Eric Mason, Lecrae, Timothy Keller


Took the time to look through Eric Mason's comments from this weekend on reparations, then discussed (but did not play because I figured our video would get DMCA'd as a result) Lecrae's capitulation on the issue of homosexuality on a secular interview, and finished up talking about sacralism in response to Timothy Keller and our brief exchange last week. Finished up asking if anyone in the audience would like to donate an RV so I can plan some ministry/debate road trips in the future (seriously!). Not quite two hours. Visit the store at Visit the store at

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Greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line. It is a I think it's a Tuesday at least most of the day it is today and I I got to start off with this because You know, it's fresh on your mind as you're walking in.
I there's a school nearby and It is open for business.
I suppose that's one thing But I I looked out on the playground at These children in the heat.
It's still very hot here in Phoenix. I actually see the possibility of some
Relief in sight Next week. I saw the prediction of one day at a hundred and two for the high and eighty for the low which for us would
Be almost Coogee weather after the rest of the summer. We've had Even rich I think would be up for that after the summer we've had but Anyway, it's hot outside.
It's a higher humidity than we are accustomed to and all these kids are wearing masks and If you know anything about biology virology medical studies kids playing outside With the wind blowing is
The best place in the world for them to be and the idea of forcing them to wear masks is
Well, even the CDC just admitted last week they have absolutely no positive evidence that masks have any any
Assisting help in stopping the spread of Kovat at all and yet I see a
Article from Friday from down in Australia, Australia. Oh my goodness you guys down there
What is going on? at Some reason I thought there was something
You know It was sort of like the United States as far as some levels of freedom and liberty and things like that, but guess not
Australia to deploy drones to photograph unmasked faces and Drivers that are too far from home
So they're gonna they're gonna send the drones out and take pictures of you if you're not wearing your face mask and the next thing, you know stormtrooper is gonna drop out of helicopters and Kneel on your neck and force a mask onto you and they'll probably use new attachments that I bet you
I bet you someone's coming up with a face mask right now That's similar to those ankle bracelet things that if you take it off, you know
They they know and maybe it'll shock you or zap you with some kind of maybe it'll just immunize you again with totally unproven
No, long -term tested immunizations. Maybe that's what it'll do. I don't know It's every dystopian movie that we've
I mean put Tom Cruise together with the guy and I am legend and Put them all just squish them all together and that's
Australia and it's it's coming to us too. It's absolutely astonishing to so sad to look out there and see these young people who
Are not affected by kovat 19 at all there's not a kid out there and they're all masked up even the the
It obviously has nothing to do with the virus anymore has nothing at all to do with the virus anymore this is completely
The government saying we like power and we're gonna use it and the next thing will be right now,
I mean Again, y 'all were doing the tinfoil hat thing boy. I wish you just go back to theology
Back in March April. I started going, you know one say in fact, I Actually did a screen capture.
Well, no, it was a screen capture. You can't do that. I used I had to use my phone because you know if you have if you use the
I move not iMovie, but Apple stuff. You can't do a screen capture of a scene
It just it's just black. So you you have to use your phone. And so I did a
Phone thing of that guy that creature That got the disease
That was due to genetically manipulated immunizations Which is exactly what we're doing right now at the end of I am legend screaming at Will Smith Will Smith and I said so who's gonna be really excited about the super fast tested no long -term safety tested immunizations that will be forced on us and people are like I just can't believe how stupid you are and I've seen three
Stories over the past two days of government officials in multiple nations Talking about how they will absolutely demand
That anyone who's going to travel And any kid that goes to school if you're gonna if you're gonna walk into a grocery store
You have to have your immunization. You're all gonna you're all gonna have to have your immunization cards your little proof thing.
And of course Cards can be faked. So why not just chip you? that's what we do with our dogs, right and why not and Going cashless all over the place man.
Hal Lindsey missed it by about 30 years He would is he still around because I think he might still be around but I don't know
But he if if you wanted to come up with that kind of stuff and you wanted to somehow tie that in I don't think that's where it ties in but there's absolutely zero question
That the Chinese are already doing this This is this the the CCP is sitting back just laughing their heads off going man
We had no idea these people would roll over so easily one little panic and they're
Yeah, no, no, I don't think even put six six six on the masks you do anything like that. Um, but man, it's just it's just astonishingly fast this is that this is happening and Some people are saying well, why wouldn't you be traveling aside from the fact that I'm just I Have absolutely no interest whatsoever in damaging myself in that process but I don't think
I'll be able to I There is someone seriously gonna say that that I'm being crazy
To think that there might be travel restrictions upon people who would voluntarily show choose
Not to take a Vaccine that has less than a year's worth of human testing
Is that let's put it this way, which is more dangerous to your health a genetically modified vaccine with less than a year's worth of testing behind it or kovat 19
We know what the survival rate is of kovat 19 The immunization would be less safe Disprove it
Disprove you can't so you know what you know what Facebook's doing Do you notice
I put I put something on Facebook today and I replaced all the vowels That had anything to do with immunization anything like that mask anything had to Because Facebook is now going to just automatically while you you catch this
While you're writing it Before you post it in the editing stage
They'll nail you, you know, why because the truth isn't on their side. They can't do debate truth isn't on their side
So there you go. So I was just reminded because I'm I'm I'm walking up to the building and here are these kids and they're all masked up and It's probably what a hundred six hundred seven about them and I was coming degrees outside and they're all masked up and No one's gonna talk about people collapsing or anything like that.
That's that doesn't fit the narrative. So It's something else. Yes, sir so I just thought
I'd mentioned to folks that you may notice that you're seeing the dividing line today at 360p and We're not entirely sure what's going on because all of our speed tests are showing that we're exceeding all of the numbers that we've
Had all summer long all last fall or less spring everything's all fine here, right?
Not so much. We don't know if we're being throttled. We don't know where we're being throttled or whatever
I'm demanding that Cox is sending out a technician supposedly tomorrow or the next day and I'm also looking to get our sales rep on the phone because we actually pay for a guaranteed rate and so we don't know what's going on, but the
Tactic from here for a while is going to be live stream at 360p and then turn around and upload the backup file
Afterwards Even at 360p. We've had a couple of dropouts Not long they're quick But you know the numbers.
I'm looking up over here are actually below what we used to do on dial -up I'm not kidding. We're streaming at below dial -up and We're still having problems and yet all of our other numbers
In the speed test show we should be able to be doing 1080p without even a
Hiccup Something's going on don't know what it is But we're gonna keep trying and we did test
Facebook today by the way just in case we you know lay it on YouTube Facebook had a similar result
So I don't know what to do with it, but I'm gonna keep trying so just letting folks know yeah, I Don't know either.
I don't know either Miss mysteries mysteries all mysteries all okay
Let's let's get into what we need to be doing here let's Let's let's begin with this
I'm not sure why it's doing that but this is
Dr. Eric Mason And we're going to be looking at just a couple sections of a sermon he preached on Sunday from Luke chapter 19
Presenting a biblical case for racial reparations in the United States Emphasis he didn't say racial represent reparations in the
United States. He said biblical case reparations. They always just default to that very few of them seem to understand that this concept is almost completely irrelevant outside the borders of the
United States of America and that in fact it is destructive outside the borders the
United States of America to be Presenting this kind of stuff, but anyway
So we're gonna be looking at Luke chapter 19 and But I want you to understand
You know what's being said here and so before we actually look at the sermon in the period of time after the sermon was posted there has been a lot of response to it and So I don't know if it was yesterday or today
Eric Mason Posted some videos in response to the pushback that he's gotten
For this particular sermon and I want you to hear some of the things that he that he had to say.
