A Word in Season: Beginning at Jerusalem (Luke 24:46-47)

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For this special season of uncertainty, Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, began making short devotions to warm our hearts to Christ and remind of the certainty of the sovereignty of God. Today's devotion is from Luke 24.


At the end of Luke's Gospel, our Lord Jesus, having risen from the dead, appears to his disciples to demonstrate the reality of that resurrection.
He declares his peace to them, and first they're fearful, but he shows that he is real and really alive.
And then he does for them something like what he did for the disciples on the road to Emmaus.
He clears their understanding so that they might comprehend the Scriptures. He makes clear to them, by his
Spirit's work in their hearts, that he is indeed the beating heart of all the
Old Testament Scriptures, that they all point forwards to him. And it's necessary that they should have this understanding, because they are going to be witnesses to the things that are written in the
Scriptures, and have been fulfilled in Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon them, after they have waited in Jerusalem, and endue them, or endow them with power from on high.
But what is it that they're to witness, and where? Thus it is written, said our
Lord, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
That's Luke 24, 46, and 47. The facts of the
Gospel, the reality of the Good News, was long predicted. All the prophets, the
Old Testament writers, the law of Moses, the prophets, the Psalms, they all pointed forward to the
Lord Jesus Christ, and the work that he was going to do. It was necessary then, for the
Christ, the servant of God, to suffer, and to rise from the dead, on the third day.
That was long predicted, and Christ fulfilled it. And that's the core of the
Gospel, that Jesus Christ suffered the wrath of God in his own body, on the tree at Calvary, but conquering sin, and death, and hell, he rose again on the third day.
Now they are to preach then repentance, and remission of sins, in the name of Jesus Christ.
They're to tell people that because of who Christ is, as the Revealer of God, and the
Redeemer of God's people, that men, and women, boys, and girls, must turn from their sins, and receive then the mercies that God has offered to them, in Christ Jesus.
They should turn their backs upon all ungodliness, and they should come to God, as he makes himself known in Christ, and that when they do that,
God will be pleased to shower upon them his saving mercy. He will grant to them the remission of sins.
This is the consequence of repenting, and believing. It's not merited by repenting, and believing, but when the
Gospel is preached, the Spirit of God works in the hearts of sinners, they repent of their sins, and when they do, they receive this remission, or forgiveness of sins.
That is God's good news, that's the proper response to God's good news, and that is the consequence of that response, and that message, with the command, and the consequence, is to be declared to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Now it's a marvellous thing that it spreads through all the globe, and goes to every creature, everyone is to hear this good news, and be entreated to come to God, to receive pardon, but it is marvellous that it begins at Jerusalem.
Necessary, but marvellous. It's necessary, and marvellous, because here prophecy is fulfilled.
The first springs of the Gospel were intended to come out of Zion. It's marvellous, because this is where the proofs were presented.
If anybody would have been able to challenge the reality of the sufferings, the death, and the resurrection of Christ, it would have been the people of Jerusalem.
It's marvellous, because here persecution will begin, and the Gospel will be tested at its very source, by the antagonism of the leaders of the
Jews, but will overcome. And it's marvellous, because here pardon will be demonstrated.
John Bunyan has this sweet little book, The Jerusalem Sinner Saved, in which he emphasises the wonder that in the very place where Christ was crucified, there first good news is declared, and there
God works faith and repentance in the hearts of sinners, and brings them to himself. And if them, why not me, and why not you?
So let us hear the Gospel, repent of our sins, and receive from a merciful