74 - Between the Rapture and the Return, Part 1 | Striving for Eternity | Andrew Rappaport


The study of end times is one the generates great interest and there are many different views. This overview of what happens surrounding the events in heaven between the rapture and the return of Christ. This is a class in the Striving for Eternity Academy's School of Systematic Theology.


75 - Between the Rapture and the Return, Part 2 | Striving for Eternity | Andrew Rappaport

75 - Between the Rapture and the Return, Part 2 | Striving for Eternity | Andrew Rappaport

Welcome to the Striving for Eternity Academy. This is a ministry of striving for eternity.
You can find out more about Striving for Eternity over at the website strivingforeternity .org.
Many classes that we have out there on an introduction to discipling, an introduction to the major western religions.
We have classes on how to interpret the Bible called Biblical Harmonetics and this one which we are in lesson number 74 which is our
Systematic Theology. 74! That's a lot. We're going to be talking about end times.
Now there's lots of speculation when you get to talking about the end times and many people have some pretty hard line views when it comes to the end times.
One of the things that we're going to do is continue to say that we take a position, we're going to teach the position we take, however,
I don't think it's good to be hard line in this area because just like in the first coming of Jesus Christ many people thought they took hard lines, they thought they knew, they thought they had everything figured out and they went oops, that wasn't what we expected and Jesus came.
Many were like this wasn't the king we were expecting, this was a suffering servant and they didn't like that so they ignored that and think that that wasn't the
Messiah. So they're looking for the second coming. The reality is just as things were not as clear as we would like when we have hindsight things in the future are not as clear as we might like to think either.
So this is an area where I think we have to have a little bit more respect for one another and their theologies and where people are coming from and not take such a hard line stance.
So I'm saying that to say if you disagree with the position we have here, well hey, it's okay to learn, it's okay to study, show yourself approved, see what it is that someone else believes, compare, maybe you may say hey there's some pretty good points there and you may go
I disagree and here's why, why, why, why, that's fine actually if you want to contact us, you can contact us, disagree with us, that's fine.
Let us know though using scripture. You can email us if you want to disagree or if you want to agree, we like those too.
You can email us at academyatstrivingforeternity .org. Feel free to do that. But what we would encourage you to do is to pick up the syllabus if you could and the syllabus you can get online at strivingforeternity .org
and the syllabus is basically going to be book number four.
If you look at the systematic theology syllabuses, it's book number four and what it's going to do is give you all the notes, some of the fill in the blanks that I'll go through.
You're also going to see some of the pictures and diagrams that we'll look at and go over so those are there for you.
Hopefully they'll be helpful to you. I probably won't get to any of the charts this week, we just got too much.
You know one of the things, I have it here so I should pull it out. One of the things that it comes to is I would hold to a position that many people criticize because you get these really cool charts.
I believe in dispensationalism and people would develop these really, you see how long this chart is?
I'm trying to see if I can see it. Make sure it's on the, so what you end up seeing is that you get these charts and people focus a lot, there's a lot of detail there isn't there?
Yeah, probably way too much. Way more than people can be absolutely sure that they go, this is right.
But it's a lot that could go into the study of this and with that I want to just caution to say though there's a lot you can study and for a lot of people this becomes an area where they are thrilled, they are excited to study these speculatory things.
But I've also seen where people study these speculatory things and they let it damage fellowship and relationships on the things that are, well, clear and not speculatory and they allow that to happen because they let an issue like end times get in the way.
So if I haven't said it yet, this is our School of Systematic Theology. We are in the class called
God's Program for the Ages, which is our doctrine of the church and the doctrine of last things and today's lesson is lesson number eight, the events between the rapture and the return.
Now I already said if you've been tracking with us that I believe there will be a rapture, I would be what's called pre -millennial, pre -tribulational and if you say, well
Andrew, I don't know what that means. Well then go back a few lessons where we went over that,
I think it would be about lesson number 70, 69 or 70, that we went in and gave a two -part overview of these different views so that you understood where the different views are and where they're going to be.
