The Proper Attitude in a Day of Apostasy, Pt. 1 (01/02/2000)


Pastor David Mitchell


The Proper Attitude in a Day of Apostasy, Pt. 2 (01/09/2000) | NOTE: Incomplete tape

Book of Lamentations It's good to have brother Frizzell back with us this morning and the whole family including faith, it's good to see you
Book of Lamentations and also I'd like to have you turn to Proverbs chapter 8 We want to look at Proverbs chapter 8 just a couple of verses that we mentioned last
Sunday morning before we get into the book of Lamentations But I want to speak to you this morning about the proper attitude in a day of apostasy the proper attitude of a
Christian in the day of apostasy Let's start by looking at Proverbs chapter 8 and verse 22
I'd like to read that whole chapter, but it's not the message. So I won't do it. Let's look at a couple of key verses
Proverbs 8 22 the Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way before his works of old
I Was set up from everlasting from the beginning or ever the earth was
When there were no depths I was brought forth when there were no fountains abounding with water before the mountains were settled before the hills
I was brought forth and I wanted you to look at a couple of words in those verses and the first Or in English anyway, and it's a phrase the phrase set up Where he says
I was set up from everlasting The phrase set up in the
Hebrew language is the Hebrew word no sock which means to pour out or to cast as casting metal and The phrase brought forth where he says
I was brought forth before the world was This is the main word that I want you to think about as we go into this passage and lamentations because we're going to see
This same word used again but this word where it says Jesus was brought forth before the world was is the
Hebrew word cool and It literally means to twist or whirl in a circular or spiral manner
And I've thought before I've been putting some thought into this word in the last weeks
Thinking about the phrase where Jesus told the Pharisees He said I came forth or I came out from God and proceeded forth from the
Father And of course, they picked up stones to stone him when he said that because they knew that he meant
I Came out of the Father and therefore I am God He said you shall die in your sins for if you believe not that I am you shall die in your sins and as I think about when
Jesus himself says that he proceeded forth and came out from God and Back in Proverbs where it says that he was brought forth from the father
The literal rendering of that word to whirl out in a spiral manner
I pictured that in a physical sense of Jesus coming out from God and in the counsels of God as we go back as far back as we can think in time or even beyond time to a place
Called the determinant counsel that the Bible speaks of and I see Jesus Christ the
Son of God being there I Picture these things when
I read this But this I wanted to bring this to you this morning as you look at this same word
Where it says Jesus was brought forth It has some other Colors of meaning and sometimes they come out through other translations in the
Old Testament in other verses Let me give you some other words or phrases that this same word has been translated into in the
King James Version by way of definition It can mean
To writhe in pain and So we see some translations and uses in the
Old Testament where it carries this color of meaning There's a place where it is translated to fall grievously
With pain to fall down grievously with pain as one who was wounded in battle
There's a place where it said it's translated to be in pain There's another place where it's translated to be much pain to be sore sorely pain
There are many places where this word is translated into the word sorrow or sorrowful
There are places where it's translated to travail with pain There's there are more than one place.
There's more than one place where it's translated to be wounded And so as we think about this as the
Lord Jesus says I proceeded forth and came out from God and here in Proverbs It says before the mountains were settled before the hills were
I was brought forth It carries with it a lot more than the English.
It doesn't just mean he just came forth it means that he came forth but there's this color of meaning that has to do with pain and Prevail and with being wounded and it brings to my mind
Revelation 13 8 where it says the lamb slain Before the foundation of the world this is who the
Lord Jesus Christ is and this is how he came forth from the determinant counsels of God of the
Godhead Now I'd like for you to turn back to the book of the lamentations but I want you to keep in mind this word cool in the
Hebrew and The meaning of it To writhe in pain to fall grievously to travail to be wounded and so forth keep that in mind.
We'll see this word later But now let's look at the lamentations just for a moment does anyone if you if you were to kind of thumb through the chapters of this short book and Look at the chapters.
Do you see anything unusual that just comes to mind as you look at the length of the chapters?
