Jimmy Evans, Spiritual Abuse & The Real Problem w/ Daystar
Marcus & Joni Lamb are the founders of Daystar, one of the world's largest purveyors of the Prosperity Gospel. What is Jimmy Evans involvement and what is the real problem with the television network, is it just who they promote, or does it go deeper than that? Watch and find out!
- 00:00
- Hello, and thank you for watching this video. We're going to be talking about the real problem with Daystar And we're going to talk about Jimmy Evans and his involvement.
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- He's mixed up in all of this But really the real problem with Daystar. It's not that they platform heretical false teachers
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- That's what my first video was about how they platform and promote Prosperity gospel heretics.
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- It's not that Marcus and Joni lamb. They are the founders of Daystar Okay, Marcus lamb has died
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- Joni lamb is now running Daystar. It's not that the lambs are just promoting
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- Prosperity gospel false teachers. It's that the lambs Were actually wolves or they are wolves
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- Joni lamb Marcus lamb he was and she is Prosperity gospel.
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- This is who they are. So they promote people who have the same Theology as they do and obviously that just makes sense.
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- So that's the real problem It's not just that they promote false teachers. They themselves are false
- 01:03
- Teachers, so why do I say that? Well, let's just go back and this is all public information everything
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- I'm gonna read now is Documented these were headlines going back five years ten years fifteen years ago
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- Apparently people either forgot or they just don't care We're not even going to talk about the allegations of child
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- Abuse or the alleged cover -up. We're not even going to get into that because I don't know who's telling the full truth
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- We're just going to talk about what we know for sure So Marcus and Joni lamb launched the
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- Daystar Network at the end of 1997 So they were promoting these prosperity gospel proponents from day one and again the lambs
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- Themselves are prosperity gospel. For example during kovat Daystar, which claims to be a church, okay
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- Daystar is registered as a church that's going to matter in just a moment. But Daystar applied for and was granted a
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- Almost four million dollar PPP loan to help quote -unquote pay employees salaries
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- Well right after that they took the government money and what did they do a short time after that?
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- they bought a private jet and the television show inside edition
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- Which it's funny because inside edition most everybody has seen that clip where inside edition exposes
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- Kenneth Copeland remember So not only did inside edition expose
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- Kenneth Copeland They exposed Marcus and Joni lamb and because of public pressure evidently
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- They ended up paying the government back Also years before that Marcus lamb was involved in an adulterous affair.
- 02:54
- Now. He was having an adulterous affair This isn't a rumor. Okay, he admitted to it
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- So Marcus lamb was committing adultery and it was found out his wife found out so they sought
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- Spiritual counseling. Okay, was that Jimmy Evans or Jimmy Evans and other people?
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- We know Jimmy Evans has been involved in their life for quite some time. He's a very close
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- Family friend well on the advice of their counselors who may or may not have been
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- Jimmy Evans The decision was made and again, this is a matter of public record
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- The decision was made to keep the adulterous affair Quiet, keep it quiet for as long as they could
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- Finally the lambs because there were these three women who are gonna just blow the lid off of all of this three women asked for seven point five million dollars in exchange for their silence and the lambs realized they couldn't keep the
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- Adulterous affair hidden forever. So they finally came out and Admitted it. So Marcus lamb the the pastor of Daystar which again
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- Daystar claims to be a church He's the leader of Daystar Committed adultery.
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- Did he resign and just go away? No, these people the the prosperity guys
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- It's like when Benny Hinn and Paula White were busted in Rome, right? Staying in the same hotel and one of them was married to somebody else at the time.
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- Did they? resign and go no because these Charismatic false teachers.
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- They always just get caught and then they just keep on going, you know John Hagee did it
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- Benny Hinn like they just they just keep keep doing it because nobody holds them accountable evidently
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- So there was that adulterous affair. There was the inside edition
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- Exposé all of this is a matter of public record Okay, some of that was they tried to cover it up for a little while and that just makes it makes it look like a pattern
- 04:57
- Okay, now that there are new allegations of a cover -up But let's go back to what Jesus said in Matthew 7 in the context of false prophets
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- Jesus said that a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
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- So this is the root problem again It's not that the lambs Marcus and Joni lamb Oh, it's just that they associate with or Jimmy Evans associates with you know, prosperity gospel people
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- No Marcus and Joni lamb. They are prosperity gospel and Jimmy Evans. He's right in the middle of all of this
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- So here is a clip. This is from the channel Jew and Greek The man who does the channel here
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- Rod Saunders, I think is his name. He's charismatic himself so this isn't just a critic of the charismatic movement this man is charismatic and You know, we would probably disagree on a lot of things, but he's right about this so let's hear what he has to say about this whole debacle with Joni lamb and More adultery is that what you call it watch
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- Joni and her first husband Marcus lamb founded a star 30 years ago and Built it up over the years to one of the largest
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- Christian television networks in the world Unfortunately Marcus died of complications from Kovat on November 30th 2021 and a few months later
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- Doug Weiss a Christian marriage counselor and sex therapist who had been featured on Daystar several times
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- Divorced his wife of 30 years a Few months after that Doug and Joni were dating and then in March of 2023 they announced their engagement on Daystar They were married three months later by Joni's friend and marriage counselor
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- Jamie Evans Okay, so Jimmy Evans. He's right there in the middle of this.