But I'm going to explain what now we're going through historically, well kind of historically in the future, that doesn't really, it's not really historical, but time event, chronologically, that'd be, thank you.
We'll go chronologically in what things will happen in the future. So we looked at the death, what happens immediately after we die in that intermediate state.
We had examined that and that was a few weeks ago. We looked at the events around the second coming of Christ, we saw that.
Now we're looking at these events, what we're going to do today is look at the events that go on in heaven between the rapture and the return of Christ, that second coming of Christ.
And then next class, which will not be next week, but next class will be dealing with the things that happen on earth, lots of interesting things that get, people write whole book series like about left behind about those things that happen on earth during that period.
Yeah, not all of that is accurate, but I guess cool reading, some people enjoy reading it.
So with that, let's begin and see that the schemes of the end time events, there's a number of events that take place between this period that we refer to as the rapture, that's the period where the church is raptured up, taken up off of the earth and they go into be with Christ and so the church is removed and I would then say that Israel is now active again, that God's now deals with things with Israel, that's on earth but we'll get to that.
But this time between when the church is raptured up and that point that we looked at last class on the second coming of Christ when he returns to the earth.
So I would end up saying this is the period, if you understand the terms, between the rapture and the millennial kingdom.
So we're going to talk about this seven -year tribulational period. Now, when
I say that, I understand there's differing views on that, that's fine. I'm just giving the events that I see during these times.
Now some of these events happen, it's just some people put it at different time periods.
So even if you disagree with me being pre -millennial, pre -tribulational, you're still going to have things that you're going to see, you can learn and see what happens in the different time events.
But the area that we're going to want to look at is what does the scripture say about things like our judgment and whatnot.
So looking at that, the first event that we're going to see in heaven, so today we're going to focus on these events that happen in heaven and the first one is the judgment seat of Christ.
That's your first blank there, the judgment seat of Christ. So the judgment seat of Christ is the first blank and what you see here as we look, let's take a look at some passages first if we could.
Romans 14 .10, 1 Corinthians 3, 9 -15 and then 2
Corinthians 5 .10. So first let's look at Romans 14 .10.
Why do you pass judgment on your brother or do you despise your brother?
For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God. Now with that, just a footnote on that, some people criticized us some weeks ago when we did some classes on the period between death and the second coming, the judgment seat.
People said Christians won't be judged. We dealt with that, we'll look at it again in 2
Corinthians but even from here you see Romans 14 .10, we will all be judged.
Okay, it is a false notion to think we won't be judged. Now the judgment is different between the believer and unbeliever, that is true.
We won't be judged and sentenced to hell because the payment, the punishment of our sin has already been paid on the cross and received and applied to our account.
Therefore, as believers we do not get judged as guilty but we do, well actually
I shouldn't say we are judged as guilty, it's just that we're judged as paid I should properly say. We are guilty of the crimes but it's paid in full and so when we look at things we need to look at that and realize that we all will face
God and He will judge all of us. He won't sentence us to a punishment and I think the problem is some people think that judgment is immediately punishment.
It's not always, we're going to be judged and we're going to be given rewards, we'll get into that but let's go back to that passage.
When we look at 1 Corinthians 3 .9 -15, it says there,
For we are God's fellow workers, you are
God's field, God's building, according to the grace of God given me. Like a skilled master builder,
I lay a foundation and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it.
For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is
Jesus Christ. Now, if anyone builds on a foundation of gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one's works will become manifest for the day will disclose it because it will be revealed by fire and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.
If the work that anyone has built on is a foundation survives, he will receive a reward.
If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss. Though he himself be saved, but only as through fire.
So you see, he's speaking there, believers and they will have, their works will be judged and if it's anything that's going to last, they'll receive reward.
1 Corinthians 5 .10, not all, I think this is supposed to be 2
Corinthians 5 .10. Let's, so let me back that up. That should be 2
Corinthians. That was probably my fault. I made the slide. So I'll take the blame for it.
Let me look that up real quick. 2 Corinthians 5 .10. Give me one second here.
