Project Update, David French is a Nationalist?, and Choosing Reliable News Sources


(Update) Trying to figure it out why we keep having issues with @GiveSendGo. If you want to donate to the Nini’s Deli project, you can wait for us to get this rectified, or you can give directly to me and I’ll make sure it goes to the project.  Venmo: @jeharris289 CashApp: $jeharris89 PayPal: [email protected] Gordon Sanchez: Raoul Dripp:


Welcome to the conversations that matter podcast. I am John Harris. We have on the in there Raul drip, and then we got
Gordon Sanchez some of you Recognize them from some of their videos actually real quick before we get started.
Why don't you just plug? your Channels or wherever people can find you where what's yours a huge?
No, it's called itching ears productions playing off of the second
Timothy 4 3 verse Paul's warning about You know beware of those who are looking to tickle your itching ears and my cat has very itchy ears and those two that image and the verse kind of came together and sort of satirizing the evangelical industrial complexes
Compromise and yeah that continues. Well. It's it's funny It's therapeutic your material for people who are frustrated and just wonder sometimes
Hey, why don't these these evangelical elites? Why don't they get it and so you you do some very clever videos and then?
Gordon working yeah, you know go to YouTube type in Gordon Sanchez. There's only one of me
Twitter Gordy for justice, that's the number four Roman numeral I V if you speak
Roman, and you'll never be touched in the purge because you're so woke So you're you're untouchable
We instigate the purge you yes, I'm about to be canceled by you So there's a few things we're gonna cover.
I don't know if we'll how in -depth we'll get We'll just see where the conversation takes us, but we're gonna talk first about the project
We're doing just a little bit why we're together because you're probably wondering as you're watching this and then
We're gonna talk a little bit just about I I saw two things that One when I saw on Twitter one was sent to me this morning but an article and then a
Twitter status we can talk about kind of two big Eva types and what they're saying it's pretty
I think Representative of the narrative that's out there, and then we can talk a little bit about I don't know how long we'll have to develop
This one, but I wanted to talk about New sources so talk about like we could where you get your new sources
I'll talk about what I read what I trust what my process is for figuring out whether something's authentic or not whether I should listen to it because That's something that we have talked about a little bit on the podcast
But I'm just finding out right now, and I'll give some scenarios of why
I'm finding this out But that some people are trusting sources that I would not necessarily See as credible
CNN being the top of the list, but there are others so Let's start though with the project so we are in we're in Chicago right now and We all came from different places and we're doing a project and some of you know about Nene's deli and that whole story of Juan Riesco and What happened to him and his church and as we've been here?
We've been I'll speak for myself I've been blown away with how just terrible the situation is but also impressed with how resilient and faithful and brave the people at Juan's church and and his family and how they've been just as positive as can be trusting the
Lord through this situation and and there's some so many details to this but for those who don't know the long and short of It is
Juan took a stand for Christ for Scripture and ended up Black Lives Matter wanted to cancel him we're finding out now that the church he went to MPI Church was already on the mayor's list because of they met
About a month into the kovat lockdown. They decided to start meeting. So they were fined by the mayor and So the so the it's like 2020 in a story you got kovat lockdowns you got
The Black Lives Matter narrative and and how that basically shut down Juan's restaurant his family was threatened the pastor was threatened or church was threatened.
They had to skip ten It's a terrible story With how aggressive people were against him in the local community after he was kind of like number one he was the big deli in Chicago and then and then obviously the gospel is part of this narrative as well because They're they're not defeated.
He gave it all he gave up everything to follow Christ and and it's because he's been radically changed and So anyway, that's that's in a very short nutshell
Watch you guys talk about what's hit you about just the story. What are you feeling right now?
um, I Got to conduct a lot of the interviews yesterday I would say I mean I knew a little a little bit about the story before we came but For me, it's just been what
I didn't expect I I mean we were in Chicago and we were young for like a couple of days
I think but I I don't really know Chicago that well You know coming from the
Northeast the Northeast is kind of a spiritually I usually say dark especially if I'm in the south and I'm talking to people if I have friends in the
Bible Bell and I Explain to them what things are like in the Northeast. I usually say Well, it's sort of a darkness you can feel you know, just because there's the
Christian presence is not really as great There's not as many biblically sound churches
Chicago is Like that and then some it's a very spiritually dark place maybe one of the most
I've been to So that that was and that was like immediately impressed like shortly after landing.
I feel like in Chicago. So That makes the Christians here to shine that much brighter
And sort of what was impressed upon me. It's the whole thing has been just a massive personal challenge to me because These Christians some of them who have been most of them who have been persecuted above and beyond what
I ever have There's just no like there's no regret there's no it's like nothing but joy
They tell you how they've been persecuted with these giant smiles on their faces And you know and there's hard stuff and like when the film comes out
You'll see that there's emotional It was very very tough. But you know when they're talking about actually getting persecuted.
It's almost like You know, I don't know if you would got this sense too, but it's almost like they're talking about this good time that they
You know, like it's just It's just like oh, yeah The story is insane a couple of times we did about seven interviews yesterday and towards the
Towards the end of the day when we're wrapping up We've all of us have said it at one point or another it's like peeling an onion this story every time you peel a layer you find that there's another one there and it's thicker than the one before and I Was filled with something between shock rage and Just my mind being blown that no no major Not just like Christian publication or Christian media outlet, but like no media outlet period has really found
This story to be worth looking into and it's It's it's I mean, it's it's like you said, it's 2020 in a story
This is one of the most important stories of 2020. I think for the church and You know, and we're the guys who are like telling it
We're just we're just a couple of guys telling the story So I feel immensely privileged to have been able to take part in it, but I think it's a massive shame
That it has taken this long six months, yeah Yeah, and on that note, you have people who have been very generous.
You've been very generous many of you watching this or listening We have in the info section you can find our give send go for funding this project and we figured it would cost about with all the travel expenses and rentals for cameras and Because we had to fly
Juan and his brother up here and we we had to fly out and we you know
Food and it just everything, you know expenses of where to stay. It's editing probably about $10 ,000 to do this, right and And we've raised a lot.
We've raised it last I checked it was over five I'm not sure where it's at now And I said at the beginning I said I'll cover this whatever we don't have we're gonna we're gonna do this
So if you're still interested in donating to that, I appreciate those who already have and you're more than welcome this is going to be a powerful story and one of the things
I kept thinking is that You know in many parts of the country Bible Belt areas, especially where there's a lot of evangelical churches
I could probably go into to those churches and Talk about this story without showing the images and interviews that you're gonna see once we come out with this
And I think people would just kind of maybe look at me blankly. There's not even understand not there's still places where people legitimately think like this kovat lockdown is
It really is all about it's a health thing. That's what's motivating this They really do legitimately think black lives matter is somehow concerned with racism
This story blows it all up. This story shows one of those liberal cities in the country
With with a church with it. There's not much of a Christian presence here with this one church how they stood against all
They're in outposts is what they are. They're in an outpost in a sea of ungodliness and they're standing against Threats to the ability that they have to work just worship
God just like most of us have been enjoying for years And if you don't think it can't happen, you're gonna find out when we show this story.