So here's Here's the first And so what I'm saying is
I just don't like the this right here to me is
Is The greatest form I'm gonna just say it demonic blindness the demonic blindness in in evangelicalism is
It's scary like Like the the level of blindness is
Is is it's demonic it's demonic It's demonic the
Bible says in Isaiah 6 he says seeing they don't see and Hearing they won't hear
Jesus uses utilizes this Yes, Jesus protests. Why do we have to even talk about this
Steve? You know, I'm sorry. You're right He protested the tax gatherers by What he did in the temple, it's just doesn't you know, but but but this is the issue
I Have done so I've done a lot of I mean Okay, let me let me just mention something here a part of the context here as we're gonna be looking at it is one of the claims that Eric Mason made that is
Plainly disputable is that the plagues of Egypt were protests
And that in Exodus 12 when the Egyptians gave money to Israel as they left
This had something to do with reparations So the the the plagues are protests and so protests bring about reparations and so a lot of people have just as I will point out will say
Huh? That's not what Moses said Scripture says the the plagues actually were judgment upon the gods of Egypt and instruct and the demonstration of God's power
Over the false gods of Egypt They weren't protests to call them protests and to connect them with the protests taking place
To even call most of what's happening United States right now a protest. They're not they're riots. They're just They're they're lawless criminals.
They're they're literally enemy combatants seeking to destroy the the fabric of the United States of America They're not protesting anything
The people that are trying to burn down police stations and burn down businesses and the people
I saw a couple nights ago that in the middle of the night are going through quiet neighborhoods
Dropping the f -bomb every three seconds all of these people couldn't I haven't seen a protester yet That could get through two sentences not dropping an f -bomb.
I haven't that He's the most filthy mouthed people ever seen in my life But to try to connect the plagues of Egypt With modern
US protesting that that's what a lot of people are like. No, wait a minute Wait a minute that that you are stretching things
So far here and so that's what he's pushing back against and he's saying this is demonic blindness
If you don't if you don't see the protest point this is demonic blindness
Just so you just so you know What people are trying to do and I had to just respond to that because I don't usually mean to respond to all this stuff
But what they're trying to do is find any type of any loophole they can to shut down the the the the the the challenges like like I'm Like like I I really
I think in the last 24 hours. I really literally came to the conclusion That there is a demonic haze
Over Western Christianity, um
Like I I believe that the spirit of the enemy has really darkened the understanding of Of I'm just really like blown away like like some of the ways in which you can just clearly
That's right. Mary the donkey protested the Balaam and so what I'm saying, okay, so so there there was that one and then
Here here is a continuation of that and I don't know why these are all playing like this
There I'm having to play these straight off of Because I don't have the link here at the office that I use at home to grab social media video
But this continues here. So all I'm so what are we saying? Are we saying?
Biblical protest is an application every time a prophet communicated it's a statement of disapproval a
Most of the Bible is a statement of protest when when Jim in Genesis chapter 1 when it says in the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth in Mesopotamian culture that was that that was a
That was a statement of protest towards the Sons of God based on Deuteronomy 32 8 9 to proclaim against the fallen sons of God who had gone against God and all of those
Mesopotamian Mesopotamian gods and basically said no
God created the heavens and the earth and when we so so all of divine truth all proclamation divine truth all apologetics is a protest a protest against error
Is that a useful category? Does that clarify something that does that actually allow for a connection?
To people Rioting and burning and looting
I I can't I can't see how you can make that connection But but all the
Bible all prophetic prophetic utterances are Protest is is what we just what we just heard here.
And then a number of other people had Yeah, there's there's a yeah, let my people go.
I'll There's I guess there's a lot of stuff here on the protest thing, but I'm trying to find there it is.
There's the one I want So then other people challenged him on on these issues and other claims that he makes in the course of the sermon and You got you got this part.
It's been a barrage of crazy things that I've been getting From some people and one of the things
I want to address is exegesis Let me just explain something. Let me just explain something to y 'all
Okay, particularly the white guys who've been hit me up and some few black guys Who hit who hit me up on I think they have some good questions.
I think that The issue is I'm trained in exegesis. So when you say
I'm saying something out of context a lot of times You Know when people let's let's explain
I teach I taught harmonious classes in school. And so this is this is the Beyond let people know how to share it or Instagram wherever And so when we talk about Exegesis and let's talk about the rules of harmonious harmonious is this
It means this it says Interpretation one Applications many in other words in the immediate context of in the passage that I'm talking about is
Exodus chapter 12 verse 35 Yeah, 35 and 36 and It says the
Israelites acted on Moses word and asked the Egyptians For silver and gold items for clothing
Uh -huh. Oh, yeah, you can bring it up and the Lord gave people such faith the people such favor with the
Egyptians that The Egyptians that they gave them what they requested in this
Way, they plundered the Egyptians. And so one of the things that people were pushing back against One of the things that they were pushing back against is me saying that this is reparations or saying that the plagues were the main thing was a protest because John McArthur preached a message saying that there are no protests in the
Bible and And I'm like, well, I don't have another device.
I can Manny Okay, and then he just yells for his phone for a while. But here you have the idea.
Well, look, I'm training an exegesis and So in hermeneutics you have one
Interpretation many applications which there's there's elements of truth to this. The question is are they
Valid applications and did you start by per by providing a meaningful?
Understanding of what the original context was because that's going to determine whether there is a valid application being made beyond that point so obviously
Eric Mason has continued to bring out and to respond to things that were said, let's
Let's look at Luke chapter 19. It's a short story. It's a story. We all know if you grew up in the church like like I did
Then you certainly have Heard the story.
I'm so old that This was one of the first flannel graph stories flannel graph that that for those who have no earthly idea
You used to take a piece of flannel and you would have these paper cutouts and I don't know if there was something on the back of the little paper cutouts of people and Donkeys and horses and stuff, but it would stick the flannel
And so as the Sunday school teacher would tell the story you'd put these so here's here's
Jesus and here's Jericho and and Here's a sycamore tree and here's little short
Zacchaeus and Zacchaeus can't see Jesus And so Zacchaeus goes up in the tree. And yeah, you know that that was that's that was flannel graph that's how you did stuff in the well mid 1960s when you did
Sunday school and So anyway, I remember very very very clearly learning the story of Zacchaeus and That he was short and he wanted to see
Jesus and and when he saw Jesus Jesus said come down Zacchaeus Today, I'm going to be
I must eat in your house. And as they're going Zacchaeus Says he'll give half of what he has to the poor and if he is defrauded anyone
He'll give four times what he is defrauded them of and and Jesus said today salvation has come
To this one who is a member of the house of Israel. And so this was the this was the story
Everybody knows it really well But let's think about it in context
Obviously, there's the historical background that there were two different Jericho's the ancient Jericho and the
Rebuilt later Jericho and that's relevant to where certain people were sitting and various Synoptic stories won't get into that right now and there was a man called but the name is
Zacchaeus He was a chief tax collector and he was rich Chief tax tax collector is a very rare form right here
Architellon ace very rare but what it would emphasize is that he was probably a tax collector over other tax collectors, which might
Have something to do with what he says later on if I have defrauded someone in other words, he had people working for him. So The People under him were probably making a little bit on the side too.
That's maybe where that is relevant and It says he was plucious.
He was rich he was a wealthy man and Zacchaeus was trying to see who
Jesus was and was unable because the crowd for he was small in Stature and by the way, you might like that Macross micro yeah, there's he was a he was a in stature
Macross ain he was he was he was a short guy So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree in order to see him for he was about to pass through that way and so I'm not sure why this was such a popular story with kids, but you just sort of liked
Zacchaeus because You know, maybe you were one of the last kids picked for dodgeball and and we still had dodgeball back then
We had not learned that it was bullying back then Lot of people go I explained you
So you see Zacchaeus getting up in the tree and and so on so forth and then when
Jesus came to place He looked up and said to him Zacchaeus hurry and come down for today. I must stay at your house.
And of course, you know The question is Did Jesus utilize supernatural knowledge of Zacchaeus at this point was it did he know who this guy was from other
Instances and things like that. I you know, the text doesn't tell us I'm adjusting the temperature in the
Studio forgot to do that. Sorry about that. I'm not Answering the wife's texts because she can she'll it's okay.
She can wait till I get them. Um, anyway But Personally Jesus stops.
He knows who Zacchaeus is and he does by by calling him out by name
In the midst of the people who have had to pay taxes to him They all know who he is and they all know that he is rich because he has taken from them and That in the name of Government, which would include the
Roman government, but also the government of Herod and and things like that by saying this out loud
This creates verses six and seven and he hurried and came down and received him gladly
Received him rejoicing When They saw it. They all began to grumble.