I'll give you a hint If somebody tell me anything you see unusual about this this book
You might see it Very good They all have an ending
Well, they all end with a certain verse except for one chapter. How many verses? 22 every single one of them except chapter 3 has 22 verses and what's interesting about chapter 3 is that It really is is
Has the number 22 in it as well, and I'll show you why in a moment, but this the lamentations are what the
I Guess if Deborah were here this morning school teachers would call it
Ella, and I don't know how to say it. I wish Deborah were here this morning Something like a legiac point
But what it means is it has a certain rhythm to it But it also is a song expressing sorrow, especially over the death of a youth
Now look at verse chapter 3 Look how many verses it has it has 66 verses and that's 3 times 22
And so what happens when you look at this whole book the first chapter? Has a new letter of the
Hebrew alphabet Opening each verse there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet Each letter of the
Hebrew alphabet is used to start the verses in chapter 1 The same is true in chapter 2 now in the third chapter however you have 22 groups of three phrases or verses and each one of those is allotted to one of the 22 letters of the
Hebrew alphabet and So each of the three verses starts with the same letter so when you look at chapter 3 verse 1 2 & 3 would all start with the first letter of the
Hebrew alphabet and Verses 4 5 & 6 would be the second letter so that you see that the 22
Letters of the Hebrew alphabet are found in all of these chapters The only exception is the last chapter of the book and they do not start with the letters of the
Hebrew alphabet But it is still poetic in nature. And so this is written in the form of a song and it is a lamentation over the death of Israel actually and Marileth Unger says this about the book.
It says the whole note is one of deep tragedy The Lord's people from whom salvation would eventually come
Have become so vile as to be fit only to be destroyed
Now, let's go back and I want to Take a an overview of this book this morning
Now I want you to realize as you go through this book. It's almost like listening to the news
Or reading the newspaper anything you ever notice about the news if you try to watch it or listen to it
It's depressing why is it so depressing? Because it's negative We were flipping through a channel last night and the news was on and my children were sitting in a room and we were
Watching and it says Well, it says nothing, you know, we've gone through the clock has turned over in all these countries and nothing really bad has happened
And that was the only good thing they said Nothing really bad has happened
Even it had the word bad in it and then it went on to talk about some things that had happened But none of it related to y2k, but all the rest of it was bad news well this book as Jeremiah is looking at his beloved nation and What has befallen the nation?
It's just nearly all bad news But there is one Little passage of verses in the midst of this book that we're gonna look at this morning
That is the bright light in the middle of all this trouble But before we get to that I want us to look at some of the trouble
I'll be like the newscaster chapter 1 If there is an overriding theme in chapter 1 or we might call this the first lamentation
The first lamentation is about the loss of a testimony. I believe that's how
I would sum it up Anyway, the loss of testimony in Verse 1 it says how doth the city sit solitary that was full of people
She that was great is become tributary And I'm gonna make a parallel this morning.
Not that I think that the Bible necessarily does this you can use This is my opinion you can Use your own opinion
But my opinion is that we can look at the at the lamentations and we can take a look at the church in this century
We just came to the close of it. I suppose but we can go back to the early 1900s of the late 1800s and we can look at the the history of the church and see where we've come today
We could go to the book of Revelation and talk about the different stages that the prophetic writings talk about all the way down to the laodicean church, which is the lukewarm
Church and We're certainly in that mindset in the church today and we can see that that these lamentations
Can certainly give us light Into where the church is going in the last days
The Bible says that Jesus will not come back unless there be a great falling away a great apostasy from the truth
How should we live in a day such as that? You may so I don't believe we're in that day.
In fact, the charismatic movement is always saying we're in great world revival We're experiencing a revival today like has never been seen in the history of the world and I would agree with that statement
It certainly is like one that's never been seen before. It's a revival. That's not affecting society one bit
It's a revival. That's not closed down one beer joint. It's a revival That hasn't stopped any bit of worldliness are
Ridded our streets of prostitutes. It's a revival that has not decreased the crime wave and So they're right.
It's a revival like the world has never seen. It's a totally ineffectual revival because it's not real
It's an illusion the fact is Prophecy and scriptures tell us that the world is going the other direction
It's not going towards revival. It's going towards apostasy And how should we live?
Well, we look at Jeremiah and he lived in such a day very similar day and How did he make it through that time?
