Matt Slick Bible Study, Biblical Interpretation



Matt Slick Bible Study, Biblical Interpretation


All right There it worked Little tech stuff a good thing.
I'm a tech guy, but I know tech stuff. All right. So here we are it is let's see
September 2nd and We're gonna be going over tonight we're gonna be going over the issue of biblical interpretation and so we're gonna
Go slowly through things. It's very simple to do and then what we're gonna do is at one point
We're gonna tackle a scripture. I'm gonna have someone volunteer to give me some scriptures and we'll just go through and one of the things
I can do for the camera is change the camera angle put it over here and I can see everybody if They want if you guys out there want to just see me because there's gonna be interaction for the people that are here
So we'll just see what happens All right, as usual, let's pray and we'll get going.
Okay All right, Lord Jesus. Thank you for today And I asked
Lord that you would bless the people here that you bless the listeners Lord and just ask that you would equip us to be able to better understand your word and to teach your word and Discern the truth that your word contains and that's for us.
We asked you to set you bless us bind the evil one and We just ask this Lord in your precious name on that.
All right okay, so hermeneutics is the process of Interpretation or the the study of how to interpret something and Interpretation is very important particularly with the scriptures we have
Hundreds and hundreds of denominations in America alone I don't know how it is in Albania as an example there are there many
Christian denominations? there are But you have them there too, okay and the the
Denominations occur because There are variations inside the essentials of the
Christian faith Excuse me on the non essentials of the Christian faith the essentials We can't deviate on the non essentials we can and so infant baptism were not even baptism
Worship on Saturday worship on Sunday worship on a Wednesday charismatic gifts for today cares
But it's not for today The piano goes on the front of the church on the side of the church people do all kinds of stuff and they get ridiculous about necessities and I'll mute one of the mics.
Okay, so When it comes to understanding scripture
It becomes very important that we take it very seriously because we can make mistakes when we interpret and How do you know if you've made a mistake well the more, you know
The less likely you're to make mistakes less likely doesn't make you're not gonna make mistakes as we're talking before here before I turn this on when
I When I am debating people and I'm talking to a Muslim or something like that and Muslim for example would say that that's not a position
I'm open to being corrected because I don't have all knowledge And I need to be humble before my Lord because all truth comes from God Now there are lies like this long, but they have a set of lies that they teach
They don't because it doesn't respect the true God. But what they believe is a truth in a subset
It's true that they teach this I need to know what they teach accurately And so I am more than willing to be corrected to have is a catch still in Okay, who's that?
Oh Okay station and so what we want is what we want is accuracy in our interpretation and As I like to say
I joke and think times like this as long as you believe whatever I tell you in the Bible You'd be fine Especially because you got to listen to a guy named slip and I don't joke around and stuff like that and People have differences of opinions on things.
However, nevertheless there are basic principles that We would use to interpret scripture
So I'd like to say to people think of a target Yeah, you know the target and then you have a circle and a circle and a circle and a circle it gets bigger and bigger and if you look at that you will be able to do better in an interpretation of scripture a point that I like to Teach people is to focus on one point at a time
Get the one point down and then learn what that is and then move to another point and see how it relates to the first point and You expand your understanding because as you understand one thing clearly
When you interpret another verse it has to match this one. In fact, that just perfectly
I just something came in my mind and no it will study and I'll show you some stuff later, but on He wants all to be saved, okay, we'll do that later so That is yawn lurking.
I can't quite get it, right? So When there are general rules, sometimes people say there's ten general rules or seven, but we could use our common sense and we could come up with a set of rules of Principles or ideas after you break one of the rules doesn't mean you're gonna arrive at something false
But one of the things you want to do, for example is know who wrote in the
Bible who wrote the passage Who was it addressed to so? There's this verse
Matthew 24 40. There'll be two men in the field. One will be taken one will be left This is a very common used verse and you guys already know
What I'm gonna say about it that the two men the one who's taken one is left The one who's taken is the wicked and I've taught this for years and it's not the good who are taken
When I tell people this they're often very surprised. I say no. No, no, man. It's it's
The good who are taking because that's the rapture and this is a good time to be able to say well Let's look at what the scripture says
So who wrote this? Well in Matthew 24 40, it's Matthew who wrote this the gospel writer
Matthew and Who was it addressed to well in a context Jesus is speaking to the disciples and some others
But that's what's going on and we just read the context. Why is it important? Well because for example the term
The New Covenant It is used in Hebrews and it appears to be used in Hebrews specifically to only the
Hebrews But it seems to be used outside of the book of Hebrews in a more generic sense So Hebrew the
Hebrew people are going to understand a certain term differently than a Gentile might So the way a writer is speaking to that group
Will influence what they say. I do this all the time in my impromptu debates
I have frequently So we'll come on the radio or someone will come on in discord or so they'll come on and some whatever it is on that and Alaska question and The question sometimes you can tell it might be an atheist or it might be a
Roman Catholic Because of the way the questions asked and I'll say well, let me ask you. What are you an atheist or a
Christian? And well, it's irrelevant I said no, it's not irrelevant because if I'm going to address you
I want to address you according to your worldview to what you understand I will know how to better cater my answer to you
I speak to you because if you're a Christian, I'm going to assume you believe certain things
I won't have to establish but if you're an atheist, I'll have to go to a different slightly different direction to answer your question
And I say so how I would if I were to write this I'm gonna write it differently to different people in fact when there's what's called a documentary hypothesis or the
JEDP the graph Wellhausen theory and it's that there are at least four different authors of the first five books of Moses the
JEDP Yahweh's Elohim's patriarch and Deuteronomy and So you can tell that they're different writing styles.
And so therefore they're different authors and this has been debunked But I wrote an article on that back in Escondido Maybe 20 years ago 25 years ago.
I don't know and I wrote the I've been thinking about it and researching and I wrote what is the documentary hypothesis?
And I wrote it before I went to church Now I was in church remember thinking
I just wanted to go home and write the response, you know And so when I got home
I sat down and wrote a response on the same day. I wrote
What is the graph Wellhausen or the documentary hypothesis and then I wrote how to refute it or to deal with it how to answer it
Then I had this idea and I was using word perfect at the time and it had a grammar level
Analyzer and It was able to tell me what grade level I was at active voice passive voice of construction
Sentence complexity and things like that well They were four categories
There it is, sorry about that. I Thought I clipped it on sorry about that folks.
I thought I had clipped this on but I didn't and So what I do after I wrote the articles the same author wrote this
Identical two different articles just a few hours apart Discussing the same topic, but one was to explain what it was and one was to refute it
And when I put them through the analyzer, they were different results different the sentence structure complexity passive active voice ratios and things like that and you'd think well a different writer and That just anyway, that's about the graph
Wellhausen. I put it in but nevertheless the point is that what you're intending to write and Who you're addressing affects what you say
We need to be aware of that when we are discussing things. So Jesus said, you know,
I was sent only to the loss He wasn't talking to the Gentiles There are places where he talks to the
Gentiles. He's gonna speak to them differently So this is just something to consider when we're looking at passages
Well, anyway, one of the things we do is we just look at what the passage says Let's just do John 3 16 everybody knows
John 3 16 So God still of the world to give his only begotten Son that whoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life
All right, so we'll just use that passage So what does the passage say?
It says God still of the world Right, we can say part a God's love the world
It gave his only begotten Son that whoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life we could say there's five parts of that and Incidentally when that you read a reference in a in a book or whatever it is and it'll say
John 3 16 a What does that mean? There's no a it means the first segment
Okay, and if it says see it means the third segment of whatever it is and that's generally what that's what that means
So we know that it says to God's of the world now The word world one of the things
I've discovered about biblical interpretation Is word studies and to be perfectly frank it was one of the
Most enlightening and useful things I'd ever come across Was to do word studies
And I'll give you some examples of some things But word studies told me and taught me that God uses words differently than we do and It forced me to recognize that I would come to the text a lot of times with preconceived ideas and My preconceived ideas were wrong
This is why when I was reading Paul back in my early days of Christianity that Paul damaged my faith
Because I did not understand what he was saying because I assumed certain words meant certain things all the time and I was wrong
So here's an example of something I'll say to people and you guys already know the answers I've been teaching this for a while.