There is that wonderful Greek term gungus mu once again Dia gungus on So just a great word grumble.
It sounds like grumbling and When they saw they all began to grumble saying he has gone to the guest of a man who is a hamar tolo hamar tolo on three a
Sinner So a publicly known this is what you would call a prostitute
But it's also what you would call a tax collector a traitor a traitor to your people that it is it is a position of being one who would not be welcome in the community because of your lifestyle what you do and So the people are glad to have
Jesus in their midst until he does this and He goes with the wrong guy
So that's probably How why it's set up that Zacchaeus first of all is visible to everybody and Then his name is known to everybody and then
Jesus uses his name so that The application can be made So Zacchaeus stopped evidently as they are going to his house and Said the
Lord behold Lord half of my positions my possessions I will give to the poor and if I have defrauded anyone of anything
I will give back four times as much so the Mosaic Law of course provided for the
Payment of restitution so There's two things here first out of the out of the changed heart.
He says Half of my possessions. I will give to the poor That was not what was demanded
But I think it's appropriate for us to ask the question if they're
Luke records for us That they are gungus mooing.
They are grumbling as They're going it says
Zacchaeus is short not that he's deaf So You you don't think he can't hear the whispers and The conversations and why is he going there and he's a sinner maybe somebody even said that out loud and so Zacchaeus stops and Says half my position my possessions.
I will give to the poor and if I have defrauded anyone of anything
And so that term is a is a Technical term
That Is used in law of Accusing falsely slandering misrepresenting or in financial context it can simply be defrauding
Which obviously as a chief tax collector then that's where that comes in I'll give back four times as much.
So this this is in line with the Mosaic standards of Personal restitution in Interpersonal relationships
So Jesus's response again
This would seem to me in front of the crowd because that key is to stop Jesus to stop the crowd that was grumbling was probably still standing nearby and Jesus said to him today salvation has come to this house because he too is a son of Abraham The way that the fact that he the
Jesus says he too He he it says he said to him
But notice he refers to him in the third person. He too is a son of Abraham So the words are meant to be heard from others.
In other words, Jesus is bringing restoration to Zacchaeus's relationship to the community and He's saying salvation has come to this house a house that the community did not think would be able to have salvation the
The the barriers to grace In the days of Jesus were great and it's it's not difficult for us to recognize what they were the scribes and Pharisees Look down at everybody else because they did not keep the the law to the level that they did
And we know from their writings that they they talked about the Amha Adats the people of the land as the non law keepers and They were
Second -class citizens and everybody knew that that's how they were viewed by their religious leaders as second -class citizens but even they then as A group together with the scribes and Pharisees would look at these people
And would put them out. Now, of course if they were unrepentant if you're talking about a unrepentant prostitute an unrepentant thieving tax collector
That was appropriate But it came to the point where? The idea was salvation couldn't come to anyone's house who was like that once they're out.
They're out They stay out repentance isn't a possibility and Jesus says in front of everybody using the third person today
Salvation has come to this house because he too is a son of Abraham. There is a clear emphasis on restoration
Which then leads to one of the more important texts for the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost and what was lost
Zacchaeus if you had asked the crowd as Jesus was entering into Jericho to identify the lost
I'm not sure. They would have been thinking of Zacchaeus and once they see what the lost looks like, they're not really happy With what the lost looks like in other words, they want to let they want to limit the ministry of the
Messiah to the acceptable realms of their society and This is one of the many places where Jesus is prying open that door
So they can come to recognize what he's eventually going to make very clear the Gospels for all people it's for Jews and Gentiles together.
That's That's very very important so Then he tells a parable after this the parable
About the ten slaves and The monies and faithfulness and and and all the things that come after that So what is so there is a financial aspect in?
Luke 19 the beginning Zacchaeus is a chief tax collector He speaks of giving of his substance he speaks of making restitution in regards to his own personal sin of defrauding people and then the next
Parable is Specifically speaking to Faithfulness and what
God gives to a person But the point of Zacchaeus is not reparations
The point is not an application that would be you know
The Romans Now let's go back let's the
Greeks Owe to the people of Israel reparations for what happened when
Alexander came into Palestine and The the the issues that took place then the
Greeks owe reparations the Romans wrote reparations as well, obviously and then you start going back to the
Babylonians the Egyptians the Certainly of the Assyrians. Oh goodness You could make the case for reparations from Every foreign army that has marched through the highway that is
Israel because that's that's what Israel is it's a highway between North Africa and the rest of the world and Lots of invading armies have marched up and down Past the
Sea of Galilee and through the various plains and everything else over the years and if you want to talk about reparations if you want to talk about that if you want to talk about the the abuse of The of the people and this the slavery that they experienced in Egypt This would be the time to be talking about it
But there's nothing about that because that's not what Luke chapter 19 is about Luke chapter look
When a this is called a pericope, okay a pericope the pericope of Zacchaeus ends with the specific statement and this is
It all builds up to this it builds up the statement for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save That which was lost
Jesus is the one who finds Zacchaeus Zacchaeus is just trying to get a glimpse of the wonder worker.
He's not He's not seeking Jesus in some sense of spiritual lostness
The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost
If your interpretation of a text doesn't take you to the text's own conclusion You've probably missed the meaning of the text or what you're doing.
And this is what Eric Mason is doing There is nothing in Scripture That would substantiate the idea that based on categories of ethnicity
I am to take anything that I hope to be able to give to my children or my grandchildren upon my passing from this world and Give it to Eric Mason's children
There's nothing in Scripture that says that should be the case on the basis of ethnicity The reality is my ancestors were poor
I can prove that my ancestors I'm sure
I had sharecroppers amongst them. Most of us did during the 20s and 30s
Most of us our great -great -grandparents were dirt poor most of us
Our ancestors were not living high on the hog in New York City Not so much of the classical liberals in New York, but that's a different issue
So the idea that My great -great -grandfather who came from Scotland And who probably was dirt poor there too because once got over here is dirt poor as well somehow that his descendants
Owe something based upon their ethnicity to somebody else is not a biblical concept. We see we have no evidence whatsoever
That the early church operated on the basis of such a concept There is nothing in the
New Testament That tells us that once people started getting saved and you started getting people in the church who had past issues
With Their ancestors versus somebody else's ancestors That to be part of the fellowship the church meant that you had to Engage in this process of reparations.
There's just nothing in fact. It's just the opposite The the New Testament evidence is that all of that stuff is wiped out all of this stuff is identity
Christianity it is Your identity is first and foremost based upon your ethnicity and all through brother
Mason's sermon He used the plural pronoun we
So he identifies as a slave. He identifies as one who has been defrauded by this nation and so the
Ethnic identity issue first and foremost. It's It is what made the sermon what it was
It's not a New Testament concept. It is opposed to the unity that is found in the church and that unity comes from the fact that we are in Christ and that doesn't matter what your
Ethnic background is you stand before God in the exact same basis than anybody else you approach the
Lord's Supper in the exact same way As anybody else you have the same righteousness this destroys all that stuff Social justicians and The woke
Church Reestablishes all those things it rebuilds the barriers that the gospel actually takes down.
So what do we do then? with the sermon itself, well, let's um
Let's take a look at that and Here it is and I think
I can yeah And I'm using this again note studio. It's it's a
Really really really appreciate this program whoever it is that put this together Because I have just a few notes here.
All I've got to do is click on them and it goes right to that spot And it's it's great. I believe And the nice thing was
I and I did this at home save the drop box and it works here. That's Believe me
For I do not have people who do this for me What when you've when you've got video queued up I did
I did all that I don't have people to do that for me and I walk in and they hand me a cue sheet and stuff like that that there are some people who do that I could name names, but That ain't me
So it's pretty neat when you find stuff and I'll let other people know there's lots lots of people are doing stuff online these days
I'll have some more to talk about that at another point. But um, so I want you to hear some of the things that are said
And I want to respond to some of the things that are said from the sermon. This was from Sunday morning. I found this interesting and It would help if I had play going if I'm honest about you know reparations over the years.