And that's what I want us to get hold of this morning I don't know that the new year and the new millennia is going to bring about better things in the
United States of America for Christians, I Don't know that it's going to bring better environments for Christians worldwide
I Just can't see how if we're having apostasy and a falling away from the truth that that's going to help us be more comfortable in this world
So I think we may find ourselves and certainly our children will in a state very similar to where Jeremiah is as we look
Today, so first he laments over the if the loss of an effective testimony of God's people
Now it all it says in verse 2 that all of a sudden their friends have become enemies
It's kind of interesting to look back at the church at the turn of the century when great preachers would stand in the halls of Congress and give marvelous speeches which really were sermons and Now you don't see that at all
What you see now is they bring preachers to the White House that are in full agreement with what
Clinton already believes And so those who used to be quote the friends of the church are the enemies of the church now
There was a day in this country even in this past century When you wouldn't look as a at a doctor as being the one who is all perfect and all -knowing and and all wise
In the nation, they would go to the preachers and sit and feel that way well now the preachers certainly proved them wrong didn't they and Doctors are doing that nowadays to the left and to the right don't ever think for one moment that your doctor
Knows everything that you think he knows. He doesn't even know everything. He thinks he knows and How many thousand people
I read a statistic? I don't know Many thousands. I won't say a number because they'd be wrong
But many thousands of people die each year because doctors and health care workers give the wrong medicine and it kills you
So always get a second opinion, even if it's from your wife or your husband but so in the early years
It was the preacher in the community that even the government leaders would go to to ask for advice.
It's not that way anymore The those who used to be the friends of the church are now her enemies
Says in verse 6 that the beauty of Israel had departed. Did you know that the beauty always departs when the holiness departs?
the church has no beauty if it's just like the world and And then in verse 6 it also says that her strength is gone
Before her pursuer, isn't that a frightening statement? Listen to me now the strength is gone as The enemy pursues that's a bad time to lose your strength, isn't it?
Chapter 1 verse 10 says the adversary hath spread his hand Upon all her pleasant things
For she hath seen that the heathen entered into her sanctuary Whom thou didst command that they should not enter into thy congregation
The enemy has now placed his evil filthy hands within the very sanctuary
Where God's people were supposed to have separation and solace and peace
He's put his hands in the congregation Lamentation 1 3 says
Judah is gone into captivity because of affliction and because of great servitude She dwelleth among the heathen.
She findeth no rest Do you know that when the church begins to dwell among the heathen? There's no peace or rest in the church and The peace and the rest goes away all her persecutors overtook her between the straits
Verse 7 it says all her pleasant things from the days of old are gone
Do you know that would include the doctrines that were freely taught from the pulpits? You go back to the late 1800s the early 1900s
The very doctrines that were taught and loved from the pulpits of I'll speak of Baptist churches because that's what we know more history about than any other those same doctrines
Are gone now in Many quarters they're not to be found
Coming out from a pulpit in Baptist churches today. In fact, if those old
Pleasant things were brought forth today people would think they were wrong and Then in verse 9 it says her filthiness is in her skirts
She had no comforter the enemy had magnified himself Isn't it interesting that it uses the word comforter in that Old Testament verse and when there was a lack of the comforter all of a sudden filth and sin and it comes into play in the church and The enemy magnifies himself in the church what a horrible horrible horrible statement because who is supposed to be magnified and glorified in the church and Now the enemy is
Magnified in the church if we can relate this to the church this relates to the Nation of Israel My question this morning is
Can it teach us any lessons about the church today? I? see in verse 16 and in verse 13 in verse 18 that the
Prophet Jeremiah was given three things Because of what was happening around him First of all in verse 16 he was given tears and I say he was given tears because the other people were not crying over what was happening to the nation the other people didn't care about what was happening to God's people and I would dare say that today the only people of God who would shed any tear over the church or even see that the church is
In any trouble at all Would be people who God had given the ability to have these tears and to see the falling away that's happening all around us
And the second thing that this great prophet received from God in verse 13. He said
I have fire in my bones Imagine that He had a zeal for God in the midst of apostasy
Got him in some trouble from time to time But he says I have fire in my bones from above Wow, that's where we need to be
You talking about a prop a proper attitude in a time of apostasy in a time where Jesus himself
Said we live in a lukewarm church age to be given fire in your bones from above Wouldn't that be an awesome gift?
from God because You wouldn't have it didn't come from him and how about to be given a tear from time to time?
