Francis Chan Meets Beecher



Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "...but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you."
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry.
Mike Abendroth here with Pastor Esteban Cooley. Greetings.
We're going to be taking live calls today. Yeah. Oh, no, we're not. Now, initially, the radio station, Steve, as you know, wanted us to take live calls.
Now, why didn't we do that? It was too dangerous. I remember taking calls for Tom Krause with his show,
Engaging, what was it, Engaging Your World? Engaging the World? I was going to say Engaging Your Mind. But... Maybe that was it.
Engaging Your Wife, I think it was called. Somebody sent me a thing the other day about, speaking of that, there's a new
Messianic Judaism polygamy movement going on. They wanted to take, get my assessment on it.
Yeah. Where are they located? I don't know, but it seems bad. Utah? Maybe Bronx, something like that.
Bronx? Really? Yeah. Yeah, it seems bad. Only because it's a violation of the law, but...
Well, that's right. Yes. For now. Kind of theonomy, polygamy, polyandry. So today on No Compromise Radio, I wanted to start off,
Steve, today's just kind of a potpourri show. Steve, a lot of ministries like numbers now.
Conferences have numbers. Ministries have numbers. Remember NoCo90?
It's out 90 seconds, 90 degree angle. Remembrance. You know, like what? Back in the old days,
NoCo90. We even have our own channel. You know, actually, NoCompromise90 is the
YouTube channel because NoCo90 was taken. No. Yeah, NoCo90 was taken.
I was flabbergasted. I was appalled. In equal measure? Yes, in equal measure.
Okay. So today in the news, we got a brochure from a new conference and it's called 16 -5,
Risking Change. 16 -5, a local church here. What's 16 -5 mean?
I thought 16 -5 was the Patriots record from a couple of years ago. I think they counted their preseason games that year.
16 -5. Now, that kind of sounds cool. We need a new one. So if you're listening today and you want to help us make up a new slogan...
Are you sure it's not 165, you know, like they want to make a 180, but they can't quite get on? It's not quite a full turn, a harmonological hangover.
He's only mostly repented. I looked this up, Steve, and it's got things like Lagos Training, Exhibit Hall Open, Why Risk Change, Fear Factor.
I think that's the eating leeches part. Nice. One of my favorite things to do. Yes. And then
I saw at the very bottom, it said, well, the top said dealing with difficult people.
That's a show in and of itself. Yes. An epic show.
And it says Act 16 -5. And so I read that. So the churches were strengthened in the faith and they increased in their numbers daily.
So there you have it. Great. It's The Daily Show. Yeah. The Daily Show. I'm going back to the difficult people thing because I'm wondering, you know, like me, we should do a series of the difficult people we've had at Bethlehem Bible Church, Volume 1.
And then we just start talking about it. It reminds me of, I think it was my brother. He said there are about five or ten different kinds of people that attend churches.
And we all, as pastors, have the same five or ten kind of people. We just know them by different names and faces.
So you have the Hebrews 13 person. They just give the pastors joy. They serve. They evangelize, hungry for the
Word of God. We've all got those in our churches. You know what? I think I'm going to write a book about that.
I'm going to call it The Five Love Languages. Well, there are some other things here.
Let's see. Preaching shouldn't be a lullaby. See? Kevin Maloney. I like that. That's pretty good.
Wasn't he the chief of police? Kevin Maloney. Oh, wait a minute. He was with the Dodgers. Oh, yeah.
See, I didn't know that. I didn't know that. I went to the Dodger Stadium probably in 19— I think he was a general manager. All right.
Steve, I'd like to know what's going on in evangelicalism today. It seems like things are crazy. I was watching some of the
Passion 2013 HD videos. Steve? I couldn't even watch it.
I lost my passion for it. 60 ,000 people. 60 ,000? Where do they hold that thing?
Passion Center? I don't know. What is it? Maybe the Atlanta— The Passion Pit? Yeah, yeah. I don't know.
I didn't do the research. Were they using fireworks and stuff? Well— 60 ,000.