Does God know everyone? People say well, yeah, he knows everybody he's all is all -knowing
I Say well, why did Jesus say in Matthew 7 23 get away from me? I never knew you
Okay, well does he know everyone well no but what in what sense that's the right question and what sense keep doing it like I should have it on.
Sorry So what sense does you say no K &O W Well when we look at this word and we do a study and we find out that what he's thank you
What he's uh, what he's doing what God is doing is using the word no in different contexts in different ways so a word will have what's called a semantic domain a
Range of meanings that it has in a set of scriptures or set of contexts
So the word green for example green can mean envy color money sickness being naive
Chlorophyll it can mean a lot of things. I think it has it's one of the words I looked up that has it has
One of the widest varieties of meanings in English the word green, but nevertheless So meet words view what they mean in context and Sometimes what people do is they will say for example
God's love the world who gave his only begotten son the word world obviously means every individual who ever lived
And I'll ask people and I'll say well, how do you know? That's what it means Of course, that's what it means
Okay Why does it mean that why is it man? How could you ever think it doesn't mean that?
Well, I I can I can think it doesn't mean every individual but I want you to demonstrate that it does from Scripture And what
I do sometimes and this is not malicious. I'm not intending to embarrass anybody I'm not intending to make mad, but I'm trying to teach them and others don't make assumptions
What does it say? You love the world? Okay, what does the word world mean? And I've had this conversation on this very exact word in this very verse many times so what does it mean
Well, it means the whole world Does it mean plants? the water the
The earth which is no blade spheroid. It's not a sphere. It's an oblate spheroid I used to show off my words and stuff like that.
It's kind of fun and I say, you know, so basically the world's a sphere. So is it is it the planet?
Is it the water? Is it the mountains? Is it the air the birds? No, man, it's the people
Okay, so he loves the world. So the world word world means people. Yes. I say, okay
So was Jesus sent to everybody all the people and they'll say well, of course he was and I go to Matthew 15 24
Jesus says I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel So the house of Israel, what does that mean?
Well, you do research on it you find out it means the nation of Israel So I asked him was
Jesus sent to the whole world Now, they're not so sure what to say
Because if he sent to every individual, but Jesus says he was sent only to Israel But not to of the world
Now we have a problem and all I've done is show a scripture that Carries a meaning of something and contrasted it with what they think it means in another verse
Now am I setting scripture against scripture? Never gonna do that. But what
I will do is say if that's what you think that means there. What do you do with this? Because if this is clear
Then how do we relate those? So this is one of the things about interpretation is causing our
Understanding to adjust to what it is that the text is actually saying but also in light of other things
And this is what hermeneutics is we'll get to this so Are there any words or phrases in the passage that need to be examined?
So the word world right needs to be examined and guess what? I've actually studied the word world and The word cosmos
I believe it is there. It's been a while I've done it and I've written it's on CARM and you could actually go on CARM and you could find word studies
World and I've and then I think I actually did other words that are translated into the
English world and I did those as well and So when I did my study of annihilation ism,
I did I don't know 50 -60 -70 word studies where I take one word
Look at the original Greek word Go in to my Bible program take the
Greek words equivalent in a number that I'm all arranged numerically and say find every use of that that that word in that number, okay every use in the entire
Bible and I'd find it and then I would export those export that that that That file that result into Excel because I should teach
Excel so I know how to do stuff So I did do some tricks and then I would do stuff. And then what
I would do is I'd convert that into HTML I know tricks I convert an HTML put into a web page then what
I would do is go through and analyze every single one of them and say the word world here means
Limited area the word world here means broad area the word world here means just the
Jews or the word world here means the whole planet or Whatever. It might be in its context and I would develop these columns that I put
X's Underneath each one sometimes two X's a different column because a word might have different meanings in a particular context and so Someone who's anal retentive has
Asperger's and not it's not quite right mentally things like that are actually enjoyable and I do enjoy doing them because I enjoy the discovery and I've done this before and as I mentioned the word no
K &O W. Does God know everyone? No, he doesn't get away from me I never knew you. Well, I also know from Galatians 4 8 9
When you did not know God you serve by nature those which are not gods But now that you've come to know
God or rather are known by him now You've come to serve the true and living
God, but oh You have to be known by God Well, you go to John 10 27 28 my sheep hear my voice and I know them and I give eternal life to them
They shall never perish. So then I discovered by looking at the word. No in Greek gnosco I discovered that it could be used of man knows his wife
We know what that means sexual relations God knows all things for John 3 20, right?
He knows all things but it also means he goes I never knew you and that means salvation So now we have a the word
No means different things in different places and what I'll often do with people is I'll say when I teach them this I say
Can I you mind if I trick you? What trick you can I trick you and set you up for a fall and and stuff and you'll enjoy it
Well, I do it. Is that okay? And they smile they go. Okay, they go and I do it They go I did you enjoy that? Yes, I did and Because I'm not being malicious.
I'm trying to teach them and I tell them of a ahead of time I'm gonna trick them and so I have ways of doing that with the word all for example
But the point I'm trying to make is that and there's another thing since I'll talk about this The word no, for example can mean have sexual relations with your spouse, right?
so If Jesus were to say I never knew you and we took that meaning there. We're getting sacrilegious.
Okay? And that's not what's going on there. So we can't take the meaning of one Context and transfer to some other context gonna be very careful because then you can get things to say bad things
Wrong things and this is what the cults do and this is what a lot of Christians do too
They will take a meaning of a word. Here's another example of this in Matthew 125 it says it says that Joseph kept
Mary kept her a virgin until They were married
Until they're married. What do you think that means? Well, it means that on their wedding night
Okay, that's what that means Relations, right? So you're talking to a Roman Catholic who says no
Mary never lost her virginity Well, what do you do with Matthew 125? What they do is they take they go over to where the
Greek word I forgot what is ethos I think I can't remember it appears like in first Corinthians 15 healed all things will rain until he puts them all under his feet
Well, the word until here means it continued a raining doesn't it? Well, how you know doesn't mean that over here because of the context
Kept her virgin until if I said to someone my wife and I I'm not gonna have relations with my wife until our wedding night
We know exactly what that means in that context. So I'm not gonna transfer called illegitimate totality transfer when they take a
Particular meaning of a the word has a broad separate meanings, right? They take it.
Well, it means over this over here Let's transfer it over here illegitimate totality Transfer and it's an exegetical error cults do it all the time.
A lot of Christians do it all the time So you'll hear me sometimes if you're listening me on debates,
I'll say well, what does that word mean? What do you mean by that phrase people sometimes think I'm just being pedantic trying to be obstreperous obnoxious obtuse irritating
And I say no What do you mean by that phrase last night? This guy asked me.
Well Do you think Jesus is God the Son and I said well I said well, it depends.
What do you mean by that phrase? What do you think that phrase means goes? You're the one who believes it. I go. Wait a minute. You don't know what I believe until we've defined it
So what does it mean and he argued with me goes that's your term I didn't bring it up. Did you hear me use the word
God the phrase God in the Sun? No, but what you believe dude Listen, what does it mean?
This is how I this guy was last night. He was being obstreperous now So interpreting scripture takes experience practice concentration a little bit of brains and Knowledge the more you have in those areas the better off you're gonna be
Just what it is does it then mean you're gonna get it all right all the time Absolutely, not
Now I would say, you know, I've studied Learned a lot and I teach a lot of Bible studies and I can teach in a lot of topics
Does it mean that I'm right? No, I Remember once in Escondido San Diego County Escondido that I was teaching a
Bible study and a guy I told you this before a guy Came to me one week and he said I don't agree with what you said last week
I said really And I said on what and I forgot what the point was But what he did was he said you said this about this passage and I didn't quite think it was correct
I wouldn't studied it and blah blah blah and I'm listening to him and I Told it told these guys before but I was listening to him and I just listened for two or three minutes
And he explained it and he said well, what do you think? I I actually said to him. I said you're right I said that that's correct.
I said you you've absolutely convinced me and he looked at me said What I said, well you you convinced me that you that that's a better interpretation.