Yeah, I can and And if you live in an area, that's not Chicago It's coming to you these ideas that are taking hold here are going to be taking hold in other places
And so it's a warning, but there's also a lot of hope in the story. So Andrew, what about you? What do you what stood out to you about?
Yeah, you know as you're mentioning that What you alluded to David the the joy that we saw in everyone who's been through this and I mean they went through scary stuff
I mean their their their their lives and property are being threatened their livelihoods their businesses
For some people their families wives and children, you know, they're being doxxed. They're being followed around Harassed, you know mobs gathering protesting.
I mean they went through some Things I've not not gone through Really intimidating
Circumstances and yet they speak about it with kind of a joy and you know, there's this this bond that has
Between all of them in suffering for Christ that's brought them you know closer together closer to the
Lord, I think you sense that and It's It's it's inspiring
You you just you see how obviously in surely in and all of them could you know mention how in the moment?
Yeah, you know they were they were Scared, you know taken, you know taken by surprise, you know, just you know rolling with it trusting the
Lord But doing their best But yeah, they speak with it about it almost with it with a certain fondness in in how they've seen the
Lord protect and bless them through it They've seen people come back to church and yeah, they've seen people their guy got saved
I guess when they were they were they were street preaching to this mob trying to kill them Is that well some of them wanted to kill them saying horrible things about them?
Yeah And they preached and the guy even got saved and we even got some interviews with people who came back to church because they heard about the story
So yeah, pretty incredible. One of the things that really stood out to me is the simplicity of the whole thing
It's it's like I Mean, it's real persecution. It's it's the kind of persecution you you read about in and I guess dystopian books, but also in like You know like gulag archipelago and like some of the beginning stuff that happens in a culture when he's sorry
I'm gonna go all Jordan Peterson. You say good luck When when this stuff really starts to happen in a society and when
Christians are specifically targeted, but the simplicity is just that It's just What's your what's your what you're telling me to do?
I can't do because of what I believe I hold to them to what the Bible teaches and that that's not what the
Bible teaches So no, I can't say it. I can't take a knee. I can't raise a fist. I can't
I can't do any of this stuff because My conscience won't allow me to and that's that's all there is to it.
But I want you to know that That you know, Jesus can save you and that's it. Like that's the whole thing.
I mean that in a way That's this entire story. He just wasn't willing to support the organization BLM and because of that Like and it's funny one of the things they said it should probably
I should probably not give away too many details Because we're gonna come out with this fantastic documentary, but just one more little thing
They said that they were they tried at one point. They said okay like black lives matter Okay We believe that black lives do matter but we don't agree with the movement the or and that like they thought that that would sort of like pacify their the
Protesters and it made them more bold now they're saying that now say black trans lives matter and now and so like and just the
I mean the sheer insanity they had like Someone from Moody Bible or who had went to Moody out there a student.
They're like flipping them off they had I mean the family had to leave in the middle of the night for fear of their lives because of all the death threats, but One of the guys there who was black who was street preaching get a white guy come by and and call him a racial slur
Like talk about like upside -down world like it just that say something a white supremacist would say in the name of opposing white supremacy it makes no sense and We're living in a time when good is evil evil is good
People think up is down down is up and his story just makes that more evident But again gives the hope at the end it really these guys are resilient
They're brave and and that's why we were attracted to this because it's not just a dismal like oh things are getting bad
It's like yeah, there's some bad things, but also it's a warning, but there's hope and the church is still there you know the pastor had left and he came back and He and they're going strong and they're defying
The culture that's around them, but they're doing it in love. They're doing it the way a Christian should do it So any other points you guys?
Things that hit you You mentioned that the church is open. We were just there this morning and I was really rejuvenated by being able to go in to worship the
Lord and not have to wear a mask over my face You know not to have to be suffocating under yeah a piece of cloth
That's useless other than you know if I were infected with kovat It's probably just recycling it back into my lungs again and again, so I become symptomatic if I'm not yet It was it was nice to not have to go through that charade
And they're they're open they're doing I mean someone might have been wearing a mask there But I mean just it was just I saw one guy.
It was over his chin The whole the narrative is being perpetuated on us in the world
You know exaggerations of things and just the thing that we're supposed to be thinking about which is
Kovat 19. It's just not it's these people were just it was just like a throwback to Wow a church service
Where there is not even the least bit reminder of that distraction? It was it was a 2019 church service, and I know they've taken a lot of heat for that And the you know they've they've been protested and they've been
Threatened, but wow they're just they're open and they they are Again, just a lot of joy exuding from that that church, so it was really great to be there and for me as a
You know in my the corporate video work that I do as I've mentioned to you guys before I mean
I'm usually if there is a Moral framework for something these days more and more it has to be social
Justicy, and it's just kind of makes you want to gag so it's really nice to see like a real story of what's really going on And and you know
I've never been to Chicago before so Sort of hearing firsthand What what these folks actually think and what they've gone through and it's just not what you get in the mainstream media by a truck by by a truckload a train load by a mile by a country mile trying to find like you're trying to find the southern
So one of the things I just thought it too when we were at the church And I gave my little like a pastor had me come up and just I read a passage of scripture
And I said to them though like one of the things that we're doing with this documentary is We're gonna show the hypocrisy of BLM and now this is a church.
That is mainly Hispanic. There's there's black people There's a few white people, but like you like mainly
You know minorities And and they cheered basically they're clapping and then
I said and I got a little bold about it. I said and and we're also going to show the the hypocrisy of the kovat
Nazis and They were Yeah, they were just like and I was I was surprised at how well the reason
I think I was surprised is in Most of the churches that I would probably be familiar with I would get kickback for that Oh, yeah
If I if I had said that in probably most churches even in the Bible Belt and said like Been that bold about these issues
I would probably been talked to afterward by someone who told me like hey, why are you being too political? Why why you know, is it that really?
Necessary is that and but here's the thing these guys are living in they they see first -hand the effects of these policies
Because they're they're they're the they're the they're getting the brunt of it In Chicago, they're they're seeing where this leads and and they they see right through it
And they're not like a bunch of you know, what's the word a Christian national white nationalists or anything?