I mean, that's a football stadium. It is. The stage looked actually kind of cool. It looked like it was a
U2 stage or something like that. Who was the opening act? Kiss or what? Probably Beth Moore or something.
So I was watching Francis Chan's video, 52 Minutes, and he did open the
Bible, actually, at minute 19. Well, that's good. Yeah. So that was important. But Steve, here's what—
Time to text? 19 minutes. Yeah. T -T -T. What I didn't really understand, though, is
Francis admitted in the message there—I think that you could call it a message, I don't know, a messageette, something with passion and feelings.
I'd call it a message moment. Okay. And I don't know if people know this, but I had
Greek class with Francis Chan. Did you really? I think he was probably a better student than I was initially.
Is that saying a whole lot, though? So here's what I didn't like. His church now in San Francisco, he said they pray—no, he teaches the
Bible for, I think, five minutes, he says, maybe ten. They pray or sing for five or ten minutes, then they go out and do social things, social—you know, feed the poor and talk to people, strike up conversations at Pete's Coffee or someplace, and then they come back and talk about it for two hours.
Well, you don't want to get bogged down in the Bible, I mean, you know. What does that say about New Testament worship?
If that was a Wednesday night, I don't really like his liberalism and his social gospel and feeding the poor and his view of ecclesiology and his mysticism and all that other stuff.
Other than that, he's pretty good. But what does this say Sunday morning worship service?
I was almost as flabbergasted by that comment as I was when he said he likes to walk by sorcerers or card readers or palm readers or something and see—
Fortune tellers. And then he wanted them to kind of be freaked out by him because he was a man of God.
Wow, there goes a man of God. It's just like Acts 16 where Peter—I mean,
Paul—I mean, Peter, which one is it anyway? Well, I think that was a setup because he did ask the congregation of 60 ,000 who that was.
Was it Peter or was that Paul or was it Mary? I don't think it was a setup. Let me ask you something, you know, who are you to criticize him?
Have you ever spoken before 60 ,000 people? Have you ever had a church explode in growth?
Have you ever, you know, gone out and fed the homeless? Well, you know what? I did write the original
Crazy Love. Did you really? Yeah. And he took that from me in Greek class. All the ideas and stuff that I had as we were listening to Professor McDougall and the rest is liberalism.
He took your ideas? See, I thought it was a—Crazy Love was a song from Poco.
I thought it was Neil Young's backup band. Well, that's crazy horse, but not bad.
So that's one thing that's kind of interesting to me. I have cued up the Beth Moore speech as well because we've got a lot of people, even in the
NoCo90 room, who somehow think Beth Moore might be wise to listen to. She started off probably fairly biblical, but she's off in some weird orbit.
She would be wise to listen. That would be— Where is Beth Moore's husband? People didn't get the joke.
It's not really a joke, but the question is, if you're a husband of a woman and your wife starts talking about mysticism and God talking and going away from the
Bible and doing weird Catholic chants and stuff, then your husband probably needs to step up and say, you know what, babe, don't preach to men and don't do
Catholic mysticism. And you might say, well, where did you get an idea like that? Well, listen, Ephesians 5, wives submit to your own husbands as to the
Lord. Verse 23, for the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church.
And so, Steve, if Janet's off the deep end, I'd probably have a little discussion with you, wouldn't
I? I would think so. You would want me to do that? Yeah. All right. See, the other thing that's got me in a proverbial pickle—and of course,
I love Ligonier ministry and have learned so much from R .C. Sproul and the tapes and all that stuff—I'm not saying that I want to sue them for having a no -compromise conference this year, because I didn't even make up No Compromise, right?
So I don't own— Wait, didn't we copyright it? I think we copyrighted
NoCo 90 with the graphics or something like that that Josh did. Oh, you mean—okay.
You know, I always like it when Carl Truman says our website, our website NoCo Compromise Radio, when it's not being hacked, he says it looks like it was some
ACDC art or something. What would he mean by that? That he really likes it a lot?
He does. And I know some inside information about Carl and a future ministry that he has, and you're going to have to stay tuned to this broadcast.
