MSL: April 19, 2024



MSL: April 19, 2024 The Matt Slick Live ( (Live Broadcast of 04-19-2024)  is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues! You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) , Please put “Radio Show Question” in the Subject line! They will be answered in a future show. Topics Include: Is the Bible Reliable? Witnessing to an Unbeliever Making Vows King James Bible Only? Practical Baptism The Hard Truth About Jesus MSL: April 19, 2024   • This show LIVE STREAMS on RUMBLE during the Radio Broadcast! ( • Subscribe to the CARM YouTube Channel ( • Subscribe to the Matt Slick LIVE YouTube Channel ( • CARM on Facebook ( • Visit the CARM Website ( • Donate to CARM ( • You can find our past podcast by clicking here! (


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live.
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, and welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. You're listening to Matt Slick Live.
And if you wanna give me a call, as usual, 877 -207 -2276.
Today's date is April 19th, 2024. There you go.
We are still having email problems. I was gonna tackle it today. And maybe some of you have experienced this phenomenon when you have a plan, and all of a sudden you never get to your plan because 8 ,000 things jump in and interfere with it.
Well, that's today, and that's what it is. So I'll try and work on it this evening after the radio and stuff like that.
And so we'll see what we can figure it out. Anyway, I wanna hear from you. If you wanna give me a call, you can.
877 -207 -2276. And, huh, wow,
I just got an ad for landscaping. Landscaping, oh, it looks pretty good.
Good price and everything. They're in Texas. Why would I be getting an email for that? So, wow.
Hey, unless you wanna drive over here, you know, that'd be nice. All right, 877 -207 -2276.
You can email us. Now, we are getting emails. We figured out we're getting emails. We're not able to send any out from our domain.
Hey, well, I'm gonna be working on it. But if you have a question or a comment for the radio show, all you have to do is send it to infoatcarm .org,
infoatcarm, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G. And put in the subject line, let's see, radio question or radio comment, and we can get to them.
And also, we've got a new thing we're kind of doing now. Joanne will do, she, I'm not
Joanne, excuse me, Laura will do, is when people in other venues like Facebook or YouTube, if they have a question, what she's been doing now is anchoring them inside of our comments area.
And there's an area where I can see them and I can get to them. So instead of emailing me, one of the things you could do is just write a question in.
If you have a question live, you know, just type it in and we can do that. All right, there's that.
And what else? Last night, on the third Thursday of each month, the third
Thursday, I got a couple things to talk about, actually, you know, the Discord thing, too.
But on the third Thursday of each month, we have our Bible study group over. And I used to be, used to do
Bible studies every Thursday night. And it's, you know, it's pretty laborious. It takes me all day. I dedicate all day
Thursday to do a Bible study, to prep it. So we finished the book of Romans and I said, okay, let's take some time off from that.
So what we are doing instead is meeting on the third Thursday of each month and just getting together. And last night we met and we had a good time, it was fun.
And we got into the topic. This is an open discussion. It's like, okay, you guys got any questions, you got any comments, anything you want?
One thing led to another. We ended up going through the book of Revelation, studying some of the stuff that the
Catholics are saying. And it led us from Revelation to the rapture, from the rapture to the millennium.
And we had a great discussion. And I showed some information. And this one guy, and I won't give his name, but he, let's just say he'd done some time and he's out and he's got his
Bible in his hand and here he is. Okay, praise God. You know, he's one of the, he's a son of one of the guys that comes, hey, welcome man, come on in.
And so two fun things. So one, he's looking at me like, I have never heard any of this stuff before.
And I said, I know. And I said, but it's right here in scripture. And he's like, yeah, it's right there. How come
I've never seen it, never heard it. I guess he was studying the word inside. That was one thing.
And also we have a Maine Coon, this is kind of funny. We have a Maine Coon cat and he's big.
Okay, Maine Coons are just big cats and he's huge.
And so, well, you know, his name's Flopper because he's basically a clown car with fur.
And he's super affectionate. And if you pick him up, he just turned into a ragdoll, you know, and he's just gentle and big and you know, you exist to pet him, that kind of thing.
So all of a sudden he comes walking around this guy's feet and he goes, what the, what is that?
He was actually kind of, oh, here he is. What is, oh, he's in, oh, come on. I didn't even know he was in here.
Speaking of the cat, he's in here. Maybe I'll have to put him on the camera here. He likes to visit me, but I close the door so he won't come in.
