A TLP Snippet 1: When Do I Get to Flip Tables?


Parenting wisdom in 5 minutes or less: "Jesus flipped tables. When do I get to flip tables?" T.L.P. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TruthLoveParent/ AMBrewster on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMBrewster Need some help? Write to us at [email protected]


Welcome to a TLP snippet, Parenting Wisdom in Five Minutes or Less. I am
A .M. Brewster and today we're asking, Jesus flipped tables? When do I get to flip tables?
Well, there are two occasions in Scripture where we hear about Jesus making a whip, throwing people out of the temple, and overturning tables.
It did happen. He was angry, but he didn't sin. And I believe the reason he was able to do all of that and still be sinless was that as he cleansed the temple, his motivation was the same as it was during the rest of his life.
He was constrained by the will of his Father. He wasn't offended, annoyed, or selfishly angry.
He was the perfect picture of genuinely righteous indignation. And we only hear about such behavior twice in the entirety of the
New Testament. The rest of the time, still motivated by the will of his Father, Jesus' manner with people was very different.
He preached, he gave, he healed, he taught, he sacrificed, he loved, he washed, he rescued, he died.
I am a poor, broken sinner, and I generally cannot differentiate if I'm having a table -flipping discussion or an allowing -myself -to -be -crucified discussion.
According to my prideful heart, most confrontations seem like a good time to fashion a scourge. And that disproportion is my first indicator that I'm not responding like Christ.
Jesus sacrificed more than he yelled. If I'm making a whip, it had better be because I'm trying to help my child submit to God, not to me.
Will he submit to me when he submits to truth? Yes. But having him submit to me is never my goal.
Having me win the argument is never the purpose of flipping a table. My goal is to do everything
I can to lovingly provide him with truth in such a way that God's Word pierces to the dividing asunder of his soul and spirit and leaves him bare before Christ.
But such instances should be very few and far between. Yet unfortunately, the modern parent engages as far more scourging discussions than sacrificing discussions.
And that's today's snippet. Please join us tomorrow for our full show as we discuss six observations from a family counselor.
Truth. Love. Parents is part of the Evermind Ministries family and is dedicated to helping you become an intentional premeditated parent.
Join us next time as we search God's Word for the truth your family needs today.