Mine wasn't heretical It was just he had really nailed it better. I forgot what it was and he said you mean
I Corrected you I taught you and I said, yeah And he goes
I can't believe that because you're not upset. I said, why would I be upset? You see here's a one of the problems of Bible interpretation sometimes we get prideful and It's easy to do so you always have to be open to being corrected
So when people say to me, well, I don't think you're right Matt. My automatic reaction is okay Maybe I'm not now if it's in the
Trinity or the deed of Christ. I know they're wrong. But okay, let's talk about this I had to remain open about what things say and that's anyway
So what we do is we look at a phrase and we look at the context of things. You can have my notes later
And We look at what this is just my article on karma actually
Because boy, that's a good website. Whoever wrote this really was Man, he was such a good guy.
Oh man He just did Oh Yes, and no in the sense that the
Greek language is still spoken in Greece, but there's a lot a lot of it has changed.
It's like Latin is a dead language So it doesn't change its meaning and coin a
Greek the same thing. It has a set Meet set of meanings from that time in that context in that way and that's why believe it or not
People now Can actually understand Greek language better than the original speakers did in some areas now that usually that's what
I called in denotative means not connotative because Denotation is a literal translation
Literal meaning of something but connotation it deals with kind of a heartfelt meaning and So I knew it
I still know him he's a he was raised in an
Arabic country Speaks Arabic fluently. This is first language and worked for the
United States government translating Arab intercepts and they would have
People who were who had like like me who had learned a language and would translate it and They would have to run it by him.
Okay, I don't know Arabic, but they'd have these translators They were school taught they could translate it and they translated and he would say yes, that's correct in his translation but that's not what it means what you've translated into English is is not what it means in the original and It was because there's certain cultural norms like, you know, man
I was just you know, I beat him till his back black and blue You know, well, how are you gonna convey that to another language?
Well, you know, it really hurt him and he's bruised up that's what it meant and then there were phrases like that and this happens so by the
Examination of more and more Greek manuscripts that are uncovered and they look at these they see how a semantic domain occurs they see patterns
I'll tell you they've got rules like the Granville Sharp rule out of for Titus 213 and It's a rule in Greek when this happens, but I remember a
Greek. Oh We'd get sentences like this when the genitive absolute follows a predicate nominative it always is translated as a you like And because it's a rule
Whatever it was it would be a rule It was like this had to know these rules and you had to know what a genitive absolute was and he had no to predicate nominative was and he had to be able to see how it was in the it just It was really a lot of work but at any rate, so the answer is
Yes, and no, no in the original Greek. No, it doesn't change It's very much.
Oh Greek is very precise Hope Greek is very very precise language. In fact, let me give you an illustration of it this is comes into interpretation sometimes too, so The I'll do it from this way left to right.
Okay, the good man in English The is a definite article good added to man is a noun
The good man. We don't say the man good And what we can say good man doesn't quite flow as nicely or man.
Good is even less now the good man, so but the
The g o o d Man They're they're not related in there.
They're they're spelling in Greek they are ha It's a
Oh, what's a rough breezing mark means the word the on through pot or Agatha's good anthropos man
So that's called it's called a the nominative singular the
Omicron Sigma and The word the doesn't have the OS ending it's just the
O ending It's Greek. So it means nominative masculine singular nominative masculine singular nominative masculine singular
So that the forms of the nouns have to match each other mostly so ha
Agatha's Anthropos the good man and Ha is masculine
Agatha's is masculine and singular as is that one and Anthropos is masculine singular by its construction when we say the good man.
We understand it's talking about an individual the good men Then we understand it's talking about more but thought and good don't change their structure
The the object does got a good men So the good men.
Oh, it's plural, but they do hoy Agathoy on through poi the good men
That's how Greek works right now. You can take the word I'll go back to Haas the good man
Ha ha Agatha's Anthropos and you can take ha Agatha's Anthropos.
You can take the ha away and You can take Anthropos away. And now you have the word
Agatha's which is masculine singular by necessity and then you can translate it as the in italics good in regular letters and man in italics
Because the word thought and man aren't there in the Greek in this instance
But the gender and the number is That's why they will do that like that in English.
They'll have a net word in italics because it it's meant that in the original This comes into interpretation, this is later on when you interpret scripture and I just because you asked
I thought I would jump in at just jumping ahead But this is part of interpretation and it helps to know
Greek it helps This is why I use it when I discuss various things like I'll go to Romans 5 19 to one man's disobedience the many were made sinners were made sinners is the
Aorist passive indicative and I'm gonna get all this stuff, but I go. Oh that means this it helps me interpret things better so if you guys want
I can give you a Greek lesson sometime without teaching you Greek and teach you active passive nominative dative accusative and Optative and how they work so that you can lose tools and know what's going on I could to do that you want next week.
I'll do it for you. We'll do that Well, you guys are just eager for punishment Yes Right, it's a
Greek is more precise and has more in it like Spanish, you know
What's that oh, thank you very much. Thank you. Someone said that okay. Thank you So in Spanish you have gender also
So, you know a mana, you know a sister Mano is brother.
And so the the one letter at the end tells you gender and it can also tell you number but in Greek gender and number exist plus The case
I won't get into all this stuff, but it is helps. Okay, it does help when interpret scripture. Let's get back on track.
Okay So we always want to look at the immediate context and that's very important It just makes sense
Doesn't it the immediate context of something is what we want to look at and then what we do the broader context remember
We're looking here narrow. What is the verse? And you can to be ultra simple you go.
What is it? What does it say? What's its context? Versus before versus after what are the the chapters that relate?
Anything else that relates to that topic anywhere in the Bible Very important, right?
That's a broader context what related verses to the passage of the subject and how do they affect the understanding of the passage?
Okay, also historical background can help you a great deal Historical background to interpret something right?
So for example Okay, I like this one in Luke Luke 7,
I believe it is Jesus goes over to the Pharisees house
Simon's house to have dinner with them Dinner in the culture was a sign of fellowship
But he'd already been at odds with the Pharisees in the culture
The Pharisees would walk around and speak openly and people would follow them and listen to them
You know, you wouldn't know that by reading the Bible. Okay that's a culture and They would often open their homes up because they didn't have screens and sliding glass doors
They would just open up the door and people would stand out there. So imagine in this context that in that thing they wanted to hear what
I had to say to people standing there and Sitting on top of here sitting here sitting here up over there behind the couch outside Windows up like that all up around this is the kind of setup that would have been when they asked when
Jesus says But come over neat Because the people would have known this they're already at odds and etc
Anyway, so Jesus comes in and the obligation of the host culturally is to give him a kiss
Annoying his head with oil and have his feet cleaned and he refuses to do that. That's an insult and Then this woman comes in who's a prostitute
Who remember if she's a unclean and she brushes up against someone who is clean he becomes unclean
They're not gonna like that They're gonna get peo and if she runs up against somebody
What are you trying to do? You trying to get me to go to bed with you? I mean, she's just guilty and In that culture if a woman let her hair down in public a husband could divorce her
Because it was sensuous It was only let down in the privacy of the home in the bedroom or maybe it's in the home where the children could see and it was guarded so a woman to this in public is insulting the husband directly and Even advertising for sexual stuff so you can see how this is and then when she comes in and lets her hair down In the room, you know, you can't believe what's happening.
And then she's kissing his feet The dirty feet so you can see when you understand the culture.
Oh my stinking goodness. This is incredible what she was doing She was a filthy vile sinful adulterous crap woman
Who gets praised by Jesus and did one of the most greatest acts of worship and adoration period my favorite stories?
and It shows the depravity and yet the grace of God and now we can see more about the text because we understand the culture or how about when the man born blind and Spits and does like that because I see men walking about his trees
We've talked about this before people would go into the hills the foothills and they would get branches off of trees
They would bundle them and wrap them up tie him up Then he would crawl underneath them and then they would lift up they would walk on their back.
They look like trees I see trees walking about and that was idiomatic from that time
So culture has a broad effect on on what we understand a text to mean
The more you understand culturally and historically culturally the better off It just works that way
Now then we say well, what do I conclude about what the passage says, you know, if you go back to John 3 16 God's love the world that gave his only begotten son
Well, if the word world we do a study we find out the word world has many meanings and then we look at other passages
Where the word world there in John 3 16 is cast doubt on whether or not it means every individual
Oh, we can do that, right? That whosoever would believe in him, right? So it says right?