Lamenting over the state of the church where the enemy himself is magnified more in the churches than God is today and the third thing he got found in verse 18 is he received repentance and a sense of The righteousness of God now if you go through and you read what was happening in this if you read this whole book
You're gonna find things you find difficult to believe that God's people would do for instance
The mothers were boiling their children and eating them for lack of food and Such horrible things happened to this nation and then eventually
Led away in captivity some historians say that hooks were placed through their sternum and attached to the person in front and he had one and she had one and they led them away that way and And naked of course and all of these things happening and yet Jeremiah looks at his
God and says you are Righteous to bring this to pass Jeremiah didn't for one second think these things were accidents
He did not say that these things happened for any other reason than that God brought them to pass
But he said even in the in the truth of that you're righteous Because of the horrible state of sin that we've all fallen into and he concluded himself in verse 18
The Lord is righteous Jeremiah says for I isn't it interesting that he started with himself
For I have rebelled against his commandment here I pray you all people and behold my sorrow
My virgins and my young men are gone into captivity and God is righteous in the midst of it all
So he's given tears He's given fire in his bones and he's given this sense of understanding that as bad as things may look
God is still righteous. You know one thing Jeremiah understood that a lot of people do not understand a day's that God is in control and Why do you think the
Bible says that we should rejoice in all things because we have things that happen that we perceive as bad
And certainly from our point of view they are bad But what Jeremiah understood was that if God and an omnipotent
Omniscient all -wise all -loving God brought it to pass. It can't really be bad.
It has to be for our good it has to work out for the good of God's people and Jeremiah knew that it would and he stood in the midst of it all watching all this happen to his people
Crying but saying God is right You better have that attitude in these last days of apostasy or you'll fall away with the apostasy
You'll fall into some sorry Doctrine that won't get you anywhere that won't get give you any strength
That will call as you just a fear and that'll be the predominant characteristic in your heart
But if you follow the Lord and the scriptures and you understand who's in control Bible says
God hath not given us a spirit of fear But a spirit that cries
Abba father What does it mean when a child calls you daddy, by the way, what means they're mixed up I guess if you're a mom, right, but what does it mean gentlemen when child calls you daddy?
You know that one of the things that means is that he feels absolutely safe while you're standing there
He feels absolutely safe knowing that you're in complete control Do you think that baby worries about whether he's gonna get a meal the next day daddy's there
Long as daddy's there. I'm gonna get a meal Do you think he sits around and worries about where the house is gonna fall in on his head or whether he's gonna have no
Clothes to wear he doesn't even worry about whether he's gonna have a toy or two Daddy's there
And we've lost the ability to look at God as the sovereign one who can supply all needs and who has promised to do
So with his children now we could sum up this first lamentation in verse 8.
So look at it Jerusalem hath grievously sinned
Therefore she is removed Have you room? Do you remember a statement in the
New Testament where it says something about a candlestick being removed? Who can tell me what that means?
Think back from where From the church.
So at that point the church becomes an institution It has walls. It has a ceiling.
It has ornate things and it has people in it but it doesn't have the power and presence of Jesus Christ the light is removed and Here we see
That Jerusalem hath grievously sinned Therefore she is removed all that honoreth her now despise her because they have seen her
Nakedness, why do you think it is that people in this world? Do not respect the church anymore
Why do you think it is that they laugh about preachers all over this world? And if you ever see one in a
Hollywood movie or on television You'll see him in a bad light unless he's a Catholic and then he'll be in a good light
But if he's any kind of Protestant preacher or a Baptist preacher, he's a joke Why do you think that is?
Well, look what happens they have seen her nakedness They've looked at that they've seen more preachers fall into adultery in this last decade probably than all the history of the church
Going all the way back to David and he wasn't a preacher They've seen more it's just like the earthquakes we've seen more earthquakes in this century than in all of recorded history and We've seen more preachers fall into sin and more people who call themselves people of God fall into overt
Gross sin that the world can see then probably any other time and and so they look and they see the nakedness
Which always? typifies sin just playing right out in the open sin and They do they no longer honor her, but they despise her.