I haven't thought a lot about it as much as I would have liked to as One of the out workings of what it looks like to kind of fix things and deal with Some of the racial tensions in our country
You know, I started thinking about it a few years back when I was asked to speak on it I've heard people talking about reparations.
I've even talked a little bit about reparations, but hadn't thought deeply about it biblical
I've even had people tell me Reparations isn't a gospel principle to to claim that somebody owes you something because of their sin against you forgiveness is enough but the question the question is um
Now, let me just mention something and just see how do you find that that that someone owe you something because of their sins against you
That's not we're talking about here That's not what reparations is. That's not what the trillions of dollars that everyone says you know
Various groups have come out and said well if it was to be really just then you we'd have to give 55 million dollars to every black person in America today and and and so on and so forth that that's
Not what he just said. Oh That's not about I have not sinned against Eric Mason.
I do not owe Eric Mason any money Okay, my my children do not my children's children do not and his children
Do not owe me anything either. In fact from a Christian perspective The only thing we owe each other is to love each other and to not put
Um Put each other under undue burdens
But it is interesting that even he said this is you know, if you define it that way
It's on a personal one -to -one level not something about something that happened
That may or may not have involved your ancestors a century and a half ago
That's that that's what? the cultural Definition is now and when he gets to and I'm not gonna take time to go into it, but He was basically saying that all black
Christians that black Christian colleges Should be funded for free for 200 years that all black
Christians who want to get a Christian education Everybody else should pay for their education for 200 years
Those were some of the things he said Um Black churches funded we all get all the rest of us get to fund their churches
This creates such an incredible division It's it's astonishing When you really think about what it actually means and what how how it would be played out
But everything we're hearing today when you think about it how it would actually be done I Mean literally it's astonishing that we are seeing articles being published about major institutions resegregating this time voluntarily
Resegregating dividing along ethnic lines and not just black white
There is this really strange underlying black Asian Division and Hispanic for that matter it is interesting to note
I suppose if your Economic status is supposed to mean something whites don't make the most money
They don't Asians do by a long shot It's primarily due to discipline.
It's a matter of discipline. It's if you are willing to put off Fulfillment of your desires and wants
You can make a lot of money in this world nearly can't and So there are some people who are raised in a culture
Often very respectful culture That are willing to do with a lot less and Hence to have more at a later point in time
But you know when I hear that that Asians Make more than whites
Nothing That just makes me happy it does then there's nothing in me that goes
I need some of their money They must be putting me down because I have no victim the only victim mentality
I have right now is when I recognize that if you still believe in the principles that this nation was founded upon you sure you're gonna be a victim
Because there are people in power now that You are doing things that's that's another another issue
It just never crosses my mind to be jealous of or consider myself to be being put down Because I realize it's not a zero -sum game
Economic growth is something that results from people working together It's not that there's just one pie and just keep getting a smaller amount somebody gets a bigger amount.
That's it's not true It's not how it works So anyway, I just thought it was interesting that he said that's true
Does the gospel work that way and we're gonna see how that works is our forgiveness enough in relation to our relationship with God Does God call for any type of?
Anything that that not is a requirement for salvation, but an outworking of salvation now, okay, that's an important distinction
Requirement for salvation versus an outworking of salvation, okay, I've I Was given a book recently when
I was in Arkansas The root and the fruit I think I think it was Beaky and Lawson on Paul and James 2
I still think one of the most important chapters I've ever written is My chapter on James 2 and Paul and the
God who justifies which is a fairly lengthy chapter, too I'm not sure if it was typeset in the same way if it wouldn't be as long as the the booklet
I was referring to But okay, I get that part but I'm really concerned where Eric Mason goes some of the comments he makes here
But one of the things that we want to do and that we want to begin to dig into Today is this idea of a case for reparation if you see me peek over to the side
I'm just um, I'm just looking and just seeing what's going on because you know, we out here we out here
And so yeah, and might I point out that being out there. Who are you afraid of?
Properly, I mean security is important. I'm not downplaying that for a second But could I but I could
I just point something out to you? that every single number that is reported by anybody that's indisputed is
You're probably not afraid of white cops That that's not who you have to be worried about what?
Yeah, I know yeah, I know That's yeah, that's that's where they are.
That's that. Yeah anyway, anyway When you look at when you look at History, you'll hear people like Dick Gregory and others and particularly the conscious community
Tell them I'm talking about reparations for black people Yeah, and so um, it's catch that so obviously so tell them, you know, what's it?
What's he talking about talking about reparations of black people? Well, that'll that'll keep you safe That'll keep you safe.
I But the point was what did he start off by saying I haven't really thought much about this it's sort of a new thing to me
No, okay. All right So we we move forward to this section here
Correcting the effects of sin on others is a strong fruit of Conversion Well, you see we're here in this text and this text has kind of been that mentioning passage if you will
That's usually mentioned in relation to reparations Well, what will peruse the the exegetical pantheon as I told you and begin to work through redemptive historical history and see if the principle
That we see in this text is something that scoured the scriptures And so when you look in verse 19, it says he entered
Jericho talking about Jesus It's interesting that he would enter Jericho this Jericho is not Okay, but notice initiating correcting the effects of sin on others is a strong fruit of conversion so he's gonna make the argument the reparations that if well you heard what he said in the
After the sermon the next day this demonic darkness of anyone who would be questioning
In the evangelical world what he was saying in this sermon. It's it's demonic darkness to not see that that the plagues were protests and and things like that, by the way,
I personally take it for what it's worth, but I See, it seems to me like he's moved a good bit away from where he was even when he wrote the book
Even in just over the past It seems like everyone The the explosion is just ongoing and people are getting farther and farther and farther away
And Again, I say this partly in the context of the fact that you know, 12 years ago
Most of us were speaking at the same conferences. We were sharing dinners together and this was not being discussed by anybody within the reformed world
This is the and and so go back 12 years. Listen to the conferences We're all speaking at listen to what we were talking about.
Listen to how we were talking about who's changed Who's changed? That's something that's that's important now this this was a section that a lot of people focused upon repentance
And so what we see here is a fruit of experiencing. God is repentance and look what his repentance does
He's I'll give it to the poor But not only that this is not just general alms give that's almsgiving because that was general almsgiving poor
But then he goes beyond just almsgiving or offering if you will for kingdom work and he said to them to the poor and then he says
And if I have extorted anything from anyone
I'll pay it back four times as much. This is interesting. It's interesting now because now
He didn't have to even say this he could have just had his sins forgiven and Him to be able to all his justification my faith through Christ alone to be enough for him to move on to people believe he was different now that this is this concerned me because Luke's not talking here about justification by faith alone in Christ alone.
That's that that this isn't Romans 3 and 4 That that's not what the story is specifically talking about again
Zacchaeus isn't even the center of the story about what is being talked about by Luke. That's obvious It's the
Son of Man coming to seek and save that which was lost But What you're hearing here is well he could have and then you throw out
Justification by faith But he did more than that So justification by faith isn't enough
And I'd be enough to save you but if you really really save then you're gonna do this reparations thing. This is what really concerns me
In what is being said? Because there are others that are significantly less
Restrained than Eric Mason in how they're presenting these particular things a couple more here
Here is the part that we've already heard about five Exodus 135 it says the
Israelites. I think this one of my favorite passages on restitution right here. I love this joint right here. It says the
Israelites acted on Moses's word and asked the Egyptians For silver so they said hey, so is it wrong to ask for reparations?
I heard a preacher last week say you shouldn't be asking for nothing You should just stay in your state that you're in you shouldn't do it Moses told him y 'all go ask them for some money
Go ahead. I ain't prosperity gospel, but but but but but I do believe but that doesn't take money out the Bible It's in there.
Hey, man man, he says Go ask for silver and gold items and for clothing.
Hallelujah. He want them to look good, too Look at that. They got clothing gear outfits
You know I'm saying fabrics and things right and it says and the Lord gave The people such favor with the
Egyptians that they gave them what they requested Now I want to give you that I'm gonna let you I'm going to give you some of this for free
Okay, hold on. But in this way, they plundered the Egyptians. This wasn't reparations.