No, it's not what it says And I have the advantage of having had
Greek Not that I'm good at it because I'm not but I know enough I remember enough and I can use my tools
But it says in Greek ha pass hapistou on not whoever which is host
But pass hapistou and all the believing one Now, is that important? Well, yeah
So God still of the world that all the believing one Will not perish
Why would he say all the believing one Why did it's just say whoever because the
Greek word for whoever is host and it's used in the Bible Why do you say he's just whoever? See I'll get to this
What will happen is some people will say well God doesn't predestine because it's up to us and our free will
They assume that these things are not compatible and I'll say well, what do you mean?
I know they're gonna go to John 3 16 because most people don't know very many verses And they don't understand that the doctrines and so they will often go to John 3 16 who says whoever you see
And I'll say well, first of all, does whoever Mean that they have the innate Ability to believe or does whoever mean all the ones who are granted believing because whoever does that believing will be saved
It doesn't say how they become believing but that they believe and then they get upset with me because I asked these difficult questions
I'm not trying to trip people up. I ask the questions Because these are the kinds of questions you need to ask in order to be a better Expositor of Scripture you need to learn to ask good questions in order to analyze the text
We could I could pick a verse we have Have Mike here just randomly go through something in the
New Testament pick a verse I'm gonna take a look at it and ask learn ask questions about it. Maybe it'll work out
Maybe it won't work out because there's a lot that we could do that about but the idea here is to ask good questions
About something because the questions have to be answered. Sometimes you can get the answers and sometimes you can't get the answers
Now I have the privilege and it is a privilege to be able to sit in my office and do this and you guys don't
Doesn't mean I'm better doesn't mean you're not better doesn't mean anything It just means I had that privilege so I could do that.
Okay, and thanks I thank the Lord for that and I've learned so much that way. I've learned so much by just doing a word study
I've done word studies for two days on one word and I'm enjoying it
You know and I get to go in and do this again because my wife what are you studying? I've still studied that same word.
What are you learning? Oh, you want to know? No, I don't No, I don't want to know I go. Okay, cuz she knows she'll get an earful.
Well, you see when it's just she's like and Because I get excited about this because what a most men watch when they want to get excited about it's football
Baseball me. I'm gonna go find some cultists to talk to you. That's my idea of a good time You know, I like watching that stuff or lately.
I've been really been enjoying watching on YouTube of rebuttals to flatter theory Oh, I've found some good stuff.
Oh, there's some good stuff out there I wrote on one guy's review A very very good job teaching me a lot of stuff and he made a comment that about some theological thing
He didn't get into it too much. But I go. No, no, no, don't do that And I wrote love your stuff to stay away from theology, you know but All right.
So interless. So here we are. We understand the basic principles of Interpretation we always want to look at what it actually says
Look at this context and expand out You can look in the phrase so John 3 16
God's love the world to give his only begotten Son, okay That whoever would believe in him in English.
We don't say things like all the believing one We don't talk like that. So they had to smooth it out
And that's fair all We could say more loosely translated all the one who believes or everyone who believes or whosoever
See how it gradually moves right all the one believing is really anyone who believes
Well, that's we'll just use the word whosoever Because what they're doing is
Interpreting to some degree now when I was in seminary I've said this before It was really interesting problem came up in translations for a certain tribe in a certain culture and In the
Bible, it says build your house on the rock, right? I could remember this I taught you guys about this was people who don't know on the web and In a certain culture if you built your house on the rock when the floods came in the season of the flood season
Your house will be swept away So in order to make your house secure you had to take bamboo poles and hammer them down into the sand where they'd be
Solidly built so you build a house on the sand So it won't be swept away by being on the rock
But in the Bible build a house on the rock not in the sand reversed
So, what do you do? Well, you translate what they decided to do is translate it for the intention
So they understand what the meaning was and make a note that in the Greek it says this and that So translations are almost always an interpretation as well
And we can't get away from that so a lot of times what I'll do I'll debate somebody and I'll just go through the
Greek I'll read just the Greek. That's your interpretation. No That's what it says
Okay, it's what it says And they don't like that a lot of times because people have agendas now we all have agendas so I'm a five -point
Calvinist and I interpret a lot of Scripture in light of my five -point
Calvinism Now people gonna take that statement and could take it out of context, but let me give you the whole context
The reason I'm a five -point Calvinist is because I read the whole Bible and I believe the whole of Scripture teaches five -point
Calvinism I Don't submit the Bible to my five -point
Calvinism. I have derived my five -point Calvinism out of Scripture That's me and that's why and so because I believe that's the case and as I have been a
Calvinist for since 91 or 92 So it's almost 30 years.
Let's just say 30 years. I've been a Calvinist I have studied the word and see how it is in Scripture everywhere when
I mean Calvinism I mean predestination election yet to definite atonement We are security in Christ these basic doctrines which
I see all over Scripture What people will do then is is they'll say well you see you just confessed how sinful you are blooming.
That's not what I'm saying We had to be careful even as a five -point Calvinist I had to be careful not to interpret something in light of that even though I believe the
Bible overall teaches that So I had to keep myself Aware of what are my prejudices?
How am I coming to the text what am I saying about the text what am I assuming about the text This is why
I've learned to ask questions And I've done this to the point where I can I can really take a question
So, okay, Mike, I want you to without looking at your Bible. Just pick a page. Just take your right hand.
No, don't And just turn Okay, turn and turn one more time because you got a bulletin right there and then just point finger now what verse is it?
1623 Romans 1623. Okay. Let's go to Romans 1623 All right.
Now last one.
There's an Emerald Ian All right now this is not a particularly great verse but let's look at it
As far as our thing Gaius host to me and to the whole world It's gonna be and the whole church greets you
Erastus the city treasurer greets you and Cortis the brother All right, let's just work with this
What I would do is I would look at the word Gaius to see what it means. I Would look at the word
Erastus I'd look at the word Cortis. I look at these names of these people I would you know, just take a take a look and I'm gonna do that right now
Because I don't know what I'm gonna find out if anything so Gaius is
Right there and I'm I have my tools you guys don't have tools like I do But I'm just going through really quickly proper noun
Gaius a Macedonian who was Paul's host at Corinth when the epistle to the Romans was written and was baptized with his household
By Paul first Corinthians 114. Okay and I'm going straight to other tools here right now
Erastus Which I can look up about Erastus and just means beloved.
Okay, and Cortis hope it doesn't mean anything about courts and Quartus and I like to read the
Greek out of it. A Christian is it just a meaning fourth a
Christian who loved that's interesting. Quartus means fourth. Just do I'm learning anything? Yeah a little
The whole church that's kind of stuck out for at me though whole in Greek is hollows and churches ecclesia
The whole church now, I got some questions I can ask about this But what might
I ask you give me some ideas? What kind of questions can we ask about this phrase whole church? What be some of the things you might want to look at?
and consider and ask as I fill dead air
Okay What might we do if we wanted to study that?
phrase whole church What size? That's a good question. What size church?
What area of the church the people at church? Yeah How many churches?
Yeah Think of it as a now now do this Catholic looking at this.
What might he think of whole church? Might he think the
Roman Catholic Church They would ask to find church and to find church in this context and you do you you go look up the word which is 1577 in Greek and Greeks concordance, and I just go like this and I do this one five seven seven enter and it occurs a hundred and fourteen times
Which I've already done a study on this word And so then I go oh I could see every single place where it's translated and it could be translated
Incidentally, and this is these are tangents. I'll take that sometimes don't produce any real information
That's impressive or Wow ish, but just okay Well, I'm looking here and how it is in the
NESB. It's translated as church and Church all over the place assembly
For the it says here in Acts 1932 so then some were shouting one thing another some another for the assembly was in confusion and the majority did not know what the reason was and It's in other verses too.
It's translated. I'm just scanning through because it highlights and This is a church churches, but assembly is used congregation
My brethren in the midst of the congregation, I will sing your praise. That's a quote from the Old Testament So, okay.
This is a cursory thing. Okay. Well so it can have different translations But also it can have different sub meanings because church can be used as a local body or the whole
Well, which one is it here and says the whole church Now I got another question whole church is in the whole church or the whole church that's there at that place and I'll I'll be discussing someone who might want to make a point out of a verse like this and I'll say yeah
But which one is it and they get upset with me. I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm saying well, which one is it?