He's going to go on tour? I asked Carl to write a book with me.
Did you know that? Did you really? I did. And of course, he shot you down in flames. And he said, all right, Mike, it was such a great idea for a topic and title.
I'll write it as Carl Truman, but I'll just add your name. I think that's the best idea
I've ever heard. That would have been a bestseller. Actually, he said he would consider it, but he's got so many other projects, it would have to be three years down the pike.
Wow. Pipe. Pike pipe. Three years down— The pipe. Well, the pike here, because, you know, you have to pay a toll for anything that you do.
Yeah, I heard the tolls are going up unless you're not registered as an American citizen.
Then it's free. Just flash a card and you go free. Nice. Yes. So anyway, here's my question, though.
If we're going to stand up for no compromise and we don't want to be compromisers, although we know we do, and point to the
Lord Jesus Christ as the one who never compromised, why is Ligonier—and I emailed them, but I haven't heard back—why is
Ligonier asking Ravi Zacharias to come and speak at a no -compromise conference at Ligonier when he's now pushing
Joyce Meyer's false gospel and false teaching by pushing her?
I can explain that, because, you know, when you're at the Ligonier conference, you're very busy, the schedule's very full, and by having
Ravi come, it gives you a couple opportunities to go out and get some dinner. This magic moment.
Just a little blank spaces in the schedule that you can leave. Steve, I mean, Ravi Zacharias, if they were going to have a conference on ecumenical
Arminianism with evidentialists showing up or something, I'm sure R .C.'s a friend of the guy, they have similar apologetical styles.
I'm not saying Ravi is not a Christian or he hasn't done things in the past that, you know, the Lord has blessed.
But these days, you cannot get on Joyce Meyer's radio show—TV show, rather—and talk about her and promote her and include her in the realm when she denies substitutionary atonement, she denies penal substitution.
She's a word -faith, false, heretical teacher. OK, what's the guy's name who wrote the books, the many, many books on the last days?
Gomer Pyle? No, no, the, you know, left -behind series. LaHaye. LaHaye. Well, he was on the
Benny Hinn show. You know, this was while I was in seminary still. He was on the Benny Hinn show, and he's sitting right on the couch.
So this is not anything new. He's sitting on the couch with Benny Hinn, and he says, well, as you've said many times,
Pastor Benny, he called him. And then, you know, LaHaye rattles off the gospel. And I'm like,
Benny Hinn's never said that. And the same thing with Joyce Meyer. Why would you get on her show? But there are people even on the
Internet who want to, you know, forget Beth Moore. They want to defend Joyce Meyer. But I think there are two different kinds of people.
One is an obvious heretic, and the other one, she just needs a husband to reel her in. Where are the elders?
It's like Wayne Grudem, when people say, well, I'm a woman and I'm able to teach men because I'm under the authority of the elders.
And Grudem always likes to say, I guess if your elders tell you it's OK to sin, you can sin.
Yeah, go ahead and violate the Bible. It's OK. You have what we like to call an elder's indulgence.
Steve, I saw a thing on the Internet the other day, and it had the top 10 most horrible Bible verses.
And so atheists and unbelievers and other people will compile these, and they like to go, you know, with the ones about, you know, hack
Agag to death. Jesus wept. No, they didn't pick that one. And they like, you know, to say a horrible verse,
Romans 1 and homosexuality. But at the top of the list. Number one.
Number one was 1 Timothy chapter 2 about Paul saying, as he spoke the words of God, that you're not allowed to have a woman teach or exercise authority over a man because of the creation order and because of the fall.
Shocking. The number one. I have no words for that.
Well, you know what? Wasn't Mary, wasn't she a preacher, the Virgin Mary? No. Wasn't Ellen G.
White? Well, she was a preacher, just a false prophet. So for me in my life,
Steve, as I make bad decisions, then the best way to rectify a bad decision is to make a good decision after that.
So I just would hope our friends and comrades at Ligonier would say no to Ravi Zacharias.
It's not too late. And of course, we don't have to agree with everything a person believes to have them come and speak at the church.