This is plundering okay, the Yahweh Look Egypt has just been through the plagues
Okay locusts Frogs Darkness and now all the firstborn are dead.
Okay, it's almost been 2020 This is this is
Egypt's 2020. Okay They've had boils on their bodies the the water has been turned to blood
Okay, it's not been a good time. And so they're happy to see
Israel go Yes, the the Israelite workers have helped to build
Stuff, but it's been primarily for the Pharaohs and stuff bricks for the cities and the the pyramids and and and things like that Sure, the abdur average
Egyptian has benefited from their labor but there's nothing about that here it says and Yahweh gave the people such favor with the
Egyptians that they gave them what they requested What they requested This isn't reparations
This is plundering a supernatural plundering I Mean it's just for God to do this.
He's but if you don't see that all of this everything that happened With Egypt and the plagues we're gonna look at this again, just saying but Because he's about to say this the plagues
Were the judgment of God upon an evil? idolatrous nation
That's this is about God. This is what happens. We don't have a You know, you don't have a
God -centered theology got a man -centered theology. You're looking at all the wrong stuff. This is So they plundered the
Egyptians They plundered the Egyptians some people don't believe Christians to protest Do you know that this reparations was prayed because God initiated
Moses and the Israelites to protest Pharaoh and Egypt? How did they protest?
Okay. Let me just just they were not protesting
Pharaoh They were not protesting Egypt. They weren't doing anything
The plagues were divine acts What what did Israel do?
I do. Are you seriously saying that Israel was carrying signs outside of Pharaoh's palace?
Justice from Pharaoh We want good wages for our brick making or we'll throw our bricks through your windows
What? I'm sorry, but but this is laughable.
It's just laughable. It's just it's us. Where do you get this? Think about what the plagues were the the plagues
When you think about the gods of Egypt they had gods of the waters and they had gods of the
Denial, I mean the Nile was was and is the lifeblood of Egypt. And so it's flooding was
How Egypt survived you you stop the flooding? You destroy the nation and that ended up happening with you know, the
White Nile and the Stuff that's taken place. It's it's fascinating down through history anyway but their gods
Which the people of Israel had been Seeing the Egyptians worship for almost four centuries
Their gods were the gods of the dead They were the gods of animals and crops and Sun and moon and stars think about what the plagues were the darkness
Well, what about what about the the Sun God? What about the moon God powerless?
Yahweh can Can can make everything completely dark those gods are powerless against Yahweh The gods of the rivers turn them into blood powerless against Yahweh The the gods of the crops look at the locusts coming all my the plagues were
Demonstrations of the power of God and you know how I know this and this is not even a question Because it's exactly what the
Bible says Remember what Paul quoted in Romans chapter 9 about Pharaoh?
I've raised you up for this very purpose that in you my name might be made known throughout the whole earth
That's not a protest That's a demonstration of the glory of God and the power of God against idolatry
That's what happened in the plagues. That's why they're important. That's why the Exodus is important At the very founding of the nation of Israel.
God is saying to his people The thing that's gonna get you is idolatry the
Asherah the Asherim the high places the ba 'al's The syncretism that you're gonna fall into because you're gonna forget
That there's only one God and he rules over all things And that's exactly what they did that's exactly what happened that's what it was all about these were in protests
I'm sorry, but if you can connect God's demonstration of his own glory
What? 3400 years ago with American riots in the streets
You're stretching just a little bit Just a little bit. You're well, you're abusing the scriptures. That's what you're doing.
But but you're stretching just a little bit Every the ten plagues with protests When Moses with this and let my people go that was the sign that was the protest they sign
And so with that in mind, that's beautiful to me that we see that this reparations here in this passage is a direct result listen of protest of a vehement protest what
God used the protest and God anointed the protest to break down the leadership to Open their hearts to do what he called them to do because he turned the hearts of the king wherever he wants to That's not what it says
I'm sorry That's not what the text says He did not use protest he used plagues they were divine plagues
Israel was just sitting over there in Goshen going Wow They ain't making
Molotov cocktails, they ain't wearing body armor, they don't got lasers They don't have flashbangs and face masks.
They're over there in Goshen going Wow Look at what God is doing for us
This is deliverance Our God is superior to all the gods of the
Egyptians They've been looking down at us forever and our God has heard our cries.
It took 400 years, but our God has heard our cries Yep, that's what's going on.
Don't make that no protest that is Yeah, okay one last one and this is this also get picked up on By by a lot of folks and it needs to be picked up on by a lot of folks.
It's it's it's important about this is that Jesus in verse 9 of Luke 19 connects
Zacchaeus his willingness to pay reparations as a sign that he had been changed by the gospel
How many of you watching on the sound of my voice? Say that racism doesn't exist
How many you under the sound of my voice talking about? It wasn't me and I don't need to pay reparate and all of this type of stuff
If you're under the sound of my voice and you're resisting Restitution for black people because of what's happened into this country.
You may want to check your your justification Monitor, I know because some of y 'all call me a heretic because I deal with racial injustice
Well, I'm still preaching the gospel. Matter of fact, we hit the block out here We preaches the gospel to see people come to spiritual death the spiritual life
So did however, we believe that the gospel has outworkings that impact the way we relate to one another God and one another
So there you go That that was the part that I think caught most people's attention and appropriately so Because that was in essence
Sounded like you're saying is if you don't agree and notice he uses restitution reparation as if they're the same thing
They're not not biblically not legally not the Mosaic Law. They're not But he's switching back and forth between them and If you disagree with where I'm coming from on this
Then you might want to check your justification monitor What in the world that I don't know.
I Don't know but he's just connected that with What was said about Zacchaeus being changed by the gospel?
That's dangerous. I'd like to hope the best But that's dangerous very very dangerous now let me
Say something more What was truly troubling about this sermon is that in discussing
All of the bad things happening in the black community today the real reason for why those things happening was never mentioned
Was never brought up The blame was placed on the past the blame was placed all over the place, but not where it needs to be
I Don't think the term fatherlessness appeared anyway And what struck me?
Was the fact that this sermon was preached on a day when the number one song
In all the United States to my understanding and Certainly in the black community performed by two black women
Is one of the most vile filthy
Pornographic Profane Pieces of filth to ever pollute the airwaves
If you were to bleep it out If you were to bleep the bleepable part you just start at the beginning and you could just sit with your finger on it
It's that bad you can go on YouTube and Watch the explicit lyrics version and it's pornography
It's black women Seeing the praises of being street whores
In the most graphic language you'll ever find and it's the number one song in the black community you preach a sermon
About white people owing your kids money and you don't even mention that you don't even talk about that You don't talk about the fact just just last month
There's a television program where a black woman interestingly enough Has a whole bunch of black men in front of her and she hasn't stand up and tell how many
Children they have by how many different women one young man stands up. He has 28 children by 16 women
The funny thing was she kept saying no judgment for me.
No judgment for me. There needs to be judgment There needs to be shame But there isn't
But all we won't talk about that no, it's it's you just give us money reparations that's gonna heal everything
I I Don't even know what to say it's
And if you don't know what I'm talking about don't look I Heard about this song on the news and Looked it up.
I didn't make it through the video, but I saw enough to be absolutely stuck If YouTube allows that kind of thing
Then they have absolutely no basis whatsoever for engaging in any of the censorship that they do
None It is that filthy. It is that Reprehensible disgusting immoral and it's the number one song land.
And if that doesn't tell you why our cities are burning nothing will Nothing will
Yeah, yeah, there you go Ah Okay, two more things one in 2007
I Got on Twitter, I don't remember
How this happened somebody contacted me Somebody had told me that Lecrae was
Had made mention of me in some context that I had been in some way helpful to Lecrae and his guys in theology apologetic stuff like that and back in that day
It was a common thing for me I remember I think I was speaking Omaha was that Omaha, Nebraska I think it's
Omaha, Nebraska Or somewhere up in that direction. I Think I was talking about intestine reliability or something and He was telling me about just how much the ministry had meant to him and how
I had helped his faith so much and he was saying and there's there's just a lot of black brothers and sisters that Just really appreciate your bold stance on the gospel and things like that And I I started seeing more and more of that happening and I was like man, this is fantastic.