I think no, they're just they're they're just But regular voters search there probably are what they are everyone that we talked to pretty much across the board that I did across the board they see that the connection of I had a conversation towards the end of the day and With the guy and it was like no, it's not that It's not that we don't support
Trump because he's our Savior It's just that we know that like once he's out of the way that we know that we're on the right
Right where all the attention goes to us But it had nothing to do with Christian national. Yeah, no one no one in it's obvious that no one in there like So actually that's a good transition here
Why don't I do this? So we're gonna we'll switch board switch gears here to Something so I saw this on Twitter this morning.
It's David French Thing tweets, but he retweeted a video that I had seen and it's a it's a guy kind of, you know middle -aged guy who ended up he went into the
Capitol and And for those who haven't seen my videos, I've done a few now Three would that I've addressed this issue because I was actually in DC And I was not inside the
Capitol or anything, but I've gone through and I've explained what that whole situation was From my perspective and then after like 10 hours of watching videos and trying to figure out kind of what happened
It's it would be inaccurate if you know what really happened. I think it'd be very inaccurate to call it even
Even a storming isn't the best term but an insurrection certainly not a revolution No, the revolution is what happened inside when they affirmed a vote that it was fraudulent but the the the issue
The main thing that really if you want to cut through everything the main thing that it was was just a confusing situation
Complete confusion. There were bad people there were infiltrators. There were aggressive Q and Trump people there were
You know and then 99 % of the people were outside the Capitol having no clue what was going on inside Just thinking that they were rallying in support of voter integrity, etc election integrity, there's just there's this video of a guy who goes in and He he kind of he goes in he's not the front.
He's not, you know fighting police or anything He says being very respectful, but but he he felt like I guess he was invited in or whatever
Ends up making his way to I guess it was the the Congress and The the
House I think or no the Senate the Senate's I think where he ended up and And he just prayed there with a couple other people.
They just prayed I still Lord's blessing and and left didn't do anything. So anyway, that that's what he did and and So David French retweets this video and I'll read you guys and get your reaction
The evidence that January 6th was a Christian insurrection Just grows and grows and grows
Combating this perversion of the gospel Has to be a top priority It's not just a heresy.
It's an active threat to the peace and security of the nation reaction
I Mean the only other thing in the video this guy said was that You know
He said he referenced the flag in the Revolutionary War called the appeal to heaven the pine tree flag And he said hey there were some people with that flag is
Because this is kind of where we're in the exact quote That David French retweeted was one guy up there said we should pray and some of us did
He was on his bullhorn microphone thing and he just consecrated it to Jesus Dot -dot -dot that to me was the ultimate statement of where we were at in this movement
So that's just you saying direction and he used the dot -dot -dot in between that is yeah, it's an appeal to heaven
We just need God because we're just he's saying we're small. We don't have much of a voice, but we just need God to help us That's that's all it is.
That's literally all of it Oh It's so Sinister there's so I can understand why
David French is just quaking because it's a sinister guy who like did nothing about CRT or the woke stuff or any of the well the
French have a tendency to flee You know, you know a French tank has nine reverse gears and one
This is not the direction I saw it going Something more substance don't be
So Jay, so the first thing he says the evidence that January 6 was a Christian insurrection
January 6 was a Christian insurrection. Well, we'd have to define what insurrection is.
So insurrection is Is an uprising from within But it's usually violent right and usually and usually large in scale we're talking about a bunch of people who
Hundred who went in the Capitol and we've seen the videos of like people just walking around and their security guards walking
They're staying in the lines. They're picking up trash. There's a few videos of people like chasing security
There's one where they're chasing a security guard. There's a few where they're knocking down barriers Yeah, and then there's there's a one and then they somehow and some messed up Nancy Pelosi's office and stuff but like and which was all wrong, but Christian insurrection,
I mean insurrection that implies an overturning of whatever the authority is there and a commandeering of You know like like Chaz is
Chaz insurrection Talk about Chaz being like like it seems it seems like David French and those who would tow the
David French line your Russell Moore your I Guess big even general your TGC.
It seems like they're the real nationalists because We went through and I mean this is this is continuously called.
What about ISM? Which I don't even know. I don't I don't know when that became a thing But what about over the last because it's like where were you that's what the reaction would be from the right
Where were you over the last? Eight nine months when cities were burning down when this whole story that we came here to Where a guy just lost his business, it seems like the appearance especially from mr
French is that none of that stuff really mattered enough to address it
But when you attack the national capital, well now that's an issue
So it seems like the nationalist is actually David French because he only seems to care about the national. That's a good Matters well, you think about it the black lives matter and Antifa guys were taking down monuments and Landmarks and stuff like all over this country desecrating things
Ripping down signs. I mean you talk about a revolution. They were renaming pushing for political, you know
Town boards and stuff to rename streets and really like and they literally were saying they're revolutionaries a lot of them
They're like, yeah, we're doing a revolution here But so that didn't matter until it was the national capital now all of a sudden that's a good point
I never thought of that because it's the only only the national only the federal Building, that's the only it's sacred.
That's a Temple of democracy is I'm like, where were you on?
So like ripping down Lincoln statues and Robert E Lee statues and Columbus statues not important, but the temple of democracy
Well, and then just American citizens and how many shot capitals were entered What do you like for state capitals that were occupied?
You had the Chaz thing where they were they were in federal or they actually yeah, they went in federal buildings I think too, but state and local, you know
Buildings in the federal assault in Portland that went on for like a hundred something days I've lost track you had one.
Did you have one in Michigan? I think they were they went in and yeah, I think so I'm dizzy from 2020.
Yeah, so it's not the point. This is it's not what about ism to say It's it's not what about this.
It's you've already proven that you don't you but you have no concern for this This is this means nothing to you.
It's just you you're a nationalist You're such a nationalist that you only care about this national building and David French is a nationalist
No, you're not calling him a Christian just a nationalist. I don't know where he's at faith wise I'm just David French is a nationalist
Russell Maury's a nationalist. They're nationalists that I'm not a nationalist I'm a local because I got a problem with when private businesses and pride and monuments that you put up in your local town
I got a problem when that stuff happens the capital. No, it's not cool. But it's that's a federal building. I mean, that's not
You're a nationalist. You only care about Yeah, like where were you and it wasn't a
Federal or the national, you know the entire the entire thing is like you have this violent movement that like burns down people's businesses
Destroys all this stuff ruins people's rise lives privately and that's like we're not gonna say anything about that But then like when a bunch of people have one issue and they go to the one building where that is
Well, actually so so so the logic would lend itself to this because this happened last summer you can have
Washington DC on fire everywhere around the capital banks as long
Doesn't hurt the capital but like the bank bank alarms going off you know grocery stores and convenience stores and Electronics were robbed people taking out big -screen
TVs fires everywhere Sean's going on people get people getting killed like as long as it's around the capital.
That's okay That's that's like that's we got to understand that and nuance that but as soon as you go into the gear like bullhorn man
Viking man goes into the capital for a few like for like 45 minutes All bets are off.