And these are the kinds of questions. Let's do another one pick another do another thing Go ahead
It's all on you don't the pressure is not too much for you What Do you got
Hello, that's a good verse Galatians 4 1 Okay. Now I say as long as The air is a child.
He does not differ at all from a slave. Although he is the owner of everything Now now you got a lot of potential in here as long as the air is a child
The air can the air be a natural air can the air be an adopted air Be the one
He is not different all from a slave. Wait a minute slaves are beaten and have no rights, right?
I'm assuming that is that correct? Well that would require me to see how the word slave is used read commentaries on everything, right?
I'd have to go check it out because I I'm gonna say I think it means this but does it
So I have the privilege of sitting up there and going let me find out I'll go search Although he is the owner of everything.
What I mean owner. Well, you know Wow The word in Greek is curious
Which is translated as Lord So now owner why would he say why would the
NASB say owner the ESV Says owner the
King James It says he's the Lord of all. All right.
Why are they doing it differently? I'm gonna ask the question I'm gonna go look
And what I because you know, I've done this for so long. I have tools and a level like this
I might just jump to a commentary or I might not I might just say I'm gonna see how the word
Curious is used because I've done that too And I have my research
I might want to see how the word slave is used But then I want to see if I can find the word slave as it relates to the word child
Or I might want to see if there's a relationship of those words in the Bible and see how God uses a combination of words it can get complicated right and So I'll do these kind of things and I have tools that can do this and it teaches me in fact
You know, I might want to find all the occurrences of the aorist Passive indicative
Well for me I want to know that and So I'll find all the places where that occurs
But then I want to find aorist active pass or aorist passive indicative of a particular word
Then I want to find that I don't know how to do that yet But there's ways to do it and you can teach myself on the Bible programs how to do this kind of stuff
Because in apologetics and precision I will do that kind of research now
You can get that deep into stuff But for the most part we don't need to do that You guys don't need to do that.
I do because I do debates and I have to analyze stuff All right, that's that's what
I do So as we look at Galatians 4 1 just basically now I say as long as the heir is a child
He isn't different from a slave those the owner of everything Oh, so the child and the slave are different in one sense, but not in another
Well, they're different because the child is the owner of everything Well, he's not really the owner because the father is and he'll become the owner
But he's using this as the owner that he will be Because he has that that position
Okay, we get that and so he's the heir which means there's a legal qualification That comes to that child and it's due to the position in the family generally because of the father
The father has certain rights and the firstborn male has certain rights and as an heir of a child in the
Relationship of that family. He has certain rights But on the other hand, he does not differ from a slave because the child is obligated to obey
His father just as a slave is obligated to obey his father. So in those areas he's similar
So we could then say I wonder what ways the child and a slave are similar.
I wonder what ways are different Now is it really necessary for me to do that to understand this passage
Not really might it be helpful. Maybe Maybe if I were to do a study on that I might find something else.
That's useful maybe I won't and For the most part most of the time
I don't most time I don't but Okay, I get a study so when
I've done this before and I've taught People how to do Bible studies and how to study and interpret scripture.
We've done exercises sometimes you get these verses which are difficult to extract much out of And other times a verse might have a whole bunch of rich stuff in there
And if I were to talk to someone who said well, I came to this verse. I'd looked up that word I saw five instances. I looked up this word
I look up for that phrase and I looked at this and I wanted to this I spent an hour going through this like that And yet I can't figure out really what's going on I'd be like awesome
That's awesome. Because I'm sure I would say, you know, because there's a lot of questions that have come up.
That's right. Ah Now in order to understand those questions have to be answered now you got to study and most people don't do this
But if you do you will learn a great deal now What happens is like anything a new skill that you're using you're developing at first.
It's awkward You stumble you make a lot of mistakes and then as you get better at it you make fewer mistakes
Not no mistakes fewer mistakes and then pretty soon people start coming to you to ask you how to do that Because you practiced it, but this is the general idea so we can say that when we look at the word that we can understand that understanding the
Context understanding what it says and and just examining it and really thinking it through Really is where you learn and learn how to understand something, but when someone stops
I said knows what it means You know, here's another example if you go to Luke 128
It says and Mary was full of grace the Greek word full of grace is actually catecholamine and It means highly favored one, but full of grace is plot us caritas
Well, why is it important because they will say that full of grace means
That she can't have sin That's why she's full of grace
Well, I look up cut her cut cut her coat. Oh my Dominique. I'll do it right now. Look Luke 1 28 right and I'll go to the word and NASB Cut carrot
Dominique it says Highly favored one. Now. This is 54 87 So now
I'm gonna go over to my Greek little thing. I got here five four eight seven enter
Wow, it only shows up two times in the entire Bible Luke 128 and also
Ephesians 1 6 to the praise and the glory of his grace, which he freely Bestowed on us.
I'm gonna go to that verse and the word freely bestowed
It's correct. Oh Which is 54 87.
Yeah favored one from current.
Oh, okay. Dominique is just a Cognate you'd have act actor actors
It's just a cognate of the same form. So Okay. So now we're saying oh, okay.
So that's really interesting actually Which he freely bestowed
So it's a showing of a favor how they favored one to the praise of the glory of his grace, which he
Highly favored on us in the beloved they translated as freely bestowed.
Oh That's kind of interesting You know, I'm picking that up right now actually, okay so The phrase
I have done my research already the phrase full of grace occurs in John 1 14
And the word became flesh and dwelt among us. We saw his glory glories
He only begotten from the Father full of grace and truth Now what that is in Greek is plot ace
Cutty cutty toss So it's full of grace plot us full
Got it us grace Okay, but us if the
Greek Kyrus Kyrus and it just means grace when they have different forms Okay, like I said,
I'll do a Greek thing with you guys next week. Okay, it'll make more sense then and so Lo and behold the phrase full of grace does appear now, you know how
I know this Because I looked at the first why because I had to answer it from what Roman Catholics say
So I had to go look at the Greek and it's not hard. You have to know Greek to do these tools So full of grace, okay well, then what
I did was I looked to see if that phrase occurs anywhere else because Full of grace.
That's Jesus. He can't sin and if they're gonna say Connor Cara Tomine Highly favored one they translated as full of grace.
They're doing it incorrectly. That's what they're saying. She doesn't have any sin She's highly favored
Right and they'll say but highly favored is also full of grace. Would you not say
Matt that full of grace is highly favored? Yes, it's true. But the conclusion of what they want to bring it to is not true
It cults do this kind of thing false religions. So guess where else the phrase father scaritas occurs lo and behold it does and Stephen this is act 6 8 is
Stephen full of grace and power Was performing great wonders. So wait a minute.
Does the phrase full of grace now mean? That you're without sin Doesn't mean that doesn't necessitate that and how do
I know that from the scriptures? He knows how to memorize right? Why because I had to do this. Okay Okay, you'd learn so now we go to Luke 128 she's full of grace to the
Catholics are and the East Orthodox are gonna say she was sinless Why because it says full of grace does it say full of grace, but sometimes they don't actually say well
She's highly favored and they'll do a better translation. Okay So she's without that.
That's right. And then you Well other verses say this and that and you go through and you show the meaning doesn't carry over here
Does it it doesn't necessitate that it's that that it's sinless in Christ sense It does but it's even it doesn't like the word agape means what?
Huh? Okay Dove divine love, right?
God still of the world God agape the world, right? so agape means divine love phileo means
Phileo is brotherly love eros is Physical love. All right, and So if you go and you do a search
And you go to Luke 11 43. What are you Pharisees for you? Love agape you love the chief seats in the synagogues and respectful greetings.
I Had people tell me that agape just means divine love and I'll show them this Luke 11 43 said well if it does
Does it mean it in every context that's the right question If they say yes,
I don't jump on them fool No, I just say look I've actually
I thought the same thing and then I did a study and I found out that it's used in other places and it for example, the
Pharisees love their chief seats if that can't be divine love and So the word agape can have a meaning of divine love
God so loved the world but can also have other meanings It's so highly committed to something in a loving way well, okay, that might be more accurate and that would apply to God as well and So you see when you start looking at what individual words mean a use word studies
You can actually learn a lot and then you can correct misunderstandings of scripture
Because someone says God's loved the world he The word world
John 3 16 so full of this stuff. God so loved that's divine love There I would agree it is
Here in Luke 11 43, I would say it isn't so I would never say that the word agape always means divine love
It can mean it and sometimes it cannot mean it That's all and He loved the world.