And so Someone had contacted me and said that maybe the best way to get hold of Lecrae was on Twitter So to get hold of Lecrae is why
I signed up for Twitter, and I think it was 2007 I think I go back and look I suppose
Okay, 2009 2009 I knew it was for 2010 so it was July of 2009
If this is still right and telling me when it was because I joined July of 2009 so July 2009
I get on Twitter and I do get in touch with Lecrae and they're at a hotel out in the
West Valley and so I pack up my digital projector and my computer and I go out and they talk to the manager at the hotel and we got to use the restaurant while it was closed and I set up my projector and I think
I did my intestine reliability thing for them and Then afterwards we talked
Theology and the thing that really sticks in my mind was Lecrae was saying no so often after a concert
We're talking to we're talking to guys and they've got questions I get a lot of questions about who Jesus is about the hypostatic
Union. How can you be God man? Could you talk about that? I thought it was fantastic. We spent hours
Out there and I stayed in touch with Tadashi and some of those guys and this was 2009 and then over the years stuff changed and Everybody changes
But most people Will make a comment. I mean I've had I've had people reason to say you've changed so much lately when
I challenge them on it Really is They're the ones that have changed not me
I'm still You know, we're we're looking right now At setting up debates and things like that.
I'm still dealing with the textual issues. I'm still dealing with sufficiency of scripture I'm still doing with all the stuff that I was dealing with back then we're dealing with new things
That were not challenges back then Um Transgenderism was not the challenge in 2009 than it is today.
Thanks to Obergefell in 2015, of course things have changed rapidly but we've
We're not saying that We're not we're not the ones that have changed And so yesterday
I saw a video Where Lecrae is being asked?
About the subject of homosexuality and I know What Lecrae knew about homosexuality in 2009 and I know how he would have responded in 2009
The question we have to ask is why have things changed so here's part of a interview
You know what You know what I just realized if we
If we play that they'll ding us They'll take it down. They'll take this program down.
You know, it they'll take it off YouTube They will they will that's what's gonna happen. So you can go online and watch it
If anything when you upload the High -def I'd cut even that out
I'd cut just just that little thing right there. I would I know it's an extra couple of minutes, but I'd cut it out
Cuz that's what's gonna happen. So I'll just have to tell you you can go online watch it. It's all over the place
It's on Facebook. It's on Twitter. It's everywhere. I just know what would happen if we played it. That's just Yeah, okay.
All right. Yeah, if I can find it, I'll do that The way
I described it on Facebook It's interesting you can link to all that stuff in Facebook and they're not gonna take it down But if you put on YouTube you're dead
The way I described it was that this was painful The one of the things that people had so appreciated wasn't it the 116
Romans 116? I'm not ashamed of the gospel. Wasn't that wasn't that one of the key issues back then? In fact when that part of the record label name or something like that this was a
Stumbling Way around of saying I don't I don't have it all figured out, you know,
I don't you know, no one really knows And in fact at one point the interviewer says the Bible can be interpreted a million different ways
No, it cannot. I mean I when someone says
I want to ask excuse me, but if you write me an email After you do this interview Asking me for specific information.
I write back saying well, you know, your email could be interpreted a million different ways Are you gonna buy that?
No, your email cannot be interpreted in a million different ways If you write it very poorly, it might be interpreted in in a couple different ways
But there's no way to interpret it in a million different ways Unless it is written so poorly that it can't communicate any truth at all
And that's the assumption behind the question And so any Christian that just sits there when someone says well
Bible can be interpreted a million different ways and doesn't say no That's simply not true That that is that is an insult and an attack upon the scripture, but the guy said that and the creator sat there and there was never ever a there was there was such a
Stumbling. Well, you know, I don't want to say this and I don't want to say that instead of saying well, you know
Jesus was very straightforward. There's God created male and female and Marriage because the question was asked what if what if you're one of your sons came to you and said will you be a part of my gay marriage and Look folks if you're not ready to answer that one.
You haven't been thinking Through the Christian worldview. You really haven't Because this is this is straightforward
Jesus blessed the marriage in Cana of Galilee with his presence because he designed it
So for us to come along and say he didn't get it
Right is a slap in the face of the Savior who gave himself on Calvary's cross and rose again the third day and if you claim to be his follower and You go ahead and join the group in slapping him
You're not his disciple You're not his disciple. That's what you're being asked to do
So there isn't any question about the clarity of what Jesus taught about this subject or what Paul taught about this subject or what
Moses Is taught about this subject or anybody else thought about this subject? There is no lack of clarity on this topic at all in fact the
Bible says the Bible lists homosexual activity in Fact using both
Malakoi and arsenic I take arsenic I tie at first Corinthians chapter 6 probably refers to both the male and acting female penetrated
Partner in same -sex activity says will not inherit the kingdom of heaven But such were some of you not such are some of you now do
I think Lecrae already knew all that of course I do Did he say any of that? He did not that's why it was painful to watch
Someone who barely a decade ago had been emphasizing boldness for the gospel
Now Stumbling to try to not have to say what he knows the scriptures say
What he knows It was sad. It was very very sad. I Don't think that it is grounds for some of the nastiness
I've seen Directed toward him it should be sadness if your heart's not broken about that First If your heart's broken about it, then you can point out.
Hey, this is this is terrible. This is This is reason for grieving But it's also reason to go
Lord. Don't let me go there Don't let me go that direction because the pressure is on all of us. Look there are so many people in this
You Know so many videos on Twitter now that it my eye goes over there.
It's it's another one of those videos of these Quote -unquote protesters and that's not a proper term
Going anarchists criminals thugs going up to people who are sitting in restaurants stuff like that trying to get them to be communists
And berating them and threatening them if they don't it's just it's astonishing A one reason
I'm not going to restaurants at all. That's that really hasn't crossed my mind That's not happening in Phoenix that I'm aware of Not yet.
Give a time but Yeah, yeah, it's true.
There's no question about the Mayor of Phoenix would like to see that happening But I also think that most in a lot of places like Arizona, Arkansas places like that There's the thought in a lot of people's behind a lot of people's mind
Lot more of these people are armed everybody up in Portland knows nobody up there is armed.
So But that's not the case down here. So Yeah, you got you got lots of concealed carry weapons permits around here
Though when they come in, they're all sitting there doing this number automatically We wanna we want to get video of anybody because then we can edit it and make him look like terrible horrible people
Well, that's what was going on. That's I had to minimize it. So anyway All right.
One last thing here on Friday Thursday Friday Thursday Thursday of last week because it was after the dividing line or I'd posted before the dividing line then after the dividing line
I saw all the comments Dr. Timothy Keller from New York had posted a tweet on the subject of John Calvin quoting from the
Institute's and it was in the context of the social justice movement and I Simply pointed something out that I'm astonished is not just obvious to everybody
But I've become very concerned because I've seen a number of people I read a position paper of a church recently
And they were doing a lot of quotation from Puritans and people like that and making application to the modern situation
That we are in Quoting from people who lived in sacral societies.
Now, let me explain what a sacral society is sacralism is the union of church and state
Not necessarily to the point of total coalescence But you see sacralism in Europe for a thousand years it starts the first step is the
Constantinian synthesis when Constantine attends the Council of Nicaea that is a
First step now no one at that time could could have possibly known where that was gonna go
But by 380 with Theodosius you have you have the proclamation of Rome as a
Christian Empire but even then
That is not going to tell you what you're gonna get you know few years later you have
Augustine giving in and Allowing for and even arguing for the use of government suppression of the
Donatists But even then he couldn't know that that was actually going to lay the foundation literally lay the foundation
For what we would call the Inquisition hundreds of years later He didn't know that but it did it was part of that developmental process over time and so by time of the
Reformation Europe has for many centuries as long as anyone can remember and especially because of the development of anachronism during the
Middle Ages where people thought that things had always been this way and that's why they had paintings of David Living in a castle with armor
Because that's what Kings do Europe had experienced sacralism.