Like that's what a nationalist would say. It's a nationalist. Yeah, I care about my local town my local
I have I do have a concern I guess for the for the federal government, but my local town I mean if my local town was burning down burst the capital
I Mean, I care about my local my village. I mean only nationalists would just care about the federal bill.
Okay, we've All right, so here's the next sentence Combating this perversion of the gospel has to be a top priority.
It's not just heresy It's an act of threat to the peace and security of the nation David French's nationalism is the real nation threat.
Yeah, I think David What's a nation? He cares about the nation quite
I'm sure he does And It's a perversion of the gospel to like I guess go to think that it's okay to go
It's this guy's ignorant or whatever, but to go in and then pray in the Senate chamber and ask for God's blessing
Make that's a perversion of the gospel well, yeah, cuz how is in in the good and plenty clause, you know, it mentions about the
Separation of gospel and capital It's essential and that's also the two kingdoms
Tale of two cities. Yeah Okay. Well, that was David French Another thing here.
I'll read to you. This is this someone sent me this this morning I'll just read you the headline to get your reaction first. This is from nine marks forum
How to shepherd your people in light of the capital riot More nationalism
Did they do like how to shit? I mean they they kind of like sided with BLM ish, right? Well mark
Dever said that He said BLM seems like a very pro -life state Pro -life we also both like in 2015 him and Jonathan Lehman.
I think said it was like a gospel issue, too But recently I know like Jonathan Lehman at least he's marred.
He's marched with that like semi BLM Whatever it was with the median of we lay and David Platt, I think it's brave Now I'll give them a little bit of a pass on the nationalism because they're in the capital they do live this
Capitol Hill Yeah, they live in the Washington DC, but it's still nationalism.
I mean, I don't think you could forget it So so they have so they feel like there's a big need to shepherd people in light of the capital riot
Okay, before we even read any of this, how would you shepherd people in light of the capital riot? How would
I well I would probably look to how I shepherded people Through all of the riots and violence and mayhem and church shutdowns that went on for the last nine months
I'd look at that already be prepared and I'd think okay so an event that affects a
Fraction of that amount of people and did a fraction as as much as you know
Those who actually went and destroyed things, you know, that's that's not yeah anything we can condone and that's
That's You know, it's sufferable at the same time I don't know like what is that like seriously in comparison to all the
BLM riots, you know storming of the cities of this year What is that like? What fraction of 1 % is?
Is the capital situation? I would look at how I addressed the up to be much more enormous
BLM so you wouldn't feel the need to have a forum for like oh, this is a separate thing like this whole capital Wouldn't I probably wouldn't but I'd be like my people are prepared for this already.
I would certainly hope so I would print out the article and I would use it as a
I would first I would go to Minneapolis I would go downtown. I would find Christians and I would say
I'm standing next to a building that's completely, you know Burned to the ground. I'd say let me talk to you about the capital riots.
I would say I'll be honest We're in Chicago right now and we've been driving around and we're seeing kind of the way people live and stuff like like Shepherding people right now in light of the capital riot.
Like I don't know It is not the number one priority. It's um
They like the issues that actual real people now now for them maybe living so close to the capital.
That's a Burning down like long before the capital
No, but you don't that's not that's not a gospel, I don't know It's hard when you're a nationalist like they are
So, um, I don't even see here here's the points they make they make three points and then
I don't even know Should I just read this? It's not like horribly long. So the first point All right
Pastoral reminders, that's what these are. God is still in control Simple statement is undoubtedly the
Christians go -to statement during times of turbulence. It may feel like an overuse remedy I'm just kind of just saying that heavenly
Jerusalem is not affected by the earth We should see America's state and mourn yet with hope and anticipation of the more perfect dwelling which awaits us so Think about heaven in light of the capital, right?
But no one's being threatened right now in light of the capital, right? That's over we have like 25 ,000 troops about in DC, right so,
I mean it's true God's still in control, but it just No, just it.
I mean you're only on the first point. So I probably shouldn't say this yet, but I will It just seems really lazy.
It seems like another one of those like TGC formula machines where you put in like a title and then a couple of like adjectives and then like two nouns and And it spits out an article and like you could have written this after 9 -11 you could have like there's literally anything that bad
It's not specific when your cat dies Shepherding your flock through your cat step like it's the same thing like this, you know, it's like God's still in control that yes
He is but like what do you what is specifically in this situation? They feel a need to specifically respond to this incident
All right So rebelling against the government is not a sin limited to one political party number two
When a friend asked me if I'd heard that protesters had stormed the Capitol. I immediately assumed it was people on the left
He went on to tell me it was it was Trump It was
Trump supporters What this reminded me of and something that I will remind my people of is that sinfulness exists along the entire political spectrum
Who brought this I Don't author is it worked ever? I Don't know.
It's like a bunch of people because I just want to know it's just it's like first person It's like somebody don't like were you not watching anything?
It was like you didn't know it's like someone told me Hey, like you live in Washington DC I'm assuming and somebody came to my head.
Did you know that there was a ride at the cab? I don't know who said my penis was it the left? No, it was
Well, I mean it's possible I Mean, it's possible for someone the first time they've heard
All right, I think it might be this guy mr. Ross who
I think is from South Carolina actually participated before maybe I'm not sure Might not be someone
Slightly So but anyway, okay, so this is a true statement though. I mean take it seriously. This is a true statement
Violence everyone's capable of violence, right, right. I mean, I think we all as humans
This is an oversimplification though, I was in DC I saw I was near the
Capitol when this was going on and it would And now and now
I've watched like tons of video I've tried to get to the bottom of what actually happened and it like I said, it was chaos
There were Trump supporters in there there were also Antifa and radical elements and we don't even know who all are still figuring some of this out
Who used crowd control techniques? I mean this wasn't even inspired by Trump So that the heart that I'll put it this way
The most committed Trump supporters weren't even at the Capitol because they would have listened to the president's speech
It took about 45 minutes at least to get to the Capitol from the speech and the riot if you want to call it that I don't call it that but what people are calling it that started
Before Trump was even finished speaking. So the people who stormed or went in had
In the areas in which there was a struggle to get in They were they they missed all of Trump's speech.
They would have had to well when you're a real big Trump fan I mean one of the first things you do is you leave within the first five minutes of his speech and then just go start
Right storm the cap The hardcore Trump folks. I know there's a there's a high precedent for it
Yeah, they just they just leave before you can start speaking and just start breaking stuff So I mean it's it's true that this can happen on the right
But it's not I think accuracy is important here to just say like look this isn't
It wasn't just if you put a headline Trump supporters storm Capitol. Is that true? There's a sense in which yeah, there were
Trump supporters who went in there But it's not the complete truth and it would be it would actually be leaving something very critical out
It's not it wasn't just Trump supporters and The 99 % of people outside the almost like 1 million people outside Who had no clue about any of this who were there to support election integrity should not be broad -brushed with them
Which is what's happened Slander like, you know TGC nine marks types.