Well, the word world doesn't necessitate every individual Okay, because in Psalm 5 5 and Psalm 11 5
God hates people So, how do we reconcile these? There's ways to reconcile them.
It's not that not hard at all That he gave his only begotten Son right monogamous monogamous monogamous from good now
Oh only begotten well The only reason I know this is because in seminary they taught us this
Only begotten is the same spelling in Greek for unique And there's a diphthong occurrence when a contraction of words and so only begotten and unique that whoever
Passed up is to own all the book ones believing would have everlasting life and not perish right that I'll show you something.
Watch this Lot of people don't know about this, but John 3 16 Is it too cold in here for you guys?
No, you're okay. All right You want it to be cold in here I can make it nice and cold for you guys
John 3 16 And whoever believes in him will not perish shall not perish but have eternal life, right
Okay, no big deal Not perish, but have eternal life right now go to keep your thumb there go to John 10 1027
My sheep will hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give eternal life to them and they will never perish
Eternal life never perish in John 10 28 in John 3 16
Have eternal life never perish Now this is Jesus talking.
Well, I noticed that one day I went wait a minute. That's how he talks I'm gonna see if I'm right or John 6 30 roughly 38
Okay doesn't say never perish Along with eternal life
But I'm looking for the phrase. This is what I like right now. I'm going okay. This is how I would do this.
I Happen to know verses in my head. So I'm gonna look around and then I get to do a search now
Jesus often says at least in two places Eternal life and never perishing are related to each other interesting
Verse 38. I've come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me This is the will of him who sent me that all that he's given me.
I lose nothing. That's never perish, right? Verse 40.
This is the will of my father that everyone who beholds a son and believes in him will have eternal life So if we could say yeah, there seems to be a never perished and eternal life related by Christ again
Now what I'm going to do is just do something really simple I'm going to do a
Phrase search for eternal life and just see if I find anything
Lagos It's expensive, but it's a good program and It's it's very good
Using it for years and years Wow How about that? Wow guess how many times the phrase eternal life appears in the
Bible and Also, it's only occurs in the New Testament Interesting guess how many times the phrase take a guess
I'm surprised Take a guess you spoke you said I don't know. So what is your guess?
That's not a good guess you have to have an idea give me a number that's not bad. What do you say? I would have thought about six or seven.
That's what I would have thought. What do you think? and one more three 41 times
Like wow, yeah right now. I'm going but wait a minute. It's kind of interesting Notice what the rich young ruler says what good thing must
I do to obtain eternal life and Jesus says eternal life there eternal punishment, but the righteous eternal life a good what
I do and what I'm looking to look for now is if there's a relationship in the red letters of Eternal life and never perishing.
I'm just gonna see I'm going down a tangent. Am I gonna learn anything? I don't know. I've actually thought about this before just never done it.
So In the age to come eternal life believe in him we'll have eternal life
That's John 3 15 Shall not perish have our life John 3 16 Well spring eternal life
Okay, how about this John 5 24 Truly truly I say to you he who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and does not
Come into judgment That's not perish, right? And so I can go on and on and I'm looking
I myself will raise him up on the last day. We already went over that He believes as eternal life John 6 47.
I go to see if there's a relationship there and so John 10 28, which already went over give eternal life to them and she'll never perish and And I'm looking for the word perish so I would probably do it to do a search with word perish and life and another search and see what they come up with and This this is exactly some of the things
I would do sometime just like this and I'd go I'm gonna go check this out and I would go look and it might be a tangent
I'll take me a half hour and I'll just come back with you know, I didn't really learn anything out of it
I thought that there'd be a more of a correlation between eternal life and not perishing but I was not that's not correct
But an idea and it's not correct, but in that I was expecting more But it's there
Okay So and then that's out of the words of Jesus, but then the word he phrase eternal life comes out into other things like the epistles
Now I'd like to know if there's a relationship There but I'm not gonna do that right now because I just shut everything down stop talking and just just think for minutes and minutes and Put things in in spreadsheets and stuff like it was what
I do. I get anal about it and It's up like that. What? But if it's right put a pin in it,
I would actually get involved in these kind of studies I can't do it anymore because I'm just getting older, but I would go into self -hypnosis and This is no joke and my wife would have to come up to me and we actually had an arrangement
That I'd be I'd had books open all over and I was I mean you could she could tell I was down deep
And I actually have a phrase to her. I'd say look I'm gonna be studying I'm going deep and that meant if you got to talk to me
You have to come over and just stand there and wait until I come out of it And and and I have to put things weird what
I do But I put things in different places in my head in categories and I say, okay that goes here that goes like that Okay.
Okay. Now what were you saying? Can I relate them? And so she'd have to talk to me. I'd do this
It's kind of weird, but but it's what I do And so she I remember once she's standing there for a full minute and or I thought
I go Yeah, and she's looking at me. She goes, you know how long I was standing here. I go No, she's about about a minute full minute just standing here you were
Okay She was don't go back in it Yeah, yeah, I was sitting and she was standing and she goes blah blah blah and I went, okay
And she goes, you know, I just go. Yeah. Okay. Uh -huh, which means I want to get right back into this
I'm so in you know, and she goes a poor woman and so she'd walk off and Go back in, you know like that because you know, a lot of times
I have all this in my head if you come in abruptly, you can hear the crashing it takes me five ten minutes to get back into where I was and So that's what
I would do for real, but you could see how this could lend itself to that Wait a minute, and we would all do the same thing.
You could try to take You got the stuff in your head and then someone could open goes can
I ask you a question? No, no, no, no, not right now. I'm really into this, you know It's not just me people do that and and it's a lot of fun
But my wife would actually come up and stand there and sometimes she'd go like this Raise her head and it's not because I'm disrespectful.
That's because I'm like I'm so in That she'd just wait she'd move and I'd come out of it and I'd wreck it.
Okay, wait a minute. That's my wife She lives here too.
All right, and she's nice -looking And I'd you know come out ago making me a sandwich
You can say that yeah got it come out either swinging or Making her smile, you know making a sandwich because with hers
She'd smile while shaking her head Just cast iron like that.
No others wait wait, she'd get my attention a lot better than that. I'll tell you Oh All right,
I tell her that I go I know how you gonna she goes I'm leaving so So anyway all in fun
So you see Interpreting scripture is not just a set of rules. It's a little bit of art
It's practice and it's digging and it's asking questions And I think that's the best part ask a question
And You know, so if I were to just randomly just go through here and I just picking and I just would let stops
You know and as a result of this pilot made efforts to release him But the Jews cried out saying if you release this man, you're no friend of Caesar Anyone who makes himself out to be
King opposes Caesar? Well, I really want to get into this which is not that interesting to me really, but sometimes
I'll go. Oh, I'm just curious I'll look up every word of Caesar and Why would the
Pharisees say this Why would the Pharisees the Jews say the Jews cried out if you release them, you're no friend of Caesar Wait a minute.
The Jews are supposed to be opposed to Caesar Why are they doing this? They must hate him.
What teaches me something about hate What hatred does? Hatred blinds you hatred guides you hatred robs you of objectivity and it caused you not to see truth and to see sacrifice and to see love and Then go
I'm gonna look up the word hate The word hate is not here, but I might want to do a study on the word hate now because the idea is is here and so When I was teaching in Escondido in San Diego, we would we had this thing we would say tangent
We'd we would get off on to something and it was a word and we all loved it because Like like this this
I go. Let's look look at the word. Hate. Let's see how it is okay tangent and we were stopping the study and we're off for one or two hours in another direction and We loved it.
And when people telling me they love that and this is exactly what
I would do is this kind of a thing and I learn and the more you do it the more you learn and I Can teach you guys how to use word?
to keep notes and I actually What I will do
I'll make my documents in Word and I put and I have an outline form and then
I have the Navigation panel where I can see my outlined areas. I can go on the left side.