And so how did that work out? Well, for example, you have the huge conflict between the papacy and various kings and emperors in regards to ultimate authority
Investiture controversies and and all sorts of things like that going on And so you've got armies invading
Italy to take the Pope captive and then you've got the Pope having Emperors stand outside his door for three days in the snow before forgiving them all within the same couple hundred years and so it's a struggle back and forth and and So under a sacral system, for example heresy was a crime heresy was a crime and so you would be
Prosecuted by the church and then executed by the state. That's sacralism
Fritz Erba died in The castle church not in the castle church, but in the
Vartburg castle Because even Lutheranism was still a sacral society.
The great fear that Luther had was that in the creation of a
Lutheran Church, which he did not want that name by the way, but in the in the Reformation you would end up with Societal collapse and anarchy.
That was his greatest fear, especially after the peasants were involved in 1525 If you want to see a lecture on this
I did a lecture on this at the Sovereign Nations thing in in Washington and was that 2018
I think it was November of 2018 I think somewhere around No 2017 because we just come back from from from Germany.
Yeah, so So anyway, the point is sacralism is this church state connectedness
To where the laws of the state and laws of the church feed into one another and It also means that everybody in one particular area all belongs to the same religion
This is this is one one aspect of the societies back then that we really struggle with Because we've got a church in every corner.
We've got religious freedom Vast majority of our fellow citizens are not really religious at all.
They don't attend services regularly anywhere And that's what we are accustomed to but When you go back and you consider the
Reformation you consider the days of Wycliffe, for example in the centuries before Everybody in the society is the same religion.
There are no Buddhists here. There are no Muslims here Your neighbor is
A part of the same church you are in fact your neighbor This is important.
You want sacralism? Here's sacralism the baptismal roles of the church
Were the tax roles of the state? Which is why the
Anabaptists Were killed Why did why did why is it that I've walked over the bridge in Zurich, Switzerland?
Where Anabaptists were given their third baptism? What's a third baptism?
Well, they would have been baptized as a child because that's what everybody was Then they came to the conclusion.
That wasn't a valid baptism. So they then were baptized which was illegal and Then they're given a third baptism when they were executed by drowning from the bridge
Why would you execute someone for their view of baptism? Because they wouldn't baptize their children if you don't baptize your children.
They're not on the tax rolls of the state The state takes a dim view has always taken and will always take a dim view to any reduction in a tax base
Well, it would be considered treasonous in light of the taxes were needed to fight off the
Muslims hordes and so on and so forth So this is sacralism, this is this is what Europe had experienced as in as long as anyone could remember and in fact
In light of certain forged documents such as the nation of Constantine It was thought that this had been this had gone all the way back to that that time period it hadn't but That was the that was the idea
So what I was saying when I commented on Keller's tweet
Was that there is a context To anything that you are going to read from the mid 1550s.
I said 1555. I should have said 1559 The Institutes were written and started in 1535 that went through various editions.
You had the Latin editions. You had the French editions 1559 was the final
Latin edition. There was a French edition in the early 1560s he died in 1564
Calvin did so I should have said 1559. It would have been a better date, but I think I said 1555 I keep getting stuck with 1555 in my head.
I've told the story before my 1550 Stefano's down there I kept calling it 1555 for many years. I I just really liked the year 1555 for some reason anyhow
But what I was pointing out is that if you're gonna quote from Calvin if you're gonna quote from any of the
Puritans Because even they later on are still in a Primarily it's breaking down the
Reformation started to break it down also brought in eventually the Enlightenment and humanism, too
But if you're gonna be quoting these people then you need to realize that the Calvin especially when he's talking about almsgiving and things like that Everybody in Geneva is a part of the church in Geneva It is a sacral system, so your neighbor is your fellow church member the distinction that we would have to deal with a given religious liberty and then be given the secular society in which we now live and the fact that we're dealing with with the social justice movement and with neo -marxism and everything else is
There there was there's nothing in In Calvin's context that even comes close to the worldview that we are now having to deal with Trust me
What what was the big stain on Calvin's reputation give in history drill easy
Miguel Cervantes, right? No one thought of it as a big stain in that day because Cervantes had already been condemned by the
Inquisition he escaped the night before his burning jumping over the outhouse in his pajamas and made a beeline for Geneva and All of Europe viewed
Cervantes Catholic or Protestant as a heretic who had to be
Executed it was a sacral society from north to south east to west
That's the way it was. He was an anti -trinitarian heretic and so when you look at Calvin and You ask the question what would
Calvin have done with Transgenders what would have been the law of Geneva about a transgender?
execution Right, no question none.
No one no one could possibly argue that I Mean they had a big thing over slit breaches
Let alone transgenderism So there is nothing in Calvin's worldview He there is nothing about Equity and equality in the
Marxist concept God makes the rich and God makes the poor There is all sorts of stuff
Appropriately in the Institutes, especially because he wrote the Institute's initially Dedicated to whom the king of France why because he's
French But he can't go back to France because it's illegal for him to be in France so he talks about the necessity of caring for the poor and all the
New Testament exhortations to To the fatherless and the widow and the book of James and all of it is there as it should be
But it never ever could have had in his mind any connection to the forced government redistribution of wealth based upon some kind of Marxist idea of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat or now based upon critical theory
That is not a part of Calvin's experience. That is not a part of the sacral world of the 16th century and So to try to forge a link is invalid.
So I simply pointed out Dr. Keller is where that what he's quoting from is from a sacral society and that Calvin's primarily talking about I I mean anybody in Europe at that time would be considered to be a
Christian. They might be a Roman Catholic But hey as long as I was trying to kill you he was up for Calvin wasn't running around trying to say go kill all the
Roman Catholics. That wasn't that wasn't what he was about So I tweeted something about look this is an important issue you have to take sacralism into consideration well
Ha What came back well, first of all, I was really surprised
I think it's the first time he's ever responded to me We've never met But his response
Well, the last line of his response left me going Huh? He basically said well, but what
Calvin was saying was was universal application and besides that London and Paris were not
Sacral something I should have I probably have it saved somewhere in my files, but I didn't bring it up and I was
So I'm pondering that going what? And I start reading down the responses
The the Tim Keller fanboy club showed up and all these memes.
Oh What a burn. Oh Wow slam Man whites never could be able to type again.
All his fingers are broken and you know, just all this Incredibly childish stuff.
I'm just sitting there going Is this just due to 2020 or what?
I don't get it It was it was an amazing display amazing display especially because the tweet that they're all celebrating as this
Incredible Refutation its last line was
Sadly fallacious It literally said London and Paris were not sacral societies
Then what were they? Who was the king? I'm sorry.
Who was the head of the church in London in 1559? when the last edition of the
Institute's was was Was published Well, it might have been a Queen in England But it was who's who's the head of the
Anglican Church today? the Queen of England to this very day Now London is no longer a sacral city by a stretch of the imagination
But there were I think 11
Baptists either drowned or burned in London in 1611 when the
King James was translated That's a sacral society Besides that London is a city not a nation if you want to talk about that you talk about Britain England and Paris, that's
France You telling me France was not a sacral society at this point in time.
Why couldn't Calvin go back home? Why'd he had to flee from France?
Because France is a sacral society and he's a heretic which means he will be executed because it's sacral society the statement that dr.
Keller made was Unbelievably false. I mean, I just don't know if he just doesn't know what sacralism is what confused it with another term?
I don't know. I Have no earthly idea but what I do know is his followers will believe whatever he says even when it's laughably wrong and Think it's a great slam in the process
Amazing I that that was just that's why I didn't I I posted some stuff on my own feed didn't
Address it to dr. Keller By posting some stuff in my own feed knowing that once I had a chance to do the dividing line
I was gonna go. Okay. Here's what sacralism is Here's how sacralism functions.
Here's why it was relevant to what I said Here's why it's relevant to people who are trying to forge connections
It should not be forged in light of the massive chasm in worldview that exists today And this is why that last tweet from dr.
Keller was not even I'm sorry That's not gonna get past the first year of church history on the undergraduate level
It was that bad. So I don't know what he was talking about. But his followers certainly thought it was awesome.
Yes, sir Put your piece in I have the actual quote in front of me.