I feel like they're really into like refraining from slander so it seems like it would be kind of slanderous to paint all of the people at the rally who were peaceful as You know
Insurrectionists. Yeah, I mean, I don't think he just saying it was true He went on to tell me it was
Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol and then goes on to say, you know Sinfulness people on the right can be sinful and we must actively orientate ourselves away from the godless expressions of power fear and false hope and and it's
I Don't know that that language. There is just the godless expressions of power like not everyone who went in there was
It's the broad -brushing I guess is what I'm having a trouble with is like they weren't They weren't a lot of people thought they were let in because there's video of them being let in a lot of people came
Most people didn't know that there was any struggle if there was so they're walking in and the police are even welcoming them taking selfies with them
It you know, they shouldn't be broad -brushed with this Well, the broad -brushing is frustrating because Jonathan Lehman marched in a
BML March BLM BLM March, but he you know, he didn't burn anything down and nobody would nobody would say like, yeah,
Jonathan Lehman He's one of those guys that burns things down. No, like we know that what he did he marched now the organization that he marched in support of There is a separation we've all acknowledged when
I took issue with the narrative of BLM and it's like I wouldn't support the lies that they're propagating and And in looking, you know being part of that movement or even making it look that way
I mean, you gotta make some really clear separations if you're I mean, well I don't want to go into all the details of we, you know
Give my whole response to that but but at no time did we or anyone else on on the conservative side?
Say like Oh Lehman's responsible for burning down, Washington DC. No We no one thought that that I know of But but there seems to be that sort of They're okay with blaming
Trump supporters for this, right? And he mentions godless expressions of power now I maybe
I'm just a little Foucault. It does sound very Foucaultian Does it not but you know wouldn't if we're thinking in those those terms wouldn't a godless expression of power be?
I don't know like having an election and then throw it having people vote and then throwing in like millions of yeah
Has there been any comment Maybe like 3 in the morning after this quote -unquote storming there was a godless expression of power
Right in the same building, but it was by men. I mean that was the actual insurrection revolution
Whatever you want to call it this just did 30 ,000 like soldiers in the capital Does that corrupt the temple of democracy?
Yeah, you don't need to shepherd your people through that you don't need to shepherd your people through rigged elections or You know the all the arm -twisting that went into what happened at 3 a .m.
But you do have to shepherd your people through Viking man, but that's that's a nationalist move
I mean think of like the 1930s like the first thing that you do is like we only care about this federal building the second
Thing is like let's put let's like show our strength, you know, that's a very like Hitlerian like Nationalist kind of move to do
I'm just like you guys are nationalists. That's what All right.
All right third point third point America is no utopia We've never no one is there someone who thought that that America was a utopia
I've not heard This is a mainstream argument to shepherd your people to like all these people are believing
America's utopia guys Like if it didn't occur to you after the kovat lockdowns and all the burning cities
It should become clear to you now that it's not a utopia because of Viking man and everyone who came
I've honestly spent the last 12 months thinking that it was a utopia. I Think after 2020 no one thinks
America's utopia, so I'll read it from my observations It seems that the motivation behind a lot of the rioting and protests has been rooted in a desire for America's political structure to provide the best life now
I I Was listen, mr. Mr.
Ross if you wrote this I was there I Don't think one person and I'll be honest Well, I don't think one person in that audience about a million people thought that America's political structure was to provide your best life now
People are upset about election integrity. There was people there like myself who weren't even huge Trump fans
Who were there and I know no people in the audience five different areas in the audience. I've talked to people
I talked to even former intelligence people about what happened and I have some interesting thoughts on that but not for this show, but No one that I know of and we never once got the impression anyone thought that that's just it.
I'm sorry. That's just wrong It's flat -out wrong to care about election integrity isn't like wanting something.
That's so abnormal and Pollyanna like it's just nor it's how our country's supposed to function if we don't have it
None of our other rights are really that secure So he goes on we too easily put our hopes in the nation instead of in Christ and his people false dichotomy
Like that's like saying. Oh, we don't put our hope in the in our family like our mom and dad and our wives and kids
We need to put it in the church Like what you have both you should have like there's a place for both of those things
I'm I can be a citizen a patriot I can be a husband. I can be a father.
I can be a churchman I can I can be a business owner and I'm gonna and I can do all those things And it doesn't mean like oh,
I'm putting hope in my business because I work hard. I'm putting hope in America because I vote and I you know,
I mean it almost implies you get like what so we don't participate at all in Whatever spheres that the
Lord's placed us in like it's just land It would be it would be idolatry to engage and to care like to try and better it in any way or to try and you know apply biblical principles and how we
Engage in that. I mean, I don't know. It's just Yeah, it seems slanderous to me. Like it's a false dichotomy like there's like there's an underlying
There's I mean this has been going on for a while within like the big evil world But there's like this underlying sort of like, you know, what you want to hold on your
American dream kind of life but you know what Christian person persecution for Christians, that's normal that's and like To that I just wonder where were all you guys were the ones here
Telling the story about Nene's deli, where are you guys? You don't care There's been no interest in that the stories of actual
Christian persecution going on. Yeah. Yeah, that's it That's actually a really good point like these ministries like my nine marks would be included in this and this isn't maybe what they're to tailor made for but like There's all these ministries of tons of money and resources and all we need is like ten thousand bucks to tell this story of Real Christian persecution and I asked them
I said, did you get support from other churches to the to the Rioskos? Nope, did other Christians in the area?
Nope Christians came out to protest them How about like what had anyone else reached out to you like one guy on a podcast?
No one has reached out to them to even tell their story and it's just incredible because it did make secular news and Like when we're here, you know, what does that say about you guys like that?
You your priorities are so out of whack not even a retweet. Nothing. Yeah. Well like what what does
What the real threats to the church right now? You turn like a blind eye to or you nuance or you you you you downplay and then something
That's really not that big of a threat that's pretty clear you join the mainstream media narrative on and It just shepherd your flock through the
Seems like a mixed up set of priorities. They're totally some no sense of proportion The church is let's see
Okay I intend to remind my people that as Christians our best lives come from the redemption we have in Christ and therefore we have the
Ability to live and miss whatever political leadership the Lord sovereignty appoints striving with joy to honor the
Lord That it almost makes it. Yeah, great. That's good stuff. Now do BLM. Yeah, of course
We we do want to have the we have the ability to live and miss whatever political leadership the Lord appoints but at the same time like you realize there's really big consequences for the kind of leadership and in our
We're supposed to in theory have a Republic the the leaders that we have have chosen or have been chosen for us.