I guess he was already in. So anyway, hey, you know, just rambling fun stuff.
So there's that. Now, so we talked about, you know, eschatology and stuff and talked about that.
And then I found out that a lot of the discussions
I've been having on Discord, a lot of the discussions I'm having on Discord are being recorded by people.
And we don't know if it's legal for them to do it, but they're doing it anyway. They are recording what
I'm saying and they're putting it up on YouTube accounts, it's mutter accounts, it's mutter stuff like that.
And someone said, oh yeah, he just types it in. He's listening to me on Discord. There's lots of them. I said, really, I didn't know about this.
So I got into Discord and I was like, oh, how can I do this too?
So I can record them, put them on my server, put them on stuff so that we can just, so that we can, so I can have stuff also on the web and stuff.
Stuff. So anyway, cats in my hand. And so I'm spending time and I need to find a way to test it, to test my recording ability.
And it didn't work for some reason. So I'm in this room testing, an obscure room, and this guy comes in and he's a
Baptist who promotes socialism. So we ended up discussing socialism of all things.
And so I said, no, you can't be a socialist if you're gonna be biblical.
And he said, no, it's right there in the Bible. Socialism is about loving people. I said, why is it that socialist countries build walls to keep people in and capitalist countries built walls to keep people out?
And so I said, look, here's the biblical warrant for what the Bible says about government.
And it's not socialist. So I said, if you're biblical and if you call yourself a Christian, you can't promote socialism, can you?
And he didn't know what to say at that point. He just had to ignore the information I gave him, but that's what it is. So, rambling.
So if you wanna give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
I wanna hear from you. Give me a call. And you can also email me at info at karm .org.
Info at karm .org, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G. And we can't send emails out of it right now.
We don't know what's the problem. I'll be looking at it again. But we can receive them. And if you want, you can also put a question or a comment in either
Facebook or YouTube, whatever it is, and it will get through to us because it feeds back into our system here.
And then Laura will just take those and she'll do a, she stars them. That way
I can see them and I can respond to them. All right? All right. So what I'm doing right now, for those who don't know that's on the radio,
I've got my Maine Coon cat in my hand right now, or not in my hand, that's understated, across my chest with both arms holding him.
And so it's on the camera and the people are commenting about him. So I didn't know he was in the office.
Here, I gotta get him out so I can do more radio. All right, here we go. Yeah, he's big. He's, there we go.
They're gonna break him, kick him out. All right, all right, all right. So let's just get on the air here.
I think we've got, let's just jump on and see what, let's see, Derek, they're typing it in.
Are the scriptures legit? Let's get to Derek from Virginia.
Hey, Derek, welcome. You're on the air. Derek, are you there, buddy?
Oh, I don't hear anything. Uh -oh, are we having a problem? Derek, I heard a click.
Derek, hello? Yeah, I heard something. I can hear you now a little bit.
What do you got, Derek? Sorry, I got some sketchy cell service, yeah.
Yeah, Matt, happy Friday to you. Thank you, thank you.
Yeah, I just had a question. I have a coworker that I work alongside of, and he's not saved.
We were just having a discussion, some of the other guys about the Bible and different things, and he basically just chimes in and says, well, you can read four pages of the
Bible, and it'll either prove or disprove itself, you know? And he's got kind of an animosity toward the scriptures, and I just basically,
I said, well, prove it to me. And then that's as far as the conversation went. And I was just wondering,
I think he's like, basically thinks that the King James Version is, I don't know, incorrect, or I guess translations have been changed over the years.
And I was wondering what are your thoughts? Maybe something, I want to win him to the Lord, but not having a lot of luck.
Well, first thing you gotta do is pray for him, of course. And you just do that, okay?
And you witness to him gently. I had a friend at one of the jobs I was at, and I was witnessing to him, just dropping hints every now and then, but not much.
I didn't want to lose his friendship or anything like that. And one day, I said, I'm gonna go fishing over the weekend, and up on a mountain in Southern California.
I said, hey, you want to go? And he goes, yes, it's a lot of fun. So I got the
Christian comedy group, and a man, Isaac Erfrait, that's the name of him,
Isaac Erfrait, and so I had the tape ready. The plan was, hopefully, to listen to it and see if it might be a way to witness.
And after a half -hour discussion, I said, hey, I got this tape, and it's a comedy team.