Sorry about that. You know, when you have a study Bible here, they're pretty big pages. 2
Corinthians 5 .10 says, for we must all, we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.
Every one of us will be judged, whether good or evil. Okay, so what you see there is that there is this judgment seat and we're all going to face it.
What is a judgment seat? Good question. I am glad you asked that. Let me fill you in on some background of what the judgment seat is.
The judgment seat are called, sometimes called a bema seat. A bema in a
Jewish synagogue would be the elevated platform where you would have the proclaimed, where you'd read the scriptures, where you'd have the proclamation of scriptures.
So the bema seat is a raised platform or in a case of an emperor would have an elevated chair.
And so where you'd often have is this elevated chair from where the emperor would sit and observe the games like the
Olympic games or things like this. When they'd have these games, they'd call it the bema seat. And the bema seat would be a place where the emperor would sit and observe and watch.
And the winners would then stand before that seat and they would receive what's called the victor's crown.
And that is this idea that you have here. The bema seat would be, bema would mean raised platform.
The bema seat is a seat that's raised up where a judge would sit. So when you win in the games, you would present yourself before this bema seat, this judgment seat, a raised seat, and you would stand before it and there you would face the judge who would give you the victor's crown.
Now to the believer, that is the idea. The idea is that the judge would give the reward to the winner.
But often if someone was disqualified, it would also be that people would look to this judgment seat, to this bema seat for a verdict.
If someone does something that is seen as disqualifying, he would declare from there as well.
And so it is a seat that would declare the winner of a race or a games.
So that's the idea of it. It is where everyone will stand before this seat and have their works judged as good or bad.
The timing of this, I would say, is after the rapture. So I believe this happens after the rapture is this judgment seat.
Let's go to Revelation chapter 1 verse 19. Revelation 1 19 says, write therefore the things that you have seen, those things that are to take place after this.
And then he's going to explain some things that happen after. This is why I say it's, I think, after the rapture because I think he explains the rapture is going to happen and then these things.
In Revelation 4 1 it says, after this I looked and behold a door standing open to heaven and the first voice which
I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, come up here and I will show you what must take place after this.
And so what you have there is the fact that there's a progression. These things are going to happen after. I believe it's prior though to the tribulation.
So if we look at Revelation 4 4, around the throne were 24 elders seated at the thrones were 24 elders clothed in white garments with golden crowns on their head.
Revelation 6 1 says, now I watched when the lamb opened one of the seven seals and I heard one of the four creatures say with a voice like thunder, come.
So you're seeing that there's a time frame. So the timing of it, of this judgment seat.
So now this is different than the great white throne judgment which will be at the end and we'll get to that.
But this is the bema seat or judgment seat and so there's several times where God judges.
And so I think that the placement, notice I said think, I'm not dogmatic on these things. I think it's hard to be dogmatic on some of these things and we have to show some grace.
Okay. For the people who are commenting without watching these classes, it's amazing. And you can tell who does because we had one person who commented and said that in our class we are being so dogmatic and think that we're the only ones that have the right view.
Hello, have you been watching? I mean, are the response that those of us here that respond are like, have you watched the class?
No, no, you haven't. Sorry, you haven't. You're responding without watching. I mean, that's not very wise to do.
But we can't be dogmatic. So where's the place of this? I think that this bema seat takes place in heaven.
Let's take a look at 1 Thessalonians 4. 1 Thessalonians 4, 17 and then Revelation 4, 2 -4.
1 Thessalonians 4, 17 says, then we who are alive, who are left will be caught up together with him in the clouds who meet the
Lord in the air so that we will always be with the Lord. So this is, we catch up with him in the air and so we're in heaven is in the place.
We're not on earth. Revelation 4, 2 -4 says, now I watched when the
Lamb opened one of the seven seals and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder come and he who sat had appearance as Jasper and Cornelian and around the throne was a rainbow that had the appearance of emerald.
Around the throne were 24 thrones and seated on the thrones were 24 elders clothed in white garments with golden crowns on their heads.
So I think this is depicting things that are happening in heaven. So that's the location of this which is good because we said that we're talking about the events between the rapture and the return in heaven.