I guess are going to have great effects on the church and That's what people need to have a lot of ideas
What are some of the questions people have right now? Like should I submit to someone who is it is in?
Is you as you surfer didn't actually win? Do I have to submit to that person? How about like the coven shot like do
I have to take that if my job or the government tells me I should? You know, what are some of the other questions that are out there right now that literate legitimately need shepherding answers
What can you think of oh like it say if the state tells me oh I gotta close my business for like another two three months weeks
Years, whatever it is. Yeah, dude. Is it is that a is that a Could you shepherd me through like me being forced out of the livelihood forced out of working providing for my family?
Hide amendment the Hyde Amendment. Yeah But I'm gonna have to fund abortion. Do I pay taxes or how about day one of Biden's presidency?
He's already vowed that he's gonna have an executive order basically mandating transgender People should be allowed in whatever bathroom they want and public schools.
So you're a public school teacher and you're a Christian How do you navigate that? Maybe we could use some shepherding from people like nine marks
But instead we're talking about we're talking about biking man in the capital. Well, fortunately,
I heard that he's being fed his vegan Shaman diet He's not even he's an environmentalist wacko he's he's
Yeah, anyway He's not not your typical maga kind of guy. He's into shamanism
What food that's organic and protesting climate change But anyway, this is just a sample.
I'm not even gonna read the rest of it This is just a sample of what nine marks is putting out there. It's it's just It's weird it's like some
Skipping over all like the relevant things that people actually have questions about only to join in the media parade to condemn
Something that like if you're gonna use equal weights and measures you should have been a hundred times more
Motivated to condemn when it was happening in a greater proportion during the summer
And and so it's just it's a it's a weird. I think I know why this yeah Why are they right and this is the segue the reason why nine marks
TGC French all these is because they consume mainstream news. That's where they get all their information
So, of course, they think this is the big issue. That's the mainstream news that they're watching. This is all that they get that This is the news.
This is what they're getting. This is this is the most. Yeah, that's that's what they're consuming. That's what they
So you say they buy that narrative yeah, they buy the narrative because that's what they consume. Yeah, I mean, I think that I think that's the reason
Yeah for most of the people who I know who are believers, but would go in that direction.
Yeah, that's I would say that's the same diagnosis So along along that line
Let's talk about something that I've talked about before and I probably will talk about again I just jotted down some notes on the plane for like 10 minutes
And I sense that it's important to do this now Because there's there's a
I mean you've heard the term fake news, right? Yes, there's a lot of There's I think because the mainstream media has been so untrustworthy and they've lied so many times and they've spun
Narratives they've lost so much credibility that now there's almost there's there's like a
It's a fractured panoply of blogs and I mean, there's organizations starting up conservative news networks as people don't even trust
Fox now and The dust hasn't settled yet. And so people are getting information from all kinds of places add to that the fact that Censorship has been through the roof.
Like we've never seen in the history of the world But like and that's true guys like like yeah
You can go to certain countries communist countries and see censorship issues that are even worse But I'm saying like on this this kind of a scale this quickly with this we've never deleted this much information ever because we didn't have this much information because of the
Internet and All of a sudden all these people be platform news organizations gone Websites gone and people are scrambling some people on the right
Conservatives who don't trust the mainstream media and they're scrambling to find where can I get accurate information? So a Few principles we'll go to principles and we'll go to sources
What kinds of principles do you use when you're trying to figure out whether a source is accurate or whether you should listen to a source?
Are they wearing a mask while they're talking to me? Make sure they wear a mask.
Yeah, but you can't find out when they're you know, it's a written format You don't know if they wrote it That's true that might have happened.
Yeah, okay. No, but I'll see you know serious this I'll give the first one. So someone something
I thought of someone who can someone this is someone who consistently spills secrets
Does not make a trustworthy source because people generally won't entrust secrets to someone who's a leaker
Like that now there there might be some exceptions to this. So I've been I was pondering this
There's some organizations that they thrive on leaking in for WikiLeaks, right like People come to them as a format
Project Veritas. Yeah. Yeah, there's there's some sources like that But what
I'm saying, I'm not talking about an organization like that I'm talking about someone who shares information of a private nature that no one else has that They're saying they're getting it from these
The dangerous information right information that would get someone in trouble that someone wouldn't want shared but they're sharing it and they're doing it
Consistently all the time. That's their whole shtick. I've seen People have sent me videos by guys who like I look at and they're like saying
Things like you know Trump they know exactly what Trump's going to do in the next couple days and He's gonna come out on top and it's like so specific and yet there's people even people
I know that have administration connections who like they're like No, like so but but people some of these sources will say it.
I'm thinking one guy in particular I can't remember his name on YouTube. He's like saying it nonchalantly He's but he's so certain and I'm thinking, you know, and I look through like some of his videos
I'm like, who is this guy and I'm like, oh, he's consistently Sharing these secrets supposedly that you know giving you the real inside scoop of what's going on in DC But like if that guy's really connected to Trump or to someone close to Trump Then like what they're not picking a dude on YouTube with this dangerous information to probably put out there
Who's sharing it like that? So so they he's not a trustworthy source in my
I don't take him seriously In my opinion just because I don't think someone
I wouldn't I wouldn't personally just human nature I wouldn't go in trust secrets that could get me in trouble to someone who's a leaker
Does that make sense? Can you articulate it better? Yeah If somebody says that they have an inside scoop, but all they have are inside scoops
Yeah, they're just trying to benefit off of the illusion that they have scoops So there's nothing you can confirm in any part of their narrative.
It's just all like this Yeah, but like my I mean that that would coincide with one of my rules
Which is I mean some sources are like, where did you get this information? If there's nothing if there's just no way to verify anything it's not really a sort, you know, that's not really a
Okay Let me try to compare. I don't know if these are the best comparisons, but two things
So so there's this guy just talked about but then there was like a few days ago Mike Lindell met with President Trump and he has he has a hundred pages of Like he said he
I guess he spent like millions of dollars Hiring lawyers and just being I think he's even teamed up with Sidney Powell.
I'm not sure to what extent but He has information on this Leonardo Scandal which
I've looked into that and that is legitimate. There's Italian newspapers reporting on this that the election
That there were there was vote switches going on from the embassy in Italy. So so I've already looked into that There's there's if you want to do the digging you can find it's getting harder because of all the
Censorship, but Mike Lindell is saying I got a hundred pages here and he says I know
Based on this information of just these vote switches How many votes Trump got how many votes
Biden got now? Do I take a source like that? Seriously? I Kind of do and the reason is and I'm not saying
I I would love to just to look at that those sources first I'm not gonna try it out there as You know that I know for sure that this is all kosher
But what I would say is that Mike Lindell has a lot to lose by saying something like that He's taking a great personal risk to himself to do that To his business to getting canceled
Etc because right now everyone's getting canceled who's doing that and he is Risking at all to try to get that information to the president to try to get that information to us and yes,
I can find some things that seem to verify aspects of his story and I'm looking forward to more information coming out if he can ever bring it out if they you know
So so I tend to take that seriously and say okay, that's that's a lead I'll follow because human nature would would dictate that that's unless that was true
You wouldn't say that right because he has a lot to lose but someone who's in a on a YouTube Channel who has nothing to lose but it's just leaking this information nonchalantly.