And he said, oh, let's listen to it. And he's now a Christian and a Christian counselor. He said that that tape was the first thing he'd heard from anyone that changed his mind about Christianity a little bit, because it was always,
Christianity's bad, it's because of this, because, but he goes, these guys are having fun, and it caused him to think differently. So the point is, you just never know what's gonna happen.
One of the things you gotta do, though, is be very patient. You can't be shoving stuff down their throat and things like that. All right, when someone, generally speaking, if someone asks me a question or makes a statement, you know, the
Bible can't be trusted, for example, I'll just say, well, why, why not? You know,
I ask them to validate what it is that they're saying, and basically, they can't do it, because usually what they're doing is just justifying or trying to justify their misinformation and their heart, which is against God.
So what I'll do is try and reach for that level, not just the facts, because me,
I'm different. I can say, look, I can give you facts to show you that the Bible's not corrupted, et cetera, and they don't wanna hear it.
But I'll say, okay, well, all right, but if you come up with any difficulty while you're reading it, let me know.
I'd be glad to take a look at it. And that encourages them to read it, which is what we want.
And then we have a discussion and stuff like that. And just, you know, just ask questions. That's all you can do, really.
Yeah, and I think he's from a Mormon background, so, and I don't know if something happened in the past that made him bitter, but it's like, anytime that we start talking about the
Lord or the Bible, it's just, you can see it on his face. It's just like a, I don't know, much like anger or something like that.
Yeah, I would make a comment sometimes. Mormonism is not Christian. It's just, it's not the same thing as Christianity.
They say it is, but it really isn't. And you can just say that, get that seeded. So that's not what it represents,
Christianity. That's not it, okay? So, you know, all right, buddy, there's a break. All right, okay.
Thank you, sir. All right, man, God bless. Hey, if you guys wanna call me, 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, buddy, welcome back to the show. If you wanna give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to Charles from Dayton, Ohio. Hey, Charles, welcome, you're on the air. Hi, thank you.
Sure, what do you got? Hey, well, actually,
I was gonna ask you about Numbers 30, verse two. And I've read a lot of old, excuse me, old commentaries, and I've heard a lot of people's opinion on it, that it was
Old Testament, but then I've heard, and it doesn't apply to Christians today, but then
I've heard also a lot of people say that, yeah, that it does, because it's a moral issue.
Yes, and I'll read it. If a man makes a vow to the Lord or takes an oath to bind himself with a binding obligation, he shall not violate his word.
He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth. That is absolutely true. Jesus says, let your yes be yes, your no be no.
You speak the truth. Because truth is what resides in the very heart and mind of God.
If any Christian wants to say, it's okay to tell a white lie, it's okay to break your word.
No, it's not, period. So this is one of the compromises that have happened in Christianity today, okay?
So, no, we're obligated to keep our vows and our word. Okay? Now, what if you ask the
Lord to forgive you and you keep trying to do it and you keep failing?
Well, that means you keep going to the cross, you keep asking Jesus to strengthen you, to cleanse you, and you move forward.
So don't make a vow to God. I promise I will never do this again. Don't do that. You say,
Lord, I need your help, and I'm failing, and please be with me, and I wanna keep trying, trying harder.
But if you make a promise and you break it, then you've sinned. You know, when my wife and I got married, we went, you know, marriage counseling beforehand, and went over the wedding vows.
And in the traditional wedding vows was the woman that you promised to love and obey your husband. And I asked him to take obey out.
And the reason was, was because, well, if she vows before God for that, and I ask her to do something and she doesn't do it, you know,
I say, I really want you to do this, or she doesn't, then she's sinned. And so I didn't want that for her.
And tell me, can't have me tell you how much I wish I could give it in, but aside from that, you know.
So I said, you know, I said, no, take it out. And because I take it very seriously. I take my word very seriously.
And all Christians should. All Christians should. Right, yeah, yeah.
It's a battle I keep, it seems like I keep losing. But anyway, thank you.
You got time for one more? Sure, real fast. Okay, I've been attending a
Baptist church for about the last three years. And I realized that it was a
King James only church, but I didn't realize just how, just what type of a
King James only church in that they believe that the King James has been preserved in English.
And that is the only word of God. I think that even, I know one fellow that I met had a
Bible that said Ruckman on it. And I looked that up a little bit and I asked him about it.