So it kind of gives away that where I think it is. What's the reason for this judgment seat? Well, let's look at if we could in 1
Corinthians 3, 14 -15. 1 Corinthians 3, 14 -15 and that says, if the works that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward.
If anyone's work is built up, he will suffer loss though he himself will be saved but only by fire.
So you see there is that the reason and he's saying here even if you're saved, you're saved but barely by fire.
But it's not for sins. The reason is not for sins but of works. He's speaking here of works of a believer because he's saying, he's clarifying in that passage you are saved even if by fire.
In other words, even if you just barely get by, you're squeaking by, you're barely making it.
In other words, it's the works that happen after you are saved, not before.
It is those works that happen in what's called the sanctification process. If you've gone through all of the classes of our systematic theology, you know what that means.
But sanctification is the process that begins after we get that initial point when we're regenerated, where we become a new creation.
From that point until our glorification, the day we die, that period of time, that process of being made more in the image of Christ is our sanctification process.
And those works that we do during that time, not the works before salvation, no works earn our salvation.
So, it's after we become saved, after we're regenerate, it's those works that are put on the judgment seat.
And so, I think this is the church. What's the result? Well, the result is a reward. We already saw that in 1
Corinthians 3. So, we saw this, that the result is a reward.
So, we will be judged, but as believers, we're judged as reward. What are some of the rewards?
Well, if we look at 1 Corinthians, we don't put it up, 1 Corinthians 3, 14 to 15, we see that we're secured.
It said, He will receive a reward. It's a guarantee.
Why? Because it's by God's promises. Who actually is the one that seals us and secures us? The Holy Spirit, God Himself.
And while there's a number of different interpretations on the Christian's victor's crown, that victor's wreath, it likely refers to this same reward.
Okay, some scriptures you could look up. I already mentioned 1 Corinthians 3, 14. You could look at 1
Corinthians 9, 25, James 1, 12, 2 Timothy 2, 2
Timothy, sorry, 4, 8, Revelation 2, 10, Revelation 4, 4.
We looked at Revelation 4, 10. So, you see that there is mention of this crown, this victor's crown.
And so, what is that crown? There's some disputing, but I think it is the reward we have for our works in sanctification.
The securing of it, another result of this judgment seat is the securing each of these texts that we mentioned teaches that there's only one means by which we may secure a reward at the judgment seat, and it is through Christ's faithfulness.
It's what Christ did for us. And then those works that we can't take credit for ourselves, we give the credit back to Christ and the
Holy Spirit who works through us so that the very good works we do are really the works that God does through us.
We can't take credit for the good works we do in our sanctification process. So, that's to the secured, those to the believers.
What about, well, what some would say the loss, but the lost are not here.
It is, he will suffer loss as we saw in that passage. Well, he clarifies, you will be saved even by fire.
So, it's the loss here is those that are, while they're believers, they won't be judged for their sin.
In other words, they're not going to be judged, that punishment's been paid, but they will suffer the loss of a reward.
Okay, so, you have someone that professes to be a believer, but he continues to live a life of sin.
He will lose not his salvation if he's truly regenerate, but he will lose that reward that he could have received in heaven.
What's that reward other than a crown? I can't get into much detail because Scripture doesn't, so I don't quite know.
I do know that with these crowns that we receive, we give them back to Christ because we recognize that it's all to Him we owe.
And so, the result is that there will be those who are secured and they will receive this victor's crown, and there are those who are, though they are saved, they are regenerate individuals, they have lived a life in their sanctification process where they will suffer loss of reward because of the fact that they did not do good works.
Though they were regenerate, maybe they purposely, you know, they didn't want to grow spiritually.
I don't know. Different things. Maybe they chose to love their sin more than Christ, and though it may be regenerate, they suffer the loss of that reward.
What's the effect of the judgment seat? Several. We see a respect for fellow believers.
Why don't we put that up? Hebrews 14, 13. One of the things that we get is a respect for other believers.
Therefore, let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or a hindrance in the way of a brother.