I'm not gonna trust that guy Does that make yeah, that makes sense that makes sense, I mean with the whole voter fraud issue that the
The affidavits the number of affidavits and like reading some of them. That's only you know, it's illegal
If you if you're lying about this, there's legal repercussions. So what it what is your skin in the game? So if you're sharing information, what skin what skin do you have in the game?
That would give you some credibility my my I feel like my main criteria for Media, I don't know what's true what information to follow in light of 2020 is my guiding principle is does this media source ask you to deny what you have seen with your own eyes and know to be objectively true and 2020 has been most
You know most I Pre pre 2020. I rely I would read
Fox News for headlines I used to go to the Daily Wire to read sort of commentary and then
I would go to BBC World News because The United News in the
United States is very self -contained. It tends unfortunately like you know, like David French it tends to be very nationalistic and So David French you are a national nationalist.
Yeah, so The idea That kind of is
Perpetuated is that like the only news that really happens is in the United States and like if you go to like I remember
The one that always sticks in my mind is the lot This is when I first started to realize this the Las Vegas remember the
Las Vegas shooting in 2017 I hardly remember it
That was October 1st 2017 a few I think it was a few days later
There was a terrorist attack in Somalia. It was one of the largest in history It led to the deaths of over 800 people.
Oh, yeah, we're truck bombs that went off in Mogadishu and It was 500 people dead instantaneously, right?
I saw some of the pictures of some of the most Horrifying things I've ever seen in my life and then over 300 people died later from their wounds now
Probably you never even heard of it. You probably didn't even know that it happened because like you're saying proportionality so it's like what is actually true, so That's a lot of that.
I will say that's a lot of black lives to black lives a lot of black Yeah, and this is and that was kind of the app that was when black lives was matter was starting to get going
Remember thinking like that is like 500 black lives gone, and you'd never get there's no no interest
No concern and reporters didn't even go over it because right it's can you blame it on right? So So one of in 2020 the it's so it's it's the you know
The CNN reporter standing with the building burning behind saying it's you know, fiery but peaceful With the whole
Antifa stuff, you know, I remember a lot of people were talking throughout throughout 2020 saying
Yeah, you know you think you think things are gonna get violent. I was like, you know Antifa they're just there's some thugs, but they're like, you know, like They're not one side has all the guns until I saw
Antifa in the woods practicing with guns I actually ran into some Antifa members like with a learning how to shoot clinic.
This is a Few months ago. And so like what I have seen now objectively with my eyes does not come to does not comport with reality
I have been to several places throughout the the country. I haven't seen people dying of it on the street of kovat
I have there I know people who work in hospitals in several different places The hospitals aren't packed full of people dying of kovat at least not as widespread as the media reports, so If it doesn't objectively line up with what
I know is true based on my own senses what I actually see then that that would be a Pretty big criteria, right?
No, that's that's a good point I have a few examples in my mind of that same thing where I was at an event This is having like four times in my life or five times where I and I saw the reports later and I'm like, wow
They really distorted what I just saw so I'm not gonna trust them One of the other things criteria that I like to apply is our multiple separate sources confirming this and and and and that doesn't mean it's true because you can go to CNN you're gonna find out like every
Mainstream media they have the same narrative but but if it's only one source And it doesn't again it doesn't mean it's not true
But it just if you have sources that you already trust and you have more than one and this is a principle
You've seen scripture even two or three witnesses, right? If I can see a couple people are confirming it that strengthens my confidence in a story so I View this is my just my personal thing is
I have you mainstream media as one source Actually, I don't look at mainstream media as multiple sources really just because I know
Much of mainstream media. I'm not saying all of it, but just because I know that they are feeding the same narrative
They have the same agenda, but if I see let's say You know the someone you know that I don't really know it
Patrick Byrne, you know says something about the election and then I'm like Okay, I don't know Patrick Byrne, you know got a lot to lose former
CEO I'm gonna listen, but let let's let me wait to see and then I see that. Oh look
The Epoch Times is also talking about the same thing. Okay. Okay So some reporters from the Epoch Times, which
I tend to trust a little more They checked it out. There must be something to this. So that's another another thing, you know, two or three witness thing
That's a I think a way to help boost your confidence in a story What are so you name some of the sources right for you
Andrew? What are some of the sources you like to look to for news and why do you like them or I don't use those sources?
Anymore. Oh, well, you will want you go first and tell us what sources you use now if you have any Well, it's
I mean for headlines. I'm looking at OAN OAN I Really relied on Twitter.
It was Specific people I follow don't rely on Twitter but now I don't because a lot of those voices are gone they've been shut down and I not
Twitter and like Just people individuals but like news organizations because there was a
Multiplicity of people that you can follow at the same time and there's a pattern you can you all this person was right about this
Right about this, right? Okay, Bill I don't really I can't use it anymore because yeah, so I'll go to for a headline.
I'll go to One America News Other than that, you know listen to see what people are saying.
I don't know conversations that matter I'm the source CTS. See I mean seriously though like that is it's like if you can check for yourself
You know like you are at the capital so you oh, yeah I I am a source for the capital thing at least part parts of it just because I I Gave my little slice of the pie.
It did not comport with the mainstream media Narrative and it doesn't just I don't justify the bad things that have there's some bad things that happen
It's like the it's way out of proportion the way that it's being reported so but uh
Andrew what about you what sources Do you do you have any well first off when you said check for yourself that kind of flashed me back to LeVar Burton I'm sorry.
I'm sorry saying yeah, you don't have to take my word for it Oh Raul oh
Yeah, what sorry big why did I respond to that name? That wasn't my name? Yeah, it's news
Yeah, everyone knows me is it's good old Raul. What does Raul read? Raul used to read a lot of drudge.
I remember back in the day. I would I would I'm serious I would use the I would use I remember for years using the drudge method of seeing okay
What's what's it? What's he spitting out over here, and man? I haven't gone to drudge in like Five or six years, so are you all homeless?
I'm sort of I'm sort of homeless I mean, I like there are some some sources some pundits.
I who I've liked for you know some years I mean, I like some of the blaze guys. I like Mark Levin and some of the folks that he had on his ways so like Elijah Schaefer I follow him because he's he's at all the riots.