Yay. She sigheth and Turneth backwards That's what the church is doing today
How can the church storm the gates of hell? If she's sighing and turning backwards because she's so weakened by sin
Sin in her midst now we go into the second lamentation and he's just begun
First of all, he laments the lost the loss of the testimony and now in this second lamentation
We see that what the great prophet sees is that God himself now listen to this because it's something people don't understand or believe today
God himself perverted their religion as Punishment for disobedience and lukewarmness.
This is frightening. But let's look at it. Think about it a minute. Look at lamentation chapter 2 verse 5
It says the Lord was as an enemy Didn't say he was an enemy but it said as they looked at the things going around most of the people said why has
God chosen to be our enemy and Jeremiah doesn't say that he says God is righteous
But the the average person who has not walked with God has not studied Doesn't know
God very well when these bad things start to happen Who do they want to blame it in all the sudden they become
Calvinist? They blame God for everything all the bad Now they believe it see now they say
God's in control and they blame him for all the bad things that are happening The Lord was as an enemy.
He hath swallowed up Israel well, the fact and the truth is the
Lord was in absolute control look at verse 6 and He hath violently violently taken away his tabernacle.
Who is he in that verse? Hmm the
Lord himself God has violently taken away whose tabernacle
His own This is something we ought to really contemplate
God has taken away his own tabernacle as if it were of a garden and he just decided to remove it
He hath destroyed his places of assembly the
Lord Jehovah hath caused the solemn feasts and Sabbath to be forgotten in Zion and he hath despised in the indignation of his anger the king
Period That what it says he doesn't he despises Clinton. Is that what it says?
That's not what it says. Is it? It does not say that he despised the king. It says he despised the king and the preachers
Isn't that amazing? So, what do we see here first of all God himself has taken away the places of assembly
God himself has removed the solemn feasts. So now he has not only taken away the places of assembly
He has removed the proper form of worship from their mind So they no longer know how to worship when they come together.
They don't even know the right way to worship God And I have a question for you. Can you please
God if you worship him your way? So if he were to remove his way from your mind and heart, where would you be?
You would be lost. I mean you do you would be Enabled to please God with the very worship that you're trying to do when you come together
And God is the one who made it this way for these people, but it was as punishment because for so many years they're just Yeah, we'll go we'll go church, man
Yeah, let's go get it It's about 12 minutes to 12, you know We can we can do it till about that time and we'll go eat and we'll go home the rest of they'll be ours lukewarm and God Comes out to a place and he says we're not gonna do this and all of a sudden he removes from their mind any remembrance of the proper way to worship and The proper forms of worship is gone and it not only that but it says he despised not only the king
Not only the political leaders who are we know are grossly in sin How many of you trust your politicians raise your hand you want to have more for dinner and let them raise your children
All right, and so God despises them and carries them in indignation, but he also said the same is true the preachers
How many of us believe that? Oh No, people send hundreds of thousands of dollars to these
TV preachers every day And I think it's funny there's this old there's an old apostate
Preacher in Dallas, I assume he's apostate because he curses in his sermons uses curse words in his sermons
I mean bad curse words and And yet he has this organization that he's put together and he's tax -exempt and what he does is he goes and he finds out
These TV preachers. He exposes them for what they are And Because of him this what was this guy
Tilton remember when he fell it was this other guy that cusses in his preaching is his
Groups the one that exposed him and gave all that news to Diane Sawyer and she put it out on across the airwaves in his ministry fell so God not only despises the political leaders, but he despises the very preachers who preach these very doctrines
That take people away from the forms Proper forms of worship now lamentation 2 7 says the
Lord hath cast off his altar Now look, it says the Lord is doing this the
Lord cast off his altar. He hath abhorred his own sanctuary He has given up into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces
God himself has brought the enemy into the places of worship They have made a noise in the house of the
Lord now listen to that phrase Tell me that doesn't Mirror itself in the church today
The enemy has been brought into the churches and makes a noise in the house of the
Lord Do you picture anything when you I do? I've seen some services where the people thought that the noise is what brought praise to God so they bring in the trap sets and And and the electric guitars and electric basses and Tambourines and they get the world they bring the world's music music with the the bass
Straight out of the darkest parts of the world I mean the beat and all that in and they put it up here on the platform and they get it going and boy they just Start dancing around and they make a noise right there in the church and that's praise
And if you read any modern books on how to praise God you're gonna find out that's how to do it Go down to the art this week buy you a book on how to praise
God And you're gonna find out that that's how you're supposed to praise God You'll find out the proper attitude of praise is like this.