So we have Rick Phillips come and speak, and we love Rick and his ministry and Reformation 21, but we don't agree with him on baptism and infant baptism.
That's pretty much a no -brainer. I think people hide behind that. Well, we don't agree with everything. Would we let R .C. Sproul preacher?
We would, but he couldn't be an elder. Okay. Would we let Sinclair Ferguson preacher? We would, but I'd probably let him be an elder.
That's funny. I think at Capitol Hill Baptist Church, you have to be a member to receive communion, and so you can't be a member unless you are a
Believer's Baptist, and so then R .C. Sproul or Sinclair could go there to preach, but they couldn't have communion?
How would that work out? That's kind of odd. It might not be the case, but I think it might be. That's kind of odd. Steve, very important here today on No Compromise Radio.
Some end times beliefs made it through our desk. Andrew is always sending us stuff.
He is a No Compromise listener, and he's also a Wretched Radio listener, and when he sends things, do you notice,
Steve? It says, to info at nocompromiseradio .com, copy idea at Wretched Radio.
Yeah, because he's just trying to get his ideas on the air, and he knows, implicit in this, is he knows that Wretched won't touch it.
Yeah, he knows Todd doesn't read emails like we do. We care about our constituency. That's right. We are very devoted to the massive audience.
Because I told Andrew that when he sends these things in, if he puts it info at nocompromiser at the top, that means there's a love gift included.
The love gift apparently is the little picture there. So it says, end times beliefs that never made it by theological satire.
I guess satire is the last name. Theological is his first name. What's his nickname? What would his nickname be?
Teddy. Thelio. And so I like Teddy better.
Here's what it says. Throughout the history of the church, many different systems of eschatological interpretation have gained popularity among Christians.
While you are probably familiar with the more common viewpoints, what would be some common viewpoints? Well, dispensationalism, pre -trib, pre -mill, post -mill.
Okay. These are some of the lesser known end times scenarios.
So Steve, today on No Compromise Radio, I'd like to ask you, if you ever heard of these, you think they're big, do you have a following?
I'd love for our next elder candidate to have to answer some of these questions. Yeah, yeah. I think that's good because, you know, your view of end times.
It's critical. It's critical. Yeah. Pre -tribulational, post -millennial. So the majority of people on earth will eventually be converted by the gospel.
Once this happens, all the true believers will be raptured and a very small number of unbelievers will be left on the earth to suffer through a seven -year period of tribulation.
It sounds very similar to purgatory to me. I mean, this is kind of like, right?
They go, you think hell's bad, just wait till you get through this. And it's like, you know, seven years of, that is kind of mind -boggling.
What would be the purpose of that? Let's see what else we have here. Dispensational amillennialism.
Now, I don't even know how we could wrap our minds around that theological conundrum. There's a future for Israel, a future kingdom, a literal thousand years.
There's a future for the church. Okay. Yeah, because the church is Israel now. It's spiritualized.
So a literal, no, not a literal, a spiritual 1 ,000 years. It says, although we are not sure what the dispensational amillennialists believe because their leader,
Dr. Kim Walvard Bovink, has been locked away in an institution for several years.
This is only satire, remember? 18 -5, 24 -3. Trying to reconcile those two would be very difficult.
16 -5. Okay, Steve, give us the next one. According to dogmatic panmillennialists, the events of Revelation are far too complicated for anyone to understand.
They insist that everything will pan out the way God wants in the end. Therefore, any in -depth study of eschatology is certainly unwise and probably even sinful.
Well, I think the actual story of Peter Pan was based on this theological concept.
I like that though. You know, actually, this is closer to my own view than many. Steven, the open theist panmillennialist insists that even
God doesn't know how everything will work out in the end. I've read that book. So affirming human will that God is dogmatic about what he doesn't know because he's open theist panmillennial.
Nice. Okay, go ahead. Do the next one. The premillennial preterist school of interpretation is only found among a very small group of Catholics, Roman Catholics.
Premillennial means, and then preterist, well, preterist, you know, having most of the prophecies of Revelation in the
Bible fulfilled. Or all. Right. By the time that the temple was destroyed.