I said, what does double inspiration mean? And he said, you know, in other words, that the
King James is the word, the inspired word of God.
And so, you know, I. Okay, so let me respond. Let me jump in. I feel really awkward here.
Yeah, and that's foolishness. It is, it's foolishness. So what they're saying is that the
King James in the English is the inspired word better than the Greek in the Hebrew. That's what they're saying. It's ludicrous to say that.
Right, absolutely. And so one of the things I'll do is say, well, which
King James are you talking about? And then, what? Yeah, which King James? Are you doing the original? Because the original, you can barely read it.
If it's the one that is inspired in the English, then shouldn't you be reading the ancient English in the 1600s, the early 1600s?
Because that's what it is. And you're not doing that. So if, and I say to people, go on the web and look up original page of 1611,
King James, and you can hardly read it because it's just weird and the way they pronounce it.
So what they've done is they've taken a later translation, a modification. So wait a minute. Are they really being consistent?
Because if they're gonna say that they, the King James is inspired in the English, then it was in its first writing, not later in 1689 or whatever it is that they wanna say was modified.
So they don't know what they're talking about there. It's foolishness. And second, if that's the case, then that means that all
Bibles all over the world should be translated into their native language from the King James English of 1611, which is ridiculous.
And the King James violates, it makes mistakes. King James is okay, but it's got some mistakes and stuff.
And I just show people where it is. Yeah. Yeah, I love them and the pastor preaches the gospel a lot and he doesn't go on rants like some of them do about the
King James. But yeah, that's the Bible that they use.
And he will say that. And I don't know how to, there's a whole lot of young people coming in there that are being one to the
Lord and everything. And it's like, I have mixed feelings about that, about them being, since I've become more aware they don't have deacons, they don't have elders, they don't have formal membership.
It's a church is about 10 years old or so. And I've only been here about three years.
So there's so many things that it just kind of blows my mind. Yeah, well, you said a lot there, but if people are getting saved, well, praise
God, you don't wanna rock the boat. Their dedication to the
King James Version is misplaced. But you know what? The Lord will deal with them.
And the King James is a good Bible. They're just mistaken in its view that it's perfect in English. Okay, all right.
Yeah, okay. All right, thank you very much. You're welcome very much. All right, well,
God bless. All right, oh, God bless, okay. All right, now let's get to Jim from Greensboro, North Carolina.
Jim, welcome, you're on the air. Hey, Matt. I wanted to talk to you about, you had either earlier in the week or last week, you were talking about the mathematics and you were going over people with the baptisms, whether they sprinkled or poured.
And I thought that was very interesting. And then I started thinking about, well, we hear all of the miracles.
I'll give you one example, the parting of the Red Sea. Oh, it's great. And Israelites went through on dry ground and everything was hunky -dory.
But when you think about that, have you done, I know you do a lot of studying and I love to hear your perspectives.
Have you done any preaching on some of these events like that? Because that event to me,
I heard about it one time. Which events like what? I don't know what you're talking about. Like the ones we always refer back to.
Something like the parting of the Red Sea. What, the what? You mentioned several things and then. Moses parting the
Red Sea. Well, hold on, we gotta break. And the Israelites. Sorry, bad timing here.
Hold on, brother, okay? We'll get right back to you after the break, okay? Just where the timing is there. Hey folks, we'll be right back and we'll get to this question and issue.
And it'll be interesting. If you wanna give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
It's Matt Slick Live! Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, sorry about that, folks. We had a good question coming in and we got a break.
But hey, we're back on the line here with Jim. All right, Jim, you still there? I'm here.
Sorry, I might've been kinda all over the place with that one. A little bit, but that's okay. But what
I was trying to get to is, you know, the parting of the Red Sea, it can be generalized and it's a great event that's in the
Bible. But have you done some studying or discussed, like the
Israelites, how that looked to them? I mean, you're talking about a million people, over a million people crossing over with walls of water and you've got young people, old people, probably some, you know, middle -aged people and all these people trying to cross over and all of this stuff going on.
It's just not, it's not, it wasn't easy. It couldn't have been. No, it wouldn't have been easy. But they would have had spoils, they would have had animals and carts and things like that to help carry the elderly and the infirm.
And a lot of people were, they're already slaves, already in very good shape. And so moving across that land wouldn't have been that difficult, particularly since they're motivated.