You know when the Bible lists many I mean this is one of them but you'll find out that that has to go on while you have worldly music playing and all kinds of Modern songs that are sung and a great noise is made and all for naught
And it's very interesting that God himself brought that into the church as punishment The true for listen if you could go back to the year 1900 before the
Pentecostal movement was born actually in the year 1902 there was no such thing as a Pentecostal or charismatic before 1902 and You could set foot inside a
Baptist Church And you watch what they thought? Praise and worship was and you'd be afraid to walk in there because you would feel dirty.
I believe that I Believe that if we could be around some of those
Saints who? remembered How it was supposed to be done it would cause us to be embarrassed and Yet we feel perfectly comfortable
So he laments the fact that the proper forms of religion the true worship of God was missing and it was gone and He points out the amazing thing about it is that God himself removed it
Who is it in the book of Revelation that removes that candlestick by the way? It's the
Lord It says he abhorred his sanctuary gave up the house of worship to the enemy who made a noise in the house of the
Lord And verse 9 says her gates are sunk into the ground He hath destroyed and broken her bars her
King and her princes are among the Gentiles The law is no more Her prophets also find no vision from the
Lord So they don't even understand the law anymore. They cannot tell folks what the
Bible means anymore. It's not clear it's all kind of gray and muddled up and The prophets have no vision from the
Lord. That means they have a lot of visions, but they're not from the Lord And they tell people that it's from the
Lord when it's not It says the law is gone And then it says also that sin is no longer preached about you find that in verse 14
This is really sad look at chapter 2 verse 14 the prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee that means for the people and They have not discovered your iniquity
That means the prophets got the place where they never told Israel she was in sin They never pointed out what sins they were doing.
They didn't want to offend them They didn't you know, I'm sure their money was more important. So they wanted to keep them around They would not preach about the sins that the people were doing and so they never discovered their sins
To turn away them from the very captivity that was coming that implies that had they preached against the sins of the people though They might have had their heads chopped off.
It might have kept the nation out of captivity hypothetically speaking But they would not they would not discover their iniquity to turn away thy captivity but have seen for thee false burdens and causes of banishment so He admonishes them to repent in verse 19.
Now. I want you to go to lamentation number 4 chapter 4 Lamentation and found in chapter 4 the fourth lamentation
Can be summed up this way in verse 1 the gold of the sanctuaries poured out into the streets
Does that bring any kind of mental picture to you? About what's happening in the churches it points out a couple of things the priests and the prophets sold out the nation and Then on the other hand the
Lord brought division among the people in verse 16 of chapter 4 by causing the people
To not respect the priests So they they would not follow the leadership because they didn't respect them anymore
And so no one would follow them and so there was no leadership And so you just had the sheep scattered and all of this is brought about and this is what he limped lamb laments in chapter 4 the fourth lamentation and in the fifth in chapter 5
It gives a description of the captivity now Verse 2 says that their inheritance is turned over to strangers and aliens
All of this can picture spiritual things that happen inside the church because of apostasy in verse 8 it says that servants will rule over them and I think sometimes that can mean in the church today that you'll have men and Women who will arise and say we're going to control this church
We're gonna tell you what doctrine we're gonna have and so forth, but they were never called of God They were never called to be leading the church and in verse 11
It says the maids are ravished within the cities maids means the young virgin girls were ravished within the cities that's a result of apostasy and Then in verse 14 the elders no longer study and philosophy
The elders in the church don't study the word anymore. They don't get together and talk about it and then in verse 14 also the young men no longer make music young men don't write songs unto
God anymore like David did and Then in verse 15 The joy of their heart is absolutely ceased now these are all things that happen when you go into spiritual captivity when you're captive by the world and by Satan and Then we find that record the recognition that repentance comes only from the
Lord and that's found in chapter 5 verses 21 through 22 now that brings us to chapter 3 come back to chapter 3 and I want us to look at the one bright spot as We go into a new year and it's supposed to be a happy sermon
It's difficult if you really think about reality in America in the churches to be happy about it
It would be more likely that if you studied it very closely you would lament over it and Look at chapter 3 and I want to lead up to this bright spot by reading
To it. So let's start with verse 1 and I want you to think as you read Think as you read this morning.