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- He's giving his blessing. He's giving his approval to this Sinful situation because there was no grounds for divorce this guy ditched his wife
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- No grounds for divorce ditched his wife and then he hooks up with Joni lamb and Jimmy Evans eventually, he gives his
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- Blessing to them and now Jimmy Evans in this next clip is going to defend
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- Joni lamb Over and against the allegations coming from her son now her son not going to get into that Like I said, but we do see some strong arm tactics some spiritual abuse from Jimmy Evans watch
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- While at Daystar TV Jonathan and Susie lamb claimed that they were spiritually abused by Jonathan's mother
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- Daystar president Joni lamb and her close allies this included Jimmy Evans founder of XO marriage in July 2023
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- Jonathan and Susie refused to read a listener comment praising Joni's recent marriage to sex therapist
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- Doug Weiss The couple objected to the marriage believing that Weiss lacked biblical grounds for divorcing his wife
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- But an audio obtained by the Roy's report Evans pressures the couple to submit to Joni Claiming she has godlike authority and submission means she's the voice of God to you
- 08:04
- I'm sorry. Can you clarify? She said she's a voice of God to me So I have to hear
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- I can't hear from God after you from her outside of Daystar What she says is a god and they start this is the voice of God and they so what accountability that she had if she's off Yeah, but you're not
- 08:26
- So notice Jimmy Evans claims that the voice of Joni she is the voice of God You know touch not the
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- Lord's anointed. It's the same old same old cult -like Tactics obey the man of God or in this case the woman of God and by the way if Daystar is the church
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- How is Joni Lamb the leader of Daystar? How is she the the new leader or pastor pastrix of the first Timothy 212?
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- Into the context of first Timothy 3 the qualifications for a pastor She's not qualified.
- 09:01
- Okay, so Another issue, but Jimmy Evans is right there. No, she's not only qualified according to Jimmy Evans She's the voice of God.
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- She speaks for God Joni Joni Lamb, I guess that's still her last name.
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- Joni Lamb is like God to you Okay, she is like her voice is like God here at Daystar.
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- That's cultic. Okay, that's cultic and at the very least This is a strong arm tactic
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- Spiritual abuse to try to silence her her own son Jonathan who was worried about his child alleged abuse alleged
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- Cover up and he's trying to go to his parents who run Daystar Hey this happened and this other employee
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- Did this and you guys aren't taking it serious or whatever the allegations are and you know what
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- Jimmy Evans? His response is you just shut up and do what your mother says
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- Why this is a grown man, by the way who According to him should have been the head of Daystar like realized there could be a power struggle and there could be two sides
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- To the story, but the bottom line is he's saying that Joni Lamb is the voice of God.
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- This is all spiritual abuse manipulation Jimmy Evans Really at this point
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- There's no reason to believe that he's any better Than the rest of them, so it's very sad very sad situation over at Daystar, you know
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- The root problem is that these people are utterly disqualified They're not qualified to run a hot dog stand never mind a
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- Christian ministry And there are so many victims not just the the child who was Allegedly harmed, you know, there are the people worldwide the sick the poor the elderly that are being scammed
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- All to enrich, you know these people at the top flying around in their private jets.
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- It's really disgusting it Brings reproach upon the name of Christ So if you watch these people if there are any
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- Daystar defenders here who watch Kenneth Copeland and these prosperity gospel false teachers
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- I'm calling upon you to repent and trust in the true gospel of Christ Crucified and risen for the remission of sin the true
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- Apostles What did they say silver and gold we have none? Okay, it wasn't about money and power and you know fame and private jets and mansions
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- No, it's about heaven eternal life and the forgiveness of sin in the peace that that brings
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- To the heart of the saved believer. That's what the gospel is all about So, please repent trust in the true gospel of Christ crucified and risen