They get out of Egypt, there's a miracle happening in front of them, the fire, and then they hear about the
Pharaoh coming and then, you know, he's held back by the pillar of fire. They'll be motivated to move.
It's not gonna be like, oh, let's just kind of take our time. No, no, no, no. So they're gonna be together, working quickly.
Now, how long would it take for, say, one million people to walk? Well, it depends on how far and how wide.
And I don't know what the statistics would be. So if we said 100 yards, 300 feet, I think that's reasonable.
How many people in 300 feet, left and right? And for how far? Let's just say an average of two miles an hour.
And if it was a quarter of a mile across or half a mile, then it would take a half hour for one person to walk across.
And if you have that many people, so, you know, it might have taken a day or two. I don't know, but that's a good question.
Yeah. All right, well, I enjoyed the baptism and the sprinkling and the pouring part, and the 3 ,000 people.
I'm like, yeah, that would take a while. Oh, yeah. I have my notes from all that in front of me.
And like, for example, if, you know, with John the Baptist, it says that they were, he was baptizing, it says, all of Judea and Jerusalem came out to him, all of Judea and Jerusalem.
That's 1 .9 million people. That's the estimate that was in that area at that time. I did research on that.
And so, hypothetically, this is just, I say this because people go, what? Hypothetically, if John alone, if he was alone, was baptizing 10 % of 1 .9
million, that had been 194 ,000 people. Well, how long did he have his ministry?
I did the average. Some say three months, some say two years. I went to 14 months, just an average.
And, because, you know, no, you know, but just an average. That would have meant, then, that if John alone was baptizing for 14 months, then he would have to do 13 ,800 baptisms a month.
And if it's 30 days a month, he'd have done 462 a day.
At eight hours a day, it'd be 57 per hour or one every minute. Well, 30 days, nonstop.
Nonstop, yeah. If three of John's disciples were baptizing, it'd be 19 per hour or one every three minutes.
If it was six disciples, it would be one every six minutes. If 12 disciples, it'd be one every 12 minutes.
Just kind of works out mathematically like that. That's eight hours a day for 30 days a month for 14 months.
Is it practical? There's some problems that creep in with all of this stuff.
Because there's hypothermia in the Jordan River. There's some other issues.
And you have to take breaks. And eight hours like that, lifting people, you drop them into the water, say they weigh 100 pounds and they're clothed, and you lift them up, they're gonna be 101, 102 pounds, whatever.
Well, does that mean, then, that you're up to your belly in water?
Well, then, if you're gonna be in the cold Jordan for eight hours a day like that without a wetsuit, they didn't have wetsuits, you're gonna be hypothermic.
So there's a lot of problems when you start putting flesh and blood on this stuff. And so if you don't, well, then they were up to their knees.
So they didn't get hypothermic. Well, then you gotta talk about dropping someone down underneath the water at knee level. Well, maybe it was hip level.
Well, you're still gonna get hypothermic. It just takes longer. And so there's some issues. There's some issues there.
So what was the best way to do that, then? And that's another topic you got. I'm taunting people.
Give me a call. I'm taunting them. We'll see. All right? Bye -bye.
Okay, buddy, God bless. Thanks. Yeah, you know, I did some stats on that.
And from a book that talked about it as well. And I went, oh, I never thought about that.
So I did the stats. It was interesting. Jason from Arizona, welcome. You are on the air.
Hi, Matt. You make me laugh when I hear you say most
Christians have this perception of Jesus, that he's the blue -eyed, blonde -haired surfer. He's wearing a woman's nightgown.
He's begging for permission. This is the sovereign king of the universe with omnipotent power.
And I see your point that people have the wrong perception. But it makes me chuckle when you say that, because, you know,
I get it. I understand you. But most Christians I know, you know, they think
God loves everybody salvificly. And I was telling a friend that only in Jesus do we experience the love of God, because outside of Christ, the wrath of God abides upon them.
And so it's just a concept I don't hear in church today. Like, no one talks about it. I read your article that the
Lord hates the wicked and the workers of iniquity, those who are not his children. And I just want to know the truth about the
Lord, you know, everything, even the hard stuff to accept. And I accept Romans 9 and Psalm 5, 5.
And, you know, a lot of people I know, they don't accept it. But I just appreciate you sharing the truth that, you know, even the hard stuff, that's, you know, the wrath of God is on the unbeliever.
It's just not heard. But, you know, thanks for standing for the truth and the hard truth, you know, like that's a hard saying for a lot of people.