Romans 14, 13. We can see in 1 Corinthians 3, 9 -15, we see the effect as the work for Christ.
It says in 1 Corinthians 3, 9 -15. For we are God's fellow workers.
You are in a field. You're in God's field. God's building.
According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder,
I lay a foundation and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it.
For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is
Christ. Now, if anyone builds on the foundation, whether gold, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one's work will become manifest in the day we'll disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.
If the work that anyone has built is on the foundation survives, it'll be a reward.
If anyone builds a work that is burned up, he'll suffer loss, though he will be saved by fire.
I read it again because this one keeps coming up, but we're seeing who is it that gets the credit for the works?
It's Christ. That's the effect. It's the work of Christ in us and through us. Self -discipline, 1
Corinthians 9, 27 says, but I discipline my body and keep it under control lest after preaching to others
I should find myself disqualified. So you see there that we should discipline ourselves because of the fact that we are going to stand judgment.
That judgment before God should motivate us to do good works, to realize that we should discipline ourselves to not sin.
Another thing is evangelism. 2 Corinthians 5, 11 says, therefore knowing the fear of the
Lord, we persuade others, but what we are is known to God, and I hope it is also known to your conscience.
So you see there that evangelism is an effect of this judgment seat. We know that not only will we, that someone led us to Christ, so when we stand before that judgment seat, it's very different.
We should go out and evangelize others. We should be compelled by the love of Christ to do that.
And the last effect of the judgment seat is the teaching of sound doctrine. 2
John, verse 8. 2 John 8 says this, watch yourselves so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward.
Notice that's not saying lose your salvation. It is the losing of the reward. People try to use that to say that you can lose your salvation.
No, that's not. It's saying the reward. And so by teaching sound doctrine, we won't lose that effect.
All right, so that's one thing. The major thing that's going on in this time between the rapture and the return in heaven is going to be this judgment seat.
That, again, I say is I think that's going to be time -wise, it's going to be after the rapture happens, then there's going to be this judgment seat, and then there's going to be the tribulation, okay?
The second thing that I think is going to happen is the marriage of the Lamb. Now, why do I think these two, and that's your blank there, marriage, the marriage of the
Lamb, these are ones that I think deal with the church. I think this is affecting the church body, not the
Old Testament saints. I think the second judgment ends up including them, all right, or everyone.
But we'll look at that. So, where's the place of this marriage, Lamb, this festival, this really good dinner?
I'm looking forward to it. No, it is in Revelation 19 verses 4 to 9 says that the place is in heaven, which, again, kind of makes sense.
Since we said today's lesson is going to be the events that happen in heaven, that was kind of a no -brainer.
You could figure that one out. So it says in Revelation 19, 4 to 9, and the 24 elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped
God who were seating on the throne, amen, hallelujah, and from the throne came a voice, praise our
God, all who serve, you shall fear him, small and great.
Then I heard what seemed to be a voice of thunder crying out, hallelujah, for the
Lord our God, the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exalt and give him the glory for the marriage of the
Lamb has come and the bride has made herself ready. It is granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure, for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.
And the angel said to me, write this, blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the
Lamb. And he said to me, these are the true words of God.
So you see, this is going to happen in heaven. We're going to see if we look later in that verse, in the passage,
I should say, in verses 7 and 8, we're going to see the marriage of the
Lamb takes place sometime after the rapture and before the return of Christ. We see in verses 7 and 8 of Revelation 19, let us rejoice and exalt and give him glory for the marriage of the
Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready. It was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure, for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.
So when we look at Revelation 19, I see this time -wise or chronologically that this is going to be performed sometime after the rapture because the church has to be there in full, but before he returns in Revelation 20.
The marriage of the Lamb will cumulate in the feast at the beginning of the millennium.
This is Revelation 19 .9 and it says here, the angel said to me, write this, blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the
Lamb. And he said to me, these are the true words of God. And so as we look at that, we end up seeing this time frame.
Who are the participants? Hard to speak with my tongue today.
Participants. Well, the participants we saw in Revelation 19 .7 -9, only the church, that's your blank there, the church participates in the marriage.