See what it is I also will go in when I think my documents about ready I'll go in and spend a day and just put in index
References and then put an index in the back and put a table of contents in the front and I'll hit generate and then
I can See what my document is doing. So my document on Calvinism is 94 or 93 pages on Catholicism is like 180 pages and on science is like 35 pages
And so I have all this I do this for a living Okay, you know so I have to have my information done, but this is some of the stuff
I'll do I mean, I'm researching kovat. For example, I'm researching kovat masks Today I was researching obesity deaths
Because I have a table. I'm developing on different causes of death h1n1
HIV whatever obesity and What's the relay?
Oh man, I'll tell you it's a lot worse than kovat. Whoo. Oh it is and and yet We don't shut down economies for that.
Do we know? Oh the flu the right my research is we're kind of rambling now
But my research has shown covens about it's about 22 times more more infectious deadly than the flu
Now here's the thing though kovat doesn't really affect children, but the flu does and Yet, they don't want the children to wear masks for the flu, but they do for kovat
Interesting. What's that? Uh -huh And I've done research on the size of viruses.
They're 0 .2 to 0 .5 or 0 .2 to 5 Microns which is a 10 to the negative.
I remember all this stuff negative 6 so it's 1 1 millionth of a meter and and Guess get the others bramble now
Did you know this is true did you know that cloth masks actually do reduce the spread of kovat
Yes, they do they actually do really, uh -huh There's a slight catch ask a question
They reduce the spread of kovat. It does That's the right question by how much 3 %?
They're only 3 % effective surgical masks They also reduce the spread of kovat oh by how much good question by about 50 %
The n95 good question 95 % and the n99 is 99 %
Okay, so do masks so you can hear someone say Masks reduce the spread of kovat.
That's correct now with n95 masks So now if there was a do bubonic something, okay coming around I'll be wearing an n99, okay
And I'm gonna be wearing it. I'm gonna get as many as I can I'm gonna rob little old ladies to get my masks and she's out there.
No, I'm gonna get up All right. I don't want bubonic anything. All right, so I'm not gonna be wearing a class a cloth mask.
I put in my pocket or a surgical mask because it's gonna be too risky All right, so I'm gonna go for it
I have no problem with masks because the the risk of fiber coming in oxygen deprivation is
So low compared to the death rate of edit severity. There's a relationship
I'm gonna figure if I could ever figure how to figure that out, but with cloth cloth masks 3 % effectiveness
But that's not worth the the risk There's this is what's really interesting
I wonder if I can ever figure out how to do a it's called a cost -risk analysis kind of a thing And I say when does it become ineffective?
When is it counterproductive as a whole? Then you got to go with the bell curve and it gets I need set of titions to do that kind of stuff
It's beyond me But these are the questions I'm asking and I'm asking these kind of questions because I do research in theology in the
Bible I'm trained to ask the right questions under disadvantages as to my wife will say something me I'm like, do
I ask those five questions or for clarification on this sub point or do I just clean up the mess?
I made which which is it, you know and What's that Read that I just clear it up.
Yeah. Yeah, you know, okay. Yes, but do I use a towel this way circular? What if I'm facing north shut up?
But you said what's that Yeah I'll just do it for you.
That's the way now you see the ulterior motive of oh Yeah, I just go relax.
I'll go watch TV. Okay, get out of here You know, that's why you burn eggs, you know till they're just like frisbees.
You can just throw She's not listening Oh She's so aware of my tricks, but I got a few left up my sleeve
One of them is walk up quietly behind her in the kitchen and just stand behind her She turned she still hasn't got used to that one.
I just that's my joy anyway so Kovat if you guys want I could talk more about Kovat and stuff
I've been finding but This is what we do for interpretation. This is the kind of stuff so I'll tell you what
I'm gonna do just let people ask questions because we've had it's a basically an hour and a half and Then we can close it out
Officially and if you want I'll talk Kovat the view stuff I've found but Don't have it memorized though, so let me know what you guys want to do and where is interesting,
I think my window that I had my For I could so I can see
The all the tech stuff go ahead and type stuff in okay, did this help you guys at all here?
Yes How to what if you do a word search by name, how do you make sure that the name that you're looking at is
Or is the same person? For guys, for example, I posted a question
Well, I just did a word search for a guy, uh -huh Yeah Not sure, how do you know if that's the same person or not?
An easy answer And it's that's a bad word that I sometimes use with people and People get upset when
I say the word to them a lot of times, but the the answer is this word called Context it's it's all it's just You go to context and you can get it that's how you do it because that's the right question actually
Yes, you will see the same person has mentioned it like Judas is different places. Yeah. Yeah, and you're correct
You know what? How come all of a sudden I come out and I want to get back in but I can't get back in I Can see the stuff there
So people won't ask me questions or have any comments about stuff hey kitty here, hold on hold on a sec, come here you
Look at this Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is one of our cats look how big he is he's just under a year old
I Put it down If I can get back in the stream yard on my computer
I was in And now I have to log out and do all this stuff to get back in and we'll do it.
All right, so Ask Dave place.
I'd like to hear the answer. Oh Joanne says that let me see if I can get some of this up here.
He wants to hear the answer Good question. I think you just know his question is
Dave. What's it like being with Matt? Isn't he great? Oh Okay Let's see what it says.
Thanks Matt Charlie on it a need for her hospitality invitation post Monique's not here because One of our daughters is out of town.
She's here. And so they're out having fun. We don't trust the same science who gave us evolution
It's oh I could talk about that too So much I could talk about I can do a whole teaching on science.
I'd like to do that and the philosophy of science Okay, so if you have any questions great
Evening car down a state place. I'd like to hear the answer ask what you telling a story Dave Joanne asked that club
Hayes. Yeah, right. Did you have a question? Now's the time if not, whatever This guy is such a clown car
What's uncoordinated cat I've ever seen he's still growing that's probably why Yeah All right, any questions even current family he's telling a story
First John to to yeah, let me tell you what we'll do close this out and then we'll just say we'll talk
All right, but whatever you want to talk about sound good All right, McRae just closed officially, but then we'll just continue.
I'll leave the video up Lord Thank you for your word and the truth and just ask for that. You'd bless the rest of our fellowship and our conversation
I hope Lord that We would grow closer to you through studying your word like we did and the fellowship that we have through you
We ask this Jesus your precious name Okay, I'm gonna use the restroom and then oh
Yeah This is good right there.
Oh, yeah I Don't know
Okay First John to Yeah, I was looking somebody up and Describing so the four -point
One of the scriptures that he pointed to Oh All right
First John to to he's appreciation only for our sins but sins of the whole world, right? Yes, does that refute
Calvinism limit his element no
It was one of the scriptures listed among about three As to that someone was naming as to why he was he was able to accept four of the five points, but that one was his stumbling block and Because Jesus obviously according that verse obviously died for everybody ever lived, right?
Right, here's the first thing Is that what the text is saying does the text say that Jesus died for everyone
What does it mean whole world fair question
Also, what's another question? We have to ask about this. He's of appreciation only for our sin, but sin to the whole world
What else must we ask? That's true, yeah
For the whole world, yeah, right. That's correct But there's something
Glaring in the text. Well, is it the use of propitiation as opposed to expiation?
What is the word propitiation mean? Well, I think it's that it was actually done as opposed to it possibly
Right. That's the critical key here people will often
Come to a text and assume it means certain things Does it?
What does the word propitiation mean? Well, when you do the research you find it means the sacrifice that turns away wrath
It does not mean a sacrifice that makes the wrath of God turn away a bull
It does not mean that it can be turned away later
It is turned away by the actual act of that propitiatory sacrifice
That's what it actually means That's why I say first John 2 2 and sure 10
I think we're all 325 Propitiation it's easy to address. What does it mean? Propitiation means a sacrifice that turns away wrath
If that's the case What Charlie what's up? Hold on a sec.
I won't be able to Answer you or hear you unless I do that.
Wait, let's see Yeah. Yeah.
Did you want me to drop the stream yard link in if people have questions that way? Did you want me to drop in the stream yard link for people to ask questions that way?
The link to the stream yard you haven't ended the broadcast
I don't understand. Well, the broadcast is still going out. Do you want the stream? Yes Do you want this?
Do you want the stream yard link posted for people to come in and ask questions that way?