But I'd rather hear you talk now. Well, you know, I'm glad you said that because it's refreshing.
It's very uncommon for people to say what you just said. Most people that I've encountered just believe in the blonde -haired biological occasion surfer dude dressed in a woman's nightgown, standing at the door of your heart, asking permission for you to let him in.
This is what's presented for most pulpits and it's not the biblical image of Christ. So one of the things I will do when
I'm talking to people is I have a lot of verses memorized. I've been doing this for so long. So I'll just say, you know,
I just believe that, you know, I believe that God hates all who do iniquity. Oh, I would never agree with that,
Matt. You wouldn't? No, he loves everybody. Well, no, I think he hates people who do iniquity. No, that's not true.
They don't realize I'm quoting Psalm 5 .5. You know, the boastful shall not stand before your eyes.
You hate all who do iniquity. So I was talking to a woman online a few days ago and people are doing commentary on it now because it was an interesting discussion.
But nevertheless, she was denying the sovereignty of God in a lot of areas. And I said, well,
I believe that God makes all things, even the wicked, for the day of evil. And she said, I would never believe that.
And I said, well, I reject that. And she didn't realize I was quoting Psalm 16 .4. And so, I mean, Proverbs 16 .4.
And then when I told her after about 30 seconds, I said, I just quoted you the scriptures. And she said, I don't believe your interpretation of it.
And I said, I didn't interpret it, I quoted it. And that's what I'll do sometimes is I'll just take a verse in a conversation and just insert it into the flow of the conversation.
And they reject it. And this demonstrates to me that people reject the word of God if it doesn't fit their theology.
In fact, years ago, when I was in San Diego, I had a friend, and this is a good example. I'll keep quiet so you can comment there.
But I showed him something. He's a Christian, and he believed that God always wants everyone to be healthy and wealthy.
And I said, well, have you read Exodus 4 .11? Which says this, the
Lord said to him, who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind?
Is it not I, the Lord? I still see him in my mind's eye, my memory, sitting on this couch in his apartment, staring at the text for a full minute.
And I waited, and he said, finally, he said, well, I don't know what it means, but it doesn't mean what it says.
And I never forgot that. And you're right, so many people don't want to hear the word of God. And this is why we're having so many problems in the church.
One of the reasons, anyway. So, good for you, man. Well, yeah, I appreciate that. I was, you know,
I often talk to different Christians, and I'll just say, look, you know, God is love, but he's also capable of demonstrating his wrath.
And he does demonstrate his wrath. Romans nine, and ultimately hell is the, is a demonstration of that wrath.
My point to them is that, yes, there's safety in Jesus, but outside of Jesus, there is no eternal safety.
Am I, I'm speaking right, is that right? That's correct, absolutely correct. You are speaking truth.
Good for you. Well, thank you, I'll let someone else call in. Appreciate you, God bless.
All right, man, you too, man, God bless. And perfect timing for the break. So, we will be back with Ed from Virginia right after these messages.
Please give me a call, 877 -207 -2276. We'll be right back.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody, welcome back to the show. Let's get on here with Ed from Virginia.
Ed, welcome, you're on the air. Hey, Slick, how you doing? I'm doing okay,
I'm doing okay, man. So, what do you got? Been a while since I got with you. I've been on the road delivering tonight, got to get on and listen to you on the radio.
So, I get to get my Slick fix tonight. Slick fix, well, good for you.
I like that. So, I gotta, what is your view on, or have you done any study on the age of the disciples?
I've done a little study on that, and some people think they were teenagers, based on some of the evidence there.
I don't know, it sounded pretty good. What do you think about that? I have no idea.
That's a good question. I've never been asked that question, actually. At least, I don't recall. But I have no idea how to answer it, except to say each one was twice as old as half.
And I'm always right. Yeah, but they were probably young. Oh, I mean, there's, yeah, but there's some, you know, one, there's a few things out there, like how
Jesus interacted with them. He called them little children. And just how he questioned them sometimes, sort of like,
I don't know, might have not been. I wouldn't say that. One was temple tax. You had to be 20 to pay the temple tax, and the disciples didn't pay any tax, except for Peter, who was probably married and older.
So, you know, there's a few ideas out there. I like that.
So tell me some more. So you're probably young, and that's what I think, because another one is because John, he lived, you know, very, you know, like I said,
I'm saying the 80s. So he had to be young also. Yeah, yeah.