I Am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of his wrath
He hath led me and brought me into darkness, but not into light Jeremiah says
Surely against me is he turned he turneth his hand against me all the day
Now he not only speaks for himself, but he's speaking for the whole nation here this you know
He's speaking as the prophet of the nation Speaking for himself in the nation my flesh and my skin hath he made old he hath broken my bones
He hath build it against me and compassed me with gall and prevail
He hath set me in dark places as they that be dead of old
He hath hedged me about that. I cannot get out He hath made my chain heavy now let me tell you something when you find yourself or you find the church in a
State where it seems like things are not going well It's a state where things are not perfect where you don't have just joy and glee everywhere and There are problems on every hand seemingly
Understand that sometimes you will feel like it. God has made it where you can't get out
And that's because he has made it where he can't get out for a while for a season He's applying the pressure of the potter on the clay.
Do you understand what I'm saying? He's applying that pressure he's not gonna let you get out right at this moment and He this is the way that Jeremiah is feeling he
Has hedged me about that I cannot get out he hath made my chain heavy verse 8
Also when I cry and shout he shut it out my prayer He senses that God's not paying any attention to his prayers
He hath enclosed my ways with hewn stone he hath made my paths crooked
He was unto me as a bear lying in wait and as a lion in secret places
That's not the modern -day conception of God is it? Jeremiah knew God friends
He knew God The people didn't but he knew God and he knew
God was not like he was being portrayed by the Prophets of the day the prophets of the day were protect portraying
God as love perhaps He would never bring the Assyrian army in here and let him touch his own never no matter how far you slide towards Gomorrah God is love.
That's what they preached. That's why Jeremiah said they preach in such a ways. It brings about the captivity
And Jeremiah says he's like a bear he he he
He's like a bear laying in wait for me as a lion in secret places He hath turned aside my ways and pulled me in pieces.
He hath made me desolate He hath bent his bow and set me as a mark for his arrow
He hath caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my reins into my very heart.
I Was a derision to all my people in their song all the day long
They made fun of me because I was a Bible thumper. That's what he's saying He hath filled me with bitterness.
He hath made me drunken with wormwood He hath also broken my teeth with gravel stones.
That's a bad mental picture, isn't it? Does that show a picture of peace and things going well
He hath covered me with ashes and Thou hast removed my soul far off from peace.
I Forget prosperity because it's gone And I said my strength and my hope is perished from the
Lord Remembering my affliction and my misery the wormwood and the gall now see he's saying now
I'm thinking my thought life is on those things. So Jeremiah is saying now what I'm remembering right now is all the trouble up trouble
I'm in and So as he thinks in that fashion He's now going through and point out all the things the bad things
God's brought into his life And he's focused on that. He's a negative thinker at this point
But in a moment, he's gonna remember something else Look at verse 20 My soul hath them still in remembrance and is humbled in me if there is any
Useful purpose for thinking of the past and the sins you've done and the bad that has happened in your life
Paul says not to look back but to go forward towards the mark doesn't he but if there is any useful purpose in it
It is that it humbles us It brings humility because we see we were not in control
And do the extent that we attempted to be we sinned But look at verse 21
This I recalled to my mind therefore have I hope he's changing his thoughts at this moment
He was thinking about all those things and it brought no hope but he says but now I thought just entered my mind
That does bring hope and you know that if you're God's child You're eventually after wallowing through all of that mud and slop and Horrible negative thoughts of everything that God has brought into your life
Eventually, you're going to have this thought This I recall to my mind and therefore
I really do have hope look at verse 22. It is of the Lord's mercies That we are not consumed
Do you know what he's thinking right now? He's thinking, you know There is not one of the human race that should have survived
There is not one of the human race that should not have been utterly Annihilated and what's interesting about this is when we talk about this word can consumed in The Hebrew language it is the word tall mom, which even sounds bad tall mom
It means to complete in a good or bad sense
Now you have to think a minute to get the meaning of that but what it means is To complete means if you take that in the bad sense, it means to finish
He's saying this came to mind and gave me hope that it is because of the Lord's mercies that we were not
Completed and finished and God just goes and does a new program without us. Are you with me?