Okay, and it's actually I think worse than what you're remembering Oh, well, I try to be nice James Calvin wrote the ecclesiastical
Ordinances for Geneva. He wrote his institutes for all Christians everywhere
Paris London everywhere They were not sacral societies So, how about that a distinction that that is just utterly fallacious.
That's just wrong. I mean Yes, he obviously he wrote specific things for Geneva, but the institutes were meant for everyone in Geneva as well and London and Paris were sacral societies because the nations that they were the capitals of were sacral societies.
So I Maybe he misunderstood the whole point the whole point being that a a sacral society and a
Secular society are very different contexts as to how we are to relate to people outside the fellowship of the faith,
I Don't know. I don't know or maybe look
I Said this before not trying to start a war but in 2015 or 14 may have been 13
Actually was earlier than that nothing about because I was in Boulder So that was real so did 20 to 2011 ish
Maybe 2012 Anyway, I was in I've told the story before I was driving in Colorado Doing one of my bike rides.
I but I wasn't riding the bike. I was actually driving a rental car at the time and I the local
Christian station had Dr. Keller on and he just put out a book on Christian suffering and so I Don't know him very well.
I've not read many of his books packed I don't think I've ever read a Tim Keller book to be honest with you But this was an interesting subject one that's relevant to stuff that I've written and stuff so Had a long drive.
So I was listening and the thought that crossed my mind After listening to that entire program was that man's not a
Westminster man His answers to questions of suffering the sovereignty of God were not
Reformed they just weren't they were they were not based upon the sovereignty of God. They were not based upon a decree of God They were not based upon Providence They were very much based upon something else and I Am NOT the only person
Who has noted a Consistent tendency in dr.
Keller to promote concepts that we would call social justice concepts derived from neo -marxism and so Maybe he interpreted my words
From that kind of a concept. I don't know but I can tell you one thing what he said about church history was false and I think
I've demonstrated that and so to all of you Quote unquote semi -reformed guys that were just rejoicing
Wow, it was embarrassing I Didn't I didn't I may have actually you know what?
I did take some screen caps so I could name some names I'm not going to I'm not going to I would just suggest that if you're if you're gonna do the victory dance type thing
You might you might want to remember that very famous video
That is available. It's probably available as a gif gif. Whatever you call it these days where The guy's taking a penalty shot in in football or soccer as we call it here in United States but the guy blocks it up and the goalie
Thinks that's it. I I did it we won the game and So he starts celebrating and running toward the sideline
He had just blocked the ball straight up, but it was spinning and so when it came back down it just boom right into the goal and He lost
You might want to wait it started was it Leon let don't
Leon those guys were Leon letting all over Twitter so you just Yep, yep.
Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep, so Yep, there you go.
All right. Anyway, Wow, we went for what an hour and 45 minutes there some long those lines Yeah, there you go, there you go, so we had some stuff to catch up on anyways, so Just to let you know
We have Agreement from Dr.
Riddle Jeffrey Riddle for he and I to debate and You know, dr.
Riddle had said it'd be wonderful to do this in person. It would be it would have been I traveled last weekend.
Well, not this past weekend the weekend before that it stunk And it's not just because I had a bad travel day because I did and got home what?
Seven eight hours after I was supposed to and Almost ended up spending the night on the floor in DFW And stuff like that, but it was the fact that it was in the land of the zombies the
Face -masked I do not know how much traveling I'm going to do to be honest with you
In the future because I believe the face mask mandates will remain in place permanently in the future
I Believe that because the logic behind it, which is not logic at all, but the logic behind it demands it
There are infectious diseases. There have always been infectious diseases on every aircraft that has ever flown That are far more destructive than COVID -19 that have far higher death rates in COVID -19 so logically
We will always have to wear face masks on aircraft. I'm not doing it. It's it's damaging your to your health
And I'm not I'm not gonna do it. So I'm not sure how much traveling I'm doing. I would love to do this in person but these days
Seriously by the way before you hit that button I have not I Have not spoken to rich about this this scares rich to death when
I do something like this But I have been thinking
I have been thinking and that could be dangerous But back before Jet aircraft people traveled around and they did motor tours and I'm just wondering no,
I didn't mention this part. I'm just wondering if there's anybody in our audience That has been sitting there going, you know
I've got this thing I'm not using this thing But man trying to sell this thing's a pain
If we had a really usable RV that's something that I could see
Doing touring in to be honest with you And I like being at the churches like the church
I was at we go Sunday Might have had 50 people at it. I Like doing that.
I've always liked doing that And so I could
I could see the possibility and It would be take a lot of work do it but arranging a road trip
With a central debate in the middle of it In person and then stopping in various states churches special meetings on special topics along the way on the way back and So maybe there might be
Somebody out there. You've got you know We've got this RV we turned out we couldn't use it the way we wanted to it actually, you know really
Would have the miles in it to be able to to do what you're talking about that. That'd be great to have you use it to travel around and do your type that type of stuff and so That would be a possibility so I didn't mention
Oh rich is laughing the other I'm just waiting for Reformed memes to get their hands on this idea
Yes, the it's gonna look something Jed Clampett shit the clam There's gonna be cartoons of my head sticking out of an
RV. You know, we'll debate for gas and stuff like that. Yeah It's coming it's gone no no toys about it, but I'll throw that out there because I Do like meeting with folks the last you know when
I went to Arkansas it was so neat talking to people again after the various presentations like at the seminary and and and the two churches
I was at and things like that and You know people talking about how they were brought out of this false
Teaching and that false teaching through the ministry and and things and it it is it's great to to get to do that once in A while, but if I had an
RV, here's the other advantage. I've had an RV. I Can always stick my bike in the
RV And that means I can now, you know one last thing What?
Oh Yeah, no roadies. No, no, no. No, it's not a caravan. We're not gonna have Yeah, well
Kelly could be murdered. Yeah, if she liked doing nothing, we'll see anyway So so one other thing that this would be funny this is this would do you know what a pack tour is
PAC pack tour Pacific Atlantic Coast tour A bucket list idea for me.
I Love to do a pack tour. Look it up. It's where you ride your bike from, California to Massachusetts Kelly could follow me in the
RV. Yeah, I suppose But this is actually something where there's an actual group that takes care of everything for you
All you've got to do is ride your bike But I you know the thought that I've had That's not easy to do it's about a hundred and ten miles per day for over a month
So you got it that that's the only thing you're doing Basically, and obviously I'd have to we'd have to find some way for me to do reports and stuff like that But the thought
I've had We've never done anything like this, but that'd be an incredible fundraiser
We've never done anything like that before it would give me real motivation Because that's tough.
That's really really hard, but it'd be sort of fun to do live updates and You'd know exactly what the course is going to be so you could have meetups with folks not that I would be overly energetic
But you could have meetups with folks along the way and it would be it'd be really we've got our 40th anniversary coming up We got to do something.
So so you'd maximize KOA You what KOA campgrounds?
Not on not on the Atlantic Coast thing bring everybody in and just start, you know No, whatever the
Pacific Atlantic Coast thing is is that they sort of get to determine that stuff. But the point is doing something huge like that and maybe as a celebration of You know, we didn't do it.
We forgot last week the 30th anniversary of my first debate. We forgot it. We just based it
I mean, we are the world's worst Promoters, it's horrible. Other people would have had hats and Swag and and coffee cups.
I think we're going to have to have Josh do a t -shirt That that has the
Cairo on it and at the bottom. This is the world's worst Promoters world worst world worst marketers world's worst market.
It's just it's just unbelievable But yeah, don't you remember when people used to do fundraisers where you'd get three three cents per mile or something like that?
Well three cents per mile Would be what 90 bucks or 900 90,
I think 90 bucks. It's over 3 ,000 miles across the across the US. So You know, who knows maybe that's maybe that's something to do.
I'll have to have to think about that. That'd be sort of fun That'd be sort of fun. But then you know your idea might work to just Have Kelly follow me in the
RV all day Because I mean I it'd be easy to find what routes they use that that that that would be very easily done and you can sort of Decide how far
I wanted to go and yeah, that'd be interesting. That'd be interesting. Anyways Thanks for watching the program today