But I think the temple tax was really one of them that really made me think about it.
Of course, again, him referring to them as children, and then what they were, who was it where the disciples were with their mother, and they were sort of fighting over where to sit, or something,
I can't remember that. But it was just how they interacted sometimes, and the process of education in Israel, because you would sit under a rabbi.
If you didn't get the education, you weren't accepted by a rabbi. You were sort of rejected, and the fact that they were accepted under Christ, and that was their final education, that was another aspect, is how disciples were educated under rabbis back then.
Well, just because. The mission, the mission. Oh, just to say that, just because it doesn't record them paying a temple tax, for example, doesn't mean they weren't doing it, because that may not have been the focus of what was going on.
So it's evidence, but it's not proof of anything, you know. And the things we know we can count on, for example, is
John the Apostle. He lived to be very old, and even the church fathers talked about that. But I like the temple tax thing.
That's just something to go, hey, consider this. It doesn't prove anything, but that's good. What else did you find?
Well, one part was Ray Vanderland. He wrote, let's see,
Jewish education tradition scripture study begins at age five. Mishnah study at age 10.
Torah obligations at 13. Continued rabbinical study at age 15.
If they were chosen to be tutored by a formal teacher or apprenticed to a trade, they would be married at age 18, and their formal teaching would begin at age 30.
If they didn't find a rabbi that accepted them, they would most likely enter the workforce by their mid -teens.
So you can see Jesus coming and saying, catching these fishermen and these different. The disciples were already working at their trades when
Jesus found them. Yeah, I like that. I never even considered all that stuff.
That's good stuff. I'm taking notes, actually. Do some research on it.
What was it, Exodus 30, 14, 15, Jewish law states every male over the age of 20 is to pay a half shekel as a census offering when they visit the temple.
So maybe that sort of gives a little sign of their age. Yeah, I like that.
It's good stuff. Plus, how he interacted with them. He called them little children. I mean, would you call 30 -year -olds little children?
People at your same age? Well, maybe, maybe not. Maybe, maybe not, because what was the context?
And, you know, I'm just saying, normally you wouldn't think that, but how was it back then?
Was it acceptable in a certain context if a rabbi called their disciples little children? Was that just common?
You know, I mean, those are just questions you gotta ask, but those are good questions. Yeah, so I mean, you know,
I think it's interesting when you see how they interact with him and how they question things and how they, just the way they, you know, the ideas they came up with, it's like, you know, they seem pretty young to be asking stuff like that or acting like that.
Well, here's an indirect, here's an indirect support of them being quite young.
Peter was, let's just say, immature. Yeah, I'll go get him. Let's cut this off.
Let's do a, you know, build a, was it build a little mini tabernacle for Moses and Elijah and he cut the ears off?
You know, these are inferences. He maybe was young and impressionable or, you know,
I mean, not proof of anything, but yeah, it's a lot of interesting stuff. Yeah, yeah,
I didn't know if you ever looked at that or someone pointed it out to me and I looked up some websites and I was like, oh, that's interesting thought.
And when you think of the impressionism, you know, as a missionary for many years, you know, we want a lot of young people, but the older people were very difficult.
So young people are more easily, you know, influenced, not, you know, easier to teach.
So I don't know, it just seemed pretty interesting the way they interacted and some of the customs and the tax and.
Well, let's see, Charlie, a friend of mine, he wrote in the text here, he's one of the guys that helps out.
Peter referred to himself as an old man when he was in his 60s, about 30 years after walking with Jesus.
Now I'm not gonna see that reference, if you got it there, Charlie. This means Peter was in his 20s or 30s at the time he was with Jesus.
The gospel of Matthew was written 30 to 40 years after Jesus' resurrection, indicating that he was perhaps in his 20s when following Jesus on earth, you know?
And okay, I see. So I have to check this out and check the references and stuff. Yeah, maybe
I'll write an article on it because, hey, it's just interesting. It's a good question. Yeah. All right.
Well, I'm gonna call you back sometime when I have pen and paper because you've really got me interested in free mill and pre -trib and, well, in your sense, non -pre -trib.
And non -millennial, I think you mentioned sometime. Right. Probably not 1 ,000 years, literally, but I'll call you back sometime when
I have my pen and pencil so I can really take some good notes on that. Well, you don't have to, I mean, call back, but I mean,
I have an article I've written on if you go to CARM and look up two ages in support of all -millennialism.