Okay, no,
I wasn't understanding him I was on my end All right. Now I gotta get back in. Here we go. All right
I'll be asking you hear me. So the word propitiation is
The key it means a sacrifice that turns away wrath. It doesn't make a potential so if it's actually removed then if they are going to say that it means that he turns the sin away of It's of everybody the whole world and they say that the word world means every individual then they're saying that Jesus Actually paid to the sin debt for every individual and therefore they have to go to heaven.
That's universalism They don't get what they're doing they don't see That that they have to understand these things and this is what will happen a lot
I'll tell people this and they'll say Matt, you know what you're talking about I'm gonna say well If I don't please show me from scripture from lexicons from dictionaries from scholars what these words mean
And let's look at it But I'll quote them but I have my notes And I know where to go on my notes to say this is what the word propitiation means.
Here's the quote Here's the reference from the lexicons what it means This is what it actually means
So here's my documentation to show you it means this If it's a sacrifice that actually removes the wrath of God and he propitiated every individual who ever lived then we have questions
We have to ask Does it then mean then that everybody's sin has been removed?
Yes. Well, then how can they go to hell? Because they have to accept it that Doesn't say anything in the text like that.
You're now you're reading into the text It said that you can say it's removed for everybody if it's removed for everybody then
God cannot just require or That you can't have him go to hell if he has done it for everybody it you know, it just doesn't make sense you see the thing about asking questions is
The thing about asking questions is You get to learn how to ask questions and In my opinion
That When we start asking questions some questions are better than others
But I don't see any question as being the wrong question because if you ask a question, yeah
I'm trying to get back into my account so I can I can get the code to get in I can see everything in here my laptop
If you learn how to ask the right questions you're gonna be able to do a lot more in your text
Man, it's pop -ups. I gotta take this computer and I gotta just sign in a few things It's wanting a code and I don't want to get in there to get the codes
But get in here to do this, but then oh, yeah. Yeah, anyway But I can fix it.
I just need five minutes, but Asking questions is critical when it comes to interpreting
Scripture This is not taught very much in hermeneutical principles ask questions because the questions divide
Truth from error they can sometimes cause confusion which can be good. They can clear up confusion which can be good
Sometimes when they cause confusion is because we're asking the right question and that means we've got to study even more
So when I was reading Romans 5 18 When it said years ago, right when
I was reading this years ago. I remember the restaurant I was in I brought my Bible I was just reading it was in San Diego is by myself and I remember reading
I forgot why I was reading that but it's reading I went to one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men.
So also through one act of righteousness there resulted Justification of life to all men Well justification means you're legally righteous before God to all men.
That's universalism, but mark 3 29 Matthew 25 46 People go to hell
Now I have a problem now. I have verses that contradict each other So now what am
I going to do? Well, I know that there's a contradiction that's here not in the word
So I just study it took me roughly two weeks of study to figure it out and It was real simple.
And this is where this is the moment so to speak when I started shifting in My understanding of how to interpret scripture and how to study scripture when
I discovered that the word all The same word posh in in both places in the text
Has different meanings And I could prove it and I learned how to prove it and It blew me away it but it took two weeks to unravel and re -ravel what was going on in my head and When I got that that's when
I learned the idea about defining your words Reading the context seeing how the word is used
Even though a word can have a semantic domain You might have if so we have here we have a pie with slivers right sections
Well green for example can have the meaning Chlorophyll, you know the green in a plant but can also mean money.
Those are opposites so to speak opposites, you know You know a color and money or a plant color and chlorophyll and money
Well, you can also have like, you know money, you know, you can have other sub meetings in that relation area there are ways in which a word can have different meanings, but they're related to a same area and That's what
I was looking for. How is it used? How's the word all used in similar contexts?
similar speech Well first Corinthians 15 22 in Adam all die in Christ all shall be made alive
That's a parallel verse of Romans 5 18. It's just shorter. I Discovered that like wait a minute.
Why is Paul talking like this? And it caused me confusion, but it's also excited and Now when
I say it I go Yes I'm gonna find something out I don't know what it is, but I learned that from that verse and I can go into 2nd
Corinthians 15 or 2nd Corinthians 5 14 as it relates all this relates. Let me show you this
Romans 5 the things in my head related to this or Romans 5 18 1st Corinthians 15 22 2nd
Corinthians 5 14 Colossians 3 1 through 4 Romans chapter 6 1 and 2
These are the verses that relate that I used to teach and to expand how this group of things relates to each other
Because I've discovered the word all and what God means and then I have an aside note
Mark 3 29 19 25 46 Revelation 14 10 revelation or 14 11 and 20 10
Those are the verses that say condemnation Okay, and then
He wants all to be saved 2nd Peter 3 10, right But then that takes you over to mark 3 mark 4 10 to 12 and 11 that he speaks in parables
So they'll not be saved what's going on? He wants all to be saved but he speaks so they won't all be saved.
Who's the all well that now leads me over to John 6 35 all that the father
John 6 37 all that the father gives me will come to me Well, who's the all you see now it's like one thing
Led to me understanding a whole bunch of stuff and seeing how it comes together one thing and But it took it took work
But I had the tools because I've been to seminary and had been studying And I think a lot of people wouldn't have been able to figure it out not because I'm smarter
No, because I happen to have been through was able to look at the Greek which I you know Wouldn't have been able to do that if I hadn't been a seminary.
So it's just you know Fortuitous by God's great grace as a little. Oh, I can see.
Oh, that's what the Greek says. There's no verb in there Why is there no verb in there caused me to study and so I just start reading
Greek scholars commentaries And they weren't answering the question. It really became quite a study
So I was blessed that I had those that skill set by God's grace and so I was able to do that and it taught me a lot and I've used the principles.
I've learned out of out of the fountain of Romans 518 to be able to see other things and other scriptures in other areas and Develop truths and what and then teach you guys you guys taking off All right
We'll just stay here and keep blabbing if you guys want Neeks not here, which means
I can do whatever I want. My wife's away Aliens fest
Let me know what when you want to do it aliens did let me know and we'll do it because I'm ready You too,
Mike if you want. Okay. See you guys. God bless I can make a sandwich because I've watched my wife do it
Yeah, it's a good sandwiches yeah, I can make some good sandwiches, you know Yeah actually,
I you know, I tease about it, but my wife's a really good cook and I enjoy just blabbing and and teasing and stuff like that and and Stuff even my wife still smiles at my male chauvinism
She still does you know? It's all it's stupid stupid fun. Yeah. Yeah You guys got to take off, huh?
All right, how's it going at the show with the work HR good
You know what that said here, you know, there's a phone back for that. Yeah, and so they got
They were gonna give you a resource about why I met this issue There's any way possible for you guys to work it out.
She said HR is not your friend, you know for anything she said The different way to work it out
Okay, I'm glad it's working out though. Yeah good Good all right
That should be fun and interesting right Good All right
No, we're gonna talk about that and some other stuff going on and I may go to a prophecy seminar
From the SDA Church, and then I'm thinking about writing up an SDA Fact sheet and passing it out to people exposing their false doctrines you know just You know me just good times, right
Yeah, I'm here to make friends that's right Are you gonna take that back are you gonna leave that?
Leaving it. Yes Okay, that's what I want. Good All right, okay
God bless you guys. We'll see you Drive safely Good all right
I Want to get into the chat room here? I'm getting my password stuff get up So I'll get bill to get in and if you guys have any questions, all right, so hold on So I'm doing that it's going to the process so to get my password and do stuff and I Will see what he'll say so hold on All right, let's see
All right I think that's the one right there
Okay, hold on folks we right there Let's get this in Whoops Oh, I know we gotta do here
Well, you only had it one day so only so much you can do any day but You got everything done that needed to get done and a couple more beyond that.
So that was Yeah All right
Guess we're gonna be able to do this in time That's interesting
Okay, yeah, but I'm sorry Matt But it
That's I'm being there extra days at my son's house I had a
I Hired a bug company to come in and spray the yard and house and everything else.
Well, they screwed up This is what my son does for a living I can't get in Without doing a whole bunch of stuff.
I don't know what happened So I'm just not gonna worry about it right now see if you guys have any questions or comments inside of here and know that we'll just bail and I can't see if anybody's coming into my phones too small
Right Matt spoke before but I know it's probably best use person planet Earth one of them. All right, so I'm just not gonna
I'm gonna close it down. We're just done and We'll talk to you guys later. Okay, so have a great one next week