On the Box Mentions Striving for Eternity

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Ray Comfort, Tony Miano and Mark Spence discuss Striving for Eternity's Andrew Rappaport after watching a video clip of Andrew witnessing at the Super Bowl Outreach. Go to: http://www.strivingforeternity.org The Striving for Eternity Academy is Monday nights live 8pm EST http://www.strivingforeternity.org/Striving-for_Eternity-Academy.html Ustream live Monday nights 8pm EST: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/striving-for-eternity


All right, speaking of good works, a lot of good works were going on at the Super Bowl Outreach. We've been sharing with you over the last several days videos from that.
We've got a short clip for you from Andrew Rapoport, striving for eternity ministries.
He was out there at the Super Bowl Outreach with us, and he had a fascinating conversation with a man named
Chris, and we want to share with you the last couple minutes of that conversation. Take a look. Chris, Jesus Christ left heaven.
There was no sin, there was no sickness, there was no starvation, there was no suffering. All the angels singing his praises, and he left that place to come to earth for one purpose, to live a life as a perfect man and die in our place, to pay an eternal fine that you and I owe because we're both guilty.
You understand that? Yes, sir. And he did that so you can have everlasting life. But here's what we have to do.
We have to stop trusting ourself as a good person, and we have to trust what he did on that cross 2 ,000 years ago as the only payment.
Do you understand that? Yes, I do. So what God says we have to do is we have to call out to him, ask for forgiveness for what we did wrong, stop trusting ourself, and trust in him.
Do you understand that? Yes. Yes. And that's how we are converted, that we cry out for forgiveness, and we trust in Christ.
Does that make sense? Yes, it makes a whole lot of sense. Now, what do you think about what I'm sharing with you?
I think that you are a God -sent person to try to bring knowledge to the world, and please bring it to me, and to let me know that I do have a loving and forgiving
God. Well, you do. And he proved it 2 ,000 years ago when he died on a cross for you and I, and so he offers you eternal life.
Now, the two things you have to do is repent, that means to turn from trusting yourself, and then put faith in Christ and receive
Jesus Christ by trusting what he did. So it's to repent and believe, or repent and receive.
When do you think you should do that? As soon as possible, like now. Like now?
Is there anything that would stop you right now from crying out to God right now here on the streets and asking him for forgiveness?
Would you do that on camera? Yes, I would. Yeah, all right. We'll keep the camera rolling. Let's pray. You pray, and then
I'll pray after you. Yes, sir. Oh, Heavenly Father, thank you for this blessed day that you've given me. Thank you, Lord, for bringing this gentleman to me.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you have done for me, and Lord, I just want to repent for everything that I have done, but Lord, just keep your watching hand and lovable hands on me and my family,
Lord, that we may be better in your eye and in what you are willing for me to do for you, and in your blessed name
I say this, Lord, amen. Amen. That was very cool.
It was. And something important to draw from that is you notice how Andrew ended that.
He said, why don't you pray, and then I will pray for you. Andrew didn't lead him in a sinner's prayer, and there wasn't a need.
Now, only God knows if he was truly coming to repentance and faith at that moment, but if he was, what was pouring out of him was led by the
Holy Spirit from a regenerated heart. He didn't need someone to script a prayer for him to do that, and then
Andrew, after the video was done, Andrew prayed for him. Mark, do you have anything to add? You know,
I'll tell you about Andrew, the one who was conducting the interview, is such a neat guy.
He has such a great ministry. In fact, he just started a school of theology alongside of evangelism and apologetics that if you want to go deeper,
I would say go to the guy's website and see what he has to offer there. I know that he answers questions and he has new topics and stuff like that every
Friday, I believe it is. So if you want to go deeper and you don't know where to go and you're looking for somebody who's sound, grab a hold of Andrew.
You saw how he witnesses right there. He open ears the same way and he's very relatable and he can address you where you're at with all things theologically minded and based.
So check it out. It's very cool. Amen. Strivingforeternity .org is