He's he's been You know he was at the Capitol The stuff that he says has consistently lined up with you know what what a multiplicity of sources will say later
So you know he's a source. He's actually there. He's actually seeing what's going on If the media is spinning it, then he'll spin it back the other direction.
I'm not spinning, but he'll tell you the truth, so Yeah, I'm really becoming more of a fan of individual people who are at places
Physically not not big giant corporation organizations. I have an agenda. Yeah Okay, so I I like And this is brand new for me kind of but I think the
Epoch Times has some pretty good stuff Their YouTube channel is even really good Their commercials are really good, but they're almost like too good like I'm you know
I've Seen some of this probably like people watching this probably already saw and I advertised it for the
Epoch Times before they even started this video and So Epoch Times is one.
I actually bought a subscription for two family members Two like papers, and so I get the digital updates every day and sometimes.
I'll look at those headlines I tend to now. I don't know so okay
I don't read articles at Breitbart, but I will this is more of a recent thing
I I started going to Breitbart just to see their headlines what they're promote because I know they have this Sort of they're they're like a pro
Trump kind of so During the whole election thing I wanted to when everyone including
Fox News seemed to be against Trump and like suppressing the election integrity story.
I was like okay I wonder what Breitbart's saying about this Because I would expect them to to not go with that narrative, but they haven't been like a consistent news source for me
I Don't I used to do daily wire more. I don't really do daily wire anymore much, and I mean
I I Think I still have a subscription to them, and it's nice to be able to if someone sends me a link
I can go look it up. There's a few guys that I kind of like there, but I just I yeah
I don't know. It's too. I don't know. I don't know what it is about it. I just I haven't gone there much The blaze a little bit, but I haven't honestly blaze stories to me lately have been
Wanting a little bit too. They're kind of Some of I don't know what it is about them there.
Maybe you can articulate it They don't give me the meat that I'm looking for it's like it's like there's some there's a little bit of like headline
It's like a headline with like a pair like two paragraphs and ads, and I'm like I just Yeah, like I don't really this why did
I click a little clickbait ish? Yeah? It's a little clickbait ish for me So I'm feeling the same thing you guys are feeling right now
My frustration has been not being able to have any like world news. I really don't know quite who to Who to rely on for world news like if I want to know what's going on outside of the
United States? It's hard to know what's going on in the United States. It's very hard to know what's going on I like the
Sky News Australia. I do. I have followed them more. Yeah, because they're against the
They and they'll actually report on stuff in the United States and you're like better than the United States Yeah, Sky News Australia.
Yeah, Sky News Australia is good. I also OAN's another one I've started to watch more when
I when I whenever I don't watch stuff much But and then the other one is I think it's called real America's voice
Is another it's kind of like OAN, but they have some shows on there, and I've turned that on a few times and I've Usually it's better commentary.
I've turned I tried Newsmax and It's okay like that's all I have to say Yeah, I think
I do too a little bit there's also right side which it's not
I mean it's not a Comprehensive news organization, but they do send people to specific places to like record things so like They're you know they have a guy in DC right now.
Just walking around filling all the barriers So right and I know some guys like there's some guys.
I follow on social media Like Andy no Andy no Andy knows a great source on Antifa and the right he's great
Jack Posay Posay Vic I don't know if I'm pronouncing it or Posey Vic. I'm not sure if I'm saying his name, right?
But he he's a guy who's also been he's in lives in DC takes a lot of footage of DC So again,
I guess I'm going to that too. I'm going to Sources that I I've seen over time have been accurate about things so I know they have they're trustworthy
They seem like they're after the truth. I can verify it over time again if I can
Find sources that agree with each other that you make that strengthens. What's being said?
Yeah, cuz I I Consume more from just like if I find someone who over over a period of time
I found them to be really trustworthy, and they've they've broken good stuff. I just follow their accounts and Alex Berenson, I really like him for Individual account, but particularly on Covid hysteria and and hypocrisy and what's going on in the bigger picture with that He's a he's a he's got a
Twitter account. That's worth following He did a he did a book called like unreported truths that Amazon tried to get
Tried to I don't take off of sales and like Elon Musk and helped
Funded that somehow if they're not being censored. I don't trust them Yeah, that's like when people are really trying to censor you.
I'm I'm pricking up my ears Yes, that is actually a pretty good rule Yeah, yeah, because if they're willing to take risks to get the truth out there
I respect reporters like that that doesn't mean they're always accurate but it doesn't mean that there's more of a chance that there they could be telling the truth and And those who have a similar you know those who have the same kind of anthropology or basically the same
Like their view of man there if they're you know their religious views tend to line up more
They believe there is objective truth. That's really that's really the big one. You actually believe there's objective truth that happens in real time then
You know, I think there's a big divide there mainstream. So doesn't know they don't be a mainstream media doesn't believe in objective truth
It's all about narrative truth. Yes, truth is determined by narrative. So that's story. That's the been your story better be
Yeah, like I guess Yeah, like we don't need the black perspective on this or the Asian perspective or the white group
We don't need panels telling us we don't need guests from these different perspectives fighting with each other
I just want a guy who believes in reality and says this is what happened yeah, and you know, so I don't know if that helps anyone out there, but That's kind of kind of where we're at with a few sources that we mentioned, you know
At least I mean but one of the things that is like it's that for all of us is we're using different sources for different So like if I want to know what's going on with Antifa I go to you know, right right if I want to know what's going on with Kovat I go to Who's this?
I want to know what's good. So it's Become more pigeon -holed if you want to go if you want to know what's going on with Big Eva Then I'm gonna say like one guy who's been consistently pretty accurate is
Michael O 'Fallon sovereign nations He's been pretty he's been right on he's said things like a year two years ago even longer and You see them play out before your eyes.
So That's that's a guy that and he has a lot to lose So that's that's a guy that I tend to trust on at least, you know when he says something
Accurate something that's not not not vague and stuff But he's like this is gonna happen or this will this is happening and this is the motive behind it.
I listen to that. So Yeah, there's an outlet. I really like called the gospel collusion and they seem to Say things are really confirmed
Yeah, the gospel coalition just parrots whatever the MSM is saying adding us like a like a veneer of gospel -ish language
So I don't I mean I might as well go to MSNBC if I want to know kind of like what that narrative is
Straight from the horse's mouth. You get it. Get yeah get the unadulterated unadulterated narrative
So what a good nationalist perspective, I actually recommend the French press David Fred David French good nationalists
Nationalist perspective, yeah It's a longer episode appreciate you guys watching and if you want again if you want to support what we're doing which is documentary filmmaking right now a really important story getting it from the horse's mouth
Telling it accurately we believe in objective truth You can go to the info section and click on the