All the believers, the Old Testament saints, the tribulation saints, the church age saints may participate in the cumulating feast.
So what you see here is I believe that this is an event for the church.
Now, yeah, I know there's that funny thing. I'm making a distinction between Israel and the church.
I know that's a funny thing. That's how I read the scriptures. I think that in a good hermeneutic, a good interpretation of scriptures, we see a distinction between Israel and the church.
And that is most clearly seen when we look at the end times. And these are the passages where I think it comes up the most.
I think it comes up the most in passages like this because of the fact that we are dealing with events that are where I think the church is going to be pulled back out and God is going to focus again on Israel, okay?
And He's going to finish and fulfill the literal promises that He made to Israel in the
Old Testament. I think He's going to fulfill them. And they're going to come true quite literally, okay?
All those land promises. You're going to possess this amount of land. That hasn't been fulfilled. I think it will in the future.
God is faithful. He's going to do that. Now, if you disagree with me, that's fine. I don't mind, okay?
It's okay that we can disagree on some of these things, but let's disagree looking at the scriptures and know, be aware of the fact that we cannot be dogmatic on this because there are areas that we're looking into things and we can't see it as clearly as we can the first coming.
And so there does need to be some give and take, some accepting that we're doing some sanctified guessing in some of these areas, okay?
We're trying to take a lot of different scriptures, pull them together, and bring it into one thing.
And so what you end up seeing is this is, you know, people will give a timetable and actually I'll put, can we put the chart up?
We'll go over next class. We'll go over this next class. If you look at this chart, you see in heaven what we went over.
You saw two events. You saw the judgment seat of Christ and the marriage supper. But look at all the events that are going on at earth at that same time.
We're going to talk about next class. We'll talk about the seven seal judgments. We'll talk about the seven trumpet judgments.
We'll talk about the bowl, the seven bowl judgments. We're going to talk about the seven year period of tribulation.
We're going to talk about the rapture, the return. All this is in between. You see all these events that are happening. This is why there's so much discussion because each one of those are different events that are happening and we want to get into discussing each one of those.
Now, so we're going to look at that in our next class. We're not going to finish because I want to try to do that in its entirety.
And so this is probably a good point to break. So I'll say a couple things. First, if you disagree with us, have questions, have comments.
If you want to just send us some nice things, we don't get a lot of that. We usually get the criticism, but you can email us at academy at striving for eternity .org.
Now, for those watching live, just a footnote. There probably will be no class next week.
I say probably because next week will be NorCal fire and I will be flying back.
I will not have time to do the show prep and get everything ready. What we may do is a
Google Hangout. We may do a Google Hangout with some brothers, some that are covenant theologians and some that are new covenant theologians.
We've done this in the past where we talked covenant theology, dispensational theology. We talked new covenant theology, dispensational theology.
This one will be covenant theology and new covenant theology and let them interact.
So just to help us in our learning, we may set that up for next week. If you're watching live, there may not be class next week, but I will encourage you to go to the website striving for eternity, right there, that link there, and you can go there, pick up a syllabus.
You could also pick up my book, What Do They Believe? Just a little note for you, those of you who are watching, new book will be coming out hopefully soon.
My first book is What Do They Believe? The next one will be a kind of a sequel to this and it will be called What Do We Believe?
What Do We Believe? So it is going to be a book about what we believe. Finishing that up now.
You can also, while you're at the website, I'd greatly encourage you to go and sign up to host one of our
Bible Interpretation Made Easy seminars. If you could do that, we'd love to come to your church and over the course of a weekend in eight hours, six sessions, come in on a
Friday night and Saturday and teach your congregation, your small group, how to interpret the
Bible. Great, great thing. Most needed thing, I think, in our day and age.
That's the biggest problem, I think, in the churches today. People do not know how to interpret the Bible. Mishandling of the
Word of God. Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous. So with that, next class we're going to finish this up.
We're going to look at the events between the rapture and the return that are happening on earth.
And as you saw on that chart, there's a lot that's happening. So until next class,