you want to train people up in evangelism, they can be a great starting point to at least
To have a person go out there and hand out tracks, you know And as training and then then walk along up another person who is handing out tracks to actually communicate the gospel
You know, it's a good Introductory way to start a conversation, you know the Ray Comfort Tracks with the million -dollar bill on it, you know
Yeah, I mean that's a good way to introduce to start a conversation, you know And then once you get to that point so we could use it
I think there's so many people that are so critical of Evangelism methods, you know, don't do out.
Don't don't go out and street preach You're just gonna scare everybody away or or don't do the one -on -one evangelism
You can reach more people by you know, if you go to a crowd, you know Just be faithful and going out and yeah
Yeah, and and share Christ and I think it's like what Aaron said open your mouth if you can communicate
You know about your mom and be able to explain who your mom is what she's done What she's done for you or your favorite car or yeah, you should be able to say that exact same thing about Christ What is he done?
That's right. He is and let me just say this So my mom actually just texted me and she brought up a very good point as she's listening to us right now.
Oh Yeah So real real quick Digression is she you know
Like I said She was the one that was praying me into the kingdom of God and and I have fond memories of sitting in her living room after getting out of teen challenge program and getting saved and Sitting in her living room every morning listening to J.
Verna McGee because she still listens to him and is on the Bible bus. So And that dude was hilarious.
He was you know what I mean? His sarcasm Was on point and this is so what she said to me was
J. Verna McGee would always say a good reminder is to always pray before you start the conversation with the person and I think that's just Such an element that you know, obviously we just missed because we want to hit the
Punch of like get out there and do it and that's that's that's very important to open our mouths and do it
But before we open our mouths Let's open our hearts and prayer or our mouths and prayer to God to open the person's heart
And our own hearts and give us also the ability to speak and he will
I think it's a lot easier than what people make it out to be I was on the phone with Tom the other day and I was lying out a chick -fil -a and the lady
You'll be there often. No. Yeah. No, I will. Oh, we had one up in twin up in Idaho and man Oh, man, it's the
Lord's chicken. That's you know, I'll just leave it there. That is just that's blasphemous right there
Chick -fil -a, there's a chick -fil -a in Israel. It's it's there we go. It's a That's the start of Revelation 5
The so I'm in this chick -fil -a line and I mean we're going through the the line and so you don't get that long with the person taking
Your order and seriously, I so I'm on the phone of Thomas He's listening me listening to me take give this lady our order and I I just told her
I was like, you know I just think this is how I started the conversation. I was like, I just want to let you know You're doing a great job I don't know what you're going through in life right now but Christ says come to me or you who are all who you who are weary and heavy laden
I will give you rest for my Yoke is easy and my burden is light and so I don't know what you're going through but I would really encourage you to repent and have faith in Christ today in his burdens light and She and Tom couldn't see it because he wasn't on he wasn't seeing it, but she was
Genuinely like it was you could see it affect her just hearing somebody say that that there's rest in Christ Yeah, and so I don't know.
It's just it's it's It's intimidating But it doesn't have to be as scary as what you make it out to be.
Yeah It's not as hard as what you think it is. Yeah if your church has an evangelism ministry go out with the people who go out and I think you will discover that that you're
Gonna say it's you know, this really isn't that bad as a matter of fact, I can guarantee you this if you go out
I promise you you're gonna be blessed I promise you that that in some way you're gonna know that God is gonna show you you've
Contributed some way to advance the kingdom of God and that is what we are commanded to do and it's it's a piece
It really is it's not burdensome to go out there and serve serve the Lord to go out and evangelize people
It's an awesome thing and we should be doing it. What's up privilege? Now it is a privilege like I like have said we get to go out and evangelize yeah, that's right.
Yeah Okay, one more. Let's do one more. Let's see Somebody pick a number 10 bro 10 10 10 10.
Okay 10 How do we reconcile the idea of God's sovereignty with the command to evangelize?
We just did evangelism Okay. Well, I just I just Yeah, I just wanted us to talk
I want to hear what everybody has to say about this because I love the double -sided coin of You know
God's sovereignty and man's responsibility and I have a really easy answer So why don't you guys go first and then
I'll follow it up with the easiest answer. What's the what's the question again? The question is how do we reconcile the idea of God's sovereignty with the command to evangelize the idea?
I Personally just order a pepperoni pizza and sit down on my couch and I'm just kidding.
Of course, that's not that's not what evangelism is That's the typical hyper Calvinist view of saying yeah,
God will save the elect. So therefore I don't need to do anything I would just say it's it's God is sovereign.
