She's Got Gold Feet!

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope


The Holy Nope Breakdown: "Gold Feet"


This video is wild. We're gonna talk about it. Watch this Hallelujah So apparently the act is that she started to see some gold on the carpet and followed it back to the front of the
Room, I guess and she knew what was coming because she's done this before I saw another video of her doing this a while back that made the rounds on social media after some hype some build -up behold
She's got gold on her feet got gold footprint. She's got gold coming out of the pores of the bottom of her feet
Awesome are these the greater works that Jesus spoke of all God's people said
Now while this is an absurd example of what some might call a miracle It is not uncommon for many people typically those in the charismatic
Pentecostal camps to assume that when Jesus says in John 14 12 that his disciples will quote
Do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do to assume that Jesus is talking about miracles?
But when we look at the text two things are immediately apparent John uses the word works rather than signs signs is the word
Intentionally employed by John throughout the gospel to refer to the miracles Jesus performed to demonstrate that he is the
Son of God So that the reader of the gospel would believe secondly It must be observed that Jesus isn't saying this in the context of him performing any of these signs and certainly no one could claim
To have actually done greater Miracles than Jesus who walked on water and raised the dead and fed thousands of people with five loaves and two fishes
Well, some could claim that I guess but they'd be lying The greater works are not talking about miracles certainly not gold at the bottom of some old lady's feet
Jesus is talking about the church's Holy Spirit empowered mission to be his witnesses in the earth
For example after the Spirit came at Pentecost What happens Peter full of the Holy Spirit who Jesus promised to send in the next verse of John 14?
stands and Preaches and 3 ,000 souls believe there was never 3 ,000 people converted under the preaching of Jesus Even his 12 closest friends
Abandoned him in the garden the power of the Holy Spirit in the mission of the church to make Christ known in the earth
Are the greater works being referred to in John 14 the regeneration of 3 ,000 dead hearts is greater than Feeding 5 ,000 men with some loaves and fish now
Let's consider just how blasphemous these gold feet are. Of course feet are a symbol of our creatureliness
We are made from the dust of the earth We have clay feet our feet are the part of our body that stay connected to the dirt they remind us that we are creatures of dust and Moses is instructed to remove his sandals from his feet because The place in which he was standing was holy ground and what's interesting is that in Isaiah 6 even the angels are said to cover their feet in the presence of God RC Sproul in his lectures on the holiness of God suggests that it's because of the very fact that their feet to Symbolize their creatureliness even though they aren't made of dust like us
But this prophetess must really be something if from her feet. She's got gold coming. She's got gold feet special edition gold bond
Well, of course, it's not going to appear on anyone else's feet It's of absolutely no benefit to anyone but only for her self glorification if this happened to my pastor
I'd tell him to put his shoes back on and preach the word It's also kind of funny that the interpreter could translate her