Rescuing Hundreds of Children


Watch this incredible new video of an encouraging story about a man who has saved hundreds of children. This is Justin and this is his powerful story. Be encouraged. Tell someone. You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


And the only reason why you or me or anybody else is involved in this fight is because we are His. It was, we're in Him.
We're one within Him. And so therefore we're in the fight because it's His fight. And so it's all glory to Him.
How did you get involved with the fight for babies? Really it was from my pastor talking and preaching on abortion.
And then he sent us to End Abortion Now to the conference that the first conference you guys had.
And that's where God really opened my eyes to it and called us to the mills in 2017.
Now I'm a full -time guy at the mill and full -time missionary supported by the church and other churches in the area.
And I have to go to the mill in Flint, Michigan five days a week. Well the main goal is to glorify
God. Glorify Him in all that we do at the mill and worship
Him and preach the gospel. And that through the preaching of the gospel that abortion will end is because Christ is putting all of His enemies under His feet.
And we just go and tell other people that Christ is King. But that's the main objective.
The gospel is important because without the gospel there is no exposure of the darkness and there's no life really to be brought, right?
Because God uses the gospel to bring life, to call dead people to life like we were.
We were once dead and He through the gospel gave us life. And without the hearts of the people changing, abortion will continue.
And really when you think about it, abortion is here really because we've turned our back on God and it's a judgment from God upon the land.
He's just given us over to just a debased mind. We'll actually kill our own children.
That's one thing that you really realize when God shows you through Scripture that the shedding of innocent blood, it really defiles the land and its inhabitants.
And we are responsible for what's going on right around us to love our neighbors and to speak up and to tell our magistrates and those, you know, teach them to obey
Christ and what He's said. So yeah, it's really on us.
That's why you should get involved. So when you start, really, it's from a love for, well,
God breaks you. If He's broken you, then you see like, wow, this blood really is in my hands. I haven't been doing anything.
I've been apathetic. And He grants you repentance. And He gives you love for those little babies and love for your neighbor.
But it has to come from a love for God. And then from that, it flows out.
It always goes back to Christ and that He went and laid His life down, you know, and for the joy that set before Him, went to death.
He went down on a cross, like the Bible says. And so we get to go and lay our lives down by His power, by His Spirit.
He's the one that gives us the endurance to do that if that so come, right? We go out there, lay our lives down and watch
God move, you know. So the Christian life is really laying life down and we win.
It's like you want to think like that's what it is. We lay our life down and we win because Christ already won by laying
His life down, you know. That's one of the awesome things of going out there. And really like if you, and that's something
I tell the person I'm wanting to get involved to, like to know God, right? So as Christians, that's one of our main, our cry, basically, or our prayers.
So we want to know Him more, right? We want to see Him more and know Him more. Well, you'll know Him more out at the mills and in the fight.
You'll see Him more and you'll watch Him move and do the things that you, and you see Him the same as the
Scripture, doing things, you know, like in power. He's a God of power, right? And so that's something that is really encouraging to go out and watch
God move and see Him save lots of babies. And yeah, I always tell moms that we're here in the name of Jesus Christ.
You know, that's the most important name that you need to hear is His name. That He's the Savior of the world, that He came to save sinners, the worst of the worst, like He saved me.
And that you're not alone, that there's help everywhere. There's people that will love you and help you and walk with you.
And that your baby's a gift from God, a precious gift. And it's your son or daughter. And this abortion is really murder.
God says, thou shall not murder. And that's what you're doing if you go through with abortion, is you're really literally murdering your own son or your own daughter.
And so to look away from abortion, the lies of the abortion clinic and look to Christ and reach out for help.
You know, there's a lot of times where we don't feel like, we might feel like we're alone or you don't want to ask for help, but you just have to ask for help.
Don't go to the abortion clinic and ask for help because they're not going to give you any help. They're going to kill your baby.