And it used to be the case that people were calling all -millennialism a heresy, that only the leftist liberal wackos would believe.
And that's not the case. They would just label what they didn't like that. And it's called an examination of this age and the age to come.
Just type in that, an examination of this age and age to come. And I've got tables in there that show this age and age to come.
And then I do a table number two, I'm looking at it right now, where you take the phrase end of this age, the phrase last day, the phrase day of the
Lord, the last trumpet, and after the tribulation, go through and find every place in the
Bible that talks about them. And then I put them in a table comparing them so that for example, just a quick example, the judgment of the wicked is at the end of this age,
Matthew 13, and the last day is where the judgment of the wicked occurs, John 12, 48.
And the day of the Lord is when the judgment of the wicked occurs in John 12, 48.
So the judgment of the wicked is the end of the age, which is also the last day, which is also the day of the
Lord. So just do stuff like that, did it with all kinds of topics. And you start seeing pattern.
And it becomes very interesting. And I have a third table down there and you can check it out.
And when I've taught in Bible studies, gone through it bit by bit, when the first time people have heard it, they're very intrigued, they've never heard this before.
And I say, well, what do you think? And they go, man, I don't know what to say. It's just so intriguing.
So I'm actually thinking of putting a video together. What's that called? Study of two ages, what's it called?
Yes, an examination of this age and the age to come. Just type that in. Okay. And because we have nobody waiting right now, so we can just kind of ramble.
But this age and age to come is the model that Jesus spoke of and Paul the apostle spoke of.
And what bothers me is I've never heard it mentioned in churches or radio,
Christian radio or anything. And it's just right there. You know, it's weird.
Have you heard me talk about, you know, two men in the field and one is taken, one is left? Right. Because that's not the rapture.
Didn't the old Scofield Bible say that was a rapture? I don't know.
If they did, it would be erroneous. The rapture occurs, but, you know, people think
I don't believe in a rapture. Of course I do. But that verse, you know, in Matthew 24, two men in the field, one is taken, one is left.
It's not the good who are taken, it's the wicked. And when I show that to people, yeah, they're just blown away.
And they go, right, that's what it says. Yeah, I think in Bible college, a lot of people had the Scofield Bible and they thought that was a rapture.
I know. It's not. In fact, the ones who were taken are the wicked. And then they asked
Jesus, where are they taken? And he actually answered the question. Where the body is, the vultures gather.
So anyway, it's, I think that article has that in there as well. I don't know if it does. I need to expand it.
I wrote that in 2017. Does your website have a study on every reference that Jesus or the
Old Testament or the New Testament has made that Christ is God? I don't know if I've done a study on every reference, but I've done a study on lots of them in the
Old and New Testament. And so if you go to CARM and type in, is
Jesus God? Let's see. I'm waiting for it to come up.
And let's see. Did Paul, did Jesus ever get sick? How Jesus, is
Jesus God? And I wrote that back in 2010. So I'm looking at it, because I've written 6 ,000 articles.
So, oh, that's a short article. That's probably not very big. But I'm actually working on another article, the Trinity in the
Old Testament. I'm working on that this week coming up. And so the deity of Christ in both the
Old and New Testament would be a great article. That's right. Okay. Well, I'll let you go.
You have a great evening. Thank you for that. Okay. All right, you too, man.
God bless you, sir. Okay. All right, God bless. That'd be a good article.
Can you show the deity of Christ in the Old Testament? Yes, I can. And I know how to do that. But that'd be a good title.
Actually, let's see. We've got about a minute. And I have, how many, oh man, how many articles have
I gotta do? The ones that I have listed, oh man, I've got another 50 right here.
Maybe 60, yeah, maybe 70, 80. Yeah, I've got about 100 to add on to this list here, which
I gotta check out. Oh, there we go. So I have, my list is, there we go, 778.
So I have to add in 100 questions. They're all categorized in different categories, women and trinity and scriptures and science, salvation.
You know, I'm so blessed to build it, to answer questions, teach the word of God. What a privilege, what a privilege.
Hey folks, there we are, we're out of time. May the Lord bless you. And I hope, pray, that by God's grace, you'll have a great weekend.
May the Lord bless you. And we'll talk to you on Monday. God bless everybody. Another program powered by The Truth Network.