So that's in 70 AD. It says Satan was released from his prison to go out and deceive the nations, i .e.
the Protestant Reformation. Under this view, we are currently living in another unforeseen gap period, which spans between the end of the millennium and the final judgment.
And then we have the last one, though, for those who love The Thief in the Night. Remember watching The Thief in the
Night? No. No. See, I ended up watching The Thief in the Night, and I wish I could sing the song that went along with it.
What does it say? How does it go? Yeah, I don't know. I almost started to sing
DOA by Blood Rock, but I figured that would be a bad one to sing. When I was at Kmart, I was probably 13, 14 years old.
I had 49 cents for a 45 record, and I went and bought
Blood Rock's DOA, and it's about his girlfriend got in a car accident and died, and they took her to the morgue.
And the lady behind the counter, bless her heart, she gave me the look that was like, who are you?
Who is your mother? And why would you buy such a 45? For 49 cents?
See, I think the least I ever paid for a 45 was 69 cents, so that's pretty good.
I think I was younger than you were and snuck out of the house or something. I think it must have been some kind of Nebraska deal in L .A.
They just, you know, there was a premium on. Do you remember your first album that you bought? Yes, I do.
What was that? Are you able to tell us? I can. I can tell you I spent $3 .88 for it.
Tanya Tucker, Delta Dawn? No. Let's see. Let me guess something else.
Three Dog Night, Joy to the World? No, but that's, you're getting closer. See, I bought that also with DOA Blood Rock.
I brought enough money for two things. How about Close to You by The Carpenters?
Seriously? Yeah. Okay. Well, you know what? I guess for those people out there who love
Captain and Tennille, then they can identify with you. Love will keep us together, baby. You know, it's a muskrat kind of thing.
If you thought this was bizarre, it says, not Steve's record choice, but this other thing. Pre -tribulational preterists claim that the rapture happened exactly seven years from any second ago.
I find that all very confuzzling. Steve, anything else we need to make mention of today before we wrap up this segment of No Compromise Radio?
Anything else we need to mention? Yeah. Well, you know, now that the, sure, let's talk about Andy Stanley.
That'll be a short show. Hail, hail to the pastor -in -chief.
Hail, hail. Andy Stanley tells President Obama he should be called pastor -in -chief. Well, he should be called pastor -in -chief.
What is this? I guess John Winthrop and some of the Puritans are actually right. City that sets on a hill.
Yeah. I guess this is going to be correct. Why would Andy Stanley say something like that?
Well, apparently it was because of his message that he delivered at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.
And it convinced Andy Stanley, who preached at this morning's pre -inaugural church service, that the president has a cleric's touch.
Obama should be called the pastor -in -chief, said Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Georgia, after he thanked, after he, quote, thanked
POTUS for work after Newtown shooting tragedy when he spoke to mourners.
He's got the pastor's touch. What if he really had a pastor in the
White House? Would he act any differently than Obama's acting now, President Obama? I can promise you he would act differently.
What do you think? Any predictions here? We have a minute left. What kind of ministry will Andy Stanley have in 10 years if he continues down this trajectory?
It'll be huge. It'll be huge. He'll probably be in Southern California after a hostile takeover of Saddleback Community Church.
Yeah, he could take over for Saddleback. I don't know, probably between Lou Giglio and Andy Stanley. Hostile takeover.
Yeah, overtaking the number one slot in all of America, putting Ed Young and Joe Osteen to shame.
Hostile takeover. Yeah. You start, you know, running around and handing out pamphlets and stuff like that, and then in a congregational vote, they give the heave -ho to Rick Warren and vote you in.
Well, we don't have any people giving out pamphlets in front of Bethlehem Bible Church, but the rate things have been going around here,
I wouldn't be surprised. Kind of a Darwin Fish kind of pamphlets. Well, my name is
Mike Abendroth. Today we were with Steve Cooley on Tuesday, talking about a variety of things from a theological perspective.
Always biblical, always provocative, always in that order. Yes, it is. And you can email us at info at NoCompromiseRadio .com.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's Word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.