It's not just an idea. It's a theological truth He is predestined all things but God has also commanded us things and at the end of the day are we going to be obedient and make that choice to be obedient to go out and follow the orders the commands to go
Or are we gonna sit at home and and be sinful and be held responsible and held accountable for those actions
Yeah, it's it's Christ who knew sovereignty who was sovereign
Went out and preached and evangelized to those who would never repent would never believe in the gospel
And gathered the elect even in those days to along with that Matthew 9 and 35 through 38.
That's the text. I'm preaching on tomorrow At Grace Bible Church here more Park 1030 Sundays if you live in Ventura County area
I hope that'll plug little plug. Come check it out be a blessing It says in there that that Christ went throughout all the cities and towns going into their synagogues and teaching the gospel of the kingdom the gospel of the kingdom and then he was performing acts of Miracles is what he was performing after that.
So the the the proclamation was being validated by his abilities his his sovereignty over over creation itself
And then following that it says that he he had these crowds coming to him and then he looked out and he said that they
Were sheep without a shepherd and and he loved him. He cared for them. He loved them in this and Then after this he says that that we ought to pray to the
Lord of Harvest to send out more laborers into his harvest Christ who is sovereign
Christ who knows the Father's will Christ who knows who the sheep are and who the goats are he still did The exact same thing that you and I commanded to and he was a much better theologian than you and I Much better theologian perhaps.
What do you got in less than a thousand words like Brayden? Mm -hmm. That's right What can
I say, you know, it's just your commander to go do go do it, you know And how does
God's sovereignty work in it? I Don't know. Yeah I Mean that's you know, like It's gonna it's gonna harden to somebody's hearts or it's gonna do somebody a heart.
I mean, yeah, right So here's here So the question again is how do we reconcile the idea of God's sovereignty with the command to evangelize?
It is because God is sovereign that he's determined who he's gonna save and he's also Determined the means in which he's gonna carry that out and it's through evangelism go out there and Do evangelism because he's commanded it because he is sovereign.
That would be my answer What you got your real quick short one.
All right short one. So somebody somebody commented both Really good answers one was actually from my memory as well
But Which was a quote from somebody but the obviously the scriptural text from Michelle she put acts 1348
Which is a really those were appointed unto eternal. I believe yeah. Yes, and so We all know that and that's what we're talking about the sovereignty of God and salvation that he's sovereign who will just like hap said
Who will get a new heart and whose heart will be hardened? I and he hardens those whom He will right well
Then why do you like why do you say back to God or Wow, I'm losing it
Okay, it's he's camera shy guys don't worry about it says I'm just I'm losing the text in my mind right now, and I don't have it open.
They go Bible reminding. Yeah And hit but humble yeah, yeah, do you want me to read it to you
Wow Oh, okay, I'm sorry. No, go ahead No, no I'll just I'll just skip that part and get to cuz humble clay said why do
Calvinists evangelize that was a question asked at a Ligonier conference Like why like it was snarky, right?
Like why do Calvinists evangelize and it was the greatest answer if you see it there That was the answer.
It was dead quiet on the stage and then and one dude picks up his mic and he goes guaranteed success like Well, actually the question was why do
Calvinists get up in the morning and and evangelize and and he said guaranteed success Yeah, so that's number one but number two also is this reality like man's man's responsible for rejecting the gospel, but Man is unable to believe the gospel and that's where people get hung up and they go well why and The question was how do you reconcile that and I love and just again another quote was
Spurgeon He said I don't have to reconcile friends Why are they friends because they're in the text and that?
Right there when you don't when you don't argue anymore with the text and you just submit to it
That shows a heart of worship that you're saying you see it there that that Wow everybody that I know is
Fully responsible to believe this truth. I'm telling them and I tell them
God now commands you to repent and yet I know that that person cannot repent without God giving them the grace to do so That's right.
And you just and and the reason why I say that's such a simple Fix or whatever you want to call it a simple answer is because the text says it and you just go
Yeah, I'm down like just half like half said like I don't know just because God does it and yeah
Yeah part of the thing. I also let me add a thousand and one hundred words real Tom I wish you were camera shy
I Think evangelism to get out and do it regardless.
I you should be a Calvinist and do evangelism, obviously you should be a Reformed Baptist and do evangelism, obviously, but I Think evangelism needs to be founded on on a lot of people jump to saying that we should love our neighbor and we should we should
But loving neighbor, I think comes after loving God Hmm and if we love
God, yeah, we'll be obedient to God who we understand because of out of our love we have learned who he is, which he we learn that he is sovereign and in our
Understanding that he is sovereign if we truly love and we'll be obedient to him Which then also results in the love of neighbor and so we go out to evangelize
Because we love him because he first loved us, right and we also love our neighbor
There's a multitude of things going on there, yeah, those are the best 100 words
I've ever heard you said, thank you. Thank you Well everybody we are we're an hour and a half in because there's
I think there's another question You guys want to keep going or you guys ready? I gotta get going. You gotta get going
Can I plug the rebinding business one last time? Well, hold on a second. Is it what's the name of it again?
Something beacon? Uh Number one beacon
Hill comes from my grant I'm from Massachusetts and every it seems like what I talked about in the beginning was people's you know like the the rebinding market is completely flooded and it seems like I was talking to Tom about this that everybody's starting a rebinding business and it's called
John 316 rebinds or the cross rebinds or something like that that those don't even exist but it's
I'm just like being facetious and Not that those are bad, those are really good names and I think people should point to the scripture
But I wanted more of an old -school name and my grandfather lived on Beacon Hill a very famous spot in Boston Massachusetts Beacon Hill, so I thought it would be kind of an old -school
Feel to it and that's not what I wanted to say Really what I wanted to say was one thing that Tom graciously posted about on Facebook was that I had the best prices on Facebook and That's just what
I want to say to anybody that's watching that if you want a quality rebind and that's something you're looking for I'd be glad to serve you and serve you well by look you go and buy a rebind from most of the top rebinders today
They are great and I do support them and I do encourage you to go to them as well But you're paying upwards to four hundred and fifty dollars
You're gonna get a rebind from me from anywhere between 200 and 250. Just save yourself a lot of money
Haps last words Glorify God and enjoy him forever.
Amen. I should have said that I'm like over here You want me to go next
Okay. Thank you everybody for watching again. And then I wanted to tell everybody again remember about striving for eternity
We're partnering with them. Thank you. Haps again for joining us back and Aaron talking about the
Bibles And in your work in the Bibles, I pray that that God will bless you and your business there
You guys if if I hope this the show blessed you tonight I hope we were able to give God honoring questions or answering to your questions answers to your questions
Good Lord. My mouth is gone. It's worse than worse than Aaron's If you haven't shared the gospel this week make it a point to go out tomorrow this week and open your door open your mouth
You know and share Christ with somebody tell them how they can be wise into salvation use words and share the gospel this week
That's all I got Okay, mine has to be longer because of what I'm doing go check out open -air theology
Yeah Open -air theology go check out striving for eternity Thank you Andrew report for letting us jump on your your different platforms
And we'd love for any viewers that are not all ready to go check out open -air theology on YouTube go subscribe to it
Share it with your grandma Grandpa, and so on and so forth. It'd be a great blessing to be able to see everybody here again next week
We should be going live again on Saturday with Andrew Rappaport himself the the man the myth the somewhat legend
The cold Hey, wait, we need to do it to go ahead and plug two weeks from now after Andrew Rappaport Tell him who we're having in the book
Jacob Tanner Jacob Tanner Yeah, Jacob Tanner just wrote a book on a biography on John Knox Hopefully that's more readable than Knox Knox's works
That'd be helpful It's all in French Go go check out founders
It's gonna be on it's it's selling on founders in April's when he said right is when it's coming. It's coming out
Yes, but I think I think I'm not sure. Yeah, I think he could pre -order. I think there's gonna be a discount
There might be an open -air theology. We're gonna push for an open -air theology. Just can't try our best
I don't know if we can promise that Go check it out. It should be a great book really looking forward to it
He's a great brother in Christ really looking forward to talking with him and interviewing him and just talking about also We have a couple of sponsors to announce
Squirrelly Joe's coffee They're not a sponsor yet, but we're gonna try and get them
We have no sponsors Sponsor don't reach out to Tom.
He won't tell me about it. Hey, you know, you know, my sponsor is for my show
He lift up a gold coin repent body detergent absolute absolution are you living in sin grab to you on us
Church tomorrow grace Bible Church more part. Yeah 1030 it'll be a great blessing see anybody in here
That lives in the Ventura County area. If you know anybody that does let them know it'd be a great blessing Bring a fire extinguisher.
Yeah crazy But we'll fight we'll both fight the the fires of hail and the fires of California There's one in the same.
Hey, thank you guys for having me on and letting me ruin your show. No, you didn't Back, it was a great blessing.
It was a great great blessing So we learned tonight go out and do evangelism we learned that there's a difference between agony and anxiety that that we should always trust in God's sovereignty no matter what and We learned a little bit about Bible rebinding as well as what it means to be in the wilderness.
So God bless you guys Wait, wait, wait, wait, what